Where the Sky Meets the Sea

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#2 of Fractured Furry Tales

Legal: Lugia, Latias, and Latios are © to Nintendo and Gamefreaks. Not intended for those under the age of 18, may give carpal tunnel to some people.

Latias flew through the air, loving the feeling of the sun sparkling over her white and red colored body. Purring softly, the dragon did a slow roll before straightening up and aiming for the tops of the clouds. Her rounded body cut through the air easily, being propelled by her own psychic energy. The female cooed and hit the clouds and felt the cool mist wash over her form. Small beads of water formed on her hide then rolled off before she broke out of the cloud and rolled, shaking her form off. Sighing, she looked at the scenery below her as she drifted high over the lands. It was breeding season and she had yet to come across a Latios male, maybe there where none? She wasn't sure, it had been such a long time since she had even seen another Latias.

As she flew through the clouds, tugging little streamers along behind her, she felt something strange in her head. It was almost as if something where rubbing the back of her head, but no matter where she looked, she was the only creature she could see for miles. Right about the time she was getting ready to dismiss it, a shape shot out of the clouds ahead of her, drawing a squeak from her mouth. The shape spun before turning towards her and zooming through the air with a speed she could only imagine. Her body shimmered; getting ready to vanish from sight, when she picked out the white and blue coloring that signaled it was a Latios. The male zipped past her, the wake from his speed making her spin around slightly before stopping to watch as he made a slow arc and came back towards her.

Latias could feel her breath coming in quicker pants as her body told her what she needed to do. Turning away from the approaching male, she pressed her wings tightly against her sides and sped up as fast as she could. Even then she was no match for the male as he easily moved next to her and then ahead before circling again. Between her 'legs' she could feel her vent swelling up eagerly as the male darted in and matched her pace before nosing under her rear, licking at her puffy vagina. Shuddering as he nosed her before darting off, the female moaned and slowed down, spreading her wings out.

He couldn't believe his luck at not only finding a female, but one that was willing and ready to breed. He could feel the tip of his cock peeking out of his slit as she posed for him, still flying forward. Pressing his wings tight against his side, he zoomed forward and circled her once more. Rolling onto his back, Latios watched as he lined up slowly. His cock was getting harder, erecting to its full seven-inch length. The tip was fairly pointed and the base had several ridges that would help keep them together during the mating flight. Increasing his speed just a little, he caught up with her and took his time to nose her crotch. He could hear, and feel, her moan as their psychic energies began to link and merge. Moving forward, he nudged her pussy and gave it a lick, surprised at how wet she already was. The female's juiced were already dripping down her sex lips and onto her downy hide. Not wanting to make her wait any longer, he slipped up and pressed his body to hers. His cock nudged her pussy and pressed against her virgin sex before slipping in with a slurp.

The two shared a gasp as his first of two ridges pressed against her entrance and rubbed there. She groaned and pushes eagerly against him, but the male wasn't ready to put those into her just yet. Gripping her sides with his wings, he murred and began to feed his energy into her. Latias groaned and closed her eyes, feeling his power link with hers, his mind joining hers. The two of them hovered in the air for a long moment as light began to pulse and dance around their forms, growing brighter and swirling before emitting a flash. At that moment Latios pushed up, his first ridge popping into her quickly followed by the second one. Latias gave a gasp and pushed her rounded body into his as they started off like a rocket. The two arched up, heading into the skies as their bodies pressed tight against each other.

Latias guided their mating flight, her eyes barely open as she watched their surroundings. Latios pressed his body against hers tightly, feeling her lips gripping right behind his second ridge and holding him tight inside her. While it did not appear that his body was moving, his hips were vibrating quickly and making his cock twitch and shift inside her. The two rejoiced in the flight, their combined powers keeping their flight going despite the fact that she was doing all the work. But when their powers mingled, so did other things. Latias could feel the pleasure of his cock buried deep inside her needy cunt, shifting around and twitching as he fucked her. But she could also feel Latios's ecstasy at having a warm, welcoming tunnel gripping his shaft as he pushed his form against hers.

The two of them panted and huffed, not saying a word since nothing needed saying. Slowly their flight slowed as the air grew thinner, Latias feeling her head getting woozy. He nudged her neck, making her look up at him as he jerked his head. It took her a second to pick through the light-headed feeling and the pleasure to realize she had gone too high. Blushing under her downy coat, the female tilted them backwards and let them begin to free fall. Her arms wrapped around his body, letting take over now as the two lovers began to plummet. Pulling his hips back a little, he began to roll his body, popping those ridges in and out of her tight tunnel. Her head tilted backwards before he pulled it in close, making them travel that much faster. The feeling of the wind caressing their bodies, touching where they were joined was far beyond anything the two could have imagined.

The light began to gather around his body and pass around hers, where it grew brighter as her coat reflected it back into itself. The pair broke through the clouds and fell towards the ground like a shooting star. Pressing tightly against her, he felt his ridges get stuck inside her lips and lock them together for a short time. She let out a squeal in his mind, pressing close to him as her pussy started to milk his cock. Groaning, he hissed and looked at the ground, seeing it coming up quickly. H almost lost that thought as her sex clamped down on him and sucked at his cock for his seed. Hissing softly, he focused his thoughts on their decent. Their flight path changed, angling them until they spiraled over a forest, almost touching the trees. Now he arched close and let out a screech as he began to cum hard inside her, flooding her fertile insides with his cream. The light exploded away from them, creating fireworks in the sky as they soared over the scenery. As the two panted for breath and basked in the afterglow of their climaxes, they swept over the ocean and dipped lower till they were mere feet over its surface as they slowed.

