Warm and Cozy

Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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This is a weird little thing I had in mind, maybe someone out there will like this. Wanted to break a few of the habits my writing gets into sometimes. Quick one-shot without much of a point, unsatisfying by design. Thanks to Themaana as always for advice in general and help on one essential character point specifically. Enjoy, if you feel like it.

Eric's stubby brown ears perked up when he heard the apartment door open. The bear looked up excitedly from the paper he was grading and smiled at the weary red panda that entered and stamped his feet heavily to rid them of excess snow. The smaller fur in the entryway removed his knit cap to reveal rumpled headfur and tired eyes. Fredrick's return smile was weaker, but content and obviously happy to be home.

"Glad you made it, the roads are a little bad. Was just starting to worry," Eric greeted as Fredrick untied his boots and shucked his heavy coat.

"Heh, yeah...but they've been that way for weeks. Basically used to it.... That's what we get for staying here up north, eh? OOOFFF!"

The red panda didn't get a chance to turn around and see the bear-hug coming, but after the quick stage of surprise was a lasting one of appreciation. "And when I got myself a big bear to keep me warm...it's not s'bad sometimes..."

Eric rested his chin on Fredrick's fuzzy head, between those tufty triangular ears, and breathed out his nose in a sigh. His thick bear arms draped down around his "roommate"'s neck and over his slim chest. As small as he seemed, the red panda completed the heat that Eric's bulk gave out, and Eric found himself, as always, feeling much warmer now that he had a hug-ful of the shorter male. He felt a nuzzle along his chin as Fredrick turned his head upward expectantly, and Eric chuckled and leaned his head down and around to the side to give him a nice, easy kiss.

It was good that he was back.

When they parted lips without any funny business occurring, there lingered an affectionate look between them for just a few seconds. Eric broke it to go sit back down in front of his dwindling pile of papers. "How was the shift?" he asked his boyfriend.

Fredrick sighed and padded over to the stove, where a small pot of soup that came from a can was just starting to boil. "It was just long is all...the weather's making Karen even bitchier than usual...." The red panda sniffed above the soup. "Ahhhhh. Thanks for starting this for me, you know how it helps me calm down and warm up." He flicked the knob on the stove to "OFF" and moved the pot off the heat, taking it to the table with a potholder. "How're the papers?"

It was Eric's turn to sigh. The great, gentle bear adjusted his glasses. "They're high-schoolers' reactions to The Scarlet Letter, whaddoyou expect? They're just as boring as that book, though thankfully shorter." The red pen flew over the paper in the margin, marking a slight run-on sentence and scribbling a note to the student who used them all-too-often and lost a lot of grammar points because of the nasty habit and had yet to show much less carelessness in the matter as the semester had progressed and Eric had been surveying his work. "Of course, far less well-composed to boot..."

Fredrick churred laughingly in his throat. "Yeah I hated that book. How many more you got to do?"

Eric flipped through the remaining stack. "Five, maybe six or seven. I can finish the last few in study hall tomorrow anyway."

Fredrick tried to take a slurp of soup but nearly burned his tongue. Placing the spoon back in the pot, he began slowly stirring the contents, occasionally lightly blowing across a spoonful to be able to sip it. "Fuck I'm tired...this shift really sucks. And it sucks for everyone else too, we're all just..." Spoonful of soup and a sigh. "Fuck."

Eric yawned just at the mention of being tired. "Well I can't say I really know what you mean but I kinda like waiting up for you." The bear grinned at his lover and pushed a big paw across the table. "Gives me something to look forward to."

He was rewarded with a warm but more delicate paw on top of his. They made a good pair of opposites. Neither was their own type, but that's why they were glad they'd found each other.

The red panda finished the small pot of soup in silence as his boyfriend continued knitting his brow over his papers. Though he'd never seen the big brown lug in "action", the smaller male was sure he was a fine teacher, gentle but imposing when he needed to be, excited to share but manifesting it in a laid-back attitude. These were all qualities he'd demonstrated in his relationship with Fredrick...and all qualities that the crimson-striped one highly appreciated in the bedroom as well.

