Love and Loss: Chapter One

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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First chapter to my new series. Formatting was acting a bit screwy for me so I apologize for the absence of indentations on new paragraphs. Hopefully you will all enjoy this.

If you were to visit the city of Carval, the capital of Alegrasia, the first thing that would be noticed is the magnificent palace. The palace sat next to the White River, the high and long walls hiding most of the bravura architecture from outside the city. If you were to have followed the cobblestone path past the great walls of the palace, you would find yourself in an extravagant courtyard. The neatly trimmed hedges and large array of flower gardens gave the entire courtyard a warm and uplifting scene. Not one flower would look wilted, nor would a single leaf look out of place along the hedges.

If you were to walk around the left side of the palace and through the side garden, you would happen to notice a very large area that is completely bare. No flowers or hedges adorn the area; instead it is completely empty with no adornments at all. Everywhere else, you may notice that statues of war heroes, valiant soldiers, or fearless leaders cover the entire gardens, but for some strange reason, no one had decided to place anything in this one particular spot.

You may pass by the barren area, thinking to yourself that perhaps it was left like that for no reason at all, that maybe the soil there was inhabitable, or maybe the gardeners just got lazy and decided not to plant anything. Maybe you think that there is no particular reason that the area was left bare, and you pass by it without any other thought to it.

But you would be wrong.

Aarie often enjoyed the long evening walks through the city, just as the sun was beginning to set and cast a warm glow across the cobblestone streets. A familiar tavern caught the red fox's eyes as he passed by the market district. He dodged past a young stag and a female wolf before ducking his way into the building. The familiar evening crowd was there and Aarie had no problem finding his familiar seat at the bar.

"Lord Tennison. Glad to see you back." The old badger remarked with a slight grin as Aarie seated himself.

"Who else would you expect tonight Oren?" Aarie replied with a chuckle.

"Does your father know you are down here?" Oren commented with a patronizing glance.

"Lord Aaren is currently busy with other matters at the moment." Aarie replied with a flick of his ears.

"Busy with the tasks that should have been appointed to you?"

Aarie crossed his arms. "I do not get any responsibilities. My father and brother think that I am not ready for such tasks yet."

"Probably because of all the time you spend out at the taverns and brothels." Oren remarked dryly, but there was a grin to the badger's muzzle.

"Well what else am I supposed to do?" Aarie sighed. "And I'll take the regular."

Oren shrugged as he turned around and grabbed an empty tankard from behind the bar. "You are the lord. Is it not your job to solve my problems?"

"You never have any problems."

"We all have our own problems, my lord." Oren filled the tankard with dark mead and placed it in front of the fox.

Aarie lapped at the mead as he gazed around the tavern.

"It appears business has picked up."

"Oh it has, especially with the warmer weather coming in. We had a hard winter." Oren commented.

Aarie nodded as he thought back to the last winter. The amount of snow the city had received was nothing like any other winter in the past years since he could remember.

"It was a very hard winter, especially for-


Aarie stopped talking at the shout of his name and looked over his shoulder to the entrance of the tavern, where a soldier stood sternly.

"Friend of yours?" Oren asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"You could say that." Aarie mumbled as he pulled out two copper pieces from his coin purse and set them down onto the wooden bar. "Thanks for the drink Oren. I will see you soon."

"Oh I count on it, Lord Tennison." The badger replied with a wink, and then returned to his drinks.

With a slight twitch to his tail, Aarie made his way over to the soldier at the doorway, who did not look very happy.

"I am guessing my father sent you again to find me?" Aarie asked with a smug grin.

"Lord Aaren wishes to speak with you." The soldier replied with an unfaltering frown.

"Well I suppose I will follow you back to the palace then."

"Very good, my lord." The soldier replied, his voice tinged with irritation.

Aarie followed the soldier back out into the sunbathed streets. This was not his first run-in with the black cougar. It appeared that the black cougar was his father's favorite to choose to go fetch him whenever he went missing. Probably because the soldier was not afraid to show his displeasure for playing babysitter. However despite the soldier's ill-tempered attitude, Aarie could not help himself admiring the feline. He was quite cute in his eyes, the way his black fur shone brilliantly in the sunlight, to the way how his muscles flexed with every movement he made. Aarie would love to feel the cougar in bed with him, but the hard part was convincing him that he was not an irresponsible cub anymore.

"Do you know what my father wants with me?" Aarie asked casually, hoping to at least get a few words out of him.

