Children Of Keeval-da: Choice In Mates

Story by Etalrian on SoFurry

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#10 of Children Of Keeval-da

I should read through this more before posting but it has been so long since my last post. I don't want to forget what I was going for by spending time rereading instead of moving on to the next part. Hope everyone enjoys this part where I reveal more of the overall plot.

PS: if you are interested in the story go back and read the rest first and don't expect anything well done till part 3-4 in my opinion.

If interested in mere smut then search for the word... "steel".

Valda awoke in her blue gown her arms wrapped tightly around a pillow she kept nestled between her legs -I was pretending the pillow was my lover again.- She sat up seeing a note on her dresser.

She picked up the note and walked groggily passed the chair, which still held Turruk's armor, and paused. Valda looked curiously at the armor then the note she still had with her. She spent a short while reading the note before continuing to the door and popped it open having Turruk slump backward into the room. He was sitting at the door base leaning against it, fast asleep. Hitting the floor he awoke looking up at a surprised Valda from below. Not beneath her gown but close enough to see the curves of her breasts covering her face slightly before she leaned down to look at him hanging them lower.

"Turruk?" Her voice seemed unsure to him.

"Valda, you are awake!" Turruk exclaimed while still on the floor saluting her. Giggling, she stepped back and helped him up. "How long have you been here?" He looked around at the shadows and replied "You were inside for almost a day and a half." Rubbing his eyes. Valda had noticed he looked a bit pale. "You stayed here that whole time?!" Her voice was that of utter disbelief.

"I could not leave until I knew you were safe and well."

"Why didn't you just ask another guard to take over for you?"

"You said you preferred me as your guard, I could not bring myself to go." She smiled as tears welled in her sockets.

"I can't believe you stayed this whole time, just for me."

"Are you alright?" She wiped her eyes clear before replying

"No one cept my parents have ever done anything so sweet for me." Valda reached out and cupped his hands

"I still have some competition then, it would seem." He laughed heartily while she shyly grinned wiping the dampness from her eye. "Valda... I am a bit famished, might I ask for your company to..." He looked at the shadows the setting sun sent onto the walls before he finished the statement "Dinner?"

Valda was stunned but her mouth was not, in fact it was eager and said quickly "That would be wonderful!". She took a step forward before noticing she still wore the blue night gown."Let me go change. I'll be right out, I promise."

"I waited this long, I can wait a few more minutes." She shut the door and Turruk began to ponder his feelings -It is true I always found Valda attractive, often I wished for this "date" with her. I only wish the circumstances were different, she is likely in great distress. Isn't she?-

Valda emerged wearing a dark green and very tight formal dress that hugged her curves snugly. A corset lie beneath hoisting her bosom up and giving them a larger appearance. The dress had a yellow trim which outlined the low cut neckline, the sleeves, under the breasts, and ,if she were to turn around, the tail hole cut into the fabric.

"Great heavens, Valda... You look ravishing." He said with wide eyes.

"Oh, you silly boy, it will take me time to get used to the flattery." Valda said, giggling after the statement. Turruk found her adorable when she giggled at his comments and as they walked alongside each other they spoke of their families, Valda told of her father and mother's INN while Turruk Exchanged stories of his mother.

They went to dinner at the local tavern, not so much for atmosphere but for it being one of the few affordable options. There was a slightly awkward moment when they passed the threshold of the Tavern as some occupants resented Argonians and more so upon seeing her with a Human. Turruk Picked an empty table and pulled her a chair which Valda nodded and slipped into gracefully. "I shall go order us a meal, I shan't be long." He returned with plates of simple bread vegetables and a few slices of cured venison.

"I wish I could afford to dine as you deserve, a guard's salary is meager to say the least however."

"The tavern is fine, Turruk. It's not about the place but the company." She said while taking a bite of her meal.

"Indeed ma'lady, and I will have had no better meal then this one with you."

"Ease up on the lines Turruk." She laughed "You're getting us noticed."

"Let them be jealous then!" He swung his hand dismissively. "I was captivated by you at first glance but never had the courage to ask you out directly."

