Chapter 10: Find a Way.

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#10 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


"Sir," Came the quick bark of a German shepherd as he slowly creaked open

the metal door to the Captain's Quarters. The dull gray metal had been marked

by four streaks of red, for each crew member that failed him.

"What is it," Came the growl from inside. The captain was hunched over a

small barrel housing a flame the licked the air and made his shadows dance on

the wall, opposite. He held a bottle whiskey by the middle, and with each drink

from the broken neck, the glass added another laceration onto his muzzle. Soon

he would be drinking a mixture with more blood then alcohol.

"We found them," Grunted the German shepherd. At this the captain became

motionless before smashing the bottle into the fire beside him. It exploded into

a flame as tall as he was when he rose, and as he turned, it cast a devilish

shadow on the cut up face that was Captain Agnus.

"Where the hell are they..." He growled as he slowly stepped forward. "Where's

the two heretics that boarded my ship and expected me to show them mercy!"

"Sir," The shepherd put up his paw. "We haven't captured them--" and

suddenly he felt a paw at his throat. Before he knew it he had been elevated a

foot off the ground, and the only things he could cast his eyes on where that of

the captains. It as if the gateway to hell was in those jewel-like eyes, for they

burned with a higher intensity then the flame in the barrel, and suddenly, for the

first time in his life, the German Shepherd was scared.

"Tell me why it would be a good idea to spare your life..." The captain

snarled. A hint of amusement laced its way through his voice, like a weed in a

garden, as the shepherd's heart beat furiously in his ears. "Tell me why I

shouldn't snap your neck right--"

"Be--cause," He strained against the paw on his neck. "I--know where--they

are..." And suddenly he felt his entire weight plummet against the hardwood

floor of the cabin.

"And what does that mean to me?" The captain cracked his knuckles. "Speak

quickly SCUM!"

"I thought it would be easier if all of us went!" The shepherd guarded his face

stupidly before feeling a blow against his stomach. The air escaped him as fast

as the fist entered, and as he tried to brace for impact (Which cause even more

pain) he bit his chops, hard, spattering blood onto the captain's white-faced-fur.

"You're trying my patience with your mortality," Agnus growled. "You stupid

fucks don't seem to understand how much I'm willing to go through to catch

these two. I'll cut all your hearts out and make a deal with the devil to drink my

whiskey from their skulls!"

"Ugh..." The Shepherd cringed on the floor. "They're... Smart, captain...

They've evaded--"

"Four of you fools," The captain interrupted. "I know. I smell their blood on my

door every damn night I don't have my prize." The captain then turned to the

fallen and smiled. The cuts on his muzzle, having clotted and began scabbing

over, began to reopen and bleed once more. "What's your name, son?"

"Wa--" The shepherd tried to say, but his wind still hadn't returned. "Wallace...


"Tell me Wallace," the captain took a new bottle from his wall of countless

others and cracked it open. He began casually walking over before kneeling over

the canine. "Do you know why I like Whiskey?"

"Because--" He tried to answer but the words were snipped from his muzzle by

a swift smack, making him whimper.

"I like whiskey..." The captain continued. "Because it burns when it goes down."

His voice was ragged and serious. "It makes me feel... alive." He began pouring

the bottle over the muzzle of the shepherd. He braced as it stung like fire against

his cut chops and muzzle, but as he tried lapping at it, he found his throat

clamped down once more. The captain's strong paw put pressure on Wallace's

neck to the point where he couldn't breathe, and as his mind began to panic, he

felt his vision begin to tunnel. Soon, the only thing clinging him to

consciousness was the stinging of his lips.

"Drink up lad," He heard a cold voice paw through the darkness. "For tonight

you drink with the captain. Feel honoured to have shared your last with that of a


The end had come for Wallace, and as the fire went out on his muzzle, his

eyes rolled back into his skull. His body went limp and his pulse slowed to a stop,

and for a second the captain mourned him. Then he looked at the bottle and

drank the last swig with his cut up muzzle; the sensation of the sting sent a

sadistic pleasure through him as he gave a loud "Ah!" and threw the bottle into

the fire. Shards of burning glass went everywhere, and soon the whole place had

specks of little lights, like stars, dancing throughout it.

