Pain of Loneliness(2): Learning to live...

Story by Denver on SoFurry

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Pain of Loneliness: To Live...

Alex: Groaning with pleasure as I woke up yet again, I looked at Tanya with a grin as the doe continued to suck on my member like candy, her eyes full of amusement and hunger as she gazed up at me for a moment. Pulling back and stroking my aching shaft with her soft hands she smiled innocently, saying, "I couldn't sleep with this poking against my back."

"Then we had better do something about it," I told her, biting my lip and arching back, hips tensing as I kept myself from cumming at that moment.

"We should," Tanya whispered seductively, getting up from where she lay on the bed and straddling my waist, rubbing the underside of my draconic length against her dripping pussy and moaning as I growled loudly. Cupping her breasts I fondled them gently, pressing both beautiful furred orbs together as my thumb and forefinger pinched at teased her already erect nipples. She cried out in pleasure and slid herself onto me without hesitation, her expression becoming a mix of ecstasy and surprise as my member stretched her sex wide, filling her completely. Tanya was already shaking as I let go of her breasts, sliding my hands along her sides and resting them upon her hips as I slowly, carefully pulled myself out of her, thrusting back up with the same slow care. The doe shuddered and moaned loudly, climaxing almost as soon as I started to make love to her, the scents of her juices and feeling of her tight sex awakening me completely. I could feel the hunger inside of her, desiring to be filled and knew that it matched my own in more ways than one.

Sitting up and embracing her tightly, Tanya cried out as the action drove more of my throbbing 16 inch length into her quivering sex, my lips finding her own and kissing her passionately. She returned the kiss, fiercely, wrapping her arms around me and riding my member hard and fast in response, her furred breasts pressing against my chest, her heartbeat loud in my ears as were her breaths and cries of pleasure. My own breaths and grunts mixed with hers, my heart racing as I thrust up into her harder, answering her urge for release and the ultimate euphoria. Shaking my head and closing my eyes, I felt my balls tighten and a cold wave rush through me then fire as I hit the edge and plunged over it, roaring loudly as I filled Tanya's womb with my seed. She screamed, her body writhing upon my shaft as she peaked again, her sex clamping like a vice around my member, squeezing, milking every drop of cum I had to offer as her juices flowed out and onto my waist. I clung to her, forehead pressed against Tanya's breasts as I rocked slightly, panting for breath and basking in the afterglow of lovemaking as I listened to our hearts frantic beating...


...Sunrise filled the room with warm welcoming light that danced across our bodies as we lay together in exhaustion, sweetly sated and more than a little pleased with each other. Before last night, my knowledge about females in general had been little more than school or erotic stories I had managed to read. Tanya though, had brought full awareness of what pleasures and feelings those lovers I had read about felt and without regret. I was awake already, having felt the night fade and with it, a part of me that I had known from birth. In my arms, I held the doe, lovingly caressing her body and sides as she slept, the scent of love making and pleasured sweat filling the room with my own musk. A new sunrise bringing new possibilities...Possibilities that didn't include the pain I had felt while alone in Calgary. Shaking my head slightly, I closed my eyes and sighed, pushing those thoughts aside to concentrate on what lay in the present and before me.

The doorbell downstairs rang and Tanya sat up with a start, her groggy expression making me chuckle a little as she rubbed sleep out of her eyes.

"Who could that be?" She yawned, looking out the window and frowning. "Probably not even eight in the morning..."

"Might as well go down and check," I said, kissing the nape of her neck gently, the action making her shiver.

"We could just stay here and pretend that we're still asleep," Tanya whispered, looking back at me with a grin as the doorbell rang again.

"I don't think they'll fall for that," I remarked, giving a slight growl and looking to the bedroom door. Laughing, she rose and went over to the closet to put on a light robe that ended just below her thighs while I grabbed my jeans and slipped into them, not bothering to pull on my shirt. The doe was the first one at the door and as I came down the stairs, I could hear Ashra's apology for waking her early, followed by another from someone else. The owner of Hybrid Theory was standing on the porch, still in silks, but violet with a silver pattern upon it this time. Unlike the ones she had worn last night, these were almost completely transparent, making it hard not to notice the fullness of her breasts and other enticing curves of her body.

Standing behind her was a Unicorn Daemon, his horn making us a match for height, though a little more powerful in build than I was. Dark eyes searched my face as I came into view before nodding in approval at a question that had been on his mind.

"Alex! Good morning. I trust you slept well," Ashra said, smiling as she stepped into the house and gently embraced me for a moment.

"Better than I have in weeks," I replied, stiffening slightly at the unexpected show of friendship and affection before gingerly hugging the jackal back. "What brings you here this early in the morning? Aside from hearing my answer to the offer you gave last night?"

