Getting a new pet - part 02

Story by Zinzoline Velvetpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Getting a new pet

Super-dull, boring, but necessary disclaimers:

-This story is adult, and not suitable for anyone under the age of 18

-This story in fact DOESN'T contain graphic descriptions of bestial lesbian sex between an anthro otter and a feral cat, but there are some suggestive touches and all (sorry folks. Call it character development =~.^=)

-This story contains some small form ofbestiality

-This story is even longer than the first part

-This story is the second part of a long-lasting story I am writing with my fiancé, and we are RP-ing it out, which will explain the style in which this part of the story and future parts of it are written

-This story contains a dangerously hyper-active and absolutely crazy otter (you're warned! Read at your own risk!)

-Linette Jennifer Argenti is © myself

-Cattery "Superbly Somali" is fictional and created by me

-Coco is © my fiancé

-Menew is © my fiancé too

-note: The feral cats speak in meows and purrs and such. That is all the anthro people will be hearing when the feral speak to them. However, sometimes the meows and/or purrs are translated into understandable English, and when the feral speak to each other, their words are in understandable English as well. Regular anthro speech is placed between quotes, "like this". The feral speak and translations of their meows and purrs is placed between double colons ::like this::.

Warm, bright sunshine beat down upon the cheery and bouncy brown otter Coco and the fluffy little feral silver Somali cat Linette she was carrying in her arms as Coco stepped out of the front door of her little house. At the front of the silly little house, the yard was by far not as huge as at the back, but it was just as littered with various objects. Balls in different colors and sizes were lying around everywhere. Between all the balls were other things that Coco had collected in her front yard because they were fun to play with, or looked nice, or had a funny shape that attracted the silly otter's interest. A big rock with a purple stripe over it. A large forked tree branch with some withered brown leaves still clinging to it. A huge fluff of brownish green moss that looked like some kind of crouching animal. Seashells, of course. Lots of seashells, actually. A tin can that had twisted ino a weird pretzel shape, so withered it was impossible to tell what the can had originally had been used for. And between all this, Coco's car.

With a giddy bounce to her step, Coco carried Linette outside towards her car. It fitted her perfectly, seeing as how it was a small VW dune buggy, painted bright orange, quite frankly being a huge eyesore to just about anyone who saw it. But it wasn't like Coco cared about that. That car was, like, so totally cute! And orange! When Linette saw the silly open car, she let out a playful yowl and squeezed her eyes for a moment. It was a mere show; as all cats Linette could hardly distinguish any colors, although one as bright as the orange from that car did register quite clearly. Coco giggled loudly at that again as she climbed into the driver's seat and petted Linette softly, smiling down at the cat.

"Something up between you and Menew? He was, like, in a huff, wasn't he? I wonder why he was so mad? He'll come back again later, right? I hope so! I miss my kitty."

She started up the car and drove down the street with Linette in the car with her. Snuggling up on the passenger's seat, the small silver kitty cheerily shook her head again as the otter once more began with her waterfall of questions. Tucking her forepaws under her fluffy chest, she just offered a soft purring mrowl as if to answer all questions at once.


Settling down, Linette let her ears relax to the sides and half-squeezed her eyes, enjoying the ride. As Coco drove down the street, she whistled as she went, not noticing that Menew had sneakily crawled into the car before they left as well. Coming up from behind the passenger's seat, the black Angora tomcat ever so softly climbed upwards, until he was standing above Linette on the top of the seat, looking down at her. Grinning widely, he gave his bushy tail a twitch or two and wiggled his rump a bit, all of a sudden playfully pouncing onto Linette from above. Perking her tufted ears again, Linette turned her head to see what was going on behind her, but she was just a tad too late.

A loud, yet cheery mewl escaped her as she was being pounced from above by Menew, and she quickly rolled over, playfully cuffing at him with her forepaws and kicking out with her hind feet, letting out cheery, playful growls and hisses as she rolled over and over with the black cat, eventually toppling off the passenger's seat and landing on the floor in front of it together with Menew, still nipping and cuffing at him like a kitten.


Hearing the commotion next to her but having just enough common sense to keep her eyes on the road and the other traffic, Coco was really wondering what was going on next to her. When she had a chance, she turned her head and looked down, finding Menew and Linette going at each other playfully, first on the carseat but then down on the floor before it as they rolled off the seat. She laughed loudly, happy her kitties were getting along seemingly so well. Menew scrambled up after their fall, leaning up on his hind feet and softly batting his forepaws at all of Linette's face. He managed to get himself on top of her and tried to pin her down beneath him, nipping playfully at her ears while letting out cheerful mock growls as he wrestled with the silver Somali. Linette hissed playfully in response and rolled herself over, squirming to get the black cat off her, batting at his muzzle and his forepaws while trampling into his tummy with her hind feet, her fluffy tail lashing left and right.


Finally, Linette succeeded in getting 'Blacky', as she called him, off of her self, pushing him off to the side and making him shake his head. He quickly backed up from her, and flicked his tail at her face to try and distract her for a bit, sending her a big catly grin, his whiskers twitching about wildly.


Linette sat up once she got the black cat off her and pressed herself against the center console, covering her back, her ears flickering and her whiskers twitching as she snarled playfully. Her tail twitched against the center console, and one forepaw lifted up off the floor slightly, almost as if getting ready to deliver a fierce smacking.

"N-n-neeyowwwrrrrrr..." she playfully snarled, pressing herself up against the center console so firmly her fluffy silver butt slid over it a bit.

Menew bent down low, his butt wiggling behind him as he got into the obvious pouncing position, really not caring if she moved out of the way or not. After all, this was just for fun! He jumped up to pounce her against the seat, forcing Coco to quickly lower a paw down to keep them from hurting themselves against the hard surface. Studying Menew's position, Linette knew by far already what he was planning, and she chittered softly. Noticing Coco's paw coming down, she smoothly shifted her position, keeping her eyes on Menew, and swooshing out of his path as he pounced, flying over the passenger's seat like a silver flash and disappearing in the back of the car, only her cheery feline chitter audible.

"Me-me-me-meyooowowow!" That so sounded as if she was laughing at him...

Growling in playful frustration, Menew quickly sprang up to the top of the passenger's seat. He was about to jump down right on top of Linette when suddenly the car came to a hard stop as Coco parked it with a stomp on the brakes. With a loud yowl, he lost his balance and his footing at the very sudden stop, toppling over backwards and falling back into the passenger's seat. Linette also had to firmly brace herself on the small backseat, digging her claws in the upholstery to not get thrown against the back of the front seats at the sudden stop. Coco looked over to the kitties and reached over, scooping them both up and laughing with gusto.

"You two were hilarious! It was, like, so totally gnarly!"

Laughing happily, the otter airily hopped out of the car and ran at full speed towards the cattery she had parked not three feet away from. Being scooped up again before having a chance to re-find her balance, Linette gave a playful huff and licked her fur a bit to re-smoothen it. As Coco ran up to the cattery with her and Menew, she looked over the otter's arm a bit and every now and then mewled a greeting at any of the other Silver Somalis hanging around the premises, who all looked rather surprised at the nude femme otter running up to the house with one of their friends and an unknown black cat in her arms.

Since returning from the pond in the forest where she had left her clothes behind, Coco had not bothered, or more likely plain forgotten, to put on any fresh clothes. However, she was apparently very much unaware of that as she ran straight into the cattery and immediately headed for the front desk, having no idea just why everyone was staring at her. They were looking all over her body like she was naked or something. Some people! Giggling, she put her two cats down onto the front desk and rang the bell for service, calling out loudly.

"Heeeeellllloooo!!! I want to buy this kitty! I want her soooooo bad!"

Menew couldn't stand being just scooped up like that. It ruined his fur, and made it all stick up into the air, making him look ridicious. As soon as Coco put him down on the desk, he instantly started to smooth down his fur with his rough tongue, not paying any attention to any of the people nor any of the other cats gazing at them. Linette chittered cheerfully and decided to help the black cat groom once they were set down. Menew purred deeply and leaned up against Linette as she helped him groom.

"Meeeewww," he murmured, his whiskers twitching in delight.

With a soft chitter, he looking over at Linette and swept his tongue down her silky silver fur, helping her back to get all nice and shiny clean again after their little playful tussle in the car. Linette crooned with a happy sound deep within her throat, leaning down her head and closing her eyes. She only looked back up for a moment when the vixen owner of the cattery came out at the ringing of the bell, halting in her steps as she noticed the nude otter, her soft green eyes going quite wide.

"Uhm... ma'am... miss..." the vixen lady stuttered. "Do you know... have you noticed that you're, uhm..." She vaguely gestured at Coco's body, canting her head slightly and quirking an eyebrow in wonder when she caught Linette's very cheerful, amused look.

Coco looked densly at the vixen and smiled brightly, interpreting the vulpine's gesture as a motion towards the fluffy black and silver cat who were grooming each other on the desk.

"Yeah, I know! My cats are just, like, totally awesome, arent they?! Can I, like, buy this totally awesome silver kittycat here? She's so marvy! I totally want to keep her and all!"

Linette purred and squeezed her eyes as Menew continued grooming her, bending down her head and pressing up her neck and back without paying any more attention to the conversation. If the Lady-Owner refuse to sell her, she would just walk away and go back to Coco herself! The vixen put a paw over her face for a moment and drew in a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh at Coco's words.

"Uhm... that wasn't what I meant..." She lowered her paw again. "I meant, do you know that you don't have any clothes on?"

As the vixen mentioned Coco's nudity, the otter looked down at her body and laughed loudly, tapping the side of her head.