"No." Was all the cougar replied with.


"Name is Enver."

"Right. Enver." Aarie folded his ears back. "Am I in trouble?"

"Knowing you, my lord, quite possible."

"This is not the first time you have had to escort me back to the palace though."

"Trust me my lord. I know this."

Aarie decided to fall silent until they reached the front gates of the palace. His stomach rumbled and he wondered if he would have time to grab some food from the kitchen before he had to go have his talk with his father. Enver seemed to read his mind though and shook his head.

"You can eat after you see your father."

"But I-"

"You should follow your father's orders, my lord."

Aarie's ears went back in half annoyance, half humiliation. So much for not sounding like a rebellious cub.

Aarie thought that Enver would have left his presence after they entered the palace, but the cougar continued to follow him, making sure that he did not stray from the path of his father's study. The fox skipped up the marble stairs, Enver following behind him, his armor clinking together noisily. Aarie knew the palace to the point that he could probably navigate himself to any room without the lights on. The palace was composed of five floors. The lord's quarters, including his, baths, and guest rooms were all on the second floor. The libraries and studies were on the fourth floor, while the kitchen and other facilities were located on the third floor. His father's study was located on the fifth floor, which was always a pain for Aarie to get up to.

He followed the red plush carpet to his father's study and gently knocked on the old wooden door.

"Enter." He heard a muffled low voice from behind the door.

Aarie cautiously pushed the door open and poked his muzzle in. "Father? You wished to see me?" He asked curiously, dreading whatever lecture his father might hold for him.

"Ah Aarie. Come in and sit down." His father said sternly without even looking up from his papers that were strewn across his desk.

Not a good sign. Aarie thought to himself as he seated himself in the wooden chair in front of his father's desk. To his surprise, Enver also made his way into the study and leaned up against the closed door.

"And where were you this evening?" His father asked as he finally raised his russet muzzle to look up at Aarie.

Aarie squirmed slightly in his chair. "Where I always am at this time of the evening."

"Well, I suppose I should be glad that it is not entirely difficult to predict where you would be." His father sighed.

Aarie felt his stomach rumble uncomfortably again and he wished that his father would just scold him about wandering off and get it over with. It was not like as if he heard the same lecture from his father before.

"The reason I wanted to talk to you is..." His father paused and looked sternly at Aarie, causing him to feel even more uncomfortable. Enver coughed quietly behind him. "Well, I will just get to the point. You are leaving for Weyver tomorrow morning."

Aarie's ears perked up and he sat up straight in his chair.

"Weyver? Why?" He asked in slight shock.

His father leaned back in his chair. "Your brother has some matters to take care of overseas in the kingdom of Mosto. I do not know how long he will be gone, but he will be there for quite some time. During that time though, you will take over his position as Lord of Weyver."

"Me? Lord of Weyver? But...that could be for several years!" Aarie protested.

"And as a lord next in line, it is your responsibility to take over your brother's command while he is absent." His father replied back with a firm stare.

"What about the other lords? Does it really have to be me?"

"Yes, and you know this."

Aarie went to argue again, but his father cut him off with a raise of his paw.

"I am not going to argue about this until dawn, Aarie. You depart for Weyver at first light. I suggest you begin making preparations and make your good-byes tonight."

"Why did you not ask me sooner?" Aarie asked crossly.

"Because if I did ask you earlier, you would have nitpicked about it to the point where I might have reconsidered." The older fox glared.

"Well maybe that would have been for the best! I have no wishes to live in Weyver for several years!"

"Lord Aaren? Permission to speak?" Enver asked softly from behind Aarie.

"Go ahead Enver."

"Perhaps Lord Aarie is making a valid point. He is obviously not mature enough to be lord of any province, specially a province as broad as Weyver."

Now Aarie was conflicted. As much as he did not want to leave his homeland for several years, he also viewed this as an opportunity to finally prove to his father and brother that he was responsible and was able to take up such tasks.

"Perhaps you are right Enver," His father turned to look back at Aarie again. "But I believe that Aarie is now mature enough to take on such a task? Is that right, Aarie?"

"I...uh...yes father." Aarie finally sighed as he looked to the floor.

His father gave a slight smile to him.

"I know you do not want to leave your friends here," His father said, his voice softer. "But as a lord, it is your duty to take over when those who are in command are absent from their province."

"I understand father." Aarie replied with a nod. "Will I be able to take anyone with me?"

