Kimoni's Return

Story by leo15 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Lion King; Kimoni's story.

Wow. After 27 pages of Kimoni's journey I though you'd get board. The next part as it were.

WARNING: This collection of stories contains band language, sex and adult themes.

If you are under 18 do not read on.

I don't own Disney, The Lion King, or any of its characters.

The Lion King: Kimoni's story.



The forest of Diara reflected the light of a new day as the queen stepped out from the sleeping cave of the forest pride. She was now healthy and well. She was pretty big for lioness standards. In fact she was as big as some of the full-grown males of the water pride that lived to the west. She walked down and over to the water hole to where all of her lionesses were relaxing and enjoying the sun.

"Morning, milady."

"Hey, Ade!" some of them would shout as she went past. She nodded and smiled. She didn't want to sit with any of them today. It wasn't them; she wanted to sit with her mum and busara. She found them lying by the waters edge that was near the forest. They were talking. When they saw her coming they looked over and smiled. She returned the smile and sat down.

"Morning dear." Her mum said rubbing her head against her daughters.

"Good morning milady." Busara said bowing her head

"Good morning busara." Ade said. She looked at the two older lionesses. Busara was now the oldest lioness in the pride, followed closely by her mum. They both were looking back at her. She looked at her mum. Her mums face was full of confusion.

"Ade, what's wrong?" her mum was always good at knowing that something was wrong.

"Mum, I don't think I like being queen." She said.

"Ade, I know it's not the best task in the world but it's not the worst. Why don't you like it?" she asked.

"I jus feel trapped. Like I can't just go anywhere with out telling any one. That's the only thing, otherwise it's not bad." She said.

"I used to feel that too. Like you I wasn't to keen on being queen. The feeling of responsibly. You'll get over it." She said smiling.

"It's not just that is it?" busara said.

"What?" Ade said.

"You're thinking of him aren't you?" she said in a caring tone. Ade nodded looking down.

"Ade, Manu loves you and is very interested in marriage. He's the water prides second born so is just about the same age as you." Malkai said. Ade and busara looked at each other. They both new that busara wasn't talking about manu. Ade found her mum unhelpful and needed to get away from her and just relax. She found a good spot near the base of the cliff where the cave was. The sun was warm today. The rock gradually heated to the point where she had to get off. She made her way to the shade of the forest line when a lioness came up to her.

"Milady, Chanecia is back from the water pride. The king and queen wish to visit with prince manu and their son." She said.

"Thank you. Tell chanecia thank you for taking the time to go to the pride." The lioness bowed and then wandered to go find her. Ade sighed and flopped to her side on the ground. The last thing she wanted was manu to visit. He wasn't the most hansom of lions and neither the politest but he was sweet some times. Though it would be nice to see meeka and nako again, as well as her nephew Dinari (Dee-nar-ree), still she wasn't too keen on seeing manu. She sighed again and lifted her head to look at the horizon to her right. She had looked at the horizon every so often for the last year. She didn't know what she hoped to see, but at times like these she hoped to see a great figure with a black mane. She did miss him, more than anyone would ever know.

Ade stood with her mum on the edge of water hole. The rest of the lionesses were behind them ready to welcome the guests.

"I see them! On the horizon!" one excited lioness shouted. They all started talking excited until malkai roared for silence. The four shapes made their way over too the group. When they got to the group dinari ran ahead of the grownups and towards Ade.

"Auntie Ade!" he shouted as he ran and jumped onto her. She just laughed and ducked her head to nuzzle him. She rose her head to great the other three. They all bowed before her and she gave a little bow back. Meeka straighten up and walked to hug her smaller sister.

"Ade. You look so well." She said smiling as they rubbed heads.

"So do you. Oh! Your not expecting again are you?" she said as she felt meeka's chest.

"Two months." She said and Ade laughed and hugged her harder. After meeka moved to the side nako stepped forward. He gave her a little head rub and said

"Ade, it's good to see you again." And she purred back. Then he moved aside for manu and Ade to greet each other. Ade looked at manu with a face of the best happiness she could do. He had put on a little weight and his dark red mane stuck up at the same spots as it always did. He walked up to her and engaged in head rubs.

"God! You get more beautiful with every new sunrise." He purred.

"Thank you. And you get more hansom." She said half-heartedly. No one would ever see her face of absolute loathing.


The day had been long as the visitors had renewed friendship bonds and met new faces. Eventually Ade, meeka and nako had managed to settle down to talk. Dinari was playing a few feet away.

"How are you finding things?" meeka asked as she watched dinari played.

"Ok I guess. But I still feel trapped." She said also watching dinari play. At this point meeka turned to look at her sister.

"Ade, you don't need to feel that. You're welcome to visit anytime you want." Meeka said.

"I don't want to intrude." She said modestly.

"Ade, you're the one person who is more than welcome, you don't need to stay here." Nako said.

"Also the key is to find a good male." Meeka said watching dinari play again.

"What about my brother?" nako asked in a mock voice.

"I said a GOOD male." At this they burst out laughing. All three of them thought the same; manu wasn't right, in other words good enough, for Ade. She looked over to where manu was drinking from the water hole.

"I just want to let him down." Ade said with a bit of bitterness in her voice.

"I told him to back off, eight times. He just thinks you fancy him." Nako said with anger in his voice.

"Don't worry after today he'll know what I think." Ade said looking at him starting to talk to a couple of lionesses that looked horrified. They all stayed silent for a while until

"Heads up Ade." Meeka whispered she looked up and saw manu walking over.

"Hey Ade. Wanna go for a walk?" he droned in that voice she hated.

"Ok sure." She said smiling and saying it in an excited voice. They moved away from meeka and nako whom were looking concerned. They walked to the forest's edge and then they started walking around it.