"Oh yeah! You're, like, totally right! Gee wiz! I must have, like, totally forgotten to put clothes on before I went out! Thanks for reminding me! I was wondering why it was so chilly out there in the car!" She bounced up and down on her feet a bit, looking at the vixen with sparkling eyes. "But say, like, can I buy this totally fab kitty? Like, please?!"

The vixen owner of the cattery looked aside for a moment at Menew grooming Linette, who was clearly enjoying that attention, and nodded a bit.

"Buy Linette? Sure, I don't see any troubles with that. She's not used for breeding anymore, anyway."

Coco let out a happy squeal and grabbed her purse, pulling out her cash.

"Yay! Thanks! I really want to buy her! She's so marvy! How much is she?"

Meanwhile, Menew sat up, putting both of his front paws on Linette's back and held her down playfully while he groomed her all over her body. The vixen was still looking quite surprised at Coco's denseness about forgetting to put clothes on but shook her head over it, deciding not to go into it. She looked aside at the two cats again, seeing Linette playfully rolling over and pushing her forepaws against Menew's nose and cheek while pressing her hind feet into his tummy, mrowling softly. Then she looked back at Coco again, or actually did a mighty strained effort to look at Coco while not looking at her.

"Uhm... oh, yeah... Linette... I guess I can let her go for two hundred dollars."

Coco smiled and nodded enthusuastically, digging through her purse and pulling up a bunch of wadded-up bills. It were mostly singles, fivers and tens, and some were even folded to look like sailboats and whatnot. The vixen kept looking quite surprised at the strange money that the nude otter fished up from her purse, but in the end it added up to two hundred, so that was alright. On the counter, Menew mewed softly at feeling Linette's feet on his belly and rolled a bit more atop Linette so she was holding him up by his tummyy with her feet above her. He put his paws on both sides of her head and nipped at her face playfully all over. Linette growled playfully and kept pressing her feet into Menew's tummy, pushing against his muzzle and cheeks with her forepaws, rolling her head left and right to try and avoid his nips, mewling cheerily.

"Myew, mewew, myow..!"

Upon having paid the mentioned price with a big pile of crumpled and folded-up banknotes, Coco waved at the vixen lady. Just as Menew was about to lean down to give Linette a soft nuzzle on the side of her head, Coco scooped them both up in her arms and ran full speed out of the building again, back to her weird orange buggy. Linette rolled her head a bit more and was about to playfully nip at one of Menew's paws when they were both suddenly scooped up in the sleek otter arms again and rushed out to the loud car. Coco leaned over the side to the back seat, putting both cats into the car, and then she hopped on into the car herself and drove away. The suddeness with which she started the car and pulled off the premises of the cattery once again sent Menew rolling back head over heels. Chittering a cheery feral giggle, Linette braced herself on the backseat and sneezed a happy laugh at Menew rolling over, playfully pouncing on him and nipping his throat before bounding off over the back of the driver's seat and cuddling up in Coco's lap, forepaws tucked under her chest and her fluffy tail dangling between the otter's thighs a bit limply.

Not wanting to be left out, Menew quickly bounded over to the front of the car via the open space between the front seats and once again rolled forward when Coco stopped the car at a red light, making him roll over onto the floor where Coco's feet were. He hated to be near big stepping Coco feet so quickly hopped up into her lap cuddling up with Coco and Linette, chittering softly.


Linette let out a soft feral chortle, doing her best to brace herself upon Coco's lap without using her claws at the new sudden stop. She sneezed a happy laugh again as she sees Menew rolling past her and ending up at the otter's feet, and she sent the blacky a cheerful grin when he hopped onto Coco's lap, one of her forepaws coming up to rest over Menew's neck and her tail happily swishing, the fluffy fur tickling Coco's thighs a little as it's still hanging down between them. Purring softly, Linette gave the black cat a soft lick over one of his ears.


Coco giggled at what her two favorite kitties were doing and her tail came around, wrapping around both of them. Menew closed his eyes and leaned down against Linette, laying his head down onto her shoulder, and resting his front right paw over onto her shoulder. He nipped softly at her ear, then gave it a few soft licks.

"Mewwwwwweeerrrrr rrrrrrrrwooow," he murmured, which sounded like ::I like this cat. This cat is fun.::

Linette squeezed her eyes with a soft purr as the black cat leaned against her and rested his head upon her, murmuring a soft sound in response to his mowls.

"Mmmjmmmmm..." she murmured in response, her tufted ear flicking softly at the gentle nip, and her tail swishing a bit faster, finally flipping up over one of Coco's thighs, draping over it.

Just then, though, Coco came to yet another sudden stop as she pulled up to her house, making Menew fly forwards with a loud yowl and landing on the car's floor again. Feeling the sudden stop, Linette quickly braced herself with her hind feet and her tail, managing to only slide to Coco's knees but remaining on the otter's lap, looking down to the floor at Menew and mewling softly at him through a chittered giggle, as if to ask "hee hee, you okay?". She looked up again as the black cat once more hopped back onto Coco's lap and looked a bit indignant, and she gave him a soft lick over the nose and a soft purr that seemed to say "don't worry, I'll tease her back for that." Menew chittered and seemed to nod in agreement.

"Mewoooor wwwoooour." ::Yeah. Get used to it, cause it'll be happening to you before long too.::

He grinned at Linette and gave his new family member a gently nuzzle on her cheek and then quickly hopped out of the car and ran away from Coco before she could grab him and manhandle him into the house. Coco "Aaawwwwwwwed..." as Menew did that, but she quickly got over it and giggled, going to grab Linette now to carry her into the house. Linette gave a soft feral chortle and canted her head as she looked after Menew running away, flicking her tongue out over her own nose with a soft purr, her whiskers twitching. That black cat was nice... and kinda funny too. For a few moments she kept looking in the direction he disappeared in, before looking up at being grabbed and carried into the house. With a soft chitter, she nuzzled her face against Coco's breasts with a deep, happy purr, dangling calmly in the otter's arms.


Coco carried Linette into the house and immediately ran over to the couch, flopping down onto it and turning on the TV, switching over to Animal Planet. Some show about Big Cats in the wild was on, and Coco watched intently while she ran her paws ever so softly through Linette's silky soft fur.

"You're an awesome kitty, Linette! And now your allllll mine! Yay!" she crooned happily.

Linette let out a playful oomph as Coco flopped down onto the couch with her so enthusiastically and squirmed a bit to get in a comfy position against Coco, licking her fur a bit and purring softly, looking at the TV set and canting her head at seeing the big tigers and panthers. She playfully rose up on all fours and pawed in the direction of the screen with one forepaw, her bushy tail swishing left and right behind her, her tufted ears perked to Coco's voice and a devious little kitty grin forming on her muzzle as she listened to the words the otter spoke.


Coco giggled and pressed her finger against Linette's nose.

"Uh oh! The big bad pantheress is trying to act, like, all big and bad! Watch out though! The killer otter will get ya good if you act up!" she giggled, playfully gripping Linette with both paws and caressed the fluffy silver cat all over.

Linette cheerily twitched her whiskers at the finger pressing against her little nose, moving her head a bit to try and catch the finger in her muzzle to nibble on it. Her tufted ears flickered and swiveled playfully, a soft mrowl rolling from her soft little throat as she was gripped by soft otter paws, the mrowl running over into smooth rumbling purrs at the caresses she was receiving. Still, she playfully poofed out her fluffy silver fur and swished her tail, looking mockily mean, with a sparkle in her grean eyes that said "look out, I'm a big mean silver puma." Albeit a mighty small puma, then... Coco giggled and picked Linette up by her chest, holding the kitty up in the air with her legs dangling, the same way she would forevermore hold that feline. Linette had better get used to it.

"Hee hee! The big bad wild kitty is in my clutches now! Rawr!" she said, laughing cheerily and thumping her thick sleek tail all over the couch.

Being suddenly picked up and lifted like that, Linette let out a soft mewl and chittered softly as she found her lower body, hindlegs and tail dangling down. After a first, initial semi-startled trample with her legs, she relaxed when she felt how securely Coco was holding her, even if it was in a kind of strange manner. Reaching out with one forepaw, she playfully pawed at the air and Coco's paws clutching her, wiggling a bit and mewing. The great big puma was captured...


Her big plumey silver tail swished in circles from how she was held up, every now and then brushing ticklishly against the otter's chest and arms. Coco giggled loudly at all the accidently ticklings, squirming around in the chair all over until at last she pulled Linette gently up against her chest, the cat's forepaws draped over the otter's arms. Linette was still dangling, but at least she was now held comfortably against the otter's chest. More soft chitters rolled from Linette's little muzzle, her silver whiskers twitching cheerily. Her lips lifted up into a feral smile, displaying her canines and the tip of her little pink tongue as Coco eventually held her against her chest, her fluffy silver body now resting half on and half over the otter's soft bare breasts. She let her thick, bushy tail dangle calmly over Coco's chest now that her body was more supported. Resting her forepaws over the otter's arm that held her, Linette rolled her head a little and lifted it, giving a soft nuzzle to Coco's throat and chin, letting out a soft meow that clearly said 'I like you a lot'.


Coco gave Linette a big toothy smile and brought the kitty's small body up to her lips, kissing the top of Linette's head and nuzzling her all over. Having also come back into the house after he'd fled from the car, Menew jumped up on the couch and looked at the two of them, chortling as he saw Coco giving another cat the zealous-affection-treatment for once. It was a welcome break. Linette churred and rolled her head a bit more, her ears flickering to the nuzzles, softly tickling Coco's nose and cheeks. Bracing her forepaws on Coco's arm a bit, she pressed herself upwards a bit and softly nuzzled the otter's cheek back, giving more tickles with her long silver whiskers. As Menew hopped onto the couch, she turned her head a bit to look at him when she heard his soft chortle, chittering at his expression and mewing softly at him, her eyes sparkling a bit.

