After Party 2 - The Sleepover - Part 1

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#2 of After Party

After part was originaly just the 1 story, but I decided to make it in to a series. So here is the next part. More to come. Forgive any errors (not the best typest).

After his long talk on the phone with John, Allen went back down stairs to finish his breakfast. When he arrived, he realized that his cereal had turned into a mushy shapeless mess in his bowl. His mom walked into the room looking for something in a drawer.

"Well, you look happy..." She said looking at Allen.

"What? Oh... umm, can John come over for a sleepover tonight? Pleeeease?" He said with his cutest face on.

"Oh, I don't know, it's a work night, and your father has to go in early tomorrow for a meeting, can't you do it another night?"

"But we were both hoping to do it tonight..." Allen said, dumping the cereal slop down the sink disposal.

"Well... you can do it, if you promise to be quiet, is that going to be a problem?"

"No, that's fine..." Allen turned on the disposal. "I'll tell him to moan softly." He turned it off.

"What was that, I couldn't hear it over the disposal?"

"Oh nothing," he said grinning, "Just talking to myself." He started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Wait! Don't you want some more cereal?"

"No, I'm not really that hungry, but thanks anyways!" He yelled back, as he skipped up the stairs. His mom went back to looking in her drawer shaking her head.

When Allen got to his room, he looked around. "What a pigsty, I better clean some of this up!" he thought to himself. He started to pick up the shirts, and pants, and underwear that was scattered on the floor. He wasn't used to receiving company much, so he never tried to keep his room very clean. Under an old towel he picked up, he discovered a nauseating plate of what he had assumed was once spaghetti, now covered in fuzzy white mold, same as the towel. He couldn't remember the last time he ate spaghetti. He just tossed the whole thing, plate, towel and all in the trash.

Once he had cleared the floor of most of the stuff, he realized the state of his carpet. It was a dark brown color, but it had a few large black stains from various reasons, and a few whiter stains around his computer form, ahem, certain activities... So he attempted to rub them out with another towel he found on his floor, but it wasn't very successful.

He dug around in his closet until he found an old rug. He positioned it so that it covered most of the strange black stains, and he decided to leave the white ones, after all it wasn't like John hadn't seen it before.

After he was satisfied, he stood back and looked at the room. Not too shabby. He wondered if he had any candles that wouldn't be missed in a closet somewhere. He left to go look for them, and when he came back his mom was looking in. She turned around to look at Allen with a big smile on her face.

"Well, you never clean when I ask you to. You're room doesn't look to bad when it's clean, floor and all, you should keep it this way."

"Yeah... very funny mom..." He replied shifting a few large candles in his arms.

"What are those for?" She said just noticing them.

"Oh... umm... OH! My room smells a little funny, so I decided to, um, light a few of these candles to get rid of the funk."

His mom stuck he nose into the room and took a whiff. Her ears perked up and her fur got all puffy and she turned around and held her nose. "I think you're going to need a few more than that to get rid of that funk, open a window for God sake. It smells like rotten spaghetti..."

Allen chuckled, "Thanks mom..."

She left smoothing her fur back down, coughing comically and giggling. Allen rushed back into his room and shut the door. He was going to have to be more secretive about his relationship. His parent's weren't very supportive of gays. He dumped the candles on his bed and scoped out good places to put them. Soon he had positioned them evenly around his room. He looked at the clock; 10:47. God, time was moving slowly, still 5 more hours until he saw his love again.

He plopped down to his computer and logged on line. He just sort of stared at the screen, lost on thoughts of John. His hand moved without his mind controlling it and clicked a link to a gay porn site. The picture of a well hung wolf mounting a cheetah caught his attention, and he felt his pants get tight. He looked at the door to his room, then to the clock; 10:48. And he started to unzip his pants.

