Desert Heat

Story by Beefy the Bull on SoFurry

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Desert heat

By: Beefy the Bull

For a bull and his pet, it gets -HOT- in the desert.

This is my first story, it's based loosely in Onyx Tao's Cold Blood universe. all his stories are highly recommended reading. (generic warning : must be 18 or up ...blaw blaw... blaw )

** NOTE ** This is the new edited version- That is I ran spell-check and fixed a few spots.**

A large brown minotaur surveys the horizon. All around a sandy desert with unending dried and dead scrub brush. Other than an occasional rock out cropping, it seems to be a bland wasteland.

"Hmm. Well I don't know for sure but I believe the road is some place in that direction." The massive bull spoke, mostly to himself. His slave, a thin human male possibly twenty or so, watched his master as he picked a few things from a ruined carriage. The slave piled the luggage that had survived the wreck in to a neat pile, and wiped the sweat from his brow. The desert was miserably hot, No- dangerously hot.

"Well my pet, we should get walking." the minotaur said as he turned to the human. The bull strode up to the luggage and gear and selected one small satchel and a canteen.

"Carry these." He spoke calmly as he gave the items to his slave. Even the minotaur was feeling the intense heat. "Blast this sun-" the minotaur looked at the carriage wreck and to the driver's seat where a sun umbrella was mostly destroyed.

"Well we should get picked up soon when we get back to the road, let us be on our way." and with that he started off -hopefully towards the road. the dust storm of last night had erased the wheel marks that would have been a definite indicator. The slave rushed to keep up, as the minotaurs pace slightly faster. The slave wore nothing save a loincloth, which was nice when they were in the carriage, but now he wished otherwise as the sun beat down and he tried to keep close to his master. The Minotaur loosened the collar on his finely embroidered shirt and mulled over the events leading up until now. He had been on his way to close an important trade deal for his enterprise when the carriage came under attack from bandits. The chase has ended when the driver was killed and the out of control carriage raced out in to the desert and was smashed on some rocks shattering the wheels.

"Blasted heat!" the bull exclaimed as he tossed his shirt on the ground. The bandits had made off with the horses and some boxes and kegs lashed to the back of the carriage. They hadn't messed with him- they wanted nothing to do with the strong minotaur. Unfortunately the stolen kegs and crates had been the food and water for the trip. The situation wasn't too bad though he thought. As soon as he got to the road he...

something was wrong. He realized that after about an hour's walk his slave was falling behind. He turned to see his pet carrying (for a minotaur not a human) small bag and the canteen. The human was red and sweating profusely the minotaur stopped and waited for the human to make up the several yards difference. As his pet approached he could hear tired animal breathing hard.

"Set that down pet." the minotaur stepped toward the exhausted human.

"Let me see your back." the minotaur grabbed the human and spun him around.

"This will not do. You will burn if I don't cover you." the brown minotaur pulled his pants off and tore off one leg. He wished he hadn't discarded his shirt earlier. Now standing in a loincloth he turned to his pet- "Here put this on this.." the minotaur made a simple kind of garb and the extra pant leg he used to make a hat with a neck flap to shade his slave.

" Th..thank you master." the man looked alternately at the ground and up at the minotaur.

"You're welcome my pet." the minotaur looked fondly at his slave. "Open your mouth..." the human was confused but did so. The minotaur placed one digit in the humans mouth.

"Pet you are dehydrated, you need to tell me when you are thirsty.." he removed his finger and pushed the humans jaw shut with it.

"Get the canteen and have some water, as much as you want."

the human took a small amount of water then looked at his watching master.

"Master there isn't much left.. you should take it... "

"I will have some pet, take what you need first." he smiled. This was why he loved his pet, so caring and loyal. The human took a small sip then passed the canteen to his master.

"Thank you master." He said as the minotaur took the canteen and frowned.

"You are right pet, there is almost nothing left." The minotaur drank the last of the water and handed the canteen to his pet. "Hold this in the unlikely case we find water. I will carry the satchel, you just try and keep up."

"Yes master" the human replied.

"Now come, I don't know where the road is but we shouldn't stand around." The bull said as he strode off nearly nude. The minotaur's fur would protect him from the sun some, but still he was feeling hot. He was sweating profusely, but he kept walking. every now and then he would look back to make sure his pet was able to keep up. It was mid afternoon, and the searing heat became too much for the minotaur's slave.

" Master-" the slave called as he fell to the ground, fearful of being left behind.

