How I Came To Love My Best Friend: Chapter 3

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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#3 of How I Came to Love My Best Friend

Hello everyone! I was finally able to edit my material now that I'm back to being in good health, so I'm proud to finally present this chapter in the series! This chapter marks a change in Mark's relationship with his best friend Luke (yes, be forewarned, it includes sex) which will have a lasting effect on Mark's new life.

Thank you for reading this latest chapter and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the story!

Monday, September 5, 2022 (continued):

Letting him drag me into his car, I was still shocked by his confession. Even when we entered the stadium for the concert, I was dumbfounded. How could he ever want me? He was famous, I was just some kid right out of grad school. Sure, we were best friends at one time, but I hadn't talked to him in four years! He walked me backstage while the band was still setting up for their first song, but I really needed to use the restroom, so I ran to be quick about it. Of course, I probably should've expected that he would follow me there.

"Mark, I'm really sorry. I didn't want to 'convert you to gayness' or anything. If I came across that way...I didn't mean for that. Enjoy the concert but I'm probably going to head home..."

"No! Wait!" I zipped up my pants while catching up with him.

"Yes, Mark?" he looked at me.

"Look, I'm really flattered. It's just a bit fast, that's all."

"I understand..." he turned away and walked toward the exit.

My heart ached, knowing that I've felt the same rejection of love. I couldn't have him go through the same pain I dealt with after Emilia, "Luke! Please don't go!"

"Why? What's up?" he stopped, but didn't turn to face me.

"I really don't know exactly how this would work, but...I'd be willing to try it. For you, of course."

He turned around, tail wagging, "Really?"

I nodded.

"Well, let's enjoy the music together then..."

His sudden chuckles after I accepted his proposition made me laugh and having him next to me made the backstage experience even better. He held me in his arms as the band played through their set and I was surprised at how much I loved just being around him. I never realized how much I loved just being with him.

It was a great concert, but in the back of my mind, I knew that he had other intentions and I was a bit nervous about my ability to satisfy his needs now that we were a "couple." I never had any real experience with a guy before, so this would be my first try...I was so afraid that I'd mess it all up with my shoddy performance, but I tried to forget that for the moment, leaving it for the (very near) future.

The best part of the concert was when Luke pushed me on stage (he later told me that he set it up beforehand) and the band told me that while I was up there, I might as well play rhythm guitar. (Very nice Fender, by the way.) It was the most embarrassing but also one of the coolest moments in my life. I mean he literally shoved me from behind the curtain to the stage, so it was a complete surprise.

I strapped up the guitar and even sang along to "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" and almost teared up at "Shake Me Down" as I howled:

Walk around the corner,

_Never saw it coming, _

_Still I tried to make a move, _

It almost stopped me from believing,

I don't want to know the future,

I'm like rolling thunder!


Even on a cloudy day...

The song somehow reminded me of the leap of faith that Luke had made by deciding to date me, of all people. I certainly "never saw it coming," that's for sure. As I wrapped up on stage, I accepted the fact that it would be on YouTube within the hour. It was fun: it didn't even matter at this point.

As I strolled back over to Luke, I smiled as he hugged me, "Thanks for this, Luke. How can I possibly show how much this means to me?"

"It's no problem, sweetie. I didn't want anything out of it."

"That means I'm open to whatever you want."

"Well, in that case, I might have to think of something..." Luke instantly decided that we'd just have dinner at his apartment after the show.

Once we finally got back downtown, Luke was putting the moves on me, though he was very subtle about it. He coerced me into agreeing to shower on his side of the floor and to have dinner on that side as well, but the rest of the conversation focused on regular if I had fun or what my impression of my first day on the job was. I KNEW he'd pull something soon, especially after I said I'd be okay with it. The problem was that between his handsomeness and charisma, if he asked me to do anything, I'd do it for him, as strange as it might have seemed to me at the time.

