Chapter 5 - A Brief Interlude

Story by Leonard Wolfe on SoFurry

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#6 of Lunar Stories 2

Chapter 5 of Lunar Stories 2

Though something of a catastrophe occurs the group are rather more concerned about being prepared for what may come

SECTION 1 Location: The Detragan

> Morning on the Detragan... Claire and Tiber are talking to Ken about various aspects of the world he now lives in, Sasha pets her dog Sabur as he eats his breakfast, both Sarah and Nexis sit at the front of the ship. Nexis wears a particularly pout-like expression as something is clearly bothering him.

Sarah: Okay... what's wrong Nexis? Nexis: Can't you tell?

> Nexis motions to indicate everyone else as the source of his problems

Sarah: *sigh* ...Nexis... you can't keep hiding forever... Nexis: I can try! Sarah: You're in a world where no one knows you what difference does it make. Nexis: ...We have a smart-arse human, a muscle jock, a girl who clearly has a thing for fur and a... Sarah: and a...? Nexis: ...A random dog. I'd rather they weren't here and you know that. Sarah: First of all, Claire has been very helpful in telling us about this world, Tiber's a complete tank and we wouldn't be here since apparently enemies are strong in this world, Sasha's also told us how to make money and to be honest I think you like Ken. Nexis: What makes you say that? Sarah: Subtle feeling. Nexis: Point is, I'm not happy. Sarah: Isn't that why you have your hat? Nexis: You leave my hat out of this. Sarah: Only because you know I'm right. Nexis: Sarah... please stop... Sarah: Sorry Nexis... Hug...? Nexis: Sure.

> The two share a hug and Nexis hugs her tighter than usual, his eyes shut. Claire appears behind Sarah and taps her shoulder.

Claire: Uh... Syr--

> She gets muted.

Sarah: Shush. We're having a moment here. Claire: ... Nexis: Thank you Sarah Sarah: Not a problem.

> They let go of each other and Sarah gestures in the air as if turning an invisible dial. Claire becomes audible.

Sarah: You may speak. Claire: ...Can't say I care for that. Sarah: Can't say I care for you ruining our moment. Claire: Call it evens. Sarah: Sure, what's up? Claire: I fixed the radio in your ship. It should work now. Sarah: Should...? Claire: Your ship is practically from another world, I can't guarantee anything I do to your ship will work. Sarah: If all else fails I can pick up radio waves but I don't think I want to pretend to be a radio. Sasha: Hey the morning news should be starting about now. Let's try it out. Claire: Well... that's the on button. Sarah: Right...

> Sarah presses a switch and Claire tunes the radio to get the news.

Reporter: Breaking News! Sasha: I knew this was starting-- Claire: Shh-- Reporter: Lunar Island has split into two-- Tiber: What?! Sarah: *sigh* Let the speaker box speak lest I mute thou Reporter: The resulting parting of the Island has resulted in a massive fissure which the surrounding ocean endlessly pours into suggesting the new area is extremely vast. The Mist within the new area deemed at the moment to be a cave has made it extremely difficult to see into the area. A young woman wielding a distinctive, decorative great hammer coloured white with a diamond spike has crawled out of the area only to spot a group of bystanders and retreat. The Hunter's Association is calling on all available Hunters to not only investigate the new area but to capture the young woman and bring her in to questioning. This is all the developments we have at the moment but Lotra News will be sure to bring you the latest news. Up next we have the latest advertisements for Felpier Underwear which are all the rage down at the market's next show in Lotra City To all Felpiers the people of Moonguile welcome you whole heartedly and our doing our best to make sure your transition to your new home is a safe and as hassle free as possible Come down to the markets at Lotra and kit yourself out in the latest fashion trends designed by Felpiers for Felpiers and remember that in Lotra. Every day is Felpier appreciation day. Nexis: Well... Ken: That sure happened Nexis: It certainly did dog. Tiber: So... Lunar Isle split in half Sasha: And they're having a show of Felpier's in their underwear? Tiber: ...I don't think that's the point here Sasha. Sasha: Are you taking part Wolfy? Tiber: ...No Sasha: Aww... Claire: Those two jokers aside what are we doing Sarah, I'm just a tour guide this is your holiday really. Sarah: Hmm... Ken, was it? What do you want to do? Ken: Well... I'm not going back to the association and I'm not going back to my mentor until I've completed my training. Sarah: And when will you be done with your training? Ken: Not until I'm strong enough to beat Kiba in a fight. Nexis: But dog... If I remember right Kiba Tano was an Aura Master of magma. Ken: And what difference does that make? Nexis: Fur burns easy! Ken: Concerned about me? Nexis: ...A little. Ken: Sweet, anyway I don't just practice one element though. I practice; Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Wind, Electricity, Light, Dark and just a little bit of physical. So my mentor will be no problem by the time I've done my training. Tiber: You're really dedicated aren't you? I really don't care about training. I just hit things and they die. Ken: Thanks, I'm sure. Sarah: So... what are you doing again? Ken: I want to follow you guys on your travels to hone my skills. Sarah: Fair enough. Welcome to the crew. Fridge is there, Toilet is there have fun. Ken: Um... thanks.

