Secrets of the Fae, Chapter 2: The Chase

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#2 of Secrets of the Fae

This was it, I was going to finally do it. Years of dreams and scheming began to pass as I firmly stepped onto the bottom of the fence. Carefully I grasped around the many thorny vines as I started to climb onto the fence and make my first steps towards the blackberries. Standing tall on the top of the fence I could see even deeper into the forests, watching the moonlit shadows dancing in the breeze. I looked down at the many prickly vines that waited patiently for me as I thought about how to get myself down and through them. They seemed the thickest just against the fence, making climbing down a rather sharp affair. I peeked to the left and right, feeling my burst of confidence start to fade as the cool breeze blew along me. The bush was just as thick along the entire fence, spreading far past it on each side. I huffed in annoyance, before looking to see how far those thorns spread out before me. The thinning vines seemed to be tapering off after a few feet. Perhaps just enough space actually to take a leap. I bit my lip, knowing it'd be a painful way to enter if I missed and landed in the middle of that bramble in front of me.

Gingerly I shifted my body forward a little as I eyed up the distance I'd need to jump. It seemed so far, just barely in my reach. The thorns gleamed in the silvery moonlight as the breeze rustled the blackberry bush in a taunting manner. I started to breathe heavily, rocking back and forth in preparation. Staring at a thin patch of the vines just a few feet away, just one good jump, that's all. I leaned back, tensing up as I tried to not think of those sharp thorns below. Then I leaped with a shout, tossing myself through the night. I yelped, hitting hard just a little short of the clearing and a little off center, nearly falling backwards into those awaiting thorns. I jerked as I staggered back, feeling stuck before with a resounding rip I pulled myself free. Staggering forward while I panted with fear and amazement. I made it! But my jacket didn't fare quite as well. The denim fabric torn badly, half ripped off my back as it had caught those long thorns instead of my flesh. I gave a little tremble at the painful thoughts had I not been wearing it, along with a little sigh at the new jacket being quite ruined. It was still half caught in the vines still, forcing me to shrug my shoulders the rest of the way out of it to be free of the entangling spines. I flushed with fear as I realized I was really in trouble now, having not only leaped over into the woods, but also ruining my one of my birthday presents. But the woods awaited, and I knew I may as well go all out if I'm going to be in this much trouble. so I strode as bravely and purposefully as I could into the darkening shadows of the tall trees.

The shadows deepened around me as I walked along, each breeze making them dance and frolic with half formed shapes. The air seemed to become cooler, crisp on my shirt as I slowly began to walk along the half formed paths of this forgotten forest. My eyes started to grow more used to the darkness, realizing too late I should have brought a flashlight of some kind. But the full moon hung heavy in the sky, lending a dim glow through the branches to guide my way. Each step I took making me feel more determined, especially as I spied a few prints of a deer in a small patch of mud. I was quite certain who they must belong too as I thought of that prancing deer boy I spied on the way in. I wondered if I even could catch him, losing myself in my thoughts as I casually walked deeper within. Everything became more vibrant, real and yet dreamlike at the same as I seemed to easily pick my way though the path in the darkness. A flush heat began to warm within me despite the cool fall night as I smiled, feeling so alive. Taking one last look at the house a few lights on gleamed in the darkness, seeming so far away and dark compared to the inviting woods before me.

Of course it would be at this point I nearly trip, sinking up to my ankles in thick mud as I reach a stream bank. The cold mud shocking me out of my daydreams as I caught myself before I fell. I can feel the yielding mess sinking into my shoes as I gingerly lift one foot. The other foot sinks down even further, giving a little yelp in surprise when I finally step into the cold stream. I tugged on my stuck leg, shivering in the cool wetness of my muddy ankles and the flowing water, another gasp as it pulls free. I fell Splashing into the stream with a yell, the water cold on my feet and rump. My eyes wide in surprise, not even seeing the shoe that was now buried in a foot of mud. I gave a little sigh, now losing my shoe as well as that jacket to the woods. I plodded forward, the other shoe heavy with mud, making me stagger off balance as I splashed across the stream awkwardly. I couldn't help but groan in annoyance as I started to sink into the watery mud of the other bank. Watching my shoe tug and drag through the slick muck. The mud did feel fun through my sock, enjoying the slippery mess it made as I finally gave up. And with a quick tug I left the other shoe stuck in the mud, half exposed as I cheerfully waddled through the last of the mud.

I chuckled a little as I looked back and down to my stained socks. Giving my toes a wiggle and feeling the squish of mud I couldn't help but grin. It was feeling so strangely right, amused that I at least was honest about going all out for this walk. I couldn't even see the lights of my home now, buried in the darkness. But everything otherwise was quite well, as I walked along with those messy socks. A few minutes later I stopped, deciding to just toss the socks on a whim, seeing as they were quite ruined. Leaning down to pull them off, I spied a small hint of a path along the ground. Once I tossed each mud covered sock aside I took a moment to peek up along the curving path. The ground felt surprisingly soft as my toes walked along it, peering over a small hill to what appeared to have been a cottage at one point, in a small clearing. The ruins seemed incredibly ancient, mostly collapsed by now. I peeked forward, gazing through the long rotted frame that may have once been door to see any hints of what once was within it. I Wondered what happened to the owner of it, so long ago in these strange woods. I felt a little humbled by the history of this little glade, wondering how many years it had been since anyone saw this cottage.