He pulled out his quickly hardening feline member and started to stroke it to the picture. It felt so good. Allen struggled not to moan or purr as his paw moved up and down his shaft with his eyes fixed on the face of the wolf, imagining it as Johns. A few drips of pre formed at his tip, and he started to stroke faster. This time, he couldn't help purring. Pawing off was so much better when you had a certain someone in mind. He could feel something stirring inside of him, and his balls pull tight to his body. He was going to cum, and he was going to cum hard.

"Johhhhn!" He cried as he shot his load and nearly collapsed in his chair. He opened his eyes to see a big wet streak of kitty cum on his computer monitor. He had never shot so far in his life. But wait... had he yelled out John's name? Did someone hear? He quickly grabbed something from his hamper and tried to wipe of the streak incase his mom came up to find out what the yelling was about. He closed the porn site, zipped up his pants, and listened. He couldn't hear anyone coming up the stairs, and after a minute he just assumed that he hadn't said anything, or that no one could hear.

"Hey wts up?" Popped up a message on his computer. It was Tania, his best friend.

"Not much. Just preparing for John to come over tonight for a sleepover." He typed back.

"Cool. What r u goin 2 do?"

"Tania, you know I hate it when you type like that..."

"Oh sry... oops I mean sorry... :P"

"Well, can I tell you something?"


"Well, me and John are kind of seeing each other... don't laugh..."



"Oh sorry really? Cool I thought he had a girlfriend?"

"Well, it's a long story, but he doesn't anymore."

"Well aren't you going to tell it to me?"

"I'll tell it the next time I see you. Besides, it's going to get better tonight, if you know what I mean..."

"Omg are you guys yiffing?"


"Oh sweetie congrats on loosing the big V!"


"Well now I have to hear the story..."

"Later, I promise"

"Can't wait ;)"

Allen heard a knocking at the door. And his mom opened it and stuck her head in.

"Sorry to bug you, but have you seen the spade, I was hoping to work in the garden today, but I can't find it anywhere! Have you seen it?"

"Nope, sorry mom, did you look in Dad's tools?"

"I already did. Hmmm... I wonder where it is... Who are you talking too?"

"Oh just Tania."

"Allen, when are you going to get a girlfriend? You could be kissing them, instead of talking to them on line."

"Whatever mom... Tania is just my friend."

"You know, me and your father met at your age, why don't you get out there, meet some girls? My friend has a lovely daughter about your age, do you want me to set her up with..."

"MOM! Don't you have a spade to look for?"

"Well fine..." She said disgruntled and she closed the door.

"God, my mom can be such a pain some times." He resumed his conversation with Tania.


"She thinks I should get a girlfriend..."

"Have you told your parents about John?"

"You know how they are about gay people."

"Oh yeah I forgot..."


"Ok well I have a softball game soon so I have to go TTFN."

"Bye." And with that, Allen was alone again. Still about 4 and a half hours left. What was he going to do for that long? He decided to take a nap, and rest himself for what was sure to be a late night. So he fell asleep.

He woke up at 3:23 after having several dreams about john. Some about them yiffing, and some just about normal life. But he woke up nice and refreshed, and the best part, only about a half hour to wait! He stumbled out of bed and walked over to his computer. He logged in, and instantly he was welcomed with a message from John.

"I was wondering when you would get on!"

"Hey, so are you ready to come over?"

"Yep, is it ok if I am early?"

"Not at all"

"Good, I'm leaving now, I'm so horny." And with that John logged of and was on his way.

Allen, just as excited as John, got up from his computer and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, he had really bad bed head. He licked his paw and tried to flatten out a few cowlicks he had. His hair wasn't very long, but it sure was difficult to maintain. Eventually he got it to stay in a manageable place, and looked out the window. His mom was working in the garden, apparently she had found the spade. Then he heard the faint noise of the door bell, and he quickly ran out of the bathroom, down the stairs and to the door, she swung it open, and there was john. Allen went to hug him, but john resisted until he walked in and the door was shut.

Allen thought that was a little weird, but he was new to the whole relationship thing, so he didn't give it much thought.

"Good to see you!" Allen said going in for another hug. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, did ya miss me?"

