Into the Abyss

Story by esanhusky on SoFurry

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Trying to imagine a a world where pretty much any kind of fetish can be enjoyed in the right places, this is what's coming out. I realize that I've ended it in kind of an odd place, but I'm having a hard time continuing from here, so I'll likely pick up at some point in the future when I think HollyAnn's life becomes interesting again.

This story is by no means above critique, nor is my writing style, so have fun reading or have fun afterwards!

"I appreciate that you're concerned about Carrie, HollyAnn, but if you're coming into my house as her friend, I have to insist that you be In Character, and I'm sure that you don't even want to know what that means."

The diminutive Shiba Inu/Husky mix continued to do her best to look the Great Pyrenees in the eyes from her vantage point just above the larger female's beltline "I've been Carrie's friend since Orientation last spring, so I know what it means. I also knew before I came here that I'd have to be. I actually bought a nice skirt and top on the way over, I just didn't have anywhere to change."

She was rewarded with a wry grin "I'm sure you could have worn it out of the store if you wanted too." Her antagonist's expression softened as HollyAnn tried, and failed, to not show her frustration "Look, Honey, it's a lifestyle, and every lifestyle has rules that need to be followed. I can't allow adults to visit my Child as friends, because a real parent never would. Therefore, if you are going to visit your friend, it's going to have to be as a child, and bound by my rules."

HollyAnn returned to her car and, determined to talk to the American Eskimo that was her only real friend, pulled the outfit she had bought out of the bag. Holding it up, she realized that even though it had been bought at a juvenile specialty store, it was definitely from the "big girl" collection. Sighing heavily, she tossed the clothes back into the bag, shut the trunk, and returned to the store.

"Back so soon? What can I help you with this time, Dear?"

HollyAnn smiled back at the friendly Dobermann whom had helped her before "Make me look more like I'm not trying to be a big girl?"

She explained her predicament to the saleslady, that the one real friend that she had made since moving to the area was sick, and that she had to satisfy her Mommy that she accepted her lifestyle before she could get into the house to see her.

"Forgive me, but when you simply said you were trying to impress somebody's mother, I assumed you were a young Husky whose 'special friend' had far too demanding parents. Did you put on your last outfit? No? Good, we can give you full credit to trade it in on something more juvenile.

"What about yourself? The spa next door is Ageplay friendly, and have several shampoos that, well, you don't need to be any fuzzier, but a belly waxing and pad exfoliating can really make you more physically convincing. Plus, they have creams that will make your adult smells a little less obtrusive, which would definitely impress your friend's mother. Tell you what, head on over, tell them Paula sent you for 'The Works.' It'll be free the first time, and you'll be surprised just how little it costs afterward with your French Quarter Plaza Shopper's Card."

She found her tummy rumbling as she was being shooed out the door with a new bagful of fluff and lace, so she walked down to the diner on the other end while looking at the other businesses in the plaza. Le jeune de cur, which she learned translated to 'The Young of Heart,' was the only clothing store, and as she already found, sold mainly juvenile fantasy clothing. There was a baby supply store, 'Les Rêves de Jeunesse' or 'The Dreams of Youth,' a furniture store, and a toy store, each with French names that had something to do with being or feeling young and sold items sized for actual babies up to large breed adults.

After making an appointment for later that afternoon at the spa, La beauté de la jeune, she headed for the diner.

Walking in, she felt like she had gone into a kids' eatery in a generic theme park. Balloons, as well as large and small stuffed animals hovered and hung above. The tables and chairs were in both pastel and primary colors and were positioned in a manner that forced the patrons to take a mazelike path to a classic 50's diner style counter complete with large, shiny levers on the soda fountain and antique cash register.

The menu was an interesting juxtaposition of juvenile and adult also, with a full array of fizzy pops and even beers with clever, fun names like an India Pale Ale named "Hoppy Easter."

"I'm afraid I can't serve you any of those without being accompanied by an adult. Company...well, plaza policy, actually. I'm sorry, I just noticed where you were looking on the menu..."

HollyAnn suddenly realized that she was giving the youngish English Collie a sour look and softened her expression "Oh, sorry, of course you can't! Really, I didn't mean to...I'm to...The Lifestyle."

The clerk's muzzle worked wordlessly for a few seconds before words finally came out "I'm sorry also, I honestly thought you were actually...anyway, um..."

HollyAnn grinned at his discomfort, for once more amused by his confusion instead of annoyed "My Father was a Husky, my Mother a Shiba Inu. Since I'm almost a year past my twenty-first birthday, I've mostly come to terms that this is as big as I'm going to get.

"Anyway, I think I'm going to go for Candy Cod's fish and chips with a Randy's root beer!"

The Collie gave her a wide grin "Coming right up, Madam!"

She watched him as he pulled the fish fillets out of the cooler and was gratified to see by their color as he egg washed them and tossed them around in bread crumbs that they were certainly fresh.

"With or without skins" He stood looking at her holding a few small potatoes.

"With, please!"

They were turned into french fries with the pull of a lever.

"Just a few more minutes and lunch will be served, Madam!"

She took the glass he pushed towards her and got a mouthful of one of the best root beers she ever tasted, made all the creamier from being sucked through a straw

She read his name tag "Peter? I'm HollyAnn. Can we talk?"

He looked around the otherwise deserted cafe "Doesn't look like it'll be a problem." They fryers started beeping "Whoops, give me one moment!"

He returned quickly with a mock "London Times" newspaper lined basket full of her lunch. As she really was very hungry, she ate one of the planks and several of the fries before addressing him again;

"Why is it so bad? To be mistaken as a puppy, I mean?"