"Mmrrreowoww!" ::She's so cute!::

Seeing Menew joining them too, Coco's face lit up brightly and she reached out, grabbing Menew as well and letting the two cats dangle in her arms side by side.

"Mrrrooow!" Menew said to Linette, his eyes twinkling slightly. ::Yeah she is.::

Coco stood up in the chair with the two cats in her arms, in a sudden bout of happiness starting to dance around and jump up and down on the seat of the couch. An even louder chitter escaped Linette when all of a sudden, Coco grabbed Menew as well and held the both of them in her arms in that funny manner. Turning her head the other way now that Menew was right next to her in Coco's arms, she gave a soft nuzzle to his cheek and meowed softly, her next chitter getting kind of broken off when Coco started dancing and jumping around like that, causing the silver Somali to trample her hindlegs and swish her tail wildly again.


Menew's eyes went wide as he was twirled and danced around with in Coco's arms, his legs and tail swishing all around as the Otter danced.


Coco giggled and suddenly jumped high into the air before landing on her rump on the chair, bouncing up and down a bit.

"Like, what's wrong, kitties? You don't like to dance? I like to dance! It's marvy!" she giggled loudly.

Linette panted softly after the sudden high jump and bouncing landing on the chair, her fur a little bit poofed out and her green eyes round and a bit wide. She looked at Menew.

"Mmyeeeww?" ::Does she do that all the time?:: She shook her head a little and turned her head a bit further to look at Coco's face, bracing herself with her hind feet upon the otter's breasts so she could reach up to softly touch Coco's nose with a forepaw, mewing softly as if to tell the otter to calm down just a little bit. "Myew meww?"

Menew was clinging tightly into Coco's arm, almost ready to dig his claws into her arm to keep from flying out if she danced around like that again.

"Meeewwwrrr...." he said softly, eyes wide and with a slight nod of his head in response to Linette's question.

Coco chittered softly and tilted her head to the side as Linette looked at her.

"Did I like, hurt you?"

Still breathing a bit deeper than usual, Linette shook her fluffy little head again at Menew's affirmative answer and pressed her hind feet into the otter's breasts slightly harder so she could lever herself even further upwards and nuzzle Coco's cheek with her nose. She flicked an ear and offered a soft, purred mewl to tell the wacko otter she had not hurt them, but she had frightened them a bit. Her big green eyes looking up into Coco's eyes, almost pleading the otter to be a bit more careful as they were only small kitties.


Coco cocked her head and giggled, putting the cats down in her lap so they could relax. Menew looked absolutely relieved at this and lay down on his tummy, watching Coco closely so he could scamper away if she decided to go crazy again. Linette also breathed a sigh of relief when Coco put her and Menew down and stretched out her fuzzy legs for a moment, her back and fluffy tail arching into parabolas so she kind of looked like a rounded 'M'. Letting herself sink down, she tucked her paws under her fluffy silver body and looked at Menew for a moment with a little grin forming upon her muzzle, touching her nose against his with a soft mrowl.

"Mmmrrreooww myew meowww..." ::You might wanna get out of here for this one, Blacky...::

Closing one clear green eye in a wink at the fluffy black tomcat, Linette flicked her tail and dangled it between Coco's thighs, tickling the otter's thighs, mound and tummy with it teasingly to kind of get Coco back for what she had done just now. Menew glared a bit at Linette when he called him that. Goddess he didn't like that. He had a name! Use it! Narrowing his eyes at Linette, he wondered just what the cat was going to do. Linette couldn't help but chittering out a cheerful feral giggle at the death-stare Menew sent her when she called him Blacky. Oh, she knew right then and there she would be calling him that a lot, if only just to tease him. Smiling, she gave him another soft nuzzle to his nose with her own as she tickled Coco with her featherduster tail.

If she wanted to say something more to Menew, she didn't get the chance to as both cats were suddenly propelled off Coco's lap when the silver Somali's teasingly tickling tail had Coco jumping up with a squeal up off the couch, making Menew yowl loudly and land in a rather undignified manner on all fours, quickly scampering away. Linette also meowed and jumped to the floor, landing not very much more elegant than Menew did, but while the black tomcat quickly made his exit from the room, Linette grinned a wide feral grin and just shook herself a bit, turning around and hopping back onto the couch, putting her forepaws onto the otter's thigh and look up oh so innocently, her head a little tilted and mewing as if to ask 'what's the matter?'


Coco laughed loudly and picked Linette up, holding her in the air so she was dangling again. She sent the silver cat a big toothy smile, holding Linette up so close before her face their noses almost touched.

"Hey! You, like, tickled me Linette! I'm going to totally get you back for that!"

Laughing, she put the cat down on her back in her lap and lowered her head to Linette's tummy, giving the little cat a razberry on her belly of all things. The fluffy silver cat chittered and flicked her plumey tail as Coco picked her up, looking down at the otter with an adorably innocent look. She trampled with her hindlegs a bit when she was put down upon her back, mewling cheerily at the tickling feeling to her tummy.


She swished her tail left and right furiously, fanning around the scent that was still emitting from her due to the excitement she'd had earlier when she had such a nice 'drink' between Coco's legs, and she trampled with her hindlegs, softly pressing her fuzzy little hind feet against the otter's cheeks and muzzle, squirming about. Coco laughed and happily lapped her tongue over the silver cat's tummy at the same time, her fingers reaching under Linette's armpits to try to tickle the kitty there and on her pawpads.

"I, like, totally gots you now! Yay!"

Linette kept squirming around and chittered cheery feral giggles, trampling with her hindlegs and pawing at Coco's paws and fingers with her forepaws to try and playfully grab at them. Her fluffy tail swished back and forth, every now and then curling half around Coco's neck like some kind of fuzzy silver scarf. It seemed as if she was trying to squirm out of the otter's grasp and get away, but in reality the silver cat was having very much fun with their little play.

"Myeeeowww! Mew myew meowow!"

Coco laughed and moved up away from Linette for a moment, stopping her tickling to the little cat and instead picked her up to hug the silver Somali to her chest, rocking Linette back and forth.

"Ohhhhh, I just loooooove kitties! You're such a pretty kitty, Linette!"

Breathing a little deeper than normal from the chittering and mewling under the tickles, Linette looked up at Coco and happily squeezed her eyes in a sort of catly wink. She purred softly as she was picked up and hugged, her tail swaying lazily in time with the rhythm the otter was rocking her with, her forepaws resting against Coco's shoulder. Purring a bit deeper, she nuzzled Coco's cheek and neck, giving the otter a soft lick to her sleek brown fur, letting out a soft "Mmmrrrroww" that clearly said "I really like you too". Coco chittered happily into Linette's ears, smiling brightly at the soft meow Linette gave her. She pulled her head back a bit and then suddenly started to lick all over Linette's face, coating the poor cat in otter drool.

Linette churred and gave some more soft licks to Coco's neck, slowly letting her little tongue slide to the lighter beige fur on Coco's throat as the otter tilted her head back a bit. She meowed softly again, the soft sound changing over into a squeak of surprise when Coco suddenly started licking her back enthusiastically, and incredibly wetly. Squirming in the otter's arms a bit, she mewled cheerily and trampled her hind feet against Coco's chest a bit, this time indeed trying to get away for a moment. As much fun as it was, and as much as she liked the otter, getting her head soaked like that still felt a bit unpleasant.


Coco laughed again and nuzzled her head all up into Linette's drooled-up face. The cat's frantic trampling to push Coco back and get away made Coco lose her grip on the cat, so she gently let Linette fall down into her lap, allowing the kitty to make her getaway. Being let go of rather unexpectedly, Linette dropped down in Coco's lap on her back, the suddenness of the fall making her kind of forget to turn herself over so she would land on her feet. Blinking a bit, the fluffy silver cat looked up at Coco and shook her head a bit, showering some drops of otter drool around. Outing a soft mewl, Linette eventually did roll herself over, but she didn't run away from Coco. Instead she just sat down on the otter's thigh and lifted a forepaw, licking it and beginning to groom her wet head, every now and then looking up at Coco's face with her cute kitty smile, purring softly.

Unable to stop herself, Coco laughed loudly at how funny Linette looked. She gently prodded the silver feline in the chest with her finger.

"Wow Linette! You look so totally funny, all wet like that and stuff! Groovy!"

Still busy with grooming her soaked head, Linette chittered and flicked her tail over Coco's thigh a bit to not lose her balance at the otter's pokes to her chest. Oh yes, she was a wet pussy, alright... and whose fault was that? Looking up at Coco, she let her tongue dangle from her muzzle playfully and made a funny sound that sounded kind of like "Myeeeeehh." Coco giggled and reached her paw out to Linette's head, playfully ruffling the long fur on top of her head. She nuzzled into Linette's soaked head, gently pushing the cat backwards with her cheeks. After a moment, though, Coco yawned, getting a little tired.

"I think I, like, need some sleepies and stuff."

Giving a soft chortle, Linette drew her little tongue back inside her muzzle for a moment and nuzzled Coco's nose, her ears flickering under the playful ruffling to her head. Feeling a gentle push of the otter face against her head, the silver cat raised a forepaw to deliver a playful little bop to Coco's nose, but at the same time that motion made her lose her balance and she toppled over backwards onto the seat of the couch. Smirking funnily, Linette looked up as Coco yawned, the sight making the fluffy cat have to yawn as well. It had been a long day, after all. Rolling over and rising to her dainty silver feet, Linette softly touch Coco's leg with her nose, offering a purred meow as if to tell the otter it was okay to go to bed.


