Commission: Angel of MIne

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commmission for starring one of the sexier Gargoyle character, Brooklyn.

Brooklyn banked slowly and let his eyes narrow as the night air rolled over his body. He'd just gotten off of his patrol and slipped away from the night. Well, not really slipped out. He just told the others that he was going out for a bit. He'd grabbed the bag with his street disguise, so the others probably thought he headed to catch a movie or something. Still, there was something thrilling about the thought of possibly doing something that might be frowned upon.

He was going to visit his girlfriend.

Not that Goliath had a leg to stand on, not with Elisa always hanging around them and flirting with their leader. Technically, the older gargoyle was still mated to Demona, but well... maybe they could call it a break since she did try to kill them several times. Still, Goliath refused to call Elisa his girlfriend, he'd simply say that she was a good friend even as he went through the courtship patterns. At least he did in front of his clan. Lexington had followed them once with a camcorder and... well, their leader had put on a very impressive show.

Cheeks colored as the red gargoyle felt a stirring down south. Had better get his mind away from those things before he had a new rudder to deal with.

He latched onto the side of a building and quickly scrambled up and around it's surface before launching himself off in a new direction. The momentary distraction was enough to get his mind onto a different track. Aimee, his girlfriend.

They'd run into each other late one night. She'd just gotten off a late shift at her job, the manager had her stay late to help scrub down the diner. Just a night like any other, walking down the streets she'd traveled countless times before. Except that this time there had been someone waiting for her. Brooklyn had just started scanning the area when he heard her cry for help, the sound cutoff mid scream. He'd wasted no time in rushing over, dropping down on the alley. The rapist hadn't wasted any time either. The guy already had Aimee pinned with a knife to her throat. Distracted as he was, the guy hadn't noticed Brooklyn's landing, but Aimee's eyes went as wide as saucers when the gargoyle approached. The guy's pants were already open when Brooklyn pulled him off and slammed him against the wall. One look at those blazing eyes and his snarling face, and the would-be rapist let out the girliest scream Brooklyn had ever heard before just fainting. He'd tossed the guy into a dumpster and started up the building when the girl cried out a thank you for him.

That would have been the end of it if she hadn't somehow managed to track him down. Elisa had gotten in touch with him, saying she needed his help with something. So he'd flown to the rooftop she asked to meet him at and Aimee had been there. She looked pretty nervous, but also awestruck as he glided in. The detective left them alone, stating she needed some sleep. They'd stood there for a moment before Aimee offered to buy him some food to repay him for saving her.

Brooklyn paused on a rooftop, looking down at Aimee's balcony. She'd asked him to come by here tonight, rather than meeting at another place. Not really unusual, since he came here every so often to hang out and watch movies with her all night. Ever careful, he leaned over the ledge and scanned the area before making a short glide to his destination. Like most small apartments, she didn't have much of a balcony. However, months of practice had made him rather skilled at landing in that small area. He touched down with barely a thump and quickly wrapped his wings around his body before knocking at the glass.

She must have been waiting for him to arrive. The heavy curtains pulled back and her glass door wooshed open. Brooklyn's breath caught in his throat as he looked over the college girl. Tonight she wore a shimmering dress, the type that women wore for a night out on the town, and her platinum blonde hair was done up in one of those fancy styled buns at the back of her head. His jaw nearly dropped as he looked at her, "Wow."

Aimee's cheeks colored softly as she smiled at him and reached out, stroking his jaw. "That is just the reaction I was hoping to see."

Reaching up, he cupped her hand and leaned into it with a smile. "You look amazing tonight." The gargoyle leaned in and kissed her on the lips. They'd had plenty of practice with it, having started with stolen little pecks here and there, and advanced to full make out sessions while sharing the couch on a movie night. This was a simple kiss, one they jokingly called their handshake kiss. Lips parted just a little, tongues brushing over each other's lips but not going into the other's mouth. She broke the kiss after just a second and stepped back. He followed her inside and shut the door behind him. "You're making me feel a little under-dressed." Both looked down at his loincloth, which he always wore regardless of the weather.

"Don't worry, you look great. Besides, if you put on a bow tie and cuffs, you'd be a little too Chippendale." The human smiled at her and ran a finger over his bare, toned chest. He felt a smile creep onto his mouth as he busied himself with putting the heavy curtains back into place. As he fiddled with them, the gargoyle looked around the apartment. Tonight most of the lights were switched off, candles providing most of the illumination. She'd set out a little table, one she kept folded up behind her couch, and done her best to make it look a little fancier. Clean white cloth draped over the table, pair of candles, couple wine glasses, all her finest things set out.