"So, what you thinking about my little dove?" he said. Ade sighed and turned to face him.

"Manu, I don't know where you got this idea that I fancy you because I don't. You're not a bad lion. It's just I don't think I want to spend my life with you, so could you just leave me alone?" she said with a straight face.

"You don't fancy me?" He asked with a face of confusion.

"No, I don't. What gave you that idea?" she asked.

"I don't know. Honestly. I just had the idea we had something." He said with the same face of confusion. She smiled and gave him a head rub.

"You're still welcome here though. I'm sorry." She said. She gave him a little lick on the cheek then went off to go join meeka and nako again. She sat down.

"Looks like he took it rather well?" meeka asked looking at the confused manu who was now walking to the water hole trying to work out what had just happened.

"Yeah, he did. It's odd. He said something was giving him the impression that we did have something and that I did love him. I'd say it was him being to badly in love's odd because I've been getting that sometimes. Thinking something is but it isn't." she looked at both of them. They just looked at her. Nako nodded his head and said

"Maybe you DO need to take a trip somewhere. Maybe being here is making you think strange things." He said with a voice of uncertainty.

"Hmm, maybe." She said staring into space. Maybe it was her feeling of being trapped that was playing tricks on her mind. But she didn't think that I could do that to others like manu who were semi sane.

The days went on as meeka and nako stayed for their visit. Ade managed to get some formal royal business done but dinari wanted to play half the time and the other half of the time the lionesses wanted to talk to nako. On day three of their visit another traveller came to greet them. They were sitting around the water hole trying to get some royal business out of the way.

"Right. So you want to expand your land to the south but need out help?" Ade said.

"Yeah, there's a pack of wild dogs and they won't shift so we could use some extra help..." nako stopped midway through the sentence as a flutter of wings over head herald the arrival of a blue hornbill. He fluttered down to land in front of Ade. When laded when bowed and said

"Queen of the forest, my name is zazu. I am the royal majordomo to king simba of the pridelands. King Simba has sent me to inform all prides in a two week journey that he has now taken the throne from king scar. He also wishes to visit your pride with his queen to restore pride bonds. Will you accept?" he asked. Ade blinked. She suddenly remembered that Kim had said scar had killed simba's father and tried to kill simba but he had escaped.

"Urr...yes. Yes they can visit. When will they be here?" she asked the bird. He bowed again and said

"They are visiting the pride to the south and will be finished in two days after that he will make the journey here. It should take them three days to get here." The hornbill said bowing still. He looked up to get her answer.

"So he'll be here in five days? That's fine. Tell him I look forward to his arrival." She said. The hornbill gave a final bow and took off again, leaving Ade in deep thought.

"Did he say king simba?" meeka asked watching the hornbill fly away.

"Yes he did. Looks like the King of pride rock's on his way." Ade said whilst trying to remember everything Kim had told her about the pridelands and simba himself. It proved more difficult than she thought.


Ade tried to remember everything Kim had told them about what had happened in the pridelands but she couldn't remember a thing. So much had happened since that day when Kim had come to the pride from the savannah. She was debating weather she should tell them about Kim. She knew it was right. But she didn't want them asking her awkward questions, and digging up personal stuff like the 'trust' sessions they had done. Meeka, nako and Ade decide not to tell them until a little while after their arrival. Meeka and nako decided to prolong their departure to see the king of pride rock and his queen. Five days later and they waited in the same way they had for meeka nako and dinari (Manu had now gone back to the river pride.) but facing the savannah that Kim had walked from two years ago. After an hour of waiting the blue hornbill fluttered down and said in a booming voice

"King Simba of the pridelands, and his queen, Nala!" the name struck home for Ade and meeka. Kim's sister had married the king. She watched them approach. The king was a golden furred lion with a red mane that shone in the sun. The lioness next to him was a grey-cream colour with a creamy coloured belly. When they got closer she could pick out details. The king was a hansom lion with red eyes and a warm smile. Nala was as beautiful as simba was hansom, her blue eyes made Ade think of Kim's. They were exactly the same, like a mirror reflection. When they got close enough to Ade they bowed. Simba spoke

"Queen of the forest, I am simba of the pride lands. Thank you for having me and my wife in your lands. This is nala." He indicated her and she bowed smiling a warm smile.

"We have come to tie bonds with the prides that we once were in friend ship with." He finished.

"You're more then welcome here, king simba. I am Ade, queen of the forest pride. This is my sister meeka and her husband Runako. They are also visiting from the water pride to the west." They both bowed and simba and nala bowed back.

"My lord, if you will." Ade said and he nodded and smiled. He gave nala a lick on the check and then started walking beside Ade. Nala was left with meeka and nako.

"So, how come the other king didn't visit? This scar...what happened with him?" Ade asked. Simba sighed and then said

"He was my uncle. He killed my father and then tried to kill me. When I was exiled he led the lands into a time of poverty and despair. The hyenas that had helped him to take the pride lands over raped the lionesses. Nala was even a victim. But her brother, kimoni, kept her safe until he kill two hyenas trying to hurt her. Scar banished him and the hyenas that chased him killed him. Nala ran away to find help. She found me. We returned to kill scar and restore the land. I now want to restore bonds between the prides." He said smiling and looking at her. She was still processing all this when she said.

"Well, I think our prides will both benefit from this friend ship. I accept." She said looking at him smiling back.

"You do? That's excellent. All the other kings took days! Oh great!" he said throwing his two forearms around her and hugging her. She laughed and pulled away.

"What was that for?" she asked whist laughing.

"Because you made your mind up so quickly! Now we can relax and enjoy our time here." He said smiling. They talked about each other's experiences whilst making there way to meeka, nako and nala.

