An Unordinary Job

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#1 of An Unordinary Job

This is partially based on a true story that happened to me a few years ago. The story is greatly exaggerated to make for a better read, but some of the core details are the same. I'll leave it a mystery as to which ones ;) However just so we're clear on the legalities, there was no underage sex, underage drinking or prostitution involved in the actual events. Also, while the Scott character is loosely based on me, his personality is a total hyperbole, which makes for a more fun character. This is also probably going to be a one-off story. I don't plan on writing a sequel unless there's a lot of interest in one.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and other illegal acts. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.

Scott tossed his tool kit onto the passenger seat with a grunt. He didn't think a summer job working with computers would be like this. It was demeaning, none of the customers gave him any respect! The young grey wolf sighed and put his paws up on the steering wheel, looking at himself in the rearview mirror. And why should they? Some kind of wolf he was. He was timid and never spoke up for himself. He was weak and nerdy, scrawny, he had thick rimmed glasses perched on his muzzle and the fur on his head was always disheveled. Scott grunted again to himself and reached into his glove compartment for a comb, running it over his head to straighten out his fur. Somehow that didn't look any better. He ruffled it up again and looked down at his clipboard, only one job left. The customer was some old guy who complained about the keyboard on his laptop not working, it was probably full of dust, fur, and sandwich crumbs just like all the other luddites who used their laptops for dinner plates.

Scott sighed and turned the ignition. At least he had his car going for him. In fact, his car was brand new, a sweet convertible with cherry red paint and black racing stripes. It still smelled brand new, like clean leather, and something about that smell really turned him on. When his uncle Mark gave him the car for his 16th birthday, he could hardly believe it. His jaw dropped; he was speechless. Finally he was going to be one of the cool kids! Scott couldn't wait to drive up to school when summer was over, flash a grin to all the pretty cheerleaders and drop a pair of shades as he peeled out in front of all the football players who made fun of him last year. Even better, the car was paid for, 100%, there had to be a catch! Well of course there was. His uncle paid for the car, but Scott had to pay for his own insurance. It was supposed to be a lesson in character building or some shit, but do you have any idea how much it costs to insure a sports car to a 16 year old?! A hell of a lot more than he had, that was for damn sure.

It was no coincidence that Scott looked like a brainy nerd, he played the part pretty well too. He could take apart a computer and put it back together blindfolded. If it beeped, blinked, or ran or electricity, this wolf was your man. But if there was one thing that irritated him, it was stupid furs asking stupid questions about stupid technology they're too stupid to understand! Had he known that dealing with these idiots was going to be 99% of the job, he would have driven his car off a bridge. But here he was, Scott Wolf, your friendly neighborhood computer repairman!

He started off down the road, following the overly perky voice of his GPS navigator. He left the city and started heading into the country side. Roads got rougher and the scenery got plainer. Man, this guy sure lived in the middle of nowhere. You probably can't even get cable internet out here. The house he pulled into was a small single story rancher, it looked dark inside too. All the curtains were drawn and there were high bushes blocking out the back yard. Hopefully the old guy wasn't even home, that would make this go a lot quicker. Still, due diligence applied, he walked up the smooth stepping stones to the front door and pressed the bell. There was no sound at first, but soon he heard a shuffling of footpaws heading toward the door. A short, stocky badger answered the door. The badger raised a paw to block the sunlight as he looked over the wolf on his doorstep. Oddly, Scott saw a sly looking grin on the badger's face that he quickly tried to hide.

"Well hello there, you must be Scott. My name is Rick, your boss called and said you would be here today. Come in, come in!" the badger ushered. Scott stepped in the door, tamping his footpaws on the mat. The house was clean and tidy, albeit a bit dated in the furnishings. His eyes soon adjusted to the dim light and he got a better look at his client. The badger was a good foot shorter than him, but he had strong looking broad shoulders and arms. He was wearing a pair of brown slacks and a button up shirt. There were aged streaks of silver in his fur too, he was probably in his late 50's or early 60's. "Make yourself at home, have a seat, I'll be back with the computer in just a moment. Would you like a beer?" the badger smiled at him, walking back toward the kitchen and motioning toward a dining table where Scott could sit down.

"A beer sir? I'm 16." Scott replied, too much of a straight edge coward to just accept the gift. He wasn't a huge fan of beer anyway, he was such a lightweight it went straight to his head, so he hardly ever drank.

"Bagh, there's no cops here, son. I'll get you a beer." he waved dismissively at the air and disappeared into the kitchen. Scott took a seat at the table and started opening his tool kit, pulling out the screwdrivers he knew he needed. Rick returned a few minutes later carrying two bottles, setting one down in front of Scott. Scott picked up the bottle and looked at it, the label had a big muscled bear on it, wading through a river with his shirt off. Not sure what that had to do with beer, but Scott took a drink anyway. It was strong beer too, bitter, but flavorful. Rick smiled and took a long swig from his bottle too. "Cheers. So what made you get into computers anyway? You're pretty young for a job like this." he asked.