Sighing deeply seemed to be the order of the tired night, and Fredrick added to the tradition when he finished the last couple scrapes of soup, satisfied and warm-bellied, his fingers and nose finally back to normal temperature. "I'm gonna get a shower and I'll see you in bed. Don't be up too late." He gave a temporary-parting pat to one of the bear's arms after depositing the pot by the sink, and opened the door to the one bedroom.

Eric smiled at the touch but tried not to be too distracted from his reading. Fredrick had always respected his work and tried as much as possible not to get in the way or lure him away before he really should call it a night. Just one of the many ways they communicated their basic needs and responsibilities. The kind of thing it was all too easy to take for granted sometimes. Eric made it a point to thank the universe for such small wonders every time he gave a thought to them...

Fuck, there he went, thoughts of the quiet but sexy red panda consuming his mind even though the person they were about was so careful to not interfere with his work. Eric yawned again and scrubbed his glasses on the old shirt he'd changed into after he'd gotten home from teaching in the afternoon. Maybe it was time to call it a night. There'd always be study hall tomorrow. For now he had a boyfriend that would need warming up, and six hours sitting alone at home plowing through mindless essays had given his impatient mind plenty of time to think of a few particularly warming activities he wouldn't mind indulging in...

He gathered all the papers he'd already graded into one stack and squared the edges up on the table. The few he hadn't evaluated fully got their own stack. The latter sheaf was turned sideways on top of the former and set on the table in his usual "take to school" spot. One day he'd get a briefcase to make that part easier...but for now they'd be one more part of the burden of a new teacher walking into his first real school position with his arms full of papers and his paw warmed by a thermos. Thankfully his thick body and fur meant he didn't have to wear much more than a jacket even in this weather. He was built for it...and sometimes he felt a little guilty that his slim red-panda companion wasn't quite so tailor-made for the environment.

All the more reason to go make him as comfortable as possible right now.

The bear turned off the light in the kitchen area and lumbered to the bedroom. He could hear the shower was running, but not for too long; by the time Eric was under the covers in the nude, the fur dryers were blasting. Eric's phone was checked one last time, then placed on the nightstand for the night, with the alarm set for early the next morning. His glasses were also neatly folded and placed where they'd be easy to find by pawing around a little bit.

He took more than a second to admire the mostly-naked form of Fredrick when it emerged from the bathroom only in boxer shorts. The tendency toward chubbiness that the red panda's species often exhibited was entirely absent in this case. He wasn't particularly tall, and he was very thin, but still had that bushy tail that was even fluffier than usual now that he'd just dried it. He looked exhausted...and after a late shift at a thankless retail job, a bus ride home through the snow, and now a hot can of soup and a relaxing shower...Eric didn't blame him one bit.

The bear rumbled sexily as Fredrick climbed onto the bed and checked his phone alarm one last time as well. A big brown paw rubbed a small red shoulder.

The red panda smiled with satisfaction when he discovered Eric's nudity upon lifting the covers to crawl underneath. His boyfriend's habit of sleeping naked was more than fine with him. It allowed even better conduction of heat between them, plus there was the comfort of the bear's bare genitals nestled into him as they cuddled.

Another quick kiss passed between them without getting hot or heavy. Fredrick turned the bedside lamp off and resumed his rightful place cozied up to his soft, personal ursine furnace. He was glad of the cushiness on Eric's front. Made him more comfy. Not to mention sexy as hell...

Idly, without intent, a bearpaw settled on the red panda's rump as they spooned, massaging one side gently. "Goodnight," Eric wished his lover.

He received a pleased "Mmmmm" in return. "You too" followed a deep, contented yawn as Eric's fond rubbing of his boyfriend's small, slightly bony ass continued.

