A Furry Night - Chp 2

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#2 of A Furry Night

All characters and content are owned by me. No copying with my express permission, please. This is dedicated to my love Seafox for which this story came from his love.

This story contains sexually explicted content, sexual intercourse, and other sexy stuff.


Seafox blinked his eyes a few times trying to adjust his eyes to the new light. He was in a forest now; a slow moving brook was a few feet from his paws. 'Paws' he thought to himself, taking a moment to look over his body. Fur covered his body and it was the softest fur he had ever felt. He was the perfect image of what he thought an anthro fox should look like. He felt his fur again realizing he could actually feel it. The movement of his tail, the warm breeze across his muzzle, and the feeling of the ground in his claws were adding to the illusions of what he was experiencing. He inhaled with new lungs and a new nose; a scent on the wind calling to him to follow. He walked on unsteady legs towards the aroma, licking his lips as excess saliva formed. It took only a few minutes for him to arrive at the source of smell and he smiled when he discovered it was his mate.

"Well hello sexy," she said to him as she laid there in a bed of flowers looking at him. She too had changed into an even sexier image of a female skunk than he had ever had in any dream. "I see you have been improved yourself." She smiled, sitting up to take his paw. She pulled him down to her staring into his eyes.

"I-I-I don't know what to say. This is amazing." His paw felt her body, softly gliding down her arm, down her side, then up to cup her breast; his thumb by instinct started to rub her nipple to attention.

Moaning to his attentions, she pressed into his paw and smiled. She pressed her nose to his and gasped at the scents flooding her mind. His musky scent was turning her on, and she loved the way it was making her feel. Her velvet paws touched his muzzle before gliding down his stomach until she reached his lap. Although it had only been moments, she could already feel his length stiffening, growing larger by every second.

His senses were alive, flooding his body with nothing but her. His eyes went wide as his mind finally clicked that she was completely naked staring at her neither region. In inhaled her scent deeply, the strength of her arousal nearly knocking him out. He crawled between her legs and started to lick; his tongue already knowing where her sensitive spots were located.

She moaned as she felt his mouth on her, feeling the need to return the favor. She licked his sacs a few times before dragging her tongue up his sheath to the tip that was poking out from its home. She kissed the tip, parting her lips so the tip could find a new home inside her hot mouth as her tongue made sure it was nice and wet.

The adrenalin rush was too much for both of them and they both blacked out with their muzzles buried in each other's crotch.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When they came too, the first thing they both notice was all the weird scents.

Sitting up in bed she tried to steady herself as she touched her forehead, "You get the number of that train?"

Getting off the floor, Seafox held the edge of the chair as he said slowly, "I wish you did, it ran," he cut off as he watched Fifi's tail slowly moving back and forth, "How, how are you doing that?"

"Doing what," she asked looking behind her and seeing her luxurious tail moving back and forth as if it had a mind of its own. Immediately it stopped, not on its own but by her will. That is when she noticed she still had paws, and a muzzle, and fur. Real fur as she discovered by pulling on it, "OW!" Turning to Seafox she asked, "What about you?"

He began his examination of himself as it looked like the software transformed him into the perfect image of the antro fox that was on the screen.

"You know what that means?" she asked him smiling to him.

Still in shock a bit he asked her, "N-n-no, w-w-what?"

She crawled on all fours to him and licked his nose with her rough tongue, letting the bumpy surface moisten his whiskers. She turned around and lifted her tail out of the way as she put her stomach on the bed and lifted her rear just a bit.

He laughed at her for a moment, "So you can mimic a cat?" Then his nose told him of a scent. He closed his eyes as the scent filled his nose with a strong allure. He shivered as he leaned in and sniffed again, immediately feeling he groin responding to the powerful scent. Fifi giggled as she watch him enticed by her sex moving a bit forward on the bed, in an attempt to give him some room.

Seafox was dizzy. "What is that intoxicating aroma?' He thought to himself. As Fifi moved forward he found himself leaning forward; he needed the smell to be close; he wanted it; he was being consumed by it. Leaning forward to be closer to the smell with his eyes still closed he leaned all the way forward and lost his balance falling muzzle first into the bouquet.