He smiled easily "I'm a soda jerk, not a psychologist, HollyAnn. Trust me, I have many customers that would trade anything to be in your body. I guess it's just one of those 'If life were fair' things, sometimes the biggest people have submissive natures and just want to be dominated and subjugated, sometimes, well," His paw indicated her "Sometimes a more dominant personality ends up in a smaller package."

She rewarded him with a snort of laughter "Well, I can't really say I'm a dominant personality, I just don't want..."

He smiled gently "Hmm, averted gaze, red ears, not able to finish her sentence. All classic signs of somebody that doesn't know themselves as well as they think they do!

"Let me ask you this; Why are you suddenly shopping and eating at an Adult Baby support plaza?"

She glanced down at the bag of blue lace she had set beside her stool, took a deep breath, and recounted her tale for the second time that day.

"So, friendship is more important than pride? At least you have your priorities straight!

"The unfortunate thing is, I know the couple you're talking talking about, and Tamara isn't going to be easily impressed. I'm actually more than a little surprised that you've been able to spend enough time with Carrie to consider her such a friend, her Mother is usually very strict with curfews!"

"HollyAnn grinned "Well, a lot of the time we've spent together has been me driving her home, and I get the feeling that she's...been punished for spending too much time with me before going home."

His voice was gentle "Been spanked, you mean? Yes, I'll guarantee it! And if you want to be able to actually spend quality time with her, you'll be risking the same kind of treatment."

She chewed on her last fish plank as she thought about that "But, it won't be bad, right? It's not like it's...or, it is real, that's the point, isn't it?"

Again, the gentle, understanding smile came to his face "For Tamara and Carrie, yes. For others, not necessarily. As a matter of fact, I have a couple of friends that like to help introduce people to The Lifestyle, or at least give them a peek into it. I can give them a call and they could be here, probably around six or seven, to talk with you."

At the mention of a specific time, she started and looked at the time "Oh, I need to get to the spa! I'd hate to get a spanking for being late to my appointment!

"Oh, and that would be wonderful, speaking to your friends, that is!"

She paid him quickly, grabbed her bag and ran out the door, all too aware of how much she looked like a panicked young girl.

"HollyAnn, there you are! I was starting to think you'd had second thoughts!"

She grinned back at the lithe, graceful panther "Second, third,'s something I need to do, so I'm doing it, no matter what."

The cat smiled wide and friendly "Right this way, then! You'll start with a nice, long soak in a medicated bath. Are you sure you want a waxing? It's a months long commitment, even without inhibitors, instead of weeks with a shaving."

"I'm certain, Miss Desi, I'll need to show a real commitment if I'm going to get to see my friend!"

The panther looked down at her "So what's the whole story, then?"

HollyAnn found herself wishing she'd had a voice recorder running the first time she told her story, but realized they needed to fill the time as she stripped and climbed into the bath for her soak.

"I need to hear it from you again before I start adding the chemicals, Dear. You said that you wanted a chest, belly, and groin waxing, you wanted to shed you undercoat, and you wanted the growth inhibitors for the fur treatments, right?"

HollyAnn nodded "Yes, Miss Desi. And yes, I realize that Winter will return, but I can live with wearing jackets again."

The panther chuckled "Thank you, Dear. Now, you also wanted your adult pheromones suppressed, we'll do that with a couple of salves for now. Anything else?"

"The pad exfoliation. Oh, and is there any way to reduce the bumps on my tummy for a while? I think they'll probably ruin the effect."

She got a full laugh from that "There's no such thing as a temporary breast eduction, HollyAnn, and I won't give you anything permanent until you've been in The Lifestyle for at least six months! Besides, no offense, but they're really not all that obtrusive."

"Alright, Dear, we're ready for the painful part!"

HollyAnn found herself suddenly conscious again without even realizing she had dozed off "Oh, sorry, I must of..."

Again the easy laugh came "Don't worry about it, Dear, it happens far more often than not. Whoops, easy there, here lean on my arm!"

She was guided to a very comfortable chair that wasn't entirely unlike a gynecological exam chair. After her ankles were secured in a predictable position, the panther began delineating the area for exfoliation, eliciting giggles from HollyAnn as her fingers moved lightly around the perimeter of her soft underside.

"Watch your hands, HollyAnn, or I'll have to secure them also."

"Maybe you should, Miss Desi."

The panther drew a breath "I'd rather not, HollyAnn. Trust me, if you want to try being a submissive in a BDSM lifestyle, I'd me more than happy to lead you down that path, but even then a forced waxing would be a bit extreme for a first session."

It was HollyAnn's turn to put on a smug grin "You may notice that I have no hair between my pads and fingers. It drives me crazy, so I pluck it out. I know it's going to hurt, but I'd kinda like to just have to put up with it. If you'd like to even take it a little further, that would be ok too!"

The panther secured her wrists to the sides of the table "I still don't think it's a good idea, so try not to scream too much, my dear, or I'll have to stop."

It did hurt far more than HollyAnn expected to have the hot wax poured over her body and to have her fur ripped out by the roots. Enough so that she was very glad her hands had been secured, but not so much that she wasn't able to hold herself to a few sharp yelps, even though the tears flowed freely.

"Would you like some time before we get to your most personal areas?"

HollyAnn was surprised at how long it took for Miss Desi to dab her face dry of the tears she had been crying "No thank you, Ma'am. I think I'd rather get it over with."

The panther grinned and returned to her task, not bothering to protect the dog's sensitive nipples from the hot wax as she started at the narrow chest and worked her way down.

HollyAnn could swear that the cat had turned up the heat on the wax and disposed of any bit of mercy she had shown before. As a matter of fact, the pain had her so distracted that she had no idea her orgasm was coming until it hit her. Her tormenter seemed to ignore HollyAnn's growing distress at the sensory overload.

