Dinner for Two

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#4 of Claves

Claves and Leo set out on a romantic date because nothing could possibly go wrong by taking a hyper hung thief with exhibitionist tendencies out to a public place.

Claves sighed happily as he sunk into the hot water of the fresh bath that Leo had drawn for him. Claves hadn't known how exhausted he really was until he finally got around to taking a break. He had been spending all his free time lately flinging around the few spells that Tim had taught him. Claves had been working hard for weeks, and he could definitely tell he was getting a lot better at casting spells, but he wasn't as interested in boosting his stamina so much as he was interested in boosting his size. The weeks of rigorous training had only added a few inches to the size of his dick. He knew it would be slow going, but he had hoped for more noticeable gains.

Claves had been fine with the slow growth until he had seen Scher's transformation. The prince's towering eleven foot cock was seared into Claves's memory. The guy had more mana than he knew what to do with, and he had never had a formal day of training in his life. Now that the whole city had seen the prince's aptitude, it wouldn't be long before sorcerers from around the globe would be vying for the chance to train the young prince. Who knew how huge Scherzo could become by the time he really came into his own as a mage.

Just thinking about Scher's massive cock expanding ever larger was getting Claves completely boned. The head of his own large dick rose up and hovered before his eyes. He wrapped his arms around the thick shaft and raised his hands up to the head, digging his fingers deep into the slit as he massaged the soft, spongy flesh. He greedily lapped at the sweet pre that now freely rolled out of the oozing slit. He shifted a bit and wrapped his legs around his now immense nuts. He used his legs to gently squeeze the huge, sloshing orbs as he dug in and massaged the massive cum factories with his heels.

He was so horny that he just wanted to get off, but he felt so hollow and empty inside. He slipped his right hand down to his ass and slowly slipped his fingers in. Thanks to the enchantment, his hole barely offered any resistance. Before he knew it, he had his hand buried up to the wrist. He could have gone deeper, but the position was uncomfortable. His arm was already cramping from being held at such a strange angle and his back wasn't feeling too good either. He let out a sigh as he pulled his hand out and returned to working the tip of his cock.

Claves was getting close to blowing his load. His constant twisting and rubbing had caused much of the bathwater to splash out onto the floor by this time, but his pre was flowing fast enough to replace it. The now sticky and slimy bathwater laminated his skin as he began to buck his hips and prepared for a huge, messy load. Right when he was about to unload, he heard a short, terse rap on the door.

"You've been in there plenty long. You better not be jacking off again." Leo scolded from the other side. Claves bit down on his lower lip and let out a muffled grunt as huge, thick wads of jizz splattered against the wall behind him. Claves shuddered as he continued to fire. A heavy layer of jizz coated the far wall. The cum slowly slid down and pooled on the floor. Once the torrent finally died down, Claves let out a contented sigh and slid down into the goopy bathwater.

"I'm not jacking off." Claves replied happily.

"Because you just finished." Leo responded with an audible sigh. "Fine, just get cleaned up and meet me downstairs in ten minutes.

Claves lazily chanted a spell and then dipped his fingers back into the bathwater. The water cleared up almost instantly and began to foam over with scrubbing bubbles. Claves once again relaxed and slid back down into the warm, soapy bath. When he was finally done, he quickly dried off and trudged downstairs to meet up with his boyfriend.

Leo looked up as he heard footfalls coming down the stairs. Sure enough, Claves was walking over while rubbing a slightly soggy towel into his damp hair. His enormous cock shook and jiggled from the force of the towel jostling his scalp. Leo highly doubted that Claves was even drying his hair at this point. It was far more likely that his pink haired lover was just putting on a show to draw attention to his gigantic cock that now almost touched the ground.

"I've already got your clothes set out. Now hurry up and put them on. We have a reservation for two in twenty minutes." Leo commented firmly as he gestured towards the tailored blue tunic and slacks that were hanging next to the doorway.

"I was thinking something a bit more classic." Claves responded playfully as he draped his towel over his shoulder as a makeshift cloak and covered his eyes with his free hand.