"Am I interrupting something?" He stepped towards his girl and offered a little smile as he tilted his head. "Looks like you have quite the evening planned."

She smiled at him and stepped in close, hands clasping his and holding them. "Do you know what today is?" Of course he knew. It'd been six months since Aimee had taken him out for their first little date. Sure, it hadn't been much more than just a thank you for saving her, but by the end of the evening they'd set up a second date.

Although, he couldn't just come out and say it. Where was the fun in that?

He adopted a thoughtful look, furrowing his brow in concentration before opening his mouth to make a joke. Only to be cut off by the her expression. It was the one that any guy dreaded. The Look.

Jaws snapped shut and he offered a sheepish grin. "Ah... heh of course I know what today is." Fingers linked with hers as he smiled and leaned forward, "It's been six months since our first date."

"Very good." She gave his lips a little kiss. "Did Elisa have to remind you about it?"

He shook his head and followed her to the table, "No, I've actually had it marked on my calender for a while now." What he didn't mention was the teasing he got from the others, except for Goliath who had a bit more experience with women than the others.

"Sure you have." Her cheeks flushed cutely as she smiled and stepped away, moving into the kitchen.

"I'm telling you the truth, scout's honor." Leaning against the counter, he held a hand up and smiled as she pulled a delicious smelling roast out of the oven.

"Were you ever a boy scout?"

"Nope, but I was a scout back in Scotland." The scent of the roast beast tickled his nose, making his mouth start to water as she expertly sliced and laid out pieces on a plate.

Aimee dished out some sides to go with their roast. "Still a little hard to believe how long ago you were born."

Brooklyn took the plates from her and set them on the table. "Think about how it looked from my side. Went to sleep in a time where you either rode a horse, walked, or took a cart most places. Wake up and..." He waved a hand towards the windows, where the sounds of the city leaked through into their sanctuary.

She looked thoughtful as she pulled the cork from a bottle of wine. "Imagine that would be a pretty big shock. Still, it could be worse?"

The gargoyle quirked an eyebrow at her. "And how is that."

Amazingly, she kept a straight face. "Could have woke up in Jersey."

Dinner was amazing. The food was perfect, the wine excellent, and the company was without compare. Oh sure, it was always fun to hang out and chat with his clan, but he just felt so much more at ease around Aimee. So much happier.

And it wasn't just because her foot was trailing over his thigh as they ate either. He'd asked about it earlier, and when she threatened to stop, he'd quickly let her know that he didn't mind. Wasn't the first time that she'd played with him like this. He certainly didn't mind it, although there were plenty of times he'd had to give himself a quick handshake before the sun came up. There were few worse things in the world than having an erection when he woke up. She'd always stopped shy of going further than the petting or playful touches though. He returned them of course. Letting his tail tickle over her thighs and leg. Fingers brushing over hers. Stolen kisses.

They barely touched the dinner, spending most of the time talking and laughing and sipping wine. By the time the plates were half-empty, the wine bottle stood dry. Not nearly enough to get either of them drunk, especially since he'd ended up drinking a bit more than she, but enough so that they were both pleasantly buzzed.

Aimee grabbed his hand and pulled at it. "Come on, let's dance." Just smiling, he rose and followed her to the middle of her living room. Reaching out with a bare foot, she tapped the power button on her CD player and spun around, draping her arms over his neck as soft music drifted from the speakers. He listened for a second to, what Aimee had decreed as theirs, a song called 'Angel of Mine.' She'd laughed at bit as she called him her red angel. While he didn't see himself as too angelic, he would happily allow her to call him whatever she wanted to.

Stepping in close, she draped her arms over his shoulders and pushed in close. He smiled at the feel of her smooth dress and soft skin pressing against his body. Brooklyn let his hands rest on her waist, feeling how they shifted under his touch. Wings shifted and unwound from his body before draping lightly around hers. The woman smiled and leaned in close, letting her head rest against his chest. Brooklyn bowed his head and pressed his muzzle to her hair, breathing in the scent of her flowery shampoo. The pair savored the moment. Feeling toned muscles shifting under their skin, soft breathing, hearts starting to speed up just a little. Aimee nuzzled into his chest before lifting her head and smiling up at him. Lips met in a slow, gentle kiss that gradually deepened. Tongues lightly brushed each other before starting to wrestle. The gargoyle's more agile tongue danced around the human's clumsier muscle A soft moan was breathed into the air as mouths closed around the dancing muscles. The kiss broke after just a second. One of her hands lifted to cup the back of his head, pulling him down towards her. Her cheek rubbed against his as she kissed him and whispered sweet little things into his ear. A smile crossed his lips as he planted a kiss onto her bare shoulder, whispering a few things of his own into one of her cute little ears. Just for a little something extra, he nibbled at one of her earlobes and was rewarded with a contented sigh from her.

