The Secret - Part 20

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#24 of Jane Doe and The Secret

This story takes place in an alternate timeline to the one in my Swiss Mix stories. In this series, Hans and his father Karl are both Americans, and live in a suburban community. This is from the same series as my story "A Sleepover with Jane".

Ryan and Hans see the family doctor that Melanie has gone to since Ryan was born, and they get Ryan a prescription for birth control pills, while setting up Hans as a new patient for the doctor. Hans and Ryan get to experience a new 'first time' activity...

The Secret - part 20

By DoggyStyle57 - September 2013

11/22/2012 (Thursday night)

After school on Thursday, Melanie picked Hans and Ryan up at the school, and took them directly to The Fox Hollow Family Clinic.

"Doctor Simmons has been my obstetrician and family doctor since Ryan was conceived," she said, as they crossed the parking lot and headed into the clinic. "He was willing to put me on the Pill shortly after Ryan was born, so I don't think he will give us any difficulties. But the fewer people who know that we're getting Ryan a prescription for birth control pills, the better. So just honestly answer what the doctor asks you, and don't tell everyone why you're here, all right?"

"Yes mother!" the kids chimed in.

"Oh, and while we're here Hans, maybe you shouldn't call me 'mother', all right?" Melanie added.

"Yes ma'am," Hans replied. "I'll try to remember."


"Melanie Kelley, Ryan Kelley, and Hans Bernerholdt. We have an appointment with Doctor Franz Simmons," Melanie told the receptionist. "I already filled out all the forms from the website, and faxed in the consent form from Hans' father, the insurance information, and other paperwork. Here are the insurance cards, in case you need them for checking us in."

"Yes ma'am," the receptionist replied, handing Melanie a sign-in sheet, and glancing at the cards and comparing them against the file on her desk before returning them to Melanie. "Everything seems to be in order. Just have a seat, and the doctor will see you soon."

Fifteen minutes later a nurse came to the door of the waiting room, and called Melanie's name. She led the three of them into the clinic, and got height and weight information for both Ryan and Hans, before leading them into an examining room. Once there, the nurse took the blood pressure readings for both kids, took their temperature, and checked their file folders to make sure the routine forms and questions had all been dealt with. Then she left, saying, "Doctor Simmons will be right in."

They waited for nearly ten more minutes before the doctor actually arrived. He was a fairly old Saluki with a kind face and smiling eyes. "It's good to see you, Melanie," he said, shaking her hand. "And you certainly are growing up fast, Ryan. Ah! This must be Hans, eh?"

"Yes, Doctor," Hans said, shaking his hand. "Hans Bernerholdt. Nice to meet you."

"Well, how time flies! I remember delivering Ryan, when her mother was about the age Ryan is now. And it seems that Ryan is very much like her mother, eh?" he said.

"Well, at least she isn't pregnant on her first visit to you," Melanie said. "But yes, my daughter has proven to be just as precocious and willful when it comes to sex as I was. Yet despite getting a very early start in that department, they seem committed to each other, and they want to be responsible and not take any unnecessary risks that their love will cause Ryan to get pregnant as young as when I did. His father and I agree that our children should be allowed to continue their relationship, and that it would be best to get Ryan in the Pill."

The doctor looked at the forms, and said, "Ten years old, and already sexually active. Hummm. And Hans, you're only eight? And you already can... mate with her?"

"Yes sir, though I'm almost nine," Hans said. "The boys in my family mature early, I guess. Dad said he hit puberty about the same age as I did."

"Would you two mind waiting in the waiting room while I examine Ryan?" the doctor asked Hans and Melanie. "I understand that Hans and Ryan are already intimate, but a girl's first gynecological exam is better done in private."

"I'll be all right mom," Ryan said.

"Okay. I'd rather be present, but I understand your point. Come on, Hans," Melanie said.

Once they were alone, the doctor asked, "Has anyone explained to you what a gynecological exam is like, Ryan?"

"Yeah. Mom told me I'll have to take my jeans and panties off, and that you'll look inside my vagina, and would probably use a tool to open me wider so you can see," Ryan said. "I'm not shy, and I'm not a virgin any more. I don't mind. Should I get undressed now?"