"This is a date, not a heist. Try to act normal for once." Leo responded with a touch of annoyance in his voice. Claves loved to make things difficult, especially when things involved going out amongst polite society. Leo loved his boyfriend's playfulness, but sometimes he wished Claves could be serious once in awhile.

"Spoilsport." Claves responded playfully. He stuck out his tongue comically for added effect, but wasted no time in pulling on his clothing. The outfit was tailored very well. It hugged his lean, lithe body perfectly, and even accommodated his well above average cock and balls nicely. Claves just wished that the front wasn't so boring looking. The huge pouch in the front held his cock and balls up and inwards, but little else.

A devious smile played at the corner of Claves's lips as an idea crossed his mind. He turned and looked into the mirror and silently uttered an incantation. The front of his pants immediately began to tighten up. The pouch began to constrict and conform to the shape and contours of his huge cock and balls. In a matter of seconds the front of his slacks hugged his package perfectly. The fabric was stretched so thin and snug that even the shapes of the veins on the sides of his cock and the folds of his foreskin were clearly visible.

Claves hummed happily to himself as he pulled on his tunic and threw the small stylish blue cloak over his shoulder. "What's got you so..." Leo didn't even have a chance to finish his question. The second Claves turned around, he could clearly see what had his boyfriend so happy. Leo rolled his eyes, but made no effort to try and talk Claves out of it.

"You know you like it." Claves teased. "I'd be glad to do it to you too." He added playfully as he slipped a hand down the front of Leo's pants. Leo's brown slacks were as well tailored as Claves's had been before his little enchantment. As such Leo's own three foot cock and beach ball sized nuts were tucked away in such a way that his immense bulge was almost suitable for polite society.

"I'd rather not make more of a scene that I have to." Leo responded flatly as he walked on ahead. He could already feel the front of his pants shifting and adjusting to match the contours of his huge dick, though. He grinned a little, but hoped that Claves hadn't noticed.

Claves picked up a small satchel that was hanging from the closet door and began to rifle through it for his mask. He felt the edges of the black butterfly shaped mask and began to pull it out when he heard Leo admonish him from the other room. "You won't be needing that. We are going out in public as normal members of society tonight." Claves sighed and slipped the mask back into the pouch.

They got to the restaurant easily enough. It was a very fancy place, complete with waiters in tuxedos and a live string quartet. Claves had never felt so out of place in his life. His clothes felt itchy and he hated having his face exposed like this. He couldn't help but think of how ironic it is that he would feel so naked while fully clothed when he often ran around clad in just a mask. Leo seemed to be doing fine, though. Even with all eyes in the restaurant firmly on them and their obscene bulges. They had by far the biggest dicks in the room. Even the few socialites that had been enhanced as well barely capped out at over a foot and a half.

They arrived at their table and sat down. Claves was almost a little sad to have his huge dick hidden beneath the table, but on the other hand, many of the patrons had now lost interest in them.

"So... why are we here?" Claves asked while rhythmically rapping his fingers on the tabletop.

"What do you mean why? We're having a nice romantic night out." Leo responded. Leo's voice wasn't quite as flat and dry as it usually was, though. Leo was the type of guy who preferred to have romantic nights at home not out in public. There had to be a special reason for him to want to go out, especially to someplace as nice as this.

"When have we ever had a romantic night out? Especially at a place as nice as this?" Claves asked gesturing to the fancy room around them.

"I was just thinking we could stand to get out more, and we can definitely afford to splurge a little." Leo responded casually.

Claves still didn't quite buy it, but Leo had made him leave his gear at home, so maybe there was some truth to it. "Huh. So that's it? No work, just a date?"

"Don't sound so disappointed." Leo chided playfully. "How about this. Let's play a little game while we wait. If you were to do a job here tonight, what would you take?"

Claves perked up at the mention of a heist, and quickly but discretely scanned the room. "Hmm... Tough to say. If that statue were the real thing and not just some cheap knock off I would totally snag that." Claves replied, nodding subtlely towards the large plaster statue of a naked man pouring a vase of water.