"Hope for the best," He whispered as he grabbed his coat and captain's hat.

"For a death by fire is told to be worse than drowning..."

Miraculously, almost as if the words coaxed him, Wallace's heart started

beating. Slowly at first, as if an electric shock had surged through him, but soon

he began breathing again. That's when the smell of burning fur reached his



Outside, as smoke just started creeping its way through the cracks in the door of

the cabin's quarters, Captain Agnus padded his way to the deck, banging on

each and every door that housed his crew. Forty-eight doors in total opened one

after the other, only to cringe in fear of the moving mass of hatred.

"Get yer lazy asses up!" He shouted to them. "Pack yer shit and leave! We're

moving onto land to find these pricks! Now!"

And not a second after he said it, everybody burst into action, picking up

whatever possessions they still cared to own.

Not fifteen minutes later, everyone was out on board, just as the fire from the

captain's room started engulfing everything in its path. Black smoke and the

smell of burning memories flooded the atmosphere as each and every fur tried

their best to stay calm, for if they moved an inch, Captain Agnus, who stood in

front of them all, might choose them as his next victim.

"Alrighty," He shouted, a whiskey bottle dripping from his paw. "The lot of ya! I

want to play a small game..." He took a sip from the bottle and continued.

"There's Thirty-six of ya now, and only four ladders to climb down. Only fifteen of

ya can come with me. The rest, I'm afraid, must go down with the ship."

"This is madness!" Shouted a fur from the crowd. His words had no effect on the

captain, though, unless you count him drinking as an effect.

"Yeah!" Another agreed. "We should all be able to come!"

"Who needs this guy anyway!?" Shouted a third. "We should all get what we

want! Save the beer and let's get out of here!"

The captain spiked his ears at this and snapped his fingers. In an instant, six

furs snapped to attention, walked four steps up, and turned. Then he sneered

and chuckled.

"These," He growled pointing to the six: A lion, a Tiger, two Bears, A

Crocodile, and an albino Jackal. "Are my closest. Get through them..." He

snapped his fingers again, and each drew their hidden weapons. Mostly pointy

things that would cause instant death in most cases. "And you have your


"You're insane!" Yet another protested, and a split second later, the jackal

(Who drew a bow) gave one fluid movement with his arm, connecting with the

quiver on his back, threading a brand new arrow through, then releasing in less

than two seconds. The arrow struck a fox in the skull, and once it hit, everyone

around him fled as far as they could.

"But on the other paw," The captain continued. "These leave nine spots open.

Be one of those nine, and I will grant you the gift of following me. Following an


"He's lost it..." Came a whisper through sudden silence.

"Yeah?" Another agreed, and suddenly Agnus's ears were flowing with

whispered voices. They came as if from nowhere, and soon they all melded into

each other. It left a constant noise in his mind that he had to clench his eyes

closed to block out, but even then he still heard most of it.

"What a loon..."

"Get out, Agnus! Never come back, ya hear?!"

"Take care of your mother, son..."

"I'll give you five minutes... If you fail I'll kill you were you stand..."

"Do you know why I like whiskey?"

"This is madness..."

Finally, the dog ripped his head back, and just like his life depended on it, let

a howl as sharp as a knife ripple through his throat. The sound was hauntingly

horrid, like nails scraping on a blackboard mixed with the dying scream of a

car-crash, and just as it came to an end, the whispering voices stopped, leaving

the captain with only the feeling of his whiskey bottle in his paw.

"You know my game..." He growled. With a movement of his arm, he hoisted

himself down the ladder. "Now... Choose between a life with a god, or death

from a fire." He shouted as he descended. "Starting now, I will only have the

strongest in my company." And just as he reached the ground, violent shoutings

and cries of pain ensued as the bodies of his once loyal crew began to plummet

to the deck.


