Rebirth and meeting part of the family

Story by DarkBladeDragn on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dragon and daughter

yay i finally got it finished. sorry for the late update but with the new job i don't have alot of time for writing. and now on to the disclaimer

this story is not for people younger than 18 and people whoo get offended by it, but if it offended you, you would not have clicked on it.

please leave comments if you liked it. Also all charecters ar mine by creation.

Six weeks passed as Beth slept inside of Shades womb growing,changing until she would be ready to come out. Instead of the usual pile of pillows she had shifted them into a make shift nest. Shades stomach had expanded enough to cause mild discomfort as she hunted. She was glad she would have a daughter but alas she wanted to find more of her kind. Very soon she would lay the egg that contained Beth then she would only have to wait a little longer.

When the time finally came Shade lay down on her side and spread her legs. A steady stream of clear fluid continually leaked from her cunt. She grunted as she pushed feeling the egg slowly start to slide out. As it slid towards the opening of her cunt it stretched her tight passage wide. It sent shocks of pleasure to her brain as she continued to push the egg out. As the egg neared the end the fluid that was once a trickle was now gushing out.

When the shell of the egg was visible she began to push harder and harder. She cried out as the egg stretched her opening wider than ever before. As it slid out she began to pant as she wrapped around the egg to fall asleep. Inside the egg Beth had finished changing all that was left was for her to wake up.

Darkness, it was all around her with no visible light anywhere to be seen. In her sightless world she could not move as her limbs wouldn't respond, but there was something else. Warmth raidiating from somewhere around her. It called to her and she needed it. Slowly she began to shake and as she did her muscles began to respond.

As she struggled to reach the warmth there was a loud "cracking" noise that caused her to stop. She waited for pain but it never came. Instead a ray of light could be seen shining through a rather large crack in her cramped prison. She pushed harder against it as she could, but it would not budge an inch. Outside the egg, Shade had been disturbed by the vibrations of the egg. Blinking a few times Shade looked at the wobbling egg.

The crack slowly grew but it was not enough to cause it to actually break. Beth began to panic as she could not get out of the egg. Shade reached towards the egg with a single claw. A light suddenly appeared on Beth as part of the shell was removed. Outside she could see the familiar walls of the cave and as she looked around she could she Shade. A feeling of happiness welled up inside Shade as she layed eyes on her daughter. Her shape was relatively unchanged except for she now had a pair of wings and a tail on her.

She was covered in black scales that had gold stripes that ran across her back. The bands that covered her underside were the same gold color as her stripes. Beth stood examining her body for the first time in weeks . She was beautiful but what would other people say when they saw her? Would they hate her, for the first time she began to regret her choice.

Shade could sense her childs regret and only watched to see what she would do. Beth curled into a ball and began rock back and forth as she cried. Shade reached out and picked up her child so that she could comfort her. It felt wonderful, being held by her mother. Beth did not want it to ever end but unfortunately Shade set her down. Looking down Beth could only see some of her alterations. She ran to the bathing pool and looked at her refection to see the rest of her changes more accurately.

Beth went to speak to Shade but she could not form any of the words. This worried Beth, but Shade simply chuckled before speaking. "My dear Beth, you are not accustom to your new tounge or body. You are going to have to relearn some basics as well as some new skills. This new little fact startled yet excited her at the same time. Shade lay down and curled around Beth as they both fell asleep.

The next day Shade was teaching Beth how to speak with her new tounge. Beth had alot of problems forming human words without slurring some of them. Along with the human language she had to learn how to speak the native tounge of her new species. It was slightly easier then the human language but it was still difficult.She had to learn how to create a series of hissing noises using her new snake like tounge.

The other skill she had to learn how to learn fly using her new wing. That was one of those things that was easier said than done. This new skill terrified her beyond all reason. It was not the height that scared her, it was the possibility of falling that made her worry. She wanted to fly so bad but she did not want to break something in the process. Yet she knew that shade was going to either let her do it on her own or force her.

Shade started out easy on teaching her the basics about angling her wings and stretching them to get used to the new muscles. As the days of stretching and lessons went on it got to the point where she had natural control. When it came time to actually put all of the training to use she was scared. Shade brought her to a cliff that had a river at the bottom. It was incase she was not as successfully as Shade hoped she would be.

Beth did not want to do it so she just sat down in the grass and just waited. Shade knew that this might happen so she thought for a moment or two. When the idea came to her she smiled and lay down beside of Beth. Before Beth knew it she was falling towards the river at the bottom. She was scared of hitting the water but she was afraid of flying at the same time.

Not knowing what to do scared her more than the river and flying both did. So she spread her wings and angled them slightly and began to glide down to the river. It felt amazing, she could feel the wind rushing past her scales. For the first time since her mother began teaching her to fly she belived she could do it. She loved it and began to wonder what else could she also do now.

Climbing higher she came up above the cliff to show her mother. Shade jumped up and joined her daughter in the air. They flew for a few hours until the sun had set and the sky was lit by the stars. "Congratulations my daughter you have done well for today but tomorrow we head east."