Fifi giggled as she felt a cold nose poke under her tail against her slightly moist lips. "Eeek!" She cried out as an electric jolt went through her body. The starting feeling was more powerful than anything she had felt before, but it was just like the character she had always thought she had portrayed.

Seafox opened his eyes at the sound of his mate squealing. He had always liked the noise she made when they had fun. Then it dawned on him; he never really heard it before. He was about to say something when he felt something warm and wet on his nose. His long canine-like tongue crept from his muzzle and licked what ever it was on his snout. In route to it though, his tongue happened to enter something much better. It was warm, inviting, moist, and it jumped. His ears pinned back as he closed his eyes again and licked the substance.

Fifi lowered her head into the pillow and quivered in delight. She could not believe how much her feelings were enhanced. Pushing back on the tongue she felt herself spasm lightly on it. She smiled as she thought of all the times she succumbed to his attentions. She stopped for a moment. She actually could remember it. Not as her human self but as if she had always been a female skunk. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a thick probing tongue being shoved deep in her body, rewarding the object with more and more of her juices. She no longer cared about the past.

Like a dog trying to get a treat that was just out of his reach, Seafox was rocking his tongue in and out of Fifi. He opened his muzzle wide, doing anything to get his tongue as deep as possible. Just as he was getting a bit frustrated, he felt his shaft rubbing the bedding. Yelping from the sensation, he stood straight up pulling out of his mate. He looked down and saw eight inches of his manhood out of its sheath and slightly moist from his pre. He cocked his head to the side as he looked at his unit. How strange it looked to him. Slowly touching it, he moaned in pleasure. He wrapped his paw around it and moved slowly down his shaft relishing the sensations.

"I know you are enjoying yourself but don't forget about me," Fifi said looking back to her lover but not moving her body. As he looked to her dripping sex, she wiggled her butt causing some of her built up juices to ooze onto the bed.

His eyes went wide and he pounced onto the bed. Lying on top of her he bit her gently on the back of her neck licking the bite as the head of his shaft teased her entrance. Fifi felt herself spasm on his shaft as she forced the head to part herself. She stopped, quivering, unsure how she could possibly feel anything better when Seafox took over. He shoved himself more and more into her, needing to bury every inch of his shaft. Grabbing her hips, he pulled out and thrust in, pushing more and more in her with each thrust. He wiggled around, trying to get the perfect angle until he reached one angle and felt his mate yelp in pleasure. He smiled and chuckled to himself as he continued to thrust over and over in that one spot hearing her moan at each one.

"Hun, I can't hold out much longer," she gasped out to him; her eyes screwed tightly together as her blood was sizzling from the intensity of the mating.

"Just let yourself go," he managed to blurt out. He felt a bulb at the base of his sheath rubbing into her; her tight passage spreading over it made him want to force his knot into her. He shoved hard into her body, his knot forcing her to be stretched to her limits. With one final powerful thrust he felt his knot lodge into her body. With that accomplished he leaned back and howled to the ceiling, vibrating the very walls with its intensity as he felt himself filling her with his gifts. At the same time Fifi felt her tensions melt away as her orgasm wash over her as the juices from both of their orgasms mixed in her body. Warmth she wanted to last washed to every bit of her body and she never wanted it to end.

"My god that was amazing," she purred to him pulling forward a bit to feel they were tied together now.

"Um hmm," was the only reply he could offer.

"You ok hun?" she asked.

"Um hmm," he said again lying down on her back as he was exhausted.

She turned her head and looked into his blue eyes, looking over his entire body. She giggled as she spied his tail still darting back and forth slowly as he rested on her. She wrapped her tail around his, entwining the two, "Hun, you are so handsome now."

"And you are as sexy as ever," he labored to state to her.

"When you 'recover' we have to see those other options." When there was no reply from above her she just smiled to herself and closed her eyes and went to sleep as well.