Life for Sale: A Deep Bite

Story by Bazz on SoFurry

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#2 of Life for Sale

Disclaimer: this story contains scenes of intense violence, gore, sex, killing, etc. and is not intended for minors or anyone who may find such material offensive or disturbing. Also, as if it needs to be said, killing is NOT okay, and neither are acts of violence as described here or non-consensual intercourse, and these actions are punishable by law.

[short introduction for those not familiar with this story set: Bazz, a black jackal anthro, is employed by a snuff brothel called Life for Sale, taking advantage of his innate ability of reincarnation to work as a snuff whore. These short stories detail specific sessions and characters seen in his work.]

Life for Sale: A Deep Bite

Bazz found that getting up after some of his rougher sessions was often a hard thing to do even with his body fully healing up after reincarnation. It wasn't so much the wounds he had incurred that made it hard but a mental imprint left behind, a mentally-based soreness that made his joints ache for a while. It wasn't much of a bother, though it did amplify his morning haze a good bit and led to many kitchen spills, stubbed toes, and even the occasional tumble down the stairs. Of course he managed to recover quickly from these relatively small injuries, but once in a while they might hit him a bit harder than usual. This morning was such a morning.

He woke up and rubbed his head, feeling more than a little awkward in his head-over-heels position at the bottom of the stairs. He blinked a couple of times, glanced at his watch, and muttered "Shit..." under his breath before he scrambled to his feet and ran back upstairs to get dressed. He had been out cold for at least three hours, meaning he was already late to show up for work as it was. They almost never had customers at opening time, but he always hated dealing with angry managers. After getting dressed he rushed haphazardly down the stairs, nearly taking another tumble, and hurried out the door.

He panted heavily as he opened the door to the staff entrance at work, only to receive two motions from the on-duty manager--a cold stare of disapproval and a jerk of the thumb which could only mean one thing. "Customer waiting. They asked for you by name." Crap, crap, CRAP! he thought as he rushed to his workroom, only to find a rather petite and apparently female brown wolf waiting inside, while the bulge in hir pants told another story. Shi had no defining markings, just a standard brown wolf. However, hir clothes were rather defining, even somewhat unsettling. Shi wore a deep red sweater, unbuttoned, and a jet black top underneath with a strange ornate design shining on it, like a howling wolf with some sort of clan symbol, though he could not tell exactly what it was as it was obscured by the sweater. Hir pants were simple black slacks, sized almost perfectly for hir though a bit tight in the front.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I fell down the stairs this morning and-" Bazz was cut off by a finger pressed against his lips. "I don't mind waiting as long as the service is truly worth the wait, and if my friend was right, you are going to be..." Bazz blinked for a moment before he realized the wolf was tugging at his shirt. "Come on, you have to get these off now," the wolf said with a wink, slowly stripping as well. "Do it nice and slow though," the wolf added with a small giggle as shi removed hir pants, revealing a good sized set of masculine equipment, notably larger than average for hir size but nothing unbelievable.

Bazz shook off the hesitation he was feeling and grasped his shirt from both sides, arms crossed as he began to slowly pull it up. He would regularly get customers not interested in snuff, but instead were just looking for a sub for a rough fuck, or even just someone who would do anything they wanted that would not cost too much. From the looks and actions so far, this wolf appeared to be one of the latter. He murred softly and winked at hir as his t-shirt came off. He tossed it up into the air, caught it on a raised footpaw, twirled it around his leg, and tossed it into the corner, only to turn and bend, leaving his firm ass facing the wolf. Shi chuckled and reached out to pinch it, eliciting a giggle from Bazz who figured this might not be a bad day after all, but a fun one.

He slipped his paws under the waistband of his jeans and slid them down just a bit, only to pull them back up and slowly turn around. He unbuttoned and unzipped them, slowly pulling the two flaps outwards to reveal the bulge in his underwear. He turned around once more, even more slowly this time, and kicked off his shoes so they landed right on top of his shirt. "Well, aren't you the skilled little one?" the wolf joked. Bazz grinned as he slid his jeans down again, bending a bit and raising his tail to show off his ass once more. The wolf smiled widely and grabbed the back of Bazz's jeans, pulling him onto hir so he landed in hir lap.

"I think that's enough of that, don't you, little one?" shi asked with a giggle as shi hooked hir thumbs in the pockets of his pants and slid them down. Shi caught them on hir foot when they were all the way off and tossed them into the corner as well. "See? I'm skilled as well," shi added before nibbling gently on Bazz's shoulder. The jackal could not help but feel something wrong with the way the nibbling felt, as though there were something wrong with the wolf's teeth. He shrugged it off and rubbed back against the wolf's swelling shaft, a bit of the pre already dripping down it soaking into his underwear.