The older fox nodded with a slight gleam in his eyes. "I have already chosen someone to accompany you on your journey. He will also stay with you in the palace once you arrive."

Aarie's ears perked up in interest.

"Is it someone I know?" He asked in slight excitement.

"Yes. He happens to be in this room."

Aarie's heart sank as he turned around to look at the frowning cougar.

"What? You mean Enver? B-but why him?" Aarie argued.

"Because I trust that he will get you there in one piece. Also, he is the only one who can find you, no matter how far you stray from the palace." His father replied with a playful grin.

"But he does not even like me!"

Enver coughed again as his father frowned.

"That is ridiculous. He may not like having to go search for you every other day, but he certainly does not hate you."

"Can I choose someone else to go with me? Why not Typhos? Or Athess? Or maybe even my servant Inarr?"

"You must be quite desperate to replace Enver if you wish to take your personal servant along." Aaren replied with a chuckle. "I chose Enver because he knows how to handle a sword."

"Athess knows how to handle a sword." Aarie objected.

"Athess can, but he can hardly go anywhere without tripping over his own tail. Listen Aarie, I chose one of my best soldiers because I care about your safety. I would not trust anyone else to keep you safe." His father replied.

Aarie opened up his muzzle to argue again, but closed it once he saw that there was no way to change his father's mind.

"Very well. I guess I can manage." Aarie said bitterly as he crossed his arms. "But I refuse to sleep in the same room with him."

"My lord, that can definitely be arranged." Enver commented dryly, causing Aarie's sour mood to turn into anger.

"Good then. I suggest you make your farewells tonight to your friends and begin to pack. Only take what you can carry. Clothes and other necessities will be provided to you once you reach the palace in Weyver." His father said as he pulled some papers out from his desk and handed them to Aarie. "These are your official papers that will get you into the city. Do not lose them."

Aarie grumbled to himself as he folded up the papers and shoved them into his trousers pocket.

"Are we done here?" He sighed as he stood up.

His father nodded. "I will see you off tomorrow morning."

Without saying a word, Aarie spun on his heel and exited his father's study, making sure to hurriedly brush past Enver without saying a word. He hoped the cougar would not follow him, and to his relief he was able to exit the palace without being trailed.

The Golden Lion was a frequent place that Aarie often visited, at least twice a week, or even more if he had the coin. It was the one male only brothel in the entire city, and it was a good one at that. Aarie was a frequent client here, so he knew exactly what he wanted every time he entered the brothel. All of the prostitutes of the Golden Lion were gorgeous, but there was one particular feline that made Aarie's sheath stir at any thought of him.

Aarie entered the brothel just as the sun had set and the crowds in the streets were beginning to thin out. The brothel was busy tonight, and he quickly made his way to one of the tables that adorned the waiting room. A black wolf dressed in a royal blue silk gown noticed him and softly padded over to his table.

"Lord Aarie, my dearest! Sorry I did not notice you right away!" The wolf chuckled as he sat across from Aarie.

"It is completely fine Janys. I know how busy things can get around here." Aarie replied as he glanced at the crowds around the room.

"Oh you are just the cutest thing." Janys replied with a genuine smile. "But enough of the small talk, I am guessing you are here for Rilec?"

"You read my mind." Aarie smiled.

"Wonderful! He is currently with another client, but he will be available in thirty minutes. Would you mind waiting or is there someone else you would like for tonight?"

"I do not mind at all. Tonight is special anyways." Aarie replied, his upright mood suddenly turned gloomy. "I'm afraid this will be the last time I will see you and Rilec for a long time."

"What do you mean sweetie?" Janys asked with genuine concern. "Are you leaving?"

Aarie nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so."

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! You will be terribly missed by all of us here." Janys sighed as he rested his black paws on Aarie's. "But you promise you will come back and visit?"

Aarie smiled slightly. "Of course I do. I can't promise exactly when though."

"As long as you promise to not forget about us, then it's fine." The wolf replied with a wink. "Sorry to cut our conversation short but I have to attend to other clients. But please come over to me once you're done. I would love to hear more."

"I will Janys." Aarie promised as he reached into his pocket and pulled out three silver pieces. "And here is Rilec's pay."

The coins clinked as they fell into Janys's outstretched paw.

"Wonderful. I will notify you once Rilec is available. For now, please help yourself to wine or water."