"Just to talk and also introduce you to Malik, co owner of Hybrid Theory and my lover," she replied, the last words spoken with more than a little fondness as the Unicorn stepped forward and extended a hand. I shook Maliks' hand firmly and stepped back, more than a little uncomfortable that Ashra had so boldly mentioned the intimate relationship she had with him.

"My answer to the offer is yes, Ashra," I said, turning my gaze to her for a brief moment before nodding solemnly. "I accept it on one condition...Before you ask me to do anything above what has already been asked of me, you give me a reason as to why you want it done. I don't like being used for someone's own personal agenda and not knowing the reasons as to why I should do certain things."

"Agreed and done," she intoned, nodding as a small smile crept onto her lips. "Shall we talk over coffee or something? I'm a little thirsty and would feel better about conversation if I had something to drink with it."

"When are you not thirsty?" Malik chuckled, kissing her neck and grinning broadly.

"When I have something else to keep me occupied," Ashra replied innocently, smiling up at her consort...


...Tanya prepared the drinks of coffee, water and juices after telling me to stay out of the kitchen and talk with Ashra and Malik until she was ready to serve us. The living room was large with two deep soft couches, and a set of chairs placed at one end between them. The coffee table was just the right height to set glasses and cups upon without the need to bend too far forward. Talk mainly consisted of Malik and Ashra inquiring about my past and experiences on my own. There wasn't much to tell and I stayed away from anything asked about my family, giving a small smile and shaking my head when asked about my mother and father.

"What happened to your hand?" Malik said at last, his eyes searching mine before I looked down at my left hand and realized that I was still wearing the bloody bandages from the other day. The shower had made the blood run; tinting the cloth wrappings a light rose in color.

"Just a stupid accident," I said, slicing the edge of the bandages and tugging them off. The flesh was healed and slightly pink, the scales around where each glass shard had turned a milky grey in color as the old scales died so new ones could replace them. "A few days from now and there won't be anything left of this injury..."

"Did it happen at home?" Malik asked, leaning back in the couch and resting his chin on one hand, elbow on the arm of the couch.

"No. It didn't happen at home and I would appreciate it if you let the subject about my family drop, Malik," I told him, my smile forced as I flexed my left hand. "As far as I'm concerned, they are dead and don't matter to me any more. I'm a ghost to them and am more than willing to remain one."

"My apologies for prying, but the last thing we need are the Red Deer police searching for you and believing that you were kidnapped," he told me, nodding slowly.

"Not going to happen," I said, shaking my head as Tanya entered the room with the drinks and handing them out to us. "As I said before, I'm dead to them and will remain that way no matter what I do."

"Dead to who?" Tanya asked, flopping onto the couch beside me and leaning against my shoulder.

"No one," I sighed, shaking my head and standing up carefully. "I just want to be alone for a bit. It was a pleasure meeting you, Malik. I hope to talk with you again sometime in the future. Ashra....Tanya...." Leaving the room, I walked out the front door, down the porch steps and turned towards the trees lining the low fence along the right side of the house...

Tanya: I watched Alex leave with curiosity and sorrow as I noted the expression in his eyes, that of torment and pain. Much like what I had seen in my own eyes during my years as a gang whore.

"What did you say to him?" I demanded, glaring at Malik as if it was his fault Alex had left.

"Just asked him about his family and whether he had injured his left hand at home," Malik said innocently, gaze also in the direction Alex had gone. "There's a lot of pain between him and his family..."

"How long did it take you to figure that out," I said, snorting derisively and sighing.

"His mother an Emrethal and father a human," Malik commented, drinking the cup of coffee I had given him. "Not surprising, yet I would have thought the father would have been more supportive of his son."

"Of his son leaving," Ashra said, shivering slightly and setting down her glass. "I watched Alex's fight with his father last night when I awakened him. The spirits revealed it to me and...I can still feel the physical and emotional pain. This isn't the first time his father has hurt him and that is like a tainted thorn in his side..."

"One that needs to be removed before any kind of healing can be done," Malik added, looking from Ashra to me and back again. "Should I arrange to meet with his parents, My Love?"

"No...Not his father anyways. Let a few days pass before finding out who his mother is and if we can speak with her at a time when her husband isn't home," Ashra said, a smile creeping onto her lips as her eyes met my own, the amusement growing as she leaned back in the couch. "By the way, what kept you two from answering the door this morning?"


Alex: The air was slightly chilly, even with the sun up, but that was changing quickly. I could feel the warmth coming with the morning against my back as I walked, and shivered at the cold that rushed to embrace me ahead. Some of the trees surrounding Tanya's home were pine, but a good majority were birch, oak, and some others that I couldn't identify. Not from the world I knew, these trees had blue leafs with emerald veins that ran over their surfaces. The bark itself seemed to shimmer golden in the sunlight as I walked by them. Shaking my head, I spat on the ground as Malik's questions about my family came to mind. None of it was his business, no matter what he said about the police looking for me. Mom would be the only one who would even think of searching Red Deer to find out where I had gone. Mel and I were never that close and I doubt he would give a damn any more than Father. Father...he would push the issue about what Mom was doing and try everything he could to get her to stop looking for me.

