South Hills: Moving On

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#6 of South Hills Stories

_ The following is a work of fiction containing adult themes. Anyone under the age of 18 or offended by sexually explicit material should stop reading now. Any similarities to actual events or acts is completely coincidental. _

"Shit!" Ta'kar breathed as the sound of a slamming door reached his ears. The 10 year old mare he was with must not have heard as she continued to eagerly inhale his throbbing member, or perhaps she just didn't care. Her motives aside, Ta'kar lifted her head and withdrew his member bringing forth a slight popping sound. "Neissa! My mom's back and you gotta hide," the dragon male ordered urgently, yet sure to keep it to a whisper. Before the mare could respond, he flew out of the bed and rushed the closet. His heart raced as he could hear footsteps storming closer. "She's in a rush," he thought as he quickly cleared enough space for the mare before closing the door on her. He brushed his hand down the slats of the door to prevent peeking and was about to make a dash for his bed when a pleasurable moan tickled his ear. "Damnit," Ta'kar thought realizing the porn he had stolen from his mother's closet was still playing. He hoped she wouldn't be looking for it tonight, because even if he could cover this up he would likely have little chance of returning it before the sun came up. However, that didn't matter if he didn't survive the next few seconds as steps were now heard just outside his door. The young male dragon hardly had time to flip the TV off and jump into bed before his door crashed open.

"What's up mom?" Ta'kar asked, lying on his side in the bed to obscure his still erect member. "I can't believe that guy!" Kess'reva snarled, hiding her suspicion brought on by his first mistake. The two were close, but just barging into his room would've been received much less hospitably if her previous experience were any indication. "Don't act so surprised, that guy has been a dick since date one and only gotten worse. Why did you think he was going to change?" Her son responded, recalling the black dragon on the other side of the neighborhood. His mother had been dating him for nearly a month and had not had anything favorable to say about their encounters.

Frankly Ta'kar was very confused about the situation. His mother had gone out with other guys that were by no means perfect, but may as well been on a white horse clad in shiny armor in comparison to her current suitor. In fact, suitor was not the appropriate word as she sought him out. He was drunk more often than not with whiskey bottles strewn across his shabby dwelling. He was generally unpleasant to everyone and frequently "borrowed" money from his mother, although all three knew she would never see a penny of it again. None the less, his mother continued to hope against hope that he would change or she would learn to tolerate him. Judging from her current disposition however, neither had occurred.

Some of her frustration was likely due to her current heat which had been going on for at least the last 5 days. The 11 year old dragon had noted she would be with gentlemen callers and spend more time alone, presumably with her movies. She never discussed this, but Ta'kar was clever enough to ask others and research the goings on. Despite this understanding, he couldn't tease out why she was not one block over tonight with her second to last boyfriend. She had been seeing this squat, slightly potbellied pony who despite not being particularly handsome was the one that they both enjoyed the company of the most, even if he was as stylish as a rock. He at the very least made them both laugh often and even taught Ta'kar how to be handy around the house.

"Language!" Kess scolded before continuing, "He's just ... not a dragon." She had tried to explain when the pair soured. He feared that she may have been holding some prejudice, but nothing else in her life seemed to indicate as much. She was even kind to humans, a rare thing in this society. Maybe the sex was not that good with the other guys he was thinking, yet bad sex had to be an improvement over no sex in his estimation. She had stated that he would understand when he was older and it led him to a few other possibilities. The worst he feared was that she wanted another child, although he could not tease out why when considering their poverty, residence in the South Hills, and the tragedy of her last welping. Perhaps male dragons were just genetically gifted and all females would be after him for their own pleasure. He was young enough to hope, yet wise enough to doubt. Ta'kar ultimately settled into thinking that there was a more intense experience, be it emotional, physical, or both when with a member of one's own species.

Honestly, he had never had the opportunity to see one of his own species before. His first experience was with a little 8 year old human girl. It had been in late autumn of the previous year, several months removed as the closing days of spring were upon them. She caught him stoking his member while peering through the fence at a spotted teenage cow in her backyard. He had greeted her with courtesy in passing prior, yet when he saw her watching him with one eye covered by a tangled black hair she didn't give him up. In fact, she wordlessly skipped over and stroked it for him. She even gave his member a little kiss, but she didn't seem to enjoy that much. She did stroke him well, even better than he could himself before he spilt a big load on her young face. She seemed surprised by it and quickly left him to wonder if he was going to be in trouble or not. A few days later he ran into her again and after talking a bit she again stroked him to orgasm. This time she let his seed fall to the ground. He later noticed her talking with an adult male wolf on the sidewalk before he realized she was making connections. Likely it was to keep anthro bullies that would have no problem hurting a human from becoming a problem. Ta'kar was impressed by how clever she was, but of late had been enjoying the body of the insatiable young mare, snugly hidden away in his closet, that he had met a few weeks ago.