Valda seemed shocked again by his comment. "You're a town guard, how can you say you aren't courageous?"

"Not around someone with such hold over me." Turruk reached out to hold her hand on the table.

She gasped and looked about nervously "Turruk?". -My word, she is blushing as bad as I must be! I must move forward.-

"Valda, I find you delightful. Would that I could have your company again tomorrow?"

"NOW THAT IS ENOUGH!" The booming voice that was thrown across the room broke the common chatter completely. A big burly orc walked up to their table holding a mug of ale and glared at Turruk. "This display is making my skin crawl. You a lizard lover, boy? These Lizards are half wild animal." Turruk stood appalled at the audacity of this orc who would ruin their dinner. "Come now!"

He turned his gaze upon Valda looking her over before glaring at Turruk again. "A fine figured creature but you may as well go court a pretty horse, just take her out back, rutt her good, and get it over with already!"

Valda stood from the table saying "A horse? How dare you!"

"Sit down bitch, or I'll use your tail as a sheath for my sword." The stranger shoved valda back into her seat nearly knocking it over in the process.

In a haste Turruk moved up beside the Orc ."Sir, I should know the name of those I would send to the medical ward."

"Turruk, no. Let's just go." Valda pleaded. "A woman's honor must be upheld my dear Valda and this brute will learn to respect it."

"HA! A human thinks he can best me? Fine, my name is Orgoth-grogath. The Hammer of the west. Show me what you got whelp!" When standing and not leaning on their table the Orc stood more than a foot above Turruk but he was not deterred.

Turruk looked to Valda motioning her to keep her distance. "Stay back Lady Valda, I shall handle this ruffian!" He told her before taking a sucker punch to his face which dropped him swiftly to the floor. Orgoth lifted him up and tossed him a few feet into the wall where Turruk regained himself into a fighting stance.

"Hey! Take it outside fellas, NOW!!!" The owner was at the counter holding a mace and pointing at them both.

"HA! You humans are all bark!" He bellowed. Valda felt fear for what might happen if Turruk and Orgoth started trading blows. "Outside then? Or are you done already?"

"That cheap shot will be your best in this match, Orc!" He bantered with the orc as they left the tavern. Once outside most the occupants of the tavern circled around to watch them fight. Valda gripped his arm and attempted to pull him back but Turruk had already set his mind.

"Worry not Ma'lady, this 'Hammer of the West' is no match for my will." He said looking at Valda giving a grin and wink to her.

"For the nine's sake Turruk, Keep your eyes on him not me!" She replied too late as once again the orc landed a vicious blow to the abdomen. Turruk's face twisted in pain but he stood his ground. Turruk and Orgath got to swinging the Orc's size was an obvious advantage but Turruk was determined. The fight was fairing more even then Valda first speculated. Orgath bled from his nose and lip after a well executed uppercut but Turruk Fell to his knees after another low blow to the gut.

Wiping the blood from his face the Orc stood pridefully as a self proclaimed victor while the new audience cheered. "You take a punch well, I'll give ya that human. Let's see what the lizard's got in her!" He turned towards Valda as Turruk gasped for air. She backed away slowly looking around hoping someone would stop this orc. Orgoth reached out towards valda and Turruk quickened to a blur and pushed him back while drawing his blade and placing the tip at the orc's throat.


"H.. How did you, errkk." Turruk pressed the point harder to Orgoth's neck and the talking stopped long enough for another voice to finally become clear over the crowd. "Okay, fights over both of you. Everyone else needs to leave, Now! Turruk, as a guard, you should know better."

"I am sorry Captain Melvinen, though I could not stand idle while her precious life was threatened." Motioning to valda and lowering the blade.

"I was only going to rough her up, yeesh."

"You will apologize to the Lady for your comments most foul." brandishing the blade like a threat.

"Alright, alright. Put your butterknife away. I'm sorry to offend 'The Lady'. I was done drinking anyways." Orgath grumbled as we walked away.

Turruk let the orc leave and focused on the captain "Again, I am sorry Melvinen. I will gladly accept any admonishment you seem fit for protecting the innocent Lady Valda."

