Four's Company

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It's tough to drive when you've got somebody in the passenger seat leaning across, licking your ear. It's even tougher when there's another somebody in the backseat, fidgeting with her seatbelt, almost bouncing with anticipation. And it's nearly impossible when the person in the front seat pauses every so often to whisper obscenities into your twitchy ear, giggling at the way it makes you blush.

Nonetheless, Max managed to keep his eyes, and his car, on the road long enough to reach home safely. It was an act that required a supreme level of self-control, which was never the tiger's strong point anyway, so the fact that everyone survived the trip was something of a miracle.

The short trip from the car to the front door of Max's apartment was similarly difficult, though the danger was far less. The chief difficulty lay in the fact that his passengers didn't want to get out of the car, but instead grabbed him and pulled him back inside, quite insistently, crawling over the seats to cram their bodies into the driver's seat, wriggling about until all three of the furres were settled. It took a great deal of physical strength to extricate himself from the writhing, furry mass, and even more to yank the females out of the car by their paws and drag them into the apartment.

Finally, however, the three stumbled through the front door, a mass of fur, two smaller felines clinging tightly to the larger one, nuzzling his neck and chest, mewing contentedly. Shaking them off, Max deposited them onto the couch and hurried into the kitchen, where Felicia was preparing a sensible dinner.

"Have a tough time getting them to cooperate?" the rabbit laughed, treating her boyfriend to a quick kiss, half turning from the stove.

"Yeah," he grumbled. "They just wanted to make out in the car, like I was a freakin' teenager."

"Oh, poor baby." Felicia didn't try to conceal the laughter in her voice. "We should all have such problems." Swatting the tiger's tush, she shooed him out of the kitchen. "Go find out what everyone wants to drink. The soup will be ready any minute."

"What do you two want to drink?" The question was asked as Max leaned around the corner, though he already knew what the answers would be.

"Coke, if you have it." That would be Adrienne, a timid, plump little calico with a soft voice and a shy demeanor. Sometimes she was definitely Max's favorite.

"Beer, thanks." That would be Karina, Adrienne's older sister. A sassy, skinny orange tabby, she had been the one tongue-bathing Max's ear on the way home.

"Two Cokes it is, then."

"Hey!" exclaimed Karina. "I asked for beer!"

"But you're not gettin' it," Max laughed. "You're under age. I'd be contributing to the delinquency of a minor."

The tabby scoffed. "So you'll nail me, but you won't let me drink?"

"That about sums it up." Laughing the furre returned to the kitchen to get everyone's drinks ready, Coke for the girls, beer for Felicia and himself.

Dinner was a short, casual affair, taken in front of the TV, which was largely ignored in favor of animated conversation. Karina, like most teenage girls, could talk endlessly about absolutely nothing at all, and the others were kept amused by tales of the sort of high school drama that is meaningful only to those involved. It required a great deal of concentration to keep the list of players straight, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

As dinner came to a close and the furres began cleaning the dishes, Karina caught the male alone in the living room. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she threw herself at the tiger, pushing him onto the couch and pressing her lithe body against his. "So, are we gonna sit around all night, or are we gonna party?"

"Have some class, babe," Max laughed. "We'll get to it."

"We'd better," the tabby replied throatily. "If I wanted to sit around and chat, I coulda stayed home."

Laughing, the tiger pushed her aside and went into the kitchen to help finish up the dishes.

With the remains of dinner out of the way, the foursome moved back into the living room and planted themselves on the couch. Max sat down on the far left, Felicia, the far right, and the kittens sat between them, the shier youngster cuddling up against Max, her older sister sitting to her right. Maybe the sitting arrangements were planned ahead of time, or maybe they just worked out that way. Regardless, the furres chatted amiably for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company, though it was obvious to everybody that the conversation was somewhat forced.

A few minutes later, perhaps fifteen, one of the furres decided she couldn't stand waiting any longer, and took action. "If you guys aren't going to get anything started, I guess I'll do it myself," Karina humphed, and with that, she turned to her right and planted a kiss on the bunny next to her.

Felicia jumped a little, not having expected this sudden turn of events, but she quickly regained her composure and put her arms around the kitten, returning her kisses with equal interest.

For Max, watching over Adrienne's shoulder, the scene was about as hot as they get. He knew his girlfriend had fooled around with females before, but she never talked about it, and he had certainly never gotten to watch. Watching the skinny rabbit's tongue wrestle with the feline's was definitely turning him on.

