Runaway: Chapter 4: Waking Up

Story by Myrddyn Emrys on SoFurry

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#4 of Runaway:

Disclaimer: This story deals with adult themes, and themes that may not be suitable for anyone to read. You have been warned. Continuance to read this document, acknowledges that you are allowed to read this document in your place of orign, that you are of legal age to read it, and that you take responsibility for having read this document. The author is therefore in no way liable for any damages, in any way shape or form. Chapter 4: Waking Up The ship slid out of Hyperspace with a visual bang to anyone who might be watching, then slowed rapidly to its normal crawl through space even with the drives at full throttle. Due to the nature of hyper-space entry points, we were nearly a full day's journey to finally reach the Epsilon-9 deep space station. Epsilon-9 as I came to find out, is one of the larger refueling and staging points for interstellar commerce. On the eastern rim of the galaxy, and a good forty light year jump from Earth, the large station was barely a speck on the horizon. Even on a ship, and as close as we were you would have needed a good powered telescope to see the station. The only way the navigator on board really knew where it lay was from the constant navigational relay and beacon information constantly being broadcast. I woke pleasantly enough from the hallucination that hyper-space can create in those travelers not used to the almost folding of space-time. The sick bay was now fully lit, and my sleeping companion had been returned to her own room, part of me wishing she would be present when I finally woke; and another part fully ready to get on with my new life. I felt oddly comfortable as my new self, as if whatever knowledge or instincts that would have been part of me had I been born as a Mephitkin were part of me now. Even before the doctor came in to check on me, I had sat up, swished my tail and tried to move it as much as I could, and wobbly stood up. "Eager to get back on your feet I see." came the barely familiar Russian accent as the big brown bear returned to the room. "I'm impressed at your comfort and ease with your new body. It would seem that so many in my charge have a difficult time adjusting to their new selves. Usually there is some degree of loss, or remorse at having been altered in their sleep." He set down his data pad, and walked to my side, taking my arm to help balance me as I took my new first steps. I smiled at him as he did so, his touch so professional and gentile it sent shivers up my spine, my body reacting to his touch. "Somehow, it feels so natural to be a female mephitis. I can't say I can explain why I feel so at ease, I just do. Though I have to admit, there are some feelings which are alien to me, but I'm sure I'll learn those quickly enough. Right now, I just want to walk to the corner, where the mirror is and really get a good look at myself." He smiled, and helped me maintain balance. My legs felt like they had atrophied, but I knew that it was simply the matter of my nerves having to resort themselves out, and relearn the commands to control them. I was glad for my childhood and having spent a few years in gymnastics when I was young, as the added sense of balance seemed to help. However, my tail did not want to completely follow what was needed, and I tended to overbalance almost the whole way to the mirror. Once there I stood up straight and closed my eyes, breathing in deeply to relax myself for what I was going to view and clearing my memory to get to know myself. The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes, was that I was completely naked. Having the thick soft fur of a skunk hid the sensation of chill I would have expected were I not in clothing and so I never noticed. Were it not for the fur on my cheeks a deep red blush would have seen, though I'm sure the doctor smelt the change. I looked down and started from the bottom. My feet seemed a bit wider, and longer than I remembered strong looking. The fur on them completely black, and were it not for the slight difference in sheen, I might not have noticed the carefully designed short claw-tips that had replaced my nails. My toes looked thicker and more spread out than my human feet were, and I figured that given time I could balance on my claw-tips from the sheer look of strength. My gaze continued up my legs, my ankles further back, and my calves looked strong. They had looked strong before from having spent enough time on bicycles, but somehow the black fur seemed to deepen the shadows they created, making the muscle definition even more clearer. On each leg in a different spot was the first of my many spots, cream colored rings seeming randomly placed all over my body. The offset in symmetry looked really nice. My knees were as I'd expect, though mostly hidden by the fur, my upper thighs thick having three spots on the right one, and two on the left. I noticed my hips were wider than before, perhaps looking almost zaftig. It seems that my fat pockets had been rearranged on me, and my hips swayed as I waved them back and forth, admiring over time how attractive I looked. I stuck my hands on my hips, and posed almost naturally like you might see a courtesan standing on a street corner and chuckled to myself. I skipped my private parts for now, considering the doctor was beside me, and let my eyes follow my hands. The backside was fur short and soft. The palm-side were more of pads than the human hands I remember; but as I flexed my digits and looked at them, they felt more dexterous than before. I stretched my hands out and realized why, as I was now completely double jointed. It felt somewhat weird to experiment this way, but I needed to know my limits. My left wrist