Ghost 2E

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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The last part of the Ghost Saga.

Ghost 2, Part 5 - July 30, 2013 Written by Afril, with help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

M/M, M/F BDSM/Semi-NC/Rape/Nudity/Shaved Fur/Language/Incest/Humor/Oral/Tit-Fuck Wolf, Fox, Bear, Cougar

Chapter 30 - The Examination

Of course he didn't 'drop the building' on the male... That would be impossible. Almost as impossible as yanking a chunk of rock the size of a building out of the sky - That took the power of several Masters too angry to care what happened After it hit. Many of them died along with the rebels. He got swatted away like a bug, getting only bruises and scratches in return for massacring so many. And since they didn't ask, he didn't 'volunteer'.

'Cured' got stamped all over his paperwork, and they sent him out with a new pair of pants, a shirt and the hope he Wouldn't Return. Even the Warden only liked a little mayhem now and again... The wishes were doubled when they found some strange device under his bed. Of course Doc just laughed - "It's a radio. Before there were vids there was radio. At least I Think it's a radio..." Whatever it was got shipped out into the middle of nowhere, the pieces removed and scattered - After being crushed.

As to Why it was under His bunk - "It was there when I came in. I left it alone... Just in case."

Chapter 31 - Contracts

A white shadow entered a room in a house it had taken him some days to track down. He stood, looking at a naked male wolf laying in a large bed. This was his 'Contract'? This obviously abused, barely grown male who whimpered in his sleep? One of the boards creaked lightly underfoot... Immediately, the male stirred and turned on a small table lamp. Noticing he was no longer alone, the wolf got up and walked over to kneel on front of the robed one. Head down, legs apart, hands behind his back.

"How does Sir wish to use his unworthy slave?"

When the being did not move, the wolf said, "Bondage gear is in the left cabinet. Whips, floggers and other devices are in the right. If Sir wishes to use candles, torches or other burning devices, there is a flame-proof mat under the bed."

When the fox still didn't move, he continued, "If nothing pleases Sir here, he may take his worthless slave down the back stairs to the basement..."

Ghost lifted the gray muzzle, watching recognition come to the male's eyes.

"You are not here to fuck me, Sir? Then Father must have grown tired of his 'Toy'."

Hugging the startled fox, he whispered, "You are my redemption. Oh... If I may ask a favor of you."

The wolf padded off to open a closet. On the doors hung every shape and size of whip, flogger, chain, knotted rope... All had the wear patterns of regular usage. He lifted out a bag, and opening it, took out a lot of studded, sharp things with handles. Then there was a *Click* and a moment later he handed the fox a plastic disk. "I dared only make one copy - To masturbate to when no one wanted me." He handed it to the fox. "Will you give this to someone of Authority? You must know Someone my father can not bribe or corrupt." He put his head down. "I hope it may stop another from becoming as I am..."

There was no blush, or look of embarrassment, instead they was only resignation mixed with a tiny bit of hope.

"I can not ask for a quick or painless passing - I have not earned that right. But if it is messy, would you mind killing me in the shower? I really don't want Winfred having to clean my blood off the carpet - He does too much as it is."

An old wolf opened the door. "Master Hintig... I saw your light on. Can I be of... Oh."

Ghost's muzzle was a mask of calm. But his eyes burned like they had not for Centuries... There were many ways to fulfill a contract - "Yes you can, Winfred. Please dress your young Charge, and place him somewhere Safe for a while... This may get Messy."

The old wolf smiled for the first time in years, and quickly stuffed the bewildered male into a coat, snatched a bag already packed with clothing and money and they both vanished through a secret passage. For far too long he had stood by and let the HouseAlpha abuse his charge in ways that kept him from sleeping. He was too old to challenge the Bastard - But now there was someone else. An outsider who didn't care what the Counselor thought.


"We are going on vacation, Young Master. Your father will Not be joining us."

Hintig nodded, and wrapped his coat a little tighter around himself. For the second time that day, he felt Hope...