"Err...while you're here king nako, do you want to talk too?" he asked.

"Wondering when you'd ask." Nako said smiling. They wandered the same way that Ade had just come from talking. Nala laughed and looked after simba longingly.

"So I guess you made your mind up quick huh?" she said looking back to Ade.

"Yeah, well, you two are so nice it's a no brainier." Ade replied smiling. Dinari then ran over to meeka and said in a excited rush

"Mum, busara's offered to take me into the forest! Can I go please?" he said making the cueist face he could. Meeka laughed and said

"Ok then you can go. But be back before dinner." He jumped in the air shouting 'yippee!' and then ran to a waiting busara.

"And remember to be polite!" she shouted after him. He ran up to busara and they both disappeared into the forest. Meeka then turned back to the others.

"That cub better be polite. I try to teach him and what happens?" she said shaking her head.

"Like you were ever polite to mum meeka." Ade said and they both burst out laughing. Nala unsure what to do just smiled. When Ade and meeka stopped laughing they just started talking about meeka's latest arrival.

"So have you decided on a name yet?" Ade asked.

"Not yet. I hope it's a girl though, but dinari thinks other wise." She said.

"How about you nala? Any plans for kids?" meeka asked the silent lioness.

"Probably when we've finished here we'll head back so that's when we'll decide." She said.

"Do you know if you want a boy or girl?" meeka asked.

"I don't know. I know if it's a girl I'd like to name her kiara. If it's a boy I'd like to name him Kimoni, after my brother." She said.

"Your brother?" meeka said weakly.

"Yeah, he was killed about two years ago. He was trying to protect me and he was killed for that. After he was gone things seemed to be worst then ever. Scar seemed to be happy though. He now had a clear chance to rape me and all the others. I managed to get away before I came into heat and then I found simba. So now things are back to normal." She said Ade and meeka looked at each other whilst nala was looking into the distance.

"Um...nala...there's something we were going to tell you after you got settled here." Nala looked around and went 'hmm?' Ade then went on to explain about what had happened two years ago. About how Kim had come to stay with them and how he had been half dead when he got here. She was grateful that meeka was there to back up her storeys. At the end nala just smiled and said

"Nice one. You know, maybe had met him you'd know never to talk about him like that. What pisses me of most is that you make all that up." She got up and started walking off before meeka got up and said

"We're not lying. And we'll prove it." She said

"Yeah? Go ahead. I'm waiting." Nala said with anger in her voice.

"He has your blue eyes, a black mane with brown fur. He's older than you by six mouths and also he's a half blood Nyamekye." She said staring at her.

"You could have been told that. I WANT PROOF!" she shouted.

"What more do you want? Do you want me to grab some of his hair from the cave? Hmm?" meeka shouted back.

"Where is he then? Gone all shy and invisible huh?" she said still shouting. Simba and nako were on their way back but had stopped halfway there on the path to watch the lionesses shouting.

"He went to the lands to the north! To the lands of his ancestors! You wanna take the journey? I did! And I assure you its fun!" Ade shouted. Simba and nako suddenly heard all the other lionesses scream. They looked around. Both there jaws fell down as they watched what the lionesses had screamed at. They both ran at the shouting lionesses.

"I've had enough of this! Stop LYING!" nala screamed and raised her paw to strike Ade. Ade stood her ground. Nala then brought her paw down. A massive paw grabbed her arm before it hit Ade in the face. Nala spun her face around to shout at simba for stopping her. She suddenly lost balance and nearly fainted at who she was looking at. Kim was smiling as he said

"So what you lot fighting about?"


She stared into the blue eyes that were her brothers. He was now bigger than when he had left. He was about a foot taller than her and three foot longer. She blinked several times to make sure that it wasn't a trick of the light. He smiled as she looked at him. No one spoke as they took in that Kim had come out of nowhere.

"Kim?" she said as he let got of her arm. She reached up and touched his face to make sure that he was real.

"Oh my god! KIM!" She said as she rubbed her head against his chest. He smiled, closed his eyes and put a forearm around her. She started to cry silently whilst smiling. The tears were of happiness. She broke away from him and looked at him. She asked

"How did you survive? Those hyenas said they killed you?" she said. He smiled and said

"I managed to get away. I found this place and they let me live here. I'm sorry I didn't come back. I went on a journey to the land of my ancestors. I've been there for a year. But I learnt a lot while I was there." He finished and she just stared at him. When she didn't say anything he said

"Looks like you're good at finding lost things." He said when he saw simba. Simba, whose jaw had been open all the time closed it and smiled.

" knew I wasn't dead. How did you..?" he started but Kim just shrugged and said

"That load mouth hyena banzai told the other hyenas you escaped and I over heard." He said smiling.

"So, how did you two..?" he began and then simba said

" trying to kill one of my friends and then we got into a fight and then we recognized each other." He finished and Kim just laughed.

"Getting into fights before marriage. That's not good." He said smiling. At this point nala backed up and said

"How do you know we're married?" she said. He just looked at her and said

"Your not? But I thought you were meant to marry each other?" he said looking a bit afraid of nala's face. After a while she smiled and said

"Yes we are married. But no jokes about it." She said putting one paw toe under his chin and unsheathing a claw.

"Won't do any good." He said sighing and looking to the side.

"What do you mean?" she asked pulling her paw away.

"Try it. You'll see." He said. When she didn't move he sighed harder and raised his forearm and put his other paw on it. He unsheathed his claw and dug it in. the wound was gone in the blink of an eye. She looked at his arm and said

"How?" he smiled and said

"I didn't spend a year in the land of the gods and do nothing. And you wouldn't believe me even if I told you." He said. Kim spent the rest of the day explaining how he got there and back. He never mentioned what he was doing there though. Nala was the only one though who noticed the red gem that now hung from his neck. After every one had said hello to Kim and begged him to tell them what he had done in the land of Kagiso nala managed to go for a walk. The land was bathed in gold and red as the sun started to set.