had a ring completely about it, every non black spot the same creamy off white color. The more I took in of myself the more I liked it. I turned a little and looked at my back, and saw where most of the spots had lain themselves. There were at least ten spots of various sizes across my back. Each one elliptical in shape, and ring like more than spots, though a couple of the smaller ones were small enough to be just spots. I lifted my tail up, and smiled at how easy it seemed to move; yet so clumsy as well. My tail was devoid of rings, completely black, and covered in much longer fur, thick and bushy, but not too thick. The only accent coloration were at the base, which had a thick ring about my whole tail, though more-so on my left than my right, and its tip. The last bits of my tail started a fade of color, the tips of each hair growing more and more cream color to them, while the base was black; until the very last few inches of my tail sprouted purely cream colored fur. I ran my fingers through it as I pulled it about for the close inspection, and shuddered at the new sensations. It took me quite a while to stop marveling at my tail and finally look back to my front. My face was a little more round than it had been, and it was fairly so as a human. The most notable changes were my short blunt muzzle, the almost constant curious look in the shape of my eyes and the rounded ears peeking out from the upper-sides of my head. At first I thought I looked a little cartoony, and reached up to make sure it was real and not just some clever costume or mask; but when my fingers grazed the invisibly black whiskers I knew it was no trick. I opened my mouth and my teeth looked perfectly white and straight. In fact no dental work could be seen on them, as if I had completely re-grown them. At least my sharper canines were newly grown. Not as pronounced as a cat or dogs, but still the sharper teeth of an omnivore were there. I would have to be extra careful not to bite my lips. I let gravity slowly take my chin and my gaze downward, over my almost hidden breasts. They were shapely, defined, not huge and jiggly; but pert, athletic. Though I'd estimate myself visually to look just enough bigger than athletic to be very pleasing to the eyes. In fact, to my eyes I was very pleasing. My breasts had the same black fur, short but soft, covering them, though there were cream rings about black aeroles, which the more I gazed, the more they firmed and begged to be touched. I shuddered and tried to relax myself, reminding myself that this was not just some very good looking skunk but myself; but it was in vain. I was rapidly becoming infatuated and aroused by my own body, and could no longer resist reaching up to cup my breasts and touch them. Big mistake. The instant I touched myself I groaned loudly, and took in a deep breath afterwards. I could smell my own arousal, and it was almost intoxicating. My inhibitions disappeared quickly, as I played with my new and very sensitive erogenous zones, cooing and murring. My eyes were completely intent on myself, and I started to forget I was not alone. I continued to play with my breasts, enjoying the sensations as I squeezed them, thumbed my nipples which became stiff. I seemed to lose all track of time while I played, eventually my hand rubbing down my belly. My crotch felt on fire, and just as my hand was about to reach down there, I felt hands on my shoulders. Slightly startled, I spun about, his hands maintaining on my shoulders, and looked into the warm brown chest fur of the bear doctor. I stared for a moment, before a hand was lifted from my shoulder, fingers brought under my chin and lifting my head to look up into his eyes. I continued to stare, not completely sure how to react, but his chuckle made me blush. "You need to be careful. While you may not yet notice the pheromones you are giving off, those about you surely will if they have as sensitive a nose." I felt myself redden, feeling shy all of a sudden, and my gaze dropped back down to his belly, trim and probably would look well defined were it not for the thick fur he had. My gaze did wind up resting on the slight bulge that was visible even under the small bit of uniform shorts he wore. I swallowed, unaware that the simple gaze had increased the odor I was emitting. The hand once again lifted my chin to gaze into his eyes, which seemed softer, almost desiring. It felt as if time stood still for a moment, before I felt myself lean up onto tiptoes, moving my lips toward him. I don't know whether he or I was startled by the movement, but a moment later, he closed the rest of the distance, and pressed his lips against mine. It seemed as if the world and ship disappeared, my eyes closed, my mind completely intent on the sensation, the feeling, the taste of his kiss. His strong hands reached behind me, pulling me close, till my chest pressed against his. My aroused nipples peeking just a little out from the warm fur, rubbed against his rougher, which caused me to gasp. His hands caressed my back, while his lips suckled against mine. I curled my hands about him, hands rubbing over his back, before coming down to caress the muscular expanse of his rear, which elicited a low growl from him. His hands roamed down to my rear and squeezed tightly, pressing my hips against his tightly enough that I could feel his bulge push against my lower belly. I groaned probably louder than I should have, and pulled my lips from his. I started to pant as my head lolled back filled with desire. His hands held tightly, but pulled upwards, lifting me from my feet. I wrapped my arms about his shoulders and neck, and my legs about his hips as he carried me to a side room. Setting me down on the bed, he stepped away and removed the little bit of uniform he wore. I laid back, mind