Charles' Growing Pains

Story by Kenneth Beltan on SoFurry

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Though this is a stand-alone story, it was inspired by an roleplay universe I've created with a friend. No background is necessary to understand or appreciate this, other than it's set in New York City around 1988 - 1989 and involves a seventeen-year-old red fox's first encounter with a much older, very dapper saleswolf. By older, I'm talking around fifty years of age. So if you like real, mature men, you'll enjoy yourself!

Charles' Growing Pains

by Kenneth Beltan

All characters copyrighted to me, bitches.


Charles shifted again in his seat, picking the front of his trousers discreetly under his coat. He was wishing he had stood instead of finding a seat. He was awfully glad his father convinced his mother to let him finally do his own clothes shopping. He was old enough, as his father pointed out, and while his father did insist on coming for when Charles finally got himself a suit, he felt it was safe enough to let his teenage son shop for his regular clothes.

Finally, Charles's train reached the station at W 34th St. & 6th Avenue. He eagerly made his way to the doors and hurried up to the streets of Manhattan. He was growing fast, and was already above the heads of several people. For a fox, he was tall and quite brawny, much more so than anyone in his family. His father had been trying to convince him for years to join the soccer team, but Charles had little interest in sports, even if he was partially inclined to consider soccer. Music was his passion in life, and he was determined to be an organist. It might even be a good way, though, to throw his parents off the scent that their boy was a homo. Queers did not play sports after all, while they did love music. Since Charles did not bring home dates, he reasoned it would be a good idea to take up another activity so he could claim distraction and concentration for his lack of dating. If he could just hold out a few more years and not get found out, he would at least be able to take care of himself and have a college degree.

Charles followed a few other people into Macy's department store and made for the men's wear. He was dressed in slacks, a button-up shirt and a jacket. His coat was still buttoned over his front, as he was a little shy of showing his crotch. He was growing so large down there, and though he did not show as he walked, he was always afraid he would. He was especially afraid now because he was not wearing any underwear. He could not stand too much of the time because what he had was so tight. It fit his waist fine, but his groin had nowhere to go. How was he supposed to say that to his parents? He was too shy to even mention the possibility of buying boxer shorts, which was why he wanted to shop by himself. His family was old-fashioned and did not discuss certain topics. He still remembered how uncomfortable his father was when he gave his son the sex talk. Charles shook his head at the prudery of it all.

He selected a few new pairs of slacks and shirts before making his way to men's underwear. He secretly liked being here because he enjoyed thinking about how a pair of underwear might fit over a man. In particular, he liked to think about his gym teacher, an arctic fox that he himself had since outdone in brawniness. Charles' teacher had also tried to encourage him to join a team. The teenage red fox liked the attention because he was very attracted to his middle-aged instructor. He had watched him undress and shower before, but he especially loved to think of him in his white briefs. They cupped his cock and balls so nicely it made him lick his chops. He sometimes thought he would join any team just to get inside Mr. Beltrami's pants. He had a sneaking suspicion his gym teacher had similar interests in him. If only he could be more sure...

"Hello, sir. Do you require assistance?" a voice suddenly sounded to Charles' left.

Quickly snapping out of his daydreaming and glad all his purchases were dangling in front of his half-hard shaft, he smiled and answered cordially to the middle-aged wolf. "Just trying to choose some new undergarments. You have a large selection."

"Yes, we do. Is there anything particular you are looking for, sir?" The wolf had a sneaking suspicion what it might be. He had done this job long enough to read the looks of men who needed special underwear, though they usually were not foxes.

Charles was finding this fellow also quite attractive, with his warm musk and square glasses. His body filled out that fitted suit so nicely. He quickly tried to stamp those thoughts down, irritated slightly that he was so distractingly horny for people he could never have.

"Just something in my size," he answered vaguely, not sure how to say what he wanted or even if he should.

"You're a thirty-three waist," the wolf stated.

"Yes, that's right." Charles was always amazed they could just look and know what size someone was. "I...I also need something..."

"A bit more roomy," the wolf volunteered easily, his expression perfectly neutral and formal. His suspicions were quickly being confirmed. He loved this job.

"Ah, yes. My...current garments fit my waist but not my..." He cut his eyes down for a split second, wondering how to phrase it.

The wolf held up a paw. "That's all right, sir. I understand. What you need is not here. Please follow me."

Biting his lip, Charles followed the wolf to a counter. He admired the wolf's ass, so well-fitted in those trousers. Facing the salesman from across the counter, he watched as the wolf reached into a drawer and pulled out a package of underwear that looked like any other, save for an additional word that was hardly noticeable that preceded the word "briefs" on the package: "fitted."

"Some men require additional accommodation for the extra prodigiousness Nature sometimes accords our sex," the salesman explained.

