The Bond Grows Stronger

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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A lovely oneshot poached from my story In Darkness There is Light, since the story itself isn't finished in the slightest, I figured I'd give you a sneak preview (if you haven't already seen it on AFF of course)

Nurse Joy closes the Pokemon center on her own, her assistant sent to the store to restock on bandages and potions. As the older redhead slowly walks into her room, she's greeted by a pissed off red Absol; Stormcry is obviously upset about his treatment earlier, when she ignored him and dragged him from the room. He lets out a pleading yowl causing Nurse Joy to glare at him, silencing his cries.

Nurse Joy slips out of her uniform and steps into the shower, letting the soothing warmth of the water ease her tired body from work. Her reddish pink hair is rinsed clean of dirt and grime, the sweet pea shampoo giving a light perfume to her natural scent. As she scrubs her body, she's aware of her desire to be held and loved, a rare occurrence with her career field. Sighing softly, she rinses the soap from her form and slips into a robe, the soft plush of the pink garment a comfort to her sudden loneliness. As Nurse Joy walks to her bed and lies down, she ignores Stromcry's constant yowling and merely tosses him a few Pokémon treats.

The feline-looking disaster Pokémon decides he's had enough of his trainer's foolishness and jumps onto the bed next to her, growling deep and low in a predatory manner. As Nurse Joy lies on her stomach, reading a book about Pokémon Heroes, she becomes aware of Stormcry sniffing at her and pawing her with an irritated expression on his face. As she tries to roll onto her back to see the Absol, his snarl of warning makes her pause, suddenly afraid of her companion. As Stormcry watches her intently, he climbs over her, his eyes glazed over and unfocused with his need to mate. As he watches his trainer, wearing the fluffy pink robe and lying on her stomach, she appears to him a female shiny Absol. As he lowers his nose and gently sniffs at her slightly raised ass, he can tell her heat cycle is nearly at its peak, and she's almost ready to accept a male's attentions. With a sudden flash of concern for his owner, Stormcry mews softly, his rough tongue lapping at her thigh. Nurse Joy realizes Stormcry won't wait forever for his mate to arrive here, and she pities him for a moment, before remembering their bond. Sighing in acceptance, Nurse Joy lifts the robe so it's only covering down to her lower back and raises herself so she's in a position similar to a feline female in heat. Stormcry mews again, asking his trainer if she's sure she wants to do this, the thought somehow translated perfectly to Nurse Joy.

"I'm sure, Stormcry. You've waited long enough and since I'm not yet in full heat, you don't need to worry about me." Nurse Joy comments softly, wondering if she's truly willing to mate with her Pokémon. As Stormcry climbs onto her back, his back legs rest on her calf muscles, his claws digging in to keep him balanced. As Stormcry positions his cock at her entrance, his jaws grip the back of her neck in an attempt to keep her still. The Absol growls softly as his hips thrust his cock into Nurse Joy's pussy, earning a gasping cry from the human female. His instincts take hold and he begins roughly thrusting into her, the barbed head of his cock dragging him further into her with every thrust, catching on her walls and giving her a delicious tingling feeling. Stormcry mews softly at his trainer's reaction, knowing she has yet to realize how much of a cross Absol are between feline and canine. As his cock exits his sheath completely, a small knot of flesh becomes visible and begins to swell, bumping against Nurse Joy's clit and causing her to gasp loudly in pleasure as she feels her release building. Stormcry howls as his knot and barbed head begin slamming into Nurse Joy's opening, his knot swelling in her moist heat as he tries to tie with her. Nurse Joy is lost in the sensations, her eyes rolling back in her head as her voice catches in gasping pants and breathless moaning as the Absol thrusts into her depths with a feverish pace, his knot hitting every inch of flesh within her tight body and sending her into a fit of ecstasy. As Stormcry succeeds in knotting his trainer, his eyes glow with desire as his fangs puncture her neck, marking her as his. The red feline yowls as his cock begins flooding her with its seed, making Nurse Joy cry out in her own release as she feels the knot being shoved into her and her womb being filled with her Absol's potent cum. As she pants and gasps for air, her companion licks the wound in her neck as he waits for his knot to shrink enough for him to pull out of her.