Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#16 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Greetings and Salutations to both old and new readers alike,

Surprise, it seems I'm still alive after all, who'd have guessed I know. {Gasp}. I certainly wouldn't have placed that bed it you know what I mean. It certainly has been a long time since I've posted a continuation to my ongoing series, huh? Feels like it was just yesterday that I came up with the characters of Maxi, Jason, and the rest. To be honest, I would have had this up and posted yesterday, but it seems that towards the end of my long rant, my computer decided it had had enough of me and froze. So, I decided to let it have its way for the night and go to sleep. Besides, I was also having trouble settling on which rant of mine I wanted to do...but in the end I think I'll take the easy way out and do them all.

But I guess I should start on what's been going on since my last post, makes sense right? Anyways, I think I left off with my dog of 8 years passing away. Well, about two months after that we decided to get another dog, another girl, same breed and everything. Turns out that if you wind back time, she was born on the same day that my other dog died.... creepy huh? And even though I've been living with her for going on four months now, when I get mad at her I still call her my first dog's name. But their personalities are SO different, this one is rambunctious and loud, always wanting to play fetch or something; my first one was very mellow, she just laid around in one of her spots and waited for someone to come by and pet her....nothing more. I guess I can't help but think of her, and all the times we had together. Though our last day is something I try hard to forget. I mean anytime I feel like I'm going to conjure the memory, I have to switch gears for fear I'll just break down.

Anyways, let's see....what else is going on around here. Oh yeah, my "uncle" (he's actually just a close friend of the family) after living down in Florida for almost a decade, has decided to move back up north. He's staying with us for the moment. Not only has he gotten me a pretty sweet job free of charge, but he also...and get this.... buys be booze. Fantastic, right? He actually got me a bottle of sake for my very known. Make a note here, you never want to give an anime geek sake. I still have a little left, but that should be gone tonight when I get to watch my weekly dose of anime...WHOOO! I mean, I think it's good news....though my liver would probably say otherwise.

On a relationship note, I'm still single. No surprise there I hope. To be honest, I think this whole "celibate for life" thing is starting to not bother me the longer I sit and think about it. It's just something to get used to like higher gas prices, annoying neighbors, or electro-shock therapy; but unlike the last one, not nearly as viewer involved. And like always, I'm still valiantly opposed to the idea of whores, sluts, and the like. I've actually had a conversation with a few over the past few months...and they all seemed convinced that I saw myself as being perfect. Now if you have read the previous paragraph. It's obvious that I admit to many of my flaws. But if they want to convince themselves that I do...well, I might as well go along with them. So, in honor of their convictions, I say to all the whores, sluts, prostitutes, open relationships, fuck toys, tailraisers, bitches, masters, slaves, and anyone else who uses sex and themselves as a way of getting ahead, or getting around, "If I wasn't perfect, I'd be conceded", and be done with it. Take it however you want, but if I'm going to take pride in something about myself, it might as well be something that makes me stand out.

Another thing to pile on top of all of this is my erratic weight...well, I shouldn't say it's changing so much as it's dropping. I'm not a big person at all. Heck, you ask anyone and chances are they'll say I'm one personality away from just being a stick. If I turn sideways I could vanish. But I've been loosing my appetite recently....and this has resulted in me actually loosing weight...almost four pounds to be exact. I really don't know why, I mean I don't do much labor to burn the calories...if only I could bottle whatever it is and sell it, I'd be a fucking millionaire...wonder if that'd make me happier.

Well, I think I've hit all my ranting points for this journal entry, so I guess that means I should start finishing it off. The final few tidbits of activity around here is that I got my first laptop, which allowed me to write almost anywhere....which in turn allowed this chapter to come together much faster then it would have otherwise. The only problems with it is that it has only an hour's worth of battery life if left unplugged....and I sorta, kinda, broke the 'H' key....Whoops. But I'll end this whole thing on a good note. It seems that yours truly has managed to get himself a publishing deal. Now, I know you're wondering just what kinda crazy person would ever give this guy a deal like that...but it seems the people at Fur planet are just that sort of crazy. Now, since it is obvious that my novel isn't complete....duh...it won't be coming to fruition anytime soon. But that certainly doesn't mean you can't check out their site at http://furplanet.com/shop/ and go do some early shopping.....early Christmas gifts and whatnot.....right?

Guess that's it, so time for the nitty-gritty. As always, all characters and stories are copywrited to me...no touchy unless you ask first. But don't worry, I don't bite....much. And I guess you know what you're getting into if you've read this far...so do I really have to put in that age requirement crap?....didn't think so. As always, comments and voting are more then welcome down below, I do love reading what my fans say about my work...cheers me up to no end. And if for whatever reason you feel like getting to know me better, I can be reached at [email protected]..which is both my email address as well as my MSN live account name.

I guess this chapter is dedicated to....to....god, I don't know. Oh wait...yes I do. This chapter is dedicated to me....to my innocence and hopes for the future...may you keep me company in my dreams always.

Sincerely your still writing wolf,

Cyan Spirt

P.S. Happy reading folks, hope you like the newest installment of Wrong Bride, Right Groom.

Maximillion Cordero swore that for a brief moment he had an out of body experience; his consciousness floating high above his actual body only to look down on the exasperated lion now cornered in the back seat of a jeep by two half-breeds. He felt his airways tightening, his fur standing on edge, senses all heightened to levels he didn't know he had...right before he let out a terrified howl. Fingers now desperately clawing at the door handle, finding it locked. "Open...please," he whimpered under his breath, eyes franticly darting from the two faces staring back at him to the night air outside the slightly foggy window and the freedom it represented.

"Maxi, you've gotta calm down," Locke said softly, reaching out to place a hesitant paw on the golden feline's trembling shoulder, only to have it shoved away violently.

"Don't touch me!" he spat out, growling and bearing his fangs as his trail bristled. Watching with the eyes of a predator, the lion saw the panther/wolf's green eyes go wide in shock...or maybe it was fear. He couldn't tell.

"He's right, you know," Davy said from the driver's seat. His large orange and black head peered over from behind his headrest, gazing at the pair in his back seat, "You're weak and tired right now. You shouldn't b-"

"Shut up!" the lion screamed, his eyes burning like pools of molten gold; "I don't want to hear another word from anyone. I am sick and tired of being yanked around like a slave on a chain. Now let me out!"

"But Maxi," the panther interjected, "It's not safe out there at this time of ni-"

"That goes for you too Locke!" he interrupted the panther. Pointing a finger accusingly at him, "You're just as bad as he is," motioning to their driver, "No...you're worse. You're not even a half-breed; you're one of those god-damn fucking Foresaken!"

A fist punching the center console caused the lion to divert his attention from the panther/wolf to the tiger/lizard sitting up front, his sight greeted by the face of a very angry feline. "Hey, fuck off! I don't want to hear that word in here, understand?" Davy shouted. If it was one thing he couldn't take, it was people insulting his best friend.

"No...it's alright Davy," the panther said softly, his pointy ears lying submissively on the sides of his head, "It's what I am after all...just a stupid chimera," sniffling as he spoke.

Sighing softly, "That's not true Locke. You're made just how you were meant to be. There's nothing wrong with that at all."

Taking this momentary lack of attention his way as an omen, Maxi managed to unlock the door and without a second glance backwards, he threw it open and burst from the car. Appearing in the empty parking lot, the lion ran as fast as his tired legs could carry him away from the jeep. He was panting for breath in a manner of seconds, his chest heaving as he took every step; shoes falling heavy on the paved tar as the night's cold mist dampened his face. "Please...someone help me...anyone," he cried out, his fear of the two half-breeds behind him driving him to push his aching body onwards.

"Maximillion! No! Wait!" Locke cried out once he realized that the lion had escaped from the car. Struggling to get to his feet, he was just about to take off after him when a large paw clamped firmly around his wrist. He tried to pull away from the tiger, but those strong orange fingers would not let him go. "What are you doing Davy?" he demanded to know, "You're going to let him get away! You know it's not safe out there for someone in his state."

"He's not going to listen to anything you have to say right now!" the larger male countered with a stern growl, "You saw the way he reacted. Even your touch angered him. Do you really think he's going to talk to you? The way he sees things, you've been lying and deceiving him since you met him. Tricking him to follow us for some nefarious purpose. Right now, he wants absolutely nothing to do with you other then to get as far away as possible." The tiger didn't like being so blunt and forceful with the smaller hybrid, but it was the only way he could get through that stubborn and strong-headed determinism.

Locke felt like he was going to collapse for the second time this evening; his friend's words like daggers piercing his heart again and again. "I know..." he muttered under his breath, avoiding eye contact with his friend as he tried to not cry.

"I'm sorry..." Davy whispered, gently massaging the panther's shoulder before letting go. Opening his door, he stepped outside into the brisk night to give chase.

Looking up from where he sat, the smaller furr watched as the impressively sized shadow of the tiger passed in front of the still open door to block the streetlamp's light from above. "Please, bring him back safely..." his whimpered, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before they both focused on the direction that the lion had run off in.

"I promise..." the tiger said with complete conviction, shooting his friend a warm grim before he too set off at a quick jog across the parking lot, eyes straining to keep a look out for the lion.

* * *

The air tasted like burnt ash, his nostrils burning as Maxi leaned against the lone pay phone outside of the small brick building at the far end of the parking lot. The lion had to struggle just to fill up his lungs, heaving, retching and, almost throwing up his lunch of tuna and crackers. He had never run as hard and fast as that in a long time, and his current physical state couldn't handle the exertions. In fact, the only thing that had kept him moving was the sheer volume of adrenaline; but once that gone, he had quickly lumbered to a stop. His forehead pressed against the dusty metal surface of the pay phone. "Stupid prick..." he muttered between sniffles, "Can't believe I ever listened to him."

His thoughts drifted back to Jason, his only other viable option to escape from P.O.O.D.L.E. headquarters, and he wondered if things would have gone differently had he accepted the dog's offer. But with what just happened, for all he knew, the canine was laying in a pool of his own blood on the white tiled floor, a bullet through his heart from a gun wielded by someone he thought he could trust. A deep sigh permeated the stale night air as he released his anger and frustration by clenching and relaxing his fists. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps on the pavement awoke him from his cycle of regret; looking up, just by the shape of the figure rushing towards him, he could only assume that it was the driver. "Shit," he cursed under his breath as he pulled himself from his slump and shuffled as quickly as he could into the nearby structure, hoping he hadn't been spotted already.

Slipping behind the large steel door, he hushed the clang as best he could before starting to feel his way around the darkened interior of the bathroom. Too afraid to turn on the lights, he managed to locate one of the stalls and dragged himself in. Maxi's heavy breathing echoed through the small brick compound as he squatted over the toilet so his legs would not be visible to any curious onlooker. Just as he got in position, the door creaked open and the fluorescent lights flickered on, illuminating the once dark stall. "Maximillion? You in here?" Davy called out, not expecting an answer, and getting just that.

The lion had to shut his eyes when the lights came on, his irises having to first adjust to the bright light before he opened them. The walls of the stall around him were a hideous shade of muted blue that had become brittle and flaky as years of rust took its toll. The tile, once a shade of lemon yellow, had become permanently stained dingy brown around the where the lines of formally pristine white grout touched them. Still doing his hire-wire balancing act on the seat of the toilet, Maxi tried his best to muffle his sounds. "Come on Maxi, I know you're here," The tiger said again, pounding his fist on the side of the nearest stall, which just happened to contain the frightened feline.

The sudden shock caused the cat to loose his balance. A surprised yelp echoed through the diminutive chamber followed by a heavy thud as Maxi's body came in contact with the tile floor. "Aww fuck..." he muttered aloud, face pushed against the unwashed beige stones. Hearing footsteps, he looked up just in time to see the tiger move around to the stall's open door to see the boy sprawled out, face down, on the grimy floor.

"Need a helping paw?" Davy asked as he tried to hide his laughter; reaching his paw out, palm up, he waited for the lion to take it, but his attempt at generosity was to be for naught.

"No..." Maxi said coldly as he picked himself off the floor, brushing his tattered clothes of dust in the process, "I don't." His face felt wet and cold, but he hoped that it was due to some condensation that had accumulated on the tile over the course of the night.

Recovering from his rejected offer, the larger cat swung his arm loosely back to his side, taking the chance to look into the lion's eyes. "You know Maxi, I---Oh my god! You're bleeding!" he shouted, seeing the small rivers of red emanating from his black nose to trickle along the golden fur of the young cat's muzzle.

The lion barely seemed phased by the knowledge. "Oh, am I?" he asked calmly as he strolled past the tiger with confidence to look at himself in the cracked mirror. "So it appears I am..." he mumbled, reaching up with gentle fingers to brush over the droplets of crimson fluid that were pooling on his lower lip before dripping to the sink below. Not seeing why the larger cat got so excited over a little blood, he'd been having nosebleeds for as long as he could remember; to Maxi, it was like getting excited over shedding, or something just as mundane. Reaching out for a paper towel or two, he was disappointed to find nothing he could use to stem the tide of his own essence rushing from his body.

"Looking for something?" Davy asked, still trying to make conversation with the furr who was obviously not thrilled by his presence.

"Just something to plug up my nose till the bleeding stops," he replied sternly, "Should take a minute, five at most." As he was about to turn around and search the stalls for a role of toilet paper as a substitute, he was surprised to find the tiger's paw extended once again, this time offering him a small, crudely sewn, handkerchief. Maxi debated for a few seconds, but reluctantly accepted the gift and got to work applying pressure to the wound.

The tiger/lizard half-breed decided to play the better part of valor and overlook the lack of any acknowledgment or thank you on the lion's behalf. "I can get you out of here safely, you know..." he said, trying to sound like an off-handed comment rather then a direct accusation.

"I'm fine on my own, thanks," Maxi replied curtly. Keeping his words short and simple, he just wanted to be free from the male's presence as soon as possible; his overbearing shadow was a weight his legs were at buckling.

"We can help you, Maximillion...Me and Locke that is," his voice trying to sound hopeful and up-beat despite his internal desires to simply knock the furr out and take him back to the jeep by force. "It's no trouble, really...At least hear me out befo-"

"I don't need help from your kind," he said sternly, cutting off the rest of the tiger's speech as he turned to face him. His paws were busy holding the bloodstained cloth to his muzzle, though the burning fire in his eyes spoke words that his expensive education and embellished up bringing would not.

"You know..." the larger of the two said, the pleasantries dropping as he took a strong one-stepped advance towards the smaller creature. "You're a bigoted, raciest, speciesist, little prick of a mamma's boy, just like your father...and his father before him. All you lions think you walk on water, crap alabaster, and cum crude oil. Well, let me tell you something Maximillion Cordero, if it wasn't for furrs like us, you'd have no one to boss around, no one to own, to threaten, to control." Davy spat, his acidic words melting away what little respect he still had for the male before him, "Locke thought you were different from all of them..." he confessed, the anger now seething under his fur.

"I am different!" Maxi roared defiantly, tail swaying stiffly behind him as he cracked his neck, followed by his knuckles, and took a step towards the tiger. Stomping his right foot on the ground, the sound of cracking tiles echoed out from him. He felt his face grow hot as he bared his fangs at the usurper to his ego; having tossed the bloody rag behind him once the bleeding had stopped.

"Then prove it!" Davy countered in kind, having to lean in a bit so that their eyes were on equal horizons. His roar was much deeper then Maxi's, but the emotion was the same as they stared into the face of everything they hated about their own society; confronting what each had been kept from, either by choice or force.

"And just how would I do that?" The lion responded, not taking too kindly to being put in a situation where it was either 'put-up or shut-up'. Their breaths became heated and moist, like steam bellowing forth from two very large and furry furnaces.

"By actually listening to me!" the tiger half-breed growled, bearing his brilliantly white fangs at the smaller, though no less ferocious, feline. Someone watching them could almost see the crackle of electricity flow between them as they faced off. They would hear the flexing of muscles and tendons as the two hunters stared each other down among the row of porcelain thrones.

Both cats unsheathed their claws, each male ready for a head-on physical throw-down, but it never came to that for the larger cat's words seemed to resonate somewhere within the lion. Dropping his arms back to his side, he turned to face himself in the mirror as though ashamed of what he had become, "Fine...I'll listen."

Davy too, dropped his aggressive stance, seeing as how at least they were back on civil terms, if only tenuous at best. "Thanks," he reluctantly grumbled, not liking the situation anymore then the lion it seemed, but feeling that Locke would appreciate it.

"And what if I don't find your terms satisfying?" the golden cat asked, wanting to make sure he had a way to back out if the suggestion was not to his liking, "Would you just let me leave unharmed?"

Boy, did Davy want to throttle that know-it-all; just like the rest of his breed, always having to have a contingency plan or loophole that he could exploit. As much as he wanted to deny him the pleasure, he knew that to do so would mean an end their dialogue; and he'd break his promise to Locke. "If you don't like what you hear..." he said with a long-winded sigh, "Then I'll give you all the money I have on me right now, point you in the right direction, and walk out that door never to bother you again. I'll come up with something to tell Locke."

Maxi took about a minute to run though all possibilities in his head, the time spent in complete silence as the larger tiger looked on in anticipation of the boy's answer. Finally, after giving it another fifteen or so seconds of consideration, he gave a hesitant nod. "Alright...I'll hear you out," he said as he turned to face Davy, arms crossed loosely over his chest as he waited for the deal to be placed on the table.

This time it was the orange and black cat that refused to acknowledge the other's action with a bout of thanks. "Look, Maximillion, it's obvious that you aren't in top condition right now," he said, motioning to the boy's torn and burnt ensemble of beige t-shirt and black shorts; "All we are offering you is a place to relax and stay the night, a place to recover your strength. The plan was...and still is, to drive to Locke's house, drop everyone off, and let you stay there till you're better."