As he bundled the young male into the car, the wolf was very glad for electric vehicles and their quietness. There had been some experiments with steam power, but since exploding boilers tended to kill everyone within the blast range, it hadn't gone very far. Turn the batteries on. Push the lever forward, and off they went. Winfred patted the young male's leg, thinking he should have done this a long time ago. But when you have served the same family for four generations, it is hard to simply leave.

You keep hoping things will get better (they never do). Or by some miracle the old bastard will fall down some stairs and break his damn neck (Probably survive the fall and be even meaner confined to a wheelchair). So when an opportunity comes along, you had better grab it's tail with both hands and ride it as far as it will take you.

"I don't remember this route, Winfred..."

"We are going to a Sanctuary, Master Hintig. Rest, relax, exercise... That sort of thing."

The wolf had been to the place a couple of times before, and decided if he ever wanted to retire, it was where he would go - A place where not even the long claws of the Counselor could reach him.

* * * *

The sun was just going down when the went through the gate with a big sign that read, 'Warning. Nudist Sanctuary. Abandon all clothing, ye who enter here', and parked the vehicle. The young male stripped, tossing his clothes into the car. Then he followed his mentor, who was also naked, into the multistory house.

A naked and very male bear greeted them. "I am Shakes The Branches." He hugged the older wolf. "You have returned to us again. And brought a friend as well."

Winfred *shivered* as the big hands slid down his back to squeeze his rump. "We... We will be staying for a bit longer than usual this time."

"You may stay as long as you wish."

For the first time in a long time, the older male allowed himself to relax. The bear patted his rear, then turned to the other wolf.

"Goodness..." Shakes gently caressed the scarred wolf's back. "You should be less rough and tumble with your robe, young one... You will wear it out and have to go naked."

That got a icon_redface.gif and a shy smile. "Will we be sleeping together, Sir?"

A big, clawed finger touched his nose. "I am Branches, and only if you wish to... Now come, we have many paths to walk."

It was going to be painful for Both of them - And not just because the bruin was built like a Stallion... They had much to atone for. And much to be thankful for. The old wolf closed the door of the house and followed his charge into a new life.

Chapter 32 - The Council

A few days later, an aide to the Elder Council of Wolves stood in shock as Something walked down the hallway. White Robe. White Fur... A GreatElder had somehow bypassed several floors of security, clerks and assistant secretaries who knew most things before the Council did! And yet, Here he was, gliding along the floor as if floating... If it wasn't for several gasps and chairs thudding against walls, the aide wouldn't have known either...

"GreatElder - How may I assist..." The young wolf could read just about every language there was... But whatever was written all over that robe, he couldn't so much as make out a single word. The hands appeared from the sleeves, and the blackened brands touched as the male made a bow.

"I wish to speak to the Elder Council on something that touches the Hearth."

Almost perfect High-Wolf. And the brands - Anyone who watched as much second continent opera as he did could damn near recite every emperor's lineage to the Last one. Now the runes looked familiar... Except - Oh. Gods. Not Reproductions... Not handed-down smudges - Authentic HylMong Word-Pictures. Names, Places, Dates... Shorthand for much longer Epic stories and tales that went back to at Least the 12th Century, if he understood the date-names correctly.

"Ancient One, it would be an Honor to announce your presence. If you will please wait but a moment..."

Tindel bowed, turned and his knees shaking, the canine managed to get to the double doors at the end of the hall. Pounding three times on one, he opened it and stiff-leggedly walked inside the chamber.

One of the gray-muzzled alphas looked up. "Tindel? We are a little bus..."

The young male's amber eyes suddenly widened... "SHIT!" he yelped, smacking his forehead. What?! "Father, Elders... Forgive me. I am such an Idiot! I didn't even ask his Name..."

A half dozen of the most powerful wolves on the continent stared at the aide as if his brain was leaking out of his ears. One of the Elders came up to his son, smiling gently - If there was ever a picture of abject misery, it was this poor male.

"Start from the beginning - Whose name did you forget to ask for?"

Trembling, Tindel stood as straight as he could... And it all came out in a rush anyway - "The Ancient One with the 600-year-old HylMong Glyphs on his robe and the brands on his hands. Gods, father... His hair is white and it hangs down to his tail. Except for the second continent accent, he speaks high wolf as well as we do, even though his eyes are Northern Fox blue. And he said he wanted to see the Council on -" A breath. " 'Something that touches the Hearth'. His exact words, father... IAmSoDead."