Dragons were relatively rare in the South Hills. Supposedly there was only one species that was second class, that title belonging to humanity. However, amongst the anthro population it seemed like dragons were infrequently impoverished and canine and ursine species were just as infrequently in the middle to upper class. There was speculation of favoritism, but no concrete evidence. To that end however, dragons were fairly scarce in slums such as the South Hills. In fact, his mother was the only child of a middle class couple. Her father died when she was young and her mother passed from illness when Kess'reva was only 16. At that time she had been involved in a deep relationship with a black dragon from a fairly affluent family. He had just turned 18, and promised her the world. Her mother's final gift was a blessing for the two to be wed. However, the blessing turned out to be a curse in disguise.

Her husband was young and spoiled. He was not going to college, but rather directly into his father's company. He and his family had certain expectations, and insisted that Kess forgo education and started being groomed to be a socialite and "proper" wife for their son whom they envisioned eventually moving into politics and the elite of social elite. Initially this was well and good, until she was 17 years old. Her husband was more distant than he had been before. She attributed it his job, rather than the truth that he was growing weary of her. They had a night together before he was to go on a 2 month business trip overseas, the night Ta'kar and his brethren were conceived to hear his mother tell it. After returning from the business trip, she was ambushed by accusations of adultery. Two dragons on staff at her husband's estate claimed having carnal knowledge of her as well as reporting seeing other males of all shapes and sizes sneaking around with her. Supposedly the two staffers later resigned to lead upper middle class lives with "stay at home jobs."

Kess was devastated not only by the accusations, but also by the girl her husband had returned with. Claiming that he had tried to forgive Kess and wanted to patch things up, yet she shunned him away. Reportedly he found comfort with his new consort and started a relationship anew. He claimed Kess was laden with bastard children, although it was impossible to look upon Ta'kar and not see who his true father was. He became tired of the new girl eventually as well, but she had witnessed the price of naiveté in Kess and had played the game well enough. He attempted a similar move with her, but she countered creating a fairly ugly public circus. Although, this did not avail Kess as she was the only one with mud on her after their split. She was shunned, without family, without money, and without skills to get by. Her "fiends" were mostly quick to abandon her as well. A few seemed like they would stick around, but when they were unable to use her to get any dirt on her husband's family, they soon scattered as well. They were nothing more than a brood of vipers, all trying to get the upper hand by dragging skeletons out of another's closet while trying to keep their own under lock and key. Completely alone, Kess struggled to find a place for herself. Half of Ta'kar's siblings never drew breath and he was the only of the remaining 3 to see his first birthday. Once through the physical and emotional rigors of her misfortunate brood, she found the strength to carve out a meager living in the worst neighborhood an anthro could dwell.

Despite all this, Kess was unable to completely smother her love for his father. She would still show her fury about what happened, but seemed to give the least to him. She laid it at the feet of the system of the social elite that required such games be played. She fumed that it was her in-laws that ultimately set the stage and pulled the strings. She even attempted to convince herself that her husband was completely innocent and a pawn as much as she. However, the evidence did not bear this out and indicated that he was at least complicit in telling the lies even if another's hand had penned them. And that's what she chose to believe, the very least. Kess gave him the benefit of the doubt, holding fast to the notion that his hand was forced by being put in a near impossible situation by his parents.

That was Ta'kar's final consideration on why his mother was so adamant about finding a dragon lover. Perhaps she was chasing that feeling she had as girl with her first love. She was very lovely, still young at the age of 28. She was 8 and half feet tall with large, buxom breasts, wide hips and narrow/taught midsection. Kess' whole body shimmered gold with her scales except for the light yellow of her abdomen. Her eyes glowed a brilliant emerald and her small, ivory horns curled around to cling tightly about her ears. She was dressed in her finest dress, a simple green garment with a low cut that matched her eyes and put forth her two best features. She had a silver chain about her neck, the only piece she did not sell of a handful of items she had stolenaway during her exile.

