Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#35 of The Chess Master

This is the Chess Master novel, a work in progress. I've been working on this since March 16th, 2003. Unlike all of my other stories, I only added my name on the prologue. I even worked up a cover for the novel back then.

Warning: The Jansen Tanner parts of the novel are written in "first-person."

Act XXXIII: New Moon Over Were-Sin City

"I messed up, didn't I?"

Sandy the ghost detective had finally broken the silence that hung over the three of us during our trip down the highway toward Las Vegas. I kept my eyes on the road and replied.

"How do you mean?"

Sandy turned to look at me.

"At Mr. Slade's home... when I stepped toward the house. That didn't go like you planned, did it?"

I had to smile at that.

"I knew you were a ghost, Sandy, so your stepping that way was the best way to make Mr. Slade aim his gun another direction. I mean, it's not like you can die twice. How are you holding up back there, Jael?"

Jael had been in the backseat of the sports car last time I'd looked and I didn't know if he'd ever been in a Chess issue sports car before, so I was a little concerned about him. Sandy turned and looked into the backseat and smiled as he turned back to me.

"Jael is asleep, Jansen."

I nodded my head with a smile.

"Good. It's probably for the best. I don't know how I'd explain a werewolf and a ghost to a highway patrol officer, if we met one out here."

Sandy grinned.

"With your luck, he'd be one of the special folk."

We both laughed at that. Anyway, I don't know how I've always lucked out in never encountering a law enforcement officer on the highways. Surely the law didn't instantly know a Chess operative on sight. Or maybe the old Tanner luck continued to hold out. Or maybe... they knew I was related to a batch of very dangerous bounty hunters. But my best guess was that they knew that I was related to Shane Wayne.

When we finally arrived in Las Vegas, I think it wasn't a second too soon, because Jael voiced a request to use the fire hydrant. The were-bear bartender at the Manhole showed Jael where he could do his business, while Sandy and I headed up toward Sterling Hawk's office. I must admit... this is one of the first times I've ever been in the Manhole during the daylight hours and it was about as deserted as a ghost town, er, never mind.

Sterling was in his human form, for a change and clean to boot. We shook his hand, then we explained why we had come to Las Vegas on this trip. Sterling nodded his head and grabbed a file out of his filing cabinet.

"Blake Slade. Nice kid. He was scared, at first, but he opted to stay a werewolf even after he found out that there was a cure for it. He's been receiving control treatments and has been progressing quite well."

I coughed as I prepared my question.

"How soon do you think before he'll be allowed to visit his father?"

Sterling had to cough at that point.

"I strongly don't think that would be a good idea, unless his father agreed to come visit him. If I recall correctly, his home has that wolvesbane planted all around it. And that would harm Blake immensely if he got within scent range of that plant."

Sandy arched an eye.

"Couldn't Blake just do what Jael did? Place a handkerchief over his nose and muzzle?"

Sterling smiled.

"He probably could, although someone would need to monitor his visit the entire time. I assume you both would like to meet Blake?"

I hummed.

"Actually, it's Sandy, myself and Jael, who is downstairs waiting on us. Sandy is a ghost detective, so he's okay, Sterling."

Sterling smiled.

"Ah, a ghost. I was wondering why you didn't have a scent. Very well, shall we head out to the Sanctuary then?"

At this point, I was glad to be heading out to the Sanctuary. The last time I was there, I had made a lot of good friends who had helped me recover from my near death injuries. Fortunately, on this visit, Sterling showed me the underground shuttle rail that connected the Manhole to the Sanctuary. And this explained to me on how Sterling often could get to the Sanctuary before I could drive there, the sneaky were-hawk.

I think Jael was pretty happy to be at the Sanctuary because he had removed his cloak and was howling at the artificial moon.

And someone else was pretty happy, too, as I got pounce tackled by the ever hyperactive were-hawk named Falcone Robynson. And Sterling just as quickly pulled Falcone off of me.

Thank goodness.

"He's working, Falcone. It's not a pleasure visit."

Falcone sighed.

"But we almost never get to see him around here, Sterling..."

Sterling petted Falcone's head.