"Stop, stop, oh gawd, sta-a-ahp!"

The panther showed no mercy, but continued her work down her lower abdomen, skipping to her lower inner thighs, and working her way back up to the exposed and helpless posterior and groin.

"Wakey wakey, HollyAnn!"

The little dog looked around, blinking sleep from her eyes "Again? How long?"

The panther grinned "Only about half an hour. Time for your brushing!"

She helped HollyAnn to stand, but the mutt was far more steady this time and was able to easily walk to an alcove of mirrors. At the flip of a switch, a gentle breeze wafted over her body, the air currents becoming visible with her loose fur as her companion set about her with brush and comb, the dog's thick undercoat releasing quickly and easily.

"Are you sure you can't do anything about these?" Her hand rubbed at the small mounds on her abdomen

"It's not that I can't, I won't! Honestly, HollyAnn, Tamara will be more than impressed by the effort you've made. If you decide to stay in The Lifestyle, we can give you other treatments, including some that will reduce your abdominal mammaries, but they'll be permanent, so I won't do it now. I'm sorry."

HollyAnn couldn't stop herself from giving the tall female a hug "That's ok, I understand! What's next?"

The salves were applied to her paws and her personal areas powdered "These are just masking cosmetics with artificial juvenile pheromones. Once again, if you decide to stay in The Lifestyle, we can use more permanent solutions, but for now, you'll have to apply these as needed."

She dressed in her new outfit, the tight, sky blue fabric of its leotard bodice easily crushing down her reduced coat to show off her her thin, delicate body. The slightly darker sheer lace skirt portion billowed out nicely when she twirled. Enough so that after a few spins, she suddenly caught sight of nude skin on her inner thigh and a little mound in the snug fabric right where she knew her poof should be. Seeing her body displayed more honestly than it had been for the last decade made her feel almost completely naked, and the resulting sudden shyness and reddening of her ears was momentarily too much for her.

"Maybe we should put you back in your big girl clothes for now."

She found herself once again in the comforting embrace of the panther as the larger female patted her face dry of the tears "No, I'm ok, it's just...I don't even know where that came from!"

"It will come again, HollyAnn, and when you least expect it. It will happen the first time you walk out into the open air, it'll happen the first time you leave the protection of a Lifestyles safe zone, it will happen the first, second and maybe even the third and fifth time somebody know sees you.

"This is why you need to be sure about The Lifestyle before you dive into it. I'll guarantee that there are still times that Carrie sees herself and has the exact same reaction you just had, even though she's been in it for almost five years.

"You also need to be sure just how far you can go. Tamara, for example, doesn't believe in safewords, timeouts, or Mulligans. Carrie is an adult from the time she walks out her front door and goes to work, and quits being an adult as soon as she leaves work. There is no 'I just don't feel like it tonight' for her, there is no 'Let's just forget it for now.' She decided that she just couldn't deal with being a kid at the diner last year and decided she was just going to stand up and walk out. They were in the Family Room for almost a half an hour and was still howling from the spanking when Tamara put her in the car to go home. Apparently she was grounded for two weeks, because we didn't see her again for at least that long.

"That's not to say that you have to be in that kind of relationship, there are part time parents as well as part time kids, but you have to keep in mind that whatever you agree to, you have to live by it, and don't believe what they say about the submissive actually being in charge because 'they have to be satisfied or the dominant won't have that submissive for long,' because the honest truth is that dominants, regardless of their interests or orientation, have waiting lists that submissives have to wait to get on to.

"I know that you just want to see your friend, HollyAnn, but this is the problem; if Tamara decides to be impressed enough to let you in, and doesn't see you in The Lifestyle again, she's going to forbid Carrie from continuing your friendship, maybe even as an adult at work, and if she's still associating with you after a punishment or two, she'll be out on her ear, and be replaced in the space of a couple of hours by one of the ten or fifteen waiting to take her place and experience to pinnacle of The Lifestyle.

"This is your dilemma, HollyAnn..."

"No! I'm sorry, Miss Desi, but it's not even a question. I'm supposed to meet with a couple at the diner. They could be there now, actually, and we're going to talk about maybe teaching me how to be a Child. I should probably get going."

The Dobermann had to remind her that the first day was free, but gladly accepted a generous tip and a tight hug.

The little mutt did have to stop several steps out of the spa, as she once again felt more exposed than she could ever remember feeling. She took several deep breaths and opened her eyes to see a mix of people regarding or disregarding her in a full spectrum of ways. She finally smiled at the world in general, stuck her tongue out at a stout pit bull who would have been very intimidating if he hadn't been wearing a diaper and sucking his paw, and skipped towards the diner.

It did actually feel good in so many ways to be able to just let herself go and not worry about how she looked, but truth be told, she wasn't able to just let herself go completely. She still felt more naked than she ever had in her life, and the only thing that she had to distract herself was trying to figure out how to be more "in character," which had those parts of her psyche that hadn't surrendered to their fate screaming louder and more indignantly.

By the time she opened the door to the diner, she was panting, not from her exertions, but because her whole body was burning with a mixture of exhilaration, humiliation and, she learned when she found herself nearly face to face with a large Malamute couple, sexual pressure.

Her body once again folded in on itself as her groin flared in sharp tingles that seemed to shoot through her body in random patterns. Her eyes unfocused as she tried to stare almost three feet higher into the eyes of both the large dogs at once. When she found her voice, it was small and unsure;

"Hi, I'm HollyAnn."

It was the female that spoke "Glad to meet you, HollyAnn! What's a pretty little thing like you running around alone for?"