"I ... don't know. I just ... I don't expect you to understand." Kess lamented, pressing her face to her palms and attempting to hold back tears. Ta'kar wanted to speak, but was just enamored with his mother's elegance and beauty. His mind raced and he wished fervently that he could understand before realizing that the admission was exactly what was needed. "I'm sorry, mom. I wish I could understand. I want to understand." He paused before going on, "I bet dad would know what to say ... you know the man before you two were married." Ta'kar finished with a sigh, genuinely forgetting about hiding his previous actions and only focusing on his emotionally distraught mother.

Slowly she lowered her hands, allowing her eyes to meet his. Two tears streamed down, one from each eye before a soft smile crept across her face. "No," she started with a light laugh, "your father always had an answer, thought he could fix everything." She walked to the side of his bed. "He would have said something quite the opposite of what you just said," Kess stated as she leaned down to nuzzle her son's cheek, "and it equally would have been the opposite of right." She kissed her son lovingly on the cheek before standing up straight again.

Kess admired her son, stuck in the moment. Ta'kar was 9 feet tall and had all the features of his father. He was thinner and more lean than his sire, but his frame was the same and although most of his growth in terms of height was done, filling out was definitely possible. He had the same burning red eyes, elongated maw, and long serpentine tail. He didn't receive her more blunted maw or shorter tail. In fact the only significant contribution from her was her golden scales which clashed with the jet black of her former lover. Ta'kar had copper scales that drank in the low light, but flecks on each scale would glimmer in the sunlight.

"He is his father's son," she thought not noticing the lust of her heat intruding on her maternal feelings. Her loins burned again, the same burning was strong enough for her to endure multiple visits to that boorish oaf. An older, larger, bulkier monstrosity with no cares for anything other than himself was he and his exact opposite lay on the bed before her. If he was the opposite of what she abhorred, then what does that make Ta'kar she mused. Her thoughts created a small trickle of juice that slowly escaped her now swelling lips.

As she took stock of her son, unconsciously allowing her heat to build. Kess noted that her son was in bed, but the lights were on and she had heard some activity when approaching. He had no book, TV was off, nothing to occupy his time. Failing at not looking suspicious, Kess looked around the room. She noted the DVD player ticking off time, but the TV was off with remote still perched atop it. Her nostrils flared as she scanned the room. Ta'kar was frozen in shock as he recalled everything he was trying to hide. Desperately he tried to think of how to distract her from the closet without further arousing suspicion.

Neissa had pushed the slats open to allow a few thin slivers for her to observe. She had observed Kess and admired her well-formed body during her hiding. She actually heard little of the conversation, instead enamored with how well contoured the female dragon's ass was. However, now that Kess was not acting naturally, she took stock. "What scent has is she ..." Neissa's thought trailed off as she looked down. Several matted lines had worked their way down her inner thighs from her sex. She was still dripping wet, not realizing how admiring the female dragon's form had aroused her so much. She placed a hand over her swollen pussy, but that only made it worse as more juices leaked between her fingers.

The mare was able to sigh in relief as the dragoness' emerald orbs glazed right over the closet in a complete rotation. In truth, she was much more intrigued by the arousing musk of her son. "Looks like you were watching something, I guess I'll let you get back to it," Kess said, reaching her hand to turn on the television. Ta'kar raised himself to a sitting position before realizing it was hopeless. The preteen sat in silence as the screen flickered to life revealing a female cougar being taken by three male foxes. "Hmmmm, one of my favorites," Kess said feigning surprise and attempting to sound reassuring. "I ... I'm sorry" the young male stammered looking up his mother, not noticing his throbbing member was now obvious through the sheet that covered him. "I can't say I approve, but I'm not all that suprised." She responded. "I knew this time would be coming soon, I guess I'm a little disappointed that some young thing is going to try to take you away from me." The dragoness spoke as she sauntered over and slid the back of her hand down her son's cheek. "Don't talk like that, no one is going to take me away." Ta'kar replied as he pulled his mother down to nuzzle at her cheek.

"I don't know ... a lot of girls are going to want some of this," Kess whispered in his ear as she stroked his hard member through the sheet. If not for his jet scales, Ta'kar would have flushed bright red as he sat in stunned silence. Kess took advantage of her frozen prey and slid the sheet from her sons form revealing his 20 inch member. It was now the dragoness' turn to be stunned as her eyes drank in the sight of her son's rather large erection. Neissa was equally transfixed on the exposed flesh, thinking there should be smoke rising from the blazing red member.

