
Story by Mike Devrinski on SoFurry

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I decided to get out of a little writing slump and got myself a writing prompt. It was: "How long had it been circling the planet? And what was it doing there?"

Of course, I strayed a bit far and wrote about a raccoon who loves astronomy.

Cameron loved looking at the stars when night fell. The raccoon had a knack for night activities, and though he had heard stories of his friends getting into some more shady business, he wasn't one to take part in such activities, preferring little trips to his backyard, mock camping out, writing and all that stuff that his friends regarded as weird. It alienated him a little more compared to the rest of the people of his age, but his father had no issue with his son doing what he wanted to do.

The conditions were perfect this night for stargazing. Even though he lived close to the city, Cameron had no issues at watching the night lights shimmer in the sky. Among them the moon, prominent as if to state itself as leader and guidance of the night, standing aside in respect when the sun rose again the next day.

He imagined constellations and jotted them down on a little chart that he had printed out himself. The most notable was Kalim, Otter of Leisure and Joy, recognised by the rather flirtatious pose, caught winking. Of course there wasn't an actual historical figure, but Cameron named it after her, reminded back when they used to be best friends in primary school.

Cameron shook his head gently as he returned to watch as the stars pulsated. The beauty of the night was something unrivalled and untouched, and at times he didn't understand the reasoning for his friends not trying to do the same. Upon asking them about a group get-together, Marco said he'd rather stay in and watch TV, James said he was on a date (though Cameron doubted that actually was the case), and Sean remained quiet and mumbled something about not being able to go.

He sighed, slightly saddened that his friends didn't want to spend time doing something different. He knew that he would catch up with them once the weekend was over, but at the same time, he suspected that his friendships wouldn't be developing much further if they didn't want to hang around as much.

Those thoughts were soon set aside as Cameron returned to looking though his telescope, which his Uncle Coby had given him 2 years ago, on his 11th birthday. Back then, Cameron was rather indifferent to it, and couldn't comprehend why his uncle would give him such a gift. "With it," he had said, "you can look for lands far away, well beyond what you or I could see by our eyes alone. Sometimes, we need to look for guidance." Now though, Cameron appreciated the gift that seemed out of place. He had heard his friends getting PlayStation 2s and Gamecubes and Gameboys. But him? He had a telescope.

He smiled a little to himself as he saw another constellation, Kory the Shy, noted for his that slight yet awkward grin on his face. Not much of a talker, but spoke of a whole bunch of stuff when he did. He was always interested in what others had to say, even though others groaned in class when the History lesson dragged on into lunch.

A yawn signalled his time to sleep, Cameron's eyes drooping slowly. He left the telescope pointed at the same patch of sky, and clambered into his sleeping bag. Shutting his eyes, the raccoon soon fell asleep under the watch of the moon.


the thought from human mind the voice from human mouth the movement from human step which the foundation derives. I sit, and watch as they pass, indifferent to the people they do not know whose hate is bred in life and politics always, for...

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