The Rosepeace legend CH 2

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Warning to everyone! This story contains sexual content that may turn you away in disgust. Unless your into all that feral dragon on male human stuff, then... Go ahead, be my guest.

Feel free to vote and comment if you found it good.

This part takes place soon after chapter one where the main character, Ryder, was bitten by a dragon. Of course, he was bitten because he was being an complete idiot. He learns a little about the dragons past, but only from a friend and even when warned of the dangers, he still promises to befriend it. He returns home soon after, where an interesting welcoming awaits him.


"Aw, quit your whining Ryder!" The man wearing the white coat said as he attended to the wound on Ryder's shoulder. "I'm just stitching it up! And besides, I made it so that you wouldn't feel pain when I pulled the stitch through."

Ryder huffed and yelled's again when another stitch went in. "Well I wouldn't be if you just did it gently. Ooooowwwww!" The doctor only laughed.

"If what you say is true, then I sure as well would've been lying dead on the ground laughing when this wolf of yours bit you!" He snorted as he put another one into the wound.

Ryder looked at the doctor quizzically. "You doubting what I told you Sam?" Samuel Ferin only chuckled, scratching his bald head as he pointed at each individual hole in his shoulder.

"I've dealt with plenty of wolf bites in my line of work Ryder. This here..." The man pointed at a small hole near the bottom right of his shoulder. " suppose to be one of the canines. But it's too long and thin, like a snakes and is the same as the one exactly opposite of it while the other teeth are way too sharp to be that of a wolf's"

The doctor sighed, leaning back in his chair when he had finished the stitching. "Which means it could only be one thing." Sam suddenly looked Ryder straight in the eyes with his blue ones. "The dragon bit you didn't it?"

Ryder jumped and tried to cover it up. "D-Dragon?! What Dragon?" He stammered, trying to fake it. But the doctor only gave the old 'don't give me that crap' look and Ryder sat back down on his rear with a sigh.

"How'd you know?" He asked, looking up shamefully. The doctor only smiled his charming smile.

"First time I ever heard of you lie in your life boy." The bald man suddenly frowned. "I know about the dragon because she killed my great-great-geat-great-great-" he said several more greats after this before he continued. "-great-great grand daddy back when he founded this fine town."

Ryder felt his jaw drop."YOUR the descendent of Wilhelm Rosepeace?!" He said, quite shocked.

Sam shook his head slowly. "Seems someone never heard of the old Rosepeace legend huh?" Ryder cocked his head in confusion

"Legend? What legend?" He asked. Ryder lived in his town since he was but a boy. The fact that he had never heard of a Rosepeace legend was a bit strange. "Tell me now!"

Sam chuckled as he leaned back, his hands linking together over his chest. "You, of course, know how he founded this place correct?" Ryder nodded and Sam continued. "Well, many years before he even met his wife, Wilhelm had fallen for what was once believed a myth. The dragon that you have 'met' so recently."

At that, Sam looked at the bite mark on Ryder's shoulder. "They lived happily for many years. But one day, Wilhelm decided that he wanted a heir. He knew that the dragon could never do this so...he left her."

Sam stood up and grabbed a small medical bag where he produced a roll of bandages. "At first, all seemed well for Wilhelm as he had found a fair maiden and she in turn, gave him what he wanted. A child, one that could continue his legacy." The doctor began to bandage up Ryder's wound who, in turn gave out a sad sigh.

"No offense, but your great grand dad sounded a bit of a dick." He complained, looking at Sam with one eye. Sam only chuckled, suddenly tightening a strap that caused Ryder to wheeze.

"Perhaps. But you must remember Ryder, people back then held legacy as a great value. If you had a big name, you would need an heir to continue the legacy." He wrapped the bandages around Ryder's chest several times than used a special pin to keep it tight. "Many years past and the dragons hatred and rage at his...betrayal as she calls it...grew and grew. Then, it reached its climax and she found him years later here where she brutally slew him and his wife in cold blood. Luckily, she did not know about his son and he lived on in the town his father had founded."

Sam sighed as he sat back down once more while Ryder moved his arm a little. It hurt, but he could live with it. "It was on that same day that the dragon, Fiorixalianasca or Fior for short, swore that no human shall ever set foot on Wilhelm lands for any who did would have to face their own greatest fears, claiming that, by right, his land belonged to her."

Ryder threw his lack shirt on as he stood up. "I'm guessing that the house I bought used to be Wilhelms, huh?" Sam nodded as he watched Ryder stroll over and held his hand out. "Thanks for the help doc." The doctor took it willingly, but pulled the man closer to his face.