> Claire who has been sitting quietly gets up.

Claire: *sigh* Sarah... for all our piss taking this could be serious. Sarah: Eww... seriousness. Claire: I know, I know but an ancient and symbolic place of immense magical power breaking into two revealing a huge hole in the ground where some mysterious woman appears... Sarah: ... Claire: Sounds like it could be pretty serious. Sarah: I care not for your huge hole or your little lady I'm more interested in exploring the hole itself and seeing what there is to see. Tiber: Heh, heh... *snicker* Sasha: *snicker* I know right. Nexis: Reeaaalll mature you guys. Tiber: Oh c'mon Innuendo's funny. Nexis: Not really... Sasha: Spoil Sport... Nexis: I don't care. Sarah: Okay. It's decided we're going to go to Lunar Isle and explore this giant hole. Tiber & Sasha: WHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sarah: What's funny...? Claire: For what it's worth... you don't really wanna know. Sarah: I'll take your word for it then. Now onward to the giant hole.

> Tiber and Sasha are rolling around the floor bursting into peals of laughter at the same time Nexis pulls Sarah to one side.

Nexis: Sarah... Sarah: Yes, what is it Nexis? Nexis: That ad on the radio... Sarah: What about it? Nexis: I can't say the show of Felpiers in their underwear really interests me but let's be fair... we've been wearing these same threads for ages. We could do with a change... Sarah: I thought you liked your clothes? Nexis: I do but... really if nothing else some specialised Hunter clothing would probably help out. Sarah: That's true... HEY CLAIRE! Claire: No need to shout, what is it? Sarah: How expensive is armour? Claire: You mean the stuff at the Lotra markets? Sarah: Yup, that's the one. Claire: Hmm... not too bad, why? Sarah: We could do with some new armour Claire: Ken's generous donation won't be enough to go around all of us but there's no shortage of Hunter work in Lotra so. Sasha: We just do a few jobs get some funds and then I get to play dress up Wolfie. Tiber: Oh no you don't. Claire: As lewd as she is that's basically it. Ken: Wait... if we waste our time shopping won't the other Hunters have already explored that new area Nexis: That's right... Claire: I wouldn't count on it... Ken: How come? Claire: Well... Tiber: A lot of Hunter's who'll be going there first will be uneducated, inexperienced newbie hunters who won't get anywhere fast. Anyone good enough to survive will be either too busy with other commissioned work or be enlisted into the Army. Nexis: So... what you're really saying wolf is that we have all the time in the world...? Tiber: Yup. Sarah: Wow... this adventuring business sure sounds easy. Tiber: I dunno... I hear this kinda things get harder the further you go. Sarah: Oh that's only in video games this is real life. Claire: ... Tiber: ... Sarah: TO THE MARKETS. Nexis: Don't worry... I'll fly us there in no time. Claire: You're quite the ace pilot aren't you Nexis Nexis: ... Claire: It was a compliment... Nexis: Thanks...

> The Detragan soars through the clear blue skies towards Lotra City standing proud in the middle of the ocean. They lock onto Tharsis a new district recently added to the City to cope with the new Felpiers which is clearly visible. All the buildings are covered in plants and flowers via the twisting roots that spread from a humongous tree in the middle of the district In the middle of spring the big tree is green and leafy helping the Felpiers cool under it's leafy canopy so that they don't burn in their own fur Although relatively new and there are plenty of Felpiers to house the district itself is relatively quiet

SECTION 2 Location: Lotra City / Tharsis / Market

> The Detragan lands outside the Markets of Tharsis the area that most Felpiers call home now. The Market is a huge hub of activity with both races happily integrating with one another and sharing their cultures and practices. Many shops and stalls line the walls of the markets. In the distance a voice can be heard...

? Like a shooting star Dashing across the sky With all our hopes and dreams We gotta keep em' alive ?