"Kim, how did you survive to get out here?" she asked him.

"I survived knowing that I would find you again." He said. The stopped and sat on there hunches to watch the sunset.

"Did he touch you?" Kim asked.

"What?" she asked.

"Scar. Did he..."

"Yes. And I don't want to talk about it." She said. He bowed his head and looked back at the sunset.

"Kim, what's the gem around your neck?" she asked looking at the red stone that glimmered and reflected the red light. He looked down at the little stone that reflected the sun. He reached up and held it in his paw.

"Kim?" nala asked. He closed his paw around it and said

"Just as you don't want to talk about scar I don't want to talk about this." He said. She just laughed and said

"Well scar did things to me that would make you throw up. It's just a rock..." she said and went to touch it but he stopped her by grabbing her arm. He snarled and said

"Don't touch it. Please, just drop it." He said. Her let her arm go and turned to walk away. She got in front of him and said

"Do you want to know every little thing that scar and the hyenas made me do over the years? Yes hyenas too made me do things that will haunt me forever. Just tell me what's going on! You're not the brother I remember." She said. She saw her eyes water and he closed them. She put a paw to his face. He then opened his eyes. The water had gone and he said

"Any thing I have done, I did it so I could return to kill scar and keep you all safe. I am sorry for anything I said." He said. She gave a quick smile and then said

"Are you going to stay here? Or come back with us?" she asked.

"I'm gonna come back, obviously. When are you going back?" he asked.

"Probable in a couple of days." Nala said smiling.

"Well then, I best say my good byes soon." He said. They made their way back to the sleeping cave. Simba was talking to nako and meeka with dinari sleeping in between meeka's forelegs. Ade was waiting as they entered the cave. She came over to them and then said.

"I still haven't forgiven you for pushing me over the boarder. And then you didn't even stay to say goodbye." She said giving him a stern look.

"I did stay there! I shouted and everything. You muttered something and then walked off. I told you that land wasn't the right place for you." He said in an apologetic voice. She huffed and then sat down.

"Ade, I'm going back to the pride lands. I'll come back to visit when ever I can." He said. She stood up and said

"I want to go with you." She said.

"What?" he asked.

"No. To stay." She said. Simba, meeka and nako stared at her.

"But you're the queen of the pride! You can't just leave them!" Kim said.

"Yeah, well...who says I want to be queen?" she said. They all just looked at her until she sighed and said

"Meeka tell them what we've been talking about." Meeka nodded and said

"Well, we'd like to come to this pride and rule. The water pride will be fine as well, nako's got fifteen siblings and eight are brothers. And also we were worried about Ade."

"Been feeling trapped and confused?" Kim asked. She turned and looked at him.

"Did you..?" she began.

"No. what makes you think that?" he said smiling. She hit him and said

"Asshole." So it was him who was doing that.

"But how did you do that?" she asked but he shook his head and said

"Love to tell you'd think you were mad." He said. She gave up at these words. She had been trying all day to get him to talk but it hadn't worked. Ade's mum had been sitting on the sidelines watching. Her mouth was open as she said

"So when the HELL were you going to tell me about ANY of this?" she shouted at them all. They all fell silent.

"We were going to tell you but you..." meeka began but she stopped as Malkai walked right past her and over t Ade.

"Ade, I know you're young but you cannot just abandon your pride. And I will not let you. So you are staying right here." She said in a firm voice. Ade just laughed and said

"Are you going to disobey your queen, lioness?" she said. Everyone stared at her. Malkai's eyes started to water as she stared at her daughter. Ade then walked away and over to meeka.

"I'll hand over the power to you tomorrow." She then walked out. Kim hurried after her, everyone else stayed where they were looking out of the cave after her.

Ade walked very fast. She didn't know where she was going to go. Anywhere, just to get away from them until tomorrow. She felt a paw grab her shoulder. She was swung around to face Kim. His face was expressionless, like it used to be when he didn't know what he should be feeling.

"We both know that your reasons are not what you say. Why are you going?" he asked her.

"Well...if I told you that you wouldn't believe me." She said with a smile. She then shook off his grip and walked off into the distance, towards the forest. Kim had just stared at her walking off. He knew full well what that meant.


The next day the whole pride assembled to watch as Ade handed over the power to her sister and Nako. Meeka would be the dominant one as was tradition and nako would be figurative; there to ward off any wandering males who fancy the pride for their own. Ade walked up to her waiting sister. Nako was by her side as was dinari. Ade stepped forward and meeka and the males bowed their heads. Ade sighed as she prepared to begin the transfer.

Kim watched from the grassy knoll that was where the forest began. He had no time for any royal ceremonies. He had had enough before leaving for the land of Kagiso. He turned to walk into the forest. He made his way over to the clearing that he had learnt the secretes of what it would eventually take him to the land of Kagiso. He remembered the sessions that he had had to sit through whilst preparing to go there. He walked over to the rock that he had tried to calve runes into for practise. The one he had started but never finished was on it. It had taken him about four mouths to do just that curved line and the small one above it. He stared at the rock for a moment before he put his paw on it. He un-sheathed his claws and tucked them underneath it. He then threw the rock over with a minimal effort. Underneath it was a smaller stone; one that could fit in the palm of his paw. He picked it up and looked at it. He sat on his hunches and stared at the little rock in his hand that had a very ancient rune on it.