"Of course. Are we alone?" Replied john.

"Kinda, my mom's working in the garden, but my room is more private... " He said seductively, pulling him up the stairs to the room. He didn't resist.

When they reached the room they both walked in, and John sat down on the bed. Allen joined him. They looked at each other and started to kiss. John's tongue found its way into Allen's mouth and Allen's rough tongue joined in on the fun. John gently pushed Allen on his back, now lying on him still kissing. Allen wrapped his arms around his chest and held him tight. Johns hand moved its way under Allen and down to his ass, which he gave a squeeze, which made Allen give a gasp of excitement.

Allen could feel the oversized lump in John's pants on his own growing bulge. And then he heard something unzip, and something hot go between his shirt and his stomach.

"Hold on, there is too much of a risk of getting caught. Do you think you can save it for after my parents are asleep?"

"But I want you now..." John whimpered starting to gently thrust against Allen's soft belly.

"I know, I want you too, but my mom could walk in..."

"Just a quick one?"

"No, not even a quick one... you're just going to have to wait."

John's ears fell down, and he started to whimper. "Fine... but you have to make up for it later..."

"Of course..." He said, as John got up from on top of him. "So what do you want to do?"

"Yiff!" Said John enthusiastically, his ears perking up once again. And his tail wagging.

"Other than that..."

"Oh... I don't know... what do ya have to do?"

"Well, I have a few video games, or movies, or we could just watch TV... or talk."

"I don't care, I'm way to horny right now anyways, you pick."

"Ok, well let's talk... how was your day? What did you do before you came over here?"

"Umm, well other than being super horny, I woke up, took a shower, pawed off, called you, watched some TV, and waited for you to come on-line. So pretty boring, I guess. What did you do?"

"I got up, took a shower, tried to eat breakfast, then you called, then I cleaned up a bit, took a nap, then you came over... and made this weird stain on my shirt!" Allen had looked down and noticed a small dark wet spot on his shirt from when john was rubbing against him.

"Woops, sorry... didn't mean to..."

And there was a long pause between the two.

"So John," Allen started.


"Why did you turn so easily? I would think that a straight guy wouldn't be so open to what we did."

"Oh... um... well, you see... I have fantasized... about guys before... "

"Ohhh... do you do it a lot?"

"Umm...not really, to be truthfully honest, I didn't really want to be gay. Every time I would start to fantasize, I would catch myself and start thinking about women."

"I see, why didn't you want to be gay?"

"I guess I was just afraid of what people would think."

"Well are you glad that it happened?"


And the long pause came back.

"Hey, I'm kinda hungry, do you have any food?" Asked John.

"Yeah, let's go down to the kitchen." And so they both went down to the kitchen. When they got there Allen's mom was taking a break from gardening, and was drinking a glass of water.

"Oh, hello there, you must be John. I didn't hear you come in. How are you?" She said holding out a dirty paw. "Oh, woops, sorry, you don't want to shake now, I'm covered in dirt!" She laughed.

"Hey mom," said Allen. "Do you have anything me and John could snack on?"

"Oh yeah, why don't you boys sit down at the table and I will make you some sandwiches. Is PB and J good?"

"Yeah, that would be fine." Said Allen walking over to the table and sitting down with John.

"So John, we have met a few times at Allen's birthday parties, but I'm afraid I don't know much about you. What are you into?"

"Oh, I don't know. I mostly just hang around with friends, and play video games and stuff."

"Well that's nice." She replied as she finished washing the dirt from her paws and started making the sandwiches.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Umm... well actually me and my girlfriends just broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll find someone else. I was just talking to Allen earlier about how he should find a girlfriend, maybe you could help him out?"

"MOM!" Said Allen embarrassed. "Sorry, my mom really wants me to get a girlfriend." He said softly to John.

"Well, sorry if I want my little boy to find a cute little girl and be happy!" She said carrying in 2 plates with sandwiched cut into triangles on them. "Now enjoy, and don't ruin your appetite!"