Charles wanted to applaud the man for such a tastefully discreet way of phrasing it while also making it sound like something to puff one's chest out about. He leaned in to take a closer look, getting more of the man's scent that was oh so warm and spicy. He could feel his mouth starting to water, and it was getting more difficult for him to maintain composure. He cleared his throat. "How much extra are they?"

The wolf was old enough and horny enough himself to know this young lad was turned on both by his own predicament as well as the one selling the garment. It was also likely he had a thing for men in underwear. "Only twenty-five cents extra, sir. They are well worth the purchase price."

"I'll take two packets please," Charles responded.

The wolf took out another one and handed it to Charles, smiling every so slightly as the fox's fingers brushed over his own rather purposefully. The young were so obvious. He found it endearing.

"Has sir yet tried on the slacks? We are having a special today: with the purchase of three pairs or more, we fit them and tailor them on the spot for free." That was not true, but since he was head of his department, he could make deals like those at his discretion. He was inclined to answer this young man's desires, as well as make sure he left completely satisfied. He was proud of his work after all.

Charles hesitated to respond. He knew if he got undressed before this fellow everything would be revealed. He was not wearing anything underneath. Moreover, he was worried he would pop a boner in front of him. The wolf simply smiled easily at him, but the look in his eyes was turning Charles on. He told himself he was just seeing things.

"Well, I haven't, no. You see..."

The wolf smiled and chuckled. "Ah, I understand." He did not want to embarrass the poor fellow. It was difficult after all for some men to come to terms with this, especially if they were raised in a conservative home. He offered the lad a way through. "If you wish, you may open a packet and cover your modesty before I join you in the fitting room," he said quietly.

In response, Charles' cock surged and became like iron. "All right. My father would say I was being foolish for not having my clothes fitted for free."

The wolf simply nodded and led Charles to some far off dressing rooms. He was glad it was a quiet day. "Just let me know when you are ready, sir," he stated formally as Charles shuffled with his purchases.

Closing the door behind him, Charles hung his things on the provided pegs and began taking off his shoes. He then took down his pants and let his cock spring free. Looking at himself in the mirror, he wondered what he was going to do about this. He stood out long and quite thick. He was huge compared to everyone else in his class, and he had always gotten stares for it. Being a fox, he had an arrogant insouciance in common with cats and simply ignored them and simply acted as perfect as he was. He did not usually have hard-ons in the showers at school, though. He reached down and rubbed his pendulous testes, his other paw rubbing up and down his shaft. He could smell the musk coming up at him and had to stifle a moan. He had to get this thing down or the salesman would suspect something.

He sat down on a seat nearby and reached for a packet of his new briefs. He looked over the packaging, surprised at how similar they were to a regular pack. There was little to indicate their purpose, other than a small description on the back of the garment's dimensions. A part of him was grateful for that discretion. Extracting a claw, he tore open the top of the packet and fished out a fresh pair of briefs. He set the rest of the packet on the floor next to him and inspected the garment. The pouch in front was certainly much roomier, protruding out from the rest of the otherwise flat garment. It was certainly made for men like him. Trying to keep the erotic possibilities out of his head, he stood up, his penis slowly deflating to a more manageable size, and he stepped slowly into the garment. He pulled them up and over his hips and found they fit him perfectly! He had a bulge to be sure, but because the fabric was not stretching so much, it somehow made the lot seem less obscene and obvious. He wished he had known about these before. He would never buy anything else again.

"How goes everything in there, sir?" the salesman asked politely.

Charles looked uneasily at the door. "Well, thank you. I'm just looking at myself." He looked back to his groin and shrugged. He could not prevaricate anymore, and he was about as soft as he was going to be for a while. "I'm ready for the fitting, sir. Come in."

The wolf let himself into the fitting room as Charles was turning around to fetch one of the new pairs of trousers. In spite of the scent neutralizers that were in each fitting room, he could still smell the fox. A fellow like him would give off a potent one, especially if he was aroused. He took the view of Charles' rump as the fox stepped into the trousers. He also noticed the large mound than hung heavily and just in view from between his legs. This young fox was certainly packing a good load. It made the wolf's own ample member swell slightly.

Charles did up his trousers and stood to face the wolf, who was as poised and proper as could be. Perhaps many of Charles' generation turned their noses up to such formality, but the young fox had always appreciated it. He wanted to be a gentleman, just as he had always been taught to be.

"How do they feel?" asked the wolf as he circled, inspecting and noting obvious adjustments that would be needed. Charles answered the wolf's question as the salesman kneeled, pins in his mouth and a bit of chalk as he marked the necessary alterations. Charles kept his cool as the wolf's fingers gripped the top of the trousers as he tested the fit around the waist. Charles knew he had a bit of a mound showing, and he was embarrassed for it, yet the wolf made absolutely no indication that he minded or noticed. For his part, the saleswolf considered himself a consummate professional first and foremost, and flirting in this job was a risky business. He would follow the fox's lead and only nudge him encouragingly if he was absolutely sure that was what he wanted.

