Story by SuperWaffle on SoFurry

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Zeke reached down to the bag hidden beneath his seat, pulling from it a nifty little device he had 'borrowed' from one of his colleagues. He had to keep this thing safe of course, the technology used to create it was classified, and Zeke didn't have any intention of attracting any unnecessary attention.

Ricky's apartment was two blocks away by this point, Zeke rolled his car to a halt and pulled out a tiny stylus from the device, sliding it through the sticky mess Ricky had left all over the passenger seat. The machine beeped softly, and the screen sprang to life, confirming Zeke's suspicions.

It was FREAKER-laced cum alright, though it was losing its power rapidly after being exposed to the air for so long. But that didn't matter, Zeke pushed a few more buttons on his device and a digitised map of the entire city bloomed into view. There was a blinking green dot located just a couple blocks down from Zeke's position, indicating a notable concentration of active FREAKER.

Zeke smiled. Perfect.


Ricky had just stepped out of the showers when he heard his phone ringing, the lion cursed as he grabbed a towel and zipped from his bathroom, still dripping but making no attempt to dry his wet fur. The lion had regretted leaving his phone behind at the mall, but with the circumstances as they had been, Ricky supposed it couldn't be helped. The lion reached his land line at the fifth ring, and picked it up.


"Hey there Ricky-boy," purred deep, familiar baritone, "It's Chad."

Almost immediately Ricky's knees buckled, the towel falling off his waist as he flopped onto his bed. Images of Chad in all his naked glory came flooding back into his mind, causing his cock to swell into a magnificent erection.

"Is Ricky getting hard just thinking about what big, buff Chad can do to him? What will poor Ricky-boy do when he finds out Chad is naked and rock-hard from just thinking about him? Hmm?"

"Chad!" Ricky cried, both hands furiously jerking his rigid cock, "How the hell did you get my number?"

"You left your pants behind," Chad replied, his delicious voice teasing Ricky's ears to no end, "There's something about you that's driving me wild Ricky, I've had your underwear over my face for hours already and still my cock can't get enough of it."

Ricky remembered about the sex pheromones his body was definitely releasing. There was no solid proof, but it would explain the effect he was having on everybody, that Chad was getting aroused on the residue he left on his underwear was understandable.

"Wait, my stuff is with you isn't it? Where are you Chad?"

"Oh fuck I'm getting so hard just hearing you say my name!" The stallion interjected, his voice quivering slightly, "I'm fucking naked and pumping iron in the gym now, Ricky-boy. You won't believe the attention I'm getting. My cock hasn't stayed this hard while working out before, I think I'm only going grow even bigger with your scent in my face like this, oh god this is fucking amazing!"

Chad went on and on about working out and gaining muscle, but Ricky's attention had drifted to the keg which had been sitting beside his bed since last night. The thought of Chad hulking out in various stages of undress was thrilling beyond reason, what would happen if Ricky dumped the entire barrel onto him?

"And sex with you was better than anything I've ever had, especially after I came inside you..."

The stallion trailed off, but Ricky caught his drift. Chad had been the only other conscious person in the room at the time of his hulkout, and had given his word to keep it their little secret.

"I'd like to see it again sometime, plus you need to pick up your stuff." There was a mighty grunt and the clink of heavy metal behind him before Chad continued, "So how's about you come watch me win the underground championships tonight Ricky-boy? I know a nice place where we can hang out before we get to the real[/I[ fun. Whaddya say Ricky-stud?"

Ricky swore over the phone, drawing a chuckle from Chad. He couldn't think properly anymore, his brain torn between the choices he could make. Ricky didn't even know if he wanted to_be_ the muscle hulk or if he simply wanted one. The fact Chad was already a hulking muscle-horse meant his growth would be insane compared to the hyena hustler Ricky had accidentally grown. He could easily turn Chad into an overmuscled bastion of sexual love, the horse's manhood morphing into some sort of freakish muscle cock of gargantuan proportions!

His mouth was watering, one step at a time Ricky, the lion told himself, one step at a time.

"Sure," Ricky replied smoothly, "It's a date."