Fortunately, he had something to do while the females got better acquainted. His right arm was draped over the youngest furre's shoulders, who was currently watching the others with a mixture of desire and reticence. Max let her watch for a moment, then gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"Oh!" the kitty turned towards the male, startled. "Haha, sorry Max, I forgot you were there..." Max couldn't help but grin. Girls could be so silly sometimes.

"Not a problem, as long as you remember me now." Smiling, he leaned down for a kiss, and was rewarded by the little furre melting in his arms, sighing happily as their lips touched. That was one of the things he liked most about Adrienne, he decided. She was such a sweet little thing.

Max's paws roamed freely over the plump furre, feeling her incredible curves and soft fur. That was another thing he liked about her. Felicia never ceased to turn him on, but she was built completely differently. Felicia looked more hare than rabbit, with long, muscular legs, narrow thighs, and small, firm breasts. Karina was built very similarly, though she was maybe a bit bonier, whereas the rabbit was simply athletic. Adrienne, on the other hand, was a plump little thing, curvy and voluptuous, with wide hips and heavy breasts, and a jiggly, round bottom. She had a body you could really sink your claws in, and Max, for one, loved it.

Adrienne, always a cuddler, crawled up onto her knees and into Max's lap, her arms around her neck, wrists crossed. She made cute mewling noises as he kissed her, eyes squinched tightly shut, her whiskers trembling against his cheeks. As her mouth opened to let her tongue lap at him again and again, Max shifted in his seat to allow her pleasant behind to rest fully on his upper thighs.

What a treat it was to get hot and heavy with the squishy kitten! While she seemed shy, sometimes overly so, she was never reluctant to make her desires known when it came down to the nitty gritty. Driven by lust and an intense affection for the older furre, she opened her mouth wide, broad tongue snaking into his mouth, wrapping around his own, moaning quietly as she did. It didn't take a lot to get her motor running, and Max could judge from the rumbling purr within her chest how well he had accomplished that goal.

His paws crept up her sides, enjoying the sensation as her body yielded to his touch, and once he had to stop and dig his fingers into her fur, letting the thickness of her flesh engulf his paws. They traveled farther upwards, to her shoulders, and then around front, to the top button of the boyish button-up shirt she was wearing. Without taking his mouth from hers - not for a moment! - he began to undo the buttons on the front of her shirt. The first button came undone, then the second, then the third...and then he was able to reach in and take hold of the enormous, warm orbs usually hidden underneath her shirt. Ahhh, victory!

Max's mouth shifted rapidly from the kitten's mouth to her breasts, his muscular tongue roughly licking at her sensitive nipples, paws cupping them from beneath to "aim" them in his direction. Adrienne had very sensitive breasts, and his oral attack was quickly met with excited murmurs from the femme. As she ran her claws through his hair, he purred happily, always excited to get his paws on her massive, trembling melons. Sure, he loved Felicia's, but they weren't anything like these.

The tiger soon lost himself, his face buried between those impressive tits, couched in spongy softness. He licked and sucked and nipped, loving every minute of it, loving the way the femme writhed in his lap, the way she moaned as he sucked at her nipples, the way she tightened her grip on his hair when she would get a little overheated. Even more, he loved the way she started grinding her fully clothed crotch against him, evidently not willing to wait any longer.

Presently, Max lifted his head and rested it on Adrienne's shoulder, smiling gently as the femme dry humped him, moaning softly into his ear. On the other end of the couch, his girlfriend and Karina had stripped each other of their tops, and their paws were busy fondling each other as they kissed passionately, long ears flopping behind one's head, skinny tail swishing behind the other. Their long, thin legs were entwined, and Max couldn't help but feel a tad jealous he wasn't in between them, feeling wet femsex rub against him, pretty little mouths nibbling at his face.

Adrienne, it seemed, was more interested in what was going on between her and the tiger than the furres behind her. Max realized this, quite suddenly, when he felt a small paw reach into his pants and grip the ever-hardening shaft that was growing there. Now it was Max's turn to groan in pleasure, biting at her shoulder with the unexpected sensation. He spread his legs, lifting his body up a little, as if trying to force his dick into her warm paw. Finally she giggled at his reaction, batting those big eyes at him.

"Ohh, you wike dat, Maxie?" Adrienne must be spending too much time with her sister, as she had never teased him before. Nonetheless, he nodded enthusiastically and she laughed, tearing his fly open, letting his hard-on spring fully formed into the warm air, taking it between both paws and rubbing it firmly.

