Highschool - Fitting In and Living Life Ch 4: The Sleepover

Story by Dischord on SoFurry

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If you are offended by homosexual relationships then get off this page and take your compl...

If you are offended by homosexual relationships then get off this page and take your complaints with you. If not, however, I hope you're all satisfied by what I've turned out.

Now, onto the story...


They grinned nervously at each other as they waited for the bus. Alex was finding it ever harder not to lean on Zack as he waited; the tigers' powerful presence right beside him was making him go weak at the knees. When the bus did finally come, they sat together silently; both wanting desperately to say what they had on their minds but were too embarrassed to do so.

Their stop came, and as they reached the corner of Alex's street, Zack laid a paw on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

"I'll see you at six then?" Alex nodded fervently and smiled, slapping down the emotions welling up inside him.

"K. See you then." They parted and headed for their homes.

As soon as Alex was inside he rushed to his room and started on his homework. By the time he'd finished, it was about five-thirty.

"Oh shit!" The fox grabbed a towel and ran for the shower; not wanting to be late on what he was hoping was going to be the best night of his life.


In spite of himself, Zack got the mince out and began to cook the dinner his mum had left for him after finishing his overdue history homework. Letting the meat brown, he looked at the clock: 5:45, "he'll be here soon" the tiger mused to himself. He had absolutely no idea how he was going to confess to the fox - even though he was quite sure that the feeling was mutual - how he felt him.

He thought over a few dozen scenarios in his mind as he put the pasta on to boil. Throwing them away as he heard a knock at the door; the tiger left the meat to cook whilst he rushed to the door.

Opening the door he ushered Alex inside and ran back to the meat.

"I hope you like Spaghetti!" he yelled as he dumped the sauce into the pan and stirred it in.

"Smells good!" the fox yelled back as he kicked his shoes off and looked about. Despite how it looked from the outside, the two-storey house was quite small. He walked through the hall, passing the lounge room and what he suspected to be Zack's parent's bedroom before entering the kitchen/dining room. The kitchen and dining room was separated by a bench where three tall stools were. He sat down at the small table designed for four and waited for the tiger to finish. The smells coming from the food were good and Alex laughed when he heard his stomach rumble.

Watching Zack's ass as he readied the food, the fox felt his pants tightening. The tiger was wearing a pair of black shorts that complimented his stripes and showed his gear off quite nicely. After five minutes of rummaging in the closet, he himself had picked out a pair of black denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Rather explicit thoughts were welling up inside his head as he watched his crush at work. He coughed and chided himself silently. Wait. As the tiger was serving up, he decided it was too much and asked where the bathroom was. The fox ran up the stairs two by two when he got his answer; leaving Zack to his own thoughts as he watched his crush run up the stairs in a smooth gait.

Closing the door hastily to the bathroom, Alex began to pace.

"Just tell him." he thought to himself

"But what if I misunderstood him?"

"Still, it's worth a try."

"But he's also a good friend, what if I lose him?"

"Go through everything he's done for you and then tell me there's nothing between you two." Alex sighed

"Fine, you win."

"As always,"

"And you lose, as always, since it is me I am arguing with." The fox stifled an ironic laugh and splashed some cold water on his muzzle before going out again.


Zack didn't comment as Alex made his way down. He handed the fox a bowl. Going through his rack of movies, he picked out an action and put it on before slumping on the couch next to the fox. The tiger couldn't help himself; he was watching more of Alex than he was of the movie, and when the fox caught his eye, he turned away and blushed. He almost fell off the couch as he felt Alex lean slightly on him. His mind a blank, the tiger left his empty bowl on the floor next to Alex's own and leaned back against the fox. The movie now completely forgotten, they stared into each other's eyes, attempting to convey as many emotions as they could through them.