Even as the song wrapped up, the pair continued to move with one another. Aimee planted a line of kisses along his cheek before whispering to him. "Brooklyn, I'm ready." He let out a questioning noise and pulled back just a little. Her cheeks were flushed as she smiled. "I want you to be my first."

He reached up and stroked over her cheek slowly, "Are you sure?"

She leaned into his touch and nodded, cupping his hand with hers. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life."

There was just no keeping the grin off his face. Leaning in, he picked his girl up and held her. Aimee laughed and kicked her feet lightly as she draped across his arms, holding onto his neck. Despite the small size of her apartment, it seemed to take far too long to reach the bedroom. Aimee already had a couple candles set up in the room, giving just enough light for them to see by. She slid from his arms and stepped back, cheeks coloring again as she turned and presented her back to him. "Could you?"

"Of course." His heart was pounding in his throat as he reached out and tugged at the dress's zipper. Lips parted slightly as her smooth skin was revealed. The male's loincloth began to lift as the zipper reached the end of it's track.

Aimee looked over her shoulder and smiled at him as she stepped forward. Reaching up, she pulled a pin from her hair and let it cascade down her back. Releasing her dress, the human let the outfit slide down her body to pool at her feet. His jaw dropped at the sight of her bare body as she strode towards the bed. The sight of her beautiful form rendered his loin cloth useless as the she lay back, head resting on a pillow. He took a long moment to examine her bare form. She was very beautiful, by anyone's standards, made even more so by her personality. Eyes drifted over her form, taking in her pert breasts, a nice size neither too large nor too small. Nostrils flared slightly, catching the scent of her arousal as she laid there for his viewing pleasure.

"Are you going to keep me waiting all night while you catch flies?"

His jaws snapped shut as his hands reached down to untie his loincloth. "Of course not. Just admiring such a rare beauty." She sat up as his covering fell away, biting her lip at the sight of the male's firm length. Cloth joined dress on the floor as he quickly crossed to the bed and climbed onto it. A hand eased her back onto the bed as he purred. "Allow me to make it up to you."

Aimee was breathing heavier now as her lover, this gargoyle, eased his head down, eyes glimmering with a soft white light. "And how are you going to do that?" He smiled and moved in, letting her legs frame his head as he moved in closer. "Oh... Ooooh!" Her head fell back onto the bed as his tongue slid over her puffy lips. Reaching up, she grabbed onto the pillow, body arching off the mattress as he began to lick at her folds.

Brooklyn smiled up at Aimee as her breathed in her scent. Just the sound of her appreciative moan was enough to make his heart leap in his chest. Rolling slightly onto his side, he let the fingers of one hand massage gently against the ivory petals. He gently eased the lips open and pressed his lips to hers, tongue slipping inside to sample her warm insides. Her flavor was far different from the female's he'd been with, mostly Demona and a couple little romps with Angela. Softer, alien, and all too arousing. As her juices coating his tongue and her scent filled his nose, the gargoyle male began to squirm slowly. Snaking his tail under his body, he let the tip slide over his hard flesh, just toying with himself as he tended to her. Mindful of her hymen, he wormed his tongue deeper into her body. Hips rose to meet his muzzle as she moaned. As his tongue swept against her inner walls, he let his fingers massage over her puffy labia and engorged clit.

A hand on his hair made him stop and look up. Aimee's cheeks were flushed bright as she smiled at him. "Not all the way. Not yet." With a touch and a whispered request, she changed places with him.

Brooklyn propped his head up on a pillow and watched as she slid into place next to him. He moaned as her hand closed around his shaft, lifting him up. "Oh wow, it's so..." She swallowed nervously and ran her fingers over his flesh. Lowering her head with an embarrassed cough, she ran her finger against his foreskin. "I've seen videos of guys, human guys, but to have one right here..." her sentences kept trailing off as she gently pushed his foreskin back to reveal his tip. He'd seen some videos, the internet was a wonderful thing, and he shared a similar shape with most humans. Maybe a bit thicker than some, and the red skin wasn't like anything a healthy human male was packing. Aimee gulped nervously before muttering, "Here goes."