"Even if that were the real thing, it would hardly fetch a lot of money." Leo remarked skeptically.

"I know, but can you imagine the scene it'd cause? Something that huge, taken from a packed room? My notoriety would skyrocket." Claves replied excitedly. Leo grinned as he watched the pink haired thief's eyes light up as he spoke.

"Well let's be more realistic then, shall we?" Leo replied. "Hypothetical dream heists aside. What would you take, from what is actually in this room."

Claves took a moment to think. "I dunno. The chandelier is pretty classy, and would probably make a big scene, but those are hard to hawk. I suppose more realistically, I would go for the hairpin the lady in green is wearing."

Leo raised his eyebrows in mild surprise as he heard Claves mention the hairpin. It was such a small object that most people would overlook it. "You caught that, did you?"

"Yeah. It'd be such a boring stunt, though. I mean I could pluck it off on my way to the restroom and no one would be the wiser." Claves sighed.

"I suppose I have trained you better than I thought. You're getting quite the eye for appraisal. It's a shame it's a green feather or else it would be worth a king's ransom." Leo remarked proudly.

"Hmm? Check the shape. It's a half moon. The green tint is just a low grade enchantment to make it match the dress. That's a first run. There's only two of those in the world, right?" Claves commented matter-of-factly.

Leo pursed his lips and glared at Claves for a brief second. He wasn't used to being one upped at his own game. He had underestimated Claves and had gotten sloppy. He should have spotted the Lunar Topaz, especially one of such a rare cut. Leo sighed and tried to relax. It was supposed to be just a fun little game. There was no point in getting upset about it. If anything he should be proud that the student could go toe to toe with the master. "But why do you think she would change the color?" Leo said, changing the subject a bit to cover his own goof.

"Seriously? Look at her. She's loaded. I bet she doesn't even know that thing is rare. It's just another shiny bauble to her." Claves replied. Leo did a quick scan of the lady's accessories and he could tell that Claves was right. She was practically dripping in rubies and diamonds.

Their discussion was momentarily halted when the server arrived with their meals. This restaurant didn't bother taking orders from their customers. The chef made what he wanted when he wanted, and people paid a lot of money for the honor of being served. Claves furrowed his brow at the tiny pâté on his plate. Once the waiter was out of earshot, Claves leaned forward and asked his boyfriend in a hushed voice. "Is this the whole meal?"

Leo grinned. "I'll make it up to you with desert. Don't worry."

Claves cocked an eyebrow at his boyfriend's cryptic remark, but shrugged it off and took a bite of his dinner. It was surprisingly rich, but he still wished there was more of it. There was no way he was going to be full off of just that much.

Claves polished off his tiny entrée in record time and had to sit there watching Leo slowly savor his. He fidgeted in his seat during the dull downtime. His clothes felt so itchy and stuffy. He couldn't wait to get home and take them all off. Part of him wanted to just doff all of it right then and there and olly out the window.

Finally Leo finished his meal, and the waiter brought out two nearly identical slices of chocolate pie. Claves dug into his eagerly, and quickly polished it off. He picked up the small strawberry that was sitting on top of them pie and then ate that too. Leo was watching him and grinning as he slowly and methodically ate his slice.

"I have a bit of a surprise for you." Leo said casually as he cut off another bite with his fork. Claves perked up and stared at him expectantly, but Leo stuck the bit of pie in his mouth and made sure to drag out savoring the bit as long as he could. Claves knew Leo was just doing it to annoy him. Even so, he couldn't keep it from getting under his skin.

Finally Leo swallowed and pulled forth a small item from his front pocket. Claves stared at it for a moment. It was a small berry that looked a lot like a raspberry, but the little beads on it were all different colors. The rainbow berry seemed to shimmer with some strange innate magic. "What is it?" Claves asked excitedly.

"I know how hard you have been working to boost your magic, and I did some research. I followed some rumors and legends about a rare plant that only grows in the farthest reaches of the frozen tundra. They say that the flower creates but one fruit every one hundred years." Leo explained dramatically.