"And once I'm better, what then?" Maxi asked, tail sweeping in large arcs behind him.

"After that...to be perfectly honest, I don't know what's going to happen." The big cat shrugged, offering a hesitant smile, "I don't think Locke thought that far ahead," he hypothesized.

Nodding slowly, the lion reflected on the information given so far. "What if I want to leave before then?" he asked curiously, expecting a stark negative, "What if...say, I wake up tomorrow completely refreshed and decide I want to set out on my own?"

"If that's the case..." Davy surmised, declining to say how unlikely that would be, "Then either Locke or I would get dressed and drive you into feline territory, to the nearest bus station, and give you enough money for a ride home...never to bother you again."

"You can't do that!" Maxi said, motioning to where the green lizard tail lay bunched in the back of the tiger's overalls, "They'll never let half-breeds on our land!"

The larger male sighed and slumped his shoulders, "We'll get dressed up in our costumes like usual."

Rolling his golden eyes, "That will never work," he interjected with a knowing 'humpf'.

At that, the tiger squinted back at the lion, "It fooled you, didn't it?" he tactfully replied. Watching as his clever wit sank in, the other cat opening his muzzle to speak only to fall silent and close it without uttering a sound. "Don't think we're novices at this. We've snuck in on plenty of other occasions," he added.

"How comforting..." the lion replied sarcastically, followed by another roll of the eyes.

"Anyways, that's what I'm putting on the table. So, do we have a deal?" he asked, hopeful if only for Locke's sake, as he extended his paw with the intention of sealing their agreement.

Glancing from the outstretched paw up to the grinning face of stripes and back again, the lion had to take everything into consideration. Could he trust this pair of half-breeds? Could he survive on his own if he turned them down? Was it worth the risk to say yes? Would he even live through the night if he said no? All these questions and more filtered through Maxi's mind as he stood there with a blank look on his face, giving no indication as to what his answer might be. After a tense minute, the lion reluctantly reached out to hesitantly shook the tiger's paw, "Deal," he said rather unenthusiastically.

"Locke will be happy to hear that," Davy assumed as he released the lion's golden fingers. Turning around, he walked back to only door and held it open for the other male, smiling and motioning for the smaller cat to walk through. Hesitantly, Maxi accepted the gesture and strolled on past the tiger and back into the cool night air, his eyes having to readjust to the lack of lighting.

The dim moonlight shining down from above was just bright enough to guide the pair in the direction they had come from without too much trouble; the resulting silence giving each furr time to reflect on past actions and future possibilities. Maxi couldn't help but struggle with the idea of what he had just agreed to do. Granted, he wasn't a prisoner this time; he had been given a choice; and he had used his own free-will to select this path. But in looking at the bigger picture, he had to wonder whether he truly had a choice if he was committed to the idea of self-preservation. Could anyone really say that his option of walking away from the deal could even be considered in comparison to what he was being offered? Still...he was apparently free to leave at any time, at least so he was told; that in it of itself made his current situation a far better one to be in, in comparison to what Jason had dragged him into.

Davy, too, was having a bit of a mental recap on things both past and future as he glanced ever so slightly over at the lion who was gasping for breath just to keep pace with him. He couldn't help but wonder what the panther/wolf mix saw in this particular elite cat, what made him risk his life to save the hide of a creature so ungrateful. When Locke had propositioned him with the mission, he thought that he was joking and agreed; only when this morning was upon him, did it become apparent that his friend had been serious. He still didn't trust the smaller male next to him, nor did he particularly like the way he had been so quick to sever ties with them once he found out that they were half-breeds. If it were his choice, he would have quickly resorted to the use of force to get Maximillion Cordero to agree, perhaps venting a bit of revenge at the caste system in the process, but it would have gotten the job done. Yet, he had to remember that this was Locke's circus, and he was the ringleader, so the show went on as he decreed.

The sight of the green jeep casting shadows from the streetlights brought both cats back in to the present as they tromped towards the vehicle. "Maxi, you're back!" Locke shouted though the open passenger side door as he struggled to get to his feet as fast as he could. Meeting the pair half way, he was glad to see that his friend had managed to keep his promise after all. "I was so worried about you Maxi. I was..." his voice slowly lowering as he took notice of the coldness in the lion's eyes that hadn't been there before. Glancing nervously from tiger to lion, he wasn't sure what exactly had happened back there.

Quickly picking up Maxi's signals, Davy sighed softly and moved forewords to intercept his friend with a steady paw on his shoulder. "I think you should sit up front with me for the rest of the ride home," he suggested, doing his best to mediate the situation.

Looking up first to the tiger, then to the blank face of the lion, and finally back at his friend, the panther felt hurt as the realization of the suggestion came down him. Seeing the lack of enthusiasm in Maxi's face, and the way he seemed to glare at the pair, spoke volumes to how he was feeling at the moment. "Yeah...I guess it's for the best," he mumbled under his breath, hiding his face as he watched the golden cat walk briskly past them without a glance backwards, and slip into the back seat.

With a heavy heart, Davy directed his friend to his new seat, making sure he was buckled in securely before shutting the door and taking his spot as driver once again. The rest of the drive was made in complete silence permeated only by the slight sniffles come from the panther/wolf, whose face was pressed against the glass as though forcing himself to avert his eyes from the figure sitting behind them. Looking in the rear view mirror, he was able to see that Maxi had taken the middle seat and currently had his head resting on his arms, which were lying crossed over his knees. Those formally fierce golden orbs now dull and half closed as they stared longingly at the ratty upholstered floor.

The silence was only broken when they pulled off the main paved road to one made of gravel, sand, and the occasional set of wooden planks. Looking out of the window for the first time in what felt like an hour or so, Maxi managed to catch sight of a dimly lit sign that read, 'Welcome to H.B.T.' painted in bright red letters against a dingy green background. "H.B.T.?" he asked to no one in particular as a sort of afterthought.

"It stands for 'Half-Breed Town'." Davy said without taking his eyes off of the road as they drove over a rather rickety metal bridge; "It's basically the unofficial capital of all half-breed lands. If you need just about any service, whether from here or imported from either canine or feline territory, there's someone there who can get it for you."

The car went quiet again after that, the three males driving past the all but condemned structures which seemed to contain everything from clothing stores and restaurants, to doctor's offices and police stations. Maxi had no idea people lived in such disparity till this moment as he gazed out the tinted window at the desolate landscape on which a functioning town had been built. "You live here?" he said, trying to keep his surprise and sympathy to a minimal.

"Live here?" the driver said in mock surprise, "Why, Locke's d-"

"My dad's the mayor of the town," the panther said barely above a whisper from where he sat leaning against the door. His tone was unenthusiastic, and the lion thought he could sense a hint of fear...or maybe it was sadness, he couldn't really tell.

With a gentle shrug, the lion resumed looking out of the window at the quiet hovel, "Oh."

The tiger went on to explain, reminding the lion of a tour bus announcer; "He was elected mayor by a popular vote to office...god, must be in his fourth ter-"

"Fifth term" the panther corrected him dismissively, not wishing to hear all of this again, but not having the energy to put a stop to it. "They're four years apiece."

"That's nice..." the lion mumbled; his words apparently having the effect of not really paying attention to their driver's speech, rather, he was more interested by the sights outside of the jeep. Most of the homes he saw were comprised of nothing more then what looked to be scrap material harvested from construction sites. Some had slanted roofs, others were straight, a few had windows to balance out the otherwise dark structures, and others had fenced in yards and large carports that acted as porches or storage. There were barely any hovels that had cars at all, most had bicycles or carts; as opposed to where he hailed from, where it was wasn't uncommon to see a full six-car garage with extra vehicles parked out on the lawn.

It was another couple minutes of stillness as the three continued on their midnight drive before Locke broke the veil of silence. "We're there," the panther said moments before the jeep came to a stop in front of the largest house on the block at a full two stories. Looking out across the lawn at the impressively sized structure given the surroundings, it definitely looked like a mansion compared to the shacks he had seen earlier. "Are you coming in Davy?" he asked his friend as he released his seatbelt and opened to door.

A deep, tired sigh left the large feline's muzzle as he glanced into the back seat at the face of the lion before back up at his friend who was stepping out of the car. "Maybe for a few minutes..." he suggested. Turning off the engine, he waited for Maxi to get out of the car before he followed suit and locked the doors, the last thing he needed was his truck to be stolen. "Is your dad home?" the large male asked as the three boys walked up the stone path towards the front stoop, Locke in the lead, Davy in the middle, and Maxi bringing up the rear.

"I don't know," the black cat said as he fished his keys out of his pocket, "I think he had a town council meeting tonight, but that probably ended by now." He was just about to slide his key into the lock and let himself into his house when the knob turned of its own accord. The door opened, and the three were greeted with the site of a darkened figure standing in the entranceway, its outline illuminated by the light coming from the hallway behind.

"I thought I heard your voices out here," an obviously male voice said as he chuckled, his yellow eyes looking down at the three cats standing on his doorstep. As he moved more into the porch light, Maxi was able to better make out the furr that stood before them. He was a canine of some sort, a timber wolf he'd later find out, his fur must have once been a brilliant reddish-brown, but had begun graying with age. He was dressed in red and brown flannel pajamas then seemed about two sizes to big for the small canine; the drawstring on the pants section having to be double knotted just to keep from falling down over his navy blue slippers. His perked ears seemed friendly to see the boys in front of him, a smile on his dusty muzzle as he bade them entrance to his house.

"Hi Dad..." the panther said with little emotion as he walked briskly inside where be began to vigorously rub his paws together, having not realized just how cold it was outside till he stepped in.

"Is that all I get from my own flesh and blood?" he asked in a joking manner as he reached out and caught his offspring by the shoulder. Pulling the black cat against his chest, he gave him a warm fatherly embrace, much to the displeasure of his son. Locke fidgeted in the wolf's grasp, whining and doing his best to try and escape, but to no avail.

Next through the door was the large tiger, having to duck slightly to avoid hitting his head on the frame. "Good evening Mr. Nailo," the black and orange feline said with a very formal tone, giving a small bow as he passed the furr who was trying to restrain his struggling son.

"Must you always be so formal Davy? You've known me since you were just a little hatchling," the wolf grinned as he held onto his son, "I hope my boy didn't get you in too much trouble tonight."

"Daa-aaad..." Locke whined, his ears splayed against his skull as a slight blush overtook his black cheeks; his bushy tail curling around his waist as he finally gave up trying to break free from his sire's impressively strong grasp.

"No...not much trouble," the tiger said with a small chuckle, lying through his teeth. Giving his friend a helpless shrug and a roll of the eyes, he smirked as he got a small growl in return before his father stopped him with a playful tap on his nose.

"You know it's impolite to bear your fangs at guests," he lectured his son; Locke could only sigh and bow his head slightly. "And speaking of guests," his father continued, "Who is this that you've brought home?" he asked, motioning to the lion who still stood outside.

"Hello Sir. Sorry to intrude Sir," Maxi spoke from the doorstep as he rubbed his shoulder out of nervous habit, his eyes downcast and his tail tucked between his legs.

The elder wolf released his son with his right arm, only to hook him around the waist with the left to keep him from moving. "Oh dear, another professional one," he joked as ruffled his son's hair, "Well, come in, come in. It's cold out there this time of night."

Still a bit unsure of what was going on, Maxi reluctantly entered the house. He almost jumped right out of his fur as the door closed behind him with a deafening bang. "Thank you Sir..." he said softly as he turned to face the wolf and gave a slight bow out of habit. He had never seen a father act so...kind towards his kin as he took note of the two mismatched family members; even his own father always had stern way of showing approval, but here...it was like actually affection.

"Oh please, enough of this 'Sir' stuff," he said with a grin, "the name's Alphonse Nailo, but most people just shorten it to Al." And with that, he extended his paw in a customary gesture, having to wait a few seconds before the lion slowly offered his own and the two shook like old friends.

"It's nice to meet you Si-...I mean Al," he said, quickly catching and correcting his words.

"That's better. Now, if I could only get Davy to give it try," he said, looking over his shoulder to see the tiger entering the bathroom. "You know...you seem rather familiar," he said towards the lion, getting both Maxi and Locke's attention, "Have I seen you somewhere before?"

This time taking a careful look at the older wolf, Maxi ran through a quick mental diagnostic of everyone he knew and of any place he could have possibly met the appointed leader of the half-breeds. "I don't think so," he said after a minute or so of silence.

"Hmmm..." Al wondered aloud, "I swear I've seen your face before. Oh, I know!" he said excitedly, "My son has your face plas-"

"Dad, Shut-up!" the panther screamed, interrupting his father as broke free from his father's grasp. His pointy canine ears perked straight up as he felt a hot redness overtake his complexion. "Don't say another word!" Locke instructed his sire before he turned towards the rather stunned lion, whose face showed a mixture of shock, curiosity, and awkwardness.

"Don't worry," the lupine explained, "I know my son has an affinity for guys rather then girls; but I'm still proud of him." An affectionate smile crossed his graying muzzle as he leaned over and kissed his son on the back of his head. "I swear, I don't know what wrong with you sometimes. You don't have to be embarrass-" as something caught his eyes. Before the panther could complain, his father pulled him closer again, paws taking a firm hold of his right ear. "What the hell happened here?" he asked of his kin.

"Shit..." the panther cursed under his breath, having forgotten to retie his bandanna around his head to hide the bullet hole he had gotten back at P.O.O.D.L.E. headquarters.

Turning the younger male around to face him, he pulled his head into his chest to get a closer examination of the wound. "You're damn right, 'shit'!" he shouted, but it seemed more worried then angry to the lion, "What in god's name did you do to your ears?"

"It was an accident, I swear," Locke replied, hugging his father around the waist as he felt those fingers loosen their grip and began to slowly massage the damaged ear, as though trying to heal it..

That seemed to calm down his father, who slowly returned the hug, nuzzling his son on the side of his face. "You can tell me about it in the morning, okay? How about you boys go upstairs and get some sleep, hmm?" he asked, getting a gentle murr from his son, and a stiff nod from the lion. "Will you be staying the night as well Davy?" he asked, turning towards the male who had just left the bathroom, and was slowly returning to the conversation.

The tiger thought it over for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry Sir. Wish I could, but I gotta be home for when my sister gets in," he said as he edged his way towards the door, "Thanks for letting me stop by though."

"You know you're welcome here anytime you want," Alphonse said with a grin as he finally released his son from his grasp. But, neither the wolf's eyes nor his fingers could forget the sight and the feeling of the chuck of flesh missing from his boy's ear.

Now that he was free from his dad, Locke slowly walked over and hugged the larger feline. "Thanks for coming with me. I don't think I would have been able to do it alone," he whispered under his breath.

Maxi picked up bits of pieces of what the panther was saying, and watched as Davy nodded and patted him on the shoulder affectionately. Separating himself from the hug, the tiger looked up and the two formidable felines met each other's gaze again. Neither said a word as they stared, sizing the other up like they had in the bathroom. The first to break the staring contest was the tiger, who gave a deep 'humpf', his whiskers rustling as he waved goodbye to the Nailo family before leaving the house to walk back towards his jeep parked outside.

Now that the challenger was gone, the lion turned towards the elder wolf and smiled. "Umm...Al?" he asked, to get the lupine's attention, "Where's the bathroom?"

The graying timber wolf chuckled, "You can use the one upstairs, it's right across from my son's room." And with that, he motioned to the set of wooden stairs behind him. "Locke will show you the way, right?" he asked rhetorically, his bright yellow eyes staring intently at his offspring.

"Yeah, yeah..." he mumbled before he felt a gentle smack against his rear and gave a rather feminine 'eep'. "I mean, Yes dad!" he squeaked, rushing up the stairs in record time. Motioning for the lion to follow him, they climbed the rest of the stairs in formation with the black cat in front and the golden one behind. "Love taps he calls him...ha!" the panther muttered under his breath once they were out of earshot on the second story.

Where they were now was a slightly slanted corridor of wooden slats coming together to form a floor, two walls, and a ceiling. Several dozen picture frames hung along the walls, coupled with two side tables and an impressive looking small chandelier from the ceiling. The floor wasn't carpeted, so the boys' shoes squeaked along the lacquered beams as they made their way down the darkened interior. Locke seemed to need no lights to move while Maxi inched on behind him till his eyes finally adjusted, and he could make out three doors on the right and an extra two on the left.

Maxi couldn't help but feel a small pang of jealousy as he was led along the hallway. His father had never acted so informally with him the way that Alphonse did with Locke; and the way the wolf worried over his son's wound made the lion only yearn for home that much more, and the soft touch of his mother comforting him. Letting out a heavy sigh, he wasn't aware they had stopped till he accidentally bumped into the panther. "Sorry..." he muttered, looking off to the side to avoid seeing those brilliant emerald eyes staring back at him.

"It's nothing," Locke said with a gentle blush, luckily, it was still too dark for the lion to notice it. "Don't worry about it. Anyways..." as he motioned to the door on his right, "This is my room, the one we passed on the way here is the linen closet. That of course means that the door to our left leads to the bathroom."

Nodding slowly, the lion moved around the cat to peer farther down the hallway, "So, then what are those two rooms?" he asked, motioning to the two doors beyond them.

"Well, the one on the left is my father's room. And the one on the right is the guest room...where I guess you'll be staying, huh?" he asked, a hint of sorrow tinting his words. He appreciated what the darkness hid from Maxi's sight, his bushy tail gently curling around his waist, his fingers nervously grooming the tip between his pads.

