A Furry Night - Chp 1

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#1 of A Furry Night

All characters and content are owned by me. No copying with my express permission, please. This is dedicated to my love Seafox for which this story came from his love.

This story contains sexually explicted content, sexual intercourse, and other sexy stuff.


"Please to meet you," Joni said to Christopher smiling as she extended her hand. "After all this time it is so nice to put a face to the fox I've only known as text." She giggled slightly, thinking about all the wonderful times the two of them had on the chat lines.

"The honor is mine," he replied with a big grin as he bent down and kissed her hand.

"Have you ever been to Philadelphia before?" She asked as she moved to the side of the hallway before getting run over by the many younger folks chasing one another. "I know for me this is my second time attending one of these events."

"No Hun," he replied blushing as a curious thought came to his mind. "I haven't even looked around yet because I just got here. I already have seen quite a few furs that I recognize by name."

"Yea, I got my name tag already," she told him showing him her badge. It was white laminate with a picture of a raccoon in left corner, a big '05' in the right corner, and her fur name, 'Fifi' in the center. Under her name was the species of the fur she played online, that of a skunkette.

"Cute, just like you," he said with a smile.

She blushed and replied, "You always know how to make me smile."

"Well, let me unpack then we can come down together, ok?" He asked of her, moving towards the elevators.

She went up to her room, which was right next to his, having made the reservations at the same time. Opening her door, she immediately went to her closet. Pulling out the various pieces that made up her elaborate costume, she laid them out in the order she needed to put them on properly. Stripping completely naked first, she made sure she had everything at hand. First her dark purplish and white striped nylons went on. Then she got into her tight leotard suit that clung to her body like a second skin. Her breasts were held in place by the fabric and she already felt excitement in herself; her new persona coming together nicely.

She checked her big fluffy tail, making sure the tail was extra securely in place, knowing it would be pulled a lot. She had added a special surprise to anyone lifting her tail up without her consent and giggled to herself as she filled the spray tubes with the most vial concoctions she had ever made. Next she put on her green skirt and blouse making sure to leave cleavage so people could see her 'fur' stripes underneath. She paused for a moment and decided to put a pair of special panties on, her red and white heart ones, just in case. Next she put on her claws on her feet and hands, then finally a specially made half mask that just gave her a trace of a muzzle. With her costume complete, she grabbed her purse, put her pin on, and gently knocked on her mate's door.

"It's open," a shout from within was heard, so she opened the door and walked in. Inside the bathroom, Christopher was just attaching his black nose and whiskers. His costume was not as elaborate as hers, comprising only of a big bushy red and white tail, red sweatpants, red and white t-shirt, black socks and mittens, and the nose piece. "There!" He said proudly, turning to see her and freezing in place, his mouth opening from what he saw.

"You look cute Hun," she said to him with a smile.

After a long pause, he finally responded to her managing to only squeak out, "You too." He quickly went to the desk where his name tag was and pinned it on.

Fifi walked to her mate, her high heels making her sway her hips more now. Adjusting the tag that displayed 'Seafox', she kissed him on his black nose. "Let's go, the commencement announcement is about to start." She turned and nearly knocked him off his feet with the size of her tail.

"Wow!" He said putting his hands on her tail.

"No!" She cried out spinning to face him. "You should know better than startling a skunk." She smiled and picked up his hotel key, slipping it in her purse. "Give me your wallet so you don't have anything to mess up your costume."

He nodded and handed her his wallet, more intrigued by what she had said about her tail. They hurried off to the hall that was already nearly full with so many people in costume already.

"Darn!" He said, "I won't be able to see anything from way back here," getting ready to take two seats that were in the last row.

"Come with me," she said to him, taking his 'paw' and walking to the first row. Sitting on two chairs in front was two 'reserved' cards with the names of 'Fifi' and 'Seafox' on them.

"How did you get these," he whispered noticing that the chairs were also specifically for those with tails.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I can't give away all my secrets now can I?"