The next morning, the sun found a group of four, gently trotting along a

red-dirt path, as it creeped it's way over the horizon. The path itself seemed

pretty safe with gravel and vegetation on each side. The thing that made the

four (especially the mutt) nervous, was the 400 foot drop that screamed down

over to the left.

"Why..." Hudson huffed as he tried to keep up his pace with Jacey in front,

followed by Wyler, then Angela. "..are... we climbing... a cliff... WHY?!" He

stopped and rested his paws on his knees as he crouched trying to catch his


"Why?" Angela took out the map from Wyler's backpack. "Because the map tells

us to go this way. There should be a bridge just across the next ridge, which puts

us in the next province of Hondeu. Then it's just a three day walk to Abertanst."

"Maybe I wouldn't be so hungry if SOMEONE didn't eat my share of the food

this morning!" Hudson growled, piercing Angela with his gaze of venom.

"It serves you right for--"

"Kids..." Wyler stepped up and offered his paws out. "Bickering gets us

nowhere, eh? Maybe we should keep--"

"Don't think I've forgotten about you and dalmy-boy over there's little adventure

two nights ago!" Angela said, almost playfully. "God, you could have woken up

my father with all that racket you two were spewing out!"

"That's a little far, Angela," Jasey cut in. "But yes, I think we should keep

moving. We barely got out from the German Shepherd and Vulture yesterday.

What the hell did you guys do to piss those guys off so bad?"

"Just stowed away," Angela scoffed. "And stole free food... and got taken in

from the cage."

"You guys were in... a cage?" Jasey gasped, wide-eyed.

"Yeah," Wyler said, winking. "It was no big deal though. We tanked it." Then

suddenly, something caught in his nose. It was like a hook that divided all reality

into nothing, and before he knew it he was walking again. That familiar scent...

so sweet and captivating...

"What is it?" Hudson noticed first that he was leaving the circle of four they had

formed. The mutt's eyes were lolled as he walked with a funny limpness, almost

like a zombie.

"Wy-guy?" Jasey said, reaching out for him.

"Do..." He said in-between sniffs. "D-d-d-do you g-g-g-g-guys..." He then went

silent as his tongue hung out of his mouth. Drool dripped like a leaky faucet as

the other three tried sniffing the air in turn. Nothing...?

"Do we what?!" Angela finally shouted. "DO WE WHAT?!"

"Smell that..." Wyler answered almost immediately. "Do you smell that?"

"Smell... what...Wyler..." Angela fumed over like a shaken up can of Pepsi.

She spoke in red-hot bursts that almost predicted an explosion, but Wyler was too

intoxicated to notice. She grabbed hold of his white cotton shirt and pulled his

nose in with hers, making sure of absolute eye contact.

"It's..." He tried saying. Finally he took in enough air to finish. "It's gas..."

"Oh my god..." Angela dropped him to the dirt as the other two breathed a sigh

of relief.

"You guys seriously can't smell it?" Wyler asked, picking himself up. "It's

everywhere! It's..." he started walking, pulling in as much of his surroundings as

he could. "It's strongest... This way!"

He took off in a complete sprint, leaving the three behind in a dust cloud.

They each coughed a couple times before shooting off in his direction, watching

him faintly as he rounded a bend. Then...



*Crash... skid...*

"Wyler!" Hudson shouted. The sudden noise gave him a burst of energy as he

sped up in front of the other two. Soon it was his turn to round, and as he did, he

slowed. In front of him lay a two foot high, two foot wide pipe, rusted from the

weather, just sticking out of the ground. It exited the mountain ridge to his left, a

few feet away, and ran over the cliff to his right.

"Ogh..." The mutt coughed out dust on the other side of the obstacle. A clear

streak stretched from where he skidded, and was at least ten feet from the pipe

where it started. "Ow my shin! God I think I broke my shin!"