"I know I'm late for the ceremony because I was deep in the forest. What's your excuse?" a voice rang out. Kim turned his head to see who said it. Busara walked out into the open. She was smiling as she walked over to him. Kim turned to face her. He closed his paw around the little stone. He smiled back and said

"I'm not late. I don't feel like going to the ceremony. Not my kind of thing, see." Busara gave him the sweeping look. She could she right through him. But he could see right through her too.

"What's in your paw?" she asked noticing it. He opened his paw and outstretched his arm to show her. She came forward to look at the little rock. When she saw the rune on it she instantly looked up and said

"How in the name of jabari did you get that?" she looked back down at it. She lifted her paw and touched it with toe. When nothing happened she looked back up at him. Before she could ask he said

"It's a delivery; it won't take effect until it's been delivered." He said. She looked at it again and asked

"Who in the world can use this kind of power?" she asked.

"That I can't tell you because I don't know. I'm just to deliver it to a rendezvous to give to a servant." He said. She gave the little stone one last look and then said

"Who ever is getting that must powerful and one lucky son of a bitch. Can't you make it take effect?" she asked.

"Oh yes, very easily. But it would kill me instantly. So...I just leave it. C'mon, lets catch the last of the ceremony." He said and they walked back towards the pride.

"By the way, where's the rendezvous?" she asked.

"About a two day trip from pride rock. I split off from the others on the way back." He said. They walked back talking about it. When they got to the edge of the forest they could see the ceremony just finishing. Kim put the rock into a little pouch around his neck. Busara noticed the gem as well.

"I never got the chance to ask what's with the ruby?" she said. Kim smiled and said

"You're the first to realise that it is a ruby. It's...just to remind me of what I am." He said. He smiled at her and then walked off towards the pride. Busara smiled and thought to herself

"He's got a lot of secretes from the land of kagiso. Some of them powerful ones. I hope he knows what he's doing."


The next day the four lions bound for the pride lands said their goodbyes. Ade took longer, especially with her mum and sister, but apart from that they were off on the time they had hoped to be. More or less. They made their way through the savannah on their two-week journey to the pride lands.

"So how did you find going into a new pride?" nala asked as they walked. Simba picked up his ears at this.

"It was easier than you might think. But you were told all about me. Now what about you? You told me a little but not much. How did you escape?" Kim asked. Nala sighed and didn't answer. He waited a minuet before she said

"I did it during a storm. Everyone was taken to the cave on scar's orders. He never slept there any more; he used a cave that was a little way down from the main one. Since he was never there the hyenas were free to rape us and beat us. During this storm the lionesses made a distraction by pretending to panic and run around the hyenas were busy with the lionesses so mum and I managed to get to the shadow lands. She said goodbye and sent her love as a journeyed to find help. I met many prides; all of who refused to interfere. Finally I made it to the jungle where simba was. I was trying to hunt and kill his friend..." she broke off laughing and had to take a minuet to calm down before she continued.

"Your never guess who his friend is." Nala said

"Try me." Kim smiled as they walked.

"It's a warthog and a meerkat. The warthog's called pumbaa and the meerkat's called timon." She said smiling. Kim just laughed and Ade said

"How did that happen?" she asked. Simba blushed a little and said

"They were the ones who saved me from the desert. They bought me to the jungle and helped me to get over my dad's death by teaching me hakuna matata. As well as teaching me how to eat like them." He said. He looked at the ground as they walked. He was still blushing. You could tell by his ears. Kim just smiled politely as Ade sniggered. Kim threw her a dirty look and she stopped and looked at the ground.

"So, how did you get to their pride?" Nala asked Kim as they walked.

"I really only remember seeing the forest before I collapsed. You'll have to ask Ade about anything that happened after that." He said. Ade looked up and said

"Nothing really to tell. We got the pride and carried him to the sleeping cave. After that my mum let him stay." She said. The made good progress over the day, finally stopping to sleep under a couple of trees. Simba and Nala slept together and Kim and Ade slept back to back. This was how they went over the next few days. On the twelfth day Kim knew he had to split off. He stopped walking and looked to the east. Nala noticed and stopped to turn and face him.

"Kim, what's the matter?" she asked. Ade and simba stopped to look too.

"Nothing. I just need to meet an old friend. I promised him I would. Don't worry, I'll be back about the same time you will." He said smiling. Nala opened her mouth but he just stared at her. She knew he'd never tell where he was going so she just walked up to him and gave him a head rub and said

"Just make sure you come back." She said. He nodded and walked off to the east. The three continued their journey to the south. Ade looked back at the disappearing figure of Kim. She was kind of getting use to him disappearing off and leaving her. She looked forward knowing he'd turn up when ready. She also couldn't help but noticing that she felt different when he was gone. She felt sadder than she had. She tried blocking those feelings, and what she was feeling for him.

Kim walked towards the rendezvous that was just out side the pridelands. He had been told that they would meet him in a small collection off trees. He could just about make out the trees on the horizon. He would be there before sun down. He did get there before sun down. It was just going into dusk when he moved into the forest. The beams of light that cut through the trees reminded him of the forest of Diara, of the forest pride. He waited in the middle of the forest that was a small clearing. He sat and waited watching the beams of light move along the forest floor and get weaker and weaker. It was an hour after sunset and growing dark before they came. Two of them, dark lions. He had never met lions with black coats and brown manes. Their eyes were white and glowed as they stared at him. The bigger of the two stepped forward.

"We apologise for keeping you. We cannot step into the light. Do you have the rune?" he asked. He had a deep voice that was not like any he had ever heard.

"Yes, I do, er, what was your name?" Kim asked. The lion smiled as his white teeth glimmered in the fresh moonlight.

"I do not have a name. Neither does my brother." He said the lion came closer and his brother closed in.