I stopped for a few moment, paying my respects to the former owners as I imagined how it must have been to live here so long ago. The path from the house leading along a small hill, giving a picturesque view in the moonlight. Unfortunately, it seemed that at some time most of the path crumbled away, a small but steep hill in my way now. The footing became more treacherous as I walked along the hill, looking to where it might be easier to get down. I was about to keep following along for what appeared to be quite a while when I spied a little movement. A familiar figure peeking from a tree down the way, looking over me with those bright eyes. He seemed to be calling me over, as if questioning if I could indeed catch him. I looked quickly around, spying a tree jutting up near the edge of the cliff. I realized I could use it to get down quicker. Stepping with sudden sureness, my toes grasping the loose dirt as I pressed myself to the rough bark of the tree trunk. The rough surface making me feel more secure as I used it to steady myself, working toes down the steep hill slowly. Inch by inch I wormed myself down, feeling the stare of that strange deer watching me. I tried to look over, seeing if he was still there when I slipped, sending me sliding down with a shout. My arms were lifted as branches ripped at my shirt and skin, a series sharp stinging tugs as my shirt ripped from the branches. I could feel buttons popping off as I slid down the hill, grasping at the tree branches to try to slow myself. I finally stopped for one moment, shirt pulled up to my head as it caught a branch... then with a final slip I fell with a yelp. And ended up landing unceremoniously on my butt about a foot lower. I closed my eyes tight for a moment, unable to do anything but groan as the heat and sting of scrapes blossomed upon my exposed chest and back. The cool air felt sharp on my sweaty body as I caught my breath, hearing what sounded like a faint giggle from that deer boy. But by the time I turned again, he was gone yet again, leaving little to show that he was once there. I looked up at my shirt as I groaned, the fabric ripped apart. I began to laugh for some reason, strangely fulfilling as I got up to leave it behind. Perhaps they'll be my breadcrumbs to follow back home as I walked forward proudly once more.

The forest seemed to teem with life now, feeling my toes digging through that cool dirt in a wonderfully fulfilling way. No shoes or anything to get in the way now. I started to jog, full of energy despite the slow turning of the moon and stars above while the night steadily passed. It all seemed so right now, the world at ease as I panted in the wonderful night air. I wondered if this was how life was supposed to be, free and wild with nature. Every little rock and tree brought a feeling of awe and wonder, realizing I was perhaps the only person to see this in hundreds of years. I felt strangely at ease despite being alone, and I wondered if I was catching up to that strange deer. I briefly wondered if that was even possible, since the few times of seeing him move had me amazed at how graceful he was. Of course, I bet if I had the legs of a deer I'd be moving along a lot better then these flat feet. I chuckled to myself now as I slipped along the forest floor, picking out a path among the underbrush with a careless ease while I imagined myself as a fae creature.

It was then I spied him again, when I reached a small series of rocks and boulders that lead down towards a lazily flowing river. He was much closer this time, and I gasped at the sight of him. His skin gleamed silvery in the moonlight, his sleek chest and trim body leading to powerful cervine legs. I blushed hotly at his nude form before me, feeling a strange stirring of emotions despite him being another boy. He was so perfectly at ease in his nudity, making me feel a little unworthy in my stained and worn jeans. The older teen giving a grin, antlers held aloft with a proud manner despite obviously being a teenager. He babbled something to me that had a sweet musical tone, before giving a wink and lustful grin that made me blush furiously. With an arrogant toss of his antlers he turned, springing down the rocks with a practiced ease. I watched his tail flit playfully behind him, biting my lip firmly as I suddenly noticed the straining firmness of my lap. I was feeling a strange conflicting emotion, knowing he's also a boy, but also admiring such a handsome display. Nervously I stepped forward, curious how I'd get down despite my lack of grace and sure footing.