"Be careful Ryder." The doctor warned, his voice drenched in it. "Fior is a dangerous creature. I best advise you not befriend her for you may end up regretting it."

Ryder only smiled as he brought his face closer. "You know I believe that no one should be alone. No one, no matter what they did or do." Then Ryder removed his hand and walked out, the doctor sighing as he did so.

"He'll be back." Sam muttered to no one particular. He heard a loud crash from in the hall then...

"Doc!" Ryder called from outside. "The stitches opened up!"

The doctor sighed, standing up and grabbedhis medical bag once more. "Fucking dumbass." He muttered, walking out the door.

A little while later and Ryder was well on his way home in his 1986 Chevy bright blue truck coloured to match the mid-afternoon sky. While he said he wouldn't leave his new home, he sure as hell did not look forward to seeing the dragon again.

At the thought of her, Ryder brought his hand up and rubbed his bandaged side tenderly. "If you think that this is going to drive me away Fiorixiala-whatever your name is, ya got another thing coming." He muttered, remembering what Sam called her.

Looking off to the side, he watched the scenery pass by quickly, his arm dangling out of his window as he made his way up a hill. A moment after, the trees gave way to reveal the small city of Rosepeace. As Sam said, the small town was named after Wilhelm Rosepeace who had first settled this land. It wasn't anything special it but it was beautiful, the way the buildings stood on small rolling hills with a large lake in the middle.

But the beauty soon disappeared behind yet another alcove of trees, obscuring his line of sight to the beauty. After that, he turned back to his wheel and drove silently home.

Locking his truck, Ryder made his way to his door with a whistle in tune and his keys swinging on his one finger. Stopping, he unlocked the door and strolled in, closing the door behind him.

"You're either very brave or very stupid to have come back here, little boy." Ryder screams as he jumped, then realized that the black dragoness was sitting on his stairway

"How the hell did you get in Fior?!" He yelled, pointing a finger at the dragon. She nipped at him, causing him to pull his finger back quickly. With a snort, she brought her tail forward and gave it a jerk, the sound of keys jiggling there meaning she had her own.

Ryder swore at her several times as he made his way to the kitchen. He stopped however, when he saw several bottles of beer lying empty on the table. Turning around, he was surprised to see the dragon standing in front of him. Or rather, his waist as she was no taller then his waist line.

"how do yer... you now... know my name?" She slurred, her long body seeming to wobble a little from where she stood. Her emerald eyes watching his carefully.

"You're drunk." He stated, crossing his arms over his chest as he frowned at her.

She only snorted, jumping onto the table and held herself there with her front paws. "So what if I'm drank? You still didn't answer my questions!" She suddenly reached for a half empty bottle but Ryder easily strolled over and pushed it away from her reach. Fior frowned, looking up at him with a hiss.

"Hey, gimme it hu-hic-human." She ordered, Ryder shook his head. He then grabbed her, easily throwing him over his shoulder. "Put me down this insta-!" Her sentence was stopped by a loud belch followed by a fit of drunken giggles.

By that time, Ryder was carefully making his way up to his bedroom, trying his best not to drop the black dragon as he made is way upstairs. A short ways from his bedroom however, he stopped and back tracked to an open door. Looking inside, he frowned when he saw a nest in his study.

Not complaining about both the convenience and inconvenience of it being there, Ryder walked in and gently placed the struggling dragon down. She almost instantly tried to stand up but failed and fell flat on her stomach, spraying straw and leaves everywhere.

Ryder stood up and slowly turned to leave. He was stopped however, when he heard Fior call him. He Contemplated just leaving, but he turned to see what she wanted anyways.

"Dirty, dirty boy." She giggled, her tail pointing at something. His eyes followed where it pointed then stopped, his eyes going wide when he saw his computer on.

It was showing his pictures he had collected over the years, each depicting dragons in adult activities. His face flushed bright red and he was in such surprise that he never noticed the dragoness get up and stumble over to him.

She stumbled a bit, her head hitting his groin area. she pulled back then purred pressing back into him to nuzzle Ryder's groin, causing him to jump back in shock. She smiled, following after him and continued to do so. "Mate with me." She sighed, enjoying the feel of his manhood growing despite being separated by his pants.

Ryder gasped, taking a step back. Once more, Fior tried to follow him but this time he stopped her by placing his hand gently on her snout. "No." He stated, dragging her back to the nest she had made while he was gone.