Deep inside the ocean, an ancient force woke up as it felt something powerful nearby. A pair of eyes flashed bright in the gloom before a shape started to move, gliding through the water as a bird would the air. Lugia flew through the water, aiming right for the surge of power that woke him from his long slumber, curious to what it was. When he broke the surface of the water, he saw a Latios and Latias pair recovering from a mating. Their pleasure, as well as her scent, hit him hard enough to make the large male groan as his genital slit bulged.

Latios was just pulling his cock out of his new mate when the water roared nearby and something came out. Latias looked as well and let out a shrill cry of shock as the large creature came out of the water and began to float towards them. Both of the jet-like creatures were frozen from the sheer pressure of this thing's presence. Latias could feel her breath coming in shorter gasps for air as its great head moved down and nosed against her body before its cool tongue rubbed her slit. Shivering, she bit back a gasp as it lifted its head to look at her then her mate. A voice, not unlike a waterfall, washed over their minds, Do not be afraid, it has been so long since I have seen a female like this. Would you allow me to mate with her as well? Latios looked over at her as she trembled, both of their minds filled with images of the sheer age of this creature.

Slowly she shook her head, Latios nodding and looking at the other creature as well, You may, elder one.

She squeaked in a velvety soft note, I would be honored, just be gentle please.

He nodded slowly and moved behind her, seeming much slower than her mate since he was four times her size. She could feel her breathing increase in pace as she blushed, knowing she was about to be rutted right in front of the male she had mated and bonded with. Latios watched curiously as Lugia moved behind her, cupping her with his giant wing arms and lifting her up. His cock was growing hard, its length lifting up as the broad tip nudged against her pussy. He was built for a female larger than this one, but he did not doubt her ability to handle his size. Cradling her with his arms, he carefully began to press against her. Her breathing came in shorter gulps of air as his wide tip nudged against her sex and forced her to spread wide. His tip was larger than Latios's ridges, making her groan and close her eyes as the thick pole was eased up into her body.

Latios licked his lips and watched as that thick cock was pushed up into her round body, still feeling her pleasure as she was filled and stretched. Latias panted and threw her head back, as she groaned, feeling the larger legendary's shaft filling her and stretching her beyond her wildest dreams. Craning her head forward, she managed to see his cock entering her and gasped at what she saw. His cock was already half buried in her and she could see the bulge it made traveling up her belly. Looking at him, she was greeted with a smiling maw, One thing about being as old as me, you learn a few tricks. He winked at her and shoved up suddenly, making her gasp as his crotch hit hers. If felt as if his cock were nestled somewhere in her chest, but she didn't feel anything tear and she felt no pain. He was making her body stretch around his cock!

Pulling back, he let his twenty-six inch length almost pull out of her before thrusting back in. She gave a squeal, a look of bliss on her face as that cock pushed deep inside her. Lugia looked over at Latios and smiled as he saw the blue male's cock dripping as he watched the rutting. His mental voice cooed, Do not worry, she will return to normal once I am finished. He barely nodded his mind awash with the sheer delight being transmitted to him by Latias. He started to pant as Lugia's pace increased steadily, the red female's cunt making lewd slurping noises each time he pulled out and shoved back in. The bulge his cock made could be seen moving up her round body before she was jarred each time the larger male hilted.

Opening her eyes, she blushed when she saw Latios and chirped at him before opening her muzzle. He blinked at her and blushed as well before floating over, letting his cock aim at her muzzle. The female eagerly wrapped her muzzle around his pole and began to slurp it as she was fucked and stretched. Lugia began to shift his powers to join with the other two as their love-triangle steadily increased in frenzy. The three of them formed a knot of ever growing pleasure as their breathing synchronized. Closing her eyes, Latias buried her muzzle in her mate's crotch and slurped nosily at his cock as her tongue worked his length. Almost as if it was competing with her, the female's slit was slurping and popping each time the thick rod was pushed into it. Lugia leaned in and forced his thick tongue into Latios's muzzle, taking the other male by surprise for a second as he fucked his mate's maw. The three of them groaned and huffed with each other as they raced towards their climaxes.

Latias was first, squeaking around the cock in her muzzle as her sex clamped down hard and pulled at the pole inside her. That set off Latios, his back arching as he grunted and filled her muzzle with his cream. The female tried to gulp down all he gave her, but some of it leaked out the corners of her maw and trickled down her throat. Lugia watched the two of them and smiled at the younger pair as his pace increased, barely moving a few inches of his cock in and out of the tight slit. Latias huffed and panted around the cock before pulling her maw back, screaming as she came a second time. That was it for the larger male and he let out a screech that made the water jerk and dance around them as his cock spurted inside her. He came with such a volume that his seed spurted out of her already stretched body, drenching their crotches and dripping into the ocean. The three of them panted and looked at each other with smiles.

A couple weeks later, Latias nuzzled several eggs softly as she rested in the roost she and Latios had picked out. They were had white shells, but one had red spots, another blue, and the largest had purple ones. Looking towards the cave's entrance, she took a deep breath of the sea air before smiling as she saw him coming home. Seeing her with the new eggs, the blue male cooed and nuzzled into her neck. From the back of the cave, water sloshed inside a pool as a large form lifted out of it. Lugia came over and smiled as well, nuzzling her then the largest of the three eggs.

"Cut! That was perfect you three, thank you for letting us record it." Sheila and her camera crew inside the cave began to pack up.

Lugia spoke for the other two as they tended to the eggs, And thank you for understanding why you couldn't film the laying. Make sure to tell us when the copies are out. The vixen grinned and waved a paw as she and the others headed out of the cave and made their way down to the waiting seaplane. Filming the two jet-animals had been hard and took a few shoots, but the entire thing was worth every penny. Sure, she'd have to do some editing to take out the pursuit planes that were filming it, not to mention splice it all together. But it would be very nice.