CM:3 Of Life And Tech

Story by purringdrake on SoFurry

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#3 of Chronicling Memew: Old

Memew learns about her place in the rat colony while Sef learns about his new home.

Memew's head swam with visions. Worlds that were once united being separated and over time they eventually begin to recombine. The smaller bubbles causing great distortions as they rejoined the larger one. Flashes of fire raining down, great rifts torn in the fabric of existence and a once separate world pouring through, vast expanses of land suddenly changing, great mountains turning into open plains overnight, rivers and marshes turning into open seas. Visions of pain and suffering flashing faster then she could grasp what they were. Suddenly a vision stood out from the others. A mangled figure that was familiar to Memew, though she couldn't identify who it was before it was gone as she bolted upright.

"Ooh... lightheaded..." Memew whispered airily as she nearly fell over. A pair of hands held her up and a glance around the dim cavern revealed that she was surrounded by women. All were of various species and of varying stages of pregnancy. Looking up she found a chocolate hued lop-eared rabbit smiling down to her. The rabbit asked her, "Do you remember me? I won't blame you if you don't. You were kind of out of it, when we met." Memew gaped her jaw for a moment before saying, "I wanna say... uh... brisket?" Giggles erupted around her as the rabbit said, "No, no. The names Coco." Memew perked her ears up curiously as she asked, "Coco?" Coco hummed an acknowledgement before Memew asked, "What kind of name is Coco?"

Coco smiled and asked, "What kind of name is Memew?" Memew took a deep breath and jumped to her paws as she said, "Memew is an entirely normal name!" She then began to sway as she mumbled, "Whoa, woozy..." The chocolate rabbit steadied her before she could fall over. Memew shook off the grip and spun around to give Coco a piece of her mind. Though now without the steadying support and with the sudden spin. Memew couldn't keep herself upright and toppled over. She struck the ground with the slightest thud and she raised her arm into the air as she stated, "I'm, gonna tell you all the reasons my name is better then yours. As soon as the room stops spinning..."

Over the next couple hours, after she had more completely recovered from her high the night before, she learned about the place she found herself at. It was a nest of what they all called waste rats. An odd all male species that couldn't reproduce on their own so they would bring female furs to their nest. There the alpha rat would take them into a harem where he would keep them knocked up. Though most of the females seemed to agree that it wasn't too bad a life.

When the young are born they are taken to a distant nursery where it seemed that when the women couldn't bear young anymore would help some of the smaller rats and the less desirable females care for the young. Memew became obsessed with wanting to see the young after she had heard about them.

"I wanna see the kittens!!" Memew cried out as she gripped handfuls of Coco's chest fur. Coco smiled and said, "You should really-" "I WANNA SEE THE KITTENS!!!" Memew interrupted as she pushed and pulled at Coco's chest. "Ow, okay, okay. Just stop that, it hurts." The brown bunny stood as Memew released her hold. "We'll speak to the guard." Memew blinked and asked, "There's a guard?" Coco grinned and nodded as she said, "Yeah, these rats are much smarter then they're given credit for. Though they can't speak due to how they make sounds. They can understand us."

Memew pouts a bit before asking, "If they're so smart why do they have to steal girls?" Coco sighs and stops beside the rat that it lying by the exit tunnel and says, "Because the furs out there aren't too friendly to the creatures that live out here in the wastes." Memew seemed to think about that as Coco addressed the rat. "Hey, the newcomer here would like to visit the nursery." The guard stretched out and looked between Coco and Memew for a moment before turning to the exit tunnel and making a loud grunt like noise. Memew hid behind Coco as she asked, "What's he doing?" "Calling for Dukane," Coco calmly answered. Memew continued to hide as she more calmly asked, "Why?"

Coco sighs and says, "They don't trust you yet. Most newcomers want to escape and frankly some of the less used tunnels can be dangerous." Memew makes a long drawn out 'oh' in response. Though soon Dukane comes up the tunnel and looks to the guard rat. The guard rat gestures to Coco and Memew with his head before making several chuffing and chittering sounds. Dukane glanced to Coco and Memew before he huffed through his nose. Memew looked to Coco and asked, "What's that mean?" Coco smiled and said, "Not sure. Though it'll be just you and Dukane when you leave." Memew's ears and tail drooped a bit as she looked between Coco and Dukane for a moment.

"Okay," Memew eventually stated before she landed on Dukane's back just behind his shoulders and shouted, "ONWARDS, TO THE KITTENS!!" Coco chuckled as Dukane turned himself around and turned to head back towards the others.