The eldest wolf came over to stand beside the aide. "What you are, young male, is Observant. What else did you see?"

Tindel swallowed... "I... I can't say for Sure, but I think his clan is 'Mountain Path.' At least that is what I believe the brands say. And if it is, it would be one of the Nine Mountain Temples that were destroyed some 400 years ago... And he would truly be one of the Scattered. Forgiveness Eldest - I am only guessing from what I have seen in operas and tattered scrolls."

'Tindel the Scholar', his father would sigh to the other males... The lad's nose was Always buried in a book.

"Herald Tindel, go and bring the Ancient one in. Do not worry about his Name - Since we do not speak HylMong, whatever he gives us will be a bastardization, at best."

The young wolf walked back to the doors, opened them until the hinges locked.

"Honored Council, I present to you, An Ancient One with a matter most urgent."

Any lingering doubts vanished when a fox whose fur was as white as his robe came in. "Thank you, Honored Council."

"Tindel, close the doors but stay inside, in case you are needed."

The aide nodded, bowed to the Elder, and did as he was told. He really wasn't 'needed' - Anything the Council wanted was a button-push away. But the Honor of being allowed to stay...

"Your name please, Sir - In your native language, so we may have a copy of it."

The white male nodded, and sang for a good half-minute. "My name translates to 'Ghosting Shadow of the Mountain Pathway Clan.' Please call me Ghost."

Tindel's tail wagged ever so slightly... His father could be proud of him for Something, at least. He raised a hand - "Council... If I may suggest - There should be some Mid-Continent Red tea in storage. I apologize for it's quality, Eldest - It is not up to Court Standards, but we hope it will do."

The white male smiled. "I am sure it will more than suffice for one who expected nothing more than cold water and stale bread."

Amber eyes narrowed... Wanderer's Rations, given to one who was about to be kicked on the other side of the border. First the male mentioned 'Hearth' - The Place of Fire. The Heart of one's Honor. And now Banishment - To be denied that same Fire.

"Why are you here, Elder?"

The fox went to the center of the half-round table and placed two items before the Eldest wolf - A plastic disc... And a single credit bill. The disc was pushed forward - "You will find this... *Unpleasant*." The word meant, 'Stepped in shit' from the days when one washed with one's tongue.

"I have been Paid to bring Justice for those whom Justice has walked past. But I am Old, and while Death is swift, it is not always the best way - Thank you."

Tindel had a chair behind the fox, and helped him sit. "It was given to me by a young male who has gone into hiding for his own safety. He said it was the only copy that exists - So I place it in Your hands, to decide if you wish to 'Clean the Stain' yourself. And if you can not..." The bill disappeared back into a white sleeve. "Then Honor demands I do so."

The male stood and everyone winced as his joints creaked - Ancient indeed! "I will wait outside for your answer... Come Scholar, help me walk to your desk, where we can discuss what you know of my culture."

The young wolf knew the Elder didn't need help walking, but whatever was on that disc was not for him to see... "I will give the Council a full report when I am able." Then he bowed to the older males and 'helped' the fox out.

"If you will wait here, Sir, I shall see if the pack-train has left the mountains with your tea... Are you hungry?"

Tindel also had a phone and he called down to order a very special kind of tea, for a... Visiting Dignitary. Which only added to the frenzy happening below them.

* * * *

Somehow a Foreign Alpha had gotten past the Biggest Eyes, the Widest Ears and the Longest Snouts in the Territory... Not a single white hair had whisked by. Not a toe-claw tap, not a door-hinge squeak... Not a single whiff of ancient male. And yet there was one sitting in the council aide's office... Screw Security - How the Hells did he get past Them? Then they were too busy to worry about How and worried about Who...

There couldn't be That many White-furred, male foxes of HylMong descent - And where was a damn bear when you needed one? Ask one of Them and you would get sheet number in file A, in cabinet B, drawer C. In room D, on floor E of building F. Some hurried digging found a very thin file indeed. It only got worse when they found a whole pile of 'Eyes Only' stamped across sheets of paper. At least the Council records were more easily accessible - So... He was the one who 'dropped' a building on that scum-bucket. And now he was here... There were Plenty of bastards who deserved to have a building dropped on Them - And which one would it be? The pool ran hot and heavy for a while, but they knew they would find out Eventually - There was no such thing as 'Keeping A Secret' here.