"Better that I stay dead to them," I muttered, sitting down before an oak and leaning my back against it with another sigh. Pushing all of those thoughts to the back of my mind, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the suns warmth that slowly filled me, the peace of the valley as a whole welcoming to me. The earth hummed, singing a song of ages past, the dew on the grass and tree leafs chiming in time with the deep powerful notes as they slowly evaporated in the growing warmth.

"Do you often seek to be alone?" asked a voice that made me jump. I looked around and didn't see anyone within twenty feet of me. Yet the voice seemed to have been from someone no more than a foot or more from where I sat. "Up here," it said again, the voice sounding almost female, but with a different quality to it that I couldn't place. Looking up, I scrambled out from under the tree and the woman that was sticking out of it two feet above where I had been sitting.

Her skin gleamed golden in the morning light, her chest and stomach a little lighter in color than the rest of her with deep green eyes that look out above her gentle human features. The hair was made from moss and green leafs, some of them braided together, but in such a way it seemed to have been grown rather than manipulated by any hand at all.

"What the hell are you?" I said, feeling a bit foolish for reacting the way I had. She laughed and emerged from the tree completely without leaving as much as a dent in the bark.

"A Dryad, you silly Daemon," she laughed, crouching on the ground before me and tilting her head. "I thought you knew about us already, or is Ashra slipping in what she tells newcomers to Eddeon?"

"Probably the latter," I muttered, looking her over and raising an eyebrow. Dryads....elementals of spirit and life that had chosen to live as plants or rather, people of the plants. I knew very little about them, but they were supposed to be close kin of the Emrethal.

"So, answer my question. Do you often seek to be alone when there are others that might wish to speak with you?" She asked again, tilting her head the other way.

"Doesn't seem to matter at the moment," I replied, frowning a moment before getting to my feet. "Every time I try to find a place to collect my thoughts, someone always shows up with one reason or another to try and speak with me...Have a great day Forest Lady..." I turned and started walking again, this time jumping over the fence and heading for the center of town.

"Wait! You haven't told me your name!" She called out to my retreating back...


...Eddeon was much larger than it appeared to be, as were the range of business's open to the residents. Anything from salons to bars and small strip malls were present, and with almost as much diversity in the local population. Daemons seemed to outnumber the Emrethal, but then again, it was probably an illusion to my eyes. Smiling as I watched a mixed group of children run across the street to the park, I felt envy and sorrow at the same time as they started to play, some of the adults joining in and sharing in the laughter. This made me pause for a long moment before I shook my head and continued walking. Not far from the park was the largest structure I had seen in Eddeon, three stories high and with a fenced off yard behind it that contained a large swimming pool. Though made from concrete, the stone had been painted with murals of nature and the animals that one would normally find in the world I came from. There were no signs to indicate the structures purpose or if it belonged to a business, but from the few people that emerged and entered, there didn't seem to be any restriction as those allowed inside.

Curious, I went inside and looked around the plain grey lobby and the few TV's set into the nearby wall. A male Emrethal and female vixen Daemon walked towards each other on the screen, their clothing vanishing so that when they finally embraced, both were naked. Their faces though were filled with passion; the eyes seemed to glow in a sense. The embrace lasted for a few moments before both were transformed into simple drawings with the letters E.E.F. appearing beside them as the picture moved to the right side of the screen.

"Can I help you, Sir?"

Turning to face the speaker, I found myself looking at a young Emrethal lady with shimmering emerald hair and bright blue eyes. Work suite was neat and orderly, though not as uptight as some others I had seen humans wear. Black with silver embroidery around the cuffs and lapels, the skirt was dark blue, almost black that shimmered in the sunlight that spilled through the doors from outside. Shorter than I was by a couple of feet, the stone glowing in her forehead was amethyst shaped in a curved teardrop.

"Kind of and not really," I replied, giving a smile and nodding to the TV's. "Just wondering what this building was for as well as 'E.E.F.'..."

"Eddeon Erotic Films," she supplied, glancing at the images as they were repeated again, her smile growing. "The only true company in Eddeon and producers of adult films for all three races in the human realm."

"Erotic films?" I said, raising an eyebrow to question whether she was serious or just joking with me.

"Yes. We've won global awards for some of the movies we've done, and have also participated in a few movies from Hollywood," she told me, noting my expression and laughing. "You look as if you've never heard of us before?"

"Actually, I haven't."

"Ahh...A newcomer to Eddeon then," she remarked, her eyes becoming intent on my form as she walked around me. "Not bad...Definitely have the build...a little mysterious in appearance, but still...."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded, backing away from her and scowling.

