Wolf Pack: Part 4

Story by WWOLF on SoFurry

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=Hey Everyone! Sorry it took me so long to post up this story, things have been hecktic on my end >.< Enjoy and don't worry, only two more parts of the series left! ^.^ By the way, thank you all for your comments and encouraging e-mails, they were all very much appreciated!!!=

Ever since my last encounter with Shadow watching me with Hack and Sack, I've been noticing strange things. Shadow has been literally acting like his name, since he's been following me around the pack area since the morning of my encounter with the twins. I've noticed that even if he does force himself upon others most of the time, he smelled a lot more of sex than he did before. I wanted to confront of him and ask what he was up to, or what he wanted, but each time he saw me come close he'd turn tail and trot away. I asked others about him, but they were just as dumbfounded as I was. No one knew about Shadow's actions lately and the one who really wanted and needed to know was me.

I've even consulted Kosan about Shadow and his new behavior, and we've both spent a lot of time being as dumbfounded as anyone else has been lately.

"Kosan, I mean he was watching me, he wasn't even five feet from me!" I exclaimed as I was explaning to Kosan the details of Shadow and his behavior.

"Well," Kosan began, "perhaps Shadow is jealous of you?"

I stared at him in almost shock at how he can think of such a thing. Jealous of me? What does he have to be jealous of?! "Sir, that makes no sense. There's nothing about me that Shadow could even be remotely jealous of!" I exclaimed more angrily than I wanted.

A quick flash of fangs from Kosan at me made me quickly lower my ears and head in submission. I knew I took it too far now. Kosan was the pack leader, and standing up to him the way I did was probably a very stupid thing to do. "You listen to me," Kosan said almost as dark as Shadow himself, "even if what I say does not make sense, Shadow has much to be jealous of from you." With that, Kosan turned away, tail pointed to the sky, and trotted back inside of his den.

"Great, just go ahead and get the pack leader pissed off at you," I said aloud to myself. Just as I lifted my head to get ready to exclaim an apology to Kosan, I was met face to face with Speedy. The suprise of it all made me let out a small scream of shock as I tumbled backwards onto my rump, staring at Speedy's taut and muscular legs.

"Don't worry about it," said Speedy, "Kosan will cool off, he always does." That's what I loved about Speedy, somehow he could always put right to wrong and have such a positive outlook on life. Well, of course, there's that and the main fact that I found Speedy to be the second most attractive male here aside from Kosan being the first.

Shrugging lightly I said in reply, "Well Speedy, me and Kosan had an argument, so I hope he does cool off."

"What was the argument about?" asked Speedy with a slightly cocked head.

"Heh," I said at first, thinking that Speedy wouldn't know anything about the matter either, "it's about Shadow and the way he's been acting lately."

Speedy began to make this strange, high-pitched noise over and over again. It didn't clique in my mind that this was his form of laughing. "Well, Shadow does have a lot to be angry about lately. I mean come on, it's obvious he's hugely jealous of you."

Smiling lightly at his comment, I asked in a sarcastic tone, "Well what does he have to be jealous of? My rugged good looks or my softer fur?"

Once again, Speedy gave me that strange 'laugh' he does and said the most shocking thing next. "Well," he began, "Shadow was going to be Kosan's first choice for the one he was going to own, that is, until you came along."

My mouth literally dropped, if I could see myself I could've sworn it was dangling past my chest. Shadow, of all people, wanted to be owned by Kosan. Shadow! Not Hack, not Sack, not Speedy, no one, but Shadow! I was too much in shock to say something, but finally managed to choke out some words that almost sounded audible. "You mean... Shadow wanted to be owned by Kosan?"

"Well yeah, duh," was Speedy's reply. "Shadow wanted to be owned ever since he was born."

I'm guessing it was the startlement of the moment, because I didn't even have a thought about doing it as I jumped up and gave Speedy a giant hug. Amazing, purely amazing. The one person who I thought was going to be as dumbfounded as the rest of us knew what Kosan didn't even know. I was lost in the heat of the moment and it took me a good five seconds to realize I was hugging Speedy as tightly as my small fox body could. Before I knew it, I was on the ground, face up, with two muscular paws pinning me into the Earth.