Satisfied with his work, he asked Charles to kindly remove his trousers and put on the next pair. The young fox resisted letting out a sigh, as he had three more pairs to go. At least the first one went well. The wolf stayed in his kneeling position as he wrote in a small notepad. He would not have need to get up for a while, and besides, it was easier for him to stay down and get up once rather than several times, especially with all the rain they had been having lately. He did cut his eyes ever so slightly to better see the mound in the new briefs and was quite impressed. This fellow most definitely had need of those undergarments, and even as far as large fellows went, Charles was quite big. The fox had a delicious, fresh and earthy musk that made the wolf want to purr like a cat.

Charles did not notice the wolf's inspection, but he was hoping the man was taking note. Even if the situation was a little embarrassing, he knew he was gifted, and a part of him enjoyed showing it off. Soon he slipped on the next pair of trousers, and they went through the routine again. After he had taken off the second pair, he also decided to discard his shirt, as it was getting in the way. It was also an excuse to show off his broad chest. He did like to exercise on the side, as it made him look more desirable. It went with his large frame anyway, and it would be a shame to be so big yet flabby. Taking a chance, Charles looked down as he stood straight to show the full effect of his body. He even stuck his hips forward just a bit to make his mounded groin more impressive. His lusts were getting to him again, and he wanted to see what would happen. The wolf paused, his look still neutral, as he took a good look at the white mound inches from his muzzle. Slowly those eyes traveled up Charles' form, over his stomach, his chest, his arms, and his shoulders before they met the fox's gaze. Charles gave him a grin, letting on fully that he was enjoying showing off for the wolf's pleasure. He had to admit that if he were straight, he would be a good jock, and for that reason was thankful to be attracted solely to men. A grin suddenly spread over the wolf's features as he let the young fox know he approved. He then went back to his note taking.

Charles was not sure if that grin meant the saleswolf was interested or not. Nonetheless, it was making him feel warm inside once more, and he could not help his cock twitching in his new underwear. Briefly losing his nerve, he quickly turned away before he was seen and picked up the third pair of trousers. As he slid them up his body, the fly caught on his ample crotch. Charles hefted the load up a bit before letting it fall into the trousers and fastening them up. The wolf's grin got wider, causing Charles' doubts to fade anew.

They went through the same ritual as before, the wolf taking notes and then putting his notepad down to reach up and check the fit of the waist. The wolf's fingers went deeper under Charles' waistband this time; he gently hiked the trousers up a few times, as if testing how they sat on the fox's waist. Charles was plumping more and so was the wolf. A definite impression of the fox's cockhead was poking out a mound off to one side. The wolf had to resist licking his lips as he pinched the pleats that framed Charles' groin and straightened them a bit, adjusting here and there.

"These could do with a bit of letting out. It will give you a flatter profile," the wolf intoned as he took up his notepad again and wrote the adjustments. If that was not an acknowledgement of Charles' manhood then nothing was.

Charles took down his trousers again, all the while his penis stiffening more and more. His tent was now very noticeable, and only a fool would not recognize it for what it was. He let it all get caught in the V of the fly again, pausing a bit to show it off, and then he tucked it into the trousers with his paw before doing them up. As this was the last pair, it was now or never.

The wolf started with the legs and then moved up to the waistband again. Hooking his fingers once more into the waistband, deeper than ever, he hoisted the garment to check its fit. This caused Charles' stiffening member to suddenly shift position from where it had been. It popped up and batted against the wolf's thick fingers. He simply paused, feeling the heat of the penis' head against his digits. The saleswolf gave a few more tugs on the waistband to make Charles' penis knock against his fingers a little more before giving the whole thing a tug outward and a vigorous shake. Charles' cock now stood straight up between the fingers of both the wolf's paws. He could hear his young customer taking in small gasps as he was stimulated, letting off musk like he was in a rut. The wolf had since relinquished control of his hardening cock, and it now stood stiff and large in his own trousers.

The wolf rubbed the clothing up and down the shaft, using his thumbs to apply pressure over the back of it. He eventually stopped and picked up his pad again to mark the last of the alterations. "I think I have all I need here, sir. Why don't you take the trousers off, and we can continue."

Charles wondered if the wolf meant to continue with the fitting or their sexual play. He hardly cared as he quickly undid the trousers and kicked them away, his cock standing proudly and large in his pure white briefs. He watched as the wolf shucked off his jacket as he stood up and hung it on a peg. He then proceeded to take off his shoes, undo his vest, his tie and shirt. He then took down his own trousers so his large penis could be seen pushing out his own underwear, which he then slid off his body so that he stood naked in front of Charles, his black and grey furred body on glorious display. He still had the typical strength of a wolf, as well as paunch from age and good living. He smelled more wonderful than ever.