"Worry not my child!" Shouted a deep, over-masculated voice. Jasey hopped

over the pipe with grace and trotted over to the injured fallen. "For I am here--"

He tried picking him up slightly before a swift punch landed on his arm. Hudson

growled as he pushed the wolf out of the way and, in turn, picked up his loved


"One day, Hudson..." Jasey whispered to himself. "You'll get yours... You'll--"

Another blow landed on his head this time. Angela chuckled behind him.

"You know..." she said, swaying her hips as she walked. "I wouldn't mess with

those two. After the talkin' to you got last time..."

"Hmph," The wolf tipped his head the other way and walked on.

"That's where the gas is coming from..." Wyler squeaked in the dalmatian's

arms. He pointed forward, revealing a rusted-down, tin shack that must have

been used as a gas station who knows how long ago. It was big enough to

occupy three rooms inside of it, plus the four pumps in front that was housed by a

rounded, plastic shelter.

"Let's hope there's some first aid in there," Hudson whispered.

"Tell it to me straight, doc." Wyler groaned. "Is it serious? Will I ever walk


Hudson chuckled as he kissed his boy on the cheek. "It'll heal, Wyler. All

wounds do."

"I know," He smiled, gazing into the dalmatian's sparkling eyes. "I'm fine... You

can put me down if you like."

"I kinda like having you this close to me."

"I can feel your arms wobbling."

"I can't help it..."

"It's okay. It kinda tickles."

With a sign, Hudson brought Wyler to his feet, and although his shin was

tender when he walked on it, leaving him limping behind the others, he was fine


"Let's see if there's anything worthwhile in here," Jasey said, waving his arm for

the others to follow.

"Like food," Hudson glared in Angela's direction, who turned the other way in

an innocent whistle.

Inside was as torn up and rundown as the outside was, but added and effect of

the spooks as shadows dance grimly on the walls. Little light was let in from the

dust covered doors, and as an added bonus, the whole place smelled like rotten


"Ugh..." Angela covered her muzzle with the collar of her shirt, wondering how

the boys just took it in without complaining. "Can't you guys smell that?! It's like

an old Butcher died in here!"

"Come on," Jasey sighed. "There's cans all over the place we can stuff into

bags. We won't have to pay for anything until we reach..." He left the sentence

hanging in the air.

"Abertanst?" The dalmatian and the raccoon said at the same time. It gave

them shivers up their back.

"That's the one!"

"Where's Wyler?" Hudson looked around, sniffing for any signs of him. All he

got was the odour of carcass in his muzzle.

Jasey gingerly looked behind the three as he began rooting through the

can-goods that lined the old decrepit shelves. "He's outside, masturbating into

the gas handles."

"Huh?" Hudson looked back with his head cocked. "I don't see him..." He felt a

paw on his shoulder which craned his neck to Angela beside. She was shaking

her head.

"He's not being serious, but yes, he's out circling them like a vulture."

Another look showed she was right. The brown fur ball was busy biting his nails

in excitement, never taking his eyes off the tanks for a second. A sparkle was in

those glass spheres of eye sockets of his, and it did the dalmatian good to see


Suddenly Hudson began to wonder again "I still don't know if I can call him my

mate yet..." He gave a sigh. "Should I feel I should be able to by now? Or does it

take time... Like saying I love you--" His chain of thought was broken by Angela's

horrified scream.

"Holy Jesus Sandwich!?" She shouted as she ripped her back over to where

Hudson stood. She cowered behind him as he gave a curious look to Jasey, who

returned it, making him realise who he was staring at, which made him look


"What's your problem?" Hudson scoffed, but a single look in the direction she

ran from revealed it all, for rising out of the old Lucky Charm and Captain

Crunch cereal boxes by the desk where the cash register must have been was a

shade equipped with piercing golden eyes.