* * * *

One of wolves gingerly opened the case and placed the disc into a player, while another locked the doors. They sat and the Eldest hit 'Play'... Half an hour later by the clock on the wall, every ear was twisted backwards. Every upper lip curled to reveal their fangs. It was enough... The eldest hit the 'Stop' button, feeling like he had been dragged through the foulest slime there was. Blinds were opened, curtains pulled back to let the light in, hoping it would somehow cleanse the air. More than one set of fingers had scraped wood off the centuries-old chairs... There was no mistaking Who was on the video - Nor What he was doing to his Son. They had let the Bastard slide on way too much before - They needed his vote. But some things transcended even politics.

Four of the five 'parts' were wolves. The one that was 'different', made them glad the fox had brought the disc to the Council - A cougar was humping the abused male's butt. They unlocked the doors, downed a single drink of the strongest stuff in the cabinet, then called the white male back in...

"Ancient one, we thank you for bringing this to our attention - We promise you this... Should both Our system and the Feline Federation's system fail, you have our Blessing to do whatever you wish to the male, for however long you wish to do it. If you will tell us the names of those whom Justice has been so blind as not to see, we shall do our best to make amends."

Names... Written down by an elder who did his best Not to snarl. He knew most of them already - Sins of the Son, covered up by the Father... Who turned around and whored out that same son for favors from his 'Friends'. The wolf stood, excused himself and walked to his office... There would be no rest for some time to come, each case had to be gone over. Checked against other cases, evidence gathered. No one who had so much as a toe-claw in this would escape his fangs... He looked at the stacks and stacks of files - Perhaps... After lunch.

* * * *

The Eldest wolf called his counterparts in the feline and the ursine Counsels, telling them it was urgent they meet, and it was going to be - Messy. He closed his eyes, biting his lip... Canines, Felines... At least there were no Bruins - Hells, They taught their cubs about sex as soon as they were old enough to ask! Besides, the sex-vids the bears made were all art and beauty and nature... Waterfalls and birds singing and rainbows flying out of their asses while they came all over everything.

"Elder Ghost, come eat with us... I hope you will stay as our guest until we can settle things." Keep him occupied, and out of the way. Yank that young pup Tindel up a few levels. 'Scholar-in-Residence' had a nice sound to it. Meant absolutely nothing, of course...

So the Council of the Great Wolfpack, plus two, went out to enjoy some quality time - Before the Real crap-shoveling began.

Chapter 33 - Robes

The Ursine Clan came dressed in the traditional half-robe that covered their front from waist to knees, and head-dresses made from feathers and beads and leather. Their hair was in a double-braid than hung over their shoulders. And that was it... Or as they said, 'What good is it to have a nice body, if no one can touch it, stare at it, drool over it?' And Anyone who wanted to complain about their - Attire, could go to the Ministry and talk to the Director of Clan Relations.

Someone gave a female bear a ticket for 'Public Indecency'. He did apologize - New Chief meant new rules.

"So my tits are not to be exposed? Are they ugly?"

Not at all *Ummf!* The guard found his nose wedged between two firm, round breasts that while gigantic on anyone else were about average for a half-ton of female. And she was rubbing them up and down his face... His reddening by the second face. And when she let him up to breathe she turned, took the guard's hand and pressed it firmly against her naked rump, rubbing it up and down the brown-furred mound.

"How about my ass? Is that also ugly and should be covered?"

The poor male swallowed... What did you say to a goddess this huge - When very little of it is padding. She could probably bend steel bars between her thighs! Then she lifted his burning muzzle and kissed him.

"As you wish, so shall I do..."

* * * *

When the canine regained his senses, his pants were a mess. His shirt was soaked. And he had to stiff-leg it back to the station. 'So... You gave a ticket to one of them bears. Female, huh? Did ya get a date too?'