Claves was starting to get excited by the prospects. If what Leo was egging him on to believe was true, this one tiny fruit could give him the boost he had been looking for. Leo stopped his story abruptly and ate the last bit of his pie, leaving the black strawberry on the plate.

Claves was practically bouncing in his seat as he waited for Leo to finish the story. Finally Leo finished his bite and continued. "They say that just consuming this berry will double the amount of mana one person can produce."

Claves didn't even wait to hear the rest of the explanation. He swiped the berry with a lightning fast grab and tossed it into his mouth, leaves and all. He grinned like the cat that ate the canary as he swallowed it. All the while, Leo stared at him intently.

"So how was it?" Leo asked after a few minutes.

"Not bad... it tasted just like a raspberry actually..." Claves responded.

"Good, because that's all it was." Leo replied as he speared his strawberry with his fork.

"Huh?" Claves responded. He was starting to catch on that the whole thing had been a trick. "The whole story was a lie?"

"The story was more or less true." Leo responded and then popped the strawberry into his mouth. "The berry was a decoy though." It was then that Claves realized that the strawberry that Leo had was a different color than the one from his pie. Realization came crashing down on him like an exploding dam. "You little b-" was all that Claves managed to say before he was interrupted by the sound of fabric shredding.

Leo's cock burst free from its cloth confines as it rapidly doubled in size. The previously manageable three feet quickly turned into six. Leo's cock was now larger than his body and not even hard. His enormous boulder sized nuts filled the entire space beneath the table and then some. Leo's cock now rivaled Tim's as far as length, but it wasn't quite as thick around as the enchanter's.

"Heh. Look at you. How do you expect to get out of here with your dignity intact." Claves sassed as he felt the head of his lover's huge cock bump against him.

"How indeed." Leo replied calmly. "It would help a lot if someone were to provide some sort of distraction." Leo pulled out a black butterfly shaped mask from inside his vest and placed it on the table. Claves caught on instantly.

"This whole thing was just a set-up, wasn't it?" Claves gasped in shock.

"Nothing so duplicitous." Leo replied with a smirk. "I just know how you love an audience." The table began to rock and sway as it was lifted up off the ground by Leo's steadily hardening cock.

Claves grinned at his lover and, in one clean motion, put on his mask and shucked his clothes. Seeing his lover standing nude before him with his trademark mask and equally trademarked smug grin was enough to get Leo really worked up. His cock got harder and harder. His steadily boning cock noisily flipped over the dinner table. Any of the other patrons who had not turned to stare at Claves's light speed strip tease, were now fully fixated on the lewd display in the center of the room.

"Surprised no one has said anything yet." Claves mused as he gently stroked the giant cock that was towering before him.

"Welcome to high society." Leo remarked. "They will mutter amongst themselves, but it would be impolite for them to actually say or do anything about it."

"Well let's really give them something to talk about." Claves replied with a devious grin spread across his face. He hopped up on his chair to face his lover's enormous cock. He now stood just a bit above eye level with the massive slit of Leo's cock. Claves leaned in and began to lick around the sensitive edges of the slit. He could hear the sensual moans of his lover and feel the bucks and twitches of the huge cock as he did so.

Leo noticed something strange. Claves's hand seemed to be glowing, but he didn't have time to say anything about it. "You wouldn't..." Was all Leo managed to say before Claves pressed his hand against the side of his shaft. The enchantment coursed through the length of his dick and spread through his balls. Leo could feel the jizz in his balls churning as the production ramped up. Leo knew he should have expected at least some retaliation for his little stunt, but he had underestimated his boyfriend's love of making a scene.

Leo's cock was streaming pre like a fountain by this point. The viscous liquid was quickly streaming down his impressive cock and seeping into the carpet below. "If you're not careful you'll end up making quite the mess..." Leo managed to croak between hollow gasps.

"What? Little old me? It looks like you're the one who is making the mess." Claves replied saucily as he continued the dig his fingers into the spongy tip of his lover's massive cock. Claves deeply massaged the head as he listened to the shallow gasps and slight whimpers coming from his boyfriend. Leo's cock was lurching violently and the head was puffing up as the blue haired shopkeeper struggled to keep his load down.