"Well sir, I..." Scott began before the badger interrupted him.

"Please, call me Rick, there's no need for formality here, you can relax."

"Well, Rick," Scott continued, slouching down in his chair a little and taking another swig off the beer. "I got into computers because they just make sense to me, I've always sort of been a natural. As for this job, honestly I'm not really enjoying it, but I need the money, so..." he trailed off. Rick watched him closely, nodding and taking a seat next to the wolf.

"I know what you mean, I'm actually a retired computer hardware engineer. I always loved building electronics, and we worked right at the circuit level, soldering irons and copper, it was great. Of course, things have changed a lot since then." Rick added as Scott drank a little more, wiping some foam away from his lips.

"Speaking of the job, were you going to get your laptop?" he asked, looking around a bit nervously. It was starting to make him uncomfortable the way the old badger was staring at him and he took another drink of beer. At mention of the laptop, the badger perked up and slapped his knee.

"Well dang, I almost forgot. Easy to get distracted by a cute face. I'll be right back son." Rick smiled and stood up, disappearing back into the kitchen. Wait a second, did the badger just call him cute? What the heck was that supposed to mean, nobody ever called him cute, let alone an old man. Scott shook his head and dismissed it, probably just some weird colloquialism the guy grew up with. A few minutes later Rick came back again, this time carrying a slender black laptop and setting it down on the table in front of the wolf. Scott reached for it and lifted the lid, taking a quick survey of the machine. Surprisingly it was very clean, the screen had even been recently polished, no one does that. However he did notice the keyboard backlight wasn't lit and the keys didn't seem to be responding. Probably just a loose ribbon cable, easy fix.

"So when did this start happening?" Scott asked, reaching for his tools.

"Oh just a couple days ago, I was checking my email when all of a sudden," he made an explosion noise and gestured with his paws.

"Well don't worry si.. er, Rick, should be an easy fix." Scott smiled up at him. The badger came around behind him, presumably to get a better view over his shoulder. Scott quickly unsnapped the plastic clips and removed the screws that held the keyboard in place. He pried it up to look at the ribbon cable underneath. "Huh, well that's weird." Scott commented, tilting his head.

"What is it?" Rick replied, leaning in closer and putting a paw on Scott's shoulder. The wolf was a little surprised at the contact, but he tried not to let it bother him. Some people just had different ideas about personal space.

"The ribbon cable here, you see? This is what connects the keyboard to your motherboard. The connection is nice and sturdy, but it's upside down. How could..." Scott started, but then it clicked in his head. Why would a hardware engineer need someone to fix his keyboard? This was one of the easiest hardware fixes you could do. Rick must have turned the ribbon upside down on purpose, but why? He turned his muzzle a bit nervously, as Rick was now massaging the young wolf's shoulders with his heavy, calloused paws.

"Huh, must have been a manufacturing error." The badger commented, working his paws a little further down Scott's chest.

"No that's not pos... what... what are you doing?" Scott's voice was shaky.

"Just trying to help you relax, wolf. You seem tense." He moved his paws back up to the wolf's neck, kneading gently at the muscles. Scott had to admit, that did feel really good, but the badger was starting to come off more than a little creepy. Nervously, Scott corrected the upside down ribbon cable and started screwing the keyboard back in place.

"O.. okay, should be good to go now." he closed the laptop lid and hurriedly put his tools back in his case, eager to get out of there.

"Well, well, that was quick. You seem very talented." the badger kept massaging, which was keeping Scott from standing back up. Then he reached inside the back of Scott's shirt, rubbing his bare fur. The wolf sat perfectly still, frozen and tense, like a deer in the headlights. He had no idea what to do. He knew he should leave, run, get out of there, but somehow it still felt good. It was nice to be getting some attention for once, and he kind of liked it. "You know, if you're looking for money, I may have another job for you." the badger continued, reaching further down Scott's back. The wolf started to relax again, maybe the beer was starting to kick in, he wasn't sure.

"I... I'm only really good with computers, sir. If it's something else I don..." he started before the badger interrupted him.

"Well it's not a computer, but I have a feeling you'll be very good at it. And I promise to make it worth your while." the badger leaned down and grinned, whispering the last bit right into Scott's ear. Was Rick suggesting what he thought he was? Did this old guy want to... have sex with him?? That was... he couldn't... Scott had never done that before. But still, something about this felt right, like a secret part of his brain being woken up. Scott gulped and blushed, then Rick spoke up again "Well, well, will you look at that. I think a part of you already has an answer." The badger nodded downwards with a smile. That's when Scott noticed he had a massive hard-on in his pants. They were tenting like crazy and even a bit damp right at the tip. The wolf ducked down, tremendously embarrassed while he tried to cover himself with his toolkit.