Aarie smiled as he watched the wolf walk away and attend to a young otter. Aarie sniffed the air as he picked at the wooden table with one of his claws. The entire room was filled with different scents from different species, but the scent of lust and arousal was overpowering. A young stag in the corner of the room caught Aarie's eye and gave him a shy smile and a nod. Aarie returned the smile. He was quite cute, but not what he wanted tonight. Very rarely would he take up a complete stranger's offer to rent a room for an hour. On rare occasions he did, but he would rather be with Rilec than really anyone else.

Janys signaled Aarie from the front of the room, meaning that Rilec was now available. Aarie smiled as he stood up and walked over to the black wolf.

"He's waiting for you in room three sweetie." Janys said with a coy smile. "Have fun."

Aarie nodded as he swept the curtain aside that led into the back hallway. The smell of sex and musk became even stronger here, but Aarie was so used to it that his nose did not even wrinkle. He easily found room three, and gently turned the knob and opened the door with a slow squeak.

The room was dimly lit, with only two lit candles illuminating the room. The room was small and simple, with only a bed, a chair and desk, and a chest adorning the room. But what made the room special was the feline that lay sprawled out on the white sheets. Aarie quietly closed the door with a click, and the feline stirred and lifted his beautiful head.

"Why hello there, Lord Aarie." The orange black-striped tiger purred as Aarie entered the room.

"Hello Rilec." Aarie replied with a warm smile.

The tiger's tail swished back and forth seductively across the bed. Rilec was completely naked, a single paw resting on his orange sheath.

"You are a day early." Rilec whispered as he stood up from the bed and sauntered over to Aarie.

"I know. I had to make some...alterations to my routine." Aarie whispered back.

"Oh really? Now why is that?" Rilec purred as he found the front of Aarie's pants and smoothly undid the strings that held them together.

"I uh, I'll tell you after." Aarie shuddered as Rilec stripped him out of his pants.

The tunic came next, skillfully unfastened by Rilec's magical touch, and then Aarie was also completely naked.

"So my lord, what do you have in mind for tonight?" Rilec asked as he pressed his muscular body up against Aarie's.

"Mmmmm I have something in mind." Aarie sighed as he ran his paws down the tiger's chiseled back.

His paws went down lower until he reached the base of the feline's tail. He gently slipped his paw underneath Rilec's tail and rubbed a single digit across the tiger's opening.

"How about I enter you tonight?" Aarie whispered as he pressed his nose into Rilec's neck ruff and inhaled his sweet musky scent.

"Your wish is my command, my lord." Rilec chuckled as he ran a paw up Aarie's engorged sheath, causing him to shudder in pleasure and excitement. "But first, let's get you ready."

Aarie exhaled as he felt the tiger's gentle paws slide up his naked thighs and rest on his sheath, his pink member already beginning to poke out. Rilec lowered himself to his knees and brushed his nose and whiskers against Aarie, causing his to squirm slightly. The next thing Aarie felt was the rough feline tongue trailing up from his furry sac to the tip of his length. Aarie let out a sigh of pleasure as he placed both of his black paws on the tiger's shoulders. Rilec continued trailing his tongue up his sheath until his entire member had slipped out of its prison and was throbbing.

"Ah there it is." Rilec purred as he grabbed the base of Aarie's member and lowered his muzzle onto it.

Aarie gasped as he felt his length enter the warm muzzle of the feline. Despite Rilec's rough tongue, he was a master at what he did. Aarie liked to think that this was special treatment for him only, but he knew that the feline probably practiced this on several males every night. Still, he liked to think that he was Rilec's favorite client.

"You doing okay sweetie?" Rilec asked as he pulled his muzzle off of Aarie's member, which now glistened of saliva in the low light.

"Perfectly fine." Aarie whispered as he ran his paws down the feline's shoulders.

"Well I think you're ready now." Rilec playfully growled as he stood back up and sauntered over to the bed.

Aarie smiled as the tiger lay down onto his back, the feline's member now starting to poke out of its orange sheath. Aarie went over to the chest, opened it, and carefully took out an urn of sweet smelling oil, a liquid that he was very well acquainted of using. Rilec smiled and purred as he watched him dip his fingers into the oil and spread all over his throbbing member. When his entire length glistened and was slick to the touch, he applied more to his fingers and gently rubbed the liquid at the entrance to Rilec, eliciting a slight growl of pleasure from the feline.

"Don't worry about me sweetie. I'll be fine." Rilec said with a smile.

Aarie walked over to the edge of the bed after closing the urn and positioned himself in front of Rilec. The feline spread his legs and moved his tail, allowing room for Aarie to position himself.