Ricky finally understood what it meant to take things for granted. The lion was quite literally lost without his smartphone, devoid of the amenities which made life that much easier. After close to an hour of searching, Ricky finally stumbled upon poster emblazoned with a crudely drawn bicep in full flex, there was an arrow underneath it directing him down another stretch of road, so Ricky followed it.

The building that loomed up before him had another flexed bicep poster on one of its walls. Ricky followed it until finally reaching the opulent entrance to a huge, luxury hotel. The world of the wealthy and the powerful was not for him, and usually Ricky would turn around and leave in a situation like this. If not for the massive bouncer standing where the doorman should have been, Ricky would have done just that.

The enormous black bull was wearing military-khaki trousers, boots and a tank top. He was also almost as huge as Chad! And that was saying something, though the bouncer clearly lacked the stallion's chiselled abs and ample package. Todd, as his nametag announced, was just a couple of inches shorter than Chad, his huge pecs powerfully muscled and straining against the confines of his tank top. Ricky kept his distance, watching as Todd entertained a couple of foxes who were trying to get past him.

"But why?" one of them cried, the pitch of his voice betraying his age.

"No tickets," Todd growled, his voice sounding as though he gargled with broken glass, "Besides, you two sound like you're still in high school, this event is_strictly_ off limits for the likes of you."

"Nuh-uh!" quipped the other one, who pulled something out of his pockets, "See? These are our ID's, we're both twenty-two years old."

The bouncer didn't immediately take them, an eyebrow raised as fox number two waved the cards before him. Todd crossed his muscular arms across his rippling chest, and snorted.

"So you carry your friend's ID as well? I've seen this before."

"So we can come in?" the first one asked excitedly, almost bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Let me see those," Todd answered. The second fox dropped the cards into his massive paw. Todd held the cards against the light for a second before crushing them to bits in one easy squeeze. He scattered the pieces before the two foxes, one of whom cried out in protest.


The foxes seemed to have planned this, almost immediately they zipped to the sides and out of Todd's reach, looping around and making a mad dash for the doors. Todd moved with a speed that belied his huge frame, and with practised eased seized them both by the back of their collars and hauled them back.

"Let us in!" one of them cried, "We just want to watch the show! We won't be sneaking around or anything!"

"That's what they _all_say," Todd growled, "Now screw off kiddos, this place isn't for you."

They continued to protest, refusing to move even as Todd tried to shove them back onto the pavement.

"You can't touch us!" the shorter of the two cried, raising his voice, "We know you won't bring in the police because THIS BODYBUILDING COMPETITION IS ILLEGAL AND-"

Todd didn't let the fox finish, the back of a massive paw colliding into the teenager's gut and sending him flying. The bouncer smirked, several rips appearing in the fabric of his top as he advanced.

"That's right kiddo," he said with contempt, reaching out to grab the other fox, who had tried to sneak past him again, and throwing him into his partner. "This competition_is_ illegal, and that means what happens inside stays inside. I bend steel bars when I have nothing to do kiddies, you wouldn't like me when I get angry."

Todd brought up his huge arms and slammed his fists together, causing more tears to appear in his tank top.

"Have I made myself clear?"

And they were off, sprinting past Ricky in a blur of profanity and immature language. Ricky watched them go, leaving his hiding place when Todd returned to his post. Never mind the studs from school, Ricky had made up his mind. If anyone deserved to be his first victim, it was Todd. The bull's tank top was somewhat tight, and Ricky figured he would be doing the bouncer a favour by relieving him of it. Besides, there looked to be a slight layer of fat around Todd's stomach, not enough to give him much of a gut, but enough to cover the strong abs Ricky knew were hiding below.

The growth keg under his arms, Ricky approached the huge bull, ready to sew some chaos in the name of muscle.


It was getting hot here.

Todd shifted uncomfortably, even in the midst of a cool breeze he was sweating profusely. His cock was beginning to stiffen, growing down the leg of his trousers. It was a little awkward for Todd's tastes, but he supposed he had nothing to hide, 10 inches was good for a bull. Hell 10 inches was good for anybody! Todd held his ground, proudly displaying the outline of his huge cock, just as somebody approached him.