"Mom! What are you doing?" Ta'kar finally managed, regaining himself. Kess was faster however, dropping to her knees and blocking his attempt to grab cover. "You wouldn't deny your poor mother would you? You're all I have," she cooed grasping the throbbing member of the preteen dragon. "Mom ..." Ta'kar's voice left him as a shudder of pleasure coursed through him. "we shouldn't be doing this." "He doesn't agree," the dragoness replied drawing attention to the pre oozing from his member and wrapping her serpentine tongue around her son's hard cock. "But ... you're my ... my mother," the embarrassed preteen male stammered trying to wiggle away from the lusty female that was just a moment before his loving mother.

Kess was undeterred, cupping her son's swollen balls with her left hand and inhaling half Ta'kar's member into her hungry maw. The young male's breath completely left him as he groaned in pleasure. Not wasting any time, the boy's mother pulled her head back before taking all 20 inches into her throat. "Oh God, mom!" Ta'kar breathed heavily. Kess smiled as her lips gently rested on the base of her son's shaft. The young male's head was swimming as he wrestled with his need for release and the awkward position of having his mother suck his swollen cock.

After a short while of bobbing up and down on her son's member, the golden dragoness guided her son's hand to the sides of her head. Dumbfounded, Ta'kar grasped the her ridged horns and held is member half buried inside his mother's maw. "Mmmmmm" she muffled while massaging Ta'kar's cum laden orbs before gingerly biting the burning flesh between her lips. "Ahh," the young male rasped pulling back until just the head of his member was in his mother's maw. Again Kess moaned her approval onto her son. Ta'kar took the encouragement well enough, slowly thrusting part of his length back into his mother's drooling maw.

"I can't believe he's face fucking his own mother," Neissa thought as she stared through the closet slats with her mouth agape. The 10 year old mare's chest heaved as her excitement grew witnessing the taboo. The fingers of her right hand rhythmically massaged her aching pussy lips. Just as Ta'kar was now lost in lust, so was she violently groping her heaving breast with the other hand and fingers squishing crudely into her soaking, pink folds. The mare's pace quickened in time with Ta'kar's thrusts as her eyes feasted on the dragons' incestuous relations.

The preteen copper dragon, lost in lust, was thrusting as quickly as possible into his mother's maw. Repeatedly his balls slammed against her chin and a large bulge formed in the golden scales of Kess' neck each time the preteen male hilted himself. Ta'kar tucked his chin, panting heavily as he pushed his pelvis to meet his mother's lips. Kess was equally panting, her large breasts heaving as she took her breaths between each thrust of her sons cock into her throat. "Mommy really needs cock, doesn't she?" Ta'kar breathed. "Hmmmm Mmmm" Kess moaned her approval before her throat was again filled with hot dragon cock. "You like your son's cock deep down your throat?" Again the dragon capitulated in a muffled reply.

"I'm going to cum!" Ta'kar erupted as he felt his orgasm rush in from his loins. Kess persisted, not allowing her son to withdraw his cock from her hungry lips. The preteen male continued his thrusts per his mother's desire before hilting himself in her mouth. A burning hot eruption of seed filled Kess's throat. Another bulge formed in the golden dragoness' throat before disappearing as she hungrily swallowed her son's seed. The preteen male's haunches quivered with each release of hot cum into his mother's throat. A week of pent up sexual desire was gradually being deposited in Kess' throat as she savored the warm, filling of her belly. The dragoness' massaged her son's balls to coax as much seed as possible for her wanton mouth.

Neissa's body finally stopped quaking as her own orgasm subsided despite Kess taking the warm load that was originally intended for her. Warm juices ran down her thighs and dripped from her fingers. She tried to keep her panting quite with long deep breaths from her closet hiding spot. Her breast was sore from how roughly she had fondled in her lust. She watched as Ta'kar's half hard member slipped free from his mother's mouth. The golden dragoness stood expressing how much she missed the taste of dragon cum. Before the preteen mare could recover, her fire was rekindled as her eyes were greeted by the golden dragoness slipping her dress over golden scaled shoulders to heap on the floor.

Ta'kar was equally awed, sitting up to drink in the sight of his mother's bare form. Her wide hips, bountiful breasts, and sculpted ass were awe-inspiring, yet glossed over when the preteen male's burning red eyes noted her dripping wet sex. A loving smile on her face, Kess also allowed her emerald eyes to feast upon her son's naked form. "You are the best of your father," she said finally breaking the prolonged silence. "I know you miss him and wish he was here," Ta'kar replied seeing both his mother and the object of his sexual desire. "There's no man I'd rather be with, my boy." Kess breathed, spreading her lips to reveal her glistening folds.