Their muzzles inched closer so slowly that neither realized until they were almost touching. Zack licked his lips nervously and accidently brushed them against Alex's own. Their breaths caught as for moment that felt like hours; their lips were touching. Alex tilted his head slightly and pushed it into a somewhat more passionate kiss to which the tiger all too willingly obliged. The tiger raised a paw and ran it through the fox's red neck-fur and felt his back arch in response. Alex caressed the silky soft fur of Zack's cheek with one paw and ran the other over his rock-hard abs.

Acting on pure instinct; Zack pulled the fox beneath him so he was straddling him, bent over, and licked over his red and white muzzle. He received a murr in response as he proceeded to remove Alex's t-shirt. The fox licked his paw as it passed whilst he pulled the shirt off, and once he saw Alex's white chest, the tiger's breath became hoarse. He kissed his lover before pulling his own shirt off, leaving them both half naked.

Alex was in heaven as he felt the strong muscles pull his shirt off. He ran his paws over the exposed abs once the tiger had done same and sat up to lick over his nipples. Zack purred and ran his claws through the fox's head fur, making Alex shiver in pleasure. The fox bent over and trailed his tongue down the tiger's chest towards his groin, enticing a groan from his lover as he slowly pulled his shorts and underwear off, exposing his soft, white furred balls and 8" jet black erection that was hardening by the second. Alex buried his nose into the tiger's crotch fur and took a large breath. The musky scent that he was inhaling was turning him on greatly and the claws that Zack was trailing down his back felt so good!

He began to lave his tongue over the tiger's cock and elicited another groan as he mapped out the contours of the black member. Zack's legs tensed as he forced himself not to buck into the muzzle that was giving him so much pleasure. Instead, he pulled the fox's own shorts and briefs off and exposed the pink cock that was as hard as his. Gently pulling Alex off him, he got off the fox and repositioned himself so that he was kneeling in front of his lover. Pushing the fox's legs up and exposing his tail-hole, Zack bent over and began to lick it with his broad, rough tongue, forcing Alex to squirm in pleasure. Once sufficiently lubed, he kneeled again and lined up. He looked into the trusting hazel eyes of his new lover.

"I'm scared I might hurt you. This is my first time doing this kinda thing..."

"Shhh..." The fox put a finger to his lips, which Zack licked softly. "This is my first too... don't worry, I know you wont hurt me." He reached over to his lover's jet erection and lined it up.

Alex groaned as he felt the tiger penetrate him. It slowly burned a path right through him and he was doing all he could not to push Zack all the way in. Once he was firmly hilted inside the fox, he slowly pushed himself in and out at a slow and almost unbearable tempo. The tiger steadily gained speed and once he was going at full pelt, he reached over and grasped Alex's cock, causing him to gasp and hump the paw offered with single-minded determination.

The fox was the first to cum, climaxing into Zack's paw with a loud yip. The spasms in the muscles in Alex's tail-hole as a result immediately sent the tiger over the edge himself and a collective sigh was sounded as wave after wave of seed was pumped into the fox. The tiger lay on top of the fox, careful not to crush him. They were both sweating profusely and panting for the next five minutes before finally relaxing. Zack removed himself and rolled over on the couch so that Alex's slim body was next to him, facing the couch back. The fox licked over his chest lightly and the tiger curled up protectively around his new lover. Zack whispered drowsily into his ear

"I don't really want to go to school tomorrow, do you?"

"Hell no," Alex yawned and whispered back "lets jut stay like this all day."


They both fell asleep in a state of pure bliss.


ALRIGHT! There you go! The yiff scene over and done with. Tell me what you thought of it as it was my first. All criticism is good criticism; tell me how to make my writing better and I'll try to improve it so.

I know it was short, if doing so wouldn't mean having to re-submit, I would turn it all into one chapter. But don't worry, I've found some time and not only finished this, but started on a new chapter, and it is already 4 pages long.

This will be the last Alex/Zack chapter for a while; I've got a few other couples to get underway, namely a human/dragon I've been dying to write.

Well, till next time...