"So Mark," the husky asked while he made some pasta, "I'm getting really hungry. Are you? I have some meat if you'd like an appetizer," he smiled cruelly.

"What did you just say?!" I blushed.

His use of innuendo was spot on and I really couldn't stay serious about it after he had masterfully tricked me into thinking about him in a more sexual way. His smile was so diffusing that I couldn't stay mad at him for very long. He served out the pasta and I ate plentifully from the well-prepared dish. He was quite the cook. Once I had finished my serving, he rushed to complete his and looked panicked as he avoided my glance, "I'm going to my room really quickly. Be back in 10."

It wasn't like him to leave like that. I thought I had unconsciously done something wrong and somehow offended him. I felt horrible. He didn't come back within ten minutes, so I went to his door to investigate. What I saw shocked me: he had a flash drive with all of my personal pictures on it from my computer...and he was pawing off.

"Oh, I can't wait to claim that ass. Mmmm...he looks so cute! I'll take you soon, Mark, but I can wait a little longer..."

As his paw picked up the pace, I decided to knock on the door, "Luke, are you okay?"

"Yeah! Stay away!" he yelled back.


I heard him bark and growl, "Uhh...just don't open the door!"

"I'm coming in."


Instead of turning to hide himself from my sight, he went the wrong direction, giving me full vision of his massive cock and his full naked body, denied the pleasure he was seeking.

"You were pawing me?"

"You're pretty hot, Mark."

"No, I'm not!"

"Well, I think you are..." he kept stroking himself.

"Thanks, I think." I looked into his eyes and his expression begged me to finish him. " just started this. Oh, come on! Don't act so innocent!"

A few more seconds of his husky beg and it was inevitable, "Fine. How do I do this?"

"Take off your clothes first."

I obliged him and left my underwear on, "Good?" I looked at the pant-less husky with a surprising lust, shaking my head in confusion as I approached, " look great."

He seemed genuinely embarrassed by the compliment, "Thanks, Mark. That means a lot to me."

"Luke, I know that you want this, but I know that this isn't going to be that good since I haven't done this before..." I warned.

"I don't care, Mark. What'll make me happy is knowing that my cute new boyfriend is trying his hardest to please me," he smiled as he became embarrassed from the sexual tension between us.

I sat on his lap, facing the taller canid before I closed my eyes and reluctantly leaned forward, half hoping he would and half hoping he wouldn't let my muzzle reach his. Like it or not, he kissed me back passionately and my eyes shot open from how long our muzzles were locked together. He wrapped his arms around me and kept our jaws interlocked until he finally needed a breath. I realized that I wanted this. I needed this.

"Luke? I know that it's really sudden, but...can we?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't ask. I'd be honored to have you," he let my body go and helped me up.

I hesitated, but finally did what my mind wanted and got on my knees as the taller husky stood at full attention in front of me, "I guess you can start."

Rubbing his pre-cum coated cock on my nose until I opened my jaw, Luke was ecstatic to see me willingly help him out. I started giving him my best effort at a blowjob and I know that it probably sucked beyond belief (pardon the pun). I never gave oral to a guy before: it was a completely new experience.

Luke began to help me out by moving my head back and forth on his massive length, letting me feel and learn every vein on his bulging cock. He tasted great...I don't even know why I felt that way. Once he had his quick fun with my muzzle, the husky asked, "Would you take off the undies, Mark?"

I took off my last article of clothing, blushing as I revealed my smaller length (although, compared to him, anything looks small), "Is it okay, Luke?"

"You're pretty nice down there, Mark. Don't be down on yourself there. I'm a bit too big, actually. How about I give you a little sample of how it feels?"

I got onto my hands and knees and within the minute, I felt a large presence over my body, "Luke, you're way too big! It won't fit!"

He pressed his now-lubed cock head against my pucker, "Oh, it will. I'm going to tie you tonight, wolf. This is so great!"