She huffed, rolling over onto her back and spread her legs so that he could get a good look at her soaking sex. "Please?" She begged. "It's been so long."

Ryder only shook his head, standing up as he turned away. "No." He said once more, more firmly this time. "We will both regret this in the morning. Now, sleep Fior. We will talk about this in la-" He was interrupted by a rather loud snore mixed with a hiss. Looking back, he saw Fiors eyes closed, a little bit of drool dripping from her wide open maw.

"Heh." He chuckled, closing the door as he left. There he leaned against the wall and placed his arm over his face. Then he laughed long and loud, his voice booming down the hallway at the idea of him taking care of a drunk dragon that had killed his home towns founding father.

"Can't believe only a few days ago I believed that they were nothing more then myths." He chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. "And now I'm stuck with one that could very well be an alcoholic bitch."

Laughing still, Ryder went downstairs and flicked his tv on, where he continuously surfed the channels. He was waiting for Fior to wake up, but from how drunk she was, he suspected that she wold be out for the night.

Fior awoke in the middle of the night and the first thing she felt was the pain. Terrible, throbbing pain in her head. She lifted her head a little with a groan, her hand rubbing her head.

"Me and alcohol...gods." She cursed silently. Muttering in the ancient language of magic, Fior managed to make the pain disappear and with a proud grunt, stood up.

Looking about, Fior realized that she was in the study where she had set her nest for sleeping. At first she didn't know how she got there for the last thing she remembered was finding the humans little 'collection' if you will, on his computer.

Speaking of which, it was still on and was still on Ryder's dragon collection. Going over to it, she jumped up and inspected the images there. Seems he only allowed the finest images on his computer for many of them seemed good quality. Hell, staring at them turned even her on.

With shake of her head, she hopped off and left. "Such a pervert." she muttered as Fior opened the door. Thanks to her draconian eyes, she was able to see well in low light areas so she was able to see perfectly fine in the house. The full moon outside gave her all the light she needed to see.

Walking up to the next floor, Fior found what she was looking for. Ryder's bedroom. Inside, the man was sleeping with his back turned to her. With a grin, she crawled over to his body then muttered a spell that would make sure he didn't wake. After that she hopped up and straddled him between her legs where she placed her forelegs on his head.

"Let's see what I can do to make you scream, little boy." She whispered, slowly closing her eyes so that she could travel into his dreams.

Ryder was caressing her long black neck lovingly, his eyes filled with a loving care as he leaned forward and kissed her. It was awkward, but to him it was absolutely wonderful.

Fior came back with a gasp, surprised at what she saw. "He's...dreaming about me?" She said, quivering. Slowly, she placed her hands back on his head and sent herself back in. She couldn't help herself, it was like she was possesed.

After the kiss, he began to give her pecks along her neck. Fior shivered at the feeling of is lips along her scales."Fior..." He whispered gently as Ryder began to kiss her chest.

With a. breath, Fior rolled onto her side. Giving Ryder the freedom to continue along her white belly. She gasped as he continued, for he had now began to give little licks with his tongue. Halfway down, the dragoness undid Ryder's belt and pulled down slowly, revealing his growing member as it slowly swelled towards her mouth.

Pulling him along with her, Fior rolled over and spread her legs wide. Ryder took the chance and laid down on top of her, his hands already rubbing in slow circles on her nether lips, drenching the small scales around it with her own juices.

Meanwhile, Fior was busy as well, licking along his shaft and brought it to his full length: a decent seven inches. With him now fully aroused, the dragon kissed it several times before finally wrapping her long prehensile tongue around it several times before gyrating the tongue, squeezing occasionally.

Back in reality, Fior felt herself grow wetter at the dream. Continuously she cried in her head, trying to tell herself that he would only hurt her but her own arousal won. Slowly, one of her claws worked its way downward, pushing both the blanket and the underwear away from Ryder's growing erection. He was too oblivious, of course, to what was happening strictly because of Fiors spell.

Slowly, Fior made her way down his body and eyes his member. Like in the dream, Ryder was seven inches in real life as well. Licking her lips, she opened her mouth a little and snaked her tongue out. Like what he was dreaming, Fior wrapped her tongue around him and began to gyrate it. She saw a drop of pre appear and she eagerly locked it up, savouring his earthy taste before going back into the dream.

She stopped her tongue and gave his top a kiss before pulling back. The she gave him another kiss, sinking a few centimetres of his cock into her mouth before pulling away once more only to do it all over again, sinking inch by inch of him until she felt his pubic hair tickle the tip of her snout.