She giggled "I'm looking for somebody?"

"Who are you looking for, Honey?"

HollyAnn thought she was about to explode "I dunno. Who are you?"

The male stuck out a massive paw "I'm Bernie, and this is my wife, Dottie!"

She was barely able to force herself to reach out and shake the proffered paw "Glad to meet you, umm..."

"Daddy and Mommy, maybe?"

"Um...Daddy? I really need to use the bathroom."

Dottie pipped in "Oh, no problem at all, HollyAnn, I'll help you!"

Her hand disappeared in the huge one that was held out for her, and her large companion strode easily beside her as she trotted toward the door with a pink, friendly teddy bear on it.

She tried to pull free to run for a stall, but her new Mommy held her firm and followed her into one of the private cubicles. It was a bit of a shock to the little dog when she felt her leotard being pulled down off of her shoulders, but she didn't try to fight it. Her Mommy indicated she should pick up her feet and her dress was hung over the thick arm before she was picked up and placed on the far too high toilet.

"Thank you, Mommy."

"You're quite welcome, Dear. No, don't touch yourself there, it's not proper."

She had finished her business quickly and her hand had roamed down to rub at the itch that had been growing more and more unbearable for what couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes, but seemed like forever.

"I'm sorry, Mommy, it just...really..."

"I know, it's obvious how much distress you're in, HollyAnn, but we're in the regular restroom, so I can't even help you out." The large hand pulled off a wad of toilet paper and patted her as dry as possible before she was placed back on the floor and her dress was pulled back up into place.

"Are you, HollyAnn? Peter said to be looking for a tiny Husky that should be coming in about now."

She looked up at the thin Dalmatian "Umm...yes, sir?"

"He wanted me to tell you that Randy and Theresa couldn't make it and that he had to leave. He said he'd still be glad to get you guys together if you still wanted, but won't be back in until Monday."

The black spotted dog disappeared in the growing crowd and reappeared behind the counter, so HollyAnn allowed herself to be guided back to her new Daddy

"So, if you're not Peter's friends, then who..."

The big male smiled "Just a husband and wife looking for a good time. We have a smaller Husky friend that joins us occasionally, but he can't give Dottie the...variety...she needs.

"We like having a smaller partner that we can toss around and dominate easily, so we decided this would be a good place to start looking. We were just realizing that all we were going to see were oversized babies today when you bumped into us on the way out."

HollyAnn looked around the crowd, nearly drunk with her own desire "I think, if we're going to be discussing more adult subjects, we should probably go someplace...more appropriate."

The Malamutes agreed, so they stood and left. Bernie was the first to speak when they reached the parking lot "So, where's your car?"

HollyAnn grinned "At home. I didn't think it would be appropriate for a Puppy to be driving."

"Makes sense!" Came the male reply "Ours is right over here."

She was led to a large wagon, older but still in good shape, and guided into the back seat where she was buckled in

"So, where should we go?" Her parents had gotten in front, her Daddy behind the wheel

"We could just go home," she said, her hand sliding down between her legs "I could really use some, um, personal attention."

Her Mommy looked severely at her "HollyAnn, I told you to not touch yourself like that, remember?"

"I'm sorry, Mommy, I just can't help myself, it itches so bad!" She looked challengingly back at the larger female and continued to rub herself, not even sure why, or what she expected her to do.

"HollyAnn, stop that right now or so help me, I'll give you a reason to respect me!"

Her response was to spread her legs wide and pull the sopping wet crotch of the leotard aside to expose her oozing sex and slide a finger inside.

Her Mommy spun back out of the car and seemed to have the back door open and HollyAnn's seat belt removed in less than a second. She found herself quickly held fast to the Malamute's side, her arms trapped against her own sides.

"Mommy, are you going to...Ow! What are you...OW! Mommy, stop it YEE-OWWCH!"

"Young lady, you will learn manners one way or another do you understand me?"

"OW! Yes, Mommy, OW! I'm sorry, I'll listen OW! Please, Mommy, I'm sorry, OW, OW OWWIEOWW!!! OW-W-W!"

"Do I have your attention now?"

HollyAnn had tears flowing from her eyes, and her groin burned hotter than ever, but looking into the eyes of the large female inches from her face put her solidly into her role psychologically

"Yes, Mommy, I'm sorry, I'll be good."

She was treated to a tight hug and her Mommy wiped at the tears that had fallen before she was gently placed back in the car. A few passerbys grinned at her as they walked past. Friendly, understanding grins from the Children and Adults alike, and she was able to smile back, even though she knew she probably shouldn't have.

Truth be told, she really wasn't stinging that bad. It scared her more than a little bit how the first three slaps kept getting harder, but after her violent reaction to the third, they dropped back down to a tolerable strength, except for the last few.

She sat on the lingering sting, holding her legs tightly closed and keeping her hands clasped tightly to her chest. A part of her wanted to be disappointed that she wasn't having a harder time sitting, but the rest of her was giddy that she'd taken the first steps into an alternative lifestyle, and now she was going home with two dogs that she had no chance of defending herself against if things went bad.

It was completely against everything she had learned growing up "No, HollyAnn, that's too dangerous," "No, HollyAnn, you're too small to do that, you'll get hurt!" "No, HollyAnn, you can't dress like that. No, I don't care, it's bad enough that you want to hang out with boys twice your size, you may as well just wear panties when you work on your cars if you were wearing those tiny, loose shorts!"

She shivered as her thoughts chased themselves around, her (real) mother's voice fighting against, and losing to, the voices of teenage rebellion that waited until now to let themselves be known

"HollyAnn, what are you doing back there?"

She didn't realize that she was making noises low in her throat "Nothing, Mommy, I promise!"