Beth looked at her mother for a moment before responding. "Why must we go east mother?" "So that we can find more of our kind in this new age." Beth just smiled before plunging into the bed of pillows. Shade joined her shortly.

The two were up before the sun rose up over the horizon. Shade had been explaining to Beth why going east was more important than just finding other dragons. "So we are also going east to see your sisters grave?" Shade nodded her head and began to walk outside with Beth close behind. Upon exiting the cave they jumped into the air and began their trip east.

They started out at a nice even pace, covering a couple of miles every ten minutes. As the trip continued they slowed down as Beth was getting tired. Not being as experienced as her mother Beth could not fly as far in one trip. It eventually got to the point were Beth was laying on her mothers back as she flew. It took hours but they managed to find the grave.

It was actually a statue instead of a grave but it still marked her final resting place. What Beth found odd was that there was another statue that Shade never mentioned. It was smaller and was not as elaborate as the other. "Mother who is this statue for?" Shade looked at the other statue then turned to Beth. "That is for her son, and these are not just statues but seals." That response was more than she expected but it mostly shocked her.

"Listen Beth it happened a long time ago when a priest and a warrior journeyed to her home. The priest stayed outside and prepared a seal for them while the warrior lured them out. I am not sure how he lured them into the all we know is it worked as you can see. As far as we know there is no way to unseal them but it might be passable."

The story was short but the effect it left on Beth lasted longer than she wanted. "What do you know of the seal that was used on her mom?" "I know how to reverse it but the problem is the blood of the original caster or his descendant is needed, and I don't know who cast it."Beth just stared at the two statues before began to wonder what they were like in person. She looked at the faces and saw that there was a sad expression on each of their faces.

As Beth and shade visited the statues a pair of eyes watched them from the bushes. The figure kept low as it circled them till it was behind them. In its left hand it gripped a cross so tight that its knuckles were white. As it watched them the wind shifted direction so that it was blowing towards the dragons. This worried the person because now she could be found.

Something in the air caught Shade's attention as she sniffed the air around her. She looked over towards the bushes that the figure was in. When She did the figure began to move slowly away from the two. When Beth caught the scent she began to walk slowly towards the source. As Beth neared the figure she began to notice movement in the bushes.

When the figure realized that it had been spotted it got up and began to run. Unfortunately as she turned a gust of wind hit as Shade landed behind the figure. Not knowing which way to run it caught Beth by surprise and ran past her towards the statues. As the figure hit a statue it stopped and turned back towards them. When it did the moon came out revealing the figure to be a young woman.

"Stay back, I could seal you away at any moment." Shade simply smirked at the bold statement before moving slowly towards the woman.

"You lie child, for if you could you would not be so affraid of me or my daughter." Shade stopped short of stepping on the scared woman.

"I can for my family has guarded these sealed creatures ever since my great ancestor sealed them." Those few words gave Beth an idea.

Beth began to advance towards the scared woman. She stopped when she was just a few inches from the woman. Using her left hand she used her pointer and middle finger to scrape the womans arm so that blood appeared. The woman clutched her arm where the wound had been inflicted. "Mother what must be done with the blood to break the seal on my aunt?"

Shade looked at Beth for a moment, in that moment the woman ran away. "Well first you would have to place some on each statue, then we would have to wait till the stone shattered releasing them. Beth placed some blood on each statue and stepped back a few steps.

"Mother why was the seal able to work on them?"

"Well my dear it worked because it was a magic seal and not a spiritual seal. The difference is a spiritual seal only works on demons and a magic seal works on anything that is alive." Beth just nodded her head in response to her mothers answer.

As the hours went by Beth fell asleep and shade began to wonder if it would work. She did want to see her sister but what would she be like after being sealed for all those years. The more she wondered the sleepier she got, and soon she was sound asleep. As They slept small cracks began to appear on the statues were the blood was. The cracks got larger and began appear faster as they spread.

When the cracks stopped forming the statues began to vibrate slowly. The vibrating sped up causing small chunks of stone to fall to the ground. Where the stone feel from revealed red scales on one and emerald green on the other. When the green dragonesses head was released she roared in excitement. That is what woke Shade and Beth from their peaceful slumber.

As the last of the stone dropped off of them they took there first steps in years. Shade stood, happy to see her sister in the flesh again. Beth being as shy as she was hid behind Shade. Spira looked around for a moment before she saw Shade standing there. Drake walked up next to Spira wondering who the other dragoness was. "Finally after all those years we are finally free from that acursed seal." Shade stood still as her sister and her son stretched. When Spira did notice Shade she spoke in a surprised tone. "Shade, is that you?"

" Yes, Spira it is and you have been gone a long time." Spira was quit happy to see her sister until she heard a twig snap behind Shade.

"Who is that behind you Shade?"

Beth stepped onto view looking down at the ground out of fright. "That is my daughter Beth, and who is that next to you?"

Drake looked up to Spira to see if it was alright to introduce himself. When he saw her nod he spoke. "My name is Drake, and as you probably already know Spira is my mother." So they spent the rest of the night telling each other of what happened in the last hundred years not knowing what was to come.