'No.' Why the Hells didn't he ask?! She probably would have said yes... Urk! Still, she had to return to pay the fine - First a shower, and a new uniform. Then think about furry goddesses and what they would be like in bed.

And she did return... Just not quite like anyone expected...

* * * *

The judge was trying to get the rowdy crowd to shut up... It had been pretty damn dull so far, and he Wished something would happen - If only to keep him awake until lunch. And it did... There came a commotion from outside, the likes of which the cougar had never heard before - Was there a riot going on or something? No, just the mid-morning case. One 'Listens-To-Wind' was fined for 'Indecency.' Just Great... The Plains People had a history that went back before the time the first wolf stood on his hind legs and howled defiance at the moon. When felines were still chewing on raw deer guts. He quietly told the guard to get on the phone and have someone from Diplomatic over here, Pronto. Civil he could handle - Inter-Clan took was serpent with several heads.

The reason for the riot became clear when, a few minutes before the hour, a mountain ducked it's head at the door and came in. It - She was wrapped in a blanket just a little too small for her - Girth. Every time she moved, something showed... Cleavage, thigh, butt. As she came down the isle, somehow the blanket slid up, showing off her rump... Every hand that was close enough to grip, squeeze, caress or touch those mounds appeared, cresting like a wave in her passing. The lucky bastards in the first rows got to Really caress her ass and legs as she stood, waiting to be announced.

"Please step forward and state your name." got a Lot of dirty looks from the males, but they settled down, palms to noses. The guard got back just in time to see the female whose ears almost touched the ceiling, slide her blanket off and drop it next to her. The husky, who had been chosen to defend the roster that day, caught it, folded it and put it beside him. He had seen just about every kind of 'creature' walk, crawl and slither into the court. And he defended them all to the best of his ability. But Never had he seen such a... *YIPE* - His tail uncurled!

"I be the Shaman Listens To The Wind, Crescent Moon Clan." And she bowed. The judge's gavel hit the desk with a *thump*. Shaman - Healer. Priest. Adviser. Trader. The feline frantically dug through the paperwork, finding no references to silver rings piercing the black nipples. Nor the swirls cut into her fur. Nor... Starting at her waist, the hair had been shaved off, forming a crescent. The pointed ends ran down her legs, while the middle... Left nothing to hide what she was born with.

And from the silence came, "Damn! That's a nice ass!"

At which time the bruin straightened, turned and smiled at the crowd. "My thanks be to you." And she bowed...

Jaws slammed into the floor. There was a collective gasp loud enough to be heard outside. For once the cougar gave several prayers that there were No cameras or vid recorders, or even a plain photo-box inside the room.

"Please..." he croaked, "Be seated." She turned back again, and walked over to the bench behind the table, sitting down. Which only showed off More of her... Anatomy.

The guard bit a pencil in half, and had to fish for another before continuing to scribble his report. The cougar moved his gavel out of reach - Who knows where it might land if he tried to call order. The poor guard on whose head this fell, was sitting to one side, his eyes bouncing like a yoyo. They would slide over the bear for a long moment... Then jerk back to attention. And then, turn back to gaze adoringly at the mountain of brown fur and dark skin. Ah, Young Lust...

"Miss Wind. You are charged with being indecent in Public. How do you plead?" The last hissed through clenched teeth. 'Don't Stand Up! Don't Stand Up! Don't Stand Up!' Not only did she stand but took a couple steps towards the panting feline.

"Honored one..." The bruin lifted her chest up, thumbing her nipples until they were firm and round and begging to have teeth biting them, fingers tugging the rings. "Are my tits so ugly, they should not be allowed to be shown in public?"

'No!' screamed the gallery, several dozen knights ready to defend their Lady's honor (After seeing 'Female' and 'Indecency' on the docket, it was standing room only).

"No..." whimpered the feline, getting a smile that made him feel 20 years younger. The female turned and slapped her rump, getting nary a ripple.

"And my ass, Honored One... Should it be covered and hidden from sight - Or should it be open for anyone to admire? To be looked at and touched... The Gods have given me this 'Robe', and I hope I do them proud by gifting it to others. But it is Still only a robe..."