"Who dares trespass on my property?!" It shouted, bringing its clawed arms to a


"Who calls a run-down gas station property?" Came Angela's quick reply from

behind Hudson. She used him like a wall to hide behind, a meat-shield if you

will, tossing her voice over like grenades of napalm.

The shade took a step back, shaken by the question. "I beg your pardon?"

"Isn't this place," Angela replied. "Public property? Can't anyone come inside

and out...?"

"Didn't you three read the sign?" It growled. "It's right outside, ya know? You

could have at least knocked."

"I didn't see a sign," Jasey raised his paw as if this were a formal thing, making

Hudson roll his eyes and sigh.

"You didn't, you say?" The shade sighed. "Wind musta got it, hold on..." And

with that, large back wings unfolded from behind, leaping it into the air as the

darkness melted away, revealing a creature none of them had ever seen before.

Head of an eagle, body of a lion. Wings and claws on the front where its paws

should have been. It left the three in aw as it gracefully swam through the air

with ease, opening the door before leaping out into the sky.

Wyler still had his eyes glued onto the pumps, taking in the scent of heaven

when he heard the door slash open.

"Hey guys, I think I could--" He shouted in the direction of the door, though

when he looked, a chill the size of Texas went down his spine. He could feel his

eyes going wide as an enormous beast blotted out the sun, and all he could do

was hide behind the tanks wishing Hudson was there to baby him.

Thankfully though, it hadn't seen him (which seemed farfetched seeing as he

was looking right in his direction) but the thing just floated off down the cliff like

nothing was ever new.

"Gotta run..." He immediately thought. "Gotta... find..." And soon horrid

thoughts of his friend torn to pieces within that station clogged his mind. He had

to move. Now.

With a shift of his weight, the mutt got to his feet. His eyes spanned the sky for

any sign of the beast, and as soon as his heart was pounding out courage he

began his sprint to the door. It had never seemed this far away before as

everything went by in slow motion. What took about one point five seconds to

get to seemed like an eternity of sweat and pants.

A noise caught him off guard though, and as soon as he realised it, it was too

late. The rust on the hinges screamed as they rotated unwillingly against each

other, and the next thing the boy knew, something had struck him so hard in the

muzzle his head felt like it was on backwards.

"Oh my god!" Came that annoying voice of Angela, which always seemed to

sound off when something like this happened. Soon he would get used to it,

begin to expect it, and suddenly things wouldn't seem right when it didn't echo

in his brain after a good bonking or something like it. That thought scared him

more than anything, but hey, it seemed to take the pain out of his muzzle.

"Wyler?!" Jasey called. He began to run, but felt a paw stop him at the chest.

Connected to it was the speckled arm of Hudson, leading up to an expression on

his muzzle that spouted venom and basically foretold pain if he took another


"I'm doing a good job putting up with you, wolf," He growled, not letting his

jaws separate for a second. "But if you keep on insistingly trying my patience...

I'm gonna have a new fur coat this winter."

"How positively bone-chilling," Jasey whispered, shivering a little. "Can't wait..."

He gave a wink and pushed the paw from his chest. Hard. "Go see if he's okay,

then. Before I go and do it for you."

Hudson just nodded, feeling like he was being forced to go, rather than having

done it on his own will. It was a weird feeling that mixed in his gut. Lately Jasey

had been giving off a weird vibe, and it always threatened him.

Outside, Angela was helping the poor mutt up, his nose twitching in pain as he

tried to stand on his feet again. He laid eyes on the dalmatian and gave a slight

grin before his face shuddered with pain again.

"I sort of..." Wyler started to say. "Ya know... hit the door." And just as the last

word toppled over his lips, the beast had returned in a gust of wind. Dust rose as

he touched down and in his eagle-like claw hands he held a large enough sign,

fashioned from board nailed together, to splatter them.