"Probably..." Maxi said as he made his way towards the bathroom door, feeling around a moment for the handle before opening it and stepping into the darkened interior. Without a second look back, he closed the door behind him and locked it before turning on the lights. The room was tiny; heck, it was downright minuscule. The wallpaper was a brilliant lemon that hurt his eyes if he stared at it too long, so as a remedy, he had to concentrate his gaze down on the more neutral colored green tile. Inside, was a small vanity coupled with a crooked mirror, toilet, wastebasket, towel rack, and white bathtub with a blue plastic privacy curtain. "It will have to do," he muttered disapprovingly at the surroundings.

Turning on the faucet, he heard the water rumbling through the rusty pipes overhead and underfoot till the slightly discolored liquid rushed out to fill the basin. Hesitantly, the feline began washing his paws, not at all liking the feel of unfiltered water against his body. A small wavering knock came at the door, followed by the sound of shuffling feet. "Whenever you get out, I'll have a pair of pajamas waiting for you on the guest bed," Locke said through the wall. Maxi thought he heard the panther whimper, but the sound of shuffling boots on the hardwood floor masked the noise.

Nothing was said in response, the lion too occupied with getting ready for sleep. He strongly considered taking a shower after having gone for so long without one, but the prospect of going to bed with wet fur did not appeal to him. So after taking care of bodily functions, and cleaning his face with a ragged washcloth, he turned off the lights and headed towards his room for the night. As he passed, he noticed that Locke's door was closed, though he could see light coming through the slits around the door. He contemplated knocking, but decided against it and walked on; finding the door to the guest room open and the lights on, Maxi saw an outfit neatly folded and arranged on the large comforter.

The room appeared to be surprisingly large and well furnished in direct contrast to what he would have assumed. Then again, Alphonse was the mayor of this place; he probably had plenty of 'high-class' furrs stay here. Stepping inside, he closed and locked the door behind him as he got used to his new surroundings. In comparison to the cell that Jason had him put in, this was the Ritz. He could feel the lavender carpet under his shoes as he made was way over to the corner of the queen size bed and took a seat facing the door. There was a small closet directly to his left and a large, full-length mirror to his right. With small end tables on either side of the bed's headrest, the rest of the room was comprised of a sturdy oak desk and an armoire; all appeared to be salvaged from secondhand stores or garage sales.

His outfit for the night consisted of a pair of gray sweatpants with a silver line running down the side of each leg and a triple X sized t-shirt with some cheap beer brand emblazoned on the front. Checking to see if he was alone, Maxi slowly began to undress and get changed. Slipping his feet out of the white tennis shoes and blue socks, he stretched and curled his toes, feeling the violet carpet against his pads. His shoulders ached as he pulled off his ripped and burnt beige t-shirt; muscles still weak with fatigue and aftershocks. Running his fingers gently over each bruise, he could feel the singed fur against his pads, like wire bristles set into his skin. Looking at himself in the mirror, it seemed that the redness had gone down and the swelling had diminished at least.

The next thing to remove was his tattered shorts, the blank strands fraying around his knees as he shuffled free and dropped them to the floor. Standing up to kick them off, he walked closer to the large mirror so as to study his reflection better. His legs were still slightly numb from the stress he's been under in the past twenty-four hours; but with a few well-positioned stretches, he worked out all the kinks. His body over all remained toned and sleek, a bit of a belly, but he didn't feel self conscious as he smoothed down his fur. His long tail was currently curled around his waist, the bushy tip pressing just under his belly button as it tried to conceal his neither regions still wrapped snugly in the white thong. Suddenly a bit uncomfortable, he slipped a few fingers under the elastic waistband and readjusted his plump sheath.

The lion's body still looked much the same as it had the last time he saw it back in his father's cabin. Deciding to take advantage of his current isolation, he began to strike a few modeling poses in the mirror; pushing his hips out, paws gently gripping his rear, a confident smirk on his muzzle, and his tail hypnotically swaying. Then he changed it up, sometimes flexing his arms and legs, other times stretching out to appear as lean as possible. Maxi ended the session with a bit more risqué poses as he pulled down the front of his Speedo to reveal his golden furry sheath. As one paw seductively dragged its claws along the center of his torso, the other reached back down to fondle his sac. A soft purr left his lips as he rolled his orbs between his fingers before allowing it to snap back and cover up his leonine pride.

It was at that moment that he realized he hadn't been given a change of underwear, the thought dawning on him as he rummaged though the clothes again just to make sure. "I'll have to ask for some boxers in the morning..." he reminded himself as he slipped into the sweatpants, pulling the drawstring taught and knotting it. He gave one final look at his bare chest, the small discolored splotchy bruises across hidden amongst the dense yellow pelt, before slipping the oversized shirt over his head. With that, he walked back across the room and turned off the lights.

Guided by his sketchy mental schematic of the room's layout, the lion maneuvered his way back to the bed without too much trouble. Slipping under the covers, he had forgotten just how comfortable a real bed was after sleeping on that god-awful cot the previous night. As his head hit the pillow, for the first time in a long time, he dreamed not of Jason or Locke...but of home, of his family and friends, of the life he used to have. And with the thoughts of past keeping him company as he drifted off, Maximillion Cordero slipped into a deep sleep.

* * *

The lion awoke to the sounds and smells of breakfast being made; the screeching of a boiling kettle had him sitting up in seconds as the aroma of eggs, sausage, and hash browns assaulted his senses. The familiar scent of butter on a skillet teased his sensitive nose till he could no longer stand it and shuffled off the covers to walk over towards the door. Sticking his head out, he could hear footsteps down below on the first floor along with muffled conversation. Figuring he was dressed well enough, he slipped out of his room and down the hallway to relive his morning bladder; his bare paws shuffling along the smooth wooden floors.

As he left the bathroom he noticed that Locke's door was closed, though no light peaked through. He wanted to check it out, but the rumbling in his stomach demanded attention; he'd have time later anyways. Descending the stairs, he got his first good look at the main room of the house on his way to the kitchen, which he discovered, was located in the back of the building. Stepping into the entranceway where he stood last night, he could see that it flowed directly into the main family room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of plywood stained to resemble mahogany; a large area rug took up most of the floor space, on which several small couches, love seats, chairs, side tables, and footrests were arranged in a semi-circle around an impressive red brick fireplace. The walls were adorned with pictures of many people at various stages of their life; though no family portraits the lion noticed. Fresh flowers and other houseplants reclined on the windowsill drinking in the morning sun.

Conversation came to a stop as the golden feline made his way into the kitchen and stood staring at the three furrs having breakfast. Locke and Davy, who must have returned sometime early this morning, sat across from each other at the small round table. The panther was halfway into a bite of toast when he saw Maxi stroll in, the bread still hanging in his muzzle. Both boys were dressed in a pair of blue jeans and t-shirts; the tiger's was red, while other's was blue. "Well, look who finally woke up!" Alphonse chuckled from his post over the range where he had eggs and bacon frying, "You sleep alright last night?" He was dressed in the same pair of pajamas as last night, though a navy blue apron covered most of his torso.

"Yes, Mr. Nailo," the lion said right before he yawned, scratching at his belly as his toes curled along the wooden floor. Keeping his eyes to the floor, Maxi felt unsure of not to do. Missing the pair of green eyes glancing him over.

"Come in! Sit down! Here, here..." the timber wolf said enthusiastically before leaving the kitchen for a second to pull in a chair from the dinning room, wedging it between the two seated furrs. "Now, you stay put and I'll have your breakfast ready in a minute." Sweeping back around, his spatula was a blur against the metal skillet as it flipped pancakes, hash browns, and bacon with unprecedented speed.

With no food to occupy him, the lion watched as the other two males slowly resumed cleaning their plates. "Did you find the bed okay?" the panther asked, keeping his eyes on his final piece of toast. The words sounded forced, as though he were simply making conversation to avoid the deafening silence.

Nodding slowly, his fingers nervously drumming on his lap as he waited to be severed, "Yeah...it was fine," he muttered.

Davy offered no words to the newest arrival; heck, he barely seemed to even notice that Maxi had sat down and joined them. Finishing his last sausage link, he set his napkin down on his plate and pushed the chair back to stand up. "It was delicious as always Mr. Nailo," he announced with a small bow of his head, "But I do believe that our boss will have our hides if we aren't at work soon." And without a glance in the lion's direction, he turned tail and left the kitchen to go start up his jeep.

"Bye dad!" Locke shouted as he too sprung up from his seat to follow his friend out. Giving an almost apologetic stare to the cat left all alone at the table, their eyes meeting briefly for the first time this morning, he quickly rushed off after the tiger. Once he was sure that Maxi was no longer looking in his direction, he turned and took a much longer and longing glance from the front hallway at the boy who sat with his back facing him. A strong, stripped paw then pulled him too his senses and out of his house.

"Don't mind those boys," the lupine said softly as he turned to give the solemn looking lion a warm smile, "Those two are always rushing off somewhere. They'll be back later once their shifts are over at the mechanics." It was a few minutes of silence that followed; the only sound was the spatula scarping against the metal pan, before Al spoke up again, "How do you like your eggs, Maximillion Cordero?"

"Over-easy is fine with me," he said slowly, not really paying attention to what was said. It took him a few seconds of sitting at the table for the realization to finally hit him like a freight train; he had never told the wolf who he was. "How do you know who I am?" the lion shouted, suddenly getting very defensive as looked up to glare at the cook.

"You're a pretty unique character to see around these parts," he commented as he flipped the pancakes from the pan into two evenly divided stacks. "Granted, this old mind isn't what it used to be...forgets where it puts things sometimes, you know? But when I went into Locke's room to wake him this morning, it all came back to me." The lupine then set about divvying up the reaming food on the grill before turning down the heat, "Oh, toast is done!" he announced as he heard the appliance's familiar ding.

Hesitant to stay, Maxi scooted his chair around till he was on opposite sides of the table from Alphonse, who was now busy rooting through the refrigerator. "What's in Locke's room?" he asked curtly, debating with himself whether a fresh breakfast was worth the risk of remaining here.

"You'll find out in dear time my boy," he said sweetly, no indication of malice in his voice at all. With tray in paw, he walked over to the kitchen table and began unpacking their breakfast, sliding a fully loaded plate of pancakes, hashbrowns, toast, sausage links, bacon, and eggs done over-easy, down in front of the lion along with a large glass of orange juice. "Now, eat up...I'm taking the morning off to spend with you."

"The whole morning off to spend with me?!?" the feline said with surprise, "But you're the mayor, the president...you shouldn't just take time off." Maxi no longer felt comfortable staying around furrs who have a great deal of motivation to harm him now that their leader knew of his presence. Maxi hoped something gave him the avenue of escape he desperately needed.

The wolf chuckled at this, "Oh nonsense! After I found out this morning, I just called my secretary and told her to push all engagements to this afternoon." He seemed as though he had done this countless times by the nonchalant manor he was recounting this morning's conversation. "It's not that often that I get a break," he said with a smile as he ate a forkful of hash browns.

"Truly I am honored that you'd do such a thing for me Alphonse," the lion responded politely as he finally began eating; deciding that if the wolf had wanted to harm him, there were easier ways. As he had his first taste of breakfast, Maxi was surprised to find that the mayor was quite the accomplished cook. "But those people were waiting to meet with you, this is just a coincidence," he said, taking a bite of a sausage, savoring the flavor as a dribble of juice ran down his chin.

. "Nonsense, I don't believe that there are coincidences in life," he said with a muzzle full of buttered toast, "There's a reason for you to be sitting across from me right now just as there is a reason behind everything we do." Pouring himself a glass of orange juice, he took a moment to study the young male before him; the way he analyzed each forkful of food he ate, as though not quite trusting its origins. As much as it pained him, he couldn't truly blame the feline for how he was acting in his situation...he'd probably feel the same way.

Washing his mouth out with orange juice, Maxi drank so fast the wolf thought he'd choke. "Even so, I can't go out like this..." the boy said motioning to his current attire, "I'll stick out like a sore thumb and be spotted in an instant." Seeing as how a simple refusal would not deter the wolf from his plans, he hoped a bit of rational debate might sway him to abandon his quest.

"We'll just have to get you some new clothes is all," Al replied with a shrug as he left table to get a bottle of maple syrup from the fridge for his pancakes, having already smeared them with butter.

"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to go buy something for me," Maxi said with a smile as he pushed the egg yolk around on his plate, "I'd feel just awful making you spend money like that."

Shaking his head, the wolf began to undo his apron from around his waist, "That's not a problem Maximillion. You're about Locke's size, and I'm sure he won't mind if you borrowed something." Laying the blue cloth over the back of his chair, Al stood up and began packing up the remainder of his meal on the wooden tray. "When you're done, you can go upstairs and get ready. I'm gonna finish eating in my study so I can make some calls." Offering a warm smile, the elder timber wolf left in the kitchen in the direction of the dinning hall.

Now left all alone, the lion toyed with the remaining food on his plate as he planned his next course of action. Looking behind him towards the door, it was unguarded and looked lacked any alarm; it wouldn't be hard to get up and walk out. "What if that's what they want?" he muttered to himself, twirling a piece of potato on his fork as he did so before shoving it into his muzzle. True, there was nothing physically stopping him from escaping, but where would he go? He was in, for the most part, a hostile land full of furrs who'd like nothing more then to get retribution for what was done to them. Maxi couldn't blame them for feeling that way, but he wasn't ready quite yet to be a martyr for the cause.

The lion still felt just as caged as he was back in that canine prison, granted, the bars are now made of public opinion rather then steel, but they still had him cornered. Seeing no other viable action, Maxi finished the rest of his meal in silence and placed his dishes in the sink before heading upstairs. He gave one last look at the door, seeing his freedom so close, but knowing he had to walk away if he had any hope of one day achieving it. After reaching the top, he made a bee-line for Locke's room; finding it unopened, he went in, flipped on the lights, and was instantly greeted with the sight that would make comatose Alzheimer's patient remember him.

The room itself was small and cramped; the neutral beige color of both carpet and paint did little to open up the space. As he entered, directly to his left was a large dresser that appeared to have had clothes thrown at, catching on the corners and draping over the drawer handles. Across the room from that was a flat screen television, forty inches minimum, which rested upon a small black milk crate which held all the newest gaming equipment, the wires going everywhere. Behind that was the panther's closet where piles of clothes were heaped upon each hanger, cascading across the floor, and finally pooling at the base of his computer desk which rested opposite the door. Locke's bed was wedged in the upper left corner of the room, barely fitting between the wall and his desk, and was just as much a mess as the rest of his dwelling. But what caught his golden eyes wasn't anything on the floor, it was the large collage of pictures that wrapped around the corner over the panther's bed and was slowly advancing along the ceiling directly over his pillow.

There were hundreds, if not thousands, of photos taped to the wall; most were cut from magazines or printed off of the computer. Some were tiny portraits, others had a full body shot; there were formally posed pictures, and ones that look like they had been taken by a stalker. Though they seemed to span years of time, and various locations, they all had one thing in common...they were all of him. Maxi almost choked on his next breath as he stood in awe of the shine dedicated to him. Locke had pictures of the lion in swimming trunks at his family's private summer home, of him skiing on his father's mountain resort, of him in a tux and tails at several high-class parties. There were photos of him lounging around on the grounds of his private academy, of him walking through downtown with his friends, and of him in the window at a pizza parlor. "What the fuck?" he gasped, unable to even register were the dozens of other photos were taken, as everything but him had been cut out so that all he was staring at was a wall of his own face looking back at him.

Unable to cope with the bombardment of his own image, he had to avert his eyes just so he could concentrate on the task at hand. "Gotta find clothes," he reminded himself as he set about shifting through the nearest mountain of garments to find a proper outfit. He managed to find a pair of blue jeans that looked about his size, a simple t-shirt, and a hoodie from some college he had never heard of. Rushing out of the room as fast as he could, Maxi gave one last look at the wall of his own legacy as a public figure before turning away in a mixture of horror, awe, and disgust; he'd have to learn more about this family if he was going to stay another night.

As the cat slammed the bathroom door behind him and leaned against its wooden frame, he felt his heart going a-mile-a-minute. He didn't understand why it bothered him so much that the panther had all but built a shrine in his name. He wasn't that naive to believe that no one bought tabloids for their stories about him, or that he didn't have his share of fans lusting after him. But to see it with his own eyes was quite a shock; and lead him to wonder if there had been an ulterior motive for his rescue.

Pushing aside the blue plastic curtain, he was dismayed at what the shower had to offer him in terms of cleaning supplies: a half empty bottle of shampoo and a sliver of soap. Maxi just shrugged his shoulders and sighed as he reached in to turn the knob and allow the water to start heating up. As the lion began to disrobe, pulling the oversized shirt above his head to reveal his golden pelted chest, it occurred to him that he had forgotten to take a spare pair of underwear to change into. Not wanting to risk being caught returning to the panther's room, Maxi decided to simply make do with the white thong once again. Pushing the sweatpants to the ground, he felt a warm breeze wash over him, making his legs go weak; he had to hold onto the vanity just to keep himself vertical, a soft purr leaving the feline's curled lips. "At least they have hot water in this place," he grumbled as he found it rather difficult to pull the tight fitting thong from around his waist.

The relief he felt as his malehood swung free in the moist steam was indescribable, reaching down to massage his aching sac with his warm pads. A soft moan left his parted lips as he kneaded his furry sheath while waiting for the water to reach the appropriate temperature. Just as the crimson tip of his member began to peak through the golden covering, he heard a voice come from below. "You almost finished with your shower?" Alphonse said from the ground floor.