Her fear just as quickly diminished when she saw that her Mommy's eyes were smiling.

"Good girl. Don't worry, we'll be home soon!"

She smiled back before looking out the window and realizing that they had driven to a very rural area and that the car was turning onto a driveway that seemed to extend forever up though the trees. When they they reached the top, it ended beside a big, classic farm house.

Her Mommy helped her out of the car as her Daddy hurried to the house, unlocking the door and disappearing quickly inside.

It almost seemed like her Mommy was delaying her for some reason, and HollyAnn decided that it was just to tease her further. They ended up on nice patio in the back of the house that had a wonderful view down the valley of the small city they had just left. Dusk had just enough light left to allow her to enjoy the almost painted scene as she was seated on a comfortable chair where she could appreciate the transition when darkness fell and the cityscape would give way to a fairy tale scene of lights.

Her Daddy came out the sliding door pushing a Husky a full head taller than her in front of him "HollyAnn, this is...your big brother, Freddy."

She stood up and gave him a hug "Hi Freddy!"

He seemed to be moving a bit stiffly, like he'd been sitting in one position for too long, but gave an almost chirpy "Hi HollyAnn" back. He dialed it back a bit at the sour looks from the Malamutes

"This is going to be great, I've always wanted a little sister!"

Her Daddy struck up the small talk and her Mommy went back inside.

The big dog kept control of the conversation, and HollyAnn got the impression that Freddy was closely following cues he was picking up from him. Again, a part of HollyAnn worried about his, but she listened to the voices that said if she was meant harm, it would be happening by now, so there was a scene being played out for her benefit.

Her Mommy came out with sweets and beverages and they solidified their family dynamic over their snack as HollyAnn enjoyed the transition of the view in the waning light. She'd almost forgotten about her discomfort when her new brother was suddenly in front of her.

His muzzle came closer to hers and she parted it to allow a lover's kiss. They continued to kiss as he pulled her to her feet. She allowed herself to be felt and molested, her already tingling body welcoming the attention. Even as she felt the tight dress being pulled off of her shoulders, she offered no resistance.

She was laid on her back on the large coffee table, and for once, all the voices agreed that she needed to open her legs to her handsome Brother. He wasted no time shucking his shorts to reveal an erection that stopped just short of being intimidating to the diminutive mutt.

She tried to shut her ears to the train that was suddenly rushing by only feet away, but when it only got louder, she realized it was her own heartbeat and the blood it was pumping rushing through them. It only got better when his weight gently pushed her against the hard surface and she felt something almost hot brushing her thighs.

He noticed she was looking between their bodies, so he arched his back and followed her line of sight to where his bright red shaft pointed at an equally red target on her body. He brought it closer and her breathing quickened in response. It was electric when the two touched and HollyAnn had to close her eyes to the sensation, throwing her head back and releasing a low moaning howl.

"That's it, Honey, let us know how it feels!"

She responded to her Mommy's voice by widening her mouth and allowing the moan to turn into a scream as the heat penetrated deeper and deeper into her body.

"That's right, Darling, let it go, don't hold back!"

The permission to let herself go and just enjoy the act was wonderful and she used it to her advantage. The dissenting voices, already overwhelmed by the needs of her body, had given up and HollyAnn allowed herself to enjoy every bit of the act, every sensation that poured through her body. Her eyes opened slightly to see a face above hers. By it's expression, he was enjoying it as much as she was, delighting in her vocalizations and doing his best to keep the good tingling more forward than the pain.

He succeeded wonderfully, and HollyAnn followed her Mommy's instructions to just let the sensations take over. Her lover continued to show his prowess as he brought her to her first orgasm and kept her going for about a tenth of a second before she became frantic, and then let her cool down just enough before taking her over the edge again.

She had a moment to realize just how much he was enjoying what he was doing before his thrusts started becoming desperate. He was able to hold off until she was building to another orgasm herself, so the sudden pain of having the almost too big shaft pounded into her just served to drive her to harder spasms that had just overwhelmed her ability to endure when he sighed and collapsed on top of her.

She hugged him with all four paws, using what little strength she had left to make sure he didn't try to pull out and ruin the wonderfully overinflated feeling she was experiencing. He kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth an amazing feeling in the afterglow.

Opening her eyes, she looked past him to see her Parents hovering above her, and didn't need to look any further to know that they had been having their own fun while watching the smaller dogs. She looked anyway, and from her position, had a perfect view of the point of their coupling. Her Mommy would have been almost grotesquely stretched if not for her own size and it was with a mixture of fear and anticipation that she wondered if she would eventually be expected to be able to take that monster.

The foursome shared the next several minutes in their silence, the only noises being from nature and the males rubbing and licking their lovers. HollyAnn couldn't decide whether it had been too long or not nearly long enough before her Daddy vacated her Mommy followed by what she swore had to be a full quart of semen.

Her Mommy ended up close enough that she was able to reach out and taste The white, viscous fluid. Her tongue collided with another and she realized that this was probably one of the ways that her new lover had served her Parents and hoped that she wasn't stepping on any toes.

Her Mommy was still messy when her whimper alerted everyone to Freddy's deflation, but the big female was quickly around to clean her children while her husband placed himself where their tongues could continue their labors.

More repositioning and a lot more licking happened, both females being brought to even more orgasms. When the males deflated from their second explosions, the larger dogs picked up their smaller counterparts and carried them into the house.

"We're sorry we weren't ready for you, HollyAnn. We should be able to get you and appropriate room sometime next week. Can we expect you to not wet the bed?"

HollyAnn giggled. A slight flush coloring her ears and face "Maybe you should carry me to the bathroom before tucking me in."