The bouncer turned, lowering his gaze to what must have been one of the contenders for the evening show. The lion wasn't just muscled. He was ripped to shreds, every fibre strong and pumped, shifting under his clothes as he moved. He looked like one of the lightweights, not to huge but incredibly fit. A little tall for a gymnast, too muscled for a swimmer, a wrestler maybe?

"S'cuse me?"

Todd jolted, pulled from his reprieve by the newcomer's strong voice. The lion's flaming red mane had been chopped close to the sides of his head but left alone at the top. No, no this_had_ to be one of the contenders for the fitness show. That was where they put all the non-hardcore muscle models for the crowd's enjoyment. Todd could almost imagine the sexy lion tearing off his clothes until all that was left was a colourful pair of trunks hiding his ample package.

Shit, what was he doing?!

The bouncer shook his head, clearing his thoughts. The lion had raised him a questioning eyebrow, Todd had to maintain his professionalism. He was the first line of defence after all, what would this stud think of the competition if their front man was turning to mush at the sight of one of the competitors, even if the lion was sizzling hot and sexy to boot?

"You okay big man?"

Something shot through Todd, leaving a trial of fire where his spine should have been. The bull was sweating like crazy now. He could feel his face flushing hotly, his knees threatening to buckle, his pupils dilating as his brain registered what the cute little stud had just called him. Todd could feel his cock throbbing against his trousers, not to mention the wet spot of pre staining the fabric around the head. The bouncer wanted nothing better than to rip off his clothes and submit his body to this walking hunk of masculinity.

The lion was giving him a peculiar look, but for some reason Todd didn't care.


Ricky was surprised at his ability to stay calm, even after Todd agreed to let him in without a ticket. He could make this one exception, just for him and no one else. The bouncer was reacting far more intensely to him than most other people, if the bull's nipples were any indication. His huge nips were diamond hard and actually throbbing against the fabric of his tank top. Ricky hadn't seen anything like it before, but something was telling him those nipples would look even better...enhanced!

"Can I see your muscles Todd?" Ricky asked, his tongue wetting his lips, "I wanna see how big they are."

It was a good thing the entrance was quite the walk from the nearest road, so no one would see them behaving inappropriately. No one would see what Ricky was about to do either.

Todd obliged, his red face festooned with glee. The huge bull brought his huge hands to the hem of his tank top and pulled the front over his head and leaving it on the back of his neck. Ricky felt his own cock twitching as Todd's pecs were pushed out even further by the tight material, the bull's gut did display abs, but they were somewhat faint and only a six-pack.

Time to fix that!

Ricky looked up to the blushing bull, his huge nostrils flaring out with each heavy breath, his watery eyes almost begging for Ricky to fuck him. The lion knew if he commanded this man to strip right here and now, the bouncer would probably do it. Ricky brought out his keg and uncorked the stopper, filling the air with the scent of his sex.

"I have a little drink here for the boys inside," Ricky purred, "It's from one of the sponsors for tonight's show, so I can't let you drink any."

"I can let you have a little taste though, because it must be terribly hot out here based on how much you're sweating."

"Go on," Ricky continued, his face splitting with mischief, "Dip your finger in and have a taste."

"This is strong stuff."

Ricky was almost beside himself as Todd obediently stuck his finger into the opened stopper, dipping it into his FREAKER-laced cum before pulling it out. There wasn't much, probably about two thirds of his large finger was coated, but the cum had been evaporating for quite a while now, and that meant it could only be even _more_concentrated with FREAKER.

Todd stuck his finger into his mouth and sucked it clean before stepping side, shivering slightly as he let Ricky pass.


"Oh my god!" Zeke cried, practically trembling in his seat as he watched the scene unfold. It was a good thing his car was parked a good distance away, giving him a wonderful view of the hulking bouncer guarding the entrance to the hotel. It was also a good thing he had a pair of binoculars with him, and his nifty little FREAKER-tracker.

There were two blips blinking on his device, so close they were overlapping with each other. Zeke knew the dimmer blink was the keg of FREAKER-laced cum Ricky was carrying, and the brighter one was Ricky himself. The lion had ducked behind a pillar inside the hotel, no doubt spying on the soon-to-be hulking bouncer.