"Are you ready?" Aarie breathed as he rested his paws on the tiger's muscular thighs.

"Absolutely, my lord."

This was Aarie's favorite part. The tip of his member poked at the entrance of Rilec. He exhaled slowly and closed his eyes as he gently pushed forward with his hips, his member slipped into the tiger with very little resistance. He could not help but sigh and shudder in pleasure as his cock slid into the tightness that he was all too familiar with. Rilec growled in pleasure too below him, his tail thumping against the bed rhythmically. He wrapped his own slick paw around Rilec's length, which by now had fully grown, and slowly began to slide his paw up and down. He pushed his hips forward and back, rocking in a gentle rhythm as his paw stroked Rilec's length. He repositioned himself, and Rilec raised his hips further so that Aarie could move his body over the feline. Sensations of pure pleasure ran through Aarie's entire body as he slid in and out of Rilec. The tiger wriggled underneath him, and Aarie moved the feline's member farther away from his white chest as he continued stroking him. He felt the blood pulse in his own length and watched as his knot began to swell with every thrust. He resisted the desire to thrust more quickly, but by the way Rilec was gasping and growling, Aarie knew that he would not be able to control himself for much longer.

Panting quite a bit now, Aarie continued to thrust in and out of Rilec, making sure his strokes along the tiger's member was in rhythm with himself. His knot was beginning to bump against Rilec's tail hole, and the feline braced himself for what he knew was coming next. With a final thrust forward, Aarie felt and heard the soft pop as his knot slipped in with some resistance. Stars flashed across Aarie's vision as he locked inside with the tiger, and felt his member throb inside. With a gasp, he came inside the feline, intense sensations of pleasure running throughout his entire body. Seconds later, he heard the tiger yowl softly and watched as he came, his white seed spurted across Aarie's paw and trickled down to the base of his member.

They lay there panting, enjoying each other's physical pleasure and emotional bliss, and when the peak had passed and they were basking in the afterglow, Aarie leaned forward to kiss the tiger, his paw still tight around his warm and sticky member. Their muzzles touched, their tongues met, and then slowly drew apart. Their eyes met as Rilec pulled Aarie close and wrapped his strong arms around him. Aarie sighed as he felt the strong feline paws push through his fur along his back and his sides.

They lay there in the dim light, feeling each other's bodies and company before Aarie finally sat up, his matted fur catching slightly on Rilec's own fur.

"I guess my time is about up." Aarie whispered softly as he leaned his muzzle down and gently brushed his lips against the tiger's.

"You still have about ten minutes sweetie. We can just lay here and cuddle for a little longer if you want to."

Aarie was tempted to take up Rilec's offer, but it was quite late and he needed to make preparations for his journey tomorrow.

"I would love to Rilec...but..." Aarie started to say, but stopped as he wondered if he should even tell the tiger.

"But what?" Rilec asked as he too sat up, his bright blue eyes studying Aarie intently.

Aarie hesitated on his response as he picked up his clothes off of the floor and set them on the bed. "I...I'm leaving tomorrow."

Rilec's tail twitched slightly against Aarie's thigh.

"Leaving? Where? And how long? I mean, if you don't mind telling me." The tiger asked.

"I'm leaving for Weyver tomorrow morning, and I don't know how long I will be there. Months, or even years maybe." Aarie sighed.

"For that long? What am I going to do without my favorite client around?" Rilec purred as he placed his paw on Aarie's sticky sheath.

Aarie nuzzled the tiger and chuckled. "You're just saying that."

"No I'm not." Rilec replied with a light nip to Aarie's neck. "You've been seeing me...for how long?"

"About three years."

"Exactly. There's no one else I look forward to other than you."

Aarie smiled as he nuzzled the tiger, inhaling the sweet musk that enveloped the feline.

"You really mean that?" He asked.

"With all my heart." Rilec purred.

Aarie had always dreamed about starting a relationship with Rilec ever since he had met him. The tiger was perfect, his physical attributes, his personality, and the sex was also a plus too, but Rilec was still a prostitute. Pleasuring others and was his job, and he knew that the chances of Rilec even feeling a little bit differently about him compared to other clients was very slim. Still, he liked to imagine that the feline and he shared something special during every visit.

"I wish I could travel." Rilec sighed as he played with Aarie's ears.

"Well you could come with me to Weyver." Aarie suggested jokingly, but deep inside he wished for the tiger to say yes.

