Xenomorph X Human ~ Chapter 10

Story by Tarian on SoFurry

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#10 of Xenomorph X Human

Chapter 10 of Xenomorph X Human.

Sorry, about the wait. Soo busy. But I decided to write this today before I go on vacation. I haven't nearly checked this out enough before posting it so I am going to grammar nazi it when I get back. Leaving today.

Let me know how I did. But mostly, ENJOY!

"Get him up!" Was the first thing he heard. The next was the sound of a seat unclipping, a dull metal 'tang'. He could feel cold metal kissing the side of his face and making his entire body sore as he laid flat down on it. He could hear footsteps for just a moment before he felt a hand on his shoulder. The hand grabbed at him roughly as it pulled him up to his knees. Having his chest flat for however long on the hard floor made him hack as it was now free to expand to full capacity. He noticed a small taste of metal in his mouth as he coughed.

The blood was rushing to his head as he tried to gain a foot hold on the reality of what was going on around him. He swayed and threatened to fall back to the floor but was a little grateful that a hand was keeping him up.

"What the fuck are you crying about, Eric? It's a goddamn house." He heard from ahead of him. It was strange for a moment to hear the voice but not see its source. It was a long few seconds before he realized that his eyes were closed. He opened them to see a metallic stretch of floor and as he lifted his head to see more he saw a familiar face. Eric's head was fuzzy but as he focused his vision on the face it seemed to help clear the fog from his mind. He remembered the fight and-

"Who is Xerah, Eric? Did you have someone in that house?" Ken asked him, spitting out another question that Eric couldn't quite grasp at.

Eric stared at the man for a moment before the suddenness of his memories hit him. Xerah... Oh god, he felt sick. He locked her in his house, told her to trust him. He could feel tears falling down his face, his entire being felt hollow. The over powering weight of hopeless despair fell on him.

"Oh... fuck." Ken said, and then he could hear him chuckle. That laugh, it was a laugh at everything Eric held dear being taken from him. A laugh at Xerah, at her perfect being torn from life. There was so much she had to live for, she had seen only a small portion of how beautiful life could be. And he was laughing at what HE had caused.

Eric still had his right arm in a tightly bound sling, but his other arm was free to move. He brought his hand up to wipe away the tears on his face.

As he got his elbow up he pounded it backwards. He hit the man behind him in the tenders and before he could hear a grunt he felt the hand come off his shoulder. He was on his feet in an instant as he jumped to them, his adrenaline giving his rage full access to his body's strength. In a twisting turn he grabbed the slightly keeled over man and brought him in front of himself.

He had the man in front of him like a human shield as Ken pulled out his gun and pointed it at them. Ken was no more than a meter and some away and Eric was ready to shove the man in his arms forward. This would give him enough distraction and interference so that Ken wouldn't dare shoot his gun or risk shooting the man he held. In that moment Eric would break Ken's hand and take the gun and shoot both of them.

At least that was the plan Eric put together in a quick instant as he held the man in front of him like a shield.

"Please..." He heard from the man he held and yet the voice was not quite a man's. It was young and it took only that for Eric to realize he was holding the youth that had been with the old man. He was not truly involved with what was happening.

Eric could see Ken's mouth twitch for a moment and then open to say something. But before it could the vehicle suddenly hit a hard stop. All three of them lurched forward and were thrown to the ground. Eric landed on top of the youth. The youth had tried to catch himself as he fell and his elbow hand gone into Eric's ribs. They were definitely broken, more so then they had been since the fight with Tai.

The three of them groaned as they all tried to move away from each other and get up. Eric was being blinded by both pain and the drugs that flooded through his system. Yet through it all Eric could still feel the warmth of his tears on his face. Tears not from the pain, he couldn't find himself thinking about anything else besides Xerah.

Even as he had planned to kill those men it had been a second thought as he remembered every moment with Xerah. From the moment he had found her in that little cave, a complete accident it seemed at first. It might have even been a mistake to have been so far away from civilization, but now it felt only like fate. He had come this to this planet, leaving everything to come to this piece of nowhere. Not for retirement/exile as he had first thought, but to be here to save her and keep her safe. And he had fucked that up royally.