Before she could change her mind, she brought her head down and popped his tip into her mouth. The male hissed in pleasure as her wet lips wrapped around his post. He had to grab at the sheets, careful not to tear them, as she pushed her head lower. Teeth lightly grazed over his flesh as her tongue squirmed against his spire. He felt a big, fat drop of precum rolling up his shaft and right into her mouth. Her features changed at that new taste, but she kept bobbing her head over several inches of his length. Didn't take long before he was squirming against her as her hand slid over his length, fingers combing through his white pubic hair. Feeling embolden by jut how much she was making him writhe under her, her head dipped even lower on his pole.

Perhaps a little too much for her to handle right now.

Aimee pulled back with a gag as his tip prodded her throat. Brooklyn tried not to laugh as she coughed and choked, hair falling forward to shield her face. It took several seconds for her to recover before brushing her hair back. "Sorry, that was totally unsexy."

Fingers stroked her cheek, "It was a good thing you pulled off when you did. I was about to die from just how sexy it was."

With one last little cough, she slid up over him, straddling his hips. Shuffling on the bed, he spread out his wings and watched as she seated herself on him, both moaning as her petals pressed against his hard length. "Flirt."

She leaned in and kissed his lips. "You love it."

Both began to breath a bit heavier as she rolled her hips slowly, grinding on his shaft. "Not the only thing I love." He joined her in blushing this time. Aimee distracted herself by lifting her hips and reaching down to cup his length. Their eyes locked as she brought him up, bringing his tip in line with her wet lips. Keeping him upright, she lowered herself down slowly, breathing out as he began to spread her. Brooklyn pushed his head back into the pillow and voiced a groan, gritting his teeth as her body pushed against his tip. Folds spread out around him slowly, her maidenhead stretching some before giving way. Her legs jerked as her virginity was taken. Biting her lip, the human sat herself down, only stopping when she was firmly seated in his lap.

He kept his eyes mostly closed, breathing heavily as her insides rolled against his shaft. He'd never been with a woman that was this tight! It felt her love tunnel was trying to crush him, the slick muscles were wrapped tight around him, her warmth soaking into his spire.

Aimee only held still for a moment before lifting her hips. "Oh God," she breathed, barely rising off him before sitting down. Leaning over him, she braced her hands on his chest and began to ride slowly. He brought his hands up, cupping her breasts as she started to move faster. The human tossed her hair and began to gasp in pleasure. Brooklyn growl-purred and started to meet her motions, balls smacking against her rear with a loud thwack each time. This only spurred her onwards, coaxing her to bounce faster over his length.

She leaned over him, hips starting to gyrate faster as her passion began to build. Brooklyn lifted his head to kiss her, hands sliding across her soft breasts then over her back. Just using the tips of his claws, he scratched across her smooth flesh gently. Arching against him, she hissed out and did her best to deliver claw marks of her own to his chest.

Thanks to their foreplay, it wasn't long before her insides began to tense and his balls drew higher. Aimee was the first to go, crying out as she shoved down against him, insides rolling over his spear. Triggered by her finish, the male pushed tight against his lover. Hands fell to her rear, claws tenderly squeezing her perfect rear as he fired his load deep into her body. She trembled over him, arms giving out after several seconds. Falling against his chest, she breathed heavily as she started to come down from her orgasm.

"Oh wow," she almost purred, nuzzling into his muscled chest.

Brooklyn purred, "Wow indeed." He shifted under her, his cock still pretty hard, and very much ready for more. "Do you think you're ready for another round?"

She laughed, "Another one already? I don't think I could even move after that."

He planted a kiss on her cheek. "Then allow me to handle everything."

Rolling her over, he drew out with a soft hiss, shivering as the cool air wafted over his glistening cock. With soft touches, and showing off his strength a bit, he brought her towards the edge of the bed. Letting her rear hang off the end, he held her up as he stood at the bedside. The gargoyle purred lustily as he watched some of his creamy white seed leaking from her folds. Before too much could escape, he plugged her entrance with his hard length. Her entrance squelched lewdly around his girth. Legs wrapped around his waist, hooking just over his tail. Brooklyn leaned over her and gave a nice thrust, the motion lubricated by their coitus cocktail. She threw her head back and moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck as he leaned over and kissed her hungrily.

Bracing his hands on the mattress, the male began to buck nice and hard into his lover. She arched and called out his name as her bed began to creak and groan under his motions. "Oh, Brooklyn! Harder, baby, don't hold back."