"What the hell were you doing to me?!" exclaimed Speedy angrily. He must've thought I was trying to hurt him. I wouldn't blame him, I was hugging him hard enough that his fur was matted down from it.

I opened my mouth as I was about to explain the object of a hug, but soon I found out no words could come out. I couldn't let air in nor out, I couldn't breath at all. Choking out I tried to yell, but it only came out in short gasps of air. "S-Speedy!" I yelled, "Let me up! I c-c-can't br-eathe!"

Speedy's lips curled back to show off his pearly white fangs, telling me head on that he wasn't about to let me up or listen to what I had to say. To him, he was the boss and I was the bitch. "What were you doing to me? Tell me and I might let you up or tell Kosan."

Great, a tattle-tail, just what I wanted. "Speedy, i-it's what w-w-we call a hug, it-" ugh, it's getting even harder to breathe, "-it's a sign of affection!"

Finally Speedy slowly got off of me, allowing me to breathe in hard, quick gasps of air. "Well," he started, he almost looked ashamed of himself, "if it was for affection, I guess I can let it slide." Before I knew it, Speedy was giving me his own form of affection by drowning my face with a hundred licks, covering my face with sloppy wolf drool.

"ACK!" I exclaimed, not exactly expecting Speedy to be that affectionate. "Ok ok! I forgive you!" I couldn't help but giggle lightly, Speedy acted like he was a puppy sometimes, and it was incredibly adorable. Sitting up and slightly pushing Speedy away so I can speak, I started to say to him, "Uhm, Speedy? There's something I want to ask, and tell, you."

"What is it now?" he asked, the same cock of head showing me his curiosity.

"Kosan gave me permission to mate with others, and... you're my-" I didn't know if I could finish my sentence, but Speedy did it for me.

"And I'm your other choice, right? Well that's fine with me, but let me warn you, I won't mount you, you have to mount me."

Did my ears suddenly clog up or did I just hear right? Was Speedy, the fastest out of all the wolves here in this pack, the greatest hunter of this pack, asking me to mount him? I've mounted females before, but never a male. "Y-you want me to mount you?" I asked in a shaky voice.

Speedy's ears perked up with interest and didn't even bother to give me an answer. The only response I got out of him was him turning around and nudging his side against me, like a dog who wanted his back scratched, though different. His tail was slightly erected into the air, barely exposing himself to me. Did I really want to mount Speedy? That's like the alpha being mounted by the omega... even though that's not so farfetched to beleive ever since I got to this pack.

I carefully scooted to my right only to have Speedy follow my actions. My paws, out of their own curiosity and will, moved themselves and actually lifted up Speedy's tail to fully see what I was getting. To my suprise, Speedy's tailhole wasn't as I expected. I was expecting a widened tailhole from other males mounting him, since it would seem that Speedy enjoys to be mounted if he'd even ask me. But to my shock he looked to be smaller, like his tailhole was a virgin itself.

His puckered tail ring slightly spasmed when I moved closer to get a better view of everything. Well, if Speedy wanted me to, I guess I'll listen to him. It'd be my first time mounting a male anyways. Only, to liven things up a bit, I think I'll show Speedy what it's like in my world.

Leaning in as close as I can where my black nose was almost pressed into his tail ring, I carefully opened my muzzle and flicked my tongue out to quickly glide over his tailhole. It tasted strange, but not how I expected. It was sharp on the tip of my tongue and bitter in the back of my throat, but through all that it didn't taste bad, not bad at all. Giving him another lick to test the taste once more I heard a slight murr escape out of Speedy's throat, he seemed to enjoy it. Being bold I began to insert my tongue inside of him, barely able to fit in half of it inside of the tight tailhole.

Speedy appeared to be enjoying it far more than I was. It looked like he was dancing around, each paw lifting up and slamming back into the ground, claws digging into the dirt to form small trenches underneath him. Still I continued on to lick his tailhole as best as I could, occasionally having to grab his tail and move it out of the way because he was wagging it to wildly. Speedy kept making those loud murring noises, saying without words how much he was enjoying it, and how much I was too.