Sef curiously explored the med lab as Candy checked the inventory. He landed on the metal countertop and quickly hopped back into the air as the frigid surface chilled his paw pads. The complete lack color in the room unsettled him immensely. There wasn't even white or black in the room. It was just shades of gray and reminded him of his mothers study. She would practice alchemy and her study had been filled with countless containers of various fluids and plant matter.

Though things looked far more tidy in this room. He opened a hanging cabinet and noted the uniformity of the bottles and vials. The bottles and vials in his mothers study rarely had identical neighbors. They either differed in size, color or their irregular shapes wouldn't match. He grabbed a jar of clear fluid. "Even the liquids are bland and lifeless..." He commented as he returned the jar. His ears hanging quite limp as he took in the surroundings that deeply contrasted the environment he grew up in.

He landed on the exam table. Its surface quite comfortable despite its gray shade. Lying back he gazed at the ceiling as he recalled his rich and vibrant home. The feel of the occasional breeze that might make its way through the trees. The quantity and variety of richly colored insects that if one were to actually look around could discover one that none had ever noticed before. Even the aggrivines could be found in a rainbow of colors.

"What's wrong with you?" Candy asks as she sets out a couple Petri dishes beside a microscope. Sef jolted upright and looked towards Candy as he hastily answered, "N-nothing!" The white furred cat looked up from the microscope and over her shoulder to Sef as she smirked and said, "Well, you had a look on your face that suggested you may have been sick or something." Sef just huffs and puts his legs over the edge of the exam table and comments, "You seem more mellow then last night." Looking at her as she looked at the Petri dishes through the microscope.

"I'm working right now. It takes a seriousness that relaxing or filling out forms just..." she states before pausing and turning her upper body towards Sef as she looks at him and finishes her statement, "...doesn't." Sef floated up and placed his paws on the table as he looked over Candy's shoulder. "What do you even do?" Sef asked as he examined device built into the counter that she was looking into. Candy sighed and looked away from the microscope to take some notes as she said, "I'm the only fur in this outpost specialized in biology. So I am the field medic for important operations, the resident doctor, I have to make sure the medicines remain stable and I have to monitor the microscopic organisms of this region for sudden changes."

Sef blinked and asked, "Miscropotic what?" Candy chuckled and corrected him, "Microscopic organisms. They are tiny living things that you can't see with just your eyes." Sef looked shocked as he said, "That can't be possible... how could anything so little survive?" Candy just giggled a bit and said, "Go ahead and look into the microscope." Sef's ears were level with the top of his head as he moved in to take a glance into the eyepiece. Though once he gazed into the microscope his ears immediately pointed up. His tail flicking about as he looked at the countless tiny things that were moving around. They were relatively simple looking things that were either a little circle or stretched circles with a wriggling tail that seemed to push them along.

"You seem to be quite interested in them," Candy observed as she prepared a slide from a Petri dish. She then pulled on a knob in the side of the microscope and revealed the drawer that held the slide. Switching them as Sef looked up from the microscope and she answered his unspoken question, "Just putting in a new set of the little guys." Pushing the drawer back into the microscope as she said, "All done."

Sef nodded to her and eagerly returned his eye to the eyepiece. He blinked as he looked at the new group of little things. These little things were a variety of shapes and most had tails. Though a few looked to have legs that they used to swim around. They even ranged wildly in color.

Candy pulled Sef back as she said, "Let me get back to work. I can let you look at them after I finish cataloging the status of the samples." Sef sighed and backed away from the microscope. Though this time he more closely watched how she worked it.

"Kittens, kittens, kittens, kittens, kittens, kittens..." Memew chanted as she rode Dukane through the tunnels. Literally bouncing with anticipation as she couldn't wait to see the little ones. The moment Memew saw a caretaker with a little rat she shrieked, "KITTENS!!" and shot off to the room. Leaving Dukane to chuff as he was left alone.

"Kittens!" Memew cried as she nearly bowled over an elderly fox. Memew had her hands all over the baby rat that the fox held in her arms. She giggled almost manically while petting the little rat that had just grown its fur. It was currently an adorable ball of fluff and not yet the hardened and roughly furred denizen that the matured rats were.

After a moment of rather heavy petting Memew's ears detected the voices of little girls and the squeaks of baby rats. "Kittens!!" Memew cried out yet again as she flew in the direction of the sounds.

Her excitement left her failing to notice the significantly larger chamber was much more well lit then the one she had woken in. Illuminated by patches of highly luminescent moss that clung to most surfaces. It held several sections that each held a particular age group.