Lips brushed over hers. "As you wish." Tossing his hair, the gargoyle let out a cry as light flooded his eyes. Claws dug into her mattress, not caring the least as he tore into it. Faster and harder he bucked against her, bed and girlfriend groaning from his force. Aimee moaned encouragements, voice wavering as his thrusts drove the air from her lungs. Her body rippled around him as she came, juices coating his length. A snarl sounded from the male, his eyes shining brighter than the candles as he drove into her. A mix of his seed and her juices ran down his pummeling length to drip onto the carpet. She held tight onto his arms, fingers digging into his biceps as he pushed her from one orgasm into another and into another. The chants of his name soon dissolved into wordless cries of pleasure, legs tightening around him.

He arched his back and let out a savage cry as he came inside of her again, filling his love to the brim with his prime seed.

Aimee looked up at him, cheeks flushed and panting. Brooklyn lowered his head, the light slowly fading from his eyes. They shared a little kiss, a soft touch. Savoring each other's proximity.

Their moment was ruined by a banging from the floor and a shout to keep it down. "Sorry!" she gasped, cheeks burning hot.

He laughed and called out an apology as well before wrapping his arms around her. The human squeaked as he easily lifted her upright, keeping his length buried in her. "Think we should keep it down for the rest of the night. Wouldn't want the cops to come here."

She held on as he moved onto the bed and laid down with her. "It might not be so bad if Elisa comes around." Only when they were in the bed did she slide off his softening length. Brooklyn lay out on his back, and she happily tucked herself against his side, fingers roaming over his chest. Breathing in his scent, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep with a smile on her face.

The next morning, Aimee woke to find herself alone in bed. She let out a sad sigh, but knew that Brooklyn couldn't have stayed. Not with his unique problem with sunlight. As hard as they'd worked to break the bed last night, she didn't need it to fully shatter under his stoney weight.

She lay there for a moment before pulling herself out of bed. Walking on very shaky legs, she managed to get a shower and get dressed before making her way to the roof. Sure enough, Brooklyn was there, leaning against the stairwell outside with a note in his hand. Easing the note out, she read over it several times, a smile on her face. The note read: "I know a romantic, private, place for us to spend the night. Dinner's on me. Love you with all my heart, Brooklyn."

Leaning down, she kissed his chiseled lips. "It's a date, lover."

Brooklyn snarled, eyes flashing as he held on tight to Aimee's hips. "Getting close," he moaned, body arching as his groin began to tense.

"Out!" she gasped, pushing back against him even as she barked the command at him. It almost took more willpower than he had to pull out of her sweet body. Teeth gritted as the male moaned, cock tensing in the empty air and jerking as he just barely escaped in the nick of time. She didn't let him stay in the cold too long. Quickly, she turned and took his cock in hand, pushing her head down over his length. Hands fell towards her head as he arched his back, letting out a mighty roar as he emptied his load into her mouth. Her tongue bathed his length, drawing his seed out for her to swallow in long, loud gulps.

The way her tongue worked against him, drawing out everything that he had, nearly made the gargoyle's legs buckle from sheer bliss. Aimee looked up at him with a sly smile and ran her tongue around his crown, making him gasp and jerk his hips. She only drew back when he was finished giving all he could, and his length was starting to soften. "Delicious," smiling at him, she ran her fingers down to tease his man pouch. "Although now that I took care of one craving..." His girl stood up and sat on the bed, hands falling to stroke her swollen belly.

A deep purr rattled from his throat as he reached down to touch her swell. As if feeling his touch, the child squirmed around, butting against his hand. "Anything you want, ask and it's yours."

"Knew I kept you around for something other than your gorgeous body." Leaning up, she gave his lips a little peck before making a request for some food. More than happy to make his mate anything she wanted, Brooklyn strode out of their bedroom and towards the kitchen.

Needless to say, they had been fairly surprised when Aimee found out the happy news. While Brooklyn never thought about using protection, since she wasn't acting like a female gargoyle who was ready to be bred, Aimee had considered it. Although she'd discarded the idea, counting on their species difference to be enough of a barrier to protect her. Still, even with the little surprise on the way, there was never any question about just what they were going to do with it.

The first bit of trouble had been breaking the news to his clan. Lexington and Broadway had been rather stunned at the news. Angela was excited about it and had congratulated him on it. Hudson had been rather smug about it, but didn't say anything. Although Goliath had looked like he was just about ready to unscrew Brooklyn's head when Elisa had stepped in to calm him down. Turns out that his clan leader hadn't bothered with protection either.

Although now they just had to find a good doctor.