"In a moment. There are a few questions I have to ask you first," he said. "What you say is strictly private, between you and me. I won't even tell your mother, if you don't want me to. So just answer truthfully, okay?"

"You can tell Hans and my mom or Hans' daddy anything that happens in here," Ryan said. "I don't have any secrets to hide from any of them. What do you want to know?"

"I'm sure that is true, but I am required to ask you these things in private, where no one can influence your replies. Please forgive me. For the record, was your first sex act, and your other experiences with Hans, entirely voluntary? No one forced you to do it?" he asked.

"I did what I wanted to do," Ryan replied confidently, recalling that her mother certainly had given her a choice in the matter. "Hans and his dad had dinner at our place, and spent the night at our place. My mom and his dad were gonna have Hans sleep in a sleeping bag on the couch. But I said it was okay if he slept on a cot in my room. We talked, and I found out that Hans had some sex experience already. I didn't. It was my idea for me and Hans to have oral sex, and no one forced me to go all the way that night and also give him my virginity. I was curious, and I liked him, and he didn't start any of it. And I knew where mommy kept condoms in the bathroom, for 'just in case' if she had a new boyfriend over, so we didn't have to risk me getting pregnant. It happened because I wanted it to happen, and I don't regret it one bit!"

"That's fine. I'm not trying to say that anyone is to blame," he said. "It's just that I am required by law to make sure that there wasn't a rape involved. Your mother was just as precocious, when I first saw her. Since you and your young boyfriend are within three years of each other in age, if no one complains, the law in this state allows us to permit a consensual pairing. And from what your mother stated when she set up the appointment, it seems that there is no wrongdoing here, and no one wants to complain."

"None. I'm happy with what I've done," Ryan said. "What else do you want to know?"

"How active are you, sexually? How many times have you had sex with Hans?" he asked.

"Oh geeze! We do it a lot, and I can't say for sure how many times now," Ryan said. "Fifty or sixty times, at least? For the last two months we've had sex almost every day, and usually twice a day - when we get up in the morning, and when we go to bed. We're handfasted, so we share a room and a bed like a married couple would. And we always use a condom, so he won't get me pregnant."

The doctor's eyes went a bit wide at that, but he said, "That often? I am familiar with handfasting. As you know, your family aren't my only Pagan patients. I wasn't aware that Wiccans allowed a handfasting at such a young age, but if you and Hans have already made that commitment, it makes it easier for me to accept. Have you had sex with any other boys?"

"No sir. Hans took my cherry, and he's the only boy I've ever had sex with," Ryan replied.

"All right. Go ahead and remove your shoes, jeans and panties, and get on this table. Then place your heels in these stirrups, so your legs are supported, and I'll adjust it to make you as comfortable as possible."

He examined her as gently as he could, and determined that she seemed unharmed and showed no signs of any problems, though he was a bit surprised at how easily he could dilate her. When he was done, he helped her to get down, and he said, "Well, that wasn't too bad for you, I hope? Everything looks fine. You may get dressed now, and you may wait with your mother while I see Hans. The nurse will take you to the waiting room."

"Okay," Ryan said. "So, I'm gonna get my pills okay?"

"I believe so. I need to talk to Hans first, and then to all of you before you go," he replied.


With Hans, the doctor had to do a baseline pediatric exam first, to establish the boy as a new patient. When the exam was done, the doctor said, "Hans, we're almost done, but there are a few more questions that I have to ask you first. What you say is strictly private, between you and me. I won't even tell Ryan or Melanie or your father, if you don't want me to. So just answer truthfully, okay?"

"Sure! No problem," Hans replied. "And you can tell them anything."

"I am required to ask you these things in private, where no one can influence your replies. Please forgive me. For the record, was having sex with Ryan entirely voluntary for both of you? No one forced either of you to do it?" he asked.

"No one forced anyone," Hans replied. "Ryan and I did what we wanted to do, because it was fun and we like each other a whole lot."

"How active are you, sexually? How many times have you had sex with Ryan?" the doctor asked.

"Ummm, maybe sixty times? A couple times a day, almost every day, since we met two months ago," Hans replied. "We always use a condom, so I won't get her pregnant."

