The End OF Tyrony Chapter 2 (Intro)

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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An intro to chapter two. I love keeping you guys in suspence. ;3

A gift to my readers.

Chapter 2 (Intro)


"Ok. So you allied yourself with the dragon. And whats the deal with the human I thought they hated furs." A tall red headed couger bellied from across the room.

"Yes.I allied with the dragon. And no. Not all humans sought to desrtoy us. Some, like Dak wanted a return of the peacethat we all once shared." Damian answered,turningto look at the couger.

He had to takea momentto admire such a breed of feline. Most felines from his time-line were a mixture of all breeds. To him, it was a rare thing to see something so pure. HE eyes the couger over for a few short moments beforeturning back to face his group of friends.

"Why was this human helping you?" The large plated dragon asked. A simple question in the mind of the dragon. "And what was it you got for him?"

Damian sighed. He knew this question would come up. He simply smiles and bactracks a bit in his story.


The large dragon dropped the black furred feline on theground just outside of a building. It was half burnt and and the stain glass windows had lost their original luster. Apperently the building was once some ritual place for an antiant religion. The large dubble doors tall enough for the larger male to easily walk through without having to duck to go in.

Row after row of half burnt wooden benches lined both sides of the buildings insides. A putred stech still lingeringin the air from oneor two incence holders near the the large doors. The feline drew out one of his father's blades, and quietly snuck throuh the room. The dragon staying near the door, posting as a lookout.

The feline left the main chamber of the building and creeped silently into a room at the back, fassioned shut by a hidden toggle switch. He only knew of the switches location from the scetchy details a human named Dak had given him. So far, all had gone according to plan. Get in, grab the loot, and get out.

The feline smiled as he ramaged through the rooms small interier. The room holding a large scale of books ranging from thin childrens books and large thick books he assumed where for adults Ever book he pulled from the shelf had the word 'Bible' written in either shinny letters, or plain old black letters. A large desk with a broken down chair lay in the room center.

In the chair sat his goal. A small human skeliton with half eaten white robes, a Large cross on the back and smaller cross in the upper right hand corner of the front. In the scelitans grasp was a small sachel, and a half burned wood cross that had the image of a human hangingfrom it. "Some religion." He scuffed, seeinghow bad the damage was to the room and building.

The feline jumped when he heard the dragon belt out. "Time to go. We have incoming."

Damian snached up the small sachel and rested the leather strap over his shoulder. He ran from the room, closing the secret entrance behind him. Whatever it was he was supposed to find, he couldn't have falling into the hands of the humans.


"Ok. Yeah we already know about the gold But what where you there for?" A smaller bunny asked as she leand onto the table. She seemedto be the only one who was intent to hear more.

Damian shruged. "Accordingto Dak. There was supposed to be a small platnum cross. Supposedly it was worth enough to fund the allied unit till the end of the war." he shook his head No-one ever found it though, at least not during what time i spent in my own time-line. Rummor before I left was that Dak went on his own to find it."

"And what about the dragon? Where was he when you left?" The plated dragon asked quizically. To which, Damian just sighed and lowered his head, ears flattening to his skull.