A Deeper Love #3

_Thump, thump, thump, thump_... "Good girl...." He growls, panting. I can say nothing. I only whimper and moan as the force of his thrusts continue to knock my writing desk against the wall. The lamp has fallen over onto the floor, its light...

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The Littlest Fox

Once upon a time, far away, there was a land of foxes. It was happy and peaceful and all the foxes loved and helped one another. Their towns were all nestled in a large valley surrounded by gigantic mountains. As far as anyone knew, there was no way...

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The Golden Wolf

Once upon a time near a small town far, far away, lived a magical, golden furred wolf. No one in the town had ever seen more than a glimpse of the wolf, of course. He was fast and secretive. But his howl was like sweet music. Whenever the villagers...

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Sheep in Wolves Clothing

"Troy, meet your new mate, Akaysha" Troy choked on the water he'd been drinking, nearly dropping the fine, etched glass. "What? Who?" He said, looking behind his high backed chair to the door. Standing demurely in the entryway was a slim, glossy...

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Shadow and Troy Epilogue: Second Chances

Soft afternoon light filtered in through the window, diffusing the the plain colored room into a subdued gray/white hue. A deep silence filled the room, the sound of the steadily humming lights and the occasional beep of medical equipment combining...

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Shadow and Troy Pt. 1: Meeting Up

**Writers note:** **This is a deeply personal story for me, as many aspects of it touch on real events in my life. Keep in mind that there is no sexual scene in this first part. That will come later, as relationships deepen ;) I hope you all enjoy and...

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Shadow and Troy Pt. 7: Reunited

Troy He looked around groggily. Was he still in the van....? He blinked and the pain it caused him made him consider just leaving his eyes closed forever. He whimpered a little, and was barely able to lift his head off the floor of the vehicle as he...

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Shadow and Troy Pt. 6: Broken Limits

Writers Note: This chapter was very intense to write. Shadow has demons of aggression in him, but thankfully this time they can be pointed in a more useful direction. This whole chapter is only Shadow, the next will be Troy. This doesn't resolve...

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On Time

Dedicated to Calvin. Merry Christmas to you, hun. And all of my furry friends. God damn. It's finally over with. As the last customer leaves, I smile and wish him a good evening as I practically follow on his heels in my effort to close up the shop....

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Gaining the World

"Come on hun, we'll be late!" Troy called out. He waited impatiently by the front door, waiting as his mate was doing whatever it was that was taking so long. A couple more minutes passed and Troy was tempted to go into the bathroom and drag Shadow...

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Shadow and Troy Pt. 5: Novus Amor

Writers Note: Hey furry friends! Although this part is a bit shorter and faster paced than the others, it's probably the closest to my heart. I will warn you, there is a cliffhanger at the end. I apologize for that, but this moment needed it's own...

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Nikos Tale

**Writers note: taking a break from drawn out romantic buildups I decided I would attempt this relationship that's already been in full swing for a long time. I rushed it a bit, so it lacks a bit of my usual proof reading and analyzing, but I hope you...

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