Maxi took in a deep breath of warm air, doing his best to repress his lust for the moment as he released his aching sheath. Testing the streams of water with his paw and finding the temperature to his satisfaction, he slowly entered the shower and shut the blue plastic curtain. "Almost!" he shouted back down at the wolf as he first entered the water's spray and felt himself get instantly drenched. Closing his eyes, he ran his claws through his matted mane, picking at tangles and knots in his fur as he turned in a full circle to get himself thoroughly wet.

The sudden feeling of warmth against his bare body sent familiar shivers up his spine as his bushy mane fell flat against his face. Parting the furry blinds that covered his features, he reached out for the small bar of soap and began to work his paws into a nice lather, rubbing his fingers across his chest, belly, and upper thighs quickly. Making a mental note to stay away from his crotch for fear that if he started, he'd have to finish, which means that Al might get curious. Stepping back into the line of fire, he watched the suds wash off as soon as the first wave of water came across his body. Picking up the bottle of shampoo next, he used a liberal amount on his mane, sparing a small blob to get the tuft of hair at the tip of his long tail. Once he had worked it into a decent size soap-afro atop his head, he moved back under the shower and closed his eyes as he felt the bubbles cascade over his face and down his back.

Maxi stayed under the water for a few more minutes, making sure that he was completely clean of both soap and dirt before turning off the water. Leaning his head against the veneer lining behind the tub, the sound of water droplets falling from his pelt to splash onto the porcelain base echoed both in the room and in his head. Closing his eyes, the cool air wrapping around him like layers of fine silk, the lion dragged his claws loosely across the tile. Finally summoning the strength to push himself off of the wall, he reached out past the blue curtain for a towel on the metal rack hanging outside. A lasting soft purr leaving his lips as his body came in contact with the soft downy material that he rubbed all over his face and body, paying careful attention to dry off his sheath and tail; the last thing he needed was that cursed thong sticking and bunching up in such intimate places.

Seconds later he was standing on the bathroom floor, towel draped across his shoulders as he looked down at his new ensemble. With a bit of hesitancy, he began to work himself back into the white speedo, feeling as though it had shrunk since when he had taken it off. Once he had stuffed his ample sized family jewels into it's protective casing, he shuffled his way into the pair of jeans, thankful that the fabric hid his basket rather nicely. The t-shirt and hoodie were quickly donned as he left the damp towel in a heap on the floor. Taking a quick look at his reflection in the mirror, Maxi pulled the hood up to hide his features from any curious onlookers.

Backtracking to the guest room where he had spent the night, he quickly slipped into the blue socks and white sneakers he had been wearing. Once the laces were tied tight, he checked himself in the full-length mirror one last time before turning off the lights. Descending the stairs into the main foyer, he saw the timber wolf reclining in one of the sofas, his back towards the lion. The mayor had changed clothes since the last time Maxi had seen him; the lupine now dressed in a pair of black slacks, gray dress shirt coupled with a stripped vest, and navy-blue tie. He seemed to be studying whatever it was that he was holding in his laps, it looked like a fabric-bound binder or book from this angle. "I'm ready Al," the feline announced, weary of whatever plans the lupine had in store for them.

The timber wolf's ears perked up as he turned his head to look at the lion standing on the bottom step. "So you are," he said, closing whatever was sitting on his lap, "Guess I didn't hear the water stop."

"I just finished," Maxi explained as he stepped down and slowly made his way over into the room. He took a moment to once again notice the quaint accessories, like the framed picture of Locke in his graduation cap and gown, which sat atop the mantle in-between two large, white. unlit candles. "So, what were you looking at?" the cat asked, trying to inadvertently peer over the wolf's shoulder to catch a glimpse of what he was inspecting.

As if having forgotten himself, the lupine took a quick glimpse down of what lay atop his lap before responding; "Oh nothing," he said with a shrug, placing the binder on the coffee table before him as he stood, "Come, let's get going."

Not in a position to argue, the lion simply nodded and followed the wolf out of the room. "Where are we going?" he asked as they rounded the kitchen and entered the dining room. From there, he was lead into a small corridor with a door on his left and one ahead of him.

"I'm giving you a first hand tour," Al said as he opened the door on the feline's left. Stepping aside, he allowed Maxi to enter first into what he soon found out was the house's garage; this of course meant that the other door led to the mayor's office.

Descending the small set of stairs before him, he felt the concrete under his shoes as the wolf slowly followed him and turned on the one light bulb above them. It took a few minutes of flickering light before it formed a steady stream of illumination to reveal the expensive looking set of wheels before the pair. "How can you afford this?" the lion said with a gaping muzzle as he ran his paw over the convertible's ivory colored door. Maxi didn't know much about cars, but from the sleek frame, leather interior, hardwood dash, and flawless paint job of white body with crimson red accents; this wasn't salvaged from any junkyard.

"Got it as a gift a while back from a benefactor to the our cause, wouldn't take 'no' for an answer." Walking around the stunned feline, the mayor opened the door and slipped himself into the driver's seat; leaning over, he unlocked the passenger side door for his guest. As much as he was anti-materialist, Al had to admit...he liked this car. The way cushions conformed to his body, the tailored grips contoured to his paws, the rumbling thrust of the power under his command. On the few times he had taken this baby out for a drive around his city with the top down, he had felt years younger as the wind blew past his ears and through his graying hair.

Maxi was still perplexed at how the leader of such a poor pseudo-nation could afford the maintenance costs on such a beauty. "We're driving it like this with the top down?" he asked, getting a nod from the driver in return, "But won't everyone see me?"

Chuckling, Al turned the key and revved the engine, feeling the familiar vibrations under his seat. "Just put your hood up and don't look at anyone directly. Anyone passing by will just think you're my son so long as you don't say a word. So, are you gonna get in, or not?"

"Sorry..." The lion mumbled under his breath as he opened the door and slid inside, buckling his seatbelt as soon as he could. Once they began to edge themselves out of the garage, he flipped the hood over his head, making sure to tuck his bushy golden mane inside as he tightened the drawstrings.

"It's alright," the wolf said with smile, patting his passenger on the shoulder as he turned off of the driveway to begin their trip, "It's just gas is rather expensive around here is all."

Nodding slowly, the feline kept his face towards the floor, "I can imagine."

"No, I don't think you can," Alphonse said flatly, his eyes growing a bit dimmer as he felt the lion look up at him. "You see, that's why I want to take you on this drive. I'm sure you think you can know what it's like to live without a steady supply of fresh water or without knowledge of where and when your next meal might be. And I bet your father, along with all of his subordinates, have painted a very pretty picture for what's happening out here. But I want to show you the truth of what's going on, and let you pick fact from fiction."

This gave the son of privilege a moment for pause as he thought things through. What Al had said was true, and it's wasn't everyday he's given such an opportunity to see for himself just what the government...his government, has been doing to its own population. "I appreciate you giving me this chance to broaden my horizons," he said with a slight smile, "and for taking me in last night...your house is really nice."

"It was no problem at all Maximillion," he said with a chuckle as they turned a corner and began to drive a different way then the lion remembered going the night before; the scenic route he figured.

The two motorists were still deep within the residential district of what could loosely be called the city of HBT. Most houses when they started, looked around the size of the Nailo's residence, but the longer they drove, the smaller the dwellings became. "I noticed that most of the other places around here aren't nearly as grand as yours. And definitely not able to house even the most conservative population numbers my father gives me. Where does everyone else live?"

"You're looking at it," the lupine responded flatly, keeping his eyes on the road the whole time, "I mean, if you ignore the few residential apartments in the inner city that have been made habitable, and the several cottages erected out in the backwoods, this is it. We're only driving on the paved roads you see; gravel and mud do horrible things to an undercarriage you understand. And there are hundreds...if not thousands, of unmarked back roads that lead away from here and to places even I don't know."

"That's nuts," Maxi said in a bit of a shock, "They're so far away from everyone...from any sort of help. Why would they choose that?"

"Some here feel that society has wronged them, and would like nothing short of complete seclusion. Who are we to deny their simple request?" the mayor asked as he rounded the next bend.

"I guess not," the passenger mumbled as they passed an acre or so of bare land, "So, how does someone build a home around here with no construction crews or heavy machinery?"

"Most of the time when furrs first get here, they try to stay with friends, relatives, or anyone offering a spare room...sometimes a danger in it of itself. From there, they scout for any bare land, like what we just passed, and after determining that it's for the taking, they start collecting any spare materials and help they can find. I've seen entire houses go up in an afternoon or two," Al said with a gentle chuckle, "Just depends on how many friends you got...or how many workers you're willing to hire."

That made sense to the lion, no matter where you were in this world, it was always 'who you knew, and what they could do for you'; maybe this place wasn't so different after all. The next thing they saw on their little tour was a line of what could only described as shacks, and that was being generous; "I take it these are single occupant houses, sort of like condos or dorms."

"Oh no, these house entire families, sometimes even including extended relatives," the timber wolf corrected him, much to the dismay of the passenger. Adding as if only to shock and awe, "Some have even been known to fit several families in tough times."

"Well, at least they have running water and electricity, right?...Right?" he repeated; the bout of silence spoke to the contrary.

A deep, long-winded sigh escaped the graying muzzle. "You have so much to see," the canine said drearily, "Maximillion, you must understand, these furrs are lucky to have one such amenity, let alone both...most have neither."

Shaking his head in disbelief, the boy reached up to wipe the sleep from his eyes as he spoke, "How do they manage like that?"

"You'll have to ask them that," came the soft reply.

"I take it cars such as yours are a luxury too," he hypothesized.

"Cars such as mine are unheard of. But yes, having a car is definitely a privilege that most around here can't afford...Well, a car that actually runs, I should say." For it was true, of the all the places they had passed so far, most had at least one junked car sitting on their property, for what reason there was behind this was, the feline did not know.

For the first time since they started driving, the lion turned to face his feet rather then his surroundings. "So, where are we gong next?" he asked softly; the feeling of the wind threatening to blow his hood off just made him clutch it tighter around his face.

"Why, to town of course. I was thinking we'd start at the CRC and work our way around," the wolf said with a shrug as they turned onto what appeared to be on of the main thoroughfares into the city. Slowly, the sight of houses began to shift towards rundown industrial parks and dilapidated strip malls now inhabited with a new wave of tenets.

Staring out his window at the few furrs he saw making their ways back home, their carts loaded up with packages. "What's the CRC?" Maxi asked from his seat, eyes glued to the sight of a mother and child struggling to carry their burdens.

"It refers to the Compass-Rose Complex..." Al said with a smile, "You'll understand better in a moment." Taking his word for it, the feline said nothing as they drove on for another few minutes until rounding a corner where a large structure loomed before them, "Ah, here we are now."

Indeed it was a grand looking structure, and Maxi could see where it got its namesake. There were four main towers, each standing in one of the four cardinal directions around a center building equally as impressive, though only at half the height. Each tower was marked with its direction painted in black letters at the top along with a long arrow of trees that extended across the lawn. And if one were looking down from above, they might actually say it resembled a map's legend. The middle building, a more stout and winder building then those around it, seemed to be made up of rows of concrete rather then glass. It was obvious, given by the sheer dimensions, that the half-breeds hadn't built it given their limited materials, manpower, and technology. "What goes on in those buildings?" he asked, noting the flurry of activity as dozens of furrs hurried across the lawn from one building to another.

Pulling over to the side of the road, the wolf killed the engine and sat there with the wind blowing into his face as he stared across the street at the complex. "As you can tell, we didn't do this. From what I've been told by my predecessors, it was left over from when this place used to be a bustling settler outpost. The East, West, and South towers have all been converted from luxury office space into apartments for those who need them. The North tower is where the main branch of our government is located," he said with a smile, pointing to the top floor, "My office is located up there, as well as those of my cabinet members."

"What about the center building?" the cat asked, noticing that with the car stopped, he was able to pick up sounds of commotion coming from the direction of the CRC. Squinting his golden eyes, he could make out the blurry signs of movement coming from between the slats of concrete.

"Well, we believe it had originally been used as a parking garage for all the CEO's that had once worked in these buildings, but that too has evolved into something else. The basement level has been left the same, but the main four levels have been converted into a marketplace of sorts where one can buy just about anything. Traders from around here as well as those from the canine territories and beyond come here to sell off whatever they have left in order to turn a quick profit. The top two levels have been made into a hotel for them to stay as a way of enticing some, who otherwise might avoid the trip, to visit us." The elder wolf appeared proud of what he, and those who have come before him, had accomplished in the restoration and conversion of a past relic into something present and meaningful. "For most furrs here, this is a one-stop shopping for their basic needs...both legal and illegal."

Blinking in disbelief at the mayor's last statement, "You know illegal things are sold here?" Maxi asked, getting a rather stern nod in return; "Like weapons and drugs?" another nod; "So if you know this, why aren't you stopping them since it's against the law?" thinking it should follow logically.

"With what sort of force, power, or display of might do you think I have at my disposal with which to wield against them?" Alphonse asked sarcastically. Personally, he didn't like being so critical of the lion, but if he was to learn the dire situation these furrs lived in, it had to be done.

"The police could do it," the cat said smartly, "Especially if you did some sort of covert raid."

"And this leads us to the next part of our tour. Buckle up Maximillion," the driver said just as he turned the key in the ignition and pulled away from the curb. They drove for about ten minutes or so, neither really saying much; the canine focused on the road ahead, the lion dwelling on the road behind. Finally they pulled up in front of a normal sized redbrick townhouse sitting among a row of variously colored, but similarly structured buildings. Only this one had the word 'sheriff' written in yellow spray-paint across the garage door and again over the entranceway. "Well, this is it!" he said with a shrug.

"This is it?" the passenger repeated, his tone of course much different, "This is your police station?"

"In all of its unfunded glory, you bet," the wolf wittily retorted.

"So then who the heck actually works here? Maxi asked, not willing to believe this entire city had not one keeper of the peace.

"A simple answer...no one," the mayor said with a shrug, "A more complicated answer is...well, no one. You see Maximillion, our entire police force is made up of completely volunteer forces. We'll take anyone...and I mean anyone; we have ex-ops, ex cops, and ex-cons as officers here at HBT."

Looking rather dumbfounded, the lion stared first at the building outside his window and then back at his driver, "You mean, furrs actually offer their services to work here...for free?"

A soft, almost saddened chuckle left the wolf's graying muzzle at lion's nativity, "Oh Maximillion, you'd be surprised at what some will do to have a purpose in this world. Granted yes, some do apply for the power and security that comes with having a badge and a gun, others come because, for whatever reason, they left their previous job and still want a reason to get up in the morning, and still others come simply because they want to protect people. And I wouldn't say they do it for free either. Money and goods have been known to 'fall off the truck' every so often from some vendors and land into the paws of our servicemen and women."

"You mean they're being bribed?" Maxi asked, as if the concept of corruption was totally foreign to him.

"In a manner of speaking...yes," Al admitted, mush to his displeasure.

"If you know about it, why don't you go after the cops who take the bribes and those that give them out?"

"Because if I did that," the canine said sternly, "Then I'd have no police force left at all! I need them to help keep the peace around here for the most part. It's a necessary evil that comes along with having such a poor society. And while I'm not too proud of it, there have been times I've had to hire mercenaries from the surrounding areas to help buff up the ranks in a time of crisis." Staring down at his lap, fingers running through his hair as he spoke, eyes closed gently, "Sometimes, for the sake of the whole, you have to do things you might not like. I can't use my pride as justification for letting this town burn."

"But what about all the people who get hurt from their drugs and weapons?" the cat countered, "What happens to then?" He could see that the mayor was deeply troubled by everything, probably more divided then he let on; though, in the grand scheme of things, this place was far better off with him then without him.

Glancing up from where he sat staring at the gas pedal, his yellow eyes seeming to shimmer in the mid-morning sun. "We have a place for them to go...A hospital, if you will," his voice not sounding too convinced of his own words.

"I'd like to see that too...if you don't mind that is," the feline said with a soft smile, turning to commit the sight of the rundown police station to memory before they disembarked.

Al's amber eyes dimmed at such a prospect, but nodded nonetheless. "It's not a problem. Just a little out of the way is all," he explained as he drove off, passing a few furrs on bicycles as he made his way around the corner.

The drive took around twenty minutes and was made in, for the most part, complete silence. It wasn't because of any animosity between driver and passenger, simply that both were at a genuine loss for words that might better explain the situation. Luckily, or perhaps not, they soon arrived on the premises of their destination, the wolf pulling the car off on the side of the vacant road so as to allow other drivers to pass. "Is this it?" Maxi asked, squinting as best to could to block out the sun so as to get a clearer view.

"This is the place..." Al said as he too glanced across the empty field, "Welcome to the Saint Thomas Yanni Xenos, named after the first mayor here, though almost everyone just calls it, STYX."

"Xenos...This is the hospital?" Maxi looked surprised. "Oh how utterly...dreary," the lion said flatly as he stared at the building before him. On the other side of the road from where they were parked sat a large open field covered with patches of flowering plants, and in the rear of the property sat the building STYX. It looked like the bastard child of a church and a warehouse, having the form of both but the function of neither. Even in the mid-day sun it appeared dark and brooding atop a small hill, its muted gray brick and large black steeples contrasting with the lush greens of the grass and blues of the sky. The windows, while not barred, seemed black and vacant; if he squinted, he swore he could see movement among them. A pair of large wood doors stood guard over the entrance, which had a small cobble path running down the center of the lawn to the wrought iron gate, which stood open to greet them.

"Can't really argue with you there, I get shivers every time I visit here," the wolf admitted as he reclined in his chair. The mayor averted his eyes so he wouldn't have to glance at the building, beginning instead to idly twiddle his thumbs in his lab.