Zeke pulled on his binoculars and unzipped the fly of his pants, ready for the show of his life.


Ricky was biting his fist, trying valiantly not to squeal as Todd's hulking bull-cock erupted from his trousers, obliterating the zip of his fly and thrusting out, huge and swollen and throbbing monstrously. The lion cursed silently when Todd turned his back to the glass doors, but retracted his objections when the bouncers broad back began hulking out of his tank. His shoulders surged outwards, his meaty lats flaring wide. His traps were veiny slabs of sheer muscle, bulging and growing until they tore the straps of his tank. Todd reached down then, tearing off the remains of his top as if it were paper.

Todd's growth was phenomenal. In the span of half a minute he had gone from huge and muscular to monstrous and massive. There wasn't enough FREAKER in him to cause his veins to glow and he was only a few inches taller, but Todd was definitely bigger and far more defined when he used to be. While the bull's boots were still intact, his trousers were hanging off him in shreds, revealing grotesque mountains of ripped beef when he reached down to tear them off.

But damn that ass! It was bulging and muscular just like the rest of him, like huge muscle melons just asking for him to bite them. His stance was wide enough for Ricky to see how low his huge balls were hanging, and judging by the looks of it they were probably the size of cantaloupes!

The enormous wall of muscle had stopped growing, a huge paw crushing the pillar beside him as he caught his breath. Ricky knew it wouldn't be long before Todd's attention would be drawn to what was sure to be a penis of epic proportions. The lion slipped out from behind the pillar and made for the lift lobbies. His first experiment had been a phenomenal success! Still, Todd had been just one man...

Ricky grinned wickedly as the elevator took him to the lower floors. Something was telling him it was time to test out his juice on a large group.


Zeke was furiously jerking his cock when Dex spotted his car, the wolf crept up to it, a fierce wave of jealously washing over him when he realised Zeke's cock was larger than his by an inch or so. He wouldn't be having this problem if Zeke just gave him more juice, but Dex knew he had to be patient. Zeke was the provider after all, and if he offended the fox that would be the end of his FREAKER supply.

Still, that was no excuse for tardiness.

Dex rapped his knuckles against the window, startling Zeke from his blissful cock-pumping. The fox cursed as he hastily tucked his cock back where it belonged and rolled down his window.

"About time you got here."

"What?!" Zeke spat, clearly furious about something, "We agreed to meet here _two_hours ago, where the hell have you been?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Dex replied smoothly. It would do him no good to blow up the situation now. All that mattered was that reinforced suitcase sitting in the backseat. "You got the stuff? I want to give Ricky a taste of his own medicine."

"You're going to get him arrested and raped?"

"Oh no I have something far better in mind, just juice me up now, I need a hit."

"I'm not giving you anything until we're inside, Dex. The bouncer's out cold already, we can do this the quiet way."


"No buts. We're going with the plan, MY plan this time."


Ricky wondered why it took him so long to do this. A good half of the day events were already over, and exhausted competitors were making excellent use of the hotel's recreational facilities. Ricky had practically glued his nose to the glass walls of the elevator, almost slobbering at the sight of all that muscle below him. All that testosterone! All that potential! Men of all shapes and sizes were crowding about the hotel's pool area, with bodybuilders and strongmen dominating the scenes.

Ricky had a few more hours before having to meet Chad, good thing he came early. Mass growth was on the agenda and Ricky had every intention of going with it. The lion moved swiftly from the moment the doors opened, ducking in through the crowd and searching for suitable targets. He didn't have any intention of... contaminating the water slides, there were women and children splashing about and Ricky did not want to go there.

A few people threw him questioning glances, but Ricky kept his long strides. There were loud, manly yells and bellows coming from up ahead, and then the crowd parted, revealing a large pool used exclusively for water polo.

But who cared about water polo! Ricky felt a shiver running down his spine, causing his toes to curl and his fur to stand on end. There were at least eight huge, brawny studs fighting over a shimmering pink polo ball. They were so rough it almost looked as if they were wrestling. All Ricky could see were swimming trunks and posing briefs, no baggy shorts or wetsuits anywhere.


