zokerus day 00
#1 of zokerus
I do not own pokemon.please leave comments
As the dark figures neared beads of sweat started to form on my brow. How could my creations turn so violently. Why wont this elevator open. I can hear it getting closer and im hoping to god that its only a floor above me. The first of the figures lunged at me I quickly sidestepped. Too late ill have to take the stairs i hope this is the only cell with the outbreak or imm screwed. I ran to the stairs and began my ascent. Halfway up i could here the screams of fighting a losing battle coming from above damn. I have to find a way to get out. When he climed another level i felt a hand grab my foot. I fell down and my jaw cracked on the stairs. The pain threatened to black me out but the will to survive was greater. As i was regaining my bearings i realized there was pain outside of my head. I looked back and saw that there was a head leaning into my leg. As it pulled away i noticed that it had a nice chunk of flesh in between its teeth. I screamed and kicked it in the face so hard it was sent back down the stairs. I used the metal railing to lift mybself up and then i began to hobble up the stairs i had left. The first thing i noticed when i reached the top was the scene of absolute chaos. There were pokemon ripping people into pieces and then devouring all that was left. Then i noticed one of the humans stand up with a large chunk of his arm missing. The person turned around and sunk his teeth into the arm of one of the people too busy to see his fate. The exit was just acroos the room but it was blocked by several pokemon who were chomping down on any one who got near them. Just then it looked like one was busy trying to rip open a human. As i started to run for the opening a blazing heat hit me from behind launching me forward. As i turned around to see what had happened i saw a flareon start to launch a flamethrower. I quickly rolled to the left. I succeded only in knocking down someone else. The zombie that the person was dealing with fell down to rip the person apart. I turned back to the flareon only to see its jaw open up and ripped my throught open i as i bled out i saw it use a flamethrower to cook me alive. I guess this is what i get for trying to help. Subject 0 HELLO. I AM THE FIRST TO BECOME A ZOMBIE. THOUGH MY EVOLUTION WAS NOT AS VIOLENT AS EVERY OTHER ONE. I HAVE NEVER FELT THE URGE TO EAT FLESH. I WAS CAGED AND EXPERIMENTS WERE PERFORMED ON ME. I WILL TELL YOU HOW IT STARTED.