Part 16 - Tending the Horses

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#17 of Youth and Vigor which Ray continues his lesson in horsemanship.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of incest and bestiality. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.

Part 16 - Tending the Horses

Ray stood up, helping the cubs back to their feet. The dogs had finally become un-knotted and had run off into the field. The boys had also discarded their shorts and so the three of them walked back toward the barn, naked in the sunshine. "Come on boys. Let's go find where your dad and brother went to, Andy." he took the cubs by the paws, following them in. The barn was empty, except for the horses that were still finishing their food. They all walked through the barn and out the other side, looking around the corner. What they saw was not quite what they expected. Jack was tied up with ropes and a leather gag to a hitching post on the side of the barn. There were a few other ropes and restraints on the ground next to him. Ted was right behind, wearing a muzzle of his own and thrusting hard and fast into his son.

"Well, well, what do we have here." Ray crossed his arms and grinned. Ted and Jack both looked up a little surprised. Ted tried to speak but the muzzle strapped around his face was keeping him muffled. "I think your dad and your brother like being tied down, Andy." Ray grinned. "Want to help me tie down your daddy?" Andy twitched his tail happily and nodded, running over to the ropes and then grabbing his father's paw. Ted let his son lead him away at first, but started to protest a little when he realized his son had ropes behind his back. Andy was quick though, and soon had a tight loop around his father's paws. It certainly wouldn't be surprising if he'd done this before.

"Sorry not to let you finish inside your boy Ted, but I think I have another idea you'll really like." he grabbed the older bunny by the shoulders and bent him over another hitching post, tying his arms against the crossbeam and then tying his legs to either post. Now Ted was starting to really squirm, but with that muzzle still on, there was no way to hear what he was saying. "I'm sorry Ted, what's that? You want to be let go?" he ran his paw down the bunny's back, scratching playfully with his claws. "I don't think that's what you really want." then he leaned down and lifted up one of Ted's lopped ears, whispering softly. "I think you want to get fucked. I think you want to get fucked just like you were fucking little Jack over there, just like the way your old Gym teacher used to fuck you. Remember?" Ted whimpered and moaned through the mask. "And you're going to watch your son get fucked too, by those little cubs over there." he reached his paw down and grabbed Ted's cock firmly in his paw. It was rock hard and slick with pre. Ray started stroking it and then gave the bunny's balls a squeeze.

"Ooooh Andy, Greg, how would you two like to play doggy in the middle with Jack all tied up there?" he grinned as he made the suggestion, and with these cubs that was all it took. Andy loosed the bindings that were keeping jack tied to the hitching post, but then he put him on a leash and pulled his brother to the ground. Jack let out a defeated whimper through his leather mask, submitting and lifting his tail to his younger brother. Greg came up behind Andy, rubbing his paw under the cub's slick tailhole where the feral sheepdog had just spilled his load. Ray held Ted's head up and made him watch as Andy pushed inside, making Jack moan again through the mask. "And you're going to get it twice as hard. You know what I just watched?" he asked Ted, rhetorically. "I just watched those two little cubs get fucked by a couple sheepdogs. Their tailholes are both nice and slick, covered in that doggy cum." he rubbed under Ted's tail as he talked, then teased the older bunny with his cocktip. "I watched them moan," he emphasized the last word as he pushed into Ted's ass, causing him to moan too. "And I watched them whimper," he continued, pushing his cock in all the way to the start of the knot and giving a reach-around grope. Ted whimpered in pleasure and thrust back into Ray's paw. "And I watched them beg for more." he started pulling back and thrusting into Ted firm and deep.

Ray growled in pleasure as he watched Andy start humping into his older brother. The tied up bunny couldn't do anything but whimper and moan through the muffled mask. Greg was still down on all fours with his muzzle buried deep in Andy's tailhole, lapping at all the leaking dog cum he'd been filled with earlier. Ray started hammering Ted harder, working up a strong steady rhythm that made the bunny beg for each thrust. He held his strong paw on Ted's shoulders, pinning him down against the strain of the ropes. Ted's muffled moans of pleasure got louder and louder, trying to relax himself so that he could take the thickness of Ray's knot. The horny wolf hung his tongue out and panted, wrapping his other arm around the bunny's hips and slamming him hard and fast. When Ray's big wolf knot finally popped past the bunny's rim, he moaned so loud even the hood couldn't muffle the cry. Ray came deep inside and groaned, emptying his balls for the second time that day. Without missing a beat, he yanked his knot back out and then slammed it in again, relishing the lustful sounds his bunny bitch was making. He repeated this a few more times, stretching Ted wide, and when the wolf was finally satisfied he pulled back out and reached around to give the rabbit's needy cock a firm squeeze.

"So you like big cocks, do you? If I remember right, your gym teacher was a horse, wasn't he?" the wolf grinned, then gave a whistle. He stepped away from the bound bunny for a moment, heading over to grab the lead line from one of the horses tied up nearby, a large black stallion. He looked down and eyed the stallion's cock, already rock hard and dripping after watching Ray mount and breed Ted. He led the large feral horse across the yard, parading him behind the helpless Ted, letting the bunny hear the heavy clop of his hooves. Then he came up right behind Ted, running a paw up under his tail and pushing several of his fingers inside. They slipped in fairly easily, and the rabbit's rear was already slick with Ray's cum. Good, he was going to need to be loose for what was coming next.

Ray helped the stallion mount, putting his forelegs up on the crossbeam of the hitching post. The horse's huge stiff cock was blindly thrusting and probing for a nice tight place to fuck, and soon he found it, thanks to Ray's guiding paws. Ted pulled hard against his restraints, screaming in pleasure as the horse immediately started penetrating him fast and deep. The large feral beast grunted and huffed, his huge muscled legs quivering as he thrust. The stallion's massive black balls swung and smacked up against Ted's sheath as he moaned and whimpered, helplessly bound.

Meanwhile, Andy had just finished fucking his older brother off, who now lay in a messy puddle of cum on the dirt ground. All three of the cubs turned to watch as the beast dominated the older fur. The horse continued his dominance for several minutes, determined to use his new mare as much as he could. When he finally came, the stallion's creamy seed was so plentiful that is practically poured out of Ted's tailhole when he withdrew his cock. The horse whinnied loudly and dismounted from the hitching post, leaving a dripping trail in his wake. As the horse's member began to go limp, Ray led him away back to the pasture and shut him on the other side of the gate. When he returned, Ted was panting and gasping. Ray came around to his front side and removed the bunny's mask and gag. Too exhausted to even speak, he just hung his head and kept panting.

"Aww, little bunny's all worn out?" Ray grinned and ran his paws over Ted's shoulders.

"Wow daddy, that was incredible! That horsey made sooooo much sticky stuff!" Andy commented in awe.

"Yeah mister, he was really big, I could probably fit my whole arm inside you after that!" Greg's jaw dropped as he watched the cum dripping down his friend's dad's rear.

"Ray..." he panted, cum still dripping down his legs. "that was incredible, but don't you ever do that to me again!" he huffed, looking up at the wolf with a grin. Ray and the cubs laughed and helped untie Ted from his restraints.