
Story by Twisted Kitty on SoFurry

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Second story that I'm bothering to post. My muse sunk her claws into me and refused to let go until I wrote this.

WARNING: This story is not for the faint of heart or the mentally unstable. Chances are if you read it without having taken your meds first it could drive you crazy(er).


This story is not for minors or people who don't like furries or blood and gore. If you read it and can't stand it, bitch about it on your own time and not in my email box.





Twisted Kitty

"What a beautiful sight," Cole purred, running his long reptilian tongue over his needle sharp teeth, "prettiest thing in the world." His crimson scaled grip tightened on the wicked looking blade he held in his clawed hand. He moved another step closer, loving the scent of fear that filled the room, and kneeled beside the soft little kitten he had chained to the basement floor. He could tell she'd been crying, the tears had left dark little furrows in her cream and dusky brown fur. He leaned in close to her and licked at the still wet trails, reveling in the taste of her tears and the little shriek of fright she gave. It made him shiver in sheer delight.

"You are the sweetest little thing, aren't you, Miku?" He smiled at the little sob she gave, he had her name now, he could do anything he wanted. "Oh, come on, now. It's not that bad," he purred, running his black talons through her headfur, "I can do much worse to you, my dear, believe me."

"Please... no more," she sobbed, new tears trailing through the svelte siamese kitten's fur. Well, she wasn't exactly a kitten, but she was young enough to be ignorant of exactly what a man could do with that supple body of hers. She was strong, though. Cole had had her chained down here for almost a week with nothing but bare rations and his twisted whims, he'd never even spoken to her before now, and she still wasn't even close to being broken.

That was going to change... very soon.

He raised the blade and ran it through her cheek fur and down her neck, tracing the artery. He licked his lips as he watched her pulse speed up as he ran the very tip of the blade over her collarbone and between her nicely rounded breasts to her toned stomach.

"I know you're a good girl, Miku. I know you've never fought with your siblings, you've never missed a day of school," he pressed the blade in a little closer, nearly breaking the skin, "And I know you've never slept with a man before now."

Pure fear lit up her sapphire eyes and she forgot to breathe for a few seconds. "Please don't... oh god please don't," she begged, "I'll do anything else! Please!"

He pulled the blade away from her belly and held it at her throat, "You'll do as I say if you want to get out of this alive, little kitten," he hissed.

She shivered almost violently, shut her eyes tightly, and made a little sound of fear, afraid to speak or move. Cole grinned and put a little more pressure on the edge, just enough to barely break the skin and draw a few drops of blood. He gave a little purr of pleasure at the tear choked cry she gave and moved the blade so he could lick up the blood; that made her cry harder.

He pulled away slightly, just admiring her lovely curves as he traced them with the tip of the dagger, "You said you'd do anything to keep me from raping you, right, sweetheart?"

She gave a meek little nod, eyes never leaving the cold stone underneath her.

"Well, since you've been such a good girl, I'll think about it," he said gently, setting the knife down out of her reach. He leaned in close to her again, holding her fragile jaw between his thumb and foreclaw, almost giving in to the temptation to kiss her, "But in the meantime, I think I'll beat you."

Cole unhooked the chains that bound her hands to the floor and threaded them onto a hook above her head. She wasn't very tall and the chain held her up high enough that she had to stand on her tip toes to keep the chains from cutting into her wrists. He stepped close to her and held her against his muscled chest for a moment, gently cupping one of her breasts and teasing the nipple with the tip of a claw, and nuzzled her a little, licking her throat before he pulled away and took a bullwhip off the wall.

"This is going to hurt quite a bit, my dear," he crooned as he set up for the first strike, "but if you scream for me, I'll be nice and make it a bit quicker." He gave the whip a good hard swing and the perfect snap to split her skin wide open. The first strike sent a shot of blinding pain through her that was so intense she couldn't scream for the sheer shock of it. It was another second or two before the second stroke hit her and tore a shriek of pure agony from her delicate throat. It went on for minutes that seemed like days, each stroke of the whip sending a new streak of fire across her back, he timed them so well that the pain of one stroke was just really starting to set in before the next one hit. Finally he stopped, pausing to lick the blood off the end of the whip before tossing it aside and stepping over to her to admire his work. Her cream colored back was a bloody mess of torn skin and matted fur and she screamed when he bent his reptilian head and licked the blood from her wounds. Cole was gentle as he licked the wounds clean and he grinned when Miku started purring. He finished and moved around in front of her, reaching a hand around to grab her headfur, wanting to kiss her, but again resisting the temptation.