Ta'kar grinned as his member was already back to life. He reached a talon for his mother's moist folds only to be rebuked with her back hand as well as a defiant hiss. The copper scaled male recoiled a bit with a confused look on his face. Another sly grin formed on the golden dragoness' lips. Again she spread her swollen lips with one hand while beckoning the young male with the other. However, Ta'kar's approach was again turned away with a defiant hiss. Confused and frustrated, Ta'kar attempted to make sense of these mixed signals. His instincts told him to take what he wanted, but another part urged restraint. "Mommy needs her boy to be her man," Kess cooed again beckoning to her son again.

After a moment of consideration, Ta'kar reached gingerly again. But this time he redirected to catch the incoming swat. Pulling Kess' arm across her body, the young male struck out with his free hand forcing a clawed finger into her depths. The golden dragoness hissed in pain and pleasure, throwing her head back with her son's finger gyrating inside her. Kess looked down at her son with an approving smile stroking his scaled cheek. A second digit slipped into her pink depths. Kess purred her approval and allowed the fire in her loins to build. Ta'kar was in awe of the heat that wrapped around his fingers while his mother's juices slid down to his palm.

Eventually Kess' desire to be physically taken by a strong male overtook the pleasure she was experiencing. Taking advantage of her son's complacency, the dragoness struck down hard on his intruding arm and gave him a forceful shove. Ta'kar, taken unaware nearly stuck his head on the wall as he slumped back on the bed. A defiant hiss passed Kess' lips followed by the familiar sly grin and beckoning hand. A low snarl was her response as the young male flashed forward again striking a hand toward her dripping sex. Again Kess predictably attempted to swat him away and was intercepted with the presenting hand. The dragoness' free arm struck down forcefully to push her son's second incoming arm downward as before. Releasing her wrist, Ta'kar used his first assailing arm to cup her dripping sex. The golden dragoness hissed and after recoiling from pushing his other hand away again tried to strike down hard. However, with lightning quickness the copper skinned male stood and hooked his free arm beneath her arm pit. In a single fluid movement, Ta'kar lifted his mother off her feet pivoted and dropped her to the bed with her back slumped against the wall.

Kess hissed and smiled her approval and spread her taught thighs for her conqueror. The contour of her muscles from her firm thighs almost drew lines guiding him toward her pink folds. The dragoness' sex was afire with rivers of hot juices running from her cunny to coat her tailhole. Her golden scales gleamed from the moisture. Lust filled Kess' eyes as her son positioned his throbbing member between her legs. "Can't I get you pregnant?" Ta'kar asked with hesitation. The golden dragoness just smiled and positioned her son's throbbing member at her tailhole.

The burning red flesh placed steady, gentle pressure on the golden puckered ring. Again unsatisfied with his complacency, Kess raked a claw across his chest continuing the feral mating behavior. The copper scaled dragon recoiled for a moment before digging his claws into his mother's hips and savaging thrusting forward. 10 inches of burning red flesh was enveloped by tight golden scales, aided by her dripping lubrication. Kess hissed loudly with her tongue waving due to the sudden intrusion. Her tail hole clinched tightly around her son's bulging member. Relaxing enough to mostly withdraw, Ta'kar savagely thrust forward again and then a third time to allow his thighs to slap against his mother's rump.

Neissa was working 2 fingers into her dripping sex, renewed sexual energy as he now watched Ta'kar fuck his mother's ass. She probed hard, deep and fast attempting to race toward a second orgasm. Panting and knees weak, the preteen mare squatted as much as she could in her cramped hiding pace. Neissa's sexual tension increased as she watched Ta'kar taking long, rhythmic strokes to hilt his large cock inside his mother's tailhole. Desperately seeking release and the same stimulation, the mare sucked her finger briefly before slipping it her own tailhole.

Snorting wisps of smoke, Ta'kar steadfastly slammed his entire length into his mother's ass. Kess' body clinched tight to the large member violating her. The male finally understanding his mother's desire sensing the extreme heat from her body. The mare was by no means cold, but her body paled in comparison. Kess equally enjoyed the extreme heat of his member, not able to find a similar sensation amongst other anthros. Rivers now flowed from his mother's burning sex drench his cock and balls each time Ta'kar pushed into her. The room became awash with smell of sex. An overpowering odor of the dragoness' heat and the dragon male's musk drowned the mare's dripping sex hidden within the closet. Scales collided with scales each time Ta'kar thrust, savagely hilting himself in the depths of his mother's bowels. Kess braced her arms against the wall as the raw power of her son's rutting was on the verge of punching her straight through the wall. Kess' golden breasts heaved with each violent entry of her son's flesh into her tight ass. Again and again Ta'kar's haunches tightened and his mother's tailhole gaped as all 20 inches of burning red flesh disappeared inside the dragoness'. Hisses and grunts escaped their lips during their passionate, incestuous union.