Suddenly all the lights in the vehicle were very bright and he heard a loud clang as something unlocked. Ken was already getting back up when Eric felt his leg being grabbed from behind him. It was pulled and soon found himself being handled astoundingly roughly. For a moment he almost felt like a bear was the culprit of this as he heard deep and gruff grunting. The vehicle had bright exterior lights on its sides and via them Eric saw that his bear theory was close to reality. Eric soon stared at the face of an old, bearded, and incredibly strong man.

The man was holding him by the neck with one hand, pushing him against the side of the vehicle. Eric was very dizzy and ready to pass out again. He felt his entire body throbbing with pain and he half wondered if with each throb his entire body vibrated.

"You leave my, nephew out of this." Said the big man and as he did Eric saw out of the corner of his eye Tai. Tai walked up a short distance from the burly miner, a small limp to his each step. He stared with a burning gaze at Eric, but he didn't dare interfere.

The strength of this man's grip was not threatening to choke off his air right now. But the strength of the grip seemed to fluctuate almost with the man's every breath. Eric knew with that that this man could probably squeeze a hell of a lot harder. Eric even had the unpleasant thought of this man breaking his neck with a single strong squeeze.

"We are miners, boy, and we don't give two shits about you city dweller's conflicts. But if you put your hands to my nephew again it will be the last thing you do." The man said and with a little effort he heaved Eric closer to him and then threw him back against the vehicle. The man did this with ease and yet it nearly knocked the wind right out of Eric. But more than that it made his middle feel like it was being torn apart.

Whatever amount of adrenaline Eric had been using had reached empty. He was unable to stay on his feet in wake of the amount of pain that shot through him; like a lightning bold with every throb. Eric pinched his eyes shut and grimaced as he held his ribs.

He sat on the ground and daringly opened his eyes as he saw the big man walk away. He saw him go to the vehicles opening and help out someone. He was helping out the youth, whom had a small amount of blood running down the side of his head. They were talking to each other and to Ken inside, but Eric couldn't bring himself to pay them any mind.

The main colony was at the edge of a large forest, on the other side of which was the mine. In the other direction from town was nothing but lifeless wastes. It was not desert like anymore but life still had a hard time growing there. Yet trees were spreading about on this planet like weeds and it would only be a matter of time.

Eric lived a few hours' drive from the colony, in the empty wastes. The wastes though, weren't exactly empty in that it was full of cracks big enough to swallow a person. And the ground there didn't stay level.

"10 minutes, then we're carrying on to the mine." Said the burly miner as he began to treat his nephew's wounds.

Eric then heard something that no one else seemed to notice. It was a crack, like something stepping on a branch. They were close to the mines no doubt as Eric recognized a sign in the distance. That meant they were on the forest road that twisted and turned all the way to the mine. There was wildlife in this planets' forests, such as you would find in any forest. Deer, birds, rabbits, foxes, ect. These forests stretched for a very long ways and life had boomed inside in the last while. The wildlife life had adapted to the slight differences of this planet after it had been introduced by the terraformers.

Eric wondered now what might be stalking them in the bushes, maybe a cougar to finish him off. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off. He thought about how him and Xerah first met. He was being forced to take an auto piloted drive home after getting drunk on the job.

It had been so coincidental that he could almost laugh. He had forced the car to stop so he could stop and take a leak in the bushes. As he stood a little ways off the road he had heard a sound like a wounded animal. It was very faint but the wind rushed it to his ears as if it was a matter of urgency. It turned out it was as he followed the noise and saw what he did. He had expected to see an animal at the most but he had not expected to find a black form whimpering on the ground. How she had got there would probably always remain a mystery to him.


"No, no NO!" She said to herself angrily. They were hurting her mate and badly. He had said they might hurt him and she thought that as long as he lived it would be okay. What had she been thinking!? She could hear them outside and what she heard most was her mate in pain. She could hear all that was happening outside including her mates yelling in agony. He must be badly hurt and now he was moving away, they were taking him with them.

