A Furry Night - Chp 4

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#4 of A Furry Night

All characters and content are owned by me. No copying with my express permission, please. This is dedicated to my love Seafox for which this story came from his love.

This story contains sexually explicted content, sexual intercourse, and other sexy stuff.


He took her arm and together they went downstairs. Instantly they were the hit of the conference. Questions washed over them and they found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of attention they were receiving. Moving to one of the many rooms the conference occupied, they found the costume signup desk.

"Oh hun," Fifi chirred, "Let's sign up for that!" She smiled as her hand pointed to the 'best costume, couples' category. As Seafox signed them both up a rather large participant in the conference came up behind Fifi.

"My, my, my, don't you look hot!" a man in a skunk costume stated. It was a rather good costume with hand stitched fur, a oversized head, and a big puffy tail. Standing at almost seven feet tall, he towered over them. He yanked her paw into his causing her to cry out as he said, "How did you make such a realistic paw?"

At the sound of his mate's gasp Seafox immediately growled and put himself between the two. He snarled again, showing his sharp canines, "Let her go!"

"Chill out doggy, I just want to look," the man said trying to look at her paw again.

Primal instincts kicked in and Seafox picked the man off the ground as if he was a piece of paper, "I said let her go!" He curled his lips and showed the man his sharp teeth as his tongue licked the front of his nose.

"Who the hell are you two!" the man said with fear letting go of her paw.

"It is none of your business. Next time ask!" He shoved him away several feet and chuckled. "You might want to change your shorts too." Turning to Fifi, he led her out of the room whispering to her, "I can smell his... accident. Can you?"

Nodding to him she answered, "Yes my fox, isn't it wonderful?"

"Isn't what wonderful," he asked her.

"This hun, our new 'costumes', the scents, your gallantry." She smiled as she paused for a moment. "I don't know if I want it to end."

"I know my love; I could get use to this too." He looked deeply in her eyes and felt his heart melt. Moving in front of her, He took her in his arms and kissed her. At first the touch of their muzzle was light, but the more they kissed the more he pressed into their embrace, trying to push his tongue into hers. When she didn't offer a resistance, they felt each other's tongues and moaned at the same time.

Neither one knew how long they stood there holding each other and kissing, but came out of their bliss when Seafox was tapped gently on the shoulder, "Um sir, if you wouldn't mind could you take that to your room?"

They both looked around and, seeing all the eyes of the room on them, blushed, "Sorry, we got carried away." Seafox replied. He was about to pull away when he saw the bulge in his pants straining the fabric to its limits. Leaning down he whispered, "I can't move away yet, I need to go down first."

Fifi just giggled and broke the hug and quickly spun around placing her tail against him so no one could see what was wrong with her mate. When he realized what she was doing, he only smiled more. They both left the room and went for a slow walk, letting Seafox's excitement settle down before moving side by side, taking each other by the paw.

The conference was in a lodge located on the edge of a forest. The pair quietly left the conference behind and walked outside, finding a path to walk down. The two slowly walked in the forest, finding strangely at ease. Fifi pressed closely to Seafox's side and they continued to explore until they spotted a fox den. Curiosity getting the best of them, they carefully approached the home, their noses telling them someone was home.

Seafox approached first, looking into the hole to see a female fox and some young. The female started to growl when he said, "It's alright, I won't hurt you." The vixen stopped and turned her head to the side, not knowing what to make of him. Slowly the small vixen stepped forward sniffing the air as she cautiously approached, getting ready to jump back at a moment's notice. She continued her approach until she was nose to nose to him. "Who are you?" He heard from the vixen, stumbling back clumsily causing the vixen to retreat back into the hole.

"What in the world?" He asked, looking back to Fifi with shock in his face.

"What happened foxy," she asked him with concern.

"I heard her!" Seafox stated pointing to the den.

"Well your hearing is better now hun. You are ...," she started to say.

"No! I mean I understood her as if she was talking English to me." His voice was squeaky as if in a slight panic.

"That is great! And here I thought you were just chittering to her." She smiled to him, a look of pride on her face.

"What do you mean 'chittering'?" He asked.

"When you stuck your nose in the hole, you made a sound like a fox would and the next thing I know you were stumbling backwards."

"I said I wasn't going to hurt her, but I said it in English," he told her still puzzled by the whole encounter.

"No hun, trust me you didn't say anything." She tried to calm him as she smiled to him.

"I did?" He was confused but got up and moved towards the hole. The female was near the entrance ready to bolt in when he approached, "Wait! Don't run away, I am not going to hurt you!" He sat down and looked at her waiting for her reaction, but didn't wait long as she carefully approached.

"You just did it again," she told him.

Ignoring her for the moment he reached out to pet her, feeling an immediate connection as she smiled and purred to him. His nose caught an aroma from the small creature; returned the purring with a smile on his face.

"Just remember who your mate it," Fifi said to him with a hint of jealousy in her voice, as she slowly sat down. "Hi there cute one," she said to the vixen reaching out to pet her. The vixen recoiled and Seafox cradled her, as if he was protecting her. "I don't know if she understands me."

Seafox tilted his head to the side, hearing his mate squeaking to him, "What did you say?" He asked her, not realizing he was making sounds like the very fox he was holding.

"Hun? You ok?" When Seafox didn't answer she got worried, leaning forward to touch him on the shoulder.

He recoiled back from her hand, somehow scared from her movements. He softly squeaked in fear; the vixen jumped from his arm and ran to the hole, the scent of 'follow me' heavy on her. Seafox was just about to follow when he put his hand on his head and stated in English, "What happened?"

"I don't know my love," she replied, "but for now let's make sure we don't let that happen again. She extending her hand to help him stand. Arm in arm, they returned to the conference.

Most of the day was a blur; their new found popularity felt good to both of them. When the time for costuming arrived, they won the category easily. They were named king and queen and as such, they oversaw the grand feast. With the day's activities wearing on them, neither one realized they had not eaten for the day. When the roast pig arrived, Seafox dug into the meal with a voracious appetite. People watched in awe and fear as bits of the meat flew everywhere when he sunk his muzzle and claws into the flanks of the hog. Fifi reached under the table and pinched his butt hard with her nails.

Seafox yelped and turned to her with a slight snarl before he realized all the eyes were on him. Thinking quickly he threw his head back and howled. "Howling good time to all!"

Everyone cheered and clapped at his action, while the cooks sliced around the slight damage that Seafox had caused, leaving that portion for the king and queen. All during the meal people were whispering about how they were eating, wondering how they got the muzzles to work, but that only added to their popularity. After everyone was done eating, Fifi and Seafox were approached by various people either asking for autographs, inviting them to 'private' parties, or many other things.

"This is amazing," Seafox whispered to her, "Is this a dream?"

"If it is, I never want it to end," she said. Turning to all the eager faces, "We need to freshen up before we do anything." She smiled to everyone, winking to some of the women standing around her.

"Man I wish I could freshen up with her," a rather fat man in an otter costume said to them.

"Freshen up?" Seafox asked her, taking her paw as they approached the elevators.

Fifi smiled at him, walking into the elevators when the doors opened. "Come, my mate, and you will see how two furs freshen up." She winked at him, bringing a smile to his face; more than enough incentive for him as he nearly leapt through the doors.