Every male moaned, 'Open and Free.' And there was the problem - The Plains People saw their bodies as 'clothing', and to wear more seemed a waste. For the sake of others, they would wrap that which the Gods gave them. The female bowed her head, and sighed quietly.

"But to be prideful is also a sin. I came to trade for Fisal twigs - There is a fever running through some of the border villages. I shall pay my tithe and search elsewhere for what I seek, so the Mountain Talker Clans will not feel shame upon my footstep."

It took a moment for That to sink in. "Councils, Shaman Wind... My Chambers. this Court is in recess." And when every canine howled 'unfair!', he snarled...

"Yes, her tits are to die for. Yes, her ass is so smoking hot, you would burn your hand on it... But That is a Lady, not a hunk of meat for you Curs to growl over." That curled up some tails - Served them right!

He padded off to the side-room, his own tail twitching... And stifled a yowl when he was enveloped by that same naked form.

"Thank you, Honored One." was whispered in his burning ear. Hells! Where could he touch her that would be 'Appropriate?' But if he Didn't at least return the hug, she might think he was offended by her - Body. He managed a gentle caress on a patch of fur that Seemed harmless enough. And to think the wolf who was supposed to be here took the day off to go fishing...

"I want attire suitable for a Shaman. I want tea, and I damn well want to know where that Diplomat is!"

A few moments later, a gray wolf appeared with something that Might have been a dress, might have been a robe... Might have been a Lot of things if it wasn't made mostly of knotted strings laced with bead-work. It covered Everything... While hiding Nothing! The wolf studied the documents while the other two canines whimpered - Naked, she was a wild forest creature. Clothed in a web of bead and white string... She was more beautiful. More exotic. And even More desirable as bits of fur or skin would catch one's eye, drawn by a bead's flash... Only to vanish as she moved, revealing yet another glimpse of her anatomy.

The cougar shivered and somehow tore his gaze away. "I really don't care if you dogs get your balls roasted in the flames of opinion. And the Gods knows the Feline Clans could use the trade... But this puts the hair up my back."

He closed his eyes, sitting as a headache started in his temples... "Bad enough you tell a bruin to cover-up 'Her' body - But a Healer as well? Gods... I can't dismiss the charges - She plead guilty... Or close enough it doesn't matter. And if I kick a healer out - Doesn't matter Why, it will be My nuts they roast - Oooooh."

Those so firm breasts were again on either side of his head, but this time from the back. And they were rubbing his aching skull - Up and down, up and down... Headache? He didn't care if the top of his head blew completely off!

"Better?" Hells, Yes! "I would assist you as well, but I don't not wish to shame the Wolf-Clan further... I already have much to atone for."

All three males swallowed whines, the wet spots in their pants rapidly growing. How the hells to get out of This bramble bush with hide intact... As the female re-adjusted her - 'Clothing', the Diplomat suddenly smiled... If she had This effect on three canines and a cougar, what would happen if...

"Would you allow yourself to be filmed, Shaman Wind?"

"If it will help, of course," the bear replied.

He turned to the feline, a look of be-devilment in his eyes. "Then perhaps Community Service will suffice, Judge?"

The cougar sighed... Then, as the wolf whispered in his ear, he too smiled. "Oh yes - Yes, Indeed."

When the Diplomat left, the judge held his chin... Poor Puppies. "Ummmm - Shaman? How long would it take to 'fix' the others... I think they would be useless to me as-is."

The ursine grabbed two male's crotches - "A couple of minutes and a bucket..." Her pink tongue slid across her dark lip. "Perhaps longer, if a bucket is not handy."

The feline walked back out, and tapped his gavel on his desk. Usually he could bang on it all day and get little response. One tap and not even a cricket chirped... "This court is in recess for one hour. After lunch, the Shaman Wind will be given her sentence."

Then he returned to his chambers and closed the door. Locked the door. He would have nailed a board across it but these were supposed to be 'Civilized' times. A ragged yelp made him turn... The Accuser was already squeezing the big shoulders, his entire body frozen as she pulled a finger from his ass, letting the male puddle onto the floor, cock still tying it's best to pump what the balls didn't have to give. The Defender hadn't lasted any longer in the bruin's muzzle... He was holding onto a chair with a death-grip and sanity by a slim thread. The guard shivered as the finger rimmed his pucker, slipping inside as his wolf-dick was engulfed completely. The claw had barely touched his prostate when the male tried to howl between clenched teeth and gave all he had to the female whose fangs were torturing his knobs.