The captain gave an exasperated sigh as he put his face into his palm. "Turruk, just be ready for duty tomorrow... You missed two shifts this week already." He then nodded to Valda in a barely respectful way "ma'am.".

"Turruk, you moved so fast." Valda proclaimed taking up a position at his side.

"There was need for speed, I would not allow him to harm you my dear."

"...and Turruk..."

"Yes, my darling?"

"You're bleeding."

"Hmm? oh, I had not noticed." He said looking down his arm he noticed the wall decorations had left a long but shallow gash.

"Let's go back to my room, I can fix you up." She swallowed nervously.

"Valda, you know healing magics as well?"

"Turruk, I have read about alot of things but my focus has always been enchantments. My brother is a great alchemist and gave me something for wounds in case I ever bumped myself." Quite willingly he followed back to her room.


Valda stopped at the door, felt the note she found that morning which she had placed in a hidden pocket within her dress, and looked back to Turruk. -I can do this. I am ready... he IS the one. I need to trust myself.- she was attempting to prepare herself but her pulse quickened and her breathes were heavier with nervousness.

"Valda?" His words snapped her from her thoughts. "Oh, sorry Turruk, I was lost in thought." She inserted the key and opened her door. "This is my room Turruk."

"Yes, I still have my armor on your chair my dear."

"Oh, of course!" Valda spent a moment considering the armour then looking back to Turruk she noticed the blood starting to run further down his arm threatening to drip onto her floor. "Oh, right! bleeding, hang on." She rushed to her dresser opening a drawer to remove a crimson red vial and a cloth. She asked him to sit down then motioned for his arm. Dabbing the cloth she applied light pressure to the cut on his arm which despite common medicinal expectations did not burn.

"Thank you my dear, you seem well prepared for anything." Turruk was amazed at how quickly the wound healed. She moved back to the dresser to replace the vial and cloth taking a deep breath before she made her next move. Valda walked back to him as he sat still amazed at the healed gash.

"You... should stay a while, Turruk." She said shakily running a hand down his well toned shoulder. -Come on valda, you can do this. You know he is into you! Just go for it!- Valda thought in attempt to reassure herself.

To steel himself from his desires Turruk looked away from her. Avoiding her beauty was his best defense to keep his feelings at bay. "The night is late and I am sure you must be tired after today's events, Valda. Perhaps you would rather..." He was halted mid sentence when he felt her straddle his lap and further stunned as her muzzle met his lips. After the shock ended, his body instinctively put his arms on her hips and brought her close while her arms encircled his neck. Each moaning together, the kiss they shared seemed to them like it lasted for hours on end before they broke it. After a deep breath Turruk completed his sentence "Rather be alone...".

He moved back in kissing her more passionately. The kisses continued as their hands groped at each other and the chair fell over. Valda spoke between their kisses "Turruk...make love... to me tonight." Her hands swept under his shirt lifting it from his back and tossing it aside. Standing bare chested to his Argonian maiden made his heart flutter and his brain gave up blood for the other organ in need of it. She could feel his lump of manhood bulging against her getting her to make a muffled tone during a kiss. Valda pushed him back a bit to ask "Mmm, looks like someone is excited besides just me."

"You being excited is what excites me, my scaled beauty." He pulled her up against him feeling the firm orbs of her breasts and the curves of her waist.He lifted her up off the floor once more between kisses and moans as they lured each other towards the the bed Turruk told Valda how she had been the highlight of his dreams and the fire of his soul. A Scaled Enchantress of the heart. Valda could not relate to such feelings as she commonly passed him without a thought until recently when her classes eased up though she gladly followed suite telling him of how brave he was and handsome. Valda told Turruk how his polite and ardent character had swept her away.

He laid her down before getting up and removing his clothes.

"Oh, dear." Valda lay out on her back with her legs close together above the sheets. She nervously clutched her tail and played with it in front of herself.