That seemed to make the cat smile, which caught the driver by surprise around such a place. "That's really nice of you," Maxi said with a smile, "To take time out of your busy day to come down here and see them before they get better and leave."

Alphonse stared at his passenger for a long time, a blank expression plastered across his face. "The only way they leave here is in a small pine box," he said bluntly; his normally happy voice hushed and solemn.

The lion's face went pale, "That's horrible."

"That's reality," the lupine interjected, correcting the cat who sat slumped over his seat; his golden eyes focusing on the building behind him, drawn there by an invisible string to stare at the shaded forms occupying the many windows.

"So, that means that all those markers covered in flowers are..."

"Gravestones, yes." His voice was hushed and head bowed, paying respects to the dearly departed. "But those aren't just any flowers Maximillion. Those are plants that, in time, will grow medical herbs or produce." At this, the lion caught a glimpse of a small smile as if a ray of sun had broken through the overcast skies.

Maxi felt his breath catch in his throat, nearly gagging on the air as he coughed violently. "You grow food on graves?" the cat sputtered, shocked at such a revelation.

"Oh yes," The wolf said, as though finding nothing wrong with the idea, "Some of the patients even specify in their will just what kind of vegetable they want planted."

"But those roots feed on their bodies!"

"And it makes wonderful fertilizer," Alphonse said. Planting his right paw on the feline's shoulder, he gave it a comforting, almost father-like rub, "You should come back during harvest season to see this place. It looks completely different. No longer a barren field of graves barring witness to empty time. Everything is in bloom and so full of life. Mothers bring their children here to pick the bounty. It's as if those spirits still watch over everyone here even in the afterlife."

"But this is a hospital!" he shouted, shaking off the canine's paw. "Then this place should be curing furrs of their diseases, fixing them of their injuries, and healing them of their ailments. Not waiting till they die so they can work their graves like farms!"

Raising his voice, the wolf growled "Don't you think we would help them if we could?" The car grew quiet, neither one talking, each taking to heart his words. Taking a deep breath, a heavy sigh tumbled from the canine's muzzle. "Look at us Maximillion. Do you think we can afford the newest medical miracles, the specialized machinery, or the payroll for full-time doctors and nurses? As it is, we are lucky to have as many volunteers as we do just to keep this place afloat. In fact, as it stands now, the first floor has become the morgue and funeral home at the behest of the mortician because it was easier to take his 'patients' out the front door rather then down several flights of stairs. The sad truth of it is, once you say that you're heading to the STYX, they start preparing your funeral."

The lion felt cold as he lowered his head and stared at the floor between his legs as though he could burn holes through the rubber matting. He felt numb; the deeds of his predecessors that had doomed this race to their current state weighed heavily on his mind. "I want to go away from here..." Maxi echoed, his voice empty and vacant like a ghost's haunting cries. Keeping his eyes from accidentally glancing out of the windows, he felt the engine rumble to life as the mayor dutifully obeyed and slowly drove away.

After they were out of sight of the hospital, and with eyes and ears focused on the road, the wolf talked out of the corner of his mouth. "Where to?"

Not bothering to even look up, the cat kept his focus on his paws, twiddling his thumbs in his lap. Where to it didn't matter, he just had to get away from that place...from the death. "Anywhere but here," he said bluntly.

"Ok..." Al muttered, not daring to glance towards his passenger for confirmation.

Even though the top was down and they were open to the world around them, the car felt small and cramped. His emotional baggage was suffocating him. The once welcomed breeze now made him shiver as the wind whipped through his golden mane. Pulling the sweatshirt closer around his body, he hunkered down in the passenger seat and allowed his driver to simply go where he pleased. Loosing all sense of time as he sat wallowing up to his neck in every conceivable form of guilt and self-blame, it took him a few moments to become aware when they had stopped moving. Hesitantly he lifted his eyes, fearful that he might see that in fact they were still parked in front of that awful place. Relieved when he saw his fears were unfounded, "Where are we?" he inquired of his host.

"Figured that maybe this might raise your spirits," the mayor said softly, motioning towards the window on the passenger's side as he spoke. Behind a small wooden fence sat what appeared to be a playground covered from head-to-toe in small children of all ages. Each dressed in bright colors; they ran around the large structure of plastic tunnels and metal slides. Pairs of boys and girls were pushing their friends on swing sets, tire swings, digging in the sandbox, and all around playing games no adult could understand. A few of the older kids were off to the side on the basketball courts or in the far back kicking a soccer ball around.

Wiping the sleep from his eyes, the feline looked on at all the happy faces as they circled the playground. Like steel wires attached to his face pulling upwards, he felt unable to resist the smile that came over him. "They're really happy, huh?" he said softly, reflecting on glimpses of his own past, when not being 'it' during a game of tag was his biggest worry.

"Wouldn't you be happy if you got forty minutes of recess every day?" the lupine asked with a chuckle, waving to the few children who noticed and recognized him.

"Guess I would be," the lion chuckled at the thought. "I take it this must be the city's grade school," Maxi surmised.

"This is the city's only school, Maximillion," he responded with a shrug, " This place houses grades one through twelve, at night there are a few college classes, and at times there is also used for vocational training."

The lion nodded slowly, pushing a few stray strands of his mane out from in front of his face. "So, this isn't everyone then I take it," he surmised.

"Oh heck no," Alphonse chuckled. "We've had classes number over two hundred students in there," he said, running his claws through his graying hair before motioning towards the warehouse adjacent to the fenced in playground. "It's just that most of the older kids head to the CRC to hang out and grab a quick lunch."

Looking over at the building the color of coffee with cream, he had to admit, it was pretty well-taken care of. The walls were covered with vibrant drawings of nature, done most likely by the kids. The phrase 'Half-Breed academy' was done in large cursive green letters along the side. The roof was a simple peaked shape of crimson red tile layered, a chimney on both ends, and silver gutters running the length of each side. Doing a quick estimation about the building's dimensions, he wasn't sure how they could fit that many people inside. "Is it standing room only in there?" the feline inquired of his tour guide.

"Actually, we excavated out the basement and put stadium seating in. Despite how it looks, we can fit everyone inside rather comfortably in fact." The sense of pride in his voice was unmistakable as he took in a deep breath of the mid-morning air.

Nodding along with the news, Maxi had to admit that it was a pretty ingenious adaptation. The car fell silent as they both turned his attention to the cubs, pups, and other young that were enjoying themselves on the playground. There were canines with wings, felines with horns, rodents that towered over their classmates, and equines that could barely reach his shoulder. All colors of the rainbow were represented in the student body, yellow pandas, white lizards, and so on. It was obvious that each student hailed from a mixed heritage, yet they didn't seem to notice, or maybe they just didn't care...nothing like how he was raised. "Who teaches them their lessons?" he asked, looking behind him at the wolf.

"There's only one hired professor who teaches most of the day. But plenty of volunteers take up a class or two when they have time to lend a paw. I, myself, have taught several classes on politics and the way our government runs. In fact, I think I have some old lesson plans in here if you want to look through them," the lupine said as he reached behind his seat and fumbled around before pulling a brown leather briefcase into his lap. He handed a large folder of papers to the lion with a warm smile before returning his case.

"These are very in-depth," the feline replied, briefly looking over a few, "Can I keep them for late-night reading?"

"Sure thing," Al said with a chuckle, "I'd be honored if you read it. And you're more then welcome to come by with any questions."

"Thank you," the cat replied, laying the folder in his lap. The sound of a bell caught his attention, it resonating from the schoolyard. He watched all the children slowly start funneling back into the building to resume their studies. "So where do they go after graduation?"

"Well, not all volunteers come here simply to teach for the sake of learning," the lupine explained, "Most come here as a way of showing possible employment opportunities that we offer here in HBT. We've had the police, bureaucrats, traders, mercenaries, doctors, builders, and cooks all come to entice kids to work for them. In fact, that's how Locke and Davy found their job with our mechanic; there may not be a lot of cars around here to service, but things are always breaking down and he can always use a few extra paws around."

Maxi cocked his ears back to pick up what the driver was saying, but he was busy watching the last few stragglers enter the school before the large green door slammed shut. His eyes drifted to the empty swing set, the swings still moving gently back and forth in the breeze, as if possessed by a playful ghost. It reminded him that even if he stood still, the world would still go on with out him. His train of thought was interrupted by the loud rumbling of his stomach; turning to face Al, a slight blush on his tawny cheeks, "Sorry."

Chuckling at the lion's hesitant smile, "Nothing to apologize for Maximillion," he quipped. Turning the engine over, they pulled out of the parking spot and headed back down the same road. "I know this great little out-of-the-way place that I take all my important clients to," he explained as he turned down a few side roads.

"I couldn't ask that of you," Maxi replied, looking very unsure, "a simple drive-through would suffice for me."

"Nonsense!" the wolf exclaimed. Reaching over, he gave the cat a hardy pat on the back; "No guest of mine is going to be eating fried food when he's with me. Now, I won't take 'no' for an answer, understand?"

"Guess that means I'm going," the lion chuckled, sitting back in his seat as he cracked his knuckles and neck with small clicks. He had to admit, as great as his breakfast was; he was excited to get some professionally cooked food. "So, are we going back to your house so I can get changed?" he asked, pulling down the sweatshirt's hood as they drove through an otherwise empty back street.

Shaking his head, the wolf soon parked his car behind a red brick building with wooden shudders on the tinted glass windows. "Not needed," he responded, "This place caterers only to government officials and their guests for the most part. Needless to say, their secrecy is as impeccable as their food."

Still hesitant, Maxi watched as Al turned the car off, unbuckled his seatbelt, and opened the door to step out into the fresh air. Taking a deep breath, he slowly undid his own safety restraints and followed after him. The thought that this might be a trap quickly popped into his head, and suddenly, he became increasingly paranoid as the seconds passed. But a quick look over towards the wolf, seeing the way he held himself both in office and as a furr, had him doubting his irrational fears. "Ready whenever you are," the lion said, giving a genuine smile as the elder male walked over to him, clasped a paw around his shoulder, and led him past the wooden door and inside the restaurant.

Though the lack of windows on the front foretold a dimly lit interior, wall-mounted candelabras kept the inside illuminated. The walls were painted a warm rose color that meshed effortlessly with the wood and red brick floors. A few area rugs dotted the seating area, which had sturdy, if not rustic looking, wooden tables and booths adorning the restaurant's walls. Situated directly before the pair was a black lacquered podium with gold leaf inlays depicting a grape vine curling up the side of a wine bottle. "Welcome to the Hole In The Wall," the waiter said formally.

Maxi nearly jumped out of his skin, having not seen the server who camouflaged perfectly into his surroundings. Whoever he was, his pelt was a sheet of pure hazel colored fur with darker spots under his chin and between his eyes. Dressed in a black suit, pinstripe shirt, and deep crimson bow tie, the male nearly vanished against the similarly colored walls. The structure of his face, with the elongated and slim muzzle, contoured yet high cheekbones, and large canine teeth, spoke to his lupine heritage. Though as he leaned over the pedestal to retrieve a pair of menus, the other half of his bloodline was apparent; a pair of long slender ears a foot or more in length stood out from his neatly slicked back black hair. "It's nice to see you again Don," Al responded with a warm smile.

"The feeling is mutual Mr. Nailo," the half-breed replied as he tucked the two menus between his arms. He took a moment to study the wolf before turning his attention over towards the feline, who feared that his presence might come as a bit of a shock. But Don seemed to look him over as if he was just any other patron, as if he didn't notice the lion in his midsts...or didn't care to make a point of it. "Is this your entire party?" he asked, not appearing at all to be bothered by Maxi.

"Yes. A table for two will be just fine, something in the back preferably. As you can see my guest isn't quite...comfortable with his surroundings," he said tactfully. Reaching back, he gave the younger male a reassuring pat on the shoulder, as if to say that everything was going to be okay and to just relax.

"Completely understandable," Don said, trying not to make it obvious that he noticed the lion's stares. Leading them around his station, "Right this way gentlemen," he instructed, with expert precision he navigated the dining floor towards the rear of the building.

"You didn't have to say that, you know..." Maxi whispered under his breath towards his host, a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

"Alas, but he did." Came the reply, but not from Alphonse who responded only by chuckling. Turning around, their server motioned to a small booth located towards the back corner, sliding the menus on the table as if to further indicate this one was theirs. "As surprising as it may be, we actually get a decent number of lions and other high racking felines in here every so often. And I know how they like not to have to look at us wh-"

"It's not that!" Maxi interrupted, "It's not that at all." Taking his seat across from the wolf, who had already sat down and begun perusing the specials, he felt his face flush. "It's just, I've never been here before and I didn't want to be caught...ummm...staring," he admitted, eyes downcast as he began getting a bit hot under the collar.

"Is that all?" Don responded with a smirk, "Well, I'd rather have you watching me then shunning me, to be honest."

"Not that'd bother you either way so long as they tip well, right?" the graying wolf countered.

"You know me too well Mr. Mayor," the other canine quipped. Taking a moment to brush off his jacket, he then turned towards Maxi, cocked his head, and smiled. "Is there anything you'd like to know that'd put you at ease?"

The cat made a small 'eep', his ears flattening against his head. "Are those really your...your ears?" he asked hesitantly.

"Ah, so you've noticed," rolling his eyes at his wit, "Yes, they, in fact, are. And they make it rather easy to hear things I'd other wise be unable to." With that, he gave the lion a knowing look, who blushed even hotter under his tawny fur. "My name's Don, as you've guessed I'm sure. Long story short, my mother's a Doberman and my sire's a long eared hare...the whole predator/prey thing in reverse. Around here my kin and I are referred to as Dobbits. I got my coloring and build from mom of course, but my ears, paws, and love of carrots from my dad. And if that's all you wanted to know?" the cat nodded, "Then I should get back to my post. Someone will be with you shortly."

Once the maître d' was out of hearing range, Maxi turned to face the lupine who was still debating over the menu. "Are they all that nice?" he asked with a shrug was he took his first look at their selection on entrees.

Having decided on his choice, Alphonse placed the closed menu back on the table. "Despite what I'm sure you have been told about us, most half-breeds are decent folks and would be more then willing to integrate back into mainstream society...if, of course, the powers that be let them. But that's not to say everyone around here would shake your paw. A lot of the younger generation, who are here only because of their parents' choices, harbor a grudge against your kind for doing this to them."

"I wouldn't blame them," the feline admitted. With the distractions gone, the feline set about deciding on what to order that would satisfy his hunger. Eyes scanning across their selections of soups, salads, sandwiches, and specials, he finally settled on his choices, closed the menu, and waited for their server to arrive.

They weren't alone for very long till the sound of someone shuffling in their direction caused both males to glance upwards and see a buxom young blond walking up to their table; or more accurately, hopping. She appeared to be maybe twenty at most, her fur a soft silky white that covered her face and arms like freshly fallen snow. Her upper body reminded Maxi of a Persian leopard he had known in high school, sleek and shapely with curves in all the right places. Her long golden tresses trailed behind her like a banner, with flowing bangs that just barely brushed the bridge of her muzzle; uninterrupted save for two triangle ears which peaked atop her head. Brilliant emerald and gold almond shaped eyes sent shivers down his spine, and a pair of breasts that made his pants just a tad tighter. Her lower half however, was not what the lion had anticipated; expecting a pair of fit and trim legs coupled with a bushy tail that wrapped around her delicate waist. Instead, he was surprised to see a much thicker lower body with large powerful bent legs coupled to an almost reptile like tail, only covered in velveteen fabric rather then scales. She was dressed in a tailored white blouse with ornamental buttons down the center, a red bow tie around her neck, and a long black skirt that draped down past mid-calf which would flutter every time she hopped. "So I take it you've noticed," she said with a girlish giggle, completely un-phased by the lion's slack-jawed expression.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly. Shaking his head to break free of his compelling need to gaze, he averted his eyes back down at the closed menu before him. "I didn't mean to stare."

"But you couldn't help it, right?" she asked, as though reading his thoughts. Before he could say anything, he nodded his head in agreement. Catching himself mid act, he only blushed harder and covered his face with his paws, staring out of the slits between his fingers. "It's nothing new to me. Honest, I don't mind it...Heck, I find it kind of flattering to be noticed like that."

"And with an attitude like that, no wonder your Ms. Half-Breed three years running," Alphonse said, having kept quiet up until then as he allowed Maxi to get embarrass himself.

"Hopefully I'll make it four soon," she quipped, "The pageant being two weeks and all."

"Well, I wish you only the best Ms. Cassandra Madison," the wolf said, giving a half seated bow towards their waitress.

"Oh y-yes..." the lion stuttered, fumbling over his words, "I'm sure you'll win. I can't see how anyone could be more stunning then yo- er, I mean...Good luck!" Averting his eyes from hers, he buried his face behind the plastic curtain of his menu. While his face took on the color of a ripe tomato, Maxi didn't see the waitress get a bit of hue on her cheeks as well.

Coughing a bit, as if to shake the tension that had been building around them, she took a small notepad from her waistband. "What can I get you two on this fine afternoon?" their server asked, trying to regain her composure.

"I'll take the garden salad, no olives, with the house dressing; steak, medium rare, with a side of mashed potatoes and mixed greens; a slice of key lime pie for dessert; and a glass of mineral water to drink." Closing his menu, Alphonse politely passed it towards Cassandra.

"Very good Mr. Nailo. And for you sir?" she asked curtly, turning to face the lion who sat shielded behind his menu.

"Oh, umm..." Maxi had blanked on what he was going to order, the sight of Cassandra having wiped his memory completely. Fumbling quickly through the pages, he tried to recapture his previous train of thought. "I guess I'll have the soup of the day, fettuccine alfredo with linguine, a glass of cream soda to drink...and whatever the cocoa catastrophe is." His voice wavered throughout his order like the ebb and flow of the tides, cracking several times as he tried to keep his composure. The lion's paw shook nervously as he handed her the menu.