"I know, but he's the Chess Master now. And he's working on a case. I'm going to release you now and you better behave yourself."

Falcone was released and he gazed at me with forlorn eyes. It was obvious how much Falcone liked me. Aren't you glad you're not here, Joe?

Joe smirked.

"Better you than me."

Sandy grinned.

"So where is Blake Slade?"

Sterling pointed to dome number 12... MacDonald's Farm.

"During the daylight hours, he works with the weres on the farm. And at night... he sits in a makeshift flower garden. I really wish he'd pull through this. Maybe you can help him, Jansen."

I nodded my head.

"I'll talk to him, Sterling. That's why I am here, after all."

Jael and Sandy escorted me into Dome 12, then allowed me to proceed on my own. It was probably for the best, after all. I was getting ready to speak with the brother to Hogun Slade. And this had to be handled with all the utmost subtlety in the world. After asking around a bit, I finally came upon Blake Slade pitching hay in the barn with a pitchfork.

"Blake Slade, I presume?"

The young man stopped pitching hay and slowly turned to see who had spoken.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

I presented my badge.

"Jansen Tanner, Chess Master. Western Hemisphere Division. I recently spoke to your father. He told me how I might find you. Sterling tells me that you have a problem that he cannot break you of. Perhaps you would talk to me about this problem..."

Blake sighed as he set the pitchfork aside.

"It's my brother. He thinks that I am dead. Plus... I've recently heard that he's trying to kill off all werewolves. This worries me because he might accidentally kill me and then... he'd have to face the fact that he murdered me. I'd like to somehow get word to him that I am not deceased. I'd like for Hogun to come and see me. Here in the Sanctuary. But I don't know how to get a hold of him. If perhaps you are willing to aid me in my time of need, Mr. Tanner... please contact Hogun for me and tell him of my request."

I came over and hugged Blake, patting his back.

"Your brother got himself into a spot of trouble, Blake. He's currently the permanent guest of the sorceress named Circe. He accidentally shot his rifle at her and she... she changed him into a chipmunk. He's been stuck on her island ever since."

Blake gasped, then sobbed.

"Oh no! No... no... please, Mr. Tanner. I beseech you... rescue him and bring him to me."

I hummed as I stepped away from Blake.

"I'll do what I can, Blake. But I need your promise that you will progress in your recovery sessions. Sterling said that you were doing well for a while. Then you started to fade. If it's because of your desire to be with your brother, then I will bring him to you. But you must promise me that you will recover. You wouldn't want Hogun to see how weak you've become, would you?"

After that, Blake walked around with me, then greeted Jael and Sandy. Jael introduced himself properly and by what twist of fate linked him to the Slade family. Blake was almost devastated, but he remained strong, for he had promised me that he would recover.

Soon afterward, and after spending an afternoon with Falcone and Sterling shooting the breeze, Jael, Sandy and I returned to San Francisco, where I delivered a report of Blake's progress to his father and how visitation was allowed at the Sanctuary. Then, we drove back into San Francisco to my old detective shop digs. At that point, Jael mysteriously parted company with us, in that sneaky werewolf way of his, while Sandy and I had a meal and bedded down for the night in separate bedrooms. As I lay myself down, a thought crossed my mind. How did ghosts sleep?

Come the next morning, my videophone rang and it was Danath Gaul. I smiled at him as I had breakfast.

"Good morning, Danath. Well, it's morning here in San Francisco. What's up?"

Danath smiled back, but not in a menacing way. That had to mean that it wasn't a mission.

"Are you about done there in California?"

I smirked and winked at him.

"Almost. I still have to contact the Baron about a werewolf pack, then I have to plan a trip to see Circe. Why are you asking? You don't have that I have a mission for you look on your face."

Danath laughed out loud.

"I must be getting better at hiding my expressions from you. I do have a mission of sorts for you. You probably won't think of it as much of a mission, but this is likely right up your alley, seeing as how they requested you by name."

I grinned. This of course meant that I'd get to see someone that I'd already met once before.

"So who's been asking for me this time?"

Danath made a very peculiar sound.

"Yip! These four legged foxes with humanoid torsos contacted their local mage and through him contacted Chess to ask if you would escort them to this year's Taurean Gathering in northern Greece. And because I know how much you like them furry guys, I told them that you'd do it."

