Gryphon 'Rider'

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#3 of GenderShifting

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

"Here! Take the beast and stable it!" Vanea slipped out of his saddle while his mount tried to drop down on his belly. "Lazy creature."

He snapped a crop out to catch the gryphon's haunches in a rough stroke that made the drake squawk out, but he stopped drooping towards the ground. The beast just dropped his head with his beak spread open wide sucking in breath as fast as he could get it in. It was all an act, the lazy creature had all but lazed his way back to the camp after scouting, no matter how often the whip had come down he refused to go faster than a swift glide. Living an easy life on the Lord's estate had obviously broken whatever discipline he had once possessed and replaced it with a stubborn waste of gryphon-flesh that was entirely unsatisfactory for the scout. His last drake had been a high spirited creature that knew how to work! And fight! This beast was a coward, it broke off the fight before his rider had a chance to strike a blow.

The grooms came to the gryphon while he stalked away, refusing to look back as he wiped mud from his armor in disgust. The elf had been out since dawn near the battlefront, working to ensure that no one got past without someone sighting them. The war had been picking up in the last year and that meant double shifts for him and the rest of the scouts, sometimes they'd be out for days, not that he had any illusions that would happen with his current mount. His last mount had gone down after he'd tangled with a group of fighters near the mountains, and had been replaced with one of the commanders stock, a drake called Kerrija, and Vanea had spent the last three months trying to whip the lazy beast into shape. The stubborn creature needed to be gelded if he kept behaving the way he had been. Today he had been undisciplined and cowardly, two things the gryphon-rider couldn't stand.

"Sir, he's injured." One of the grooms called out from behind him. "He's got a scrape along his far side and it's coated in mud. We'll take him to the healers."

The elf stopped and looked back at the grooms that were lifting one of the wings to show a spot along the side of him that was relatively clean. The pale colored fur and feathers were offset with darker purple-blue stripes normally, but today the beast was coated in mud and muck, and even from a distance he could see the wound and the sluggish ooze of blood leaking from it to spill towards the ground. For a heartbeat, he nearly returned to his mount to look over the injury personally, but even as he was thinking it he saw Kerrija's hips dropping down as he tried to sprawl out again as the handlers were moving around him. Lazy beast!

"Wash him down and throw him in his stall, it's a scratch. The beast is too pampered!" He snarled out in reply. "He needs to toughen up if he's to stay my mount."

"I see little reason why he should." A cold disapproving voice slid over him like silk. "Take Kerrija to the healer, feed him well and report to the stable master that he is to be given two weeks down time to recover."

"Sir" Vanea turned towards his commander, stifling his outrage at having his orders on his mount overridden. "The beast is playing up his wound, sir. We arrived from the mountains, but he showed no sign of injury."

"To your eye perhaps not. Follow me, Vanea, we have matters to discuss." The commander was a tall fellow, broad shouldered and handsome enough with his silver hair and bright emerald eyes.

Vanea was forced to follow him through the muck that was their temporary campsite and to the large tent that served as the command post of the gryphon-riders Guard. A set of matched hens were posted at the front of the tent, both glossy white and standing alert with their riders standing close at hand. Light duty for the females, especially since hens were so damnably hard to come by in captivity. He ignored their looks as he followed the commander into the warmth and comfort of the tent.

"This isn't the first time, nor even the fifth time I have found you abusing your drake." The commander paused to pour himself a glass of brandy, making no attempt to offer one to Vanea. "You killed the last one."

"In battle, sir, many things are heated then and it was through no fault of-"

"A battle you had no business being in. Kerrija is from my own stock, I had hoped that he would better you." The older elf took a sip of his drink and turned slowly.

"He is lazy, sir, he refuses-" Vanea started, but the words were cut off before he could really get started.

"He is intelligent and canny. He does not obey dangerous orders and today..." The commander frowned. "He is injured and you would take a drake from my own stables and throw him hurt into a stall without being tended?"

"It would teach him how to toughen up, he ran from a fight! Just high tailed it out!" Vanea's cheeks flushed angrily at the accusations.

