The Other Dragon World Epilogue

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#20 of The Other Dragon World


When the Party Starts

Three months after the incident (that became the first of Seraphor's feat on this world), the realms became normal again. Like always, the damage caused by the fights were present, but unlike most of Spyro's past adventures, the damage were minimal. Maybe because the threat was personal or because of Seraphor's intervention, they couldn't make it permanent. All of the dragons that lived in Dragon Realm were grateful that the heroes were there to save them again (although the real threat had never happened).

What became the best thing was, Seraphor finally got himself in the middle of a new dragon civilization. Not because he had lost and forgotten the life before this, but only to make sure things were alright. Most of all, his counterpart, Spyro, got his reputation back after both Seraphor and Shyplis cleared his name (but the latter ended up became the scary one). Spyro suddenly got himself in the middle of the love triangle between Flame and Ember, knowing that Flame also loved her. But then, because of his love with Cynder, he surrendered Ember to Flame, knowing that she was better to Flame aside from him. Still, her talkative traits never left her, and whenever she got over-excited, it was as if everything inside her head blew out in a manner of seconds that could make other dragons blew their heads off (not literally).

Knowing everything had never changed, Spyro went back to his old lives. He liked to sleep, then played a video game, and doing magic training with the elders. What changed Seraphor was included in his old lives. Unlike Spyro, Seraphor was more organized (albeit still reckless), and always tried to make Spyro a bit of a mature dragon. For a while, Spyro could behave and became a better dragon, but because he was also a young adult, he was rebellious, and tended to go on his own. But Seraphor could force him to behave, although giving him more freedom. Sometimes Spyro's inner 'demon' could help the silver red on straighten things up, like biting his own tail, flying to the sea, and even tied himself to a place Spyro normally hated.

Now all those incidents had passed, and nothing changed...

Except Hunter...

Accepting Hunter's death was the hardest thing Spyro could had done. Knowing him for a year and a half was enough to make the anthropomorphic cheetah to be his best friend as he always helped Spyro anywhere and anytime. Now, without him, Spyro had been in the worst part of his life. Not only he got occasional mood swing, he started to become paranoid. Shyplis would come to prevent him becoming a manifestation of the new Darkness, and Seraphor would try to prevent him from killing himself from time to time. Because of this, for the past one month, Shyplis took almost 70% of Spyro's life to either clear his host's name or to adapt to the world nowadays.

Now, in Avalar, where Spyro looked over Hunter's tomb, a totem of a cheetah in its real form, growling in sorrow as if ashamed of being killed. No, maybe not that, but maybe because relieved from the world's nasty development. His trustworthy bow was placed over his grave while some writings in Hunter's tribe language were written on the bow. Spyro could ask the meaning later, as he was putting a flower carefully over the bow. Hunter was buried beside his mother, who died after laboring, and when the cheetah was still a cub. Now, they could meet each other in afterlife, in peace.

Seraphor was beside Spyro. Some scars from the fights with Malefor was still there, but it was only time new scales covered them. They watched the grave for a while, while Hunter's girlfriend, Sara, watched.

"He's a fine cheetah, isn't he?" said Sara. "He would be a great tribe leader, but I know he's also a warrior. It's always the fate of our tribe."

"So, who'll be the next leader?" said Spyro.

"I don't know. His father hasn't decided yet. Whether it is Far Eye or Lion Heart that will become the next leader, I don't know. It's up on the tribe's favorite. Until then...I wish his spirit will be with his mother by the stars."

"I hope so," said Spyro. "Say, Ellora is not around. Where is she?"

"The satyr? She's with her own kin now, in the forest. I don't know about her whereabouts for the past months. Anyway, whenever you meet Flame, say to him that I'll be returning his prized mattress later. Stay safe."

After she left to one of the huts, Seraphor gestured Spyro to go back to Dragon Realm while training him on controlling his ice through his paws. After they reached the other side, Spyro realized they were setting up for a party to welcome Seraphor, and so he said, "Looks like you're accepted in our colony much faster than we all expected."

"No need for a celebration, actually. I didn't mean to make others into burden."

"Oh, don't be that skeptical, man. You're my parallel, so you're me, and I'm you. What's so hard about it? In fact, you adapted quite fast, and you helped me gone through the crisis of losing Hunter. Anyway, it's...sunset."

Seraphor watched the sea and saw how the sun, now became orange red, started to set behind the horizon. He clearly was amazed as he never saw sunsets as clear as before. Spyro then said, "Well? Your first sunset sighting. How do you like that?"

"It's really beautiful. I'll be looking forward to see how this tropical place can do to my new found life."

"Now that's the spirit! It's going to be one hell of a party, man! Get your legs ready for the night."

"I'm looking forward for that."

Then when he turned around to see the sunset, Seraphor was surprised by the same cheetah that he helped to extend his life a little more so he could help them finding Ember and saving the whole Realm. Hunter was smiling with his cat face, and with a wave of a paw-like hand, he waved goodbye to Seraphor, and shortly after, he was joined by another apparition, possibly his mother, waving her tail with joy while smiling to Seraphor, before they walked to the sunset, vanishing to the sun.

Watching that, Seraphor then smiled to himself and thought, "Now, he's in peace" before walking back to Spyro side to side, while talking, "Hey, can you teach me how to dance for a quad dragon like us?"

"No need to dance, man. We just need to participate in the games, drinking coco, having an outdoor cinema. Oh, and don't forget to save your tail from the stomps of the bipeds and..."

While Spyro was explaining Seraphor while walking back to Artigan's inn, they didn't see another apparition of a dragon that walked on a four with them. Shyplis saw how they became very happy on each other, and he just smiled while walking silently with them.

That night...the party started...and it was the end of Seraphor's life from the previous world.

But his adventure will continue...and he'll be back.

The Other Dragon World: Chapter 18

Heroes Returning Home Seraphor felt light, despite of the wounds he got. He was jumping around the corner, trying to find a cover from a dragon fire blast that was directed to him. His friends from both worlds were trying to fight back, but this...

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 17

The Earth Genocide Mode Terrador, the eldest of the Guardians, was tending on his garden, while at the same time wondering why the plants were dying despite of him being very diligent on tending them. He didn't even feel any ail or anything about the...

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 16

The Battle of the Corrupted "You! Where did you come from?! You took the whelp's body?! What are you?!" Shyplis didn't immediately reply, but he turned and took Seraphor's unconscious body outside to the wall with his front legs. After doing that,...

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