This was not going as he had said. He had said that they would want what he had taken and that they only might hurt him. But from the sounds of thing at least one of the people out there wanted him dead. This was not going as he had said it would and yet, as she swiped her finger across the glass panel nothing happened. She copied her mates finger movements he had showed her, making an X across the panel. But the window nor door would open, all that happened was a voice which said: "Security lockdown will disarm in 5 minutes after system reset."

She couldn't hear anything outside but she could feel her mates mind moving away. It was a strange thing and she didn't understand it, but Eric's mind felt familiar to one of her kind. She paced back and forth across the bedroom, her tail lashing back and forth. She would go out there and stop all of this. She would kill those who were hurting her mate if she had too. If only that forsaken window would open!

"Please trace again if you wish to disarm security lockdown." She finally heard and as she did she rushed over to the pad and traced an X once more. The second she finished she heard metal clanking metal and as she turned she saw her way out. The metal plating over the window slid up and out of view. As it did, in one swift leap she was through the window. Landing on the hard ground she rushed on all fours to the front of the house. She saw nothing there but as she looked to her right she could see the lights of what was taking Eric away.

_ She turned to it and began running after the lights but she didn't make it far when she was suddenly hit with a powerful force. It was as if a blast of heat and raw force hit her and vibrated every bone in her body. It threw her off her feet and she was out before she could feel the ground meet her._


"Alright, get up." Eric heard then as he sit on the ground. He looked up to see Ken standing over him. Eric turned his head and tried to pay no mind.

"After the explosion you passed out and while you were unconscious you were spewing stuff like. "I'm sorry, Xerah." Who is Xer-?" Ken said to him then.

"Don't-" Eric coughed roughly, his chest feeling afire with pain as he heaved heavily. His ribs were puncturing his lungs no doubt. Ken and Tai were probably not planning on Eric living after he spoke with their boss.

"Don't say her name." Eric finally said, wiping blood that had made its way onto his mouth.

"A woman?" He said, and he looked to his feet. "You thought you were protecting her by telling me no one else was ho-"

"SHUT UP!! I'll KILL YOU, YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING HUMAN PIECE OF MEAT!!" Eric, bellowed at him, though he didn't know where that choice of words came from. With every breath he felt as if he was being stabbed in the chest. Yeah, that was it. He felt unconsciousness beckoning to him and he was more than happy to oblige. Let them carry me.

Then he heard it, a scream, Tai was screaming; It was a scream of fear and or agony. And it was quickly evident that he was not the only thing making noise. He heard a loud screeching that mixed with the scream. The screech had a strange way to it, it wasn't human and Eric could not match it to any animal he had ever heard. Ken sprung up from his crouching position and looked around.

"Tai!?" Ken called out in the direction of the scream. And as he did there was suddenly a loud 'thunk' and then the scream cut out. Silence surrounded the vehicle like a haze and with it came panic.

"Tai!!? What the fuck man!?" Ken yelled out, he sounded scared and his voice held to the starting of panic.

"Here!" Shouted the miner from the front of the vehicle. All of a sudden the vehicles exterior lights turned much brighter, illuminating their surroundings. Being surrounded on all sides by the forest while on this part of the road, all they saw was trees and bushes. The light from the vehicle making shadows everywhere.

"I think this is where we die, Eric. I just wish I didn't have to do so in such a pathetic body." He heard inside his head. The voice was that of Xerah and in the moment of hearing it and even a few seconds after he had a flitter of hope.

"No, it's not." The voice said. "I just want to let you know I blame you entirely and that I hate you with every speck of my being." The shadow said, very calmly. Metaphorically speaking, if the shadows emotions were boiling over right now, then Eric was feeling some of that steam. It was an overwhelming wave of anger, laced with sadness. Eric was very quickly losing consciousness though; he didn't have much time to process it all.

The sound of the shadows voice, of Xerah, even though it was not at all her usual tone was enough for him. He closed his eyes and slumped over as gently as he could. Letting unconsciousness take him, he hoped he didn't feel whatever was about to happen.

Eric wasn't a believer in the afterlife but right now he hoped that if it was real, that Xerah would be there to greet him.