"That's very good. On your first time with Ryan, what happened to start it? Did you start it, or did she?" he asked.

"Well, I got up during the night to go pee, and she accidentally caught me in the bathroom with my pants down, and, ummm... well, I was playing with myself. She asked questions, and I answered them, and one thing led to another and she asked me to do some oral sex stuff with her, like I had a few times before with some other kids that I know. I woulda gone back to my sleeping bag to sleep, but she wanted to try some of the stuff I told her about. So I guess she started it. I never asked her to do anything. She did the asking."

"So, Ryan wasn't your first sex partner? You're very young to be sexually active. How did you learn about sex?" he asked.

"No, she wasn't my first. My first time was 4 months ago, before we moved to this town. I had sex with a few other kids, before I met Ryan. None of that was forced, either, okay?" Hans said, though he knew he was telling a lie when it came to the three boys at the park who had, on two occasions, forced him to suck their cocks. But he hadn't resisted the idea very hard, either. "Look, I'm small and I'm cute, but you've seen how big my sheath is. Other kids see the bulge in my pants, and they get curious, and wanna see. And that's all I wanna say about my first times, okay? No one ever got hurt, and I promised I wouldn't squeal on anyone. And I keep my promises."

"All right. But if there's ever anything you want to talk about, you can talk to me without getting in trouble," the doctor said. "Will you at least tell me how many sexual partners you've had so far?"

"Ummmm, eight, not counting Ryan," Hans said.

"That's quite a few. I know you and Ryan both said that you always used a condom with her, but did you have sex with any of the others without using a condom?" he asked. "And with Ryan or the others, have you done any sort of unprotected sex, where they took any of your semen in their mouth, vagina or anus? Or... where you did? You said 'kids', and not 'girls'. Have you had sex with other boys, too?"

"Ryan's the only one I did use a condom with," Hans admitted. "And I've done both oral and anal sex without a condom, with Ryan and with some of the other kids. And yeah, a few of them were guys, and I've sucked a cock and been screwed up my ass. I'm bisexual."

"Well, I want to do a blood test for sexually transmitted diseases on you, Hans," the doctor said. "And I want to test Ryan too. Using a condom for vaginal sex will prevent a girl from getting pregnant, but you could still get sick or spread disease by having unprotected anal or oral sex - especially when you have several partners in a short period of time, as you have. Neither of you should have unprotected sex again until the results of those tests are back, and you know that neither of you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. That means no oral sex, and no anal sex unless you use a condom with her there, too."

"Yes sir," Hans said quietly. "I didn't know I might make someone sick like that, sir. But I don't think any of the other kids had very many other partners. I know four of them never had any sex with anyone else before I did. Ryan and three of the girls were complete virgins. One guy, I know his only other lover was his first, and that his lover hadn't been with anyone else. The other four, though, I dunno."

"I'll ask the nurse to bring Melanie and Ryan back here again," the doctor said. "Do you mind if I tell Ryan and Melanie that Ryan isn't the only one you've ever had sex with? It will make it easier to explain why we need the blood tests."

"They already know that," Hans replied. "Tell them whatever you want."


When Melanie and Ryan were back in the examining room, Doctor Simmons said, "I will give you the prescription for Ryan's birth control pills. However, Hans has admitted to having had several other sexual partners in the last four months. The children seem healthy, but just to be safe, I want to do a blood test on both children to screen for sexually transmitted diseases. Until the results of that series of tests are back, I would advise that Hans and Ryan do not engage in any type of sex other than vaginal sex with a condom. "

He turned to the children and added, "Now, I don't think either one of you is sick. This test is just to make sure, all right? But I want you both to remember that if you allow anyone else as a sex partner, you're taking a risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease if you don't use a condom with them. You can get most of the sexually transmitted diseases just as easily by having oral or anal sex as you can from vaginal sex. Swallowing semen or getting semen in the anus or even licking a girl's vagina can all transmit disease, if the person is infected. You are both very young, and have a long life ahead of you. It would be a shame to spoil that by getting sick or even dying from something that can easily be prevented."

"Yes sir," Ryan said. "But it's still okay for me and Hans to mate, if we use a condom?"