Though they were both blissfully comfortable in position and warmth, Eric inevitably began exploring more in the drowsy silence. The red panda's flat but hard stomach and chest got their share of attention before the paw slid down smoothly into the waistband of the boxers. Eric felt Fredrick shift and squirm a bit as his genitals were lifted lovingly and played with. The penis was limp now but Eric knew that sometimes it became long and proudly stiff, with just the right thickness to balance the appearance. Fresh from the shower that relaxed the skin, the sack that hung between Fredrick's legs was loose and soft, providing a wonderful easy handful of furry balls for Eric to fondle.

"Mmmffff Eric..." There was no doubt the red panda's penis had started to swell now, and he was squirming even more as he tended to do, Eric's arms wrapped protectively around him with just a little touch of dominance they both knew was there. The position and the gratifying freedom of being able to feel up this sexy smaller male was working its magic on Eric's shorter but stouter length as well, which Fredrick became very aware of once the bear humped slowly into his backside with it. It made the red panda alert to a possibility that hadn't been explored yet, and one which he hope Eric would follow up on, even as tired as he was and as much as he needed to just drift off.

Of course, that possibility was just as much in the bear's mind as the person's on whom the act would be perpetrated. Removing his hand from the front of Fredrick's underwear, the bear firmly began to rub the base of the red panda's tail instead, working down and down and deeper and deeper until his fingers were disappearing into the waistband back there too. Fredrick let out a near-whimper as the thick fingers made their way down between his ass cheeks to just the place he'd hoped for...and...

Therrrrrre it was. Eric knew how much his lover loved to be played with back here, and he played into that fully while firmly but affectionately teasing his asshole.

"Eric, babe, are you...sure you wanna get into this right now...?" Fredrick's voice wavered both from being tired and turned on.

"You cleaned well in the shower, right?" Eric knew the answer to that even before he felt the red panda's nod confirm it; the red panda always kept as clean as possible just in case Eric was inclined to oblige a little bit of this sort of thing, which he often was. The bear chuckled and reassured, "Relax then, I'm just playing around. Help you decompress a little. I can stop though."

"No, it feels so good right now..."

Eric smiled and continued to molest his boyfriend's ass, wiggling a finger at the entrance ever so slightly but not going in just yet. He readjusted himself so his right arm, currently lying under the smaller fur, wasn't so restricted and could reach down to the red panda's crotch comfortably. He took the opportunity to pull the boxers down to Fredrick's thighs, exposing him under the covers. Fredrick whimpered again, partly from pleasure and more than a little from the submissive thrill he always got from this sort of treatment. When his now-engorged penis was lightly caressed again by Eric's right hand and the fondling continued, Fredrick was in a place of pure comfortable bliss. He felt utterly pampered by this beautiful bear who welcomed him home from another droning, cold evening with just the things he needed to feel good again.

A real moan escaped the red panda when Eric wriggled a finger into his asshole, firmly pushing forward into him. They both knew at this point how much Fredrick enjoyed these intrusions, and how much Eric enjoyed intruding in this manner. They were both almost used to it, though instead of that fact decreasing the value of the act, it made it seem like just another nice creature comfort that could be easily found when the other was around. As arousing as Eric's finger worming deeper into him was (not to mention the other hand's light grip on his member), Fredrick felt almost relaxed now, peaceful. He was still very aware of his heavy eyelids but didn't want the pleasant feelings to stop just yet...in fact, they may just help him slip into slumber more seamlessly.

Eric's middle finger was fully sheathed in his boyfriend now, and he expertly swirled it around inside and found the hard bud there that always triggered the red panda's most intense euphoria. The base of the finger also gently tugged on Fredrick's anus, giving a slight stretch that made him sigh and wriggle down onto the invading digit just as it began to withdraw.

The wide knuckles dragged along the lining of his hole on the way out, producing a shiver up the red panda's spine. That same finger now teased in and out of him, rubbing his asshole on the outside and occasionally inserting just an inch or so and working around to open it up. When Eric finally completely re-inserted the finger, it was much less slow than the first time, and oh god did Fredrick moan this time in pure ecstasy. He was so infinitely grateful that he'd found a boyfriend that knew how to treat him back there, and liked doing it almost as much as he liked receiving it. He rather liked the idea of his asshole being Eric's plaything, and when he was this good and gracious at the playing part...