Neissa was alternating thrusting two fingers in her preteen cunny and two in her ass while drinking in the scene. The intense, feral rutting of the serpentine anthros provided fuel to her eager masturbation. Lewd squishing sounds from the mare's hard working fingers were luckily drown by the increasingly loud coupling of the mother and son on the bed. Curiously, Kess raked a claw across her son's chin and then pushed him away with a firm shove to the chest. Ta'kar's member popped free from his mother's ass before quickly regaining his composure. Not to be denied, the rutting male forced his mother's legs open again. Quickly he seized her arms as she attempted another shove, pinning them against the wall above her head. Kess hissed in anger just before the copper scaled male bit down on the junction of her neck and shoulder. A rasp more of shock than pain escaped the dragoness' lips as Ta'kar prepared to thrust himself back into his mother. Neissa observed Kess' tail pushing his member in line her dripping pink flesh before his dominant thrust.

The glistening red flesh disappeared in a single motion, completely enveloped by Kess' pink folds. Whether Ta'kar was unaware or just did not care, he continued his savage thrusts without pause. Neissa tried to keep pace with the preteen male's thrusting as her orgasm steadily approached. "That's it, fuck mommy hard. Such a good boy..." Kess hissed. Ta'kar only snorted louder and bit down harder to keep her still while he thrust into her. From her hiding spot, Neissa thought she saw smoke rising from around the copper dragon's teeth as he bit into his mother's shoulder. "He's going to knock up his own mother," Neissa whispered allowing the thought to bring her to another quaking orgasm.

Kess' body tightened and quivered. She attempted to writhe from her orgasm, but was held firmly in place by her son while he pushed his hard member into sloppy pussy. Satisfied with the strength of the male taking her, her instincts and her lust was completely sated allowing for the most powerful orgasm of her life. "That's it! That's it! Make mommy cum!" Kess wailed with a torrent of juices coating her son's cock. The rhythmic massaging of his mother's burning pussy and the verbal encouragement finally pushed the preteen male over the edge and he hilted himself with a triumphant thrust. Again and again burning hot seed exploded forth coating his mother's depths. Opening his maw, Ta'kar let out a roar as he rhythmically filled his mother with hot cum. Neissa could feel the intense heat from their simultaneous orgasm from her closet hiding space. Kess almost shivered as what felt like a gallon of her son's cum filled her sex and womb. She thought it must be boiling with the intense heat the felt from within.

After what felt like an eternity, Ta'kar felt his orgasm subside and he finally released his mother's bound arms. Her soft, emerald eyes gazed deep into her son's blazing eyes. "Thank you, son." Kess whispered while stroking Ta'kar's cheeks with the back of her hands. "Mom ... that was amazing." The dragon male continued, "but wrong." Ta'kar collapsed beside his mother on the bed. "It didn't feel wrong, did it?" She asked. Her son just stared blankly at the roof. "Sweetheart, the answer's no." Kess spoke softly before kissing her son on the cheek. "But I'll let you contemplate it a little longer." As she stood, Ta'kar remained transfixed on ceiling failing to note the pearly, white seed seeping down her thigh. "Oh and if you ever have those urges for one of my movies, just let mommy know and she'll take that cum off your hands." The golden dragoness added with a wink after poking her head back in before taking her leave.

After a few minutes, Neissa practically fell out of the closet in exhaustion from her two orgasms. Ta'kar was about to speak before taking note of the matted lines on the mare's thighs from the torrents of juices she produced. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen! " Neissa gushed after picking herself up from the floor. "I was about to apologize, but looks like you really enjoyed yourself." He responded moving over so the 10 year old mare could crawl in bed with him. "No need to apologize, it was so naughty but erotic. I just can't believe you came inside your own mother's pussy." Neissa continued in awe of what she had witnessed. "I guess it was exciting because its'forbidden', but honestly I don't feel all that bad about ..." Ta'kar paused abruptly. "I CAME WHERE!?"