"My dearest Valda, I have had no greater dream nor want in my days then what we share tonight." He said quickly hustling out of his garments. Valda reached back and with shaky hands undid the ties holding her dress around her body but left it covering her. When he was down to his underwear he turned and sat on the edge of the bedding sporting a impressive tent. Brennar was adequately sized but Turruk was obviously above average, his size reminded her of something but she could not place it. "That is pretty big." She said with wide eyes. Her excitement spiked rapidly but also her some concern as she slowly placed her hand on his shaft covered only by his shorts.

"So are these." Turruk cupped her breasts and fondled them lightly through the dress and corset.

"Here." Valda bite her lower lip while working herself out of the dress. She tossed it aside showing off her corset and her black panties to the eager male.

"Would you... help me..." she gulped "Take this off." She turned around so Turruk could remove the corset which bound her chest. He had only the night before attempted to avoid the temptation of peaking at her scaled mounds but now he was to have not only full view but full access. "With pleasure m'lady." His hands fumbled with the strings in an anxious rush.

He kissed down her neck as he got to the end of the ties and began removing her corset from her body.

-This is it Valda, you can do it! Make your move before it's too late. You know what is best for yourself.-

Valda reached a hand to his cheek and with the removal or her corset spun around taking him into a kiss. Her breasts gently grazed his muscular chest as she fell into him. They ended up with Turruk on his back and Valda atop him. Her tail was twitching behind her as she moved her hand down his shorts rubbing his erection with her scaled hands.

She was rocking her hips against the side of his shorts. The smooth scales of her lithe body gliding across his flesh. The fine pale green scales of her firm and perky rack felt so elegant in his hands as he rolled them around receiving light hisses of satisfaction from his new lover."Hold on a moment, Valda" The feel of her hands groping his fleshy totem began to excite Turruk more then he expected "I, must tell you before we continue... that... I've... never been with a woman before." Valda slid down his waist and pulled down his shorts to find his length slightly intimidating to her when brought so close to her face.

-First time for everything Valda, you have to trust yourself. Turruk is the one you want to be your first.-

"I have never been with a man..." was all she stated before licking up his shaft with her long slender Argonian tongue. "Valda!" He squealed. "This will be a first for us both." Turruk had been certain a fine female figure as Valda's would not have been denied the joys of sex. Women so seldom keep themselves when the prospects are so rampant. She put him into her muzzle and went down quickly thinking to herself -Here goes nothing!-. Valda found herself gagging when he was taken to just half length.

"You okay my dear?" She gathered herself and looked to his face with a smirk.

"I thought that would be easier, hold on." She went down again but slower till she managed to get a good length into her muzzle. Turruk found her moist muzzle to be a nice sheath for his member. He began thrusting up into Valda's warm and inviting mouth. Her large Argonian tongue and thick saliva inadvertently helped keep her sharp teeth from his shaft while she slowly bobbed up and down on it. He moaned and murmured of her greatness until he felt a rush building inside "Darling, I am about to... OW!"

She dug a claw into his thigh when he attempted to pull out. Leaving no choice he cam into her muzzle causing her to choke dripping his cum from her mouth. The look on her face was of confusion for she didn't know what to expect as the taste or what to do with the aftermath of the jets of semen that sprayed deep into her gullet. It was salty and not to her interest. She pulled him out and after she stopped gagging she wiped what she could and reluctantly swallowed what was left in her mouth.

Valda climbed back up to kiss him before rolling aside him. Laying on his side Turruk kissed her again and dared to reach into her panties. Valda gave no resistance though her tail swayed and shuddered when his hand slipped under the damp material. Valda was looking down at the little black panties with Turruk's hand inside them as his fingers slid over her vent. She bit her bottom lip and forced herself not to pull her legs instinctively inward. Instead she slowly and slightly spread her legs apart. Turruk swallowed and was breathing heavy beside her, the rush of feeling the outer folds of his dream woman tremble before his touch was one step of hopefully many more toward his final goal.