She was awoke slowly, her entire body feeling like lead. She was on her stomach, laying in the dirt and for a minute she couldn't figure out why. But as she recalled she resolutely forced herself to her hands and knees. She looked ahead and saw that the vehicle she had been chasing was nowhere in sight and was no doubt long gone by now. She was a little scared to look behind herself, what had happened?

She turned and saw to her horror that Eric's house was now in ruin. Some of the metal was scorched black and all of it was... well everywhere. She saw bits and pieces that brought back memories of her time within. As she got closer she saw what remained of her mates nest, the soft mound that they had first mated on. She was saddened at the loss of her mates home, and she knew he would be upset about it too. Together they would need to find a new one. That is, if he is stil-

"No! I can't think like that! He wouldn't die... He wouldn't dare." She told herself. And with her mind firmly focused on being with Eric once more, she turned to the direction they had taken her mate. She began running, on all fours as she followed the trail they had made. Her running was like that of a cheetah, more like a leap in which she quickly caught herself. Then repeat, over and over very fast.

She ran for hours and hours, even as it got brighter and consequently hotter, she continued running. She was getting quite sore at all this running but she couldn't let herself stop. She had to help her mate.

_"You'll be unable to help anyone if you run yourself to death." _

She tripped as she ran, tumbling into a roll as she stopped herself. She shot herself up and looked in all directions, even though she was pretty sure how she had heard that voice. The voice was in her head, as if being spoken to by her own kind. It was almost a little strange to hear after so long of relying on only her sense of hearing as part of communication.

Yet she couldn't see any of her kind, nor could she sense their minds.

"That's because I am in your mind."

"What?" Xerah thought.

"I am in here, with you." The voice said. It was feminine and very plain, like one of her kind.

"Who are you?" She asked inside her head.

"The answer to that is a bit longer than you would expect. It would be best to tell you everything you need to know about me for you to understand who I am."

"Okay." Xerah said, a little agitated but curious.

"See if you can find some shade and I'll be happy to explain."

Xerah saw the logic in that; it was quite hot to be standing around talking to herself under the sun. And she was about as tired as she was overheated. She stood up tall and began to scan around. She saw what looked like a small dark area against the ground. It was not far from where she was and she ran to it. As she approached the dark area it became apparent as a crevice that went a small ways into the ground. She crawled down into it, it was a little tight but manageable.

It was not deep but she stayed attached to the walls side. It was much cooler in here then it was outside and even a little moist farther down from rainfall.

"How is this?" Xerah thought.

"Perfect, that's much better, little one." The voice replied. Xerah was a little estranged for a moment as it called her by that name. It was a name that the Queen called her children. Using your mind to communicate means not needing names. But sometimes the Queen would call Xerah as 'little one' because he was smaller than all her siblings.

"So, who or what are you? Why are you in my... In my head...?"

"Yes, in your head, though I am in every part of you as well. Are you ready to hear all of this?"

"Of course, but tell me first. Are you what is plaguing my mate?"

"Oh, by The First no. Who is doing that... well I suppose you could say that it's my sister who is 'plaguing' Eric. She is not very patient, though that's not her fault."

"Okay..." Xerah was getting a little confused now. "Why have I never heard you before if you are a part of me?"

"Well I'll explain that later. But why I haven't been talking to you like my sister has Eric, is really because there was no need too."

" Fine...Explain everything to me."

"Of course." Said the voice in a noticeably happy way. "Well what I am, is a collection of memories. I am the ancestral memories that all the Queens have access to. With each Queen I held their vital memories and passed them to the next Queen. In that way I am a part of all the Queens that have ever been. Since all of your kind can potentially become Queens if the circumstances require, I am in all of your sisters as well. Though only a Queen can access me and the memories."

Xerah didn't say anything, so the voice continued. "Though until this last generation, I was only memories. I have obtained consciousness thanks to the humans. Their genetic material is a near perfect match up with ours and... well I don't know why, but I've slowly began gaining conscious thought since your mother was born from a human."

As the voice in her head finished, all Xerah could say was. "Oh."