"A man is judged by how he treats his beasts, and I find you unworthy." The commander looked down at his glass. "Kerrija is a prize drake, and I will not have him abused by the ignorant. He is too thin already, your old mount was too thin. I didn't step in soon enough to help him... But I've learned my lesson, a sad lesson."

"Are you dismissing me?!" Vanea's eyes snapped open wide. "For teaching a beast its place, you'd lose one of your best scouts?! In the midst of a war?!"

"No, I will not cast you into the ranks of the foot soldiers." The commander took another sip of his glass. "You are right, you're a wonderful scout, fast, intelligent, and deadly on the wing. So I will keep you within the ranks, but you are no longer Kerrija's rider."

"Fine, give me a better drake, one that I can train up properly than that unwil- Gaaah..." The last words came out gagged as suddenly magic lashed out against him, tendrils struck against his body and drove him to his knees.

"You will be one of my stable, until you prove yourself worthy of being a man again." The commander's hand loomed over him as his entire body arched and twisted.

His bones started to change and he cried out a high pitched shriek as his fingers curled and the nails started to turn into tapered claws. Feathers flowed over him while his armor tightened as his body dropped to the ground with a wordless scream. His breath came out in a rush as his legs drew up while his knee shifted higher up along his leg, his ankle elongating. The leather straps that had held his armor on suddenly snapped relieving the pressure as he rolled over. His mouth started to push outwards, the lips hardening as they did so and he let out a ragged noise of terror when he felt his teeth drawing back and fading away. Any attempt to beg for it to stop was lost as the only thing that came out of his mouth was harsh animalistic sounds. A thick ruff of feathers formed along his neck, spilling downwards as the metal breast plate dropped down to the ground with a resounding thunk.

Fur ran down along the line of his legs as his shoes were kicked off to reveal his changing feet. His thumb popped and shifted, pushing backwards as the talons grew larger and thicker. His breathing came out in short harsh bursts, trying to will the magic up through his body to stop what was happening to him. His back ached and his shoulders tensed up, twitching and jerking as the thick heavy wings suddenly pushed upwards along the line of his back. He couldn't hold them up, not with his muscles cramping painfully as feathers spread out along the edges. He was being turned into a drake, he snarled back at the Commander, his beak gaping open as the ivory feathers spread along his chest.

A sudden rush of heat spread along his stomach as he tried to make a run for the door, his legs awkwardly making him stumble forward, nearly hitting his beak face down against the ground. His claws caught on the canvas and sent him sprawling onto his chest, his wings awkwardly spreading to either side. With a stab of pressure right above his haunches before a long white tail spilled out, he could see the silver striping along it catch the light while he tried to stumble back onto all fours. The world was changing in front of him, the scents spiked in the air, growing sharper and unknown while everything became clearer as his eyes changed. How dare this be done to a son of the house of Longinthar? He screeched out again, snapping his newly made wings up as he lunged onto all fours, shaking on the long limbs.

"Thondri," The commander's voice didn't hold any emotion at all as Vanea lowered his head while the last tingle of the magic slipped around him. "Take our newest hen to the stables, offer her to Kerrija in his stall when he returns. His former rider never saw to his companionship and he has earned his time to heal and relax."

_HEN?! _ Vanae snarled at the man and snapped his beak enraged at the words, but he couldn't stop himself from twisting his body around. His tail lashed wildly behind him as he tried to look down at his belly.

Drakes normally had firm heavy sheaths resting along the line of their stomachs unlike felines, but as he looked down all he could see was the smooth sweep of a furred belly. There was now heavy sheath, no powerful length that he should have boasted. With a wild sound he lifted one of his hind legs up and dropped his haunches, ignoring the woman who was approaching in favor of desperately looking for something that would prove the words wrong. But there was no proof there, she stared down between her haunches as the spade shaped sex resting between her haunches, almost hidden by her soft white fur. The Commander hadn't just turned her into a gryphon, she'd been turned into a hen!