Coco yawned one more time and picked Linette up, jumping off the huge couch and walking over to her bedroom, already seeing Menew laying on the bed. Linette curled her lips into a soft little smile and let herself dangle calmly when Coco picked her up and carried her up the stairs and into a small bedroom. Her smile deepened a bit upon noticing Menew as she was set down on the bed, and she stepped over to him to give him a soft nuzzle.

"Myew mrrroww? Mmmeow myow mmrrr." ::Hey Menew, no hard feelings? I didn't mean to insult you with calling you Blacky.::

After setting Linette down on the bed, Coco dressed into some "Hello Kitty" pajama's before climbing on the bed to go to sleep. Linette smiled, looking up and stepping around a bit as Coco crawled into the bed, settling down upon the otter's chest with her nose pressed against one of Menew's ears, happily closing her eyes to take a nap herself. Such an exciting day... and now she had a real home, too! Menew lifted his head up to look at Linette, yawning widely for a long moment before he leaned his head towards her and nuzzled the side of her face softly, letting his tongue smooth down Linette's cheekfur.

"Mewrooww myow mrrrrrrrrew." ::It's okay. No hard feelings.::

Coco chittered happily at her two, like, totally awesome kitties talking to each other like that. She softly petted their heads and curled up, falling asleep against them both. Linette snuggled down into the soft sheets and on top of Coco's body, smiling as Menew returned her nuzzle and softly licked her. She touched her nose to his softly.

"Mmmrrrrr... myowowow, meow myew." ::Thanks... I may be a tease sometimes, and I may still call you that, but it's just for fun, I really like you.::

She flickered her ears to Coco's soft chitter and smiled, curling up into a fluffy silver ball, her tail draped over the otter's shoulder and her face pressed into the fluffy black fur on Menew's side, a deep breath lifting her own side for a moment before she relaxed with a happy purr, dozing off into a delightful nap.


Menew murred happily and fell asleep against the two females, a deep rumbling purr sounding in his throat. With her head resting against Menew's side and his deep purr sounding in her ears, plus the calm rising and falling of the otter's breath under them, Linette slept like a kitten, so soft, constant purr all the while trembling in her own throat as they slept soundly through the night. What a day, what a day...

When the birds started chirping at the rising sun the next day, Linette blinked as she woke up and flicked an ear, a wide yawn almost splitting her face in two. Closing her muzzle again and licking her lips, she rubbed a forepaw over her eyes and softly nuzzled Menew's ears, then looked around her. Hey, that was strange... there were the funny PJs Coco had put on, lying in the exact place, even the exact position, that Coco had fallen asleep in the previous night. But... where was the otter herself? It was as if she had evaporated into thin air somehow. Rising to her feet, Linette sniffed around on the bed, outing a soft mewl.


Menew was still fast asleep, his paws twitching around as he was in dreamland. He didn't notice Linette waking up, nor did he hear her soft, questioning meow. Looking at Menew, Linette chittered softly as she saw him trampling and pawing at the air and the bedsheets, still asleep and apparently having a nice dream too. She didn't see any sign at all of Coco, however, though there were lots of running around, and some banging noises, coming from the livingroom downstairs, plus lots of happy chittering filling the house. Looking a bit bemused, Linette started sniffing around on the bed again, nuzzling the funny PJs, but not finding the owner of them anywhere. However, those sounds that didn't come from outside had her perking her ears, and being the curious kitty that she was, Linette hopped off the bed and hopped down the stairs, peeking into the livingroom through the doorway without a door in it, swiveling her ears.


She could hear the banging and running around getting louder as she hopped down the stairs. Perking and swiveling her ears, Linette slowly stepped into the livingroom as she kept looking around her. That was so odd... why couldn't she see Coco while she clearly heard the noises so nearby? Surely an anthro otter lady so large would be easy to spot? Stepping further in the livingroom, the silver cat suddenly saw a blanket with a bump in it flying around all over the floor with a thick sleek lightbrown tail bearing a darkbrown tip sticking out from under the side. Was that Coco? The tail looked like Coco's... but Coco was much bigger! Mewling in surprise, Linette trotted up to the blanket and pounced upon a corner of it, grabbing it between her teeth just as the bump under it was about to run off in another direction again.


Obviously surprised by the sudden pounce upon the blanket, whomever was underneath the large sheet jumped up in surprise, wiggling around and trying to get out. Finally the bump managed to turn itself around and appeared from under the corner of the blanket, a feral otter face peaking out and looking over at Linette. Taking a small step back with the corner of the blanket between her teeth, Linette looked at whatever it was that was hidden underneath the blanket. The tail had told her it was some kind of animal, and even looking very similar to Coco. And when the wiggling and pulling finally had the blanket revealing the creature underneath it, Linette widened her clear green eyes in surprise and let the blanket drop from her muzzle as she gazed at the small feral otter who looked amazingly like the anthro otter who had bought her the day before, meowing in a very surprised tone and wihtout even realizing it saying the otter's name in her feral cat language.

"Myow-ow?" ::Coco?::

Amazingly, it was Coco. At last being able to understand the meaning of Linette's meows while she was like this, Coco chittered happily and scampered out from under the blanket, looking Linette all over, the thick whiskers on her face twitching around happily as she pressed her face into Linette's fur and started to push the silver kitty back as she sniffed her willdy. Linette kind of sat frozen to the spot on the floor as she looked at the sleek feral otter that had appeared from under the blanket. She so totally looked like Coco, but... how could that be? Coco was a big anthro otter! She had a house! She drove a car! How could she be a small feral otter too? The fluffy silver car still didn't move from where she sat, or at least not on her own account, though she was being slowly pushed over the floor by the very enthused nuzzling the small feral otter was giving her. Another mewl escaped her lips.

"Myow-ow? Mmyew... meow?" ::Coco? Is that... is that you?::

Quite obviously to busy trying to play to answer the feral cat calls, Coco just gave Linette a big toothy smile, playfully nibbling on her shoulder. She wrapped her forepaws around Linette's chest and tried to drag the fluffy Somali with her as she suddenly took off across the floor, just like in her anthro form when she'd let the cat dangle in her arms the day before. Linette blinked and almost rolled over under the wild, enthused nuzzles and sniffings she was receiving, staring at the small feral otter with big round eyes. She carefully sniffed back at the sleek brown fur... it definitely smelled like Coco, alright. There was no mistaking that smell, Linette had gotten more than familiar with it the day before. And if there was any doubt left in the fluffy silver cat, that last doubt was whisked away when all of a sudden she felt the two small but strong forepaws being wrapped around her chest and was dragged across the smooth floor in the otter's grasp. Oh, it just had to be! Trying to roll to her chest and rise to her feet as she was dragged across the floor, Linette suddenly felt a wave of cheerfulness come over her, and she meowed loudly in her feral cat language.

"Coco! My gosh! You're small like me! That's so funny! How did you do that?"

It even seemed as if the otter's silliness was already rubbing off on the fluffy silver cat. Coco stopped moving and chittered loudly, tilting her head to the side as if trying to understand. She started to chitter back, but it was not possible to understand it all that well. If she really tried, Linette would be able to translate it as a lot of hippie and valley girl talk "Gnarly" this, and "Fantabulous" that. But that was already next to impossible to understand when Coco was in anthro form, so let alone now that she was in feral form... Getting a chance to scamble up at last as Coco stopped dragging her around, Linette rose to her feet and sat down, looking at the small otter with her own head a bit canted, her ears perked and swiveled forwards to the stream of chitterings that came from Coco's muzzle. Unfortunately Linette could only pick up a single word here and there; it was as if she was being spoken to in a heavy dialect... a really really heavy dialect. And the speed with which Coco talked didn't help, either. But still, Linette meowed happily. It would take work, but they could learn to understand each other! To talk with each other!

The fluffy silver cat was about to say something back to Coco when the otter suddenly grabbed her again and once more started dragging her off. And Coco was dragging the cat to the bathroom, where there was a tub full of water... Rolling her head, Linette realized with a shock where she was being dragged towards, and she began struggling a bit, splaying out her paws and bracing herself against the floor with her claws.

"Mew! Coco, no! I can't swim! I hate water! Let me go!"

Coco was a bit surprised when the kitty she was holding started to struggle and blinked in confusion, not understanding why anyone wouldn't want to be in nice water and play. It was fun! Linette kept struggling though, her claws scraping across the floor as Coco kept dragging her into the bathroom. Holy litterbox... that small otter was unbelievably strong! Unaware of Linette's horror and just chittering happily, Coco licked over the cat's face as if to reassure her, and then she looked up at the great big tub that towered high above her small body. She tried to think of how to get up there with the cat in her arms... And, uhhhhh... was that smoke coming out of her ears as the otter thought..?

Linette gasped and wriggled about as she kept trying to dig her claws into the smooth floor to pull back from Coco's grasp, all of a sudden toppling back onto her butt with a soft fluffy thump when Coco let go of her and blinked at her. Breathing deeply while the otter licked her face reassuringly, Linette lifted a trembling forepaw and rubbed it over her nose, looking straight at Coco. She had to make that otter understand... maybe the simple Woodland Vernacular might help, in combination with the stern voice of a mistress to her pet.

"Coco, no! I, can't swim. I like you. I no like water. See? You understand yesterday, by pond in forest, I no like water, yes? You understand now too. I no like water. No put me in water. Yes?"