"Thanks mom." Allen said.

"Yes, thank you." Said John.

"You're both welcome. Now if you need me, I will be finishing up in the garden. Have fun!" And she walked back outside.

"Well, you're mom seems nice. And she's right, you do need to find a girlfriend... so we can have a three way!" He said smirking seductively.

"Ahh, go take a cold shower, ya horn ball!" Allen said throwing a piece of his sandwich at him.

"Only if you take it with me..." John said placing a paw on john's thigh and rubbing it.

"I told you, save it for tonight!"

"Fine, fine... you can't blame a wolf for trying..."

"Now shut up and eat your sandwich!"

"Yes sir!" John said giving a salute, and he gobbled up the rest of his sandwich.

After finishing their food, they went back up to Allen's room.

"So, Now what?" Allen asked.

"I don't know... but let's save the movie for tonight while we are waiting for your parents' to fall asleep, ok?"

"Works for me. But what do you want to do now?"

"Umm... well what video games do you have?"

"Not very many. I don't play very often. They're over there next to the TV if you want to look." Said Allen pointing to the large TV in the corner.

John sifted through a shoe box of games until he found one that sounded interesting. It was some sort of racing game that he had never heard of. "How about this one?" He said holding it up.

"Yeah that one is fine."

"Then let's play..." He said putting the game into the council and plugging in two controllers. They both sat down leaning against the bed to get a good view. And the game started. They zoomed around the track a few times, and John won. Then they played again, and Allen won.

"Ok, this is the tie breaker, the winner gets all the chips!" Said Allen.

"What chips?"

"Shut up and play!" And so they zoomed around, and john's car bumped into the back of Allen's spinning then both out of control.

"Woops, won't happen again..." said John.

They zoomed around the track again, and the same thing happened.

"Hey, watch where you're goin'!" Yelled Allen, and John apologized again.

They zoomed once more, and once again, john's car hit the back of Allen's.

"Why do you keep on rear-ending me?!" Yelled Allen.

"Sorry, you just have such a cute butt, I can't help myself..." said John looking seductively at john.

"My God, do you ever turn off?"

"Nope, now gimmie a kiss!" He said as he jumped on Allen pinning him down, and them both sharing a big wet kiss.

Knock, knock! And they both scrambled to get off of each other as Allen's mom opened the door. She popped her head in, and looked at the two confused by the commotion. Then she said "I just wanted to let you know that your father called, and he said that he would be a little late, so dinner won't be until 6:30, ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Replied Allen.

"Ok, now you two play nice, I don't want to have to bring you to the hospital..."

"We will!" They both said, and she shut the door.

Whack! Allen hit John on the shoulder. "That is why you have to wait! Do you know what would happen if my parent's found out I liked guys?"

"Sorry, I didn't know... I'll be more careful." John said rubbing his shoulder.

So they played the game until 6:30 rolled by. Every time John got too close to Allen's car, he would threaten to hit him, and John would giggle and back off. They heard a faint "Diner time!" From down stairs, so they stopped the game and went down.

"Ahh, glad to see you two are still in once peace." Allen's mom said. "I found these too wrestling in Allen's room earlier." She said to Allen's father.

Allen and John exchanged quick glances and smiled, then sat down at the table.

"So, you're John. Nice to meet you, put 'er there." Allen's father said holding out his paw. Allen shook with him and winced at the tight grasp of the large cheetah. "I understand you are staying the night?"

"Yes sir." Replied Allen grasping his crushed hand.

"Nice to see some male bonding happening, Al here doesn't have friends over too often, well except for that female fox, Tania."

Allen's mother came into the dining room carrying a large plate of sausages.

"I hope you're all hungry, I made extra since John is over."

"You bet I am, long day at the office..." Said Allen's dad.

She placed the sausages down on the table, and sat down as well.

"Well, since you're our guest I'll let you have fist pickings. How many wieners do you want John?" Asked Allen's father.