She took the feline's menu as well, tucking them both under her arm. "Your drinks and first courses will be out shortly," the female informed them before going off to relay their orders to the chef.

Tapping the lion's elbow, the wolf chuckled and motioned with his eyes in the direction that Cassandra had left them. "She's some piece of work that girl, huh?" he said, ending his words with a chuckle.

"Yeah..." the cat replied with a dream like consistency, his words just floating off the tip of his tongue as if they held no weight. Suddenly realizing what he had just said, Maxi sprung upright in his seat and clamped his paws over his muzzle as he searched for words to fill the gap; finally settling on, "Just...what is she?"

"A real unique one, that's for sure." The way he talked, Al appeared almost as proud of her as if she were his own offspring. "Her upper half she got from her mother who was part lynx a-"

"Well, that much I figured," the lion interrupted.

"And part polar bear," he finished. That got the cat's attention, the way his eyes went wide like dinner plates were evidence as much. "That's how she was blessed with such a pure ivory pelt," the wolf explained, "They're called bear-cats, or 'beats' for short."

"And her father was...." leaving the rest of the sentence to be filled in by his gracious host.

"A kangahorn," he said as though he were explaining elementary algebra.

"A what?" Maxi replied, now more confused then ever.

"A kanagahorn is the offspring of a kangaroo and a deer or elk, though in my case...it was a moose. What can I say, my grandmother had big...dreams," Cassandra explained as she butted her way into the conversation. She had a tray in her left paw, and began setting down the plate settings, along with their drinks.

Having been too enthralled in the conversation, Maxi hadn't even heard her approach. Suddenly becoming very self conscious at being caught talking about her behind her back, he tried to busy himself by unfolding his napkin and placing it on his lap just so he wouldn't have to look up at that angelic face. "Oh," he muttered, trying to laugh at her joke as if he had known she was there all along.

Cassandra just smiled as she set down Al's salad and dressing before sliding the lion's soup in front of him, accidentally bumping his paw in the process. "Well, I'm definitely my daddy's little girl, that much I'm sure," she chuckled. Reaching up with her free paw, she brushed aside a few strands of blond hair to reveal a small, but noticeable bump right in the center of her forehead. "The doctors say that it shouldn't get much larger then this since I'm a girl."

"I like it..." the full blooded feline said, as though entranced by her simple gestures; the way she flipped back her bangs, like a sonic wave, nearly knocked him right off of his seat.

"Thanks!" the girl said, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she beamed her radiant smile down on the table, "I like it too."

Picking up his spoon, the lion merely dragged it around the soup bowl's rim, not ready to dig in just yet even though he was sure everyone could hear his stomach grumbling. "So, if your mother was a 'beat', and your father was a kangahorn...what does that make you Cassandra?"

That gave their waiter reason to pause, tilting her head sideways as she tried to figure out that conundrum. "Don't rightfully know," the half-breed admitted, "I guess I'm a...kangacat!" Suddenly excited at her newfound identity, she began repeating the word under her breath, as though testing out the sounds to see if they flowed. "I can't wait to tell everyone now!" she announced as she began to head back towards the kitchen; turning around briefly only to say, "Oh, and you can just call me Cass...everyone else does."

"Cass..." Maxi repeated to himself, rolling the word around in his mouth, savoring its sweet taste.

"So...how's your soup?" the wolf asked, trying to steer the conversation back towards something a bit better suited to his tastes.

"Huh?...Oh," Maxi said, not even realizing he hadn't touched the food set before him. Looking down at the bowl filled with a watery red liquid, he wasn't sure what to expect from his appetizer. Cooling down the first few sips, he found it to a very pleasurable, if a tad watered down, bowl of tomato bisque. "Very good, and your salad?"

"Cool and refreshing, as expected," the lupine said while crunching down on an array of carrots, radishes, and cucumbers. The conversation then delved into the exchange of stories about past dining experiences, both good and bad; about how food can define a species, like how rabbits are mostly vegetarians, those from out west like lots of spice in their meals, and how hard it is to find any decent seafood no matter where you go.

They were just finishing exchanging recipes for each other to try when the familiar sound of Cassandra's footsteps echoed through the restaurant. "And how is everything so far?" she asked, coming to a stop at the table's end with a large platter of food balanced on her forearm.

Pushing the now empty bowl towards the middle of the table, Maxi rested the spoon on the saucer's edge and leaned back in his seat. "Oh, it was fantastic," he said with a gentle purr, opting not to mention that it could've used a bit more spice.

"Delicious as always my dear," the wolf replied, stabbing the few remaining pieces of lettuce with his fork before placing his empty dish atop the lion's. As he swallowed, he tapped the edge of his muzzle with his white napkin before laying it back in his lap as he got ready for the next course.

"Here's everything, as ordered I might add," Cass giggled, putting two fingers against her trembling lips as if to try and halt the laughter. Reaching to her serving platter, the Kangacat placed a large black serving plate in front of the elder canine, followed by a set of special silverware. "Just as you ordered, medium rare with greens and mashed potatoes for your sides," she repeated verbatim from her order pad without even looking.

Steam billowed up from Alphonse's order, a small river of juice rushed down the side of the cut of meat to mix with the gravy from the potatoes and the butter of the vegetables. "It looks superb," the wolf said, making a small incision towards the thicker end to check the redness of his steak, "And just the way I like it."

"And for you..." the girl said, facing the lion who had been gazing at her like one would watch clouds on a summer's day, her movements just as delicate and simple, "One bowl of fettuccine alfredo with a side of garlic bread."

Watching the large white bowl get placed before him, noodles nearly spilling out, his mouth began to water. The creamy white sauce was layered across the top, on which sat a loaf of seasoned bread sliced and neatly arranged around the perimeter. "But I didn't order any garlic bread," the cat protested, fork and knife already in paw.

"It's on the house," Cassandra said as she exchanged the lion's empty bottle of soda for a brand new one, "No charge on that either."

Now, it wasn't that he never got complimentary add-ons to his meals at restaurants, quite to the contrary, when your father is one of the most powerful furrs around one tends to get overwhelmed by free stuff. Nonetheless he was flattered by the gesture of good-will. "Thank you Cass," the cat said, grinning from ear to ear, showing off his pearly whites.

"Cassandra, if I may..." The wolf said, beckoning the waitress to his side of the table. As she leaned in he whispered into her attentive ear, "Some sensitive information will be discussed soon, can you give us a bit of privacy? I'll call you back when it's time for dessert."

"Sure thing Sir," she replied with her usual smile. Straightening up, Cass quickly picked up their empty dishes, putting them back on her tray. Making one last check to see that everything was in place, the marsupial quietly backed away from the table to allow the patrons to dine in peace.

Maxi hadn't even realized that they had been left alone, his face too busy savoring the plate of pasta before him. It was the wolf's purposeful 'ahem' that caught his attention. "There's a reason I took you out here," Al explained as he pushed his vegetables around his plate like a child avoiding his greens, "There are some things I think are better put out in the open now that it seems you'll be staying with us for some time."

The lion hadn't even considered staying with the Nailo family, though now that he determined that he could trust them to a certain extent, he nodded along with the sentence. Taking a bite of a piece of garlic bread and a swig from his soda, he swallowed before talking. "I agree. And I'm all ears," he stated pleasantly.

"Actually, Don's the one who's all ears," the elder lupine joked. The pair scrunched their faces, trying hard not to laugh, but both eventually fell into giggles. Their ears then tipped back as each swore they could hear chuckles resonating from the front of the restaurant. Though the cat found it hard to believe that the dobbit's ears were that powerful; he instead chalked it up to the groans of an old wooden floor. "On a more serious note," Alphonse said, steering the conversation back towards the intended topic, "While I gave you a quick tour of our city's most influential structures, you have yet to meet any true-blooded half-breed resident."

"True...true," Maxi echoed the older male's sentiments as he quickly picked up his fork again and started eating.

"There's something you should know about the majority of the population here Maximillion. They view you and your kind in one of three ways." His eyes remained locked on those of his guest, but his paws were busy making quick work of his steak into small bite-sized pieces.

Placing his elbow on the table, the feline rested his chin atop his knuckles as he continued chewing. "And what would those be, exactly?"

"Well..." the canine said before quickly swallowing a small bite of steak. "Furrs here either want to be you, be with you, or behead you," he flatly replied, his voice lacking any indication of personal preferences.

Maxi's shock was as evident as the muzzle on his face as he stared blankly in Al's direction. "Behead me?" he asked, paw instinctually going up to touch his neck. His fingers tracing small paths across his tawny fur as though searching for that dotted line thatyu read 'cut here'.

"Okay, that's not totally true. Mind you though, I wouldn't put it past some of them to try it." His simmer eyes filled with knowledge left the naïve cat's face, preferring to concentrate on the platter in front of him while he continued to talk. "The fact is, I'm sure you're quite aware by now of what sort of things have been done to us and our kind. So I'm sure it's not too hard to fathom that there are those out there who wish to repay your kinds' intolerance with violence."

"Is that how you feel?" the cat replied after a minute or so of silence as the facts sunk in.

With a deep sigh, the wolf turned to face the darkened panels of wood, where in any other restaurant, a window would reside. "We'll get back to that later."

"...Fine," Maxi muttered. "Well, what about Locke then?" he asked, not ready to let this conversation die just yet, "Which category does he fall into?"

The mayor's face grew stern as he tried to conjure up an answer to the lion's question. "To sum it up best," he said after a minute of thinking and another fork-full, "He's a combination of all three."

The first two Maxi could see being a part of the panther's make-up, but the third one however, had him stumped. "He really wants to hurt me?" he asked, unsure if he'd prefer a 'yes' or 'no'.

"I don't know that he'd be willing to harm you...but on some level, yes." Al replied tactfully.

"But why?" the lion asked. Having forgotten about his pasta for the moment, he slowly brought the bottle of soda to his lips but was hesitant to drink.

"For the same reason that...I do." The wolf appeared ashamed at the admission of guilt; several deep breaths covered the bit of silence between the two.

Maxi had to regain his composure before he talked again, fearing once he opened his mouth he might just scream and run for the door. Nervously, while the lupine was not looking in his direction, he scanned the room for any danger, but found them sitting alone just as before. "You haven't told me that reason yet, remember?" he said slowly, still waiting to be presented with a gun to the face...or something to that extent.

"Touché," he replied with a soft chuckle, but stopped once he saw that the lion wasn't laughing with him. A long sigh, like the echo through a vacant house, cascaded from his muzzle. "Do you want the long version or the short one?"

Thinking it over, the cat watched the wolf shift uncomfortably in his seat as he refused to meet the lion's eyes. On one hand, he just wanted to get it over with and be done with this awkward conversation, but one the other..."It looks like you've wanted to talk to somebody about this, and I've got time," he offered with a small smile.

The gray ears perked at the gesture, and the elder male looked up at the pleasantly mannered feline sitting across from him. Returning the grin with one of his own, he stretched his neck, talking once he heard it crack. "Thank you. Where should I start?"

"At the beginning of course," Maxi replied, reclining in his seat as far as he could, getting ready for story-time.

"Well, it all started about forty years ago, back when I was in my early twenties. I was still living in my mother's apartment at the time. We were in one of the developments in the canine city of Keffiz; though, looking back on it now, they were all slums...we just happened to be in the nicer ones. My mother, Jessica Nailo, was a strong and noble timber wolf who raised me by herself since I was a pup; my father, Sebastian Nailo, passed away from pneumonia when I was seven years old. Because of her connections, an old college buddy of my father's who she had done some accounting for had paid back his debt by giving her son, me, a job."

Fishing from his pocket a small wallet, the wolf flipped through a few grainy photos before passing it across the table and pointing at the two furrs in the portrait. The female wolf was in a large yellow sundress with sunflowers stitched into the fabric and bright white daisies embellishing her hair. The gentleman was dressed in a tapered white suit, matching top hat, and monocle over his left eye. "They're quite the couple," Maxi said, admiring their poses with his paws holding her hips, her tail curled out towards the side, and a warm smile across both muzzles.

"They took this photo on their honeymoon," Alphonse informed before closing the wallet and tucking back into his pocket. "Anyways, the furr she helped happened to be a bull by the name of Armond, who owned, among other things, a very successful restaurant. However, it was located at the border of the feline lands and the neutral territories, where everyone other then canine species lived. And since it was frequented every so often by some of the big cats, if I was to work there, I couldn't be seen. So I was given the job of dishwasher; which wasn't a fantastic job, but it was something. And that, Maximillion, is where my story starts."

"The arrangements weren't so bad looking back on it. I'd leave my mother's apartment late Sunday night, travel to where Armond would pick me up in his van, and take me to the restaurant. I'd stay in the small apartment above the kitchen when I wasn't working. On Saturday mornings he'd drive me back down and drop me off while he resupplied. For someone of my age and...species, it was the best work out there. What money I didn't need to pay for clothes, utilities, rent, and the like, I either gave to my mother or saved away for when I'd need it. But that's where I met her..." Taking a drink of water, the wolf seemed to daze off as he stared at the ripples in his glass.

"Met who?" the lion asked, now more intrigued then ever at the lupine's story.

"The girl of my dreams and who'd later become m-...well, we'll get to that later." Chuckling as he rushed ahead of himself. Maybe, he figured, that if he took his time, things would have a chance to work out and might have a different ending. "Anyways, I had been working there for about six months before I saw her for the first time...and I'll never forget it. It was only a glimpse, but I was transfixed. Through the swinging doors of the kitchen I managed to catch sight of a party of customers coming in. A large male panther stood at the front of the line dressed in a tapered suit and hat, behind him was his wife who was dripping with diamonds, and behind her was their daughter who looked to be no older then I was. She was in a blue gown and looked like she had just stepped out of a fairytale. I didn't have much time to look before one of the cooks ushered me outside to start cleaning the grease trap."

"I didn't get to see them leave that night," the wolf admitted as he dreamily looked on at the boy ahead of them, "But she was in my head the entire night. It took another two weeks before I saw her again, but this time I got a much closer look. I was in the back alley throwing the trash into the dumpster when she came around the corner behind me. I didn't notice her till I turned around to get the second bag, whereupon I saw her leaning up against the wall, an unlit cigarette hanging out of the corner of her mouth. I must have looked disgusted with my slack-jawed expressed because she turned to me and said 'I just needed to escape my parents for a few minutes.' I thought she was the most gorgeous creature ever to walk the face of the earth in her white slacks and tailored jacket, a large red bow tied neatly around her neck. I wanted to say something in response, but I couldn't; my mouth felt like I had just ate a bag of sand. When I tried to talk, I did the most embarrassing thing I've ever done..."

Brimming with anticipation and a muzzle full of garlic bread, "What did you do?" he said, sending crumbs flying across the table.

"Well..." Al said, stifling a flood of giggles, "as I reached down for the other garbage bag, I must've stepped in something, because I slipped and fell over it and into a large puddle."

"Oh no!" the lion snickered, "What happened after that?"

"Turns out, she had seen everything. So there I was, soaking wet from head to toe, with garbage all over me, lying at the feet of this mysterious girl who I had a huge crush on...and all I could do was whimper pitifully. I then began to hear her laughter, a soft girlish giggle with a hint of feminine sophistication. Well, needless to say, my cheeks burned bright red. I figured I had just blown my chance. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die at that moment. Though much to my surprise, I heard soft, delicate footsteps approach. I closed my eyes, expecting a sift kick in my rear or a few insults thrown my way as was the customary way of treating dogs at that time...and still is. But much to my surprise, she kneeled down in front of me just as I lifted my head from the puddle and for the first time our eyes met. Holding back her chuckles, she reached into her purse and handed me a small handkerchief. 'Here you go," she said, 'I know it isn't much.' It was at that time that her father came around the corner looking for her."

Maxi washed down his mouthful of pasta with a swig from his soda. "What did he do when he saw you two like that?" he asked, racing ahead of the storyteller.

"Oh boy, you should have seen him; his eyes went from green to red just as my stomach dropped into my knees. 'Calypso!' he screamed at the top of his lungs, 'What is the meaning of this...this...interaction?'. I was so sure I was about to die, my life actually flashed before my eyes. But she was calm and collected; I watched her stand up, brush dirt from her sleeves, and stroll towards him. 'Please daddy, calm down...' she said with big kitten eyes as she gently took him by the paw. 'The street urchin merely dove into that puddle to retrieve my lace handkerchief for me' she cooed. I remember him eyeing her suspiciously before glaring back at me still lying prone on the floor. 'It has been soiled by his unclean paws' he said before turning to leave, 'Let him keep it. I'll buy you a new one in the morning'. 'Oh thank you daddy!' she cried, hugging his arm. But once he had his back to me, she looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. It wasn't a smile of distain, but one of friendship."

"She really saved your life, huh?" the lion chimed in as he reclined in his chair.

"You have no idea," the wolf chuckled. "After that, we became friends believe it or not. She'd come with her family about twice a month to the restaurant, and every time like clockwork, she'd take a smoking break in the alley. I'd be outside waiting for her. Each of us leaned against opposite walls facing each other; we'd just shoot the breeze about whatever was on our mind. Now, if you thought that being friends with a cat is bad these days...back then, I could be killed for just setting foot outside of my lands."

"So why did you guys do it if it was illegal?" Maxi asked.