-CLICK- A metal chain wrapped itself around her neck, glowing and sending an electric tingle down the line of her spine as the magic flared into effect.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"It's about time something was done with him." The Throndri gave a yank on the chain that forced Vanae forward into the familiar stall. "Did you see Kerrija? Poor beast, the healers said it's the fifth time in a month he's had to see them."

"He looks better now." The other guard didn't seem to disagree while the former elf was forced into the stall, her breathing coming fast and trembling. "it'll be a while until he gets another rider, he's going to stand at stud for a while thankfully."

Vanae tried to fight the lead, but it was no good, the magic was designed to keep even the most stubborn gryphon subdued. She reared up briefly, but was forced back down as the guard reached up to unhook the lead, but the chain collar remained hanging heavy around her neck as the large stall suddenly seemed smaller as the striped gryphon lifted his head from his forelegs and blinked his bright eyes several times. His former mount had been stripped of his harness and Vanae's sigil had been removed from the collar around his neck. His fur and feathers gleamed from being freshly washed and cleaned as he reclined in a thick pile of straw that was pushed up against the wall. The former elf felt a wave of vindication as the beast didn't even stand up in the presence of his masters, he simply watched the women who backed out of the stall while Vanae tried to lunge forward and escape.

They couldn't leave her in here with an uncastrated gryphon! Most of the scouts mounts were castrated because an uncut male could be unpredictable and downright vicious around the few hens that could be found. Even the hens had to be kept away from them unless they were in season, the relative rarity of a female made them more prone to claiming anything female that crossed their paths rather than waiting for them to be in season. Kerrija was one of only three studs in their camp, and they all had be housed away from one another or they'd fight for the chance to claim the hens, as it was, she had enjoyed having a stud as her mount. They were bigger and heavier than the gelded drakes, supposedly they were powerful warriors in the sky, though his drake had seemed to set out to disprove that theory.

The drake lifted his head a bit higher and flicked up his ear tufts, his beak parting a little to flick out his tongue a few times while his feathers roused up around his head. Vanae let out a ragged snarl and backed herself up against the wall of the stall, nearly against the door. Kerrija snuffed the air again and slowly pulled himself up from his nest of dry straw, arching his back without any sign that he had ever been injured. The healers had either worked over time to ensure he would be fit again, or the drake had simply been playing up a small wound for the sake of sympathy. The former elf snarled again and bristled while keeping her haunches against the door.

For the first time in her life, she really saw how big the gryphon really was. As he shook off the straw she realized that he was still bigger than she was, even in her changed body. The deep chest was muscled beneath the feathers and the heavy wings only added to his height as his beak remained parted to draw in breaths. The gryphon was nearly the size of a draft horse, but now there was a terrifying intensity to the way he regarded her. There was no subdued drop of his head, his feathers were flattened submissively, they were roused as he stepped forward with a roll of his furred haunches and let out a strange chirring sound deep in his throat and flared his wings open. It didn't matter that he was thinner than he should have been, it didn't matter that some of his feathers were still broken, he looked deadly.

Goddess no... Vanae snapped her beak angrily as the drake approached her and arched his neck so his crest feathers roused up. I won't let him touch me!

With a ragged attempt at a defiant scream she struck out towards the drake as soon as he came within reach of her, but a sudden shock rocked through her and made her drop her claw back. The collar flared to heat around her as the drake let out another croon and darted his head forward to catch her neck with his strong beak. Vanae let out an unlovely squawk of surprise as the grip twisted against her scruff and the chest slammed in against her. The former elf tried to strike out again, this time her paw smacked against his shoulder before the collar shocked her to make her cry out roughly. They'd put her in a breeding collar! They normally put them on the studs to keep them from getting too rough with the hens, not on a hen! Her attempts to fight back were restraints with shocks as Kerrija hit against her chest, his striped wings spreading open wide to block her from escaping.