"Just one for now, thank you."

"Are you sure, there is plenty, and you have first dibbs..."

"No, I'm good, thank you."

"Alright... I'll give you the big one then." He said as he plopped and overstuffed sausage on his plate.

"You know, John, you're lucky, Dale here usually takes the big one, he doesn't hand over his wieners to just anyone." Said Allen's mom, as John stared at the enormous sausage, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Oww!" He said as Allen kicked him from under the table. "Ohh... I mean, oh thank you."

"You're welcome. I like you, you're welcome to my wiener anytime!" Said Dale smiling.

John could barely keep from laughing, and he had to cover his smile with his napkin to hide it. Allen kicked him again this time with his claws out, but it wasn't working. Eventually he managed to calm down when everyone started eating.

The meal was mostly quiet. Just the noises of chewing and silverware hitting the plates. When John and Allen had eaten their fill, Allen asked to be excused, and they both left for Allen's room again.

"I'm sorry man, but you heard what he said!"

"You are such a horn ball! Get your mind out of the gutter!"

"Sorry, I will try. So, movie time?"

"Yep, lets pick a long one, so when it's over my parent's will be asleep."

"Ok, what ones do we have to choose from?"

"My collection is over here." Said Allen leading him to a large case full of movies.

"Crap, you have a lot of movies!"

"Yeah well, you have a lot of dirty thoughts!"

"Fair enough. How about this one?"

"Nah, that one sucks, this one is better."

"I saw that last week."

"Uhhh... how about this one?"

"Ohh, this one!" John pulled out and old horror film about a giant slug that eats people. "2 hour 45 minutes, perfect!" Said john excitedly.

"Ok, pop it in!"

"I thought we were waiting for your parent's to go to sleep."

"The movie ya creeper!" He said whapping him the DVD case he was holding.

"Ok.. Sorry...sheesh." He went over to the TV and put in the disk. Allen turned off the lights and the movie started. John hopped onto the bed, and Allen crawled into his lap. John started petting him, and Allen started to purr.

"Later..." he said softly, and John reluctantly pulled his hand away. "Oh I know what!" Allen said as he hopped out of his lap. "This will make the room smell a little nicer." He pulled out a book of matches and lit two of the big candles near his bed.

"Oh now you're just tempting me..." Said john.

"Maybe I am..." He said as he gave a soft kiss to John before sitting back down in his lap as the smell of lavender and vanilla filled the room. He noticed something poking into his back. "Put that away before you hurt yourself..." he said looking up at John.

"Sorry, can't help it... It's got a mind of its own."

"Fine, then let me get comfortable..." Allen said before shifting and rubbing against the bulge making John breath heavily. "There, that's better."

"Damn you..." Said John. Allen giggled.

"Now, shush and watch the movie."

They watched the movie for about an hour until Allen's mom knocked at the door and opened it before they could change their position.

"Hey... ummm... what are you guys doing in here?" She said as she flipped on the lights. By now Allen and John had shifted enough that it didn't look like they were snuggling anymore. Allen's mom just stared at them for a while a little confused, then looked at the screen. "Oh, got a little scared huh?"

"Oh... yeah... umm..." said Allen nervously looking at John.

"It's ok, this is a scary movie. Anyway, there are some chips and pop down stairs in case you guys get hungry later, just be quiet. You father and I am going to bed, and he needs to get his rest for tomorrow. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" They both said as she closed the door.

"Wow... that was close..." Said John.

"Yeah, really close." Said Allen getting up to turn off the light again. He got back in bed with John, only this time, he pulled the sheet up over them both. "Now, we just wait for the light in the hallway to turn off." He said pointing to the illuminated crack under the door.

"Ok." Said john before kissing him again. "I can't wait..."

With perfect timing the handsome Lion and gorgeous raccoon finally poured a barrel of salt on the slug monster, and the movie ended. Then they heard a click, and the light from under the door went out, and Allen felt a hand grab his crotch.

Part 2 later... ;)