"So you like this, do you, my dear?"

She shook her head as much as she could with him holding her so roughly, tears streaming down her face, "Please... don't beat me anymore... please."

He grinned and leaned his snout in close to her muzzle, "You're purring, my dear. If I remember correctly, felines only purr when they're happy about something. So if you don't like being beaten... what are you so happy about?"

Miku took a moment to pull herself together, he'd probably hurt her if she didn't answer him, better think of one quick. She let her eyes drift to the floor, "When-... when you were licking my wounds... you were gentle. It was kind of nice."

He smirked, let go of her, bent down and picked up the knife and skimmed through her soft belly fur with the tip. "So you go for a more subtle touch, hm?" He let the blade slide down between her legs and gently parted her labia with the edged side. She gasped and tried not to tremble, afraid he'd cut her. Cole pulled the blade away, careful not to cut her, ran it through her soft cheek fur and laid the tip of the blade against her lips. "So you want gentle... you like it. A subtle touch. I can do that," he said, grinning wickedly. He deftly slipped the blade between her lips and sliced the tip of her tongue, drawing a cry of pain from her and filling her mouth with blood. He finally gave in to the temptation and kissed her roughly, his long tapered tongue snaking into her mouth; the sensation alone made his head swim. Her blood was so sweet, warm on his tongue, and the feeling of her supple little body struggling against him was horribly arousing. Cole finally pulled back, shoving Miku away and making her swing on the chain. She was crying again and trying not to choke on her own blood. He paused a moment to catch his breath and lick her blood off his needle sharp teeth while he savored the sounds of her suffering. His long ridged cock was already hard, the barbs near the base starting to flare out a little.

"Oh, sweet little Miku," he purred, head tilted back and reptilian eyes closed, "You see what you do to me?"

She was still swinging slightly, the chain cutting into her wrists now, although that pain was pushed to the back of her mind as soon as she saw his barbed length standing out straight and hard. "Oh god... please don't. You said you wouldn't be cruel.... I told you, I'll do anything else... please."

Back to begging again... how fucking pathetic.

Cole growled low in his chest and wrapped his talons around her throat, bringing her innocent sapphire eyes to meet his own demonic yellow slits. "Shut up, you little bitch, or you'll find out just how cruel I can be!" she quickly complied, hardly daring to breathe, much less speak. He collected himself, forcing his temper back down, speaking with a softly threatening tone as only a true predator can do, "Now, I'm going to let you down off the chain and you're going to suck me off... and you'll do a decent job, or I'll slit you open like a fresh kill and eat your heart while you're still screaming. Got that?" She nodded, fear turning her eyes dark.

He smirked a bit and pulled the chain off the hook, letting her down gently. Fear had drained her strength, her slim legs wouldn't hold her up, and she fell to her knees. He grinned down at her, still holding the wickedly edged dagger in one hand.

"Hurry up, kitten," He urged softly, "Don't keep me waiting all night."

Every part of her was numb, all the way down to the tip of her tail, though that didn't seem to stop her wounds from hurting. The slashes across her back split open and new fire shot through her skin as Miku forced herself to crawl over to him. She was shivering like a leaf in a blizzard as she pulled her legs under her to kneel at his feet, her mouth going dry, despite the blood still trickling from her tongue, as she stared at the nine inch spear before her. She flinched as a drop of pre slipped from his tip and dripped onto the tip of her nose, filling her nostrils with the heady scent of his musk. Her hand trembled as she took hold of his cock and timidly slipped her silky feline lips around his tip, suckling softly.

He growled low, though it was more of a purr, "Take a little more, kitten, and suck harder, don't be shy about it."

Miku obeyed, sliding her mouth further down his ridged length, closing her eyes as she traced the little furrows with her rough tongue and gave the lower half of his shaft a gentle squeeze with her hand. He sighed contently, purring after a little while as she gradually took more of his shaft into her mouth until he could feel the back of her throat.

He grinned wickedly, resting a scaled hand on her head, "More, slut, take more or I'll cut you."