flashing lewd thoughts which all seemed to focus on one new part of my body which felt as if it was itching and burning. With almost the same level of irritation as a nasty bug bite, or a scab that is starting to heal, I needed to rub the area, but wasn't sure how to do it myself for it felt deep within me. Before I could bring my hands down in attempt to quench these needs, his hands lifted my knees and spread them, his nose delving straight into the spot, taking in my scents from the source before he pressed his lips to my nether lips. The sensation was incredible, like nothing I had ever felt before, both quenching the fire a little, as well as increasing it a hundred fold. My legs curled behind his shoulders, resting lightly, as well as pulling him closer. He continued to kiss, starting to suckle on my tender folds, before his tongue came out and he started to lick in slow deliberate movements about each fold of skin. He followed the curves perfectly, plying the sensitive skin about, teasing every nerve ending with both surgical precision as well as perfect lovemaking. Time must have slowed to a crawl, for it seemed forever that he continued to lick, one lip then the other, alternating sides constantly, leaving no bit untouched by his soft tongue. His breathing was slow and deep, taking in every scent, as well as blowing cool air across my wet crotch, sending slight tingles and shivers through my nerves and up my spine. I continued to pant and moan slowly while he worked me over, his tongue pulling my folds apart slowly until they were relaxed and with only a little pulling with his fingers on the rest of my skin could keep them apart. He paused, marveling and memorizing my opening, before bringing his lips back in, and licking from the bottom directly across the center of my opening and probing his tongue deeply into me. I moaned and arched back, panting hard as my muscles clenched on his tongue, the desires of my body increased yet again. If I had known my body better I might have said that this first deep lick sent me into some minor degree of orgasm. Time seemed to have no meaning as wave upon wave of pleasure coursed through my body as he continued to lick for what seemed forever. Each of his licks made me twitch and moan, as well as desire more of him. As if reading my mind, he paused his licking with one very slow deep scoop of his tongue inside me, then kissed my well dampened folds and suckled on my bud of a clit for a moment. He teethed and suckled on it for a little bit before kissing back up my body, up my neck then kissed very deeply on my lips. I could taste my own sweet fluids on his lips, and suckled it down eagerly. I caressed his sides down to his hips, and urged him to continue to be greeted by the heated pressure of his cock tip on my labia. I moaned deeply with lust and he attacked my mouth again with his, suckling at my lips and licking into my mouth. At the same time he pressed just a bit forward with his hips, his cock aimed perfectly and pressing the thick tip against my still young folds. I groaned even more loudly, and arched my hips upward towards his shuddering as his cock tip slid just inside me. He let out a loud lustful growl and urged his hips forward, his cock slipping smoothly deep inside my tender pussy, filling me quite well. The thicker tip of his cock spread me more than his tongue had, giving me the most wonderful sensation, followed by his quite long slick shaft, which my body milked with muscle spasms. No hymen to break made the sensations pure ecstacy, until his long cock bottomed out, his slightly flared tip connecting with my cervix, the sensation shooting through my nerves in a rush, making me scream with the sensitivity. I could not tell whether it was pain or pleasure, but I'm sure I sounded lusty, as he pushed against it, till his hips connected with mine, the full sensations of it bringing yet another orgasm from my body. The rapid movements of my muscles, my screams, and the hot pressure on his cock with my orgasm sent him into a frenzy. He pulled fairly quickly out of me, barely leaving his cock inside, before ramming it back inside me, or so it felt. His tip prodded my cervix with each thrust, making me moan and scream in passion back to him as he took me faster and faster with his long slick cock. If keeping track of time was a problem before, I couldn't tell anything from now, all my senses were flooded with his mating me. His scent heady and rich on the air, making my body react and burn for more of his movements, even as it mingled with my own. His grip on me, constant kissing over my skin, my neck, my nipples kept me tingling everywhere. My pussy burned with need, I needed more of him, needed him faster, harder inside me; but was unable to speak through my hoarse pants, groans, and screams of lust. As my third orgasm hit me, I felt him tense up and ram his cock exceedingly hard into me. I squealed with the hard sensation on my cervix, slightly painful, only to feel the rush of his semen flooding into me, a fiery thick liquid cascading through his shaft, splashing over my battered walls,, coating me completely, making me feel very full inside. I panted hard, clutching onto him as he finally collapsed atop me, rolled over and held me against him while his cock continued to emit his rich liquid into me in ever slowing pulses. I panted hard and deep and fell unconscious from the overworking of my body. The last thought in my mind was mixed, I felt very good, yet still ravenous for more. * * *

A note from the author: I wish to apologize for the long delay in getting this to you, and wish to thank all of you who have been begging for more. I only hope that this next installment has met with your expectations, fulfilled your desires, and left you as hungry for more as the main character.