Tiber: You thinking what I'm thinking? Claire: Laura Howell by any chance? Sasha: Oh my god Laura, are you serious? It's been ages since I saw her. She's always a blast. Sarah: Who's this 'Laura' person? Claire: She started off as a singer who used song as a way of voicing her opinions that Felpiers should be treated as equals to Humans during the time before the whole Shinjuku incident. Nexis: She sounds very nice. Tiber: Oh she is. The problem is, is that when Hato and Tamashi attacked Lotra the world... kinda turned on her for supporting "evil". Nexis: I can relate. Tiber: Really? Nexis: Yeah... the world turned its back on me as well for supporting "evil". Tiber: Wow. I'm sorry. Nexis: Don't be. Sasha: Hey Nexis, after the world turned its back on Laura she joined the guild Claire use to be in and the then went on to save the world. Nexis: She sounds like an incredible person. I should like to meet her sometime ???: Hey guys!! Claire: Oh hey Laura! Laura: Oh hey? I was expecting a rather dry monotone "hello." Claire: Sorry, I decided I liked having fun and as a result the quality of my eloquence and vocabulary has dropped. Laura: Clearly not. Your words are as hard as ever. Claire: Thank you. Tiber: Hi Laura. Laura: Oh hello Tiber, good to see you. Tiber: What's wrong? You look... kinda flustered. Laura: Don't even get me started Tiber. When we evacuated the Felpiers from Shinjuku I had no Idea the operation would be THIS big. You've seen it right? We had to build an entire new section to the city just to house all the Felpiers. Claire: Hmm, I thought the city looked bigger. Laura: Anyway, most Felpiers have been accounted for but there's one that arrived here that ran off and we can't find them. Ken: Do you know their name? Laura: Nice bandages... *clears throat* No, I don't know her name but the Canidae really don't like her apparently. She's got purple fur-- Nexis: HOLD IT! Purple fur...? Laura: That's right... Nexis: Purple collar with a paw print tag? Laura: Yeah... Nexis: Rikko Kittan Laura: You know her? Nexis: *sigh* What Canidae doesn't know her? She has something of a reputation for being a perpetual nuisance. Laura: Well she's certainly driven us up the wall. Sarah: let me guess... you want us to find this Rikko cat and bring her back? Laura: That's right! Sarah: Why can't you do it yourself? Laura: Because I'm busy organizing all these Felpiers. C'mon have a heart. Sarah: Pity I don't have one. Laura: Come again...? Claire: Don't worry we'll help you Laura. Sarah: Hey, hey, hey! Who died and made you leader? Claire: Sorry, she's a close friend. I can't say no. Laura: *sigh* Want a reward? Sarah: Yes I do. Laura: Fine, do this and I'll give you something nice. Sarah: Like? Laura: Money, Equipment and your own personal servant. Sarah: ...Fine. We have a deal.

> The two shake hands.

Laura: Rikko was last seen heading into the underground of the new city district Tharsis. There's only one way in and out so if she comes out we'll know. So get in there and flush her out. Sarah: If you're as famous as I'm lead to believe this had better be worth it. Laura: Oh it will be. Sarah: Right guys, let's get going. Laura: OH! One last thing. TIBER! Tiber: What? Laura: She was rambling on about talking to you about something. Tiber: (!) Oh... really? Laura: Yeah something about telling on you to Sarkan. Tiber: (!!) Okay we're going that's final!

SECTION 3 Location: Tharsis / Entrance to the underground

> The group gather around an imposing steel door that leads to the Tharsis underground, throngs of people pass by behind them largely ignoring them

Sarah: So this Rikko person is in here? Nexis: Don't know Rikko? Sarah: My memory's been kinda sketchy lately. Nexis: Fair enough. She's a Felidae with a passion for making a nuisance of herself for the Canidae community and is also known to be quite lazy. I know her because I always treated for getting battered for well... being annoying to the Canidae. They didn't like it. Sarah: Well, she sounds nice. Nexis: Not really. She gives me hell every time for trying to treat her. Sasha: Okay you two, Sabur is getting a little impatient and I'm getting a little bored. Let's get this cat already. Ken: Agreed, this waiting around isn't getting me any stronger. Sarah: Sheesh you guys, give me a break. I have trouble remembering things sometimes, that's all. Tiber: Okay let's just go already and save your problems for later. Sarah: Right.

SECTION 4 Location: Tharsis / Underground

> The Underground is a maze of hanging walkways beneath the city loosely connected together between rocky outcrops and caves as the sea below crashes fiercely against the pillars holding up the city

Sabur: BARK! BARK! BARK! BARK! BARK! Sasha: Shhh... quiet Sabur! Sarah: Actually... keep going Sabur Sasha: Why?! Rikko can hear us from miles away! Sarah: With a bit of luck Sabur's barking will scare her shitless and she'll giver herself up. Ken: Or she could just think it's a hyperactive Canidae Nexis: Either way she'll be scared. Sasha: Okay then. Sabur, give us your best howl! Sabur: H--

> Tiber quickly covers Sabur mouth.