"You've... nnhhmm... got big hands...Turruk." She cooed while He rubbed his middle finger between her outer folds. Turruk realized then that her pulse quickened and she was breathing as hard as he was. He relished hearing the tiny gasping sounds escape her muzzle when he grazed her clit. Turruk moved lower on the bed rubbed her thighs. He moved her panties aside and gazed at the tight slit of her loins. He used his fingers to pull her tight tender folds apart so he could see the entrance to her womb "You're so Beautiful." licked the base of her tail to the top of her clit getting her to gasp and squeal. Turruk lifted his hand over her cunt and stroked up and down her sex before letting his hand move back and, using his index finger, worked his way between her soft scaled lips.

He at last ventured his finger past the pink inner folds and inside of her vagina. Her wet path gripped on the digit making it difficult to proceed but Turruk was patient and delved deeper. Valda's legs flexed and her tail twitched as he got further inside her body. Valda was inhaling sharply through clenched jaw to avoid making too much noise and exhaling in shuddering breaths. She was right to worry about his size, his lone finger felt to Turruk like it was in a vice made of warm silk. Valda was biting her lips and her hips and legs motioned squirming with the intruding digit. "My heavens Valda, you are so tight and warm." He was getting turned on more and more by valda's reactions as her body writhed from such a simple effort. He became eager to see what would happen if he kept going.

He began to move his finger in and out of her increasingly damp vaginal walls. Valda groped her chest while her body trembled with pleasure. Valda was coming close to climax and she knew it would not be long.

She started shaking when he added another finger into her depths. Turruk squeezed the second digit into her convulsing opening. He pumped the digits deeper gaining another gasp from her and continued to feel her walls contracting around his finger as if her vagina was trying to cut off his circulation. He pulled his fingers from her sex and gripped her panties. With a eager nod from Valda, Turruk shifted backwards so he could remove them completely.

With her clothes removed he returned his fingers to her pulsing nethers nudging at her gate."Oh please Turruk, don't stop." Valda's face was flushed and her cares seemed to diminish as her bodily desires took over.

"I don't intend to my dearest." Turruk had to move her legs aside, stretching her open wider, to get them to fit in again. Her folds clasped down desperately as if trying to avoid any further or repeated intrusions. Pressing in and out of her thin vent took effort and both wanted more. Valda's tail was sweeping between her thighs like a spastic coil.

"Fuck me Turruk, I don't want to wait anymore." His hardened fleshy rod twitched at her words. "Valda, I..."

"Just do me, Turruk! Please."

He crawled up between her thighs with his throbbing member bobbing anxiously. She fondled her breasts while he held his shaft at her doors. With a nod he pressed forward with uncertainty remaining on both sides. Valda was worried about his size to her small tender slot, and Turruk was worried about hurting her by being too big for her little hole that appeared too small for two mere fingers.

Turruk pressed harder parting her vent slightly as Valda looked onward to watch the head breach her folds. He gripped her thighs and pulled her gently onto his shaft which, though quite rigid, bent without entering her body. Valda dropped her head back and made a few odd breaths before looking once again. This time he managed to gain entrance and she felt her tense walls stretch outward to engulf her human lover. Turruk grunted as he pushed again forcing himself deeper inside her tiny wet hole. Valda's scaled arms flexed as she gripped the sheets and bit her lips to avoid crying out in ecstasy. Turruk could feel it when her tail quivered, his length had reached up to the muscles that controlled her tail's movement and it began to squirm. He leaned in and forced himself nearly to his hilt hearing Valda cry out for him.

Turruk pulled back slowly and, for the first time, pumped back into a woman. He was ready to pop already but as he looked into the orange Argonian eyes Valda possessed he saw they had gone out of focus with pleasure and it only spurred him to keep on going when her tongue slipped lazily out of her muzzle. This would be a night they should never forget and Turruk planned to last as long as he could. Her body was beyond containment of joy, she could not remember ever feeling anything like this before. Something was different about Turruk that no other had given her and even in her depths of joy her mind told her -This is true love.-

Her walls squeezed him in such a way as he worried at times if he would be able to repeat this act. After a few thrusts her drool ran onto the pillow and her juiced flowed from her crotch freely. Turruk noticed her body trigger painful clamps around his shaft and a swift change in attitude from Valda's accepting and lazy love approach to her gripping his hips and rolling on top of him. Her eyes seemed to change to an eerie red and the thick drool which coated her teeth gave a monstrous appearance as she growled while she road him vigorously. Turruk felt glorious aside from the pain that her dripping tight loins placed on him.