"The same could all be said for my sister. Though she isn't really my sister, more like my other half."

Xerah had to sit on what the voice had said for a while. She took pride in being smart like her Mother, unlike her sisters. But this was-

"You are as smart as your Mother." The voice chimed in. "Don't you see? If I am what gives the Queens their intelligence and I am here with you...? "

"Oh...But, but why? Why are you here with me? Why aren't you with the new Queen?"

"New Queen? You mean her... she will never be a true Queen because I am with you and not her. Even if I was with her, she would use my knowledge and think she could outsmart the humans. She would be wrong. Things need to change if our species is going to survive. You will be part of that change."

No, not her, not Xerah the small and pathetic. She could not be a part of any change. She was nothing, she was a weakling, and she couldn't help her species to survive if she wanted to. Her kind was doomed, even if her sisters didn't see it. There was no way they could beat the humans. Even if it was possible to survive, why her? Why would she be chosen by... Who had picked her for this mission?

"Your Mother. Your Mother helped to awaken me in you and when she did she told me of her plan."

"What? What plan?"

"Your mother spent a lot of time listening to the humans, even before you were born. It's why I now the human language, why you know it. Anyway as she listened she realized a lot about what would be the future of our species. And as she listened she formed a plan. A plan so important that if it fails, it will mean the end of our species."

"Really?... What's the plan then?" Xerah said, a little skeptically. This all seemed too strange. All Xerah wanted or cared about right now was finding Eric.

"Well, it won't matter anyway if we don't find my sister... and your human mate."

"He is not my human mate. He is my mate. "

"Yes, well he IS human. And like most humans he will be prone to dying easily. So we should get a move on. We have to hope he isn't dead already."

At that Xerah looked up and out of the crevice she was in, it was still daylight outside. She was going to need to go over everything in her head, perhaps multiple times. She crawled out and back into the light and heat. It was all the hotter outside now that she had cooled off, but she was also rested now and ready to continue on.

She stretched her muscles as she prepared to head forward again. She could see the colony in the distance and she wondered if her mate was in there somewhere.

"I think you should know by now," She thought so that the voice could hear her clearly. "that my mate doesn't die easy."

"True." The voice replied, and to that Xerah began her journey once more.


He felt himself being touched. The touch was cool and... slimy. A cool hand was rubbing something slimy on him ; gently massaging the stuff into his neck and over his face. As he felt it a wave of revulsion came onto him and he closed his mouth and scrunched his nose. He breathed in through his nose then smelt a horrible rank of death and a smell like urine and chlorine. It made him gag and he opened his eyes to see what the was going on.

In front of him he saw a familiar form, only it was twice what he was used to seeing. He saw what looked to be Xerah in front of him. And next to her was... another Xerah. Yet they were a little different looking then Xerah. It was subtle differences mostly, and he couldn't place it, but if he had to try and describe the difference he would have to say, they looked less humanoid. The major difference though was that they were taller and thicker built.

He looked down to his feet and saw his legs were bound to the wall by a strange black substance. He also saw that he was at least a foot off the ground. He was also missing his pants and hit shirt, completely exposed while on the wall. Bringing his gaze back up he stared down the creatures in front of him. They glared back at him without eyes.

"Where am I?" Eric asked the pair.

He only received a shrill hiss from one of them and he derived from it that now was not a time to talk.

It brought its hand into a makeshift bowl the other was holding. Eric saw a thick clear substance in the bowl. The hand came out of the bowl covered in the weird goo and then brought it's hand to Eric's bare middle. It rubbed the cool goop on his chest and stomach. The contact made him cringe as his broken ribs were moved with the rough rubbing. It rubbed the clear slop strongly on his ribs and Eric moaned out in pain.

When it finally finished Eric breathed out and in as carefully and quickly as he could in wake of the pain. But as the creature had stopped he noticed that the goo felt warm on his skin and even deeper than that. It made his flesh tingle as it rested on his bare skin.

The creature prepared it's hand with more goop and began rubbing Eric's shoulder, and at this Eric was almost welcome of the contact. His chest was not hurting him nearly as much already even though he could still feel the raw damage. The goop must be some kind of pain killer and he was more than okay with having his pain lessoned.