Vanae's heart pounded against her chest as she tried to keep herself shoved back against the wall, humiliation and rage warring with one another as the drake kept a grip on her scruff while shoving against her with his chest. He was trying to force her around. She locked her legs in place, trying to brace herself against his weight when he lunged forward and twisted the loose skin of her scruff, the tip of his beak nearly breaking her skin. Her attempt to kick backwards was lost as the collar gave a thrum of magic that sent a painful shock through her body. The drake used his greater weight to force her away, driving her with shoves his chest while her paws dug furrows through the soft thick straw. She tried to keep herself from being pushed away, but for the first time in her life the drake wasn't obeying her or even regarding her with an ounce of submission.

He released her nape and struck out against her haunch, losing his patience when she didn't present to him the way she should have. The strike made her leap forward as he gripped right at the base of her long white and silver striped tail. The moment her hips were away from the wall she tried to swing around to protect herself, but Kerrija hit her hard, his wings swept open and battered her, distracting her as his beak gripped harder at the base of her tail and yanked. Her snarl of rage did nothing to stop him as she realized just how much larger he was compared to her changed body. He was more heavily muscled, knew how to drive her back as his eyes flashed angrily, yanking at her tail as she tried to scrabble her way forward.

She didn't try to attack him, it would set of the collar, all she wanted to do was get away from the beast, because she saw what was beneath him. The sheath had started to fill out, and what was more, the dark red tip was jutting out a good few inches as she struggled to leap upwards. Her wings flared out wide to either side of her as the drake lunged forward again. His own wing slammed against her head as she gave up trying to fly up, she dropped down, her hips trying to lower themselves as the powerful grip of his beak yanked again. This was no peaceable well trained gryphon-mount, this was a stud that had scented a hen for the first time in months. It didn't matter that she was giving every indication she wasn't ready for him, he would take her by force just for a chance to have relief from the chastity that Vanae had enforced on him.

When her hips dropped, Kerrija leapt forward, his banded wings flared to either side of her as the powerful forelegs hooked against her hips and yanked her backwards. The former elf screeched out in shock as his chest pushed down along the line of her spine and the jaws suddenly clamped down against the back of her neck. Vanae went wild, the weight of the beast pressed against her, pinning her down as she tried to twist away from beneath him. It was no good, the drake pushed his weight down against her, forcing her forelegs to splay open while his own forepaws clutched along her hips and his haunches rolled forward. Something hot and hard jabbed up beneath her tail, smearing wetness there while she tried to throw her weight to the side. Her mount snarled down at her angrily and clamped his beak down harder against her scruff as he jabbed his hips forward again, a smear of wetness worked against her fur.

Kerrija's pale form refused to give her a chance to escape, he forced her haunches up high in the air as he jabbed forward over and over again. The tapered tip pushed up against her inner thighs, shoving roughly and sliding up towards her pucker before moving down. His powerful haunches spread open and wrapped around her while he pranced back and forth, the wild thrusts making her rock forward as she scrabbled against the ground. With a yank of her scruff her former mount suddenly slipped his hips downwards and the slimy cock tip pushed right up against her newly formed folds. That's all the beast wanted as he rubbed along the plump outer folds and suddenly lunged his hips forward, clamping down against her haunches with a violent thrust forward that drove a scream from her beak.

The long boned cock plunged into her body, stretching her and spreading her open wider and wider as her virginal body wrapped around him. She dug her hind legs against the ground with a ragged squeal, trying to escape the hold as her walls clamped down harder around the girth. A wet splatter hit her passage as precum splattered out of him and the drake gave a brutal rock forward that forced another few inches into her unprepared body. Her claws scored the stone beneath the straw as she shrieked out, her walls clutching down tightly as the inches started sinking deeper and deeper into her passage, forcing her open wider as the inner walls were forced in on themselves as the base suddenly hit roughly against her outer lips and she felt the tip nearly bottoming out in her.

The beak bruised the back of her neck, she could feel it gripping harder as her former mount suddenly yanked backwards and pulled his way out of her quivering passage nearly popping his tapered tip out of her folds before lunging forward again. His wings wrapped around her, blocking out the light so each breath was filled with the scent of the drake before he drove himself up hard enough that the base clapped up against her outer lips again. The bulb at the base rubbed right along the edges of her outer folds before he pulled back again. His back arched above her as his he began to thrust inside of her, sending out hot syrupy dribbles of precum into her passage, lubricating her even as she writhed and tried to drop her hips in vain. She could feel him stroking her, caressing her, tugging along her while her inner walls contracted. It was too big, too much, it was making her ache to try and hold him, but the beast didn't care about her screeches of protest, his mind was on only one thing.