After he puddled on the floor beside his brother wolf, the bear turned and walked to the cougar who was sweating buckets...

"Honored One - How may I repay you... Shall I straddle your lap? Bend over your desk - You did seem to enjoy my ass. Or perhaps you would like to squirt your feline semen on these breasts you found to be nice enough not to hide behind cloth?"

Those black buttons of flesh with their rings were inches from his face - And the Only reason he didn't cum all over himself was that the bear had his cock trapped between her tits and the spined head between her lips. Then she nibbled on it, teeth teasing the forest of soft spikes.

When the caterer arrived, he found Four out-cold, half-naked males - And a dark-toned Goddess, dressed in cobwebs and stardust. Who devoured every sandwich, ate his entire tureen of soup and drank the barrel of tea to the dregs. His payment was to touch her naked self as she held him tightly. That, along with a hand-print on his ass and a kiss burning his cheek...

* * * *

It was amazing how many cameras had to be taken from the 'News' people, when the court came back in session - There were only a dozen stations to begin with. They calmed down when told there was something Much better than a picture coming, though... And when the bruin came back in wearing - That String-and-Bead thing, the Defender's table overflowed with flowers and presents and notes from every male who could scribble something.

"The Shaman Wind, having plead guilty to Indecency, is hereby - Asked to do a community service vid, the time and channel to be placed on the information board outside. Also... Until such time as a Higher Counsel sees fit to rescind the ordinance, Everyone who wishes to visit the Sovereign Canine Nation Must be appropriately attired. And Shaman - In my opinion, what you are currently wearing is perfectly acceptable. This Council is adjourned until tomorrow morning."

The cougar tapped the table, and left. He hoped that wolf caught something Big - It was going to be very hard to top a Naked Female Bear...

Chapter 34 - Community Service

Since no one told the crew that they would have a 'celebrity', no one noticed the sudden spike in viewers about the time the camera crew of bored wolves watched a large figure step into the clearing, in some kind of laced-up robe. Female from the bumps in all the 'right' places, it wasn't hard to figure out she was a bruin, confirmed when the hood was slid back. Some chuckled, wondering what her 'crime' was - Being too hot? Ah well... A couple of takes with the forest as background, and she would have done her 'time'. A shame really - That bit of clothing was showing off a fair amount of cleavage, and nobody was in a hurry to see it go.

"I am 'Listens To The Wind', a Shaman of the Crescent Moon Clan of the People of the Plains."

As she spoke, the laces came undone, one by one. First the breasts came out, black nipples pierced by simple silver rings. But there was nothing simple about the patterns cut into her fur, running from chest to belly. And still the laces came undone... So much so, the female finally stepped out of the cloth and stood, Naked. *ohshit* Did they pull back and show 'All' of her? Or did they just stay on close-ups? Of the four operating cameras, None were pointed at her face.

What?!? This wasn't in the script... The director, who was growing more and more concerned with each new 'revelation', suddenly howled into his microphone... "Camera 3 - If you dare go below her navel, I will personally come out there and strangle yo-"

Of course, it was Much too late by then. Everyone who was tuned to the Public Service channel got to see a close-up of the dark crescent of shaved skin... And that the bruin was Definitely female. Camera 1 took in the sight of her breasts lifting, her nipple-rings gleaming as she inhaled.

"I stand before you, clad only in the 'robe' the Gods gave me, to ask your forgiveness."

Camera 2 had the 'wide-angle' shot, replete with a couple of feral males in the background with their eyes bugged out and their cocks swaying between their legs - Which mirrored the tents pitched in the all-male crew's pants...

"Because I have been charged with being indecent in public, I have been asked to leave the Mountain Talker territory. And so I shall walk to the Yellow Fur Clan, to trade for Fisal twigs to help combat the fever that ravages the border villages. Again, I apologize for offending those who think a female's body is Indecent and should be wrapped in cloth, hidden from view. I do not know if my body is ugly. I do not know if my body is beautiful. It is the one the Gods gave me and I hope I wear it with pride - As I do my Clan Symbols."