"So what," Angela shouted to him. Standing his full height he was a good four

or five feet taller than she was. "You're just gonna take your stupid sign and

squash us then? Just because you--"

"Whoa whoa missy," The beast said. "Don't be so quick to assume, just because

I'm bigger then you are." He smiled as much as his eagle beak would let him

and turned the sign. "See? I told you I had a sign out here saying "No

Trespassing" and here," He pointed a clawed finger to it. "it is."

"So you're not gonna hit us with it?"

He let out a chirpish laugh as he shuddered with enjoyment. "My dear lass," He

said. "Would you squash me if I just walked into your humble abode uninvited?"

"I'd probably scream," Angela sighed. "Then call for my butler to man-handle

you." She chuckled and bowed a little. "But yeah... Sorry, we really didn't know."

"That's quite alright," He said. "Even if I did kill you, I wouldn't eat you." He

took a pose and flexed. "Vegetarian, ya know. It does great for the body image."

"Well that's a waste." The voice came from up above. It was Jasey leaning his

head over the railing, smiling with a rock in his paw. "Now don't worry, guys! I'll

fend off this beast!"

"Jasey!" Wyler shouted in a bark. "If you throw that, I'm gonna--" The words

were cut from him by another knife of pain. His face shot into a grimace as

Hudson came closer to his side.

"What?" He asked him, putting his paw on his shoulder. "What's wrong Wyler?"

"Bloody looks like he bonked himself on the head," The beast leaned in for a

closer look, then shook his head before continuing. "Where are my manners!" He

stood his full length again and introduced himself. "My name's Charles. Charles


"Angela," Angela said, curtsying, then turning to her friends, she pointed. "This


"Hudson," Hudson interrupted, putting out his paw. A sudden look at the thing's

talons and he decided a smile would be a better option.

"And I'm Wyler," Wyler said in a pain-filled voice. "Up there's--"

"Jasey?" Charles said with a grin. "I kind of figured as much when you were

busy shouting."

Angela had been eyeing the strange creature for some time, and still couldn't

figure out what the hell she was looking at. Feathers on the back, fur on the

front? A lion's mane with a birds head, claws for front paws and pads for back?

Only one word came to her mind before she took in the deep breath to ask him.


"Don't think me rude," Angela said, finally letting curiosity get the best of her.

"But what the hell are you?"

The bird-lion took a step back as if she just sprouted a time bomb on her head.

"Why," He started with a chuckle. "They call me the last Griffin this side of

Hondeu." He took a bow and offered a claw. "Come inside and I shall give you


"Oh great..." Hudson whispered to Wyler. "Now he WANTS us to go inside..."

Wyler nodded with a smile before sucking in a lung-full. "Jasey! Get off the

damn roof NOW!"


It had long since gotten dark when Wyler was shaken awake by Angela. He had

been curled up behind his dalmatian, dreaming a dream that left his pants tight

when he opened his eyes.

"Wyler did you hear that?" Angela whispered. She was crouched as low as she

could stand without it hurting, a broken bottle wrapped in her paw.

"Hear... what?" Wyler groaned as he slithered his legs out from the shape

Hudson had his. He just stirred with the sudden warmth gone and rolled an inch.

"I think there's someone outside, Wyler!"

"Angela don't be--" His ears went up when he heard a branch crack a few feet

from the entrance. "Okay, get Jasey up. I'll get--"

And before he could finish, he was interrupted by a hatchet in the door. The

air vibrated with adrenaline as Hudson stirred beside him, Jasey let out a moan

to their left, and a squeak from Charles revealed he wasn't shaken at all.

"Alright, lads!" Came a haunting voice so familiar, three of the five stopped

breathing. "The door's finally free! It's time to take back what's ours!" Another

hatchet met the door, this time in the bottom, and cracked in two.

"Oh my god!" Angela screamed. There it was again. And there, standing in the

doorway with his eyes seemingly little balls of flame, was Captain Agnus and

fifteen other species of fur, each with their own weapon and torch.

