Chronicals of the Justicar (Prologue)

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#1 of Chronicles of the Justicar

Long before the universe was considered young, a destructive race consumed entire planets to fill their unquenchable thirst for life energy,the Infinite. Originated from a collapsed Super Nova; the excess release of dark energy and anti-matter only to be combined with the radiation given off gave these beings life.

Interested in these void creatures, the leader of a wealthy empire of the Ghoul race demanded that the life forms to be studied and then later used as grunt labour for his race.

When the first Ghoul research team made first contact with the void creatures they were killed on sight, leaving only there lifeless husks as proof of their demise.

With the new taste of Ghoul energy the leader of the void creatures the self proclaimed void god, Lord Pandemonium, commanded its spawns to consume the entire Ghoul race.

This lead to an all out war against the two armies, planets destroyed, solar systems purged of all life and entire galaxies eradicated. The void creatures lead a path of destruction to the home world of the Ghouls; G'hala. Lord Pandemonium reached the large world with its armies and consumed the planet's energy by itself out of greed.

Although Pandemonium's thirst for energy was filled for the moment it had unforeseen consequences for consuming the energy source in such a small time. Releasing the energy or risk death, Pandemonium managed to let out all the excess energy it had but unfortunately drained it's already stable energy source weakening the being.

The excess energy output created a new being with tremendous powers. Pandemonium treated the life form as its own and let it's 'son' command it's armies while the void god slowly regenerated it's powers.

The son of Pandemonium lead it's father's armies through out the universe were they met the planet of Daemos. The void creatures wanted to consume the planet, but the newly appointed void god had other plans for the inhabitants, the race that lived on Daemos worshipped the void creatures and named its leader Lord Khaos.

Lord Khaos appointed four Daemons to become its avatars and granted each of their own separate powers to help rule the planet of Daemos. Lord Laybrinth, the avatar of war, Lord Chrun'el, avatar of blight , Queen Baphomet, avatar of lust, And Lord Azazel, avatar of death.

Not all Daemons welcomed Lord Khaos with opened arms. The Daemon military commander, Xross, and his teacher the �Elder' set in motion a plan to over rule the Void God and it's minions.

When the uprising was made, Lord Xross and his men battled the void creatures and their evil brethren who named themselves as Darkspawns. Sister fought brother, mother fought father, an entire civil war engulfed the planet into war as the freedom fighters fought against Infinite and Darkspawns, Elder made his way to the capital building and confronted Lord Khaos in a duel.

Lord Khaos was vanquished at the hands of the Daemon. Elder imprisoned the being and it's infinite into the Shattered Realm where they would never bother anyone for ever.

Elder fled into hiding to regenerate his powers or risk being captured by Khaos loyalists in his weakened state. Elder hid and was never heard from again. Xross stepped up to Elder's position and appointed himself as the Daemon Dragon Lord, Xross then began to train his best warriors to become the most elite fighting force in the universe known as, the Dragoons.

Xross's people met up with anther species called the Ra'ktan. The Ra'ktan also despised Lord Khaos and formed an alliance to battle the void god's loyal Avatars.

Golden Champion Carpender, leader of the Ra'ktan, and his younger brother Hador trained under Xross to become Dragoons, until the Forces of Khaos retuned.

Lead by Lord Laybrinth and Chrun'el, the two Avatars lead their armies against the alliance in hopes of avenging their God, Lord Khaos. The Daemons and Ra'ktan defeated the Khaos armies and sent both avatars into the Shattered Realm where they were sealed forever.

The Forces of Khaos were defeated and the alliance reigned peacefully until Queen Baphomet and Lord Azazel put together a master plan to defeat the two races.

Baphomet used its Khaotic powers and morphed into a female Ra'ktan were it gained the trust of Champion Carpender and began corrupting the leader. After several years of gaining the trust of the Ra'ktan, Baphomet faked its own death sending Carpender into madness from the death of his 'wife'.

Lord Azazel used this vital moment and lured the alien to his side were he could become a powerful ally. Carpender, his advisors General Yom'tharr, High Priest Mal'aga and hundreds of regiments of Ra'ktan silver warriors joined the Forces of Khaos.

The newly appointed Dread Lord Carpender and his Dark Kin, helped the Forces of Khaos with victory after victory against the alliance defeating Daemon Dragon Lord and the Ra'ktan.

Carpender corrupted his brother from Dragoon to Dread Lord and made his younger sibling his military commander along side Dread Lord Yom'tharr and Grandmaster Warlock Lord Mal'aga.

The alliance was defeated and the Forces of Khaos began building there massive empire to assimilate more races into their way.

Xross and his daemons met up with a young race called humans who had built a galactic empire with the armies to back it up. Lord Xross met with the leader of the United Nations Special Forces VALOR Military, High General Constantine, and told him of the Forces of Khaos.

Dread Lord Hador and his fleets managed to track down Xross's location but were met with fierce resistance from the UNSF VALOR Military, VALOR and the Daemons came out triumph over the Dread Lord and his armies.

Dread Lord Hador was captured and cleansed of his dark magic and was put back in the rank of Dragoon.

Dread Lord Carpender ordered that the VALOR Empire was a large military threat and was to be destroyed, the Forces of Khaos deployed much larger fleets and were sent to destroy the human empire.

The Forces of Khaos are back and this time, no mere human or daemon is going to too stop them. The Void God is beginning to leave the Shattered Realm and claim its throne on the universe, it's up to a lone VALOR marine named Arjun Fiaz to become the Justicar and defeat the Forces of Khaos

These are his Chronicles...