"Just thinking on how you might do working here," she said, her smile returning and her gaze met mine.

"Can't do that," I told her shaking my head and turning to head for the door.

Keeping pace with me, she asked, "Why no?"

"I've already got a job at Hybrid Theory."

"That'll only be three times a week at the most," she told me, moving to block my exit from the building, standing before me with her face raised in defiance to my stature. "You could probably make better money here, or at least have a little more fun. Besides, some of our employees work at the club as well. This is part time for them."

"The last thing I need to be involved in is porn, Lady," I growled, clenching one hand a moment before relaxing. I was irritated enough as it was, with everything else that had happened this morning.

"IS that what you think we do here? A bunch of men and women fucking hard and fast without emotion? Just pure sex with exaggerated screams and moans?" She said, stepping back and laughing again, her expression becoming amused. Pausing a moment, she walked away from the doors and gestured for me to come over to one of the TV's. I hesitated a moment, unsure of whether I should trust her, yet willing to give the Emrethal the benefit of a doubt. Pulling out a remote from a small niche beside the screen, the pressed a button and the image changed. It was of a large bedroom done up in soft, earthen colors with crimsons to accent gold and copper. Upon the bed was a couple were embracing each other gently, kissing with passion and love as they moved together ever so slowly. There was no sound, but I could see their expressions clearly, and it had very little in the way of wild lust.

Another button was pressed, the picture changing, the scene exactly the opposite to the last one, two male Daemon's were making love to an Emrethal woman, her face filled with bliss as her partners pleasured her, their actions slow, taking the time to touch and caress her body in just the right way to make her senses soar.

Again, the screen changed, this one having little passion as the lovers moved quickly in time with each other, the lust apparent in their motion, their eyes betraying it for something deeper as they looked at each other intently, gazes locked together as their bodies were.

"I admit, sometimes we do make films with wild sex and foreplay," the woman said at last, returning the screen to E.E.F.'s logo and looking up at me. "But these people aren't strangers that are just randomly chosen to screw each other. There has to be a friendship between them, and sometimes more before we even allow them to have sex for a film. Not all of our movies are just sex either. Eddeon Erotic Films also produces story series that do include some sex, but not centered on mindless fucking. I think that you might have the ability to be able to star in some of those. You certainly have the looks and you get paid regardless of how well the films do." Shaking my head, I closed my eyes a moment before returning her gaze, a slight grin on my lips.

"Flattery might get you everywhere, but...I don't know. I'd have to talk with someone about this first before I even think about doing it," I said in a low voice, eyes going to the TV briefly, then back to her. "Might I ask what your name is?"

"Sissera Adreas, Co-owner and manager of E.E.F.," Sissera replied, extending her hand. "Yours?"

"Alex. I'll let you know what my decision is later," I told her, shaking her hand gently before turning away. "Have a great day..."


Tanya: I stopped laughing as I heard the front door opening, my eyes going to the front hall and seeing Alex enter, giving me a wry smile until he noted that Ashra was still present. I practically leapt at him, making the draconic Daemon stagger slightly, his arms wrapping around me as I kissed him fiercely.

"Where the hell have you been?" I demanded, placing my hands on his shoulders and leaning back a little as I glared at Alex. "Malik went out to look for you nearly an hour ago."

"Is it a requirement now that I tell you where I'm going all the time?" he retorted, grinning up at me as he rasp berried just above my breasts.

"No... I was just worried that something had happened to you," I told him, chuckling a little and wrapping my arms around his neck. "What if a group of sex crazed bunny women had gotten to you? There might have been nothing left of you for me to have."

"Oh I'm sure that they'd be more than willing to share if I told them it would hurt your feelings if your weren't included," He said with a smile.

"So if you didn't encounter the mentioned rabbits, where did you wander off to, Alex?" Ashra asked, smiling up at me from where she sat on the couch.

"Just for a walk around Eddeon," he replied, setting me down gently, his face growing slightly serious. "What do you know of E.E.F.?" Ashra laughed, shaking her head as she stretched out on the couch, resting her chin on one arm as she regarded Alex.

"It seems that Sissera can't wait to get her hands on new comers these days, but to have one wander into the film studio's...It must have been a real treat for her," the jackal female commented, eyes bright.

"I take it you know her then?" Alex said, going to one of the couches and falling into it, making me cry out and giggle as he pulled me along so that I lay against his chest.

"Of course I know her. She's also one of Malik's lovers..."

Alex: My eyes widened at the comment as I snorted in disbelief. "She's what?"

"One of Malik's lovers," Ashra said slowly, her smile growing as she took in my reaction. "Guess this needs an explanation as well...The majority of Eddeon's population is female, Alex, mostly due to genetics. No one really knows why, but one of the ways we deal with this is to not put restrictions on how many lovers a single being has. Some choose only to have one, while others find more comfort in having many, but with mutual respect and friendship between them. Families are a different matter unless the two mated beings agree otherwise. We all care for each other and respect ourselves as well, so having more than one lover is accepted..." I looked at Tanya to see if this was true, her nod and smile in response confirming Ashra's words. "So, did Sissera offer you a job at the studio?"