The Malamute did just that, then HollyAnn found herself alone in a small and simple guest room cuddling up to a stuffed wolf. She had just enough time to wonder why it was wearing a leather harness and holding a riding crop before sleep claimed her.


"Miss Tamara!'s Carrie doing" They had returned to the diner for breakfast and HollyAnn was more than a little surprised to see the big white dog there with a fluffy white Pomeranian.

The Great Pyrenees eyed the group cautiously "Good morning, HollyAnn, I'm afraid that she's still not well. Who...?"

HollyAnn bounced like she'd been roleplaying a six year old her whole life "This is my Mommy and Daddy, and my brother Freddy!"

Tamara tried to give them a friendly smile, but her agitation wouldn't let her "Mommy and Daddy? Really? And an older brother to boot. Forgive me, but Parents is a bit of an advanced relationship for newcomers, and I haven't seen any of you around here or any other Lifestyle Friendly establishment."

The inflection on "a bit" wasn't lost on any of the group, and there was definite chagrin in Dottie's voice when she answered the slightly larger female "We honestly didn't realize there would be any other relationship, we're sorry."

Tamara tried to relax "Oh, no real harm done, and the way you carry yourself compared to how you so easily acquiesced to me suggests that you do understand at least one alternative lifestyle."

Dottie grinned back "Yes, we have a small, but effective dungeon in our basement. After we shared our hospitality with a few smaller breeds, we decided it would be fun to include ageplay, and after a couple of months with Freddy, we decided to start coming here to learn to be proper...?"

"Guardians." The white dog answered.

"Guardians, thank you.

"Anyway, we hung out for a while, couldn't really figure out how to even start a conversation without feeling crass, and were just leaving when HollyAnn came through the door. She was apparently expecting to meet somebody who apparently couldn't make it, but the way she acted, we just decided to flow with it. When she found out we weren't them, she didn't seem to mind, so we ended up taking her home.

"I take it that your the Mother of the friend she's worried about?" HollyAnn had forgotten that she ended up recanting her story again while talking the evening before

"I am, yes. And even though I'm not sure Carrie should have built such a relationship with her, I still don't want to see how it would affect her to see harm come to a good friend."

Bernie decided it was his turn to pipe in "First of all, Tamara, we're not keeping you from your sick Daughter, are we?"

"Thank you, no." came the genuinely appreciative reply "She was up most of the night throwing up, so now that she's actually asleep, she could be out until Noon. Her sister will call if she wakes up and needs me.

"How about we order and find a table?"

They did just that, HollyAnn finding herself talking to the just smaller than her "little girl," whom crossed her arms and pouted when HolyAnn informed her that she was more into model and remote control cars than dolls

"You're as bad as my big sister!"

Tamara laughed "Of course she is, Dearie, why do you think they're friends?"

As the crowd was sparse on the Sunday morning, Tamara allowed the Malamute couple to ask the questions they wanted to;

"No, no, it's nothing really bad" HollyAnn heard her say between her meal and helping the "younger" girl play with the dolls she brought with her "It's just that we have more than 'Mistress' and 'Master' in this lifestyle, and when you're in a Lifestyle environment, your responsibility depends on your title.

"Usually, you'd start out as babysitters. That would give your Dependent that choice to get out of a punishment or even take charge to a degree by threatening to tell Mom and/or Dad that they were mistreated. Some will start out as professional nannies, which will give a Child a little less opportunity to cry foul.

"The next step is usually Aunt and/or Uncle. Just like a real one, the Child would be expected to obey them in public, but they'd still have to be more reserved in what they ask or demand of the Child, and far more restricted in how they could be punish their dependent.

"Being parents in The Lifestyle is just like being parents in real life, but even more so." Now she was looking at HollyAnn "If you are told to do something, or to not do something in public and you disobey, your Parents will be expected to do what real parents would do, except that in Lifestyle Friendly areas, it would be perfectly acceptable for your parents to start your spanking publicly then move to even a semi-private area to strip you down and give a proper tanning. Why are you looking like that?"

"We've...already done that, Miss Tamara." Came the shy reply "I was...naughty in the parking lot, so Mommy had to spank me!"

"Ten good smacks" Dottie continued "Carefully gauged to her pain tolerance. That, I have good experience in!"

She was answered with a wide grin "Obviously, by your victims demeanor.

"So, seeing as we've all had our breakfast, do you trust me to take your Daughter home? She'll not only be visiting Carrie, but discussing a few things with me on how to continue. I'd like to make an appointment to have a similar discussion with both of you."

Arrangements made, HollyAnn hugged her Parents, insisting that they both pick her up for a quick kiss before skipping over to Tamara, only for her Daughter to take off running

"Laura, where are you going?"

"To the toy store! We always go to the toy store!"

"Not this time, little girl!" Came the stern reply "And you knew that before we came here!"

When Laura simple crossed her arms and stamped her foot, Tamara turned to HollyAnn and spoke in a low voice "I think she's wanting to show off for you, Honey. Are you ok with that?"

HollyAnn nodded her head vigorously, her body starting to feel warm again at the thought of seeing the little Pomeranian being spanked by the massive Great Pyrenees.

"Laura, come here, Honey," came the gentle voice "You know we don't have time to walk through the toy store."

"We're going to the toy store! We always go to the toy store!"

It genuinely amazed HollyAnn how quickly the big dog crossed the distance between them and Laura, and by the latter's reaction, she never got used to it.

Almost as quickly, Tamara was down on one knee and all HollyAnn could see of the Pomeranian was her hind paws and a pair of pale yellow panties. Her view of those panties was momentarily obstructed by a large white paw at least five times before those paws started kicking and HollyAnn realized that she was getting a spanking, and a hard one, right in the middle of the causeway.