I carefully pulled myself onto the first rock, sitting down to lower myself down to the next boulder beneath me. I could still see the buck below, watching me now, keeping his distance but staying in my sight. I yipped when my slippery feet nearly fell from the smooth surface, barely collecting myself in a kneel before the further drop before me. I peered around for another way to go, feeling a sudden need to catch up and ask the creature before me what he is. I felt even more inept before him as he watched me, while I finally found another rock that would help me down without a potentially deadly jump. It looked like it'd be quite a tight squeeze between two rocks as I pressed up to the rough surfaces. Slowly I breathed in, worming my way through bit by bit. The rough surface scraping my exposed shoulders, eyes watching the opening inch steadily closer. Then for a moment I was stuck, a small projection catching my pants button firmly. I held in a brief whine, straining to not panic in the claustrophobic grasp of the rocks. Firmly and surely I pulled myself along, feeling fabric straining. A soft popping sound as the button was torn off and the gentle sound of the zipper ripped open. But the pants were still stuck firm as I closed my eyes tight, pushing panic back with a slow breath. Each step was making the fabric droop down, sliding down as I nervously squirmed, the rough surface of the rock catching and pulling my pants down, arms stuck above me to keep me from pulling them up. Finally they pooled around my ankles, making it difficult to continue as I looked out, the exit not too far off. With a manic giggle I gave in and decided to just pull my feet out of those pants. A little twist of my feet and the fabric was pulled away, letting me step free much easier. Finally, after several more feet of shuffling along in just my underwear I finally managed to pull myself through, collapsing to the soft ground with a sigh. I shuddered at the claustrophic embrace I just left, peeking in to see my pants appearing to be just out of reach as I groaned. It seems this forest hates my clothes as I leaned over, fingers not quite able to touch the denim fabric... and then gave another furious blush as I see those two brown eyes still watching me as I bent over before him. I can feel his grin from across the river as I give a nervous laugh, turning back to shy hide my lap, especially as I felt myself beginning to get aroused for some reason. The world was spinning in sensations, feeling quite flushed despite the coolness of the night, as I sat messily in the mud in just a pair of underwear before some strange, nude teen.

Finally I got up, and with an impulsive fit I pulled my underwear down abruptly. Calling out to him as I wormed out of that last undergarment, "Fine! If it's going to be like that, both of us can be naked!." I picked up the wet garment, and gave it a furious toss. My cheeks burning as I felt stared at, my slender young body on display to the older male. I heard a soft, appreciative sound at my display before he bolted again, leaving my stark naked on the bank of some river I had no idea the name of. I nervously shifted in place a moment, before shrugging and walked forward with a sudden flush of ease. The water was cool as I splashed through it, cleaning myself off of mud and scrapes. It all just seemed normal here though, where strange deer satyrs frolic about without a stitch themselves. The cold water focusing my thoughts as I walked onto the other river bank. I nearly jumped when I noted that strange boy closer now, watching me with a cheerful smile. I began to flush brightly as I saw his young arousal bared before me. I flushed quite pink, staring at the feral arousal without shame, knowing I was likely getting a similar appreciation for my human maleness. His deer penis was slender, an exotic red, and seemed to dwarf my own arousal. My breath was quickly panting with the hot tingle of newfound lust as I nervously pawed the slick ground beneath my feet. I stepped forward to finally try to greet him, the words of "hello" barely escaping lips before he trotted off once more with a teasing lift of his tail.

I couldn't help but stop, feeling very strange. Here I was, aroused by another male who was mostly a deer of all things. But the sensations seemed so normal right now, when one was standing naked in the dark, streaking through the woods after some satyr. I pondered if it was all a dream, as I broke out into a run after him. Watching the buck's strong hips as he danced his way along the forest, easily outracing me as I panted in chase. If it was a dream it must be incredible dream as I felt each leaf beneath my feet and the cold air in my lungs as I ran after that white tail. The breeze cold on my sweaty skin, my arousal bouncing on my lap as I ran, free and wild in the nude. I lost track of that white tail as it flicked before me, but it was only moments before I burst into a wide clearing, the sights before me stopping me in my tracks.

The moonlight gave the clearing an enchanted glow as I slowed, walking onto the soft grass. It was silky cool between my toes as I paused to catch my breath. There was no sight of the buck as I looked around, sighing softly at having lost him. Just the thought of him nude, his firm rear flexing with his stides made my lap tingle. And then there was that feral arousal he presented, all the more erotic becuase it was inspired by me. It was a little strange, acknowledging my lust for another male who wasn't even human. But it just seemed so wonderfully erotic and perfect, enjoying another boy's attention. He must have been just a few years older, both of us in that age of newfound erotic feelings. Slowly I walked into the middle of that clearing, drawn to the largest fairy ring I had seen while I was distracted by my thoughts. I paused before it, the mushrooms bright on the dark grass, while dew glittered like gems on the grass in the middle. Curiously I stepped into the damp ring, admiring the patterns of the dew drops as my body was drawn forward to examine it more. Slowly I noticed a pattern in the drops, making many intricate lines and patterns as I stood in the center. Turning around slowly to look over the patterns and shapes it made, it all seemed strangely familiar. It was then I heard that musical voice again, calling out to me. And it was joined by what must have been dozens of other voices, glimpsing hints and peeks of all sorts of creatures in the forest all around me. My eyes wide as I realize I'm surrounded by them, while I was nude and presented before them. Before I can even open my mouth, I'm stopped as the voices around me begin to sing, a quiet, enchanting sound. I stopped, just standing in the middle of this clearing, awed by the beauty of that ethereal chorus as it came from every direction.