"If she did, I'll personally make sure that Alex is late for every day at work," Tanya said, giving an impish grin.

"What if I just tie you up and take you to work with me? Would you still complain?" I asked the doe, pinning her against me and nibbling on her neck. She moaned slightly and shivered, eyes closing.


"Are you going to accept the offer, Alex?"

"I don't know yet...there are still so many things that I need to get used to...If I did...would I still be able to take the training for my abilities?" I asked, looking to Ashra, smiling but still serious.

"Yes. It just means that you wouldn't be working at Hybrid Theory as often. Believe me, Alex, you're not the first one asked to work at E.E.F. after I've invited them to work at Hybrid. In most cases, it's beneficial for both Daemons involved anyways," she told me, getting up and looking out the window. "I should get going. Have a great day and take it easy you two."

"I will...but I don't know about Alex...he might be a little tired later on," Tanya said, giving a sly grin as she ground her ass against my crotch. Ashra laughed and quickly left the room as I made Tanya scream in surprise as I bit her neck and flicked her nipples through the shirt she wore at the same time...

*2 days later...*

Ashra: Sighing, I went over the work schedule for the next two weeks again to make sure that everyone had at least three days off for whatever they wanted to do while still having a full staff for each night we were open. Someone knocked on the door and I gave a hurried, "Come in." Not bothering to look up from the sheets spread over my desk, I jumped at the touch to my shoulder, a little surprised to find Malik standing beside me. "Shit. You nearly gave me a heart attack, Luv," I said, taking his hand and leaning back in my office chair, closing my eyes a moment.

"Sorry about that," he whispered, kneeling beside me and hugging me gently as his lips brushed my neck. "How are things going?"

"Everything should work out for the end of May if no one calls in sick or whatever, but then again, there hasn't really been a problem with that has there?" I told him, smiling at the last remark.

"Not really..."

"Anyways, what brings you up here at this moment?"

"I've found Alex's mother," Malik told me, a wry smile crossing his lips as I sat up straighter in my chair and looked at him with surprise.


"Yes. She didn't want to get the Red Deer police involved, but she's been going to every business she could think of her son visiting...As well as every alley way or park," he said, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. "I managed to speak with her and let her know that Alex is safe and well, but nothing more at the moment. She has our number so she can call to set up a meeting with us if she wishes to..." I sighed again, kissing the back of Malik's hand lightly as I thought about what he told me. 'A blessing in disguise,' I thought hoping that that was indeed what this was.

"All we can do is wait then," I said, looking at my love with a small triumphant grin.

"There are things we can do while waiting, My Luv," he whispered, pulling me from my chair and onto his lap, his breaths deep and heavy as he kissed me passionately. I rose up from his lap slightly, wrapping my arms around his neck as he fumbled with the jeans he wore, only to yelp with joy as Malik penetrated me deeply without warning. All thoughts of schedules and Alex's mother fleeing my mind as I gave in to desire, letting Malik do what he would to me and wishing for it to last forever...


Alex: Music swept through the crowd, secretly controlling the ebb and flow of emotions as bodies moved to the music and their own instincts...their own desires. I watched, leaning against the wall and keeping an eye out for anything that could be cause for concern. Ashra had given me a short shift at Hybrid Theory as kind of a test run for both of us. So that I could get used to the work place environment I was to work in and so the other employees could gauge my performance and reactions to various things.

"Alex, look over towards the elevator, left side of the stairs leading from the dance floor to dinning area," Malik murmured through the ear piece I wore. Looking in said direction, I saw two human men blocking a young vixen Daemon from leaving the dance floor as well as making sure that she didn't vanish into the crowd.

"How do you want me to handle it?" I said, moving slowly towards them through the dinning area.

"Whatever way seems best to you, Alex," he replied, making me shake my head.

"Very well."

Shadows slide over the walls and around the dancers, the strobe lights and laser effects not affecting them as I called for their aid. The men shouted in surprise as they found themselves suddenly lifted off the ground and moved with tendrils of darkness from one side of the room to another. The other dancers didn't even notice, being caught in the music as they were. The Vixen I brought over to me as I turned to look at the humans, giving a toothy grin that sent them running out the front doors.

"Not quite what I had in mind for you to do," Malik chuckled over the radio.

"If it works," I told him, and left it at that as I turned to the Vixen. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she said hurriedly, straightening her cloths and skirt before looking up at me, her eyes going wide. "Shit!"

"What?" I looked around to see what might have startled her only to hear laughter come from the vixen instead.