Her body whipped above him and her head tilted sinking her teeth into his neckline. Turruk cried out in pain. He tried to pull her teeth away but she restrained his hands as if he were a child "Valda! ah, stop you're hurting me! Oh lord I have to cum!"

He launched his seed deep into her path quickly overflowing her little vent and pouring down over them both. Still holding an erection she continued to ride him. Her overly lubricated crotch slid around his dick suckling him for another jet of his cum.

That was when the door to the room shattered open to reveal a large male which heavily resembled the father Valda had described before. Valda's eyes glanced to Grim's and she redoubled her efforts to ride Turruk. "Grim?!" Turruk had no time to worry about her father or his safety as Grim ripped Valda off of him and tossed her to the wall across the room. Turruk screamed as the motion took his love but also tore bits of flesh from him. Valda needed no time to recover from impact and lunged after Turruk again. Grim held out an open hand and held Valda kicking and hissing in midair. Grim turned then to Turruk and told him briskly "GO!"

Reeling with emotion and searing pain from her bite Turruk sat up naked and dumbfounded. "But, what..." he was interrupted at the moment by a strained groan and Grim's repeated command "GO NOW! HURRY!". He looked to Valda her naked body thrashing wildly in the air. The red eyes and now blood stained face sidetracked him from her steadily dripping pussy and her heaving chest. Grim groaned in frustration and using his free hand flung Turruk out of the room "RUN!". Turruk saw Valda in a frightening way as she ceased thrashing to go quiet. Grim took on a fighting stance as his daughter's eyes squinted to slits and with a simple gesture broke whatever invisible hold he had on her. Turruk saw her shove her father easily to the floor and rend a claw through the fabric of Grim's chest.

Valda tore at Grim's belt line and struggled with Grim as he held her snapping jaws from his body. Grim felt her claws ripping into the full body chainmail he wore beneath his clothing. Valda then fell aside with Turruk on her back. He quickly worked his arms and legs around hers in a way to prevent her movements. They fought naked on the floor his still erect penis pressed against her back. "Valda, Stop it!" He pleaded with her while she continued to struggle and snap at him between growls and hissing she would spout a demand that he 'Fuck her'.

"Valda, please!" Her tail swung about while Turruk kept his hold on her. Turruk didn't understand what was going on but he knew one thing for sure "Valda, I love you. Come back to me." Valda twisted and whipped with the side of her head to the floor her eye met Turruk's and she stopped. He watched her blink and her eyes return to the bright orange he had always known feeling her relax in his hold. "Turruk?" She breathed heavy. "I think I made a mess on the floor.".

"Valda, you scared me! What happened?" As he released her and his shaft went limp her father cut in to explain as they covered themselves with sheets from the bed.

"Valda, my daughter, there is something I never told you. You and your mother have a very rare and very dangerous attribute." He spoke with great clarity and in a regal fashion unnatural to what she had known. "You inherited from her what is justly called lust rage."

Turruk raised a hand to interject. "What does that mean?"

"During the activity of sex women with Lust Rage are capable of entering a state of hyper fertility. During this state they become incredibly strong, resilient, demanding and hostile."

"Oh no! Will this happen everytime I..." she looked at Turruk with tears in her eyes before she turned away to finish her sentence "Make love?".

"No Valda. Your mother only experienced it twice even with all our times having coitus."


"I was answering your question."

Grim turned towards Turruk "You are quite brave to have restrained my daughter at that time. I was glad I had the time to transfer my strength to you before you were injured." When they both looked at him he held a hand to keep the questions from being asked. "I cannot answer any more questions about the matter but you must be careful with the young male you have found." He got up to leave but before he left Turruk thanked him for understanding how he felt of Valda and Grim only replied "She is old enough that I trust her choice in mates. Do not prove us wrong." He stepped over the broken door to her room and glanced back once more to add "By the way boy... If red eyes you see, finish and flee."