Max's response was pretty much exactly what would be expected. He groaned, leaned backward against the arm of the couch, and let his eyes drift close for a moment. The sensation of getting of paw job from the little kitty was marvelous, and he didn't want it to end. Opening his eyes, he smiled at the femme on top of him and reached up to cup a heavy breast in his paw, kneading it softly as she stroked him.

Adrienne leaned forward, and they began kissing again, sharing a touching moment of affection. She pressed her tummy against him, so that his erection was trapped between her paw and her tummy, and as she ground her body against his, Max couldn't stifle a long series of grunts and groans, loving every moment of it. They writhed together for a few minutes, unaware of anything or anyone else, until Max somewhat abruptly broke the kiss.

Grinning mischievously, he hooked his paws under the confused kitten's armpits and guided her off of him, getting her to stand up in front of the couch. As he swung his legs around so that he was now facing forward, he ushered Adrienne downward, until she was crouching on her knees in front of it. Instinctively, she knew what the tiger wanted, and she was more than willing to provide it.

Again, the girl giggled, and made a kissy-face up at him, which only made him laugh. Taking a pendulous breast in each paw, she wrapped them around his stiff dick, squeezing them together, enveloping his tool in her soft flesh. Gazing up at him with a fierce mixture of fondness and lust, she began bouncing those delicious boobs up and down, squeezing his shaft between them.

Squeezed between two soft, furry orbs, Max's cock was in some sort of heaven. She didn't look up at him, but instead stared downward at her cleavage, watching the head of his dick appear every second or so, a look of concentration on her round face. When she did look up, she blushed and quickly looked away, as if embarrassed, but not enough to stop; in fact, every once in a while she would let his tool free and dip her head quickly, liking at the tip of his member before squeezing it once more between her fuzzy breasts.

With a slow exhalation, Max settled back, watching with pleasure as the femme used her impressive rack to stroke him, his legs spread wide so she would have plenty of room. One paw playing with her hair, he glanced to his right, no longer so distracted that he couldn't pay attention to the others for a while.

To his amusement, the femmes beside him had reached the same level of play as he and Adrienne, if not going past it. His girlfriend was actually sitting on the back of the couch, panting hard, as the other kitty was on her paws and knees in front of her, face buried in the bunny's snatch. Max could hear the wet smacking sounds as Karina went at her work, obviously enjoying herself immensely. Looking up, he caught Felicia's eyes and chuckled.

"Looks like you're having fun, huh?"

The rabbit laughed, though there was a note of strain in her voice. "Oh, yeah...She's good at this, Maxie. She's really good."

Giggling, the subject of the conversation paused long enough to glance up at the other female and grin. "I've had plenty of practice." With that, she returned to her work, drawing forth another moan from the rabbit above her.

"Oh, is that so?" Max asked, teasingly. Looking down at the furre between his legs, he cocked an eyebrow questioningly. "Have you two been practicing at night?"

Adrienne looked absolutely appalled that someone would suggest such a thing. "Of course not!" she flustered. "I would never do something like that with my sister, that's sick!"

Max had to laugh. He knew they hadn't been playing with each other, but the femme's reaction was priceless. "I know, I know," he waved at her. "I was just teasin' ya."

The little kitty stuck out her bottom lip, scowling at him. "It wasn't funny."

Max clucked his tongue, and when he spoke, his voice was dripping with theatrical sorrow. "Awww, I'm so sorry. Here, let me make it up to you. Come on, you guys, let's make her feel better." Ignoring the kitten's sarcastic scowl, Max stood up and knelt down, easing her onto her back, petting her tummy gently. "Don't you worry, we're gonna make you feel better."

Max bent down to deliver a few kisses to the younger furre, and by the time he straightened back up, the others were on the floor beside them, almost pushing him out of the way.

"Oh, don't listen to him," Felicia cooed, scooting to one side. "He's just a jerk." This brought a round of laughter from the females, and she shot Max a smart-ass look, as if daring him to respond. Being smart enough not to, Max just shrugged and got out of the way, as Felicia grabbed the smaller femme's legs and rotated her so that she was now parallel to the couch, rather than perpendicular. Giggling, she gently lowered her head and began lapping at Adrienne's sex, bringing new, quiet sounds of pleasure from the prostrate feline.

Karina scrambled around the to other side of her sister, grinning widely as she watched the younger furre's face. Max quickly joined her, scooting up behind Karina, and reached around to cup her much smaller breasts as they enjoyed the show. While hers weren't nearly the size of Adrienne's, they were firm and compact, with small, sharp nipples that poked into his palms. The kitty responded by happily craning her neck, inviting him to explore that area with his tongue. After a moment she turned her head further and their tongues crossed, snaking around each other's in a strange, erotic dance.