"Look at the rats," He sneered, taking a step. His eyes widened as the

dalmatian rolled over, and he took a breath of amazement. "And look who went

with them...?"

The voice cut deep as Hudson jumped back. He didn't know what to do. His

vision was clouding into a tunnel as he felt his heart sped up and fed into his

throat. A memory brought itself back to life. A nightmare in the flesh.

"If I knew you were actually involved..." Agnus said, his ears lowering as he

white-knuckled his fists, choking the air with his paws. "I would have thrown you in

there with 'em... And thrown you all overboard...!"

"Trusser wouldn't have let you," Hudson growled. "He would have--"

"What?" Agnus sneered. "He would have cowered like a kitten. That's about--"

"Aren't you a little far from your ship to be standing so high and mighty?" It was

Jasey, and his voice flew though like an arrow. It flew strong and was sure to

make an impact. It deflected off the sea shepherd's chest.

"Who the hell are you?" He chuckled, looking back to his crew for support.

"The name's Jasey Rae," The wolf chuckled like he was on fire with his words.

"I've never heard of you," Agnus grinned. "What are you, some vagabond these

three picked up in the village? Hmm? Some pooch with no home to go to?"

"I've heard of you," Jasey replied. "I've heard--"

"ENOUGH!" Came the shout from the captain. "I didn't come to talk to the likes

you. I came--"

And suddenly the walls began to crackle. The four boggled their heads like

they were watching a four player tennis game as each corner of the shack began

to smoke, glow, and eventually sprout a flame.

"I came..." Agnus repeated. Venom lined his face as his teeth became visible.

"To watch you burn..." He threw his head back like a beast and let out a howl. A

terrifying sound that mimicked breaking glasses and nails scraping across


A sudden "Ooof!" sound came from someone behind, followed by the feeling

of their shirts ripping from the back. An upward feeling threw Wyler and Hudson's

head to their chest, ending off with a symphony of cracking ceiling sheet metal

and "NOOOO!" of Captain Agnus.

"Where the hell did they get a griffon!?" They heard them shout. "Follow


The night air was cold as the wind flew through each of the fur's fur. Jasey and

Angela rode Charles on his back, while Hudson and Wyler perched in his claws.

The gentle sound of each of their shirts ripping only made the ride more


"What the hell was that for?!" Charles shouted through paced breathing. "My

home had been destroyed because of you! Where the--"

"We'll explain when we land," Angela said. "Take us some place safe!"

"Clearly," Charles agreed. "I know a nice little cliff just below--" A swish flew by

and thunked into the griffin's side. He lurched, sending his aerodynamic body in

a spasm of pain, bucking off the wolf and the dalmatian as they plummeted

together to the ground.

"HUDSON!" Wyler screamed as loud as he could, as if his voice alone could

rope him back up to him. He whipped his head up to the eagle's part of Charles

and burst into hysteria. "You have to fly down to get them!" He shouted.


"Would you please be QUIET!" Charles shouted at him. With his now free paw,

he yanked the arrow out with a shudder as he tried to retain stability in the air.

"I'm dropping you two off, then I'm going back for them." And suddenly, without

warning, the griffon dove into the black that was below.

Forever the seemed to fall, like madness brought about in wind-induced tears

that matted the fur under the mutt's and raccoon's eyes.

"Hudson!" Wyler shouted as he was thrown into the cave on the Cliffside, soon

followed by Angela.

"Shh, Wyler," Angela tried consoling him, mostly because he wouldn't get out

of the entrance. "Hudson'll be al--"

"Go get him!" Wyler shouted to Charles, who was busy inspecting his wound the

arrow inflicted. "Go get him RIGHT--"

"Jasey!" He heard his dalmatian shout from somewhere up above, and

suddenly he felt his heart breaking. "Jasey Help! PLEASE!" Thoughts rushed

through his mind on what he was could do to helo. Could he climb up? Could


"I'm comin' dude!" Came the response. It was Jasey! "Im coming!" He turned to


"Jasey's got it all under control," The raccoon offered a smile before he turned

to Charles. "Are you okay?"