Try as she might... it seemed as if even her simple, slightly stern words fell upon deaf and slightly smoking ears as Coco wasn't even looking at her but up at he huge bathtub, thinking deeply... or apparently doing at least a mighty brave attempt to even think at all. In fact, Coco wasn't even paying any attention to Linette at all as she just looked up at the desired bathtub. Linette shook her head with a soft sigh as she found that Coco was not listening to her, wasn't even looking at her. Sheesh... The silver cat licked a forepaw and ran it over her face slowly.

All of a sudden, Coco's face lit up brightly as she seemed to have gotten an incredible idea. Turning back to the small fluffy cat, she wrapped her short, strong little forepaws around Linette's chest and held the kitty to her own chest happily. Slowly, she leaned up... and all of a sudden, Linette found herself dangling in the air in the anthro Coco's arms. With wide round eyes, Linette looked at the anthro otter she had come to know since yesterday, a gasped mewl of surprise escaping her muzzle. How... But Linette didn't get a chance to ask, or even meow, as with a happy squeal, Coco jumped into the tub, turning suddenly back into a feral otter again in mid air, hugging and nuzzling Linette as they rapidly, very rapidly, descended towards the water...

Suddenly freed from the grasp of the arms, Linette also squealed, though not happily as she pedaled her paws into the air while swishing her tail, desperately trying to find traction against something... anything... SPLASH!


The loud yowl of the silver cat was rudely broken off upon the contact with, and almost violent submerging into the water. Kicking and struggling, Linette squirmed around wildly, but Coco was really holding her quite tightly. Coco chittered and squealed loudly with glee in the water, obviously having a lot of fun even with all of Linette's wild splashing around to get to the safety of dry land. The kitty was quite safe, though, as the little otter had her arms around the cat's chest, holding Linette snuggly close. Suddenly Coco turned herself over and started to float on her back in the tub, pulling Linette up onto her chest as she floated around in the water with the feline happily. As the otter turned over onto her back, Linette jerked herself out of the water and onto Coco's chest with a loud, deep gasp, wide-eyed.


She looked ridiculous. Her thick fluffy fur all soaked and plastered down against her body made her look very thin suddenly, her fuzzy face fur standing out in wild soggy peaks, her ears flattened down against her head and her eyes as big as soup dishes. She tried to shake herself a bit while on Coco's chest, gasping and panting, her tail trailing behind her like a thin worm plastered in thoroughly soaked fur. And to make it even worse, all her struggling while Coco dragged her, her stern voice a bit earlier and her very loud yowl had woken up Menew, and as Linette turned around, she saw the black cat standing in the bathroom doorway to curiously check out what all the commotion was about...

Stepping into the bathroom, Menew looked up at the tub and saw poor Linette struggling around in the water with a feral Coco. He couldn't help but chortle at the sight. Yet another cat had met Coco's love of having baths and having them with cats. Menew knew Coco didn't mean anything bad by taking them into the bath, she just wanted to have someone to play with. Sending a cheerful look up at the soaked Linette, he meowed at her with a soft grin.

"Mrrrrooooowwwww mew mrrryyyow." ::I see you've met Coco's love of baths."

Linette jerked her head around at the sight of Menew and the sound of his cheerful chortle, showering drops of water everywhere. She positively glared at him, which the thoroughly soakedness of her fur only made look all the more ridiculous.

"Mrow me-yow!" ::Don't laugh you!::

She could sense Coco'd had no bad intentions at all with bringing her into the water, and as she had met other feral otters before on her walks through the forest she knew how much they adored water and swimming and company while doing so, but the sudden shock of the soaking had her reacting just a tad curtly at the moment. As much as Coco loved it, Linette hated being totally soaked and in the water. That long fur of hers took so amazingly long to get dry, and it got all fluffy and frizzly... and until she was dry she smelled funny!

Coco's ears perked up and she smiled brightly at seeing Menew there. Menew looked up at Coco and started to purr, meowing softly at her. He walked into the bathroom and jumped up onto the edge of the tub, making sure to keep perfect balance so he wouldn't slip off. Coco gently rubbed her small paws all up and down Linette's fur, smoothing it down and just stroking the little kitty. She chittered happily over at Menew, her whiskers twitching around as she talked now and then.

"Two kitties! Double the fun! Yay!"

Linette was still glaring at Menew a bit as he stepped into the bathroom and purred and meowed softly at Coco. That almost sounded as if he was congratulating the otter or something... Gnashing her teeth a bit, she turned her head away from him and tried to shake herself a bit, keeping herself firmly braced upon Coco's chest with all four of her paws so she wouldn't fall off into the water. Giving her now thin and soaked-through tail a sharp flick, she looked down at Coco's face with a bit of a gleam in her green eyes, which seemed enhanced by the light in the bathroom shimmering brightly off her soaked silver fur. The soft pettings were nice, yes, and she could definitely feel Coco was just being sweet and friendly, but still, she was in the water!

"Myow-ow, meow mrow mew! Myow! Myeew." ::Coco, put me out of the water! Now! Please.::

Linette looked down at Coco quite sternly while she spoke. As cute and sexy and funny and sweet as this otter was, both in anthro as in feral form, but Linette knew she would have to educate Coco a bit. Teach her new pet, so to speak. Coco tilted her head to the side, trying to understand the kitty. She smiled brightly, her whiskers all twitching around on her cheeks. Uh oh... Menew knew that happy look. She must have misinterpreted Linette's meows. As the silver cat looked down at the otter's face, she could see how Coco was listening to her, and when she saw the smile appearing on Coco's face, she breathed. It seemed the otter had understoo-... Suddenly Coco's arms, instead of petting Linette, wrapped around her chest so she wouldn't drown in the water and would be nice and safe against the otter's chest, and Coco, instead of lifting her up, put the cat right into the water instead. Yup... she had misinterpreted Linette, alright.

"Mrreooowww! Myow-ow! Meow! Meow! Myew meow myow! Mrow!" Linette squealed, kicking and struggling when she found Coco had misunderstood her. ::Nooooo! Coco! Out! Out! Out the water, not in! Out water! Let go!::

Still kicking and struggling, Linette yowled and was about to actually yell at Coco when Menew came to her aid. Deciding Linette had indeed suffered enough for now, Menew jumped down off of the tub and sat down, looking up at Coco. He mewed softly, and then started to give a long begging meow for breakfast. Having learned when Menew wanted food along time ago, Coco instantly turned into her anthro form again.

"Oh! I like, totally forgot to feed you!" She slapped the side of her head with her paw. "Silly me!"

With a giggle, Coco stood up, holding Linette with her as she got out of the water and let it drain out of the tub. Setting the thoroughly soaked silver Somali on the floor, Coco quickly scampered off to the kitchen to make breakfast. Panting and gasping, Linette just stood there dripping after Coco had put her down on the floor and left the bathroom to fix breakfast for Menew. She would have to teach the otter a few things... but obviously she needed to learn a thing or two herself as well. How could she even have forgotten about the magic of the "breakfaaast" meow? Must have been the shock of the water.

While Coco scampered off, Linette kept standing there in a slowly growing puddle of water, very thin-looking, dripping all over, her tail hanging down into the puddle, her ears pasted flat against her head, her head a bit down and her muzzle open, panting as she sent glittering sideways glances at Menew.

"Mmmhhyeow... myow meow myow." ::Thanks... but if you laugh you're dead.::

Menew gave her a very wide feral grin from ear to ear for a quick moment and then mewed cutely.

"Mew...?" ::Who, me? Never.::

He chortled loudly and turned, walking out of the room to go get some food from Coco. Linette just flicked one of her very wet ears, sending some drops flying around, at the grin and the mewl Menew sent her. She glared at him for a moment more, then turned away and started flicking her paws furiously to get the water off them so she could groom herself dry. Which was a pretty difficult task, so after a while she walked out of the bathroom and through the livingroom, going out into the garden where she watered about the entire lawn as she shook herself as hard as she could to get most of the water off of her. Yes, mistake... that left her looking even sillier; instead of twice as thin as she actually was, she now looked almost four times as big and fluffy as she actually was.

From the kitchen, a delicious smell of seafood was beginning to spread through the entire house as Coco was cooking breakfast. Menew found himself licking his lips constantly at the great smell, wanting so bad to just bury his face into the food and munch like there was no tomorrow. Seeing Linette walk past the door, he didn't laugh at her... Goddess, did he like no other ever know how terrible it was when a fluffy cat was wet. He'd had it worse himself... a lot worse. So instead, he just sat down and watched while the happily whistling otter finished their breakfast, putting it on two plates on top of the table with her. Menew jumped up to eat with Coco, finding she had cooked some fish and cut it in nice bite sized pieces for both him and Linette.

Linette, however, had only given a very quick sideways glance towards the kitchen when she walked dripping every step through the livingroom, giving a soft little huff as she stepped outside. Having shaken herself so vigorously, she made a snarling face at herself about the result and looked around for a place where she could groom her fur back down into a reasonable-looking coat without anybody seeing how weird she looked at the moment. Ah! Look there, that box, that seemed like a good place. There was a wood box lying on it's side somewhere furtheron in the garden, and there even was a blanket inside it. Stepping over to it, Linette could tell it was most likely put there for Menew, as his scent was very strong in the box and all over the blanket. Crawling into the box, Linette squatted down and began arduously glicking and grooming at her still damp, poofed-out fur to get it all smoothed down again so she would look like a pretty Somali cat once more instead of like an exploded dust bunny. It was a long, hard job, taking her so much time that inside, Menew and Coco had already by long finished their breakfast before Linette had even come to the point where she deemed herself looking good enough to step back into the house.