Ricky went over to the filter pump and lifted the lid to expose a small reservoir of rushing water underneath. A little sticker on the underside boasted only the latest in water filtering technology, capable of cleansing the water in the entire pool in less than ten minutes. Ricky knew ten minutes would be more than enough, and uncorked the stopper of his growth keg, carefully tipping the barrel into the reservoir.

FREAKER-laced cum began sloshing into the pools water, almost half a barrel's worth of it. Ricky hoped he estimated correctly since his cum would get diluted in all that water, he couldn't have anyone outgrowing Chad.

Ricky capped the keg and slipped out of the pump room, unable to keep the huge grin off his face.


Brawn flexed his huge guns, watching them splitting into multiple peaks in the mirror. Fucking hell he was a stud alright, a massive hulking stud who had just effortlessly wiped the floor with his challengers.

He didn't even feel tired! Brawn continued admiring himself in the mirror, forcing his heaving pecs to dance for him under the wrestling singlet. He felt fucking powerful, something he hadn't felt in years! Brawn would walk away from his next match with at least a silver medal, but the enormous strength burning through his muscles, the bull knew the gold was finally in sight.

"My, someone's been working out."

Brawn felt the hairs on his neck stand on end as Chad loomed over him. The hulking draft stallion was as big as he remembered; the shape of his massive form undisguised by the baggy sweatshirt and pants he had on him. Chad chucked his workout bag to the side and grinned at him, deliberately positioning himself behind him so they could compare themselves in the mirror. Despite being six years Brawn's junior, Chad was effing monstrous, seven foot tall and 360lbs of solid horse-bulk.

"Ready to add another silver medal to your collection, Brawn?"

"It's you who'll be walking home with the wrestling silver today, Chad." Brawn retorted, turning around to face the stallion, "All my opponents today creamed under these frigging arms! You're next, Chad, for this match and this evenings muscle show."

Chad chuckled, his long hair getting into his eyes and nostrils. It was a deep, reverberating sound that sent chills down Brawn's back. No matter how big a rival he was, Brawn could not deny Chad looked fantastic. What he would give to be that size.

"You must have really excited yourself out there," Chad snickered, gesturing toward Brawn's mighty rod, "Your cock looks just as big as ever."

"Too bad for you all_my_ opponents ended their matches screaming my name." Chad continued, "I fucked each and every one of them into submission with a mere ten to fifteen minutes of rest between each one. My cock is bigger than ever and rearing for more. Take a good look at this Brawn. Soon I'll be fucking you so hard you won't even remember your name."

Chad began undoing the zipper on his sweatshirt. Brawn raised an eyebrow, momentarily curious until the stallion's mammoth pecs came into view, thrusting out as though they had been restrained inside. Chad was wearing a wrestling singlet, red and purple in contrast to his orange and yellow. The material didn't even come close to covering his pecs, stretched so thin it seemed only the straps reached across his massive chest, revealing his big, suckable nipples for all to see.

But that wasn't the focus of Brawn's attention. There was a massive, obscene bulge swelling from between his heaving chest muscles. Chad's monstrous endowment was rock hard and spewing pre-cum, the swollen head throbbing hungrily against the tight fabric.

"They measure it after every victory," Chad purred menacingly, flexing his inner muscles and causing his cock to jolt, "Sixteen fucking inches baby! They had to send the first and forth guy to the medical post after I was through with them."

Brawn swallowed, suddenly uncertain on what he was going up against. His discomfort was not lost to Chad, who advanced, pushing Brawn closer to the mirror.

"I hope you're a yeller, Brawn." Chad continued, his long tongue wetting his strong lips, "I've got a date tonight, and I intend to get him so horned up he'll cum in his pants watching me fuck you."

"So ready your ass, bull. The wrestling gold is mine."


Ricky was in heaven, the sticky mess he had created back at the pool area with the FREAKER-enhanced bodybuilders floating out of his mind as Chad all but smothered him with his power, crushing his strong lips against Ricky's mouth in a brutal display of muscular domination.

The massive horse had come out of nowhere, ambushing Ricky as he queued up to enter the wrestling arena, and before he knew it Chad had him pinned against the wall as he violated the lion's face.