"Nothing. I just didn't expect it to be you that got rid of those assholes. Sissera made mention that a newcomer was going to be joining E.E.F., but wouldn't tell us anything else beyond showing your picture," she said, laughing and looking me over. "Damn... you must be hung like a horse or better."

"Look...are you sure you're alright? Those men didn't harm you or anything?" I asked, trying to ignore her comments.

"Yes, I'm fine. So when are you starting at E.E.F.?"

"I don't even know if I want to become a part of E.E.F.," I told her, shaking my head and looking back out over the dance floor. "Anyways, if you're ok, I need to get back to work."

"Ok, see you whenever you decide to join," she said, giving a sly smile as she sauntered away from me, the sway of her hips mesmerizing for a moment before she became lost in the crowd.

"If you were looking for an opportune moment to find out who she was," Malik remarked over the radio. "That was it..."

"Chances are I'll find out who she is anyways," I replied, going back to my post.

"Sooner rather than later I expect," came his comment, the amusement in his voice making me shake my head again...


...Once everything was locked up for the night, I was given the ok to take off for Eddeon, the long decent through the ocean giving me the chance to gather stray thoughts that had crept into my mind while at work. Sissera seemed positive that I would join E.E.F. and she was already parading my picture to the other women that worked there, the latter of which I didn't need happening. Not with a relationship developing with Tanya, getting used to Eddeon and its social views or working at Hybrid Theory.

Jaggren trumpeted a greeting to me as I passed him, a smile coming to my lips as I waved in return to acknowledge his presence. The decent seemed to get shorter each time I used the elevator, an illusion, but still, one that was nice to have rather than worrying about how long it would take to get home from work.


I chuckled at that and looked out to the watery landscape on the other side of the glass. Not even a week in Eddeon and I was already thinking of the place as my home. Why not? I was accepted as a sentient person and not fear as some crazed beast out of Dante's Hells. So many good things were happening that I had no reason to not call Eddeon what it was becoming for me.

Home is peace...

Home is refuge...

Home is a place where one is accepted and loved for who they are, not what they look like.


...Opening the front door I was nearly knocked over by Tanya tackling me again.

"Hey Hun!" She said, grinning up at me as she hugged me tightly. "How was work?"

"It went, scared the shit out of a couple customers harassing a vixen, but not much else," I replied, laughing and lifting Tanya up to kiss her passionately.

"A vixen, huh?" She said, looking me over and raising an eyebrow. " don't have clumps of red and white fur all over you."

"Ha ha ha, very funny," I said, letting her go and shrugging out of my coat.

"You mean she didn't ravage you in front of everyone and give them a show?" she asked with a pout, eyes shining with laughter.

"Nope, she left me intact just for you. Though she did say that I was hung like a horse or close enough," I told her with a grin, raspberrying her neck and tickling her sides. She laughed and squirmed trying to get away from me.

"I give! I give!" she cried, laughing and literally crying tears as she fell against me, my arms wrapping around her.

"You do? Does that mean that I can ravage you then?" I inquired, trying to look innocent as I walked us over to the stairs.

"Nope. Ladies first, you know," she told me grinning and sliding out of my arms to run up the stairs. Following her quickly, I just made it to the door of her bedroom as she shut it, a slight 'click' coming from the handle as she locked the door. I could hear her laughing as I tried the handle and knocked politely on the door. "Who is it?" she called out, her voice marred somewhat by a giggle of amusement.

"Just an innocent dragon that wishes to sample the sweet young doe that ran into this room," I replied, dropping to my knees and scratching at the wood a little.

"Sample? I thought that's what you did to innocent virgins?" she remarked, the closet door inside opening and closing quickly.

"You know how hard it is to find innocent virgins these days?" I asked, growling slightly and getting down even further to try and pick up some kind of scent from the other side of the door. Tanya was definitely inside, but...there was something else as well.

"Not really," she said, her voice coming from the other side of the door clearly. "Is that why you're trying to quench your thirst on a poor defenseless doe like me?"

"I'm very gentle when ravaging young helpless doe's," I said, trying the handle again.

"Really? How can I be sure that you're telling the truth?"

"You could take a chance and open the door," I suggested, rising to my feet again. Tanya giggled and there was another 'click' as the door was unlocked and opened slightly. Sticking my head in slowly, I looked around the door and couldn't find any sign of her. 'Now where'd she go?' I thought, entering and checking the washroom first then the closet, finding no one in either. "Ok..." Something struck me from behind in my upper back, knocking me forwards onto the bed as I stood beside it. I gave a muffled "oof!" as my breath was knocked out of me and felt someone settling themselves on my shoulders. Lifting my head, I felt something get placed over my eyes and a firm knot being tied under my horns and behind my head. "Wha-"

"Grab his arms before he gets loose!" Tanya said as someone else jumped onto the bed and grabbed my hands. Mixed scents filled the room and I felt three pairs of hands holding me down and carefully tying my wrists together behind my back.