When Linette eventually came into the house, her fish was unfortunatly cold from being left out so long, but it was still right where it had been left on the kitchen table. Menew and Coco were in the livingroom, Coco laughing loudly and happily at some cartoons and stuff while she was holding the black cat in her lap. As she stepped back inside, Linette lifted her head a bit as she smelled the lingering aroma of a fish breakfast that had been cooked. She rumpled her nose in an adorable manner and, after a look at Coco and Menew sitting on the couch and watching TV, she followed the scent into the kitchen. Hopping onto the table, despite what had happened in the bathroom just now, a soft smile slid over the silver cat's muzzle when she saw the plateful of fish that had been left out for her. That was just so sweet...

She hopped onto the table and stepped over to the bowl of fish. Whether is was warm or cold didn't matter to her; all she got was regular dry and canned catfood at the cattery, so either way a bowlful of fish was a treat. Leaning down her head, Linette began munching on the fish, a soft purr eventually filling her throat. When she had emptied the bowl, Linette arduously grommed herself again and hopped off the kitchen table, walking into the livingroom and jumping onto the couch where Coco was sitting with Menew. Looking up at the otter, who was still nude from her bath, Linette drew her lips into a feral smile and leaned up her head to softly touch her nose against Coco's arm, meowing softly. She had already forgiven Coco for what the otter had done to her with the tub.


Coco looked up at hearing the soft padding of Linette's feet on the floor, smiling brightly at the still damp (but but now quite smooth-furred) kitty walking over to her.

"Hi Linette!"

She scooted over so Linette would have plenty of room on the couch next to her. Her arms reached down, picking the cat up and holding both her and Menew in her arms. Linette let out a soft purr and squeezed her eyes at Coco as she hopped up onto the couch. She gave another soft nuzzle to the otter's arm, her feline smile deepening a bit when Coco scootched aside a bit to make room for her and picked her up to hold her in a cuddly embrace. She turned a bit, her hindlegs and tail dangling, and rested her forepaws upon Coco's breasts so she could lever herself upwards a bit and give the otter a soft lick over the cheek like a kind of kitty kiss. Letting herself relax back into Coco's arms again after that, she looked aside at Menew for a moment and smiled at him too.

:She's silly, but sweet,:: she purred softly, touching noses with the black cat. ::I think I'm going to very much enjoy living here with you guys.::

Menew gave a feral smile at how cute Coco looked while she cuddled with him and Linette, letting his small nose brush over Linette's soft cheek, his tongue lapping out over her ear briefly.

::Yes, she is a real sweetie. You'll like it here.::

Linette purred a bit deeper and wiggled her ear a bit at Menew's soft lick, half-closing her eyes and rubbing her head against his.

::Yes. Yes, I think I will,:: she murmured, her dangling fluffy silver tail swaying left and right slowly and gently stroking and tickling Coco's tummy.

Coco giggled happily at the two cats talking to each other, even if she couldn't hear much more than just soft meows and purrs. Leaning over a bit, she hugged the two kitties closely.

"Awwwwwww! You're such a sweetie, Linette!"

She leaned her head even further down and started to kiss the kitty happily all over her little face. Rolling her head at the sound of Coco's voice, Linette chittered a soft giggle and meowed at Coco, closing her eyes completely when her face got covered in kisses. She put her forepaws upon Coco's breasts again to bring her head a bit upwards, playfully flicking her little tongue back all over Coco's muzzle and nose and cheek.


Coco sighed happily, leaning back on the couch so she was laying on her back. Her arms let go of the two kitties, so they could do what they wanted. Menew stretched a bit and purred, laying down on Coco's chest, resting his head down on her shoulder. Linette churred softly as she felt Coco shifting into a lying position. She drew her hindlegs against her tummy and rolled a bit, settling her fluffy silver self down upon the otter's breasts, her nose touching softly against one of the brown nipples, her tongue every now and then giving it a soft lick, not really sexual yet but more affectionate, a soft purr trembling in her throat. Coco smiled and cuddled her kitties close to herself, chittering happily into their ears.

"Mmmmm... I like, totally love kitties. You two are really tubular kitties too! I had one kitty, and now I have two! Wow, it's like, totally twice the fun!"

Linette's lips drew into a wide, cheery kitty smile, her fluffy silver tail swishing slowly and gently stroking Coco's arm, a soft chitter rising from her muzzle. Wow, that were funny words the otter used, but then again, she had found the otter was a rather funny one. Flicking her ears softly, she rose up a bit and softly licked at Coco's cheek, purring a mrowl and blinking her eyes at the otter sweetly. Oh yes, they would have a lot of fun, indeed...

Coco let Menew go as he got up to go walk away and take a nice sunbath in the window, jumping on up and immediately flopping down on his side, rolling over so his belly got all the nice hot sun on it. Coco put her hands on either side of Linette's fluffy cheeks, smoothing them down. Linette chittered a soft giggle as she looked at Menew getting up to bask in the windowsill. Wow, how could he like that? Linette knew, behind a glass pane the sun was even so much hotter, and it was already hot with long fur... and Menew's fur was even black! He must be sweltering there! But ah well, if he liked it... Linette smiled and looked back at Coco with a purr, chittering another giggle as the otter flattened down her fluffy silver cheekruffs with both paws. Rolling her head a bit, she softly and affectionately licked at Coco's fingers, her flicking tongue every now and then accidentally touching against Coco's nipple too because she was still lying so close to it.


When Linette looked over to Menew again, however, she canted her head a bit as she looked at Menew in the windowsill again when the big fluffy black tomcat stirred a bit, and she chittered a sudden laugh when she saw that the fur on his tummy was considerably shorter than the rest on him, so much even that she could even see his belly in some places. Wow, she wouldn't say he was fat... but it was quite funny to see his tummy poking through his bellyfur here and there. Menew had a soft purr rumbling through his throat as he enjoyed the nice sunbath, and Linette smiled. He sure was very sweet and cuddly, and the silver kitty loved that happy purr she heard coming from him. Coco, meanwhile, smiled as she saw how Linette was looking over at Menew every now and then and ruffled Linette's headfur playfully.

"You're such a sweetie, Linette!" she crooned with a giggle.

Looking back at Coco, Linette chortled as her headfur was ruffled and mreowled softly, nudging her head against Coco's paw with a purr, playfully stretching herself out on the otter's breasts like Menew was lying stretched out in the windowsill.

"Mmrrreow myow." ::You are really sweet too, Coco.::

She wasn't sure if Coco understood that now she was in her anthro form, but it just escaped her muzzle without much thought. Coco cocked her head to the side as if trying to interpret the kitty's meows into words, her paw scratching the top of her head in confusion.

"Do you want a mushroom stew?" She suddenly squealed happily and clapped her paws. "I know! You want a bath!"

Unable to help it, Linette sneezed a loud feral laugh and shook her head a bit, her grassgreen eyes twinkling cheerully as she looked at Coco's face with a wide grin.


That was a clear no, even if it was delivered with a catly laugh. Golly, not only did the otter look really cute when she did those attempts to think, but the result of those attempts were incredibly funny as well. At the mention of the bath, the fluffy silver cat made a funny face.


That was another no, and a clearer one this time. She canted her head a bit, knowing by now Coco probably wouldn't stop once she got an idea in her head. Her mind raced. She had to immobilize the otter somehow, if she didn't want to be dunked in the tub again...

Coco scratched the top of her head again, really trying to figure out what the kitty was saying, and apparently laughing. She giggled when she heard the clear meow from Linette saying a definitive NO in answer to her last statement.

"No...? I like baths, though! They are so fun!"

Linette looked at Coco's face with a funny expression, torn between laughing cheerily over the otter's expression and frowning as she desperately did not want to be dunked in the tub again. Sure, for a water-loving creature like an otter baths were fun, but they were used to that, and more importantly, built for that, with their sleek water-repelling fur and whatnot. For cats, and especially cats as fluffy as Linette or Menew, those kinds of baths were nothing short of torture. The silver cat drew a paw over her muzzle, thinking fast. She had found one way that securely rendered Coco helpless and at her mercy... and maybe in that way she could show the otter how cats bathed themselves. Maybe she should do that... but still, she looked up and over to Menew in the windowsill, meowing.

"Myewyew, meow nyow mrowow, myew?" ::Menew, a little help here, please?::

Suddenly, Coco picked Linette up by her chest, letting the kitty hang safely in the air above her, smiling a big and bright smile at her.

"Let's, like, totally take a bath every day Linette! We'll wake up and we'll like, jump into the bath every morning! It'll be so great and awesome! Yay!"

Menew chortled loudly at the look he was given by the silver cat at that.

"Mmmmow mreow myowll." ::Sorry, but better you than me.::

Linette gave a short, almost startled movement for a moment when she was all of a sudden picked up and held up into the air like that, though she relaxed at feeling the secure grip in which Coco held her. The relaxation didn't last long, though, as the fluffy silver Somali's ears twitched and her eyes went wide at Coco's words. Beginning to squirm, Linette smoothed down her fur and stretched out her body, using her catly ability to turn into a cooked noodle and slither out of Coco's paws, landing softly on her four fluffy feet on the otter's chest, sending Coco a somewhat stern look and meowing slowly to try and make the otter understand her words.

"Myow. Myowow, myew, meow nnnyow mrow. Meow?" ::No. Coco, listen, we cats hate water. Understand?"

Coco finally seemed to get what Linette was trying to tell her, but she apparently didn't really seem to care as she just giggled and wrapped both arms around Linette again, though this time instead of letting the cat dangle, she just pulled the fluffy kitty all up to her chest, cuddling her like a cub into her chest and neck, cradling the soft cat in her arms.

"Like, don't worry, Linette! Water isn't bad! It's like totally fun! And I like, wouldn't let anything happen to you! You're such a tubular kitty!"