She flinched slightly at his touch, his words flooding her with fear. She didn't know if she could take any more, but she quickly decided that it was better if she hurt herself a little trying, than having him hurt her even worse for not obeying. Miku forced herself to relax, sucking on him softly and working the lower half with her hands. She steeled herself against her fear, took a deep breath through her nose, his musk overpowering her senses, and forced herself forward, taking a good three inches of him down her throat and nearly gagging on it. She kept him there as long as she could, lavishing his cock with her tongue and tracing the veins along the side, before she finally needed air. She pulled back off him, only pausing long enough to catch a quick breath before taking him again, getting even more of him and managing to fight back her gag reflex this time.

Cole moaned, honestly impressed with how much of him she could handle already. She pulled back and took him again, managing to get all but two inches of him. Even better than that, she started purring, the vibration stimulating him even more. He almost lost it, yellow eyes threatening to roll back into his skull, but he managed to maintain control... until she did it a third time and managed to get all nine inches into that sweet little muzzle. He roared as he climaxed, reptilian features twisted into a snarl of pleasure. He gripped her headfur tightly, thrusting into her mouth as he spilled his seed into her belly, not caring if she could breathe or not. He waited until his climax was almost spent, pulled out of her mouth and let the last few spurts of cum splash over her face and chest, marking her for his own.

Miku let him mark her as she tried to catch her breath, forcing herself to stay still until he finished. She nearly collapsed, fear and strain finally taking their toll on the young siamese, but she caught herself and just stayed there, leaning on her hands, head hanging down and dusky ears and tail limp from sheer exhaustion. She heard him sigh, it was a content sound, maybe he was finally finished with her, maybe he'd let her go now.

"I've been thinking, little kitten," he said softly, tracing the line of her jaw with a claw tip, "And I've decided," He kissed her softly, slipping his tongue into her mouth for a moment, "If you'll let me claim you... completely... I'll let you live."

She sobbed, the last of her strength leaving her, and collapsed in a heap at his feet, crying quietly, "Please... please don't... I've done everything you asked... please, just let me go."

Cole sighed and said softly, "Too late for that, sweetling." He slipped down to the floor and shoved her onto her back, chaining her hands back to the floor, ignoring her tearful pleas for mercy. A sick grin twisted its way across his crimson scaled snout as he yanked her legs apart and settled himself between them, his barbed length already stiff again. He gave a low pleased growl as he ran one hand up through the soft fur of her belly, black claws teasing the skin beneath. He took a few moments to admire her svelte curves one last time before he let out a vicious predatory snarl and slammed his full length into her, thrusting mercilessly into her tight little body. She screamed as he tore through her virginity, more small cries escaping her every time he thrust into her, he ignored them. All his mind was focused on violating the sweet little bitch beneath him. He slammed into her again and again, forcing her young body to please him, urge him ever closer to his climax.

Close... so close, just a few minutes more...

He snarled and pounded harder into her abused body, relishing every sweet scream that ripped from her slim throat, every cry for mercy. He gripped her wrists pinned above her head, ebony talons digging into the tender flesh. Cole could feel her body starting to quiver, knew she was just as close as he was. He switched his grip, holding both of her hands in one of his, wrapping his other hand around her neck, squeezing lightly.

"Come on, bitch," he growled in her ear, rhythm never faltering, "Make me cum and I'll set you free."

She was trying to pull out of his grip, trying to make him stop choking her, innocent sapphire eyes already starting to roll back into her skull. He roared above her, spearing the deepest part of her as he filled her with his burning seed. She didn't want to feel it, she didn't want to like it, but the searing fire filling her shot through her body and made her scream in ecstasy as her first, and last, orgasm tore through her.

Cole cut her pleasured cry short, sinking his needle sharp teeth into her throat and giving a vicious yank, turning her supple neck into a gaping bloody hole. He grinned with a sick satisfaction as he watched her eyes go wide in pain and shock as hot rivers of blood spilled from her body and out onto the cold stone beneath her. She couldn't even scream as he bent his blood spattered head down again and ripped another mouthful of flesh from her body and swallowed it down. Then another and another, consuming the body he'd claimed for his own, eating her as her life slowly drained away. Something in the back of her mind whispered that it must be dawn by now and as the sparkling of her soul faded behind her eyes she wished she could have seen the sunrise.


Sick isn't it? Good. I hope it disturbed you enough to keep you from being able to finish your next meal XP

For the sick fuckers that actually got off on this messy piece of fun, email me, we should hook up sometime ;P

Comments are always a good thing, flame me all you want in the comment box, but don't flame my email box, I just had it reupholstered.