I laughed at that.

"You just want to hear how they molested me again! Anyway... Sandy Kenley did okay for his first time out with Chess. He's a ghost detective and perhaps Chess might make use of his services in the future as a Chess contact. Before you get mad, Danath... Sandy desperately wanted to go on one good detective mission and being how I'm a nice guy, I couldn't say no. He's absolutely beaming with excitement over how well we did yesterday."

Danath hummed.

"Very well, Jansen. We'll grant Sandy contact status. I assume he'll be haunting your old San Francisco digs as his base, so that will be a good place for us to send him information and messages whenever Chess has to be in that region."

I grinned again.

"I am going to be leaving my sports car with Sandy, for now. I won't need it for my trip to Germany, as you well know by now. I have the Baron's favor, after all."

Danath grinned back.

"You have Freke and Gere's favor, as well. Maybe someday we'll have to reunite them with you."

And with that, Danath cut the videophone connection. I hated it when he got in the last word. But maybe he was dealing with new Pawns or something over in Greece. Whichever it was, I knew that my vacation in the states was at an end, once again. I conferred with Sandy on what my latest plans and mission were, and I promised to return to check on him. We then said our goodbyes just as a customer entered the front room asking for Detective Kenley. That was my cue to leave and I did.

Like I said, I wouldn't need my car for what I was about to do. You guessed it. I was about to use my wolf trick teleportation power. Like the moon door power, I try not to abuse these powers that I have been given by those I have earned the favor of. In some cases, this power is like flying by the seat of your pants. Oh well... time to get this over with, right?

Sometimes I really hate the time difference between the different places around the world. It had been nearly 9 A.M. in San Francisco when I began the teleportation. I arrived at the castle of the Baron at 6 P.M. Just in time for dinner with the Baron. And I had to oblige his request, even though I had just had breakfast only an hour before.

After dinner ended, I explained my presence at that time and informed him about the crime that the Lightning Mark clan had committed and the series of events that it had caused concerning Hogun Slade. Baron Gott'schlecht quietly took all of this in. Apparently, he had heard it all and my news was little in comparison to the things he obviously had put up with in years past. When I finished my tale, the Baron agreed that true justice would be done. But first, I had to find Hogun Slade and that meant tracking down Circe. And from previous experience, I knew that Circe would not be on her island at this time of year. This was the time when she was with her two sisters and that elusive traveling carnival. Circe's Sideshows is what it was called. Finding it was nearly impossible. However... I had a plan for finding it.

I found myself at the front door of a secluded doctor's residence in the northern America. I really hoped that I wouldn't be turned away, but this was my best chance of finding Circe, as odd as this seemed. Getting here was even easier, thanks to a local den of rabbits. I then knocked on the door and awaited a reply.

I had been about to knock again when the door opened. Standing there before me was a man who appeared to be more horse, bull or goat than human. Of course, the being saw the uniform that I wore and about closed the door in my face. Almost... I prevented the door from being closed.

"Doctor Comus? I'm Jansen Tanner, the current Chess Master. I am trying to locate Circe and I was led to believe that you had the ability to locate her whenever you liked. If you can help me, I would appreciate it."

At that moment, Doctor Comus walked up from behind me holding a sack of groceries.

"Mr. Tanner? I am Doctor Comus. You've been talking to one of my patients. To what do I owe your presence tonight?"

I smiled as I shook the good doctor's hand.

"I was told that you could find Circe's carnival no matter where it was. I need to find and speak with Circe about an important matter. One of her guests is now needed in a case I am working on. And that means that I would need her permission to collect that guest."

Doctor Comus invited me into his home where I was given a tour of some of Doctor Comus' more interesting patients. Most were victims of Circe's carnival, while others had other transformation accidents through other means. Finally, the two of us entered Doctor Comus' office where he pulled out an odd looking tome with a picture of a carnival on it's cover. He opened the book to a map of the United States and spoke a command word. Almost instantly, there came a glow on the map.

"And that is where you will find Circe's carnival at the current time."