He smiled and gave her a soft hug as the lights dimmed. All the announcers came and went in a flash and before either of them knew it, the opening ceremony was over. Slowly the hall emptied, but they waited in their seats until many of guests had left. A few came over to them, recognizing their names.

With a smile on his face a male lion stated, "So this is the happy couple I heard about."

"Sssssssooooo niccccccce to ssssssssee you," Fangor (a male snake) told them.

"It is nice to meet you all too," Fifi told her friends, hip bumping into Seafox who seemed quiet. Turning to a mare and stallion couple she waved back and forth, "Blaze and Brightmare!" She said excitedly, actually jumping up and down.

"Hi," Seafox said, finally saying something.

Fifi smiled and pulled him close, "And this is my wonderful mate." She said to her friends.

"Pleased to meet you," Blaze said to Seafox, giving him a firm handshake.

"So this is the stud fox I heard about," Brightmare said, giving him a hug. "He is cute Fifi. You have good taste, or is that taste good, I always forget."

"Hey now," she quipped, "don't give away all my secrets." The women laughed as the males looked puzzled at the ladies.

The lights dimmed and a panda came out on the stage explaining what the conference was all about, what people could expect, and what was not allowed looking into the crowd as subdued laughter could be heard in various spots. Fifi didn't even pay attention, her focus drifting to various friends that were scattered about the room. In n time the introductions were over and the lights came on.

"Well, I have to go shopping so we will see you later," Fifi told her friends taking Seafox by the arm and leading him to another room, bustling with all kinds of people, tables of products for sale. The couple looked around for a while taking time to search all the tables, each of them buying from various people. Seafox bought a commissioned drawing for his mate at one point, when she was occupied with some elaborate printed fabrics. After they were happy that they seen everything in shopping area, they left to met some furs for lunch when their attention was drawn to a nearly out of sight table under the stairwell as one would leave the main doors of the room.

"Wow," Seafox stated to a petite female mink behind the table, "how did you get unlucky enough to be put out here," walking over to the table that was without a single customer.

"Well you see, they actually told me then didn't get my reservation, then I was like, 'and amazingly, you got my money,' and they were like, 'do you have a cancelled check' and I was like, 'yea right here' and they said, 'well we have no room', and I said 'so like, you are ready for my lawsuit' and they said 'well we can give you here', so I was like 'out here' and they said 'take it or leave it' so I took it. But considering you are my first customers, I am considering asking for a refund.

Fifi looked at Seafox then back to the mink before asking, "We are your first customers? What are you selling?"

"Oh goodie," the excited mink replied. "This is an invention of mine," she told the pair pulling out two headphones. "It allows two people to link up their dreams, where one person is the host and one person is the guest and all you do you see is plug this part here," she paused a split second to pull out a little box that had a USB port and what looked like a radio antenna, "into your computer and load the software and then you just hit host and connect on who ever is doing what then you just go to sleep and it will all happen so naturally and fun and it is completely safe and I just know you two will love it and it would mean so much to me if you would buy it - it really is not that expensive."

"Well how much," Seafox asked patting his pockets forgetting about who had his wallet.

"Here dear," Fifi said, kissing him on the cheek as she pulled out his wallet from her purse.

"Awwww, isn't that cute. It is only $20.00 for you."

"Twenty dollars? How can that possibly pay for the parts? Here, let me at least give you a tip," he said handing the mink a ten and a twenty.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said putting a nicely bundled package professionally put together in a white bag and handed him the bag.

"We will tell people all about it for you," Fifi said as she pulled Seafox's arm. "Come dear, we can't keep our friends waiting." Turning to the mink she told her, "Have a nice day."

They hurried off to the restaurant finding some friends they had planned on meeting. Upon arriving they saw their friends munching on some breadsticks.

"There they are!" A burly man said, holding a leash that was attached to a collar around another male in a bear costume.

"Hidey ho!" the bear said, waving to their friends. Both Fifi and Seafox slide into the booth on the opposite side of their friends, tucking their tails between their legs to fit.

"These booths were not made with tails in mind." Fifi said sliding in first.

"Well it is a human world," Mark - the only 'human' - said.