"I... I..." Scott stuttered, his heart was racing, he wanted to run and hide, but he couldn't.

"Oh now, that's okay, here look, you're not the only one." the badger walked around to the side of the chair, keeping his paw gently on the side of Scott's neck. When he came around, Scott saw a massive bulge in the badger's slacks too, hell, it was even poking out the top of his beltline, and his cock probably would have been visible if not for his shirt tucked in. The badger pulled Scott's head close, pushing his muzzle right up against the bulge. Scott whimpered a bit, the powerful scent of the badger's arousal being forced on him. Then he found himself doing what he never expected. Scott started nuzzling against the badger's crotch. All on his own, Rick wasn't making him do it. He wasn't sure why, that secret part of his brain again, but he wanted this. "So are you interested in that job offer I mentioned?"

"Y.. yes." Scott replied meekly, pressing his muzzle tighter against the badger's bulge and taking in the scent.

"Good." Rick pulled back, stepping away over toward a cabinet in the corner of the room. The wolf looked visibly disheartened when the badger's musky bulge was pulled away, but his cock was still as hard as ever. Scott watched as Rick leaned down and pulled a few things out of the cabinet. A video camera and tripod, and a tall silver bottle with some clear liquid inside, lube, he guessed. "So I'm a bit of an independent filmmaker, Scott." the badger spoke from across the room, standing back up and closing the cabinet. "And in this film," he continued, starting to expand the tripod. "I need someone to play a puppy. A very good, very obedient puppy." he set the tripod down again, reaching for the camera and removing the lens cap. "And I think you'd be perfect. What do you say?"

Scott was agape, he wasn't sure if this was shock or what but it was too late now. He had to do it, he wanted to see what it felt like, he needed to. The touch, the scent, it was all he could think about. His body ached for it, clouding his mind with desire. He nodded affirmatively and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his heart rate.

"Good, I knew I had a feeling about you. Now come stand here in front of the camera. Let's start your audition tape." Rick motioned for Scott to stand in the center of the room and pressed a button on the back of the camera, turning on a small red light. The young wolf obeyed, setting his tool kit down and trying to hide his erection by wrapping his tail around his waist. "There's a good boy. Now first of all, puppies don't wear clothes, do they? Why don't you strip for me puppy." he watched through the viewfinder, framing up the shot and making sure it was focused.

Scott whimpered a bit, embarrassed, but he followed the command. He started by pulling off his shirt, tossing it lightly aside on the floor. He shivered a bit and looked around nervously, feeling exposed. "There's a good boy, now keep going." Rick continued, moving his paw down toward the bulge in his shorts. The badger started rubbing himself as he watched.

The wolf looked down at the ground, blushing heavily, then started unbuttoning his pants. Slowly he pulled down the zipper and let them fall to the floor, stepping out of the legs and kicking them aside toward his shirt. His tight white briefs hugged his rump and groin, barely containing the stress of his hard-on. "This... this too?" he gasped, tugging a bit on the elastic waistband of the briefs.

"Oh yes, that too. Puppies don't wear underwear, do they? What kind of puppy would that be?" Rick answered. Now he'd actually undone the button on his own pants, reaching inside them and rubbing his cock. Scott watched with wide eyes as the badger pulled it out. His shaft was thick and long, and it looked slick too, especially around the tip. It was about twice the size of Scott's own manhood. Scott was liking this even more now. The thought of someone else being so into him, so arousing just by seeing him, using him, it was really turning the wolf on too. "Now make some puppy noises for me, be a good boy." Rick commanded, stroking himself faster.

Scott turned to the side and wagged his tail a bit, putting his paws up against his chest, pretending to do a puppy pose. The first 'arf' he let out was a bit weak and timid, but he tried again, and soon he was barking playfully. He did some poses for the camera, showing off his lean body and chest, his long slender legs, slowly he started to get a bit more into it. Then he turned around all the way, wagging his butt at the camera and raising his tail up while he bent foreword.

"Oh fuck," Rick mumbled under his breath, barely loud enough for Scott to hear. The wolf had his back turned to the camera, so he didn't notice at first, but Rick had dropped his pants all the way, stepping out of them as he quickly crossed the room towards his puppy playmate, pulling off his shirt as he went. The badger placed a heavy paw on the young wolf's back, catching Scott by surprise as he looked over his shoulder. Scott let out a soft moan as he was pushed forward, feeling the badger's huge dripping cock sliding between his cheeks and under his tail. "You're a good puppy, aren't you?" he asked, well, it felt more like telling than asking, but Scott nodded in agreement all the same. "Bend over and put your paws up on the couch, puppy. You're going to make your master very happy."