Shrugging his shoulders, the lupine finished off his vegetables as he took a breather from his story. "Probably for the same reason you've been doing it," Alphonse countered, "Because it was taboo." Closing his eyes, he could vividly see it all again in his minds eye; the way she leaned against the brick wall, one foot on the ground, the other pressed against the bricks behind her, her paws holding the unlit cig against her lips as she pretended to take a drag and blow smoke rings. "It was almost six months after our initial meeting that anything progressed to beyond just talking. All that time, we were always on opposite walls, but that night things changed...she moved next to me. For the first time, I was able to truly look into her face. It may not seem like much now, but at that time, for me, my heart was beating a-mile-a-minute."

"I can imagine..." the feline said, thinking back to that night in the hotel with Jason...and then it was gone, pushed from his memory like bad dream; "But please, continue."

"Anyways...it was at that moment that I found myself really falling in love with Calypso. Maybe it was her beauty, or that she was forbidden fruit, but I blame her ability to talk to me as an equal rather then a second-class-citizen." Taking a deep breath, the wolf rubbed his temples, recalling all of this was giving him a slight migraine. "After another three months of being on the same wall, one night, after having dwelled on the thought for weeks and fretted over the question, I told her how I felt. I told her how much I admired her and trusted her, about how stunning and gorgeous she was, and about how much I loved her. And her first response was, much to my surprise, laughter."

Maxi's eyes went as wide as dinner plates. "Really? After you had poured your heart out to her like that, she just laughed at you?"

"Yep," Al said with a strange sort of pride, "You can imagine how stupid and foolish I felt at that moment."

Once again, thoughts about Jason plagued his mind. His confessions, both at the hotel and in front of P.O.O.D.L.E. headquarters forced their way into his thoughts before he managed to shut them out. "I can empathize..." the lion said softly.

"I was about to head back inside when she caught me by my shoulder, her fingers gently squeezing me to stop, and when she spoke her words were like whispering mists. 'Alphonse...' she said, 'did you really think I've standing out here pretending to smoke for the fun of it? At first it was just to get away from my parents, I'll admit. But you're the first furr to talk to me as a person, and not just some future trophy wife to be won or statue to be merely looked at.' I asked her what she was talking about, if she knew what she was admitting to. I reminded her that I'm just a lowly dog, a dishwasher with nothing to his name...and that she was Calypso Troy, her father was Julian Troy, and she had the world at her fingertips. Her response was...to kiss me."

"Just like that?" the boy asked, astonished.

"Just like that," the elder canine echoed. "Before I knew it, she was sneaking out of her parents' house, and with the help of her chauffer/nanny, we were meeting in secret. This arrangement went on for over five years before her father began to catch on and we had a decision to make: do we continue on with the relationship and go public, or do we cut our losses and part ways?"

"What did you do?" Maxi asked quickly, begging for answers.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked, watching the lion shake his head no, "We picked number one. Suffice to say, her father was not too thrilled at the prospect of his only daughter dating a wolf, of all things. The night ended with her confined to her room in tears, and me on the foyer floor with a broken nose. I remember him standing above me, wiping his paw of my blood with his handkerchief before he threw it at my feet. 'I have a proposition for you,' he had said, his words sent chills up my spine, 'A deal if you will.' I didn't want to hear it, but I was in no position to argue, so I played along and asked what it was. Reaching into the breast pocket of jacket, what I had taken to be a pistol previously, he drew forth a checkbook and flipped it open. 'I'm willing to give you enough money to set you up for life, just name your price, but in exchange, you must promise to never see my daughter again.' With his free paw, he held a pen against the pad, ready to write whatever I said."

"He really offered you a blank check like that?" Maxi asked, getting a stern nod in return.

"Yeah, and I told him to stick it where the sun don't shine. Granted, I used much more colorful language," the wolf chuckled, "but I think you get my drift."

"Yikes!" the cat laughed, "I bet that didn't go over to well."

"Got me a one year in jail," Alphonse said with youthful vigor. Switching to a more serious note, his tone dropped from warm to chilly. "He said it would give me time to get my 'priorities' in order..."

Maxi could see the subtle hint. "And by that, he meant..."

"He meant, that this was only the beginning if I didn't leave Calypso alone." The wolf was blunt, there was no need to mince words; both males knew firsthand the lengths that fathers would go for the sake of their families. "That didn't stop us from seeing each other, though it did lead to several more prison terms. Eventually, after an unprecedented two and a half month stint in a maximum-security facility for trespassing, we made our second biggest decision. On our ten year anniversary...we ran away together."

"Where'd you end up going?" the lion asked.

"To the only place I could trust, back into my mother's apartment in Keffiz. Admittedly, she wasn't too happy at having her now thirty-something son living with her again...nor that he had brought a feline along with him. Granted, she was upset, but it was more out of concern for my safety then anything else. Calypso wasn't too excited with the arrangement either; she was forbidden from setting foot outside during the day for the fear that she'd be recognized, and we'd be caught. As a result, she became very quiet during that time. But still she managed to find joy; learning how to cook from my mother was her favorite, as well as sewing, cleaning, and even a bit of gardening in the community field at night. We managed to survive there for two years before deciding that our best bet was to come here to HBT, where we could at least go out into public together without having to worry about retribution."

"We didn't have much stuff, so moving was easy. We set ourselves up in the west tower of the CRC. It wasn't very big, but we were together, and we made do. Being so close to the government, we managed to get jobs there; she manned the phones as a secretary and I quickly rose through the office ranks. Two years later I had my name on the ballot, and against everyone's predictions...including my own, I ended up winning the mayoral race. A few weeks later I got another surprise...Calypso was pregnant and I was about to be a father." Beaming with pride, Alphonse once again produced his wallet, flipping to another picture before handing it over to the lion.

Looking down, Maxi saw the panther, her hair held back in a white knit cap, dressed in a pastel floral nightie; and in her arms, wrapped tightly in a baby blue blanket, was Locke only a few hours old. His eyes had opened and were the same intense green as his mother's. She was all smiles as the feline held her child against her chest, paws gently scratching under her baby boy's chin. "He looks just like her," he said softly before handing it back to the wolf; who rubbed the picture affectionately between his fingers.

"They told me that he has one of the most normal looking half-breeds they've ever seen; that if he could just hide my wolven ears, he could pass as a panther to the untrained eye and nose. That he...could lead a life of luxury with his mother." The sadness in the old wolf's voice was obvious as he recounted the decade's old conversation.

The lion dragged the end of his garlic bread around the rim of his bowl, soaking up the remaining sauce before eating it. As he washed down the last of his meal with another swig of soda, he pushed the bowl to the center of the table to signal he was done. "How'd she feel about the idea?" Maxi asked, tapping his lips with his napkin.

"She wasn't thrilled. But we agreed that we had a while to think on things, and that we should concentrate on just being new parents. After a couple years though, when Locke was about ten, we decided to revisit the issue again. We decided the plan was to send Calypso to her parents first as a way of clearing the air so Locke and I could join later."

"How'd that go over?" the feline asked. A sudden buzz around his right ear caused him to twitch it slightly, ridding himself of the pesky fly.

"Not too well I'm afraid," Al said after a long sigh. His once vibrant yellow eyes drooped closed as he pushed his plate away from him. Loosing his appetite, he stared longingly at his glass of water as if it held the future he sought. "Turns out her parents were less forgiving then we had thought, had her arrested for fraternizing with a canine the moment she stepped into their house. Seems their plan was to simply lay in wait for us to resurface so they could capture all of us. Luckily...or maybe not...they only caught her."

"That's horrible..." the boy replied; knowing that it wasn't uncommon for such a maneuver to be employed in the reacquisition of one's rebellious offspring.

Shaking his head slowly, paw rising to shield his forehead as he rubbed his eyes with his other. "It gets worse...trust me. They, in-turn, used her as bait to get Locke and me to come out of hiding. Eventually, after a week of waiting for her release, I got news that they were planning a public hearing. I knew what that meant, and I couldn't just sit idly by while it happened. So I packed up a few things along with my son and hitched a ride with a traveling merchant up to where it was being held. Arriving under the cover of darkness, I stayed with a friend till morning, all the while avoiding Locke's persistent questions. I couldn't sleep that night, and the morning was spent getting ready so I could at least be there. I wore a giant brown robe so that no one could see my face...or species; but since my son wouldn't look out of place, I tied a simple red bandanna around his forehead so as to hide his ears. But at least his feline scent was powerful enough to camouflage mine."

"They had set up a large platform in the center of the town, a huge wooden structure positioned right behind the central marble bell tower. There was a crowd of several hundred furrs surrounding it on all sides it seemed, Locke and I just stayed on the fringes of the mob. On the top were five wooden chairs; in the middle was Calypso, on her left was her father and mother, to her right was a priest and some elected government official I didn't know. He gets up and starts spewing this foul garbage about her...about our life and our son...about how half-breeds were destroying their way of live. By the end of his speech, he had the entire crowd in an uproar and eating right out of his paw. Pointing at my wife, he made some obscene rationalization about how she was the source of all of this trouble, and that this will send a message that they mean business."

"Oh no..." Maxi said under his breath. Whitney's words from earlier in the week came ringing back into his head, "They didn't..."

"They did..." Alphonse admitted, his voice cracking as he was forced to take a drink of water to swallow his emotions. "She was dressed in a long black gown that melded with her fur perfectly as she was made to stand up and make her way to the center of the platform; much to the booing scorns of everyone in the crowd. She had her paws tied behind her back with a thick rope as they dropped a noose from the rafters above her head and gently placed it around her neck before tightening it. She stared down at her feet, knowing her fate was sealed. Though, the appearance of her father beside her made her look up questioningly. 'I'll give you one last chance,' he said, fingers gently pulling at his suit's collar, 'Just tell me where your husband is and we can release you and put this all behind us.' But she just shook her head. 'Is he really worth your loyalty Calypso? You can have other lovers...you can have anyone else...just don't make me do this.' And much to my surprise, in his voice, I thought I could detect some regret."

"Her normally passive eyes swelled with anger as she stood there looking up at him. 'No one's forcing you to do this father,' spitting out the final word. That seemed to be the final say on the matter as the large panther just sighed. 'Well, you get one last request Miss, any ideas?' he asked stiffly. 'It's Mrs.' She replied curtly, 'but I suppose my final request was that, if you really loved me, you'd let me go.' Shaking his head, Julian Troy backed away from his daughter, 'then there's nothing I can do.' With that, the executioner moved over to her and slipped a black lace veil across her face before taking his spot next to the lever on the opposite of the platform; a black mask covering his face at all times. The priest on the other hand began to mutter prayers, and I knew it was all coming to a close."

"For a brief moment, when she looked up for the last time, her eyes met mine and she recognized me. I could see tears falling down her ebony cheeks; I didn't even realize my own face was wet. My eyes pleaded with her, begging her to tell them about me, that she should sacrifice me rather then herself...that her son needed her. I wanted to scream, to run to her side, to save her...but I knew I'd be killed in seconds and leave our son as an orphan; making her sacrifice in vain. Still, I couldn't take my eyes off of her face, committing every feature to memory knowing that this would be the last time I'd see her alive. I don't know if she noticed whether or not Locke was there, maybe she was just too scared to meet his gaze. Turning to face her father, she said something that seemed to make the big cat stiffen with fright seconds before the executioner pulled his lever. Everyone watched him turn around moments too late to stop it and a second too late to late to respond as she vanished through the trap door in the floor and the rope went taught."

By this time, the older lupine's face was tearing and he was constantly sniffling. His fingers were busy rubbing his temples and wiping his eyes clear of moisture. Al had a few dry heaves as he tried to hold it all together if only to get through the rest of his story. "I didn't take my eyes off of her even knowing what would happen...I couldn't...I'd dishonor her if I did. Locke on the other hand, I huddled against my body, shielding his eyes from the sight of his mother and his ears from the sounds of cheering; he didn't need to experience that, she'd understand. I don't remember walking away, or the trip home, the next thing I knew I was back in my office signing papers on redevelopment blueprints and budget plans. There's one thing I do remember though, it was when the executioner, a lion, removed his mask as moved to go check on the prisoner's passing; I saw his face, and will remember the way he looked at my wife, the love of my life, but it wasn't until a few weeks later when I saw his face in the daily paper that I could put a name to that face...Nathaniel Cordero."

"No...No no no no no no...that can't be." Maxi was horrified, his body trembling at the thought that his father had been the one to pull the lever. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Alphonse...I never knew. If I knew I could've...I could've..."

"You could've done what?" he replied softly, "It was ten years ago, and you were only what, seven? There's nothing you could've done. This was before he rose up the ranks of the corporate ladder and became the cat you know today. And it was in that same story that I learned of Julian Troy's suicide." The wolf said slowly, his eyes still misty as he rubbed his nose on the back of his napkin.

"What did my father have to do with that?" the lion asked as he leaned across the table, his fingers drumming against the tabletop.

"If I can remember correctly, I seemed that with no sons and his only daughter dead, Nathaniel managed to convince the board that he should be named the company's active president." Reaching out, the wolf gently took the tawny colored paw between his own, "I don't think he did anything worse then just take advantage of an opportunity he saw. You have nothing to apologize for Maximillion, I don't blame you for what happened to my precious Calypso."

"I just feel so...guilty," he said, comfortingly squeezing it before getting a reciprocal gesture. The two exchanged hesitant smiles as they released each other and reclined in their respective chairs. "I'd hate me too if I had to go through that sort of thing, I don't blame Locke."

Nodding slowly, Alphonse pressed a small button on the side of the table, sending the call to summon their waitress. "Locke doesn't hate you..." he admitted, "but...I'd be grateful if you didn't tell them that I told you all of this...It's still a sore spot for him you must understand."

Maxi didn't get a chance to respond before the sound of someone's large footsteps caught his attention. Turning to face the source of the noise, he was delighted to see Cassandra's form come hopping down the hallway towards their table. Her blond hair rippling behind her as she moved towards them, giving a slight bow once she arrived. "You called?" the kanga-cat asked, a cheeky smile as she stood at attention before them.

"Yes, I did" The lupine said, whipping last bit of residue from his eyes. "We've had quite the little talk, and I was hoping that we could end on a bit of a sweet note. I'd appreciate it if you could bring out desert."

"Oh, right away sir," she said quickly before turning to rush off towards the kitchen. Less then a minute later she was back with a plate in each paw. Setting the wolf's order before him, a large piece of neon green pie with a mountain of whipped cream atop, and dusted with pecans. On Maxi's plate was a large, double chocolate, brownie sitting atop a scoop of mocha chip ice cream, drizzled with chocolate syrup mixed and swirls of hot fudge; and if they couldn't pack any more sugar on, chocolate chips and sprinkles littered the dish. "Is there anything else I can get you two?"

Taking his first bite, chocolate dribbled down his chin as he struggled to suppress his gag reflex while trying to swallow such a decadent desert. "A glass of milk might be nice," the feline said a moment later after he managed to down his forkful.

"Make that two glasses, if you don't mind," Al chimed in, having just had the first bite of his dessert and discovering it was a bit too rich for his tastes.

"Two frothy glasses of milk coming up right away," Cass announced. Skipping back down the hall, she couldn't help but whistle a small tune as she went.

The song seemed to entrance the lion as he sat, watching the half-breed leave, with eyes fixated on the back of her head and running the length of her well toned body. It was only the gentle coaxing cough of the wolf that drew his attention from the girl. "Sorry sir."

"Nothing to be sorry about," he said with a good-natured grin. "Now," he continued, "I'll be dropping you off at the house. I have a feeling that I'll be needed at my office soon."

"Actually," the lion chimed in, "I was wondering if I could tag along." The wolf opened his maw to respond, but at that moment Cassandra had returned bearing two large pint glasses of foamy milk. Looking up at her, Maxi couldn't help but blush and scoot over, offering her a bit of his seat. "I couldn't possibly eat this whole thing by my lonesome Miss Cassandra, and I was hoping you'd join me."

Watching the waitress think it over briefly, she seemed please to accept the offer as she sat down, took a spare fork from the table next to them, and began to join the lion in savoring the food. "We'll see what we can do..." Alphonse said slowly, watching the two avoid each other's shy looks and touches.

* * *

The front door to the Nailo household opened as a lanky figure clad in jeans, a baggy blue t-shirt, and a red bandanna entered. "Thanks for the ride Davy," he screamed out, waving to his friend as he pulled away from the curb before slowly closing the door behind him. Slinging his backpack to the floor, Locke stretched until he heard his back pop before moving into his darkened house. "Anybody home?" he yelled; getting no response, took a seat on the brown suede sofa and kicked his shoes onto the coffee table.

The panther/wolf half-breed could already envision his father's booming voice; "No feet on the furniture," he mocked. Scooting down on the sofa, he gently laid his head against one of the pillows, the beige tassel resting atop his forehead much to his displeasure. He was used to coming home to an empty house by now, his father always at the office. It bothered him, but he tried not to hold it against his dad. It was only then that he realized that a vacant house also meant no houseguest. Sitting upright, he glanced behind him before slowly stalking his way into the kitchen. Had Maxi really left, he wondered, seeing the kitchen as empty as the rest of the house. Had he bolted after breakfast? Did his dad know their guest was gone? He was about to grab his jacket and set out on his motorcycle looking for him, but he realized that if Maxi wanted to leave, as much as it pained him, he had to let him.

Heaving a deep sigh, he began to rummage through the cupboards and fridge looking for something to calm his nerves and take his mind off the lion. Locke found his salvation in an unopened bag of BBQ potato chips. Clutching his bounty against his chest as if it were priceless treasure, he hurriedly ran back through the living room and up the staircase whereupon he burst into his room. Flinging the bag onto his bed, he slammed the door shut and followed after his snack. The metallic screeching of the bag as it opened was like a symphony to him, the sound of the crunch between his fingers was like an autumn day, and the taste of the first chip reminded him of a summer's picnic...to say the boy was hungry would be like saying the ocean is damp.