"Yes. Just be careful. Sex is a wonderful pleasure, but it also requires being responsible about who you do it with, and taking precautions," the doctor said. "You've both done some very responsible things to keep from getting pregnant. You just need to be a little more careful about other things, to have a long and healthy sex life together. And once the test results show you are healthy, you won't need to use the condoms with each other. The birth control pills will be enough protection."


After a stop at the pharmacy, and while they were driving home, Ryan asked, "Mommy? Are you and daddy safe from that sex disease stuff too?"

"I think we are, dear," Melanie replied. "The only people I've had sex with since my last full checkup have been Karl, Mossflower and Dianna. Karl had a thorough physical exam for his new employer's insurance program just after he moved here, and he also hasn't had sex with anyone but me, Mossy and Dianna since his checkup. I'm pretty sure that Mossy and Dianna haven't had sex with anyone but Karl, me, and each other since last December, when they became a couple. And Mossy is a fanatic about regular checkups, so I feel very safe that she and Dianna are healthy."

"That's good, mommy," Ryan said. "I'm glad to hear that."


11/30/2012 (Friday)

When Melanie got home from work on Friday, eight days after the kids' doctor appointment, Karl handed her a registered letter that had arrived in the mail.

"Postman made me sign for that," he said. "It's from the clinic you took the kids to. I thought we should be together when we opened it."

"Thank you. I'm glad they addressed it to both of us, so either of us could sign for it," she said. She opened the letter and read the contents, and then smiled, saying, "Well, you'll be happy to know that neither of our kids have any sort of venereal diseases, or any other medical problems. The tests for STD's all came back negative. And there's a note here from Doctor Simmons, reminding me that if Ryan has been taking her Pills for at least 7 days, she is fully protected now, and the kids can stop using condoms."

"I'm sure they will both be very glad to hear all of that," Karl said. "Especially the last part. Hans has wanted to give Ryan a creamepie and lap it out of her for quite a while."

"Like father, like son?" Melanie commented with a grin. "You certainly seem to have learned to enjoy that particular pleasure yourself, my dear. I don't even have to ask you to do it anymore."

"Well, the idea took some getting used to, but the taste sort of grows on you. It's particularly tasty when your juices add to it as I stimulate you further. You get wetter when I lap a creampie out of you than you do when I lick you while you're clean," Karl said. "Speaking of which, do we have time for a quickie before you go get the kids?"

"Knowing you're lapping up your own cum does turn me on more," Melanie said, as she looked at her watch. But then she said, "No, we don't have time now, but I'll let you fuck me bareback in front of them and then eat me out before I cook our dinner. I'll bet Hans will love to do that on the couch beside us with Ryan at the same time."

"You're on," Karl said with a grin, as he started to put away his laptop computer and work papers.


Melanie picked up the kids at school, but she didn't tell them the good news yet. When they walked in the front door, the first thing the kids saw was that the curtains were drawn, the lights were down low, and Karl was lounging on the couch without a stitch on.

"OH! Daddy's looking sexy! Are Mossy and Dianna coming over tonight?" Ryan asked.

"No dear," Melanie said. "Daddy's naked because I told him that I wanted to mate with him as soon as we got home. And I think you two will want to join us. You see, we got your medical test results today, and you're both clean. So that means that starting right now, you and Hans don't have to use a condom with each other."

"Woo hoo! You mean I can finally cum inside Ryan? Yay!" Hans shouted, dropping his backpack and starting to shuck out of his clothes.

"That's great, but, ummm, first I need to go upstairs," Ryan said, as she dashed for the stairs.

"You have been taking your Pills, haven't you dear?" Melanie called out.

"Yes mama!" Ryan said, already halfway up the stairs.

"She has, mom," Hans said, as he sat on a dining room chair, kicked off his shoes and pulled off his jeans and a pair of lacy, bright red bikini panties that he had worn to school that day. "She makes sure I watch when she takes her Pill each morning, so I know she did, and so she doesn't forget. Then we mark it on her calendar. We're being very careful about her Pills."

"Very good, son," Melanie said, as she took off her blouse and her bra, and kicked off her own shoes. Her skirt and panties soon joined the pile of clothes on the floor, and she went to join Karl on the couch. "I wonder what Ryan needed to do so badly?' she mused.