The sound of someone clearing their throat loudly momentarily distracted Claves from publicly teasing his boyfriend. "Sirs. We must insist that you cease this at once." came the stern voice.

Claves looked down at the pair of tuxedo clad waiters who were staring him down like a pair of bouncers. Claves smiled politely as he looked down at the two servers. "Oh, don't worry." He replied warmly. "We were just finishing up." Claves rapped on the soft, tender underside of his lover's cock, right below the head. Just as Claves had predicted, that was the last straw for Leo. He let out a muffled moan as his cock erupted with jizz like a freshly opened bottle of champagne.

The jets of cum were so thick and so powerful that it splattered against the ceiling and the light fixtures well above the couple. Leo tried to fight back and limit the extent of the damage, but he was so pent up and once he got started like this it was very hard to stop. Massive wads of spunk clung to the expensive chandelier, and huge gobs of jizz crashed down all around the room, splashing down in customer's food and drinks and even landing on the patrons themselves.

The thick spunk began pooling on the floor, flooding the dining hall with cum, and yet still, Leo could not stop the flow of jizz erupting from his cock. The sensation was far beyond anything he had experienced before. It was not just that his cock was enlarged, although there was certainly that. At its current size it was not just that it had doubled in length, but girth as well. The sheer size of it had grown exponentially as had the sensations. Even without the spell that Claves had undoubtedly cast to increase his sensitivity, Leo's body was wracked with the intense euphoria that came from experiencing orgasmic pleasure throughout the entire length of a cock that was larger than the rest of his body. Even his enormous, boulder sized nuts were wracked with bliss as the tensed up and squeezed every last drop of spunk out into his cock.

Leo was partially aware of things going on around him, but they came in a distant second to the sensations in his cock. He was aware of the warm spunk lapping against his legs as the water level rose ever high. He had a vague inkling of the hail of spooge that had coated his entire body by now. Leo even had a pretty good understanding of the ire that was directed at him from the rest of the equally saturated diners, but he could not bring himself to really care. This was the most amazing sensation in his life, and he no longer cared about trying to stop it.

Finally Leo's bursts tapered off and his nuts felt empty for the first time in what felt like weeks. He struggled to steady his breathing as he felt the warm liquid sliding off his face. It wasn't just spooge that coated him, though. The orgasm had been so intense that he was dripping sweat as well.

"I think it's time we made our exit." Claves remarked coolly as he looked around at all the angry patrons.

"I doubt they'll ever let us in here again." Leo commented between gasps.

"Well yeah, but I'm not too upset. The portions were weak." Claves joked as he reached down to pull his boyfriend up from his seat.

Leo staggered to his feet. His now soft cock was spread out several feet in front of him. It was now a good deal thicker than his waist, and so long that the last few feet of it rested solidly on the ground. Even though his nuts had just been emptied, they too were so large that they grazed the ground as he stood up straight. He could already feel his nuts steadily inflating. Claves's spell was nowhere near done running its course.

Claves gripped Leo's hand tightly and made his way towards the doorway. Leo staggered awkwardly along behind as he struggled to walk with his newly enhanced cock. Even without his massive dong slowing him down, it would have been slow going slogging through the knee deep lake of jizz.

They reached the doorway which was currently shut tight. Many unhappy diners had tried to escape when the room started flooding, but they all discovered that the doors opened inward. The deep pond of spooge made it nearly impossible to open the doors through sheer strength alone. Claves thought fast, and came up with an idea, though. His list of spells that he knew were limited, but he did know one that could work in this situation.

A quick flick of the wrist and a muffled incantation later, the doors began to shimmer. Claves reached for the handle and, sure enough, the doors slid open easily.

"What did you do?" Leo managed to ask. He was constantly surprised by how quick Claves was on his feet both literally and figuratively.

"You know that old water-lock spell? It was just a hunch, but I figured it would repel liquids, right? So all that cum bounced right off the door." Claves explained quickly as they continued their escape.