After about half the bag had been eaten, Locke lowered it to the floor next to his bead before rolling over to look up at the ceiling and walls. His 'Gallery' he used to call it, all the pictures of the boy he idolized to be, and to be with staring down at him from their lofty positions above him. He used to tell himself that they watched over him as he slept each night, but now, he was content just to study them. He felt immersed in the lion's presence the longer he remained there, staying till the point that he could almost feel the feline's ghostly touch against his skin. It was at that moment that the familiar sensation of his body telling him to use the bathroom dawned on the boy.

Slipping from atop his covers, Locke made his way out of his room without tripping over any of the junk strewn across the floor, and managed to get into the bathroom. "My god, it's a mess in here," he exclaimed. The room was quite the sauna since the closed door trapped the hot air inside, making the wet misty steam of an earlier shower stick to the panther's fur. Kicking a towel from his path, he made short work of his bladder and felt instantly better. "Dad never leaves a mess like this," he mumbled to himself; a thought suddenly dawned on him, he was right, his father always left this place immaculate after he bathed. That means it wasn't his father who had taken the last shower, and the only other one here besides them two was...Maxi.

Before he could stop himself, the panther had scooped up the discarded towel and was pressing it tightly against his face. The moist steam had kept it warm and soft, the lion's scent still lingering in the cloth. "It smells...just like him," Locke said positively giddy with his newest discovery. Once he flushed the toilet, he bolted from the room carrying his newest treasure back to his room. Even if the cat had left, at least he left behind a bit of himself for the panther to enjoy. Flopping onto his bed stomach first, he wrapped the warm fabric around his muzzle and began to take in deep whiffs of the feline's own personal musk. Before he knew it, his pants shrunk two sizes to small as his crotch felt like it was being smothered in his jeans. Reaching a black paw under his waistband, he did his best to readjust himself and gain some more room.

It was a temporary relief at best, the panther squirming as his raging hard-on was pressed between his body and the mattress. "Oh fuck..." he hissed under his breath as he felt the tip of his malehood rub against the elastic rim of his boxers, sending waves of feelings rushing through him. Arching his back up, his pelvis pushed harder into his bedding, which in turn made him twitch involuntarily. "I can't take this anymore," Locke announced as he flipped onto his back, staring once again up at his collage above him. Fiddling with his belt, he made short work of the buckle and slipped the strip of cloth from around his waist, tossing it to the floor.

"It's a start," he muttered. His fingers got busy undoing the fly on his jeans, and seconds later, he was shimmying his pants down to his ankles. His severely tented white boxers were in stark contrast to his black fur, the soft silk material gliding effortlessly over the back of his paws and he moved them underneath the hem. Locke didn't need to see his cock to know that he was mostly out of his black sheath, the pads on his fingers taking a loose hold on his sensitive skin. A low moan hinged on his lips as he began to gently stroke himself as he became immersed in his fantasies of Maximillion Cordero.

Closing his emerald eyes, he could picture the cat's face before him, his toothy grin looking down at him. Using his feet to push himself off the bed, he pushed his boxers from around his hips and down to his ankles to join his pants. Now naked from the waist down, he opened his eyes to watch his paws move in experienced motions up and down his crimson shaft. From tip to base, he had once measured himself at around a hefty eight and a half inches; his 'enhancements' tacking on an additional two inches. He thought he had always been normal, but after looking at some porn on the Internet, it had alerted him that not all furrs were as specially endowed as he was. It seems that unlike him, cats have barbs and dogs have knots...while he had been gifted with both.

The tip of his claw flicked over one of the rounded nubs atop the head of his cock, sending an immense wave of pleasure rushing through him. "God yes..." he purred, bucking his hips against his paw as the other took a firm hold on his growing knot and give it a squeeze. Due to the uncertainty of when someone might come home and find him like this, the panther had to move quickly in his quest for a climax. Tugging the bulge of flesh up towards the ceiling made the wolf/panther mix clench his jaw, his large fangs parting only to let his moans escape as he continued to paw off.

His thoughts fluttered back to the time he had spent with the lion at his father's cabin. When he had found Maxi trussed up like thanksgiving dinner in one of the holding cells, completely naked and in a desperate need to be rescued. He remembered thinking that here this creature was, humiliated and degraded beyond words by his own family, and still, he looked as majestic as he had in his dreams. Locke still remembered the way the lion had looked at him that first time, the way his heart had skipped a beat to see those golden orbs so full of pain and misery. But what got him even more excited was how he had been allowed to actually touch the boy of his wet dreams; to gently cup the tawny furred sheath and balls that concealed the lion's pride. For when he held the cat's royal rod between his paws, his fingers caressing the true barbs atop the scepter, he could feel this creature's true power.

Finally opening his eyes, Locke was surprised to see how close he was to shooting his load already. His knot had swelled to its full girth at slightly over three inches. His paws needed no instructions as the panther slowly spread his legs so that his fingers could gently fondle his black velveteen sac. His other paw released his crimson shaft for a moment to instead take hold of his shirt's hem, pulling it up towards the collar to reveal his sculpted abs and defined chest. Looking out over the contours of his body, he watched his paws stroking the bright crimson spire that rose from his crotch. Small translucent beads of pre clung to each of the barbs atop the panther's cock, leaving trails of fluid as they dribbled down the length of the shaft.

Arching his back, the boy could feel the familiar churning sensations in his balls, as they got ready to release his cat-cream. A hissing purr left his lips as he continued to paw off, his body tingling, toes curling, whiskers vibrating. As he felt the finale come upon him, he reached down with his right paw to pick up the towel where he had left it. Pushing the cloth against his face, he took in a deep whiff of the lion's sweet, musky scent into his lungs. "Take me Maxi!" he screamed, "Breed me like a lioness!" His free hand sliding down under his sac and quickly inserting a finger under his tail. Locke growled as he felt his cum boiling in his balls before spewing out of his cock in large white ropes. With his head still submerged in the scents of the towel, he bucked against nothing but warm air as till the quivering sensation in his shaft came to a pleasurable decent.

Opening his eyes, he saw stars from his overwhelming orgasm. Taking the stained towel off his face, he held it loosely under his chin as he looked down towards his body. His once perfectly ebony fur was now dotted with white lines and drops of his special sauce, the sticky ivory fluid clinging to his chest as he took in deep breaths of fresh air. "What do I do now?" he panted, tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle as his breathing slowly returned to normal. He didn't want to move very much and risk getting his bed sticky with seed, but he couldn't wait too long since it would dry and be even harder to remove. Taking the towel from under his chin, he used the edges to gently wipe up his messy release, dabbing the last few spots to make sure he got it all.

Locke took one last long sniff of the towel, his softening member stirring for a brief second before settling down again. He hid the towel between the wall and bed from any prying eyes. Sitting up, he quickly unlaced his sneakers and dropped them at the foot of his bed, followed shortly by his socks, pants, and boxers. Now clad only in his shirt, the wolf-cat fluffed the crimson tip of his cock back into its furry sheath before rolling over and pulling the blankets up to his neck to catch a quick nap before someone came home.

* * *

It was nearing eleven at night by the time that Al and Maxi got home from the office, both tapped dry of energy. Having gotten let off at the front door, the lion watched the wolf pull around back to drop the car off in the garage. Stepping through the front door, he opted to head upstairs for some privacy and thought. With the lupine's class notes tucked under his arm, he climbed the stairs just in time to see the panther emerge from his room dressed in a blue t-shirt and jeans. "Locke..." he said slowly, unsure how to react to the boy's presence as he approached them.

"Oh, you're home?" he replied, rubbing sleep from his green eyes as he turned to face his houseguest. He did his best to hide his surprise that the lion hadn't left him after all as he had thought. "I thought I heard the garage door opening."

"I was with your father," the lion replied softly, averting his eyes as he continued walking towards the guest room at the back of the hall. Before he knew it, the two boys were standing shoulder to shoulder, neither looking at the other, but rather at the floor in front of them. "I want to talk to you tomorrow," he instructed, pausing for a moment next to Locke so that his words could sink in.

He nodded slightly, remaining unmoving even after the lion continued on past him. "I understand..." he muttered under his breath before he too continued on forewords. Once he reached the steps, he started descending them, looking back only once his eyes could just see over the horizon of the wooden floor; watching the lion not take a single glance backwards before he stepped into his room and closed the door. "Goodnight Maximillion."

Once in his room, Maxi slipped out of his shoes and socks, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. Laying the papers out before him, the lion began the arduous task of studying the wolf's notes to learn as much as he could about half-breeds and their community. Before he knew it, the clock read a quarter to three; and he was only halfway through his notes. Opening his muzzle to yawn, his tongue curling back, he gently piled the papers onto the nightstand before turning out the bedside lamp. He scooted under the warm down covers, closing his eyes in preparations. But after spending a good ten minutes trying to find a comfortable position, he got nowhere.

Sitting up, he decided a glass of water was what he needed, and slowly slid from his sheets in pursuit. Unlocking his door, Maxi stepped out into the hallway and headed for the bathroom. Half way there he was surprised to see the bathroom door open and Locke step into the hall, dressed in what appeared to be what he was wearing earlier. "I uhhh...couldn't sleep," the lion said, feeling compelled to explain his presence, "I figured that maybe a glass of water might...umm...help."

The panther/wolf turned to face the larger cat, his paw already on the doorknob to his room. "Well, it's all ready for you," he said, turning the knob, "I made sure to keep it clean." With a heavy breath, he opened his door, the light spilling out into the hall to illuminate both boys, and prepared to enter.

"Please, wait!" the feline cried. Not realizing that he had sprinted the distance that separated them, he caught the black furred male by the wrist. Once he felt the other boy halt moving, he slowly loosened his grip. "Locke..." he said softly, "I...I just wanted to say th-thank you...for saving my life, back there. An-And...I'm sorry for getting so angry at you in the car."

Those words made the half-breed stop and take notice, his face softening as he looked into the lion's golden eyes and bushy mane. "No, it's me who should be apologizing...I shouldn't have lied to you about who I was. I don't blame you for reacting the way you did."

"Then, I forgive you Locke..." Maxi said, the light revealing a soft blush on his tawny cheeks.

"I forgive you too Maxi," Locke replied, his ebony cheeks coloring as well. Slowly, the panther managed to slide the lion's grip from holding his wrist to clutching his paw; both boys seemed a bit flustered at the new position. Hesitantly, the panther gave his paw a soft squeeze, and was quite surprised when he felt a tender squeeze back.

"Well...goodnight!" the lion said abruptly. Suddenly overcame by fear, the lion quickly released the other's paw and turned his back on him. His heart was racing a mile a minute as he sped back to his room, eyes downcast to the floor the entire time. When he was almost to his room, he heard the sounds of retreating footsteps and a door closing; he was alone once again. As Maxi reached the vacant guest room, his eyes scanning the dark interior, sadness began to overpower his fears. As much as he loved the soft bed, sleeping alone again wasn't something he wanted to repeat.

Puffing out his chest, he pushed himself out of the doorway to begin the walk back down the hallway towards Locke's room. As he stood in front of the door, he saw that the lights were off, and there was only silence from inside. Reaching for the handle, his legs became weak, his arm wavered, and he had his second panic attack of the night. Giving into the fear again, he retreated into the bathroom, not even bothering to turn on the light as he leaned against the door once it had closed.

Shivers ran up his spine as he took in small rapid breaths. Closing his eyes, Maxi tried to meditate; slowing his breathing to achieve an inner calm. He was a lion, he reminded himself, and lions weren't afraid of anything...not even themselves. Once he collected himself, he opened the door and strolled proudly, if not a bit hesitantly, towards his host's door. Raising his paw, he gently knocked against the wood to announce his presence, "Locke..." he said through the door. Getting no answer, he reached for the knob; surprised to find it unlocked, he gently pushed it open and peered inside. "Locke..." he repeated.

"What is it?" a voice said from the back corner where the boy's bed was.

Rubbing his arm out of nervous habit, the lion pushed the door open farther till his entire body could be seen outlined in a pale light. "There's umm...a-a draft in my room. And uhh...I was wondering...perhaps, if could I sleep in your room?" his voice cracking as he foot traced small circles on the floor.

In the darkness, the lion saw a black shape move on the bed to look at him. "Yeah, sure..." Locke said, fumbling under the covers, "Just let me clear some floor space, and you can take my bed."

"Actually..." Maxi said, taking another step into the room and shutting the door behind him, "I was hoping you'd just move over and...umm, we could share it. I wouldn't feel comfortable kicking you out of your bed."

There were a few seconds of silent disbelief as the panther tried to comprehend just what he had heard. "Uhh...yeah, sure, we can share it. No problem. Just let me umm...find a shirt," he said, paws feeling around in the darkness for the cloth.

"Don't bother," the lion said accidentally, his muzzle saying thoughts he had not intended to leave his head. Fumbling for a reason, he stuttered his way though his words, "What I...umm, mean is that with both of us here...it might get a little hot and all." His words not coming out exactly as he had intended, he was thankful that the darkness hid his crimson complexion.

"S-Sure," Locke replied as he sat up and watched the dimly outlined figure slowly approach him. "Here, just let me make room..." the panther said, sliding closer towards the wall, giving the lion more then half of his bed.

"Th-Thanks," Maxi said as he made his way across the darkened floor, his bare paws picking a careful path through the clutter. Arriving at the bed, he felt around for a second before slowly sitting down on the tired mattress. "I hope you don't mind if I take my shirt off," he asked softly, fingers already lifting the hem up across his chest.

Shaking his head, the half-breed just watched the vision of beauty undress before him: "No, not at all..." he replied in a daze as he heard the sound of cloth falling to the floor.

Slowly the covers were lifted, and Maxi slipped under the blankets. Locke followed suit, both boys trying to get comfortable with the new sleeping arrangements without infringing on the other's personal space. They ended up lying on their backs, staring up at the ceiling, breathing in long and hesitant breaths. The lion was the first to break the silence; "Hey," he said slowly, "thanks again for taking me in." his eyes never straying from the collage of pictures above him.

"It was no problem...honest," the panther said, remaining perfectly still for fear that any movement would make him touch the guy of his dreams; and the last thing he wanted to do was scare him off. After a few minutes of silence and heavy breathing, he felt something lightly brush over his right arm. Thinking it was just a mistake, he ignored the feeling...that is, until it happened again. The hairs on his arm stood at attention as something warm and furry slowly ran along the back of his paw, before hesitantly trying to clutch his fingers. Realizing that the move was intentional, the panther blushed as he unclenched his fist and told hold of the offered paw.

Still facing upwards, neither able to look at the other, both felt the electricity in the air as they took each other's paw in their own. Their warm pads felt the strange sensations of touching another living creature. As they got used to it, their fingers slowly became intertwined, and they were gently exchanging soft squeezes. "Wow..." Maxi whispered, the word floating effortlessly from his lips as he felt his entire body surge with a tingling sensation.

Turning to his side to face the lion, Locke swallowed hard before he spoke. "Maximillion," he said, waiting till he saw the outline of the lion's head turn his direction. His emerald green eyes scanned the amber orbs before him; the almond shaped eyes trying to detect what was hidden behind the cat's forehead. Deciding it was now or never, he gently tugged the lion's arm, drawing the slightly larger cat closer, and planted a gentle kiss on his tawny lips.

The pair stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, their whiskers melding together as they tasted each other for the first time. Once he realized what he had just done, the panther released both the lion's paw and his lips, shock evident on his face as he edged backwards. "Locke..." the other cat replied as e caught him again by the wrist before slipping down to mesh their fingers together like before. Tugging him back around, he reached up with his free paw to gently stroke the ebony colored cheek with his thumb as he leaned in and planted a kiss of his own on that silky black muzzle.

This kiss lasted longer, Locke reaching up with his own free arm to press into the lion's back, pushing them close enough together where they could just feel the other's fur against their chests. It wasn't anything dirty, no tongue, no slurping or suckling, just two sets of lips pressed together. When their embrace finally ended, both boys had big smiles on their faces. "So, does this mean we are-" the black half-breed started to say before his words were cut off but a golden finger pressing against his lips.

"We can talk about it in the morning," Maxi said softly as he rolled over onto his side, facing away from the panther yet still holding his paw tightly in his own. Chuckling as he sensed that the panther felt rejected by his move, he gently tugged the other boy closer towards him till he finally got the idea.

The mattress's creaking springs spoke to movement in the dark as Locke followed the indication and rolled over to face the lion's back. Scooting closer till they were spooning on is bed. He then finally released the yellow paw, so that instead, he could wrap his arms across the slim golden chest, pulling it back against his own black one. "Goodnight Maxi," the half-breed purred into the larger cat's ears, his cold nose gently nuzzling the base of the lion's neck.

Feeling someone else holding him, Maxi gently clutched at the two arms around is body and held them tightly to his body. "Goodnight Locke..." he echoed, purring himself as he felt their tails slowly twist together and rest atop his legs. Closing his eyes for the night, the lion finally felt like he had a safe place to rest his head for a while, and fell into a deep sleep.

Well, that's the end of this chapter...bet you thought this was the end of the whole novel huh? looking back on it, I suspose I could have ended it right here if I had really wanted to...but that wouldn't be fair to all my readers now would it? There's still a few more twists and turns left to go before I let you guys off the hook for good. So you had better keep coming on back for the next installment of Wrong Bride, Right Groom.

Oh, and don't forget to check out my publisher's site........it's got naughty things!!

Comments and other such shoutouts are welcome below...hope you had a good read...I'll see you next time!!