A soft mewl escaped the silver kitty as Coco's arms wrapped around her fluffy body and pulled her close like that, paws sprawling out in all directions. She made a funny face and let out a soft sigh as she found Coco just didn't seem to understand that Linette knew the water wasn't bad, and she knew Coco would never let anything happen to her, but she just fiercely disliked being soaked through. It was so different for cats than it was for otters... Linette shook her head a bit. Ah well... admitted, there was just no way she could stay, or even get, angry at Coco. She rolled her head a bit in her funny flattened position, nuzzling the side of Coco's neck, warm silky pads of her hind feet pressing down against the otter's nipples though Linette still made sure her claws weren't accidentally pressed out despite her hindlegs being smushed down like that.

"Mmmyow," she murmured softly, her tongue giving a little lick to Coco's neck.

The hug was kinda weird for her, but it still felt good to be held close like that. Quite a change for fluffy Somali already; back in her cattery, when people with kids visited, she never wanted to be picked up and held like that. Amazing how the affectionate feelings for this silly otter made her revise that thought.

Coco chittered happily into the Somali's ears, nuzzling her cheeks softly and letting her tongue wash softly over the kitty's cheekfur. Linette had closed her eyes as she was hugged so tightly, her long silver whiskers wiggling softly under the licks of Coco's tongue to her cheek. Sensing something was wrong with Linette's love of water, Coco suddenly shrank beneath Linette, making the fluffy kitty roll over off of her. Linette didn't see, but felt all the better, how the large otter femme under her suddenly shifted shape again, the arms around her fluffy body falling away into small forepaws, the chest under her falling away and making her topple over on the couch as the otter now sat as a feral infront of her, looking at her curiously, her short stubby whiskers twitching about as she chittered and made soft noises at Linette, softly pressing her nose into the kitty's tummy.

Sitting up and shaking herself, Linette lifted a forepaw and licked it, slowly drawing it over her whiskers, her ears flicking to the chitters and other sounds Coco made at her. Wow, that was definitely going to take some getting used to. She looked down as the otter nuzzled at her tummy, letting out a soft chitter of a giggle herself and leaning down her head to give a soft lick over Coco's little round ears.

::Coco? What is it? Why did you change?::

Coco's over-exuberant happiness at being close to a kitty was even more noticable when she was in feral form, for her thick tail was rapidly thumping up and down on the couch. She bounced around on the couch and wrapped her front paws around the cat's chest like she had done before, trying to let her dangle but horribly, horribly failing as a feral. For just a moment, Linette braced herself firmly on the seat of the couch, digging the claws of her hind feet into the upholstery, when Coco's little forepaws wrapped around her fluffy silver chest. If that otter was going to drag her off like earlier that morning, she was going to resist. But fortunately, it seemed like Coco didn't have any intentions like that this time and just hugged her, seeming content to just hug the kitty like that. She chittered at Linette, flicking her ears at her. It was still a little hard to understand the otter, as she still apparently tried to talk like a valley girl as a feral otter, which made translation rather hard. After all, how does one translate tubular, gnarly and awesome into feral?

Relaxing a bit, Linette settled back down and sheathed her hind claws again, looking down at Coco and giving another soft lick over the otter's little ears, her head canting a bit as her own fluffy ears twitched and swiveled at the stream of rapid talking spilling from Coco's muzzle. Sheesh, how could anyone make sense of that rambling? Still, the feral language was similar enough for Linette to somewhat understand it, and the longer Linette would listen to Coco try to speak to Linette, the easier it became to understand her, as well. When Coco wanted to use a word like awesome, tubular, gnarly, or whatnot she would squeal softly, the different word depending on the tone of her squeal and chitters. She could also make out how Coco's chittering clearly asked her a question.

::Why don't you like water?::

Linette knew, with them both in this feral form, she could make herself understood to Coco too, though she spoke a lot slower, using the generic Hedgerow Vernacular, as she answered to Coco to make sure the otter would in fact understand.

::Coco, water no good for cats. We dry bad. We hate be soaked through. Cats no like water, only for drink. Yes? Cats, we wash in different way.::

Coco blinked and rolled over onto her back, trying to lift the cat into the air above her to dangle... but Linette was about her own size now, so the otter couldn't get the cat off the ground. Therefore, Coco's attempt to lift Linette up into the air just looked really odd, and nothing else. Her whiskers drooped a bit sadly as she finally understood that like Menew, Linette didn't like to be in the water.

::Oh... I see... But that's, like, no fun at all!:: She sighed. ::No one to play with Coco...::

Linette drew her lips into a small feral feline smile, displaying her canines and the tip of her tongue between them. A giggle rolled from her muzzle as Coco tried to lift her up into the air, only managing to wrap her little forepaws around the fluffy silver cat's body in this form. Leaning down her head, she softly licked at Coco's nose and cheeks and purred softly at the otter.

::Aw, come now, Coco... still lots other games to play. Cats, we know plenty games. We have much fun, really! I play with you lots, just not in water, yes?::

Coco suddenly changed back to Anthro, which was pretty random... but then again, Coco was a pretty random person. She picked Linette up, hugging the kitty to her chest.

"But water is, like, so much fun and stuff!"

She scratched her head not understanding why anyone woudln't want to play in water. It was so much fun! Linette blinked a bit as Coco all of a sudden shifted back into her anthro form again for no apparent reason. Wow, that was probably going to be happening a lot, by the looks of it. The small silver cat drew her lips into a smile as she was once more hugged and lifted her head a bit to nuzzle and softly lick the otter's nose.

"Mrrow, myew meow. Nnn-yow." ::I know, but we have fun other ways too. Let's play now.::

She playfully tapped a forepaw to Coco's nose and then turned cooked noodle again, slithering out of the otter's arms and hopping to the floor, looking back at Coco with a cheerful twinkle in her soft green eyes.

"Meow!" ::Tag, you're it!::

Coco blinked at Linette, apparently trying to translate but having a hard time of it. This was going to take some getting used to as well, obviously. She got the idea soon enough, though, and squealed out in glee, almost instantly diving off the couch to catch Linette. Linette chortled softly to herself as she looked up at Coco from the floor and saw the expression on Coco's face as the otter was trying to understand her words. It seemed that the cat's actions spoke clearly enough, however, because soon Coco let out a happy squeal and dove off the couch to try and grab Linette. With a playful hop, the fluffy silver cat jumped out of Coco's reach and darted through the livingroom and out the back door into the yard, mewing happily at their game.

::Catch me if you can! Wheee!::

Coco squealed out in glee again and quickly regained her footing, sprinting after the cat, leaping after her and reaching her paw out to her tail to grab it. She missed of course but she quickly scrambled up to try again. And again. And again...

"Like, come back here, you!"

Linette chittered happily and looked back over her shoulder as she darted out into the garden, chortling as she saw the nude otter following her in her anthro form, but on all fours like a feral. That was such a funny sight. She hopped back and forth through the grass, going slow enough so that Coco could keep up with her, but still flicking her fluffy tail out of the otter's reach each time Coco made a grab for it, having a lot of fun with the game. She hoped Coco wouldn't think of changing back to her feral form, though, because she knew she would probably be outran then. Otters were so darn fast!

Hopping through the grass of the backyard, Linette looked back over her shoulder again with a chittered giggle as Coco once again missed a grab at her fluffy silver tail. They were nearing the forest now, and the little cat might have a bit of an advantage with her moves in there. It didn't get that far, though... soon, Linette found that she had rather underestimated Coco. Even as an anthro, Coco was still an otter, and a very hyperactive otter at that. She apparently had been playing around a bit before, perhaps even letting Linette get away purposely, because she was slowly catching up now, suddenly diving at the and grabbing Linette around the waist.

"Yay! My kitty! Gotcha!" she laughed wildly.

Linette let out a cheerful squeal when quite unexpectedly, Coco gained on her and caught her with a flying dive, paws wrapping around the fluffy silver cat's waist.


Linette rolled half over, chittering happily and playfully batting a forepaw at Coco's muzzle and cheek.

::You sneaky devil! You caught me!:: She gave a soft nuzzle and purred. ::What shall we play now?::

Coco laughed and hugged the kitty close as she found she had indeed caught her. Once again, it took a bit of doing on Coco's part to try to translate her words, though.

"Why can't you, like, speak normal English and stuff? That would be so much totally easier!" she said with a happy laugh.

Linette chortled and wriggled a little in Coco's grip, soon settling down into the hug and nuzzling her nose against Coco's cheek and neck. Another soft chitter escaped the fluffy cat as her ears flicked to Coco's laughed words, her eyes twinkling as she looked up at the otter's face and squeezed her eyes.

::I AM speaking English, you cute dolt. Just feral English. Maybe you better turn to that feral form again to understand me better,:: she chortled, tongue darting out to give a soft little lick over Coco's nose.

Apparently, Coco wasn't listening to Linette, as the otter put on a thinking face, thinking of what they should play.

"Oh, I know!" she said after a moment. "Let's play hide and seek! That'll be, like, totally great fun and stuff!"

Rolling her head a bit to give Coco's cheek another soft nuzzle, Linette looked up and chittered softly at Coco's look. That was just too cute. She pricked up her ears and drew her lips into a wide happy smile as she heard Coco suggesting hide and seek.

::Yes! Lovely! And you caught me, so I'll be it. I'll count to ahundred, and you go hide and then I'll find you.::

She grinned a bit to herself at her own suggestion. Of course she would be the first to count while Coco hid; the otter probably couldn't even count to ahundred anyway, or would do so in an odrably childish manner by skipping a lot of numbers. Coco squealed out loud in happiness and nodded at Linette, quickly turning around, running away and diving into some bushes to hide. Linette chortled softly as she was suddenly let go of and rolled over to rise to her four feet. She shook herself a bit and drew a forepaw over her muzzle. Well, fair's fair... she lay down near a tree and put her forepaws over her eyes, counting.