She inhaled again, with the same results as before - Breasts lifting, males gasping all around her.

"I can promise you, none of the Crescent Moon Clan will step foot in any Wolf Clan village - So we do not shame you with our barbaric ways."

It is next to impossible to shame a bear, but that was what the female radiated as her head went down, her eyes closed, and she held her hands together over her muscular belly. "Thank You."

The female knelt, lifting the cloth back up, re-tying it in place. Then the hood covered her head, and bowing to the crew, she padded off.

* * * *

On the other hand, it is Very easy to shame a Wolf - Even if they won't admit it, they are as prickly as felines when it comes to Pride. Clan/Pack/Village/Tribe/Species... Step on one tail and you step on All of their tails. And from the way the upper lips were curled, and ears were twisted back, Someone had stomped pretty hard on theirs - In fact, if there had been a puddle within a mile, it would have been covered over waist-high with clothing so the female would not get her feet wet.

The director had a huge grin on his muzzle... For more years than he cared to remember, the 'accused' had shuffled out there. Said their lines with as much energy as a stone wall, and shuffled out again. But this one... Not only had she shaken up the sting-bee's nest, she had kicked it straight into some Council male's chamber! As he re-ran her words in his head, he suddenly gaked - It was several hundred miles to the Yellow Fur Clan's territory. And she was going to walk it? Hmmmm - Perhaps it was time for a change of employment. He had always wanted to make documentaries, and a nasty fever sounded like just the thing.

"Ok... That's it for today. Anyone left over, just get your card stamped and call it even."

Tear down was a lot faster than usual, equipment almost flying apart and stuffed into the van - All except the Film canister... That got cradled like a newborn, placed first in it's holder, then into someone's lap. Then they tore down the dirt road, back to the city, not one of them making a sound. Talking they would do later - Lots of talking, on Lots of Channels.

* * * *

It didn't take long for the backlash to hit either. 'Who was this... Male, who decided a female's body was indecent?! We birth the pups. We raise them, while the Males are off - Doing whatever. We keep the Dens, We tend the HearthFire. If Our bodies are Indecent, then the males obviously don't need to see them. Or touch them... Perhaps the males would prefer each others company in bed!'

The second howl came from every ClanChief of every race there was. It was the birthright of every being to wear their Clan-symbol in Any way they so choose... Most wore jewelry, while others might shave a small patch of fur, or have it sewn on a piece of clothing. And this... Council-male, had just told every last person who walked within the Lupine Territory, they could wear their Clan-name - As long as they covered it up.

Worse, was the fact that this 'Bastard who should have been dumped in his Mother's Ass, instead of squirted into her Womb', had banished (Banished!) a healer... And to really stuff the muck in - She was on a Mission of Mercy. Shame Them?

One with a direct conduit to the Gods and talked to the Ancestors had been told that:

I. Her body was so ugly, it should be hidden from view.

II. Her Clan-symbols were Indecent - Not in the placement on her body (She had worn clothing that covered her up modestly), but that she wore them at all.

III. That she was nothing more than a naked barbarian, and should stay on her side of the border until she learned how to be 'Civilized'.

A still of her was captured off the feed, blown up to Portrait size, framed and hung on the wall of just about every Council House, with a plaque inscribed, "This is the body the Gods gave me and I hope I wear it with pride - As I do my Clan Symbols."

* * * *

The aide to the Council-male threw himself bodily in front of the chamber door as at least a dozen species of naked female marched into his office, and formed a chain by linking arms. And the guard had to come and arrest them, which led to pulling and shoving and hands slipping to grasp the ladies in Very indecent ways... All of it caught on camera, and up-linked to everyone who had a vidset.

The Council-male himself resigned by stripping nude and jumping out his office window - And right into the arms of a bruin female who was, of course, half-naked.

"Such a Wonderful place... Sexy males fall from the sky for one to snug." Stuffing his muzzle into her ample chest, she carried the wolf to the nearest inn, where they spent the night doing indecent things together.

The End