After a few more minutes my sheath was beginning to thicken from the excitement, I couldn't take it anymore. Getting up onto my knees I began to press the tip of my sheath against Speedy's tailhole. Just as my paws were going onto his sides to get ready to start thrusting slowly to make sure I wouldn't hurt Speedy, his body jerked back and my entire fox meat was buried deep within Speedy. Gasping out from suprise and complete pleasure, I discovered how very tight Speedy was. It was like my first few days here at the pack where I got to mate with the out of heat females, the ones that were still virgins, too. Nothing was quite as tight, but that didn't compare to Speedy's tailhole. Internal muscles spasmed and massaged every inch of my foxhood, sending wave after wave of pleasure deep down into my very core.

I started to thrust, but I found it unnecessary thanks to Speedy. If I pulled back, he'd push back, if I thrusted forward, he grinded into my hips. If it was Speedy's first time, he knew exactly what to do and how to massage every muscle just the right way. Before I knew it, my own foxhood was beginning to thicken out wildly fast, even faster with the in heat females. Though not impressive as I wish I had, my own knot was beginning to have problems entering and exiting Speedy, no doubt I'm about ready to knot.

Speedy began to whimper after he started to feel my knot, I thought I was hurting him and was getting prepared to stop, but when I felt a wetness at my thighs I knew why he was whimpering. Without either of us touching him, Speedy's own wolf cock slid out from his sheath, knot and all, and was dripping with pre cum wildly across my thighs. He wasn't whimpering in pain, but pleasure. That only spurred me on all the more to see such a wonderful sight as Speedy's own cock dangling out wildly. I got up as best as I could without knocking either of us over and gave my last hard few thrusts. With a wet popping noise I felt my knot slide into the tight tail ring, and gave a few last second short thrusts.

One last anal spasm from Speedy and that's all I needed anymore. His tailhole tightened up and my furry testicles rose up. I gave a small chitter of some sort before finally emptying my balls deep into Speedy's tailhole. If I was on Speedy's end I would've disagreed, but it felt like a gallon of my fox seed was pouring inside of him. Groaning I dug my hips into Speedy as best as I could manage before remebering Speedy was in agony too, he couldn't paw off like I could. Reaching down I grabbed a firm yet gentle hold on his knot and began to massage it. It was barely a few seconds and Speedy let out a howl, emptying his wolf cum all over my paws. It was the best feeling for both of us, since when Speedy began to cum, his anal glands began to massage and put pressure onto my own smaller knot. His tailhole was actually milking me dry, and my paw was milking him dry. Both of us enjoying the amazing moment together, panting heavily between one another in pure bliss.

I collapsed onto Speedy's back soon after, my eyes partly closed. It must've been the heat of the moment, and though I'm not exactly too proud to say it, I actually fell asleep. My wake up call wasn't the best I could've hoped for. Speedy ran off after both our knots died down, though my own fox cock still inside of him. I fell to the ground in a heap of tawny fur and turned around onto my back, rubbing my face to get dirt out of my eyes, but that's when I felt it.

I felt a warm muzzle encase my foxhood and suckled on it greedily and hungrily, like a newborn pup wanting it's milk from it's mother. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, thinking it was one of the pups trying to 'nurse' off of me like they do with Kosan. I was about to shoo the pup away when I felt a paw go onto my thigh to better stable whoever was on me. The paw was far too large to be a pup, so it must've been Speedy getting one last lick in.

Giggling lightly, I began to say in a soft voice, "Aww come on Speedy, wasn't the mounting enough for y-" I glanced down and I let out a yip of suprise. It wasn't a pup, it wasn't Speedy, it wasn't anyone who I expected. I stared eye to eye with Shadow, suckling on me like it was his last meal. I was about to scream when all the shock of the moment hit me. My head through back and my eyes tightly closed before I finally gave Shadow what he wanted, emptying yet another load of sweet fox cum into his throat. Without a doubt he was the best one I had so far, not even Kosan's pups could compare. With every new spurt from my wanting fox cock, he'd flick his tongue over the tip to drive me over the edge and make me feel like my orgasm wouldn't stop for anything. Pleasure overtook me as Shadow seemed to make my orgasm last about five minutes at least before I finally collapsed.

When I looked off into the distance I saw Shadow padding away, licking his chops to hide reminents of our encounter. Shadow couldn't be jealous of me, I knew that now. Shadow wanted something that I wouldn't want to give him. Shadow... he... he wanted... me.