A few more removals and replacements of the finger made procured a nice easy slickness and looseness to the opening, and Fredrick was on a plateau of nirvana that was somehow combining with his mental and physical tiredness to cloud his thinking and produce a thick, warm haze in his mind that was quite agreeable with his need to nod off. He felt almost paralyzed with pleasure, so warm and comfortable as well as properly stimulated, curled up here next to his cozy bear in a bed while the snow came down outside and the cold bit and the wind held the echo of a wolflike howl. He couldn't imagine anything more perfect until...

Eric was highly aroused himself, his thick cock having made itself quite known for the past several minutes. He decided to go for it and plug up his boyfriend's hole for real. Despite the girth, after a little playing around in there Fredrick usually had little trouble accommodating the bear's dick. Eric wrapped the hand he'd been using to molest his lover's ass around his dick and guided himself toward the opening, feeling with the tips of his fingers to make sure he was aligned right, shifting his position higher on the bed and...

Sinking himself slowly but steadily into Fredrick's pleasantly distended ass...using his right hand's grip on the red panda's penis to pull himself in...letting out his own sigh of perfect pleasure. The bear rolled his hips to work his own penis more comfortably into the silky warmness of his boyfriend, eventually sliding almost completely back out again, then back in just as agonizingly slowly, savoring the feeling of every single millimeter being subsumed into that place Fredrick so loved to have used. Eric had very little bottoming experience, and he hadn't remembered enjoying any of it. He hoped that this felt as good to Fredrick as it sure-as-hell did to him. He hated to see the little red panda so tired every day. If this was one way he could make him feel good, then by damn he was gonna do the hell out of it.

"Hey man...you likin' this?" He moved his muzzle from where he'd nestled it over the crimson shoulder and whispered heavily into a white-rimmed ear.

There was no response but a soft, deep breath in and out.

Straining to lean up and look at his boyfriend's front, Eric saw Fredrick's eyes closed, his chest rising and falling peacefully...

And his lips curled into a perfect, beautiful smile.

Eric chuckled lightly and lay back down, both arms wrapping around the red panda tenderly. At the creaking of the bed and the shifting of the weight, Fredrick stirred ever so slightly and his next breath was just noticeably heavier than the ones surrounding it. Eric settled in, slightly disappointed, but he figured if Fredrick could take such comfort in nothing more than this, then he could too. He considered pulling out, but he didn't want to risk waking Fredrick up. Besides, he looked pretty content just the way things were, and judging by his expression was probably already dreaming pleasantly about...something. Maybe related to the dick jammed up his butt, maybe not.

Eric was just glad he was happy and safe. He fought down a tiny wave of sexual frustration as he huffed and his hips humped into the other male again, just a little bit. He left Fredrick's underwear around his thighs for now, but spared one hand for just a second to reach between his own legs and pull down on his fat nuts, which had begun to curl up underneath him. They'd have to wait.

Someone needed him to be just what he was right now. And that was okay.


After practice I got a jeering ass-slap from Rick, the kangaroo goalie. "Still haven't gotten one past me yet this year, Mars," he snickered along with it. The posterior-pat came out of nowhere halfway through my changing ritual, so yeah I jumped a...

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Of course, I paid for that blessing dearly the next day. I fucking knew better than to go to sleep drunk. How many times had Brad and I done this? Fucking vodka, too. My eyelids were stuck together and the skin on my cranium felt stretched to the...

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"Shit shit shit SHIT SHIT AWWWW SHIT HAHAHAHA I fucked that up!" "Drink, motherfucker!! Fuck you!" A little sullen at losing yet again, I took a cheap shot. "Fuck ME? How bout you fuck_Angelaaaaaa_?" Brad snorted, and his words sounded more offended...

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