Rilec chuckled softly. "That's very sweet of you Aarie, but I'm afraid that I can't leave. My home is here."

Aarie nodded as he traced the stripes on the feline's body with his finger. "I know. It was worth a try though."

Rilec kissed him softly on the cheek, and then stood up and grabbed a towel from the table.

"Don't fret fox. You'll find that special someone soon." He purred as he gingerly cupped Aarie's sheath in his paw and cleaned up the mess with the towel.

"I do hope so." Aarie sighed as he felt the soft fabric brush his sheath and his lower belly.

After he was cleaned up, Aarie stood up from the bed and slipped his trousers and tunic back on. Rilec watched him with wistful eyes the entire time and only stirred when Aarie walked towards the door.

"I...I don't know when I'll see you again Rilec, but I promise that when I come back, I'll make sure to visit you."

Rilec nodded and stood up from the bed.

"I'll hold you to that promise sweetie." Rilec whispered as he brushed his shorter muzzle against Aarie's longer one.

Aarie sensed a hint of sadness to the tiger's voice, or was he just wishing that Rilec was genuinely sad to see him go. Rilec seemed to read his mind and leaned in to kiss him gently on the lips.

"I'll miss you quite terribly Aarie. Please promise me you'll come back and visit."

Aarie smiled and nodded to the tiger, despite the uncomfortable churning in his stomach.

"I will." He promised.

"Good. Farewell Lord Aarie." Rilec said softly.

"Farewell Rilec." Aarie said as he opened the door and stepped out of the room.

Rilec gave a warm smile to Aarie before shutting the wooden door closed, and then he was gone.

The walk back to the palace was quite lonely for Aarie, and he couldn't help but feel like as if he was losing everything that he held so close to him. He would be leaving his palace that he called home, his friends, his personal servant, his father, but most importantly, he was leaving the one who was the closest thing to a lover. He knew that it was ridiculous to fall in love with a prostitute; he had heard countless stories of others falling for those who worked in brothels and only end up being heartbroken. However, the fact that the tiger had made sure to let him know that they shared a special connections ignited a small spark of hope in Aarie's heart.

The streets were practically deserted now, besides the occasional guard patrol that passed by. A wolf and a stag dressed in the city guard attire eyed Aarie warily as they passed by, but they made no indication to stop him. The nearby taverns were still open, and Aarie was almost tempted to stop in and grab a quick drink, but waking up early with a hangover was not exactly what he wished for. Aarie silently cursed his father's decision on sending him away. He would rather take up any job than to become a lord. What he really dreamed of was adventure, traveling across the realm, fighting off bandits and discovering hidden land. Sitting in a palace all day listening to other peoples' problems was not enticing to him at all.

By the time he reached the gates to the palace, the moon was high in the sky and cast a silver glow across the courtyard. He handed over his papers to the guard, a burly looking bear, and entered the palace when the bear nodded and let him pass. The palace was mostly quiet at this time during the night. There were a few servants walking around the main floor, but most of the lords and other workers would be asleep by now. Aarie quickly padded up the marble steps and easily found his quarters in the dim light. He gently pushed his door open and shut it, making sure to not wake his personal servant. His personal servant, a rather energetic and very helpful otter, slept peacefully in his bed, which was positioned in the parlor of his quarters. Aarie quietly crept past him and slowly opened his own room's door, wincing as the old wooden creaked slightly. He closed it behind him and locked it out of habit. There really was no need to lock his own quarter's door, but it made him feel safe and secure.

Blinking his eyes sleepily, Aarie quickly stripped out of his clothes and tossed them to the floor. His room was slightly chilly and he could not help but shiver as the cold air met his naked body. He quickly pulled the velvet sheets aside and crawled into bed, sighing as his head sunk into the cotton pillow.

He did not want tomorrow morning to come. He was not ready to leave his city. There was nothing he wanted in Weyver. However, half of him wanted to prove to his father that he was responsible, and that he could be just as a capable lord as his brother was, but the other half wanted to remain where he was and not worry about such responsibilities. His two conflicting desires battled in his head, to the point where he tossed and turned in his bed, wishing that he could just fall asleep. His thoughts drifted to Rilec, and he pictured the handsome tiger in his thoughts. He imagined the feline coming into his room, quietly sliding into bed with him, his naked muscular body pressed up against Aarie's. Just the thought of such a thing happening made Aarie smile, and soon he drifted off to sleep, his concerns and worries replaced by the tiger.