As the not Xerah finished rubbing the smelly slime into him it wiped its goopy hand on its thigh, clearing it of the substance. It then turned to the creature next to it.

"It is done. We can go now." The massager said to the bowl holder. The bowl holder then set down it's bowl and walked over to Eric.

"Why does this human smell different?" The ex-bowl holder said, her voice like a very plain version of a young woman's.

"I don't know, but what the Queen wants to know is why it smells like her_." _Said the one who had massaged him, with a voice like a middle aged woman.

"It is strange. By these smells, do you think he mated her? "

"It does smell like it. She smells fairly fresh on him too. Though like the Queen, I am more surprised that she survived after we left her like that."

Eric stood silent, watching the two aliens in front of him. They were oblivious to him and he guessed that they thought he couldn't hear them. So he listened and watched as they stared him up and down. Eric took quick glances at the room he was in and so far it appeared to be underground. The walls were covered in a black substance similar to what bound him to the wall. The substance was placed in strange, almost intricate designs. It reminded him of the exoskeleton of Xerah and her kind. But Eric could make out spots that where not covered. He could see dirt and stone here and there and most prominently in the ceiling

Then one of them, the ex-bowl holder, came closer to him. He saw that it was at least a foot smaller than the one who had massaged the goo into his skin.

It came close to him and touched him tenderly with its finger. It ran the finger from his chest down to his man hood. It's finger stopped there and it began poking about at his soft member.

"This smell, here, must be of her. He is marked as her mate."

Xerah, they were talking about Xerah. She had said little about her siblings except that they hated her. Xerah had problems with self-confidence because of her siblings tormenting and to see them now and know that only made him angry. He clenched his fists as he held back berating them for being so cruel to his love.

As he did he saw the smaller one start touching its self as it stood in front of him. It was touching it's finger's to its nether region in fast motion as if it were masturbating. He looked at it, not with lust but with curiousness. Why the hell was it doing that in front of him?

Soon enough it stopped and brought it's hand up and from it Eric could see slick fluids on the fingers. It took it's hand then and reached it up to Eric's face. He wished he hadn't but he wasn't really expecting that and ended up catching a small whiff of the smells on the fingers. The fingers smelt of salty, sweaty musk and too much like piss. He scrunched his face as he turned away from the fingers, coughing as he tried to clean his nostrils of the smell.

"You are the worst, sister." The older sounding, massager alien said.

The other replied with a quick series of hisses, sounding like "Sss sss sss.". Eric quickly picked up on the strange form of laughter. What happened next was not at all funny, at least not to Eric anyway. He watch as she reached down and rubbed her fluids onto his member. At first a curious thing but Eric realized she was trying to cover Xerah's scents with her own.

Eric struggled in his binding as she gripped his member and rubbed her juices on him. The cool hand didn't arouse him, but what it was doing angered him. He knew what she was doing and he knew why. As a fuck you to his beloved.

"Cut it out!" He yelled at creature as it fondled him. He waited a second but the thing seemed to pay him no mind at all.

"It's warm and squishy." He heard it say and it turned to look at its friend. The other alien then walked over and started poking at him too. He still remained flaccid even as they both fondled at him. He simply couldn't be aroused by such creatures, not unless they were Xerah.

"STOP IT!" He shouted at them and he started squirming around as much as he could. The larger of the two hissed at him but he continued anyway.

Eric then took the incentive and started yelling at the top of his lungs as he squirmed for his life. The creature screed loudly at him as he did but he just continued. He started yelling profanities like it was going out of style. He didn't stop even when he felt a cold hand on his face threatening to crush his skull. Nor did he stop when he felt his ribs start sting in pain at the shouting.

What finally stopped him was a sudden whipping noise that ended with a loud cracking thud. He heard it first and felt it after, but only for a moment before his head slumped over. His entire skull felt like it was vibrating and numb as he closed his eyes. The last thing he remembered was the feeling of his scrotum continuing to be fondled.

"Just kill me." He muttered as he fell out of consciousness.