The little one took a few more before starting to cry, and her wailing became a siren's song to HollyAnn, who started walking toward the scene. She knew it was probably wrong to stare, but she couldn't help but to watch the white, thinly furred rump jump and wiggle under the assaulting hand.

"Let's get to the car, now!"

HollyAnn had to jog to keep up with the aggravated Mother's long stride, but she really didn't want to have that ire directed at her, so she did so

"Or do you," Asked a voice in her head, but HollyAnn didn't think she was ready for what Miss Tamara was dealing out.

Besides, as they marched down the parking lot, Laura was still insisting that they had to go to the toy store. She had the attention of several people, many of whom quickly guided their charges away when they saw who was being sassed by their Child.

When they reached Tamara's car, Laura's panties quickly dropped to her ankles. If HollyAnn thought it was incredible to see the tiny bottom assaulted in the open, Tamara didn't hold back now. The large hand landed even more heavily and the little dog screamed and howled her pain and indignation. Again and again, the hand fell and the sound of the smacks were almost lost in the indignant screams of the girl.

HollyAnn could see skin turning redder and redder behind the thin fur coat, and still Tamara didn't relent. As red started turning to bruise, HollyAnn could swear that she could feel the heat radiating from the posterior. By that time, the little legs had quit kicking and the body they were attached to hung limply in Tamara's grasp.

It ended as quickly as it began, and Laura was held tightly by her Momma as she cried herself out. HollyAnn was exhilarated by the whole event, and it wasn't even anti-climactic to see the little dog red-faced crying from her ordeal. She continued to stare in fascination as she wound down and was obviously drifting into sleep.

"I'm going to have to do that every now and then, aren't I?"

Tamara had laid Laura out in the back seat, requiring HollyAnn to ride in front with her instead of the traditional back seat position for a preteen.

"That depends entirely on you and your Guardians, HollyAnn. That's probably the most important thing about starting off with Babysitters and working your way up, it allows you to grow into The Lifestyle and safely find your limits."

HollyAnn thought it over for a moment "So, I should probably stop calling Dottie and Bernie 'Mommy and Daddy?'"

"I think you'll probably be alright. They are experienced Doms, so they should be pretty good at finding a person's limits and not pushing them too far past them too often.

"I think it would be best for me to sit them down with Randy and Theresa. They're probably the ones that Peter wanted you to meet. We'll see if they'll be 'Friends of the Family' so they can coach your Parents, plus be able to take you out and about as Babysitters and teach you some finer things about The Lifestyle.

"You need to keep in mind, though, that you're completely on your own when you're in their house. That's important to keep in mind, because they're used to a lifestyle where their job is to make their submissives feel that they have no choice in what's happening to them. That's not to say that there aren't Children who seek out abusive relationships, but being a small dog, Parented by dogs so much larger than you, you can far too easily find yourself living in a cage and being whipped to near unconsciousness if you so much as sneeze without permission."

The conversation turned less serious and more pleasurable for the remainder of the drive, and Laura woke up, whining as she sat up, but not daring to complain about her bruised bottom. When they got out of the car, she quickly, but carefully, got out and ran as fast as she could with her knees and ankles to hug her Tamara

"I'm sorry, Momma!"

"I know you are, Honey" Tamara replied as she picked her up "I just really wish you'd learn to control yourself in public!"

There was something sincere about Tamara's statement, and HollyAnn wondered if Laura was one of those who wanted a more abusive relationship. She assumed, correctly, that if Laura continued to misbehave in public to get the most severe punishments, Tamara would have to refer her to a different situation.

They entered the house and Tamara led them up the steps, pointing HollyAnn to one door while she disappeared behind another with her wayward Daughter.


HollyAnn had been hoping that all she heard was exaggeration, but her friend literally looked to be at death's door


Her voice was weak and hoarse from the constant coughing and vomiting and HollyAnn wanted nothing more than to climb into the bed and cuddle with her, but she knew it would be a bad idea. It was good enough that she was able to smile when she saw her.

"Could you open the curtains please? I'm tired of laying in the dark" HollyAnn did as she was asked and Carrie looked even worse in the light.

HollyAnn sat and talked to Carrie and the latter was obviously happy to have her friend there.

"Do you remember my MGB? I finally found...umm..."

Carrie grinned and whispered "It's ok, HollyAnn, when we're alone and in private, we can talk about our adult lives." Then in a more excited voice "You found an engine?"

HollyAnn waited through her coughing fit before answering

"A kit to put a...bigger engine in."

Carrie rolled her eyes "So, you're going to be putting a V8 into a go cart, then."

HollyAnn's expression was nearly maniacal when she vigorously nodded her head

"Do I really want to know?" Tamara kept her doors well oiled and learned to move quietly, so the girls didn't even realize she was there.

"Probably not Miss Tamara!" By the grin on the larger females face, she'd jumped as high as she thought she had.

"I'm feeling a lot better now, Mommy, I think I should go to work."

Tamara had recommended that she sleep in her own house, but HollyAnn really didn't want to be alone. Her parents were more than accommodating, Daddy giving her a bath, Mommy brushing her out all pretty, and Big Brother making a show of trying to look up her nightgown.

They were allowed to sleep together as long as they promised to not do anything, and even though HollyAnn felt nearly as desperate as the day before, and she had something very stiff pressing against her, it was a far more comfortable feeling than she had ever experienced before.

That is, until she woke up the next morning with her stomach doing flip flops.

"Are you sure, HollyAnn? If you caught what Carrie has..."

"No, Daddy, I feel great now, I really do!"