Pressing even harder, I started to moan as he parted my resistance to my one-way hole. He laughed as he slowly slipped himself in, "Your body really wanted the D."

"Be gentle!"

"Not a chance. Sorry, cutie: I have to be tough for the first few days so you don't want to leave!"

With that announcement, Luke began to pummel into my virgin tailhole, even if he could barely fit a third of himself inside of me. I kept moaning in pleasure and even shot off a few loads as he took me anally for the first time in my life. It was mind blowing! I could barely see straight after the orgasm I had.

After about ten minutes of being dominated by the husky, the first round of action was done. Something in his devious smile told me the night was far from over. He scooped up my cum from his floor in his paw and covered my face in my own spunk, adding to my embarrassment.

"How does it feel so far?"

"It hurts, but it's amazing, Luke."

"Well, I hope you've learned not to walk in on me while I'm pawing off," he teased, messing up my hair, "I'm really glad you agreed to do this, Mark."

"I am too...but I think I need to be reminded why I shouldn't walk in on you."

He laughed, getting on some more lube from a bottle on his wardrobe, "You already want more? I don't mind: you have a really nice ass back here."

"Shut up..."

"And you've been having all the pleasure so far. I want to finish what I started. I'm sure you want to please me, don't you?"

"Of course, Luke. That's why I agreed."

"Thanks, Mark. Now, my goal is for you to be able to take my knot, but that might have to wait depending on how well you can take it. Just tell me if it's too much to handle. Sound good?"


"Great! Let's get started!" He, once again, thrusted into my tailhole and I felt half of his massive cock push deep inside of me.

"Luke! You're fucking huge!"

"I know. Sorry, cutie."

"I'm too small for this!"

"You'll accept it soon enough, I promise. Just relax."

"Yeah, that's easy: relax when half a cock is in your butt!"

"You're so cute and funny!" he successfully distracted me by bringing my attention elsewhere for a moment.

"Oh, shut up!" I felt him slipping deeper inside of me.

"Good. Just relax a little more. I'm almost inside."

I focused myself on tomorrow's classes enough that I loosened up a bit more for him, feeling his knot right at my hole. "Isn't this enough?!"

"It's great progress, but I want you to have the full experience."

"I feel so full..."

"I know. It'll be worth it, I promise. Stay strong!"

"I'm cumming again!"

"Great, that might loosen you up a bit more. Get ready: it's going to hurt!" he pulled back a bit and then slammed into me with all his force.

Once his knot slipped into me, I came more than I think I've ever done in my life as his cock hit my prostate like a missile. And then, he came in me. A flood of his hot spunk filled my tailhole almost immediately. He conquered me: knotted me on the first night. And I loved it.

The implications to this were far greater than what I anticipated. Sure, there was the momentary bliss between us, but I had to recognize in this moment that I liked this. This was what I wanted. I wasn't going back and hoping that Emilia would take me back or something. I had moved on, and even then I knew it was for the better.

"Oh, yes! You're great at taking it, Mark."

"It's so warm..."

"Like it?"

"Yeah...Luke, why are you so damn big? It hurts like all hell!"

"Sorry again. You took it really well, though. Most of my previous boyfriends gave up on me, but you stuck through the pain for me. Thanks! I swear it won't hurt as much next time, okay?" He licked my cum-battered face and slowly pulled out of my tight tailhole.

"You really stretched me out!" I complained at the void left as he pulled away.

"Aww...sorry! Wanna help clean me up?"l

"Oh, fine. I'll try."

"Great! I hope you like how it tastes."

"I do, Luke." I started to lick his spunk off of his cock and a last burst of his cum splattered on my face. I was so eager to please him that I licked my paws.

"Round two?" he joked as he pulled me away from his length.

"How long has it been since you've had a release? You can't have that much left in you..."

"A few weeks. I was too busy with my art. Now I have a cute wolf to stop the back-up."

"I'm supposed to like that job?"

"Did you hear yourself moaning? It was SO hot. And my floor is covered in your cum... You loved it!"