Claire: What did you do that for? Tiber: I'm sorry but Rikko... is kind of a friend of mine. Nexis: Come again... Tiber: Yeah I kind of owe her my life. Nexis: Must have been pretty damn desperate to ask a Felidae for help. Tiber: She's a good cat give her a chance. Nexis: I'll take you word for it. Ken: Come on let's get this show on the road.

SECTION 5 Location: Tharsis / Underground / Cave Pool

> A purple furred cat with a paw print tag on her collar is kneeled over a small pool in a cave, occasionally she thrusts her paws into the river trying to catch a fish but fails time and again

Rikko: Oh C'mon fish. Why are you being so hard to catch? I only want to eat you... Wait! I hear someone coming

> Rikko hides herself in the shadows while Sarah and the others walk into the cavern

Sarah: Okay guys, this is the end of the road if she was here at all... then it would be here but am I the only one that fails to see a gaudy purple cat. Nexis: They are called Felidae you know Sarah: Pff, details. Nexis: The devil is in the details. Sarah: Shame that, I don't care for the Devil either. Nexis: *sigh* Sasha: Okay Sabur do your thing, sniff out the feline Felidae Rikko: (Aww Crap, A dog, dog) Tiber: Where are you Rikko? Rikko: Tiber...? Tiber: Rikko! Where are you?

> Slowly, Rikko emerges from her hiding spot. Rikko stares blankly at Tiber

Claire: Should we interfere? Ken: I don't think so...

Rikko: Oh Tiber, I'm so happy... to have finally found you. Tiber: Rikko I--

> Rikko suddenly bursts into tears and rushes up to Tiber and begins crying into his chest uncontrollably, though initially shocked Tiber slowly wraps his arm around the purple furred Felidae sobbing into his chest.

Rikko: T-Tiber... I thought you were dead. Tiber: For all I knew, you could have been as well. Rikko: All that matters is that you're here today. Tiber: I'm sorry that we couldn't meet up again sooner Rikko... I really do owe you my life. Rikko: *continues crying* Tiber... you're safe.... You're safe and it's all over. Tiber: It's all over Rikko, there's nothing left to be scared of anymore. Rikko: I'm so happy to see you again.

> Sarah clears her throat

Sarah: Ahem! I know you're in the middle of a heart-warming reunion but we kinda have a Laura to report back. Nexis: Yeah, I'm sure they'll be plenty you talk about later. Rikko: Right. There's a shortcut just over there I use for running away from dogs. Ken: We're called Canidae you know. Rikko: I don't care. Nexis: Hmph, no wonder you were a pain to catch. Sarah: Let's go.

SECTION 6 Location: Tharsis

> They all go back to Laura who sees they got Rikko back. Sarah pushes Rikko in front of Laura.

Sarah: Right! Here's your cat. Where's my money, equipment and my own personal servant. Laura: Alright... a deal's a deal. Now I can confirm the fact she's here and take down the rest of the info the Hunter association need, won't be a minute.

> She returns after giving Rikko an inquisition. Laura then shoves Rikko back to Sarah.

Rikko: Hey! Quit shoving! Laura: You're a pain in the ass Rikko. You deserve it. Rikko: Alright, that's fair. Sarah: So... where's my reward? Laura: I present to you... Rikko Kittan, your own personal servant! Sarah: Right, I saw that one coming, money and equipment? Laura: The money in her purse and the armour on her back. Sarah: You suck Laura. Laura: *sigh* I'm sorry, but it's the best I can do for now. I'm a nice person really. Check back later and I might have something better then Rikko... like a Medica. Rikko: You're comparing me to a goddamn Medica?! Laura: Yeah and the Medica is more valuable. Sarah: Right, I'll see you later Laura.

> The two shake hands and part ways.

Section 7 Location: The Detragan.

> The party is back on the Detragan, Rikko sits quietly in a corner while Tiber tells her about the world she lives in

Claire: What now Sarah? Sarah: I suppose... we can investigate this Lunar Isle. Claire: Oh? And to what do we owe this change of heart. Sarah: I thought about it for a bit and came to the conclusion that it's worth my while going there to... never mind, we're just going. Ken: You suddenly decided? Sarah: Yup, just like that Sabur: Grr.... Sarah: What's up with him? Sasha: he finds your behaviour suspicious. Sarah: He'll learn to trust me yet.

End of Chapter 5