"Oh, someone seems a bit eager, heheh... You can call me Lady Yvonne, or even Mistress Yvonne if you'd like, though Lady or Mistress would do just fine as well." Bazz nodded and asked, "What would you have me do, Mistress?" Shi pulled down the back of the tight white underwear and rubbed the tip of hir cock against the jackal's warm tailhole. "Just relax, my little morsel, and let me take over... hehehe..."

Again, Bazz felt unnerved, but this time because of the laugh, as though it meant something was about to happen, but he could not place why. Suddenly he felt himself being slammed against the wall, unsure of how he had even gotten there until he felt Yvonne's body pressing him against it. Surely shi didn't have that kind of strength, he thought, as shi was far too small throw someone of his size against a wall with such force.

"Yes... I think you will do just fine!" Yvonne whispered in Bazz's ear before shoving hir cock deep into his clenched tailhole. Bazz yelped and whimpered a bit, still feeling something was very wrong until he turned his head just a bit and realized what it was. Yvonne's fangs were huge. Even when shi closed hir mouth they were very apparent, jutting down below hir bottom jaw. He struggled a bit when he saw this, realizing exactly what shi was after. He knew shi would like hir prey to squirm.

"Hmm... I think I'll play with my food a little..." Yvonne said with a chuckle as shi extended hir claws. Bazz continued to squirm a bit, feeling the wolf's cock still deep inside him though shi made no effort to take him beyond that. Shi slowly lowered hir paw to the jackal's arm and made a small cut in it, just enough to draw blood. The wolf quickly began to lap up the thick red liquid. Shi pulled back after a moment and chuckled, "I'm not going to get anywhere fast with something that small, am I?" Shi dug hir claw into the arm again, a bit further down and a bit deeper, and made another cut. Bazz struggled a bit and whimpered at the feeling of his flesh being parted; the feeling, though familiar to him, still made him feel somewhat uneasy even if the pain did not bother him anymore.

Shi raised hir paw to the jackal's other arm and tore into it even deeper with several claws. Bazz moaned softly and whimpered as the wolf moved to lick from the deeper wounds. He could still feel the blood trickling out of the shallow ones, the warm liquid soaking his dark fur. He felt Yvonne's tongue slide into one of the cuts, as though shi were searching for the source of the delicious treat hir murring signified shi was enjoying so much.

"Mmm, so delicious," Yvonne said with a grin, then added with a wicked snicker, "I want all you have." Shi pushed hir throbbing shaft in deeper, up to the knot, then licked along the side of Bazz's neck. Shi quickly opened hir maw sunk hir fangs deep into Bazz's jugular vein as shi began to pump in and out of his tailhole, both actions causing him to struggle even more. "GrrrrRRrmmmMMPH!" the wolf growled as shi began to eagerly drink down the jackal's blood.

He could feel the life being siphoned out of him, as though more than just his blood was being sucked out. The wolf's strength seemed to be increasing as shi drank more of his blood, the jackal feeling both the strength of hir pushing him against the wall and hir thrusting into him increasing each moment. He felt as though shi was about to crush his wrists when shi let up for a moment, only to pull him away from the wall and slam him back onto it higher up to allow hir to access his neck more comfortably. "NNGH!" the jackal protested, struggling even harder now as he felt the force rattle his bones and inner workings.

Bazz felt the pressure grow and grow until finally he heard a cracking from his chest as one of his ribs snapped from the constant force. A few moments later he heard another snap, then another. He found it was growing harder and harder for him to breathe as the broken bones pushed into and punctured his lungs. He finally heard the wolf emit a loud growl right before shi tore away from his neck. The jackal did all he could to move, but no longer even had the will to move a single muscle.

"Mmm, so delicious. But I can't just leave you like this, now can I?" the wolf teased. Bazz moaned as Yvonne pressed hir paws to the sides of his head, then grasped it firmly by digging hir claws in where the fell, two of them digging straight into the jackal's eyes. He screamed as the fingers entered his eyes, the juices from inside pouring out onto his cheeks. The wolf began to pull up on the abused jackal's skull, pulling up harder and harder as each moment passed. He heard some more pops, but these came from the very base of his neck. He finally noticed a complete numbness pass over his body as a sharp pain entered his neck. For a brief moment he felt as though he were falling until his head hit the floor followed by a brief heavy pressure against the side of his head before... nothing.

The next thing Bazz new, he was waking up in his bed at home, still strangely cold and shaken. He pulled his covers up over him despite it being a warm midsummer evening. He had no clue why this wolf's bloodsucking had left him feeling so cold and empty, but the thoughts raced away as the warmth quickly returned to his body. He walked carefully down the stairs, still a bit shaken, and walked into the kitchen, intent on making something to eat. He knew he could go back into work and take another client before the night was out, but for the first time in a good long while, he decided to take the night off. He figured he had enough recovering to do. For the first time ever, a client had not only damaged his body--they had tapped straight into his soul.