Cry Of Fear: A New Start

Story by Simon_Henriksson on SoFurry

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#1 of simon

"I've always felt alone my whole life,

for as long as I can remember,

I don't know if I like it... or if I'm just

used to it, but I do know this:

Being lonely does things to you, and feeling shit and bitter

and angry all the time just...eats away at you

A quote from cry of fear

I do not own cry of fear it is owned by: Team Psykskallar

I've change the storyline of the game a bit baisicly in the game

he was 19 but in this story he will be age 15 so with that on with

the story also if you have played the game you know that Simon

suffered from spinal damage that put him in a wheelchair but i'm

going to ignore that, sorry for spelling after i get into the story

ill come back and revise and by the way this my be a short chapter

since its my first time writing this sort of thing.

Simon woke with a thud groaning he clenched the arm he had fell on

when his had fallen out of bed, "oh fuck" Groaned Simon as he

opened is eyes his black pupils shrinking in his pools of pale blue.

Grunting he got up Walking over to the mirror he began to tend to his

hair which was dishevelled, he look him self over looking s the many

cut marks on his arms and stomach, and trying to find something he

could ware to cover them up. He spotted his hoodie lying on his desk

chair grabbing it, a pair of pants, a t-shirt, his new I-phone and

his bag.

Going down stairs he was greeted by his mother who was reading a

news paper, Simon just grabbed a bit of breakfast and then his lunch

then he was off to school much to his discontent. Walking down the

street he began to think of how he came here.

He had been let out of the asylum because his doctor had come to

the conclusion that he was getting better but had recommend that

Simon visit a psychiatrist once a week to talk about his feelings, as

if they ever cared no one cared about him sure they pretended to

care what he talked about but in the end they would just scribble

some medication down and ask him to take it.

The other thing that the doctor had recommended was a change of

scenery under the pretence that the change in scenery would be less

aggravating for his condition because of the painful memories he

carried in his home town. So his mother and him had moved to the

states though he still had the memories of his old life he had to

admit the change was good there neighbours two anthros both were cats

they were nice when they welcomed Simon and they seemed trustworthy,

but the thing Simon was most afraid of was the thought of a new

school for him school had been a very bad place to be the other kids

would constantly pick on him because he always sat alone or because

of the fact that sometimes he did not show up for class.

He finally made it to the school Parkview public school. "ok ok

i can do this" thought Simon out loud,

Simon began to walk to the doors leading into the school trying to

hide himself in the crowds of humans and anthros, he walked in and

headed straight for his first class though he knew he would end up

regretting not skipping.

His first class was English, looking at his timetable he found the

room, room 133. he took a step towards the door and froze. "what if

no one liked him" he thought. He didn't like being a loner despite

what people saw on the surface he actually hated to be alone.

Slowly taking deep breaths and slowly opened the door to the

classroom, the class was a even mixture of humans and anthros they

seemed to be staring at Simon silently judging if he was worthy of an

of there attention.

He quickly took a seat next to what appeared to be a husky female,

she wore a skirt and a low cut t-shirt tough her chest was flat which

was strange for someone of her age, but Simon payed it no mind he

just put his head down and tried to block the whole world out, that's

when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder he looked up and found

that it was the girl beside him. "are you ok you look like your

crying" she asked with a bit of concern in her voice.

More then a few thoughts when he looked at her, the first was why

was she concerned about him he doesn't even know her, the second

thought was how beautiful she looked with her raven black hair that

stopped just below her shoulders to the eyes which were a sparkling

green colour and her voice which sounded like silk in his mind.

"no no no don't do that don't go after her you'll just end

up ruining her life" he thought very quickly,

"whats your name" she asked while smiling at him. "Simon my

name is Simon" he said. "really my name is Alexis" she said

still holding her smile. And with that the conversation died and

class went on without a hitch.

So what do you guys think yes or no leave comments below thanks

for reading