Meanwhile, Ryder had slid two of his fingers into her and coated himself on her fluids. Here he began to pump them in and out in a repeating manner. After a moment, he allows his tongue to join once more, licking the flesh that was her clit.

She did the same in reality as well, giving out a gentle moan as she felt his pubic hairs tickle her. With a deep breath, Fior pulled back, leaving a slick layer of he saliva behind as she gently and gently suckled on him.

"So good..." She mumbled as another spurt of pre landed in her mouth, her eyes half closed and glazed over. The dragoness heard Ryder give out a small moan and she went back into the dream.

Fior stopped, Ryder's hands on her head and she sucked on him gently. She swirled her tongue all around him before finally pushing on the bottom of his shaft. She pulled back once more, allowing the crown of his member to slide along each and every ridge on the roof of her long mouth.

"Fior..." He moaned softly, rubbing the side of her face gently. "I'm...I'm close..."

Fior only quickened her pace, both in reality and the dream. Ryder's manhood began to twitch and heat up, preparing for his oncoming climax. Then, with an even greater groan, he went over the edge and his penis sent wave after wave of his hot spunk into fiors awaiting gullet. She didn't remove herself, instead she sucked on him and quickly drank him until there was no more. But even then, she wasn't done as Fior continued to suck on him, causing him to grow hard once more.

In the dream, Ryder, pulled away from her and Fior licked him clean. Her ministrations making him grow once more. Once fully hard, he climbed back on her an positioned himself until he felt the wet heat of he sex on him. He looked up into her emerald green eyes and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Ready?" He whispered, giving her a squeeze with his one arm that had wrapped itself underneath her.

"Yes... I am." She muttered in reality, climbing up to position herself. Reaching down, she grasped him gently and pressed him against her dripping vent.

With a nod, Ryder pressed down, slowly sliding into her sails from the lubrications produced both from her sex juices and his still wet cock until they were joined at the hips. Fior took in a shuddering gasp as he pulled back then pushed back slowly, easing her so that he cold go at a more steady pace.

Fior pressed down, enjoying the sensation of the mans sex spreading her so wide. The bed creaks as she finally connects her hips to his. She wiggled her hips for a moment, enjoying the feel of him deep inside her aching pussy.

"So big..." She murmured, sliding up until only he was just barely in her then slammed down with a gentle slap of wet skin on just as wet scales. "Gods... I forgot how's he good it feels."

Ryder, pressed his forehead gently against her shoulder, the two gasping and moaning into each other as he pounded away at her snatch. Wet slaps echoed around the two and the man pulled back, kissing Fior passionately on her lips.

The bed was creaking at a constant pace, wet slaps being heard throughout the house as well as the dragoness' moans from her fucking the sleeping man. Her claws tightened on the bed as she felt herself cum, her fluids spraying out and around the humans cock within her. Yet she did not stop her motions, for fear of her spell breaking and he awoke.

Ryder's thrusts became quick and erratic, a sign that he was near. Below, he heard Fior give a loud gasp and he felt her pussy clench down on him. He groaned, the felling similar to that of someone sucking on him like he was a straw. He felt the pressure within build and build in his lower body then, with a one final deep thrust, he climaxed.

Spurt after spurt came forth, filling her full of his warm sperm. She gasped, her hands going down to her belly where she in her womb to be. He didn't know how long it lasted, a second to him felt like an eternity but he soon calmed down. He looked down at Fior once more, giving he yet another loving kiss as he pulled out of her, a mixture of their fluids dripping out and around the base one her tail.

Fior felt him tense up with in and she gave her lower muscles a squeeze. The dragoness was to far gone in her lust driven mind to care and she quickened her own pace, slamming down n the sleeping man like a jack hammer. It didn't take long before she felt his member twitch repeatedly and she connected their hips once more

"Mmmmmh." She purred, feeling his cock spew fort a rather large load even, for a human, deep into her depths. Like in the dream, Fior placed her hand down on her belly, enjoying the sensation of this human filling her full of his creamy cum.

She waited until Ryder was done before Fior pulled off of him. His softening member came free with a wet plop and the black dragoness crawled back down to his groin where she cleaned him gently with her tongue. Like earlier, she savoured the taste that the two have produced together.

Afterwards, she covered him back up with the blanket, then turned to leave. At the door, she stoppedto look back as Ryder shifted, flipping onto his side with a murmur. Her emerald green eyes watched him for several moments before turning back around with a small snort.

"This doesn't mean anything..." She whispered angrily before leaving the room, unaware that she had forgotten to pull his underwear back up.