The minotaur turned around and swiftly ran to his pet.

"What is wrong my pet?" the minotaur crouched over his slave and picked him up from the dusty sand. His pet was unable to answer, and the human looked up to his master, panting and overheated.

"Let me get you to some shade.." the minotaur scooped up the human and carried him to the shadow of a large rock nearby, and gently set him down. He removed the hat and clothes from the slave and lay them under his pet.

"You need water my pet.." the minotaur spoke aloud to himself. ".. and we have none."

The slave groaned quietly.

"My pet.. sit up." The minotaur mostly pulled the human to an up-right position.

"Now pet, listen, I want you to drink from me-" the minotaur with one arm held his weak pet up and with the other hand ripped off his own loin cloth.

"When I start to urinate drink, I will try and slow or stop the stream so you can swallow every few seconds, but I am doubtful that I will do well at that. Do you understand?"

The human nodded and placed one hand on the minotaurs hip.

"Do not waste my gift pet." the minotaur said gravely and with that he took the tip of his sweaty penis in his free hand and the human pulled himself up to the bull hood with his mouth open. The minotaur placed just the tip in to his pets mouth.

"Drink my pet..." and he released a stream in to the slaves mouth. And as he felt the humans mouth fill up he tried to slow the stream the human swallowed and only a small amount of urine was lost. The two repeated this several times. When he was done, he pulled his bull hood away from the slave and lay him down. Now hydrated his slave was content... but the powerful scent of the sweat covered bull hood and its owner were having a great effect on the human. His pets hard-on dripping pre-cum, he let out a moan- "Master..."

The bull was in the same situation. The human sucking on his shaft had quite the effect on him.

" Humhum humm.. yes my pet you are quite handsome." The bull used one mighty finger to play with his pets genitals.

" ...Please master..." the slave groaned, laying on his back.

"Night is falling pet-" the bull stated matter-of-factly. "-and the tempiture will drop- It will be too cold for you and uncomfortable for me, so I will lay on top of you and let my body heat keep you warm."

then in a suggestive tone he added "- Something I intend to take payment for..." the bull then lowered himself on top of his pet, his giant arms on either side of the slave, whom reached up and caressed the descending chest. The bull maneuvered one hand under his pets head and the other he used to push his slaves legs apart. The bull made a slow push with his hips and his pet responded with a moan as the mighty bull-hood started to take its payment.

The next morning his slave awoke sleeping on his side, leaning back against his master. he could feel the soft bull cock pressing against his rear. He opened his eyes and turned his head to look and see if his master was still sleeping, but found master awake, and leaning his head on his hand and fondly watching his pet with a smile on his face.

"Good morning pet." the slave felt the words as a deep vibration in his masters chest.

"Good morning master." His slave responded with a yawn.

"Well pet, we should be going before the sun rises anymore." the bull stood and stretched his strong muscular body in the suns first light. Then he turned to see his slave hadn't moved, and was looking to the ground.

"Pet what is the problem?" he asked concernd.

His slave looked at him then back at the ground and "Im sorry master, but I'm so hungry.."

The bull stood looking at his pet. "Hmm..." he paused. "When was the last time you ate slave?" The bull looked directly at his pet.

Slave looked at him and thought for a moment, then responded "Two days ago master."

"That is not good... we have no food and this is a strenuous pace for you." The bull thought for another moment, then stepped up to his kneeling pet, and placed his hand on the back of his slaves head and pushed it on to his shaft. His pet knew what to do and put his hands on the minotaur and took the bull hood in to his mouth.

"Now pet, try and not to drag this out, as we do not have time for how I have previously trained you to, just bring me release and you shall have yourself nourishment." the bull then bellowed as his pet when straight to work.

The bull had to restrain himself from thrusting in to his slaves mouth as the pleasure mounted. And his slave did well because soon the mighty bull was unable to keep his load and he came with a loud roar. Slave pulled the cock in to his mouth as far as he could , so the stream of minotaur seed would flow straight to his stomach.

The bull now panting pulled himself from his pet and sat down as he recovered. "Very good pet." the bull panted "How do you feel now?"

His slave now kneeling in front of his master finished swallowing the last of the bull seed.

"Master? May I have more?" his pet asked, looking in to his masters face hoping that he was not out of line in asking.

"Of course pet." the bull smiled, and set his hand on his slaves shoulder. "Your master will nourish you." the bull stood back up in front of his pet.