"Just a scratch," The griffon said modestly. He stretched his right wing, followed

by his left, and before the other two knew it he was out and back into the night.

They waited, listening, only coming up with a small dripping sound in the back

of the cave. It gave a weird creep-vibe to the whole thing, and just as if time had

sped up, the griffon was back with only one companion in his grasp.

"Hudson?!" Wyler shouted, looking all over. The two held their heads low,

they're ears peeled back.

"I don't know how to tell you this..." Jasey said as if he was going to cry. "I

couldn't reach him in time... He's... gone..."


Above, Jasey lay in a heap. The light of the torches behind them was growing

as the crew sniffed and closed in on the scent.

"Ugh..." He came around a few second after he heard the huffing of

something, pawing and scratching the Earth just in front of him, and with a slight

creak of his eyes, he saw the source.

There Hudson was, lying hopelessly off the edge, like a ragdoll blowing in the

wind. His nails dug as deep as they could to anchor him, but as seconds flew by

like pain, they uprooted like unwanted weeds.

"Jasey!" He shrieked. His eyes welled up and misted over with relief as the wolf

slowly stood to his knees. "Jasey help! PLEASE!"

"I'm comin' dude!" The wolf shouted in an urgency. "I'm coming!" He cupped

his paws over his muzzle like he was miles away. "Hold on Hudson! I'm coming

for you!"

The voice echoed over the edge, reverberating off the canyon walls until he

finally took a step forward. A sparkle shone in his eye as he kneeled down over

the dalmatian. He could hear his heart beating.

"Well looky here..." He whispered, keeping an ear turned to the mob behind

him. He guessed they were about three-hundred yards away, and it sounded like

they were running. "Just what is a boy to do in your predicament, eh?"

Hudson's eyes went wide as Jasey stood to his full height, keeping his eyes in

contact with his. "Jasey, what the hell are you doing!? There's no way--!"

"SHUT UP!" The wolf howled, throwing his foot paw down to the ground,

hitting Hudson's with a pain that shot up his arm, releasing his grip. Then he

leaned in closer. "I've always..." He grinned. "Hoped this moment would come."

"Jasey--" Hudson started, but was immediately silenced by another thrust with

Jasey's foot, which landed right next to his other paw.

"I've loathed you..." Jasey whispered. "Ever since you got jealous when I

hugged him. Ever since... you..." His body began to quiver

*One hundred-fifty meters*

"Ever since..." Jasey growled. "You took him... away from me..."

"Jasey please--!" Hudson tried. "You had your chance!"

"And you have yours," Jasey cut him off. He chuckled as he readied his final

blow. "Well... had..."


"Bye bye, Hudson... Wyler... is mine..."

A slip, followed by a fall, and then the flutter of wings were all that sounded off

before Hudson even knew he let go. All his organs seemed to slurp down to his

feet as he fell in a slowly spinning spiral. Even though the wind caught his face

and he knew this was the end, he felt strangely calm. Like he could argue with a

piece of macaroni and win.

It was in this twisted form of serenity that the dalmatian felt his body crumple.

"That must have been it..." He thought. "I'm dead now. Road pizza on the

canyon floor..." He opened his eyes and was astonished, for looking back into

his, were the most familiar green eyes he had ever laid eyes upon.


(8) Hold on, What's the rush? What's the rush? We're... not done, away.

Cause I don't need to change this... Atmosphere we made if you can stay one

more hour...

Can you stay one more hour?

You know I'm gonna find a way to let you have your way with me

You know I'm gonna find the time to catch you and, and make you stay 8)

"Find A Way."



And so that's part 10. DOUBLE DIGITS! Ha... so I hope you guys enjoyed, and I shall give you a speedy sequel to the outrageous turn of events that have JUST HAPPENED!

Love yas all,