"Now, our master is not one to be kept waiting. Please, do give us the rune but don't think we are ungrateful. Our master has asked us to pass along his gratitude. And from our master being given his gratitude is more than any lion, or creature, has ever received." He said. Kim knew better than to delay or press them so he ripped it off his neck and threw it at the black lion's front legs. He looked down at it and unwrapped it from the leaf it was in. he picked it up and looked at it. He then looked back up at Kim and said

"We can sense any object and the properties it poses. Now I know this is ours but the gem around your you know how much more power it possesses than this? Huh, why would you have that much power with you?" he asked stowing away the rune. Kim replied

"I don't used the power in the way you think. Your master merely posses the rune and manipulates it's power. This power runs through me. I don't manipulate it, I control it. I can sense your power and the fact you think you should kill me. Don't waste your time, I don't bleed easily." Kim said he turned and walked away out of the forest. He got out and saw the land breathed in the white glow of moonlight. He could see on the horizon the small dark speck that was pride rock. He started towards it knowing he be there just when the others were getting back.


Simba, nala, and Ade made their way in the morning light. Pride rock was now within walking distance. No one would be up yet Simba had told Ade so they would go to the watering hole to get a drink before introducing her and renewing bonds. They walked in the rising light towards the watering hole and saw a huge figure drinking already. It looked up and looked at them. As they got closer they saw it was Kim and he was smiling. The three of them smiled back at him as they approached. Simba and nala ducked down to start lapping the water. Ade just stared at him and muttered

"How does he do that." Before she to ducked down to drink. They sat round the water hole before they saw movement at the cave. The four of them made their way to pride rock. Ade and Kim stayed off to the side where no one could see them as Simba gathered the lionesses at the base of pride rock. From the side Kim could see his mum. His mum. He now would have to tell her what he knew about his past, about his father and his mother. He looked over the crowd and saw Sarabi there. He also saw a few familiar faces but that was it. There were some new arrivals also. He could hear simba speaking to the pride.

"...And finally we travailed to a pride to the north., we...met an...old face there. And if you think you gonna have a hard time believing it we had it hit us harder. There's not any way to sugar coating this so I'll just come out with it. We found Kimoni." When he said 'Kimoni' some of the lionesses had laughed, some had just stared at him. The new ones weren't sure so looked at each other. He could see his mum staring at Simba with tears in her eyes. She looked over to the shallow cave to where He and Ade were waiting. She knew Kim thought. She ran over to the cave and looked in. she found him and looked at him. Even though he sat on hiss hunches he was taller than her. The last time they had been together they had been the about the same size but now Kim was bigger. Much bigger. She was about the same size as nala so the made Kim a foot taller and two foot longer than her. She didn't move but just stared. Behind her he could see the lionesses cluing in and looking over at their direction. Sarafina reached up and put a paw on his face. She turned his head both ways. Even though he did heal fast he had some small scars. She cried his name and threw her self into his chest mane. He closed his eyes and rested his cheek on top of her head as he moved his front leg around her to hug her. He enjoyed being in her touch again but although he smiled and even felt a tear fall out of his eye he still knew the truth. He could feel her starting to cry silently into his chest. He opened his eyes to look over the crowd.

"I think you'll all want to know where I've been. Well... I think I should start with what happened after I was chased away by hyenas two and a half years ago..."


Kim spent the rest of that day telling his story, answering questions, being reunited with friends and introducing Ade. It must have been hard for her but the others accepted her quickly. It was almost sunset before the last lioness let him go from asking questions. He wandered to the watering hole on the same path that he had taken two years ago with nala. He stopped when he found the spot where it had happened. He looked around and saw it looked just like any other spot along the path. He went off to the right side a little to the long grass. He could still feel the hate and taste the blood of what had happened.

"I still remember that night. The night you were banished. I remember crying to the night for you. Things turned to the blackest I've ever known. My only son being reported dead by a disease ridden filth bag. My only daughter being violated and made to watch us being violated. You had no idea what you being here meant. You gave us hope. Now your back." He heard his mum say from behind him. He turned to see her caring face looking at him she walked up to him and head rubbed him. Kim head rubbed her back but then moved away.

"What's wrong?" she asked. She had that worried but caring voice on. Nala had inherited that gift. He sighed and turned to look at her.

"I'm sorry. I know you think something's wrong but it's not. It's just that when I went away I learned something. I know who my mother is but that doesn't matter. I will always remember her and love her but she didn't raise me like you did. You are my mother. No matter what." He said and sarafina burst into tears and hugged close to him. Her embraced in her warm touch and closed his eyes. He had remembered a time when he was with the forest pride that he would give anything to be in her arms again. He let them stay like that before he broke away and walked towards the water hole.


The next few days were like being in a different world for Ade and for Kim. Ade found that the lionesses around pride rock loved two things; gossip and sex. She amused herself watching all the young lionesses bat their eyes and even raise their rumps inviting simba in as he walked by. Sometimes Simba would mount them, other times he would hurry past and the rest of the time he would say 'Not today.' Ade hated this kind of behaviour, not the lionesses themselves. She usually sat with nala or one of the older lionesses like Sarabi or sarafina. Today she sat by the water hole with nala. They looked over the plains and over to the group of lionesses sitting almost on the other side of the water hole. They would whisper something looked over at nala and Ade then giggle. Ade frowned and looked at nala who was calmly resting with her front legs crossed and her head resting on them gently.

"They're discussing how we shear the boys." She said. She didn't open her eyes or move. Ade looked back down at her and said

"How do you know?" nala still didn't open her eyes but she smiled.