"Isn't this great?" Bobo the bear asked. "I could stay here forever, although at the prices they charge I wouldn't last long."

They chatted for a while until the waitress came over, "Oh, your costume is the best I have seen. So what exactly is an 'Anthro-con' anyways?"

Looking her right in the eye, Fifi stated, "It is a meeting for beings like us to come and feel like we belong, like those conferences for midgets or geeks who like Star Trek. Beings like us have heritage often mistaken for a humanoid version of an animal."

"Oh," was the waitress' reply with uncertainty still in her voice on what it was about as she left to get our drinks.

They laughed at her response, but quickly changed topics talking about all the fun activities they were going to participate in. When the waitress returned, they all ordered appropriate meals three plates of meat and a nice salad for Fifi. Near the end of the meal, Seafox mentioned the mink's table and the wonderful devices she had. Their friends were so interested in it they demanded their friends take them to the booth. The group paid for the meal and made their way to the table, but upon arriving at the location, they discovered no trace of the mink or help table. They went into the main area, assuming the lovely mink had been relocated to a better traffic area. They search high and low for well over thirty minutes, but could not find her. They went to see the high marshal (a large winter wolf) - the one in charge of all the booths - and asked him about the mink.

"Mink?" He asked. "We don't have any minks this year. We were supposed to have one, but she had a terrible accident and did not make it. In fact, this year's conference was dedicated to her." With that stated he walked over to a poster and showed it to the four.

"That's her!" Seafox and Fifi exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm sorry, but that is impossible. She passed away in a fire - something about a problem with ..." his voice trailed off seeing the expressions on their faces.

"Wait, wait," Seafox said, "I have her receipt." Looking through his bag, he discovered that there was no receipt included. He looked at the nicely packaged device with the face of the mink smiling at him in the bag as a tear formed in his eye. After a moment he closed the bad and stated, "I guess you are right and we made a mistake. Thanks for your time."

Fifi looked at Seafox and understood some hidden message that he was trying to convey and said nothing.

As they walked away they started to talk to one another trying to figure out what was going on, but decided to leave the discussion for another time. The rest of the day flew by, and before either of them knew it, it was late evening and time to settle in for the night. Fifi went to Seafox's room sitting on the edge of his bed as he opened the package. Placing two computer discs and a small booklet on the desk, he removed both headphones from the case. Each one looked like a normal headphone, but ended in a USB end.

"Hey, let me get my laptop," he said to Fifi smiling to her as he pulled a case out from under the bed. She was lying on the bed with one leg stretched over the other as she watched him. He stopped and stared remembering a scene they had played in the past in which she teased him.

He stayed there long enough that Fifi asked, "Do you like what you see?"

He just smiled deeply and turned the computer on, waiting for it to whirl to life as he plugged the headphones in. Once ready he booted the software and was about to read the booklet when Fifi took it from his hands.

"What are you doing? Let's just fool around," she paused for moments letting the words sink in before continuing, "with the software a bit."

The software came to life with pictures of all types of furs dancing in and out of the screen. Seafox picked an option out of the menu that said 'first time attunement'. A soft hum was heard in his ear and he clicked 'this is me' menu. Instantly a list of every type of fur imaginable was listed. He clicked 'red fox', 'anthro', 'male'. He heard another buzz in his ear and saw something that made he jaw drop.

On the screen was a perfect image of himself. At least, a perfect image of him if he was covered in fur, a long tail, and all the other equipment you would find on a naked male anthro including a sheath. A prompt asked 'clothes', 'modify', or 'continue'. Fifi reached over and clicked continue before he could respond.

A buzz appeared in her ear and before long a sexy version of a female anthro skunk with a huge bushy tail appeared. She modified things here and there before hitting continue. On the screen the computer whirled a moment before stating: 'modifications pending, do you wish pocket dimension, here, or extensions?'

"What the heck does that mean?" Seafox said bending down to pick up the discarded booklet. As he reached for the manual, Fifi reached over and clicked 'here'. Immediately they both heard a soft hum in their ears and they both fell asleep.