"It's just nice finally being a top! I've always been more dominant, but my size usually gets in the way."

"I understand. You can have me anytime. Just don't break anything back there."

"I love you! Can I take a picture?"

"Oh, fine. Please don't blackmail me."

"I would never do that," he smiled as he took a picture of me and saved it with the caption, "Breaking In My Cute New Bottom."

He smiles at his own accomplishment and asks, "Want anything in return?"

"I'm spent. I've got nothing left in me, except for your last load."

"Aww...that's romantic."

"I hate what's next?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Well, you're the experienced one."

"I would've been fine with just friends with benefits, but you keep pressuring me to date you. Come on, Mark! Fine, you can be my boyfriend, but don't pester me about it anymore. I hope you're happy with yourself." When Luke has a one-person conversation, you know it ends badly for you.

"Seriously? Me and you?"

"Why not? We've known each other quite intimately for four years...Did you know I was gay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was always afraid to say it out loud because I figured you wouldn't like me afterward."

"Me not like you? If anything, it would've been the other way around. You were way more popular than I was and I was dating the most popular girl on campus! Of course I knew, but I just didn't care. You were my first real friend in college and the only one I thought of calling for a place to stay. I trust you, Luke."

"Thanks, hun. So you're alright with being my bottom?"

"I think so!"

"Great! You smell amazing by the way."

"I smell like your cum, Luke."

"That's what I said, silly! Now go to sleep, Mark. If I'm lonely, I'll join you soon..."

I took a quick shower in Luke's shower, only remembering afterward that I had left all my clothes in Luke's bedroom. I tried to rush and grab them, but I couldn't find them anywhere. Of course, Luke walked in, "Hey! What are you doing naked in my bedroom?"

"My clothes are gone..."

" bad, I must've put them with my dry cleaning. Well, now that you're here, why don't you just sleep with me?"

" your bed?"

"Of course! Come on: I don't bite that much."

"Luke, isn't this a bit quick?"

"What? Sleeping together? Not really...I mean, we've already had sex once."

"True, but I'm naked!"

"Fine, Mark! I can strip naked too! Stop asking!" he smiled as he removed his own clothing and slipped into bed. He lifted the sheets and beckoned me to join him, "Come over here!"

I sat on his mattress and let myself be taken into his arms, "Like this?"

"Yep. Now turn that cute butt toward me and let me snuggle with you."

Reluctantly, I turned to face away from him and he scooted up closer to me. I could feel his sheath poke against my back. I felt his arms surround me and (after my initial discomfort) I felt safe and warm with him. "Luke...thank you."

"No problem. Now go to sleep: I have some nice things planned for tomorrow."

"I love you, Luke."

"I love you too, sweetie..."


I couldn't believe I was dating my best friend. Not only that, I had sex with him! And we were snuggling too! I thought to myself, "Was this normal? Why did I want him so badly?" I confused myself with my thoughts and ended up going to sleep entirely disoriented. It didn't matter: he made me feel loved. That made it all worth it...

How I Came to Love My Best Friend: Chapter 4

_Tuesday, September 5, 2022:_ "I know! Isn't this cool?!...Yeah, I just hope he doesn't find out about that...Not about you, about her...Gotcha, let's talk later then?...Fine I'll send you the video as proof!" was what I heard and I groaned, slowly...

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How I Came to Love My Best Friend: Chapter 2

_Monday, September 5, 2022_: "Yeah, I wish!" I heard Luke laughing on the phone shortly after I woke up, "He's too shy for that. I checked his search history though and there's hope for me...Yeah, I'm serious! Why wouldn't I be?...I see. That seems a...

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How I Came to Love My Best Friend: Chapter 1

Let me get this straight: I never expected anything that happened to me in September of 2022, but I have yet to regret the experience. It's a long story and came as a shock to me, but I'll try to tell it all to you as best I can. It all starts with an...

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