"I over heard them talking about it earlier. I wouldn't think to much of it." She said. Ade looked over at them as they burst into a fresh fit of giggles about some comment. She felt a surge of loathing go up her spine and into her face as she growled and tried to get some rest. She heard heavy paw steps and looked up, as did nala. They both watched Kim walk towards them and flop down sighing. He looked tired and annoyed. He had both front legs stretched out and his head in between them. He didn't move and they both looked him before he said

"I've just gotten away from nearly every lioness in the pride. Wish I'd stayed in the land of kagiso. At least there I could be alone." He said. Nala laughed and Ade smiled. He didn't open his eyes but gave a faint smile and just rested. He was lying close to Ade and she knew she felt. She had known for a while now. Hell, she had felt it since she had first met him but had never expressed it in words. She had shown it the first time they had met by being horrible when she whished she hadn't been. She looked at him as his chest moved slowly up and down. Glancing back at the lionesses she saw they were all watching them with the occasional lioness leaning over to whisper something in her neighbours ear and they both giggle. Ade couldn't stand it any more. She got up and grunted she was going for a walk. She didn't notice Kim watching her go with one eyebrow raised. She didn't know where she was going to go but she kept walking none-the less. She walked to think things over, about being here. Maybe it would be better if she went back home. She hated what she was feeling because she knew she didn't deserve him. Wandering around she thought things over and even decided a few things, like the fact she was going to stay. The day rapidly turned into night and she sat on the small hill near the northwestern boarder. She sat with her back to pride rock and she just looked over the plains. She didn't know why but a tear crept out from the corner of her eye and fell down her face and onto the ground. She couldn't stop herself from crying fully. The tears fell fast and free from her eyes.

"Ade! There you are! I've been looking everywhere. What you doing all the way out here?" She heard Kim say. She didn't turn around she just stood there. He got level with her and saw she was crying. He was puzzled that she was; he thought she was happy here.

"What's the matter?" he asked. He watched her while he waited for an answer but it didn't come. She just looked out across the plains and let her tears fall out.

"Are you hurt? Did someone say something to you?" he tried again. He put one of his paws on he shoulder but as soon as he did she shunted him and turned away growling. She walked off getting the bad feeling she always did when she was like that to him. She heard him snarl and run in front of her. He gave her a cold stair before saying

"Why? I try to help you're like this. I do anything you're like this. What have I done? Why do you hate me? Is it because I went to the land of Kagiso and you weren't there? Because that would just be-" he was cut off because she had moved forward and kissed him. She stayed there for about ten seconds before she released him. She wore a facial expression that was angry but looked calm all the same.

"I hope that answers you're question." She said before she started walking towards priderock. Kim stood there. He had known how she felt for a while now but he thought she would never express it, with her being to damn proud. He turned and watched her walk off. He slowly started after her before to long; the clouds were brewing and it was going to storm.


Everyone ran for the sleeping cave as the rain came down hard. Most of the lionesses had been in there anyway and amused themselves watching the few stragglers run in soaking wet. Simba, nala, and Kim were not back yet. Ade lay near the back of the cave dripping wet. She had walked through the storm not bothering to waste energy running. She didn't bother answering the lionesses at the entrance when they asked where she had been. She was now freezing cold and couldn't stop herself shivering. Eventually the lionesses settled down and piled up in the middle. Ade could feel the cold keeping her awake. She laid there for what seemed like hours. She was awake when Simba and Nala came in. Due to the fact Ade was near the wall and in more shadow she could observe them where as if she was in the middle she would've had to pretend she was asleep. They were both smiling and even a bit playful when they settled down to sleep. There was also the strong smell of lionsex now in the air. Long after the two of them had got to sleep Ade still shivered. She was now dry but it was freezing cold in the cave. She watched the breath coming out of her nose and hang in the air for a bit. She drifted in and out of sleep. Sometimes she would stay asleep for a few minuets, other times a matter of seconds would pass. She felt miserable and tired and just wanted the day to come. The rain ran down over the cave mouth and made a sheet of white. Suddenly a massive arm grabbed around her just under her front legs and she was being pulled close to something. She felt her back meet wet fur. It made her shiver but soon her heat and the other lion's heat made it get a bit dryer so she could saver the warmth. She tilted her head slightly up to see whom it was. She could see the dark mane and brown fur of Kim. He had his eyes closed and his face was peaceful. She didn't know how long he had been there but it can't have been too long otherwise he would have dried off. She felt...happy, and safe in his arms. She could now get to sleep but she would be up later to make up for the time she had spent shivering.

Ade blinked. The light coming from the entrance of the cave was too strong to be morning light. She opened her eyes and winced. Judging by the light from the entrance of the cave it looked like it was midday. She looked around the cave and found she was the only one now in it. Kim was gone too. Something else hit her too. She was in heat. She could feel it, her body aching a bit and her loins begging for penetration. She got up and did her stretches and then went out the cave. The light made her wince even more as she looked over pride rock. Everybody seemed to be resting in the day's heat. She looked up at the sky and saw the rain clouds weren't all gone and were slowly moving over the sky and turning the beautiful day dark. She tried to spot Simba or Nala. She knew they would know where Kim was. But she was out of luck so she decided to go to the water hole. As she made her way she looked up and saw the clouds were slowly following her across the sky. She sighed and looked back down. She got to the watering hole and then took a drink. After she had finished she looked around for any sign of Kim. She knew if he didn't want to be found he wouldn't. So she started walking from a fresh scent she had picked up from the watering hole. She walked around all day following it from place to place. The clouds had covered the sky fully now and there was even small droplets in the air. She sat under a tree and looked around to see what everyone was doing but it seemed that they had all retreated to the cave. Then she saw him. Moving towards pride rock slowly. She watched him for a minuet before her heat took over. She found herself getting up and moving at a pace that got slowly faster. She found herself running at full pelt towards him. As she got closer and closer she could she he was faintly smiling about something. She thought he knew she was coming but that was disproved when he turned his head and said