"Hairbrush, perfume and makeup," Ryan said, as she emerged from the stairs. She had removed all her clothes, unfastened her braids and quickly brushed her long hair out into a wavy, more feminine style. Then she had applied just a hint of makeup, and a light application of a sweet floral perfume. "I wanted to look like a pretty girl for Hans' first time barebacking me," she said.

"You're always beautiful to me, Ryan," Hans said, giving his girlfriend a big hug and a kiss.

"You say the sweetest things," Ryan said, as she got on the couch beside her mother.

"Well, son, let's show our ladies how much we love them," Karl said, as he knelt in front of Melanie, fingered the collie lady for a minute to make sure she was wet enough, and started fucking her.

"You don't have to ask twice, dad!" Hans said, taking a similar position, and fingering Ryan before slowly easing his cock into her, savoring the feeling. "Gods! She feels so warm and slick, without a condom between us!"

Both Ryan and Melanie were already wet with anticipation, and they each locked their ankles behind their lover's waists. "Fill me with your cream, Hans!" Ryan said. "I really wanna feel it spurting inside me!"

"You're going to love how it feels, dear," Melanie said, as her own orgasm started to build. "And I know Hans will love licking his cream out of you when he is done."

"This feels so great!" Hans said, as he began to tie with Ryan. "I'd almost forgotten how much warmer and slicker it feels to fuck a girl without a condom on!"

"Well, I hope you haven't been doing that very often, son!" Karl said, as he too began to knot up in his lover.

"Only twice, dad," Hans said. "I'm pretty sure one girl was on the pill, and the other one told me she wasn't able to have babies, and it was okay not to use one."

Karl climaxed first, in no small part because of watching and smelling the kids mating right next to him, and contemplating his son having barebacked two other girls already in his young life. Melanie, Ryan and then Hans had their orgasms in quick succession, and then the girls kissed their lovers while they waited for their knots to shrink enough to slip free.

Several minutes later, Hans got his first taste of his own cream mixed with Ryan's juices. "Wow! You taste fantastic, Ryan!" he said, as he eagerly lapped at her sopping wet slit.

Karl apparently agreed, as he eagerly lapped away at Melanie. Both girls had two more orgasms before their lovers stopped licking them.

"Wow, this is gonna be a really great weekend," Hans said, as he licked his muzzle clean and imagined alternately fucking Ryan bareback and licking his cum back out of her, all weekend long.


None of them bothered to get dressed again for dinner. They cooked and ate in the nude, and the kids ate dinner quite rapidly. As soon as their kitchen chores were done, Hans and Ryan excused themselves and rushed to their bedroom.

"They are so enthusiastic!" Melanie observed. "I'll bet they will need clean bedding for their bed in the morning. I expect the sheets and mattress pad are going to be quite stained before dawn."

"Well, I'd like to snuggle in front of a fire in the fireplace for as bit before we turn in," Melanie said. "Would you bring in some more firewood from the woodbin on the back patio? The weather report said it will probably snow tonight, and it's already getting pretty cold outside."

"Your wish is my command, Mistress," Karl said with a grin, as he slipped out the back door, still naked, for an armload of firewood.


Karl was greeted by a low wolf-whistle from the other side of the patio. There was no fence in the back yard between the side of the duplex that Karl, Melanie and their kids lived in, and the side that Melanie's parents lived in. It had been removed by Melanie's family long before Karl and Hans had moved in. The two families shared a high-fenced double-wide back yard, and the conjoined patios of the two halves of the duplex. Melanie's mother, Colleen Kelley, had been getting some wood from her own wood bin, and she was casting an unashamedly admiring gaze at her future son in law's naked body. "Looking sexy, dear! Special occasion?" she asked.

"I've just been enjoying some private time with your beautiful daughter, ma'am, now that the kids are in bed. Oh, by the way, Ryan is on the pill now," he said, diligently gathering wood and trying not to get a hard-on in front of his girlfriend's attractive mother.

"That's good," Colleen said. "Safer for our grandkids than them just using a condom. Well, it's going to be cold tonight. Don't stand around and catch a chill. Good night dear."