"What the hells going on?" I demanded as they rolled onto my back, arms pressing uncomfortably into my lower back.

"Well I said Ladies first when you asked whether you could ravage me, Alex," Tanya said sweetly, someone moving to sit beside my head and caressing my face gently. "Us defenseless young ladies just wanted to make sure that a big strong dragon like you doesn't get hurt while we have our fun."

"Who else is here?" I asked, calming down a little but still worried about what was going to happen.

"Mmmm...that'll be for you to figure out," Tanya whispered, someone kissing my lips passionately before pulling back. I felt them remove my jeans without many problems, the cool air of the room making me shiver, that and the approach of night as the chills for the heightening of senses swept through me. My boxers were next, and then there was silence except for the breaths of those with me and my own as I waited, anxious and uncertain at the same time...

Tanya: I gently caressed Alex's chest and sides, grinning as I watched his member slid slowly out of its sheath and harden. Looking up at Quell and Ashra, I got off the bed and went over to them, watching as desire grew in their eyes.

"So...who's first?" I asked, gaze going to Quell, my smile growing as I watched the Cheetah Daemon's fur darken as she blushed, her eyes looking over Alex's body and resting on his semi erect member.

"Do you have to ask?" she whispered, stepping forward and sitting on the bed beside Alex, one hand reaching out to stroke the dragons shaft and being rewarded with a deep groan, scaled tail shifting from side to side quickly. Quell grinned, tightening her grip for a moment before relaxing, her hand moving slowly along Alex's throbbing shaft as she teased him. The cheetah wasn't voluptuous, but her athletic form still held a beauty to it that was hard for any Daemon to miss. Her other hand was already rubbing between the lips of her sex as she purred loudly, leaning forward to lick the head of the shaft ever so slowly with her sand paper tongue. Alex gasped and arched back, his breaths quick and deep, tail thrashing around as he grew closer to climax.

My own fingers were busy, two rubbing the lips of my pussy, lightly tapping my clit as I sat down on a nearby chair, reaching up with my left hand to play with my already stiff nipples, shivering with pleasure as I watched Quell and Alex.

Ashra wasted no time, her own desires needing more than her fingers to quench the fires within her self. Moving to the other side of the bed, she climbed on and straddles Alex's chest carefully, reaching down to grab one of his horns and brought his head forward to her crotch. I heard her whimper as my lovers tongue eagerly sought the juices flowing from the jackal, her eyes closing as she slowly ground herself against his lips, breasts bouncing as her breathing quickened.

Quell mewed softly as she pulled back from sucking on Alex's shaft, carefully licking of the pre seeping from it before getting up and kneeling over his erection, one hand guiding the head of it to her sex while she spread herself with the other, eyes going wide as the first few inches of the draconic member entered her...

Alex: I gasped into the pussy I was eating as I felt another sliding over my member, so tight that I thought I'd end up tearing open the female trying to ride me. Whoever it was, she stayed still with only the first few inches of me within her burning pussy, her body shaking even as loud purring filled the air. I growled, in frustration and delight, pushing my tongue further into the sweet sex I was feasting upon, already feeling the soft, hot walls quivering with anticipation for the orgasm to come. Thrusting up with my hips suddenly, I received a loud yowl in reply as well as a tightening of the sex around my member as another five inches penetrated the female deeply. I kept still for a long moment, feeling the other shifting carefully, waiting for her to start moaning before I pulled back and gently slowly thrust forward again, this time to deep purrs of pleasure.

Whoever was holding onto my horn pressed my face into her sex again, low growls and gasps coming from her as I started drinking from her in earnest, lips locking around her clit and suckling on it carefully...

Tanya: Ashra howled as she hit her peak, her white furred form shaking as she threw her head back, eyes wide open in surprise. She ground herself hard against Alex's mouth, urging him to drink as much as he wished of her sweet juices, cumming again and again as he fed upon her.

Quell was faring little better as she rode the draconic member, now fully erect and filling her so completely that with each thrust Alex gave, I could see the fur on Quell's stomach rise slightly.

"Oohhhh! Fuck! I didn't think heeeEEEE! Was so large!" she cried out, teeth bared in a grimace as she tried to hold back, her body already starting to quiver as she came closer and closer to becoming lost in pleasure. Surprise flashed in her eyes as she looked over at me, disbelief matching it as she cried out without warning, riding Alex hard and fast as her orgasm swept through her. I moaned as I watched them, watched Alex's pulsing shaft jerk in Quells pussy lips as he himself roared into Ashra's sex, his shaft pumping wave after wave of cum into the cheetahs dripping cunt.

Ashra pulled his head back and sat on his chest, shivering uncontrollably as her body slowly descended from the heights of pleasure. Getting up, I helped her to lie on her side against Alex before taking her place.