Dottie looked thoughtful "HollyAnn? How does your Heat cycle go?"

She cocked her head at her Mommy "I'm always so horny, I really have no idea that I'm in Heat until I'm suddenly bleeding, why...uh...Oh!"

She looked at Freddy and hid the flush that tingled up into her face with her hands. He suddenly looked that much more handsome, and she couldn't believe that she could feel more love toward anyone in that instant.

"Do you have a preferred doctor, HollyAnn? We'll need to get you tested."

It took a few moments for the voice to soak through her brain, but her attention quickly snapped to her Mommy "I just go to the company infirmary for now. I could go during lunch."

They finished breakfast and she was surprised at how hard it was to put on adult clothes so she could go to work. "Actually," She thought, "If I am pregnant, I've got another few months to put up with them!"

As she drove to work, it occurred to her what everyone was saying about starting to deep and too involved in The Lifestyle. Three days ago, she was disgusted over having to show her ID to even walk into a liquor store, today she was ready to surrender herself completely to be a pair of sadists' Little Girl.

"Well, somebody's had a good weekend!"

"I'm sorry, what?"

The Border Collie grinned broadly at her "Oh, come on, HollyAnn! The motor pool prude comes practically skipping in, positively glowing, and we're just supposed to not notice?"

HollyAnn felt the flush coming back as her mind went back through her weekend. Even under the conservative clothing, she suddenly felt naked when she got to the waxing and forced shedding part.

"Wow, all that, huh? That's ok, we'll get it out of you somehow!"

She realized that she was suddenly standing like a shy school girl, much to the amusement of her workmates.

The morning went delightfully normal, except that even those she didn't see often gave her a second look, usually accompanied by "That special grin."

She would have preferred a longer, more involved project to work on, but at least there were enough tuneups and preventive maintenance jobs to keep her busy.

"Hey, Harry, can I knock off a half an hour early? I need to stop by the infirmary before lunch."

The Border perked up "The infirmary? Really? Oh, you visited Carrie, didn't you? You think you may have caught her bug?"

She took a deep breath "I think I may be pregnant."

He laughed "Ok, Pregnant? That would suggest that you did something crazy and out of your normal comfort zone!"

She grinned back "Yeah, well, let's say that I learned a few things about myself this weekend."

Talking to the doctor confirmed what she knew, and he recommended several prenatal specialists. Her demeanor was even more elated when she joined the rest of the crew at the usual Italian cafe.

"It's official!"

The group of males didn't quite react the way HollyAnn expected them to until Harry suddenly realized what she was talking about and jumped up to hug her

"Congratulations, HollyAnn!"

The group was still mainly silent, but a there was one voice that would never be "So, Carrie talked you into becoming a Lifestyle Child and the first thing you did was spread your legs for your new Daddy and got pregnant to him? Sex with strangers is a dangerous thing, you know that, right?"

HollyAnn stood and blinked at the Rottweiler for several seconds before finding her voice "Is it wrong to call him a pig, even though he is seventy-five percent right?"

It was the Rottweiler that answered "Seventy-five, yeah, you can still call me a pig. Eighty-five or ninety, no, I'm just that good."

HollyAnn rolled her eyes and grinned "Thanks, Dean, I'll keep that in mind. Actually, yes, I had to show acceptance of The Lifestyle to get in to see Carrie, she's VERY sick by the way, and yes, I ended up going home with a Malamute couple, but it's my Big Brother that I'm pregnant to. Good thing, too, because Daddy's about six-five, Freddy's barely a foot taller than me."

Conversation continued, HollyAnn begging off any questions that she thought were Carrie's to answer, but gladly answering any question they had pertaining to her position. She wished she could properly answer some of the more penetrating ones better, but for now, all she could do was hope Freddy was ready to be at least a part time father in real life!

The rest of the afternoon was going as well as the morning. Even the looming dark clouds of doubt over how others would react to her news couldn't ruin her mood. It just seemed right to her; she was always playing it so safe and reserved, of course a worst case would happen the moment she went out on a limb.

"Hey, HollyAnn come here!" It amazed her how big the Border Collie's voice could be "Corporate agrees that you're even now."

She cocked her head at him "How are we 'even?'"

"Well, generally, they prefer somebody be employed for at least a year before announcing the need for maternity leave, but they also generally prefer waiting the same amount of time before sending somebody on a field job. You can expect to be gone for at least two weeks. You can spend the rest of the afternoon getting #382 ready for the trip."

Her eyes swiveled upwards "#382? Really?"

The Border grinned back "What's wrong with #382?"

"You mean besides the fact that I'm just big enough to be able to legally drive a class 3 vehicle and it's almost too big to be classified as such?"

Her supervisor laughed "And you think we've never seen you grinning like an idiot when you're driving it, right?"

Her face grew a wry grin "Oh, yeah, when hoses aren't rupturing or tires aren't blowing for no good reason!"

He laughed "And don't forget the shifter knob coming off in your hand!"

"Oh, yes," She replied "Can't forget that!"


HollyAnn Roschenko pranced around the kitchen, her fluffed tail wagging nervously above a brand new pair of glistening white panties adorned with bright red hearts and matching lace around the leg cuffs and waistband, the latter tied in a little bow in...

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Uncle Eddie

"Okay, so let me get this straight; you just want to know what it's like to get a 'proper tanning' on your rump" The young Manned Wolf nodded his head, grinning like an idiot Eddie took a long drink of water and looked back down at the young,...

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Teacher's Fantasy 2

Ari walked around his classroom doing his best to properly supervise his students as they tried to complete their History test. The problem was, he himself was having a hard time concentrating on his task. His gaze kept sweeping back to the girl in...

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