Max's paw strayed downward, over the kitten's flat stomach, over her velvety fur, until it reached the moist slit between her thighs. At this point, he wasted no time being coy, and after just a moment of stroking her outer lips, his fingers found her clitoris and began rubbing firm circles around it.

The younger furre's happy moans took a turn for the obscene, and she spread her legs wide (well, as widely as she could, as she was resting on her knees) and thrust her pelvis forward, forcing her wet sex against his paw. Her breathing became heavier and her eyelids drooped, and her kisses became almost violent, snapping at him in horny abandon. Max snapped her tongue into her maw and sucked at it for a moment, then placed his free paw on her back and pushed her down onto her paws and knees.

"Yes, take me!" she snarled. "Do it, Maxie!" Obviously, she knew what was coming. Her head was just above Adrienne's heaving chest, her backside aimed towards Max, her tail held high. With one paw on either side of her sister, and her legs spread behind her, she was completely vulnerable, which happened to be perfectly fine, as far as she was concerned.

Max took a moment to drink in the view. It was one of his favorite sights: a female's rump and thighs positioned perfectly for him to view, her tail held up like a flag, the fat pink lips of her sex winking at him from between her legs. He couldn't resist dropping down and sticking his nose into her crevasse, sniffing deeply, the aroma of her desire filling his sensitive nostrils. Growling to himself, Max straightened up behind her, ready to finally finish things up.

One paw gripped his aching dick, aiming it towards its goal, while the other paw disappeared in the shadowy space between her legs to push the labia away from one another, opening a tunnel for his meat. He pushed forward and the fat mushroom of his cock met her slick pussy; both paws moved to rest on her hips, and he pressed forward until his entire tool was buried in her hot snatch, his balls dangling testily (hee hee) below. He swung backwards, taking his weapon almost out of its new sheath, then slammed back in, grunting as he hit.

"Yes, damn it, fuck me! Fuck me! Yes!" One thing he could say about Karina was that sometimes she had a pretty filthy mouth. It was occasionally a turn off, but now it just got him hotter, and the harder he drove into her grasping pussy, the dirtier her mouth became.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yes, do it! Damn it, fuck yes!" Sometimes she really went overboard with the smutty language, and that's what made it a turn off, but buried balls deep in the femme, Max could fully appreciate the sentiment. He gripped her hips tightly as he nailed her, growling with ferocious tigrish glee as each wave of pleasure shivered up his spine. His dick felt so swollen he was almost afraid it would burst open; his balls ached so much that just the air blowing against them was painful.

Beneath them, Adrienne was writhing helplessly, her sharp claws piercing the flesh of her breasts, her body rocking back and forth, out of control. The bunny between her legs had spread her sex wide with her fingers and was rapidly flickering her tongue over the kitten's clit. This continued only for a few seconds before she dropped her mouth to suck at the glistening cunt lips, massaging them, a finger pressing inside the kitty at the bottom, sawing back and forth. After half a minute, she lifted her head and returned her attack on Adrienne's clit for a few more seconds, and by continuing this cycle she kept the kitty on edge for longer than she had even been there.

Of course, Max didn't know the details. All he knew was that the youngest furre's moans and gasps were covered up by her sister's, who was considerably louder, though not necessarily because she was having a better time, though who could say? All he knew was that the femme's hot cunt was pulling and twisting and sweating all over his dick while its owner was releasing a constant stream of verbal garbage, and it was driving him crazy. He couldn't handle it any more.

Max didn't stop swinging back and forth as he came; he just kept fucking the toasty femme beneath him while what felt like bucketloads of cum muscled their way out of his body, erupting like an explosion inside her, leaving an empty feeling behind. He was nearly finished when Karina's body began shaking, and with a series of shrill cries, she slammed her ass against him and orgasmed, tender pussy fluttering around his rod, causing his eyes to roll up into his head. As she collapsed on top of Adrienne, Felicia finally allowed her to reach a squealing climax, her entire body jittering as if she were having some kind of fit.

It was some time before the furres got everyone sorted out and disentangled, but when they did, they crawled off to the bedroom and all piled into the comfy bed awaiting them. Without speaking, they all snuggled together, basking in the warmth of the body heat. Nobody said so, but they all knew they needed to rest; after all, who stops with one?