I smiled and shook Doctor Comus' hand again and gave him one of my business cards.

"Thank you so much for your assistance, Doctor Comus. If you happen to need my assistance in future, just give me a call and I will respond as soon as possible."

Doctor Comus nodded his head.

"I'll keep your offer in mind, Mr. Tanner. Good luck in your search."

And with that, I departed the good doctor's home and utilized the wolf trick magic to home directly in as close as possible to the carnival's latest overnight stop. It was about 11 P.M. locally just west of Sisters, Oregon, in Deschutes county. And sure enough, there sat Circe's traveling carnival. All laid open and the sounds of exotic animals here and there. I wisely approached the ticket booth at the front of the carnival where a large muscled brute with a big mustache snarled at me. I simply pulled my badge and showed it to the brute.

"I'm looking for Circe. It's business."

After that, I was escorted to Circe's main tent where I got to witness her changing a rude man into a dog. I had to grin as she finished her work.

"How naughty was he, Circe?"

Circe also had to smile when she heard my voice.

"He acted like a dog, so I thought he should be one. What brings Chess to my carnival? Or are you seeking a change yourself?"

I laughed then replied in a quiet yet serious manner.

"It's business on behalf of Baron Gott'schlecht. It's time for Hogun Slade to go to court. I need your permission to fetch him for the hearing in the Baron's kingdom."

Circe smiled as she allowed one of her sisters to take the new dog away.

"Justice for Hogun Slade, is it? I hope you realize that Hogun Slade's future self was killed by Dominic during your fight on my island. It's the younger Hogun Slade who is currently a chipmunk. But I do not think we should tell him least not yet. He does deserve a fresh new start. However... Hogun Slade currently isn't on my island. He's off with Jago Fox and his friends on their way to the Taurean Gathering in northern Greece. He apparently made a deal with Jago for some time off of the island. Of course, they are escorting my consort, Ren of the Northern Herd."

I hummed when I heard that Hogun was likely going to be at the Taurean Gathering where I was slated to escort the foxtaur boys anyway. Two birds with one stone, as it were. Not Blackstone, of course, though I wouldn't have minded running into her at some gathering as the caterer.

"Any chance of your turning Cassander Vulcan into a slug?"

Circe had to laugh at my suggestion.

"I wish I could...but I do have limitations. Besides, I wouldn't want to insult real slugs by making Vulcan one of their species."

I thanked Circe for her information, then I departed her carnival to prepare for my moon door trip to England. That's right, I said moon door. I was clearly able to see the moon in the eastern sky, therefore, I was finally going to be able to make use of that power. A power that I didn't use very often. I more often forgot that I even had the power. As I was beginning to leave the carnival, I saw a donkey in a small corral staring at me. And it was saying something.

"Will someone please change me back into a boy? Please? I promise to be good!"

I knew not to get involved. This was Circe's business and whatever the boy did to get changed into a donkey in the first place must have been pretty bad. A little punishment never hurt anyone. Though I would return at a later date to inquire about restoring a few people.

She poured herself and Joe some cups of coffee during this break.

"It will probably take Jansen another three months to return to the United States. That seems to be his pattern for doing things in the organization."

Joe sipped on his coffee as he hugged on his wife.

"I wonder what the Taurean Gathering is like?"

She sat back down and sipped on her coffee.

"Oh it's probably about like every other gathering that Jansen has ever been to. Centaurs, satyrs, and the like... along with some gods and goddesses."

Joe giggled, as he and his wife resumed reading Jansen's agent history.


Act XXXII: The Secret Origin of Infinity Vale Doing this job required that I step away from being a member of Chess and step back into my previously chosen occupation... that of a private investigator. They say that at times you come full circle...

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QCP: NS-05 Sundered Hearts

This is an ongoing story I've been writing that occurs in the QC Planet continuum that is not part of any of my given serials. It is about a teenage human boy who transforms into the all black version of Krypto the Superdog, and of all the...

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Act XXXI: This Isn't Your Life I don't know why Dominic took so long to return from Santa's Village but I waited in Dominic's office the whole time with the White Stag, Damon Horse, Reed Huxley, and Gotaki Riverclaw. And when he did arrive and saw...

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