"Slowly, Lover," I whispered, caressing his juice stained cheek before guiding his head to my wet pussy, offering him another feast. Gasping as he growled, the vibrations carried along his jaw to my clitoris, I felt his tongue slowly, gently lick between my vulva a moment before slipping into my burning womb...

Alex: I was gasping for air, even as I started to please Tanya, her scent familiar and making me even harder as I let my desires take over, wanting to make her feel the pleasure that was being given to me. The one who had been riding me had slowed to a stop, her sex still quivering as she moved a little from time to time, muffled purrs and gasps filling the air as I set her off again and again until she finally pulled off of me. I shivered as well, the air of the room, though hot with sweat and lovemaking, now feeling cold to my shaft, making it twitch uncontrollably. Someone else moved to replace the female that had been on my shaft, this one not bothering to get me excited, but still crying out as she worked my large shaft into her tight sex, causing me to groan and feast upon Tanya with renewed energy.

"E-enough, Alex," she moaned, pulling back and holding herself still above me. I snaked my head forward, kissing just above her crotch lightly, only to gasp as another started to ride me, ever so slowly, forcing me deep into her sex until I could feel her cervix pressing against the head of my shaft. She ground herself against me, whining as I growled deeply, finally tearing out of whatever had been used to tie my wrists together, carefully reaching up to rest both hands on the hips of this new lover and starting to thrust with the same gentle care I had shown to Tanya. The knots behind my head were undone with unsteady hands and the blindfold removed so that I could see Tanya sitting on my chest, smiling, her eyes filled with lust and love. Carefully rolling to the side, my member jerked in surprise as I looked at the female raising me, my shaft nearly going limp as I watched Ashra rise me slowly, and her eyes closed with the pleasure she was feeling.


"Shut up and fuck me," She growled in a low voice, looking at me and leaning forward to kiss me passionately. The response, the pleasure I felt was too great for me to say no, my grip on her hips tightening as I thrust faster and harder, listening to her yip in joy as I gave in to her request. Shaking my head as I felt my balls start to tighten, I roared again, thrusting up hard into Ashra and triggering her orgasm as I let loose my burning seed into her hot pussy. She rode me quickly, trying to get as much of it as possible as I sat up, embracing her tightly as we kissed fiercely, tongues wrapping around each other, tasting each other was we slowly came down from the height of passion.

I held onto Ashra for a long moment before letting her pull off of me, her smile more than just amusement, and with a deeper emotion that I had seen in Tanya's eyes each time we had made love. I had no words for how I felt, or the thoughts running through my mind, but Ashra already knew what those were. "Don't talk...Just accept and do what feels right to you, Alex," Ashra whispered to me, caressing my face and looking up with me with something akin to pride. "Besides, there's still another that wishes to be with you tonight..." I turned to look at Tanya, the doe smiling impishly as she held up the blindfold they had put on me earlier. Letting Ashra stand up and go over to a clear side of the bed, I reached over and pulled Tanya closer, kissing her neck lightly, trailing kisses up to her lips before getting her to turn around and kneel beside the bed. She did so, looking back at me and grinning as I knelt behind her, both of us shivering as I ran the tip of my member between her pussy lips before slowly thrusting in. Tanya thrust back against me, crying out as she climaxed instantly, already excited by what she had seen the others do with me, her hands gripping the quilt on the bed tightly as I made love to her slowly, my hands tracing the edges of her breasts before pulling her up against me so I could fondle them, thumb and forefingers playing with her nipples. She reached up to grab hold of my neck as I continued thrusting deep into her, the only sounds in the room being the moans and growls we made, or the sound of my member stretching the walls of her sex wide with each thrust of my hips. I growled deeply, hands going to her thighs and lifting her up off the floor as I leaned back a little, bouncing my lover of my shaft as I felt the rush of cold sweeping through me again. She cried out, reaching climax just as I roared with my own release, emptying what remained of my cum within her tight pussy as I thrust myself in hard and deep, our bodies shaking together as I held Tanya close, panting for breath and feeling my head fog with the scents of mixed juices and arousal in the room.

"So...was this so bad, Alex?" Tanya whispered, looking up at me with glazed eyes and a broad, tired grin.

"I could get used to it," I replied, nibbling on her ear gently as I pulled out slowly, as deep groan coming from me as the air caressed me again.

"We have all night to," said the cheetah Daemon from the bed, stretched out and grinning at me as she played with her tail.

"For the moment though, let's take a bit of a break," Ashra remarked, rising from where she had been laying, my eyes going to her breasts and thighs, then those of the feline, the sight of which made me growl.

"Down boy," Tanya said with a giggle, standing up and hugging me tightly. "There'll be more of that later, for now, lets just relax."

"Mmmm...As you wish, My Lady," I whispered, kissing her breasts and nuzzling her belly lightly. "As you wish..."