Scott did as he was told, bending over and raising his tail high, putting his paws on the arm of the nearby couch for support. This was incredible, he'd never felt so alive before, so passionate, he hung his tongue out, panting playfully like a puppy as he felt the badger lubing up his backside, prepping the young wolf to be bred and fucked. Scott started barking again, "Arf, arf, aaaAAHHHH!" he yelped in pain, Rick's thick cock had just penetrated him, pushing deep into the boy's ass. It hurt tremendously at first, so much cock, stretching him, filling him, he could barely take it. Scott clenched his jaw and buried his muzzle against the side of the couch, trying to maintain composure, trying to adjust to the pain, trying to be a good puppy.

It didn't take long either, the badger started thrusting into him deep and fast, and every thrust shot a wave of pleasure through Scott's body. The pain got less and less, and the pleasure only got more and more. He leaned his muzzle back up, panting and barking as the old badger pounded him like a breeding bitch. His whole body was on fire with lust, pleasure, desire. He wanted to be totally owned by the older fur, he wanted his seed, his cum, he wanted to be dripping with it.

Rick grunted and moaned behind him, pounding away at the boy's tight virgin ass, then he reached his paw up and cupped it tightly over Scott's muzzle, muffling his barks. "Moan for me, puppy bitch, moan into my paw, I want to hear it loud." he commanded, placing his other paw at the base of Scott's tail, tugging it up. Scott obliged and started moaning loudly into the badger's paw. Despite the muffle of the fur, he tried hard to make it loud. He wanted the badger to know how incredible it felt, what a good puppy he was. The badger's thrusts got faster and faster, along with his moans and grunts, then suddenly he felt it. Rick slammed his huge cock in deep and Scott felt a rush of warmth inside him, it was incredible, he'd never felt anything like this before, his whole body was on fire with pleasure, he closed his eyes and took it all in, riding the amazing orgasm as long as he could.

What seemed like hours of incredible pleasure passed, even though it had probably only been seconds. Both the young wolf and the old badger stood panting, recovering, trying to catch their breath. Scott opened his eyes again and looked back over his shoulder. The badger was watching him with a wide grin, then ran his paw through the wolf's soft back fur. Then Scott looked down at the ground and saw the mess below him. It seemed like all of Rick's cum had stayed inside his rear, but Scott had completely exploded all over the hardwood floor. There were puddles of cum below him. He had no idea he could produce that much.

Rick grunted and pulled out, rather quickly, causing Scott to gasp at the sudden vacancy in his rear. A splash of cum came out with it, dripping onto the floor and mixing with the wolf's seed. "Damn, I think you have the part down perfect, little pup." the badger reached up and rubbed the boy's chin, then looked down at the mess on the ground. "Just one more thing. Puppies are good at licking up messes on the floor too. Why don't you get down there and clean that up." he pointed down at the ground. Scott laid his ears back bashfully and nodded, getting down on all fours and pushing his muzzle against the floor. He stretched out his long canine tongue, lapping slowly at the cum puddled on the hardwood. It tasted a little weird, not what he expected. It was a bit salty, with just a slight bitter tinge, but it was warm and thick. The more he licked up, the more he loved it. He lapped up every puddle, every drop, then he looked up at the badger and put his paws against his chest, arfing again for his master.

Rick reached down and pet the boy behind the ears, "Such a good puppy, you're such a good puppy, aren't you?" he spoke playfully, scratching around Scott's headfur. "Well then, I promised this was a job, didn't I?" the badger stood back up, walking back over toward the camera. He turned it off and shut the viewfinder, then reached down toward his pants, pulling out his wallet. "Here, a hundred bucks pup." the badger reached in and pulled out a hundred dollar bill, holding it out it towards Scott. The wolf got back on his feet, shyly trotting over and taking the bill from the badger's paws. Rick put his other paw over Scott's, holding him there for a moment before he let go of the bill. "Come back later, and there'll be a lot more where this came from." he let go, giving the wolf a wink.

Scott blushed, taking the bill and looking around for his clothes, as he started to get dressed again. The badger stayed nude, putting away the tripod, camera, and the bottle of lube. Then he leaned against the wall and watched as Scott dressed himself. His thick cock hung below him like a pendulum. Watching it now, Scott couldn't believe he was able to take the whole thing inside him. "Keep an eye out for my name at work, son. I think I might have an overheating problem next week, laptop will probably need a new fan." the badger winked at Scott as he gathered his things. "You take care now pup, okay?"

"Yes sir, th.. th... thank you." he stuttered, ducking out the door and shutting it behind him. Once on the other side of the door, he took a huge deep breath and exhaled long and loud. Wow. He could not believe that had just happened. He reached into his pocket, feeling the hundred dollar bill, then took it out and looked at it in the sunlight. It was nice to have a little extra cash, but hell, he would have done that for free.