A Deeper Love #3

Story by novastar on SoFurry

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#4 of Darkstar Commissions

Sorry this one took so long. But I like the direction it took a lot better than what it had been.

Thump, thump, thump, thump...

"Good girl...." He growls, panting. I can say nothing. I only whimper and moan as the force of his thrusts continue to knock my writing desk against the wall. The lamp has fallen over onto the floor, its light casting strange shadows along my dimly lit room.

"You want Daddy to go faster?" He doesn't bother to wait for any reply. He knows already. I'm his, mind and body, his personal slut to use in any way he feels fit. He grabs the base of my tail in a crushing grip and uses it to pull me hard against him as he lets loose, fucking me like a wild beast. The slick sound of his hard shaft pistoning in and out of my tailhole is drowned out by the desk, now slamming loudly against the wall.

I hold on to the battered desk for dear life as my father presses his other paw forcefully down on my back, changing my angle slightly to better suit him. My legs are so weak that were he to let go, I would probably crumple in a heap to the floor. I'm not even aware of my loud cries and the long, whorish moans I emit with each breath. He always says I'm a screamer, but I'm too absorbed in the wonderful feeling of being taken to notice.

The pitch in my voice changes suddenly as I cry out once more. This time I notice and we both know what it means. My vision swims and my body seizes in tremendous orgasm. My dick throbs almost painfully, trapped as it is against the piece of furniture Dad found convenient to bend me over, and begins covering the top of the desk in my young seed.

He doesn't stop for a moment just because of me. If anything, he goes a bit faster, penetrating me again and again, pressing my body into my own mess and smearing it into my fur. "D..Daddy..." I breath out raggedly.

It had taken a long while, but at last I had what I wanted. No more hesitation or worrying about the consequences. Just the wanton passion I had for him returned with equal fervor. I'm not sure exactly what changed. But earlier I had been sitting, doing homework in the late evening. Suddenly my door opened and he was just standing there, silhouetted by the hall light. He was so gorgeous, so strong and powerful looking even just gazing at me. I had given him a slow smile, thinking to lure him into giving me a pleasant distraction from my work.

This night I had on a loose, navy blue skirt and a plain white tshirt. I'd foregone underwear, the heat of summer still lingering into the fall. He hadn't needed any luring. He'd stalked into my room, closing the door and locking it. I was still only blinking in surprise by the time he'd swept all my papers away and kicked my chair to the side. Taking me in a rough embrace, he'd given me the hardest, hottest and most amazing kiss of my young life. I couldn't say how long it lasted. It seemed an age our mouths were locked together, his tongue pressing forward and dominating my own, and at the same time it seemed to end far too quickly, my mind reeling and wanting it to continue indefinitely.

When he broke away, I'd managed to stammer some kind of question, but he simply thrust his paw underneath my skirt, feeling my sheathe and grabbing my bottom tightly with the other paw. All thought of talking had fled my mind at that point. With a light sigh of pleasure, I melted against his body, glorying in his touch. "My good little girl." He said softly. A thrill had gone down my spine hearing him say that. Then without any further preamble, he'd pulled my skirt straight down, moving it out of the way with his footpaw and then slid my shirt up and off of me smoothly. Grabbing me about the shoulders, he spun me around and pushed forward hard, knocking me into and bending me over my writing desk.

I stayed that way patiently as I heard the quick rustling of him removing his own clothes...then I felt his rigid member pressing up against my bottom. It was already slick. He must have had a lot of pre already. With a strong growl, he pushed hard and shoved his thick meat into me halfway, stretching my entrance considerably. I uttered a cry that was more a loud squeak, followed by a long groan as he relentlessly pushed the rest into my tight young ass. He did nothing to quiet my yells of pain and pleasure, not that I'm sure I could've done anything about them anyway, then he proceeded in the most satisfying fucking we'd ever shared.

At last his thrusts slow, becoming long, hard pushes. Sliding his thick, wet member out to the very tip and then shoving all the way back in. Four or five times he does this..until he finally grips my waist and yanks me off my footpaws towards him. Howling, he pumps a thick load of his cum into me that is staggering. Minutes pass, but his cock still throbs more of his thick seed deep inside me. Slowly, he relaxes. He puts me down but doesn't pull out of me just yet. He just stands there, stroking my fur along my back softly and affectionately. He hadn't knotted me this time, must just be simply enjoying the feel of being buried so deep inside me.

Being careful not to pull out, he softly picks me up and moves us over to my bed. Laying on our sides spooned up with him still occasionally twitching inside my bottom is indescribably fulfilling. Placing one of his strong arms over me, we rest silently. The only sound in the house is our own heavy breathing. I smile gently when he takes my paw in his, our fingers interlacing.

"Dad.." I whisper. "You didn't seem worried about anyone hearing.."

There's a slight pause, a bit of hesitation before he replies. "No. There's...no one else here now. Your mother is gone, sweetheart. She...left. A few hours ago. We had a long argument. She probably isn't going to come back."

Well now. I take a few moments to absorb this information. "I'm..I'm sorry Dad."

He snorts. "No you're not. I know you've wanted us separated for a long time now."

That was certainly true. But I did know that he must be feeling very hurt right now. "Yeah..but..I know you cared about her, Dad. I'm sorry for the pain you must be feeling. I love you, and I want you to be happy."

I feel his paw grip mine just a bit more tightly. "Thank you." He says, nuzzling the back of my neck. More long minutes pass in silence. Neither of us really know what to say, so we simply enjoy one anothers closeness. "This...can't last forever, hun. You need to go out and find your own mate, live your own life."

I pout. I know this. "I know Dad..I promise I do. But for now, while we can, let's just enjoy what we have in each other. Please?"

There is another long silence. I begin to dread that his misgivings are creeping back in. That he'll get up and leave suddenly like he has so many times before.

"Okay." He says finally. "Let's get some sleep."

Without bothering to shut off the light, or clean up or any of the other things we'd normally have worried about, we simply doze off snuggled close, his soft member still pressed firmly yet comfortably inside me. A dream of mine at last fulfilled. With a content smile, I drift off into a deep, deep sleep, feeling comforted and secure in the arms of one I love so dearly.

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