"What the fuc-" he was tackled fully off his feet and they rolled down a small dip. When they stopped Kim was on his back and Ade was on top of him. He opened his eyes and saw her laughing. She looked down on his face with a look of absolute love. He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak but she ducked down and kissed him. She let her tongue slip into his muzzle and rolled it around. He kissed her back, putting one paw behind her head to bring her closer. He could feel her wonderful body on top of his. She was light but not too light. A hunter's body. He could feel his sheath tighten and his cock head poke out. He kissed her and used his free paw to rub her right side. He rubbed her side and moved down to just about rub her thigh. She purred in pleasure as the rain started to come down lightly. Nether noticed as they continued to purr in ecstasy. Kim used one paw toe and made little circles on her thigh. She purred even more and she used her tongue to explore his muzzle, moving around his large canines and tongue. He erected more and more smelling her heat and through the body contact. Eventually she stopped kissing him and looked at him. He again opened his muzzle to talk but she put a paw around it and leaned to his right and whispered into his ear

"Don't. I know you want this...bad. Don't think I haven't seen the way you look at me. Just give in. And I wouldn't worry about having cubs because I want them just like you do. So how about we get started." She purred the last word that made Kim smile. She then stood on her paws over him and looked down his chest. She arched her back down towards his fully erect member and lowered herself down. She went slowly so she wouldn't have to try again. She got it right the first time. His pole slipped into her smoothly as they both moaned out in ecstasy. She kept moving down and down until she went to the hilt. They both moaned out and they stayed like that for a few seconds. Ade then started moving up and down on his cock slowly. Kim now had no control and it was all up to Ade. They both moaned out as they worked. Kim could feel the heat between them building up. He had to say something. Anything.

" long like this?" he asked as she started going faster.

"Pretty much since...we...ahh...urr...met." She said. The rain really started to come down as they worked. Kim could feel his peak building up as she went up and down pretty fast. It wasn't fast enough though he started thrusting up too. He started going so hard and fast she was almost lifted off him. He kept going and going until he roared and gave her his seed. He breathed out as her orgasm hit her. She cried out as her pussy clamped down on his cock milking it fully. Kim breathed out as he felt more cum spray from his cock. She rolled off him to the side and rolled in the dirt trying to get the seed to seep in deeper and double their chances of getting pregnant. He rolled to his side to look at her. She was on her back smiling with her eyes closed. He barley felt the rain hit his body as he got up and moved to stand over her. He lent his head down to kiss her. She kissed him back before he broke away to lean to her right and whisper in her ear

"I think we better make sure you're pregnant." He said smiling. She opened her eyes and had that mischievous look in them. She rolled onto her belly and raised her rump.


The rain came down harder than ever and even the rumble of thunder could be heard. It even sounded to be getting closer. Kim and Ade lay in a small forest that provided a small bit of cover from the rain. They had mated more times than they had actually spent resting. They now lay there breathing and resting. Kim had his paw tracing over her erect nipples while his other arm was around her chest. Ade was watching the rain splatter across the plains through a gap in the canopy. Kim sensed something was wrong with her. He lifted his head to look at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing." She said.

"Just...I've dreamed of being with you since we met. And's come true. And...I'm trying to work out how." She said. She didn't look at him but just watched the plains. He smiled. He understood what she meant.

"This is happing because we love each other. That's it." He said. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back as he lent forward and kissed her. As they kissed he moved his free paw down in-between her hind legs. He could feel his own spooge all around it and on her inner thighs. He pushed one of his paw toes in and forced some of his own seed out again. He moved his paw toe around and she made little moaning noises into his muzzle. She broke away and asked

"What...oh...what you doin'? Don't you want to...ahh...get straight in?" he pushed a second paw toe in and said as she moaned out

"There's more than enough in there. Now we need to work on you having your orgasm." He said. He moved his lubricated paw in and out faster and faster and moved it around. She moaned out as he used his paws as much as possible. With his other paw that was trapped by her body he stroked any part of her body he could find. She started taking shorter breaths, as she was getting closer to her orgasm. She half roared half screamed as she came. Her pussy clamped down on his paw as he licked her behind the ears. The thunder rumbled closer and the rain was coming down so hard it hurt. Nether even noticed anything else apart from each other. After she had calmed down from her peak Kim slipped his paw out and hung it front of her muzzle. She lapped at it and then took it into her muzzle and sucked of his juices and her own.

"Ready for more?" he asked causally. He wasn't going to wait for an answer however because he just stuck his paw toes in again. She moaned out and hissed

"Basterd." He repeated that several times as the storm slowly moved away. By the time the clouds had cleared and the morning sun had emerged from the ground Ade and Kim were fast asleep. Ade woke first. She found them in the same position as they had fallen asleep in. Kim had his paw in front of her muzzle with crusted on juices from both of them. His other arm she was laying on top of and it was rapped around her. He breathed quietly so she decided to wait until he woke up. She put her head back down and rested.

She felt movement. She opened her eyes. She saw Kim lift his head and yawn, throwing back his muzzle and showing his long razor sharp canines. He looked down at her and smiled. He moved his head forward to rub her head. She returned the favour and rubbed his head back. They broke away from each other and looked at one another feeling the connection they now shared.

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked in a playful voice.

"Well, if I am pregnant I want to bring this baby into a family. Not just to me." She said. Kim new instantly what she meant and said

"Well, I think that would be the right thing to do. So, Adetoun..." he got to his paws as she did. He looked her in the eye and said

"Will you marry me?"

To be continued...

Sorry for the long wait. But, I promise the next one will be the last. Thanks for staying with me this far. The next one'll be up ASAP.

Thanks also to Mirri for a lot of inspiration when I wrote the yiff *constant insperation* ^_^