::One, two, three...:: And after some time, she reached the end. ::Ninety-nine, ahundred, ready or not, here I come!::

Coco laughed loudly and quickly looked around for a, like, totally funky hiding spot. But nothing was big enough for her to hide in... so not knowing what else to do, she quickly turned feral and scampered around, running through some bushes, and making quite a bit of noise. Soon enough, if she would be paying attention, the small otter would start hearing sniffing sounds around her.

Taking her forepaws off her face, Linette rose back up and shook herself again, chittering softly to herself. She raised her head and sniffed the air, her ears perking and swiveling. Hide and seek, that was kind of just like hunting... and she might be a showcat, but she still knew how to hunt. Hearing the sound of scuffling and pattering feet from somewhere not too far off, the fluffy silver cat grinned and trotted over towards the sounds. For a moment, though, she halted and canted her head as she sniffed the air again. Was that dog she smelled..?

Coco looked around her in the bushes she had chosen to hide in, trying to figure out what the sniffing was. It couldn't have been Linette already... they had just started playing the game! No, that wasn't possible... Linette couldn't have found her already. But then what was it? She didn't worry about it for too long, though. There was a game to play! Yay! Chittering happily, Coco curled up deeply inside the bushes to hide as well as she could. Linette wouldn't find her there in, like, a... a... well, like, a bazilligajillion years or something! Yeah!

Linette slowly walked down the forest path with her head raised and her nose in the air, every now and then bending her head down to sniff at the ground. Cats weren't all that good at tracking by scent, though, they were better at seeing stuff at far distances and then sneaking up soundlessly. And she had found Coco was amazingly fast, so the otter had probably gotten very far in ahundred counts. Keeping her ears perked to any possible giggles, figuring that Coco might have a bit of trouble keeping in her giggles over the fun of the game and possibly give her hiding spot away, Linette looked around her as she walked down the forest path. Suddenly she halted again and sniffed deeply. Wait a minute... now that was definitely dog she smelled! Far enough still, but close by enough to be alarming. Breaking into a run, Linette looked around her even faster, calling out.

::Coco! Coco!::

Coco's round ears perked up as she felt a wet nose touching her bum. Something was giving it a good sniffing. She chittered loudly and turned around, figuring Linette had found her, a big happy feral smile written on her lips. As she turned, though, the smile flew off her muzzle again as she saw a huge pitbull standing right behind her, lifting its lips up in a big tooth-filled snarl, drool dripping down its muzzle. Coco's eyes went wide with fright. She froze in terror as the dog opened its jaws to sink its teeth into her side... At the last possible moment, the otter broke out of her freeze and took off at a run, loud terrified chitters ringing out all over, too frightened to turn back into anthro form as the dog quickly gave chase, determined to not let its prey get away...

Linette scrabbled to a halt, throwing up pine needles and clumps of moss as her ears flicked sharply to a snarl and loud chitters of fear coming straight from her left. She braked hard and turned on the spot, ears swiveled forwards to the sounds.

::Coco! Coco, where are you! Cocooo!::

All of a sudden, she braked again as in a flash, the small feral otter swooped by her without apparently even seeing her, and hot on her heels was a big ugly dog. It halted only momentarily to look at Linette, but that cat hissed loudly, all her teeth showing, a forepaw lifted up with claws extended, so the dog just returned to chasing his prey. Linette shuddered with horror and turned on her heels again, following. That big ugly mutt was not gonna hurt her Coco!

The big dog barked and snarled at Coco, trying desperately to catch up with her. Suddenly Coco slipped in some mud, falling and rolling over, allowing the dog to get to her. It ran over to Coco, biting her tail and shaking it violently left and right. The poor otter screamed and chittering loudly in terror as she tried to get away. Linette was following close enough behind to keep the scene in front of her in view. She hissed and growled again when she saw Coco slipping and the dog grabbing her by the tail. Without hesitating a moment or even thinking about it, the silver cat jumped onto the dog's back, claws splayed, a forepaw lashing out hard, once, twice, three times, hitting the dog on the head, her claws tearing through his eyelids and nose while she sank her teeth deep into one of his ears, the claws of her hind feet dug deeply into the skin on his shoulders for a secure hold.

The dog howled out in pain, instantly letting go of Coco and reaching its head back to grab at Linette. He wasn't able to reach her, however, so he started rolling over on the ground trying to bang her off of him. Her badly hurting tail now free from the dog's grip, Coco whimpered softly and quickly scampered off to go hide.

Really quite a change had come over Linette. From a cute fluffy silver showcat she had turned into a savage beast. Her muzzle wide open in a loud hiss, her teeth glinting in the light and her eyes glittering meanly, she kept lashing out her forepaw again and again in a fast and frightfully accurate bashing, drawing more and more tears in the dog's face, blood dripping off her claws. As she felt the dog shifting under her, she quickly hopped to the side so he wouldn't squish her, giving a last lash with her forepaw, her claws catching the dog's other ear and tearing it to ribbons with one swipe.

As Linette clawed and teared at the dog, he cried out and barked in agony, his paw raising up and slapping Linette hard, square in the jaw, knocking her off of his head. With her claws still buried deep inside the dog's ear, Linette was just too late to dodge the blow aimed at her. She snarled and yowled as she rolled over and over, kicking out to find her footing and shaking her head a bit as the dog loomed over her. His head came down, ready to rip out the cat's stomach, when he felt another cat jump onto his back, clawing and tearing at his back and face. Already, Linette braced for an attack that would come with a lot more pain for herself as well, when she suddenly saw Menew coming to her rescue like she had come to Coco's.

The black Angora was now standing in the dog's neck, screaming and snarling while his forepaws lashed out with sharp claws extended. Defeated, the dog took off, yipping and whining with pain, while Menew jumped off of his back and spat after him. When the dog finally took off, the silver cat breathed deeply and flicked her bloodied paw, stepping over to Menew and rubbing heads with him.

::Thank you.:: She looked around, her voice growing a bit worried. ::Where's Coco?::

Menew looked around and shook his head, offering Linette a soft nuzzle in return.

::I don't know... she has to be close by.::

Indeed, they could hear terrified chitters coming from a nearby bush, to which a trail of blood drips was running. Linette gave a soft nod with her head, giving a soft lick to Menew's cheek, before whipping her head around again. She sniffed at the air, but that didn't really do her any good, as the entire spot was permeated with the smell of dog, blood, and fear. Her ears pricked up sharply and swiveled, however, at the sounds coming from the bush close by, and at the same moment Linette saw a line of drops of blood leading towards the bush.

::She's in there! She's hurt!:: In a flash, the silver cat dove into the bush, looking around. ::Coco? Coco, are you okay?::

Her terror to a new level of extreme, the little feral otter whimpered and backed away from Linette, curling up into a ball. She tried to hide her hurt bleeding tail under her belly and in her paws, so that no one would try to hurt it again. Menew quickly scampered after Linette looking at the terrified otter and offering her a soft purr to calm her. Linette shook her head a bit as she saw the smears of blood on Coco's tail and forepaws as the poor frightened otter backed away from her and curled up. She extended her head a bit, letting out a gentle, comforting purr.

::Coco? It's okay. The dog is gone, Menew and me chased him away. You don't have to be afraid anymore. You're safe now,:: she murmured softly, looking aside at Menew with an obvious question in her eyes. 'What do I do now?'

Coco whimpered softly, her little paws holding her tail close to her sleek-furred chest. Slowly, she did calm down a little and crawled forward inbetween the two kitties. Menew didn't answer Linette, instead letting his actions do the talking as he moved close to Coco and meowed softly into her ears, nuzzling and licking her all over. Linette looked a little lost for a moment as Coco backed away from her, but an ever so soft smile crossed her muzzle when the poor otter finally reacted to their gentle voices and crawled forwards a bit.

Following Menew's example, the fluffy silver cat lay herself down next to Coco, her body softly and warmly pressed against the otter's little body and a comforting purr ceaselessly rumbling in her throat as she began very softly and carefully grooming Coco's sleek fur, cleaning away the smears of blood from her beige chest and very carefully working her way towards the thick, sleek tail to stop the bleeding and clean out the bite wounds. Coco slowly calmed down, letting the cats wash out he bite wounds on her tail. She curled up between them, closing her eyes and falling into a deep heavy sleep. Menew rested his head down on the back of the otter's neck.

::Aww... she's so cute...::

Slowly, Linette's smile grew a bit deeper as she felt how Coco relaxed under Menew's and her grooming. She made sure she was ever so gently and careful when she cleaned out the bites on the otter's tail, stopping the bleeding and cleaning the fur gently. Looking up, she smiled and purred softly, pressing herself up against Menew a bit as she curled herself around Coco's body protectively.

::Yes... the poor girl, why did that have to happen to her? She's so happy and cheerful, she doesn't deserve to have something like that happening.:: She sighed softly and pressed her face into the thick fur on Menew's neck. ::I hope she won't blame me... I'm the one who suggested we'd play games, after all...::

Menew shook his head no and offered a comforting lick to Linette's nose. His whiskers twitched all about on his face as he looked to her.

::No, she won't... she still loves you. You didn't do anything to her. Besides, you saved her from that dog!::

Linette looked up at Menew and smiled gratefully.

::That's true... thanks, Menew. You're a sweetie.::

Menew purred softly.


He curled up around Coco and Linette, softly licking both of them over the head to help all of them relax. In that position, the happy threesome eventually fell asleep together, with Coco wrapping her small forepaws tightly around the two kitties in the bush...