They made a few quick turns down various roads and alleys before coming to a stop in a fairly empty stretch of road. "Whew. That was a fun escape. Not used to having to actually take someone else with me, though." Claves remarked as he tried to stifle his laughter.

"Yeah. I knew you would make a scene, but I never imagined that you would go that overboard." Leo commented as he fought to catch his breath. He hadn't managed to fully recover before he got dragged along by his fleeing lover so now he was even more winded than before. "Surprised you didn't try and steal anything."

"What? I'm insulted." Claves responded. There was a look of pain and betrayal in his eyes. "I don't try. I do." He added with a wink as he slipped a hairpin into Leo's blue, jizz-streaked hair. "Just wash it off a bit, and it'll be good as new." Claves said with a mischievous smirk.

"When did you..." Leo began to ask, but he was cut off when Claves planted a deep passionate kiss on his lips. He could feel the thief's three foot semi steadily boning up between them. Claves steadily worked on undoing the buttons on the front of Leo's vest while they made out passionately. In no time at all, Claves had taken Leo's vest and shirt completely off. Leo meanwhile kicked off his shoes and the tattered wreckage of his slacks. The two of them continued to make out, completely naked, in the middle of the sparsely populated street.

Claves straddled Leo's enormous cock and rocked his hips back and forth, using his thighs and butt to stroke his lover's steadily hardening dick. Claves held his own large cock with his right arm to keep it from getting in the way while he and his lover continued to lock lips.

"Right here?" Leo managed to ask between kisses.

"Not like you can go anywhere anyway." Claves shot back with a devious grin. It was true though, and Leo knew it. As a result of both Claves's spell and his own arousal, his nuts had swollen so large that he couldn't move even if he had wanted to. "And besides, I still haven't had a chance to get off yet." Claves added with a lascivious grin.

Claves's own balls had been steadily swelling through the course of their little escapade and were now both the size of large bean bag chairs. They were not just awkward and cumbersome, but so sensitive that he could barely focus on fleeing.

"Now for my favorite part." Claves said in a sultry whisper. Leo didn't even need to ask what the thief meant. Claves deftly maneuvered back up his boyfriend's gigantic cock and positioned himself atop the head. Leo's dick was even thicker around than Claves's waist, but he knew that would in no way deter his pink haired lover. Claves flashed a winning smile down at his boyfriend as he lined up the slit with his own quivering hole.

Claves slowly eased himself down. He felt a bit of resistance when the tip of Leo's massive cock pressed up against his hole, but that quickly passed. The thief moaned loudly as he felt himself being stretched wider by the second to accommodate the colossal cock. Leo could do nothing but watch in awe as he saw his boyfriend's hips spread wider to accept Leo's dick inside of him. Claves slowly slid down the length of the shaft, his body stretching and shifting as he did so.

Claves finally slowed to a halt about halfway down. Claves had apparently reached his limit, but he was too contented to care that there was still almost three feet of cock left exposed. Claves was suspended above the street, impaled on his lover's gigantic cock, but he was in heaven. It had been quite awhile since he had been stretched so wide, and he could already tell that he was going to be pumped full of an immense load any second how.

Claves shifted and shimmied as best he could, using his entire body to jack off his lover's enormous dick. He could feel the shudders and bucks from Leo's cock reverberating through his entire body. Claves's cock began to ooze pre rapidly as he felt himself getting closer and closer to cumming without even stroking his cock.

Leo's field of view quickly became obscured by Claves's nuts as his own cock got so hard that it lifted the thief even higher into the air. When Leo's cock finally reached its full upright and locked position, Claves's crotch was just a little bit above eye level for Leo. Clave's huge cock jutted straight out, right over top of Leo's head. Leo craned his head back and reach up to pull down his lover's cock so that he could lick and rub up against the glorious cock. Leo held the cock to his face and took a moment to just bask in the warmth of his lover's dick. He could feel the steady shudders and the rhythmic pulsing as the soft ridge on the underside puffed up. Leo tried his best to hold onto Claves's cock even as he felt himself lose control of his own, but as the intense pleasure wracked his body all over again, he could not muster the strength to clutch the glorious shaft close to him.