Vanae had seen Kerrija breed before, the rare times he allowed his mount to stud, and had always been amused at the way the females would try to bolt out from under him. Now he found out why, it wasn't a planned smooth thrust that worked through him, but ragged hard jabs that drove the breath from her body as the hips cracked down against her own. Her scruff was twisted about, yanking her head up high as her beak gaped open and she felt the thickness at the base shoving and pushing forward, a hard jab that pried and pushed against her outer lips so that her legs were splaying open wider. It was too big, his cock was too large for her body, straining and rubbing places that made her twitch and hiss out. And traitorously, her body tried to ease the passage of the shaft, growing slicker, trying to lubricate herself while she let out a high pitched shriek each time the hips dropped down hard and heavy to try and pry open her walls around the knot.

The claws scraped along her furred belly, dragging her backwards as she fought to get away from the thrusts, her eyes squeezing shut. The jets of precum were flung out against her cervix, vile animalistic wetness that tainted her formerly virgin body as her claws dug down roughly against the ground. Thrust by thrust her body was forced open, the knot began to yawn the tight ring open wider and wider, thinning down her folds as they clamped down tightly and another shriek burst from her throat. Her nares flushed hot red while the weight suddenly pushed forward roughly against her haunches, pushing harder and harder until he yanked against her scruff and muffled a snarl of pleasure. With a wet slick sound the knot plunged into her body and forced her inner walls open so wide that they swallowed around the swollen orb.

It barely rested inside of her for a heart beat before the drake yanked backwards and popped it free with a lewd wet noise. The cock tip stroked through her while her walls tried to tense up before the hips lunged forward again with a powerful thrust. The knot sank back into her aching body as her breathing came out raggedly, her tongue jutted out from her beak as she let out short harsh noises, rasping and screeching each time the knot was forced into her and her folds yawned open wide around him, only to have it drawn back out again. It grew thicker with each and every thrust, swelling open wider as his hips began to move in shorter sharper thrusts. She twisted her hips, writhing beneath him as soon the knot sank inwards with a wet squelching noise and when he yanked back her hips were yanked back with him.

She was forced back as his knot was too large to pull out of her, it just tugged against her while she cried out raggedly at the stab of pain. With a snarl he released her scruff, as if realizing she couldn't run now. Vanae was trapped beneath Kerrija, his cock plunging back and forth in short strokes that just barely stirred inside of her while his heavy orbs clapped up along her inner thighs. She tried to pull forward, she tried to escape, desperate to get away before he could do anything more to her violated body. Each attempt only made her shrill out in pain as her walls tried to stretch open too wide and she was forced backwards. The drakes cock tip hammered right up against her cervix and his tail lashed back and forth wildly, snapping and cracking against the ground as his back arched upwards for a final time.

The drake's scream of triumph didn't hide the final clap of the orbs against her, feeling them tense up and throb as his cock swelled within her violated passage. Vanae opened her beak, shrieking out a denial as the first throb ran through his cock. The tip erupted in a rush of seed, splatterin deep into her body as rope after thick heavy rope of sperm rich cum splattered against her cervix. The knot seemed to swell just that much wider, helping to lock him in place as his thrusts stilled and he draped himself over her back panting. Her own walls started to swallow and squeeze, pulling treacherously around him, milking the heavy cream that continued to batter against her cervix. The flush ran along her cheeks while she kept her ears pinned flat to her head, tears of humiliation welled up in her eyes as every last bit of her indignity was taken by her own mount.

"Perhaps she'll treat her son as a mount better than he has the sire.." The Commander's voice came from outside the stall as another heavy rope hit her, pushing past the narrow opening of her cervix. "If not, we'll make room for her in our breeding program We can always use another good hen..."