"Where have you been all day, love?" Chad growled between breaths, never ceasing his assault on Ricky's lips, "I've been dying to feel you like this for hours."

Ricky tried to say something, but every attempt was side-lined to make way for more important bodily functions, like breathing. The lion knew his face was appearing on just about every social networking site on the internet, if all the camera flashes were any indication. It wasn't everyday people caught the infamous and massively muscled Chad making out with a seemingly random lion, but then again Ricky wasn't complaining.

Chad's brutal lovemaking was nearing obscene levels by the time his manager arrived to pull him off. The stallion's only garment was a pair of tight wrestling trunks that was threatening to blow thanks to the massive erection he was sporting. It almost looked as though Chad was ready to send Blake (his manager) flying for interfering, but the stallion eventually relented and pulled the dazed Ricky to his feet.

"Try to stay conscious for my match, Ricky-boy." He rumbled, his strong voice sounding far away to Ricky's addled brain, "I'm going to end this one with the wildest bang you've ever seen in competitive wrestling."


Zeke knew his annoyance at Dex would result in nothing, but that did not stop him from getting annoyed anyway. It was like babysitting a spoiled child who only knew how to pout beside him.

"I still don't see why you can't juice me right now," grumbled Dex from beside him, "I could take out the entire wrestling team right now if you just fucking gave me the juice!"

"But that's not what we're here for!" Zeke snapped, fishing from his bag the FREAKER-tracker.

"Then what could we possibly be here for!?"

"Will you just shut it? People are staring!"

They were sitting at the last rows of the arena, far away from the wrestling ring, where the action took place. Screams and cheers were already booming across the savage crowd, almost all of them sporting T-shirts or posters supporting Chad, the reigning champion who almost always fucked his defeated opponents before thousands of eager fans. Zeke was secretly hoping Chad would pound Brawn to mush this time, he didn't rape the bull last year for some reason, and Zeke was keen on watching the bull violated by Chad's enormous muscle-rod.

Dex opened his mouth to speak then, but whatever he said was drowned up by a booming, overexcited announcement for the final wrestling match. The commentator didn't get to finish, for the doors on both ends of the arena suddenly opened and the crowd exploded into a frenzy of wild screams and cheers.

Brawn and Chad were clad in their respective cloaks, one orange and one purple. Zeke watched as they approached the ring and threw off their coverings, Brawn revealing his trademark wrestling singlet and Chad nothing but a pair of too-tight wrestling trunks.

The fox chuckled to himself, there would be no need to watch this match. Too bad for Brawn that he and Chad were in the heaviest weight class, where there were no limits after a certain weight. Zeke turned back to his FREAKER-tracker and activated it.

As he expected, a bright green dot blipped to life, marking the location of Ricky amongst the hordes of screaming fans. There was another dot marking the location of his keg of FREAKER-juice. Strange, Zeke didn't think Ricky would ever part with that thing. Zeke zoomed in a little, realising the faint blip was located inside the wrestling ring.

But that couldn't be right. This was a competitive wrestling ring; it wasn't hollow like the ones on TV. Zeke raised an eyebrow, turning his attention to the ring and back again. The fox zoomed in even further on Ricky's dot, and felt his eyes grow wide.

There were two overlapping dots on Ricky's location! The keg was with him!

But the other dot inside the ring!

A sudden memory came back to him, stabbing at him like an icy pick. Dex! Dex had drunk a tiny vial of FREAKER a few days ago! And he had hulked out inside the police station manned by Brawn! Dex had boasted about brutally raping the bull, even going so far as to launch him into a wall and then drench him with all his fucking FREAKER-laced CUM!


"Dude!" came Dex's voice, "Your hands are shaking."

But Zeke didn't hear him. His attention was affixed onto the green blip in the middle of ring. It was blinking, pulsing with life as the dormant FREAKER began surging through Brawn's body. The entire fucking arena was going to see the effects of FREAKER first hand, not only that, some of his COLLEAGES would definitely be watching this match! He was already a suspect within his company, but this would blow everything clean out of the water!

Zeke turned to the ring, and watched as a shiver ran through Brawn's big body.