Claves felt is lover's gigantic cock shudder, flex, and buck one last time before huge torrents of jizz flooded into him. Claves could do nothing but grin and happily rub his belly as gallons and gallons of warm, thick spunk flooded into him. The volume of jizz and the strength of the current was so much that he could see his gut swelling almost instantly. He grinned happily as he watched his previously flat stomach bulge and swell before his eyes. He loved this part. He loved the way it felt to have his lover's seed flood into him and fill up each and every nook and cranny. He loved the feeling of his stomach slowly swelling as more and more cum flooded into him. He loved how warm and happy it made him feel his enormous jiggly cum laden belly roiled and sloshed. His gigantic gut was already getting too large for him to wrap his hands around and showing no signs of slowing.

Claves couldn't hold back anymore. He let out a soft grunt as his cock lurched and began spewing thick jets of spooge across the empty street. His load splashed against the grey, stone wall of a small business and oozed down onto the cobblestone street below. Jet after jet launched from his cock and splattered against the road and buildings. All the while his belly continued to swell and expand.

Finally, the two lovers' streams tapered off and their cocks softened. Claves was slowly lowered to the ground as the immense spire that he was impaled upon finally drooped down low. Finally Claves was low enough that his feet touched the ground. He shifted his weight so that his huge, jiggly gut was no longer mashed against Leo's face. Leo's cock slid the rest of the way out of the thief's ass with a noisy plop.

"That was amazing." Leo managed to gasp.

"You're telling me." Claves cooed as he happily rubbed his absolutely massive cum-flooded belly. His gut was so large that he couldn't even see over it, and it drooped down so low that it touched the ground in front of him. He spread his arms wide to hug his gigantic belly, but his arms couldn't even make it halfway around. "I can already tell I am going to love your new dick." Calves said with a contented sigh.

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but I think I've only got an hour left of this size." Leo replied dejectedly. "The legends are misleading. My research has led me to believe that it only lasts a few hours, and I'll most likely be exceedingly ill for the next few days."

"Totally worth it, though." Claves murmured happily as he buried his face in his inflated gut. "We'll have time for one more go before you shrink back down, right?"

"In theory, but I don't think it wise to do it here." Leo explained as he looked around at the small crowd of onlookers that had arrived during their loud and lurid public display of affection. "Can you move?"

"Yeah, sure... No problem." Claves responded with a grunt. He stood up straight and awkwardly staggered forward a step or two before stopping to catch his breath.

"Might need you to guide me, though." He added with a grin.

Leo staggered to his feet and grabbed a hold of Claves's hand. The two of them made their way slowly through the city streets. They made quite the odd sight. Leo's six foot semi bobbed and swayed in front of him with each and every step, and Claves was dragging along his colossal cum-laden belly.

"I can't believe you do this on a regular basis." Leo commented aloud as he tried to tune out all the gazes from the various city-dwellers. Some looked lusty, some seemed impressed, and a few seemed downright incensed. Leo was feeling very exposed and embarrassed to have his immense junk openly on display. His could already feel his balls refilling and his shaft hardening a little. He tried to rationalize that it was just Claves's spell still affecting him, but deep down he knew that he was honestly enjoying the glances.

"You get used to it pretty quick." Claves replied, but then added with a wink. "It's a lot of fun isn't it?"

"Maybe for you. You can hide behind your mask." Leo shot back. He was still trying unsuccessfully to tune out all the onlookers, but the more he thought about it, the less he saw the point.

"If it makes you feel any better, none of them are looking at your face." Claves replied jokingly. Leo let out an annoyed sigh, but a small smile was playing at the corner of his lips. As he walked home his stride got steadily more prideful and his posture got steadily bolder. His massive, six foot long rigid cock bobbed and swayed with each and every determined step he took as pre steadily flowed from the tip. Leo didn't say so out loud, but he definitely felt like he could get used to this.