"Have a seat, son, and take off those briefs," he rumbled to Charles, his voice noticeably lower and huskier. The young fox immediately complied, eager to see where it all would go.

The wolf immediately knelt between the fox's legs and stuck his nose into the thick of Charles' cock to get a full intake of his musk. His work-worn paws moved over the balls and shaft, feeling their heat and weight. The wolf then opened his mouth and began licking the shaft all over before finally lowering his muzzle over it completely. Charles had never been sexual with anyone before, so this was a dream come true. He bit his lip as he gripped the sides of the small bench, trying not to make a sound as the wolf sucked him so luxuriously.

The saleswolf would have liked to have made it last long, but he knew this could only go on for a short time. It was a risky place to do it. He hoped he could persuade the young fellow to come visit him, and there they could enjoy things at their leisure. He was glad to know some young people found older men attractive, and he intended to give this fellow the time of his life. He went deep, licking over every bit of the penis, rumbling around the shaft to add to the sensations. He let the fox come close to peaking only a few times before finally going for the final lap. Charles' legs were shaking on either side of the wolf's body, and he was bucking up into the warm muzzle on him eagerly. He knew the lad was just about there. Before the climax, Charles snatched up a shirt and bit on it, holding the lot over his face to muffle his repressed cries of pleasure as he began spraying the inside of the wolf's muzzle with his essence. The wolf held the huge, white balls as they surged, sending their load up the iron-hard shaft and into his eager mouth. It was a long climax, rich and copious for someone so young. This fellow was going to be a hell of a lover as he got older. He was going to make someone very, very happy.

Finally, Charles had finished, and he panted softly as he let his shirt fall out of his mouth. His whole body felt alive, but he was licking his lips against as he watched the wolf stand up, his large, ebony cock pointing straight at him. He was a large fellow, too, but not as big as Charles. He reached out slowly and cupped the man's balls before taking hold of the cock in his other paw. That spicy aroma coming off of him was too enticing to resist, and the fox slowly stuck his tongue out to taste the hot meat. One quick taste was enough to tell him this was ambrosia and soon he had the whole shaft in his mouth. He had enough practice on his own cock to have some idea about how to treat it, and he applied it to this man, giving him all that he had. He occasionally let his nose just rest in the wolf's pubic fur while his paws firmly clutched that wonderful ass. The wolf rubbed the fox's ears encouragingly, his hips moving to remind him to keep going. Before long he allowed himself to climax, too, and he demonstrated just what it was like at his age. His paws firmly held Charles' muzzle right up to his pelvis as he unloaded over and over again into the fox's muzzle. Charles could not believe how long it lasted or how much there was. He was getting a little worried about the time it was taking before it finally came to a stop. He wanted to do more but was keenly aware that they could not take too long here as well. It had still been a very worthwhile experience.

"Very good, my boy. Very good," the wolf said quite quietly, affectionately rubbing the side of Charles' face. "You've made an old man happy."

"Thank you," Charles answered. "That was incredible. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone until I was on my own."

"There are more of us than you think. This is New York after all," the wolf answered with a smile as he started getting dressed again. "You're not alone. Don't forget that."

Charles reached for his briefs but continued to give the wolf a sideways glance. "Look, I know that sex doesn't mean love, but I'd really like to screw around more. I don't suppose we could have a repeat?"

The wolf chuckled and smiled. "Sensible, too. Very nice. I'd like that very much, and you certainly seem to appreciate older men."

"Young men aren't as attractive as a fully mature, filled-out fellow," Charles answered with lust in his eyes.

"You said it. You're damn near there yourself with a body like that. Let age mature it, and no one will be able to resist you, at least no one worth pursuing." He gave a smirk.


Charles relaxed on the subway, constantly fingering the piece of paper in his pocket with the number and address of the man he had met. He really looked forward to seeing him again. He would finally have a truly good way to work out all the lust that was constantly coursing inside of him. He had needs, and they would now be met.

His parents noticed his good mood as he walked through the door of their brownstone.

"I guess it must have gone well," his mother intoned from where she was at the table, cutting apples for a pie.

"They had a special today, and I got my alterations for free for buying enough trousers," Charles answered. "I look good, don't I?" He turned around so she could see.

"Yes, dear, as dapper as always," his mother answered affirmatively with a smile.

"Nice bit of luck there, son," his father chimed in, sitting across from his wife and helping to cut up apples. "Glad you took advantage of the offer. We'll have to get you a suit next. I know you'll like that."

"Yes, I will." He grinned to himself, as his parents had no idea.