She flew around the group of young girls and rats as she began to yammer, "Hi! My name is Memew and I am from a forest and my mom is mean and made me be responsible and I have a brother and he was sorta mean, but in a hot way, and I had a tree but I left it cause my mom was mean and, and..." She dropped to the floor as she ran out of oxygen to exhale. Coughing as she flailed and flopped about in exaggerated distress.

Quickly recovering from her exaggerated distress. Memew sat up and looked at the group of girls that were now staring at her in utter shock. The little rats that rather outnumbered the girls looked around seemingly confused. An awkward silence filling the next several seconds with nothing but the sounds of other children. The silence persisted until three of the four girls suddenly shrieked and ran for the nearest caretaker. Those little rats looking off towards the girls that had run off and then one by one they began to follow. The one that stayed behind was a brown bunny girl. Her chocolaty brown coloring reminded Memew of Coco.

"Hi, my name is Kayko," The little bunny said as she hugged the ends of her rather gigantic lop ears to her chest. Memew grabbed her toes and as she sat and asked, "Do you know a Coco?" Kayko smiled and said, "She's my bearer. She visits me when she can. Right now she is too far along to come see me." Memew stared at the girl. Noting the differences from Coco. Kayko's hair was black, though she had the same stripes that led to her eyes from the sides of her head, though an Kayko they were separated by a black stripe that led from her hairline to her nose. Her hands and paws had black 'socks' while the rest of her coloring matched her mother.

"Uh, miss? You okay?" Kayko asked as she walked up to Memew and pressed a finger to Memew's nose. Memew let out a hiss as she flailed and fell over backwards. Kayko screamed a bit as she hopped backwards. Pulling out one of her ears in an attempt to hide.

Memew took a few breaths before saying, "You scared me!" Kayko blinked and lowered her ear before asking, "Scared you? You scared me!" Memew huffed and said, "I was perfectly fine having been wherever my thinking was until you scared me!" Kayko released her ear and clenched her fists as she leaned forward a bit retorting, "You were all still and I got worried you weren't okay! Then when I touched you, you scared me!"

Huffing Memew got to her paws and hopped into the air and floated off towards another section of the nursery as she said, "Fine, I'm sure you didn't mean to touch me." Kayko furrowed her brow and shockingly questioned, "What?!" "Meh, beh leh eh..." Memew mumbled as she began to weave through the air. Kayko huffed and left Memew to wander off.

Sef set several empty bottles on the counter next to Candy. He had been actively helping her since she had let him look into the microscope. Seeing the small creatures had sparked his interest in what she did. It was similar to the alchemy his mother had practiced but it seemed to work differently here. Watching Candy mixing things together and paying particular attention to how she measured everything.

He was a bit puzzled to how measured and tested the mixtures as she created samples. His mother would use magic to help guide the potions she made so that she could know it would be close. It was so confusing for him to watch her so confidently work and yet skeptical of whether it was going to turn out right. Opening a cabinet he grabbed one of the bottles of colorless fluid and gasped out. A deep blue cloud spread through the fluid from where his finger pads touched the glass bottle. Blinking he tilted his head and brought it close to his eyes. Staring into the fluid as he swished it around and noticed how it had thickened up. He glanced into the cabinet quite puzzled at the rather water like mixtures. Even what Candy was currently mixing up was like water.

Floating back to Candy's side he nudged her and nervously said, "Hey um, this stuff changed when I touched it..." Looking up from what she was doing, Candy blinked as she looked at the relatively thick navy blue fluid. Brow furrowing as she took it from Sef and opened it up. Curiously taking samples from it as she said, "I'm not sure what you did but I've never seen something change like that..."

Sef nervously watched her from over her shoulder as she began to run tests on the altered chemical. Fidgeting as he thought he may have ruined it and mentally yelling at himself for touching it. Though the moment she let out a slight gasp and whispered, "Oh, wow..." he blinked and floated around to her shoulder as he tipped onto his side to look into her face. She looked surprised as she picked up the bottle Sef had touched and read the label.

Looking up to Sef she said, "Grab a few more of those bottles. I want to see if it happens every time." Nodding Sef floated back to the door he had taken that bottle from and picked up another one. This one turned red in his hand. He blinked and stared at it for several seconds before Candy just took it from him. He looked to her as she read the label and began to test the contents of this bottle. She seemed to be quite interested and Sef felt a bit relieved that she wasn't mad. He then took a few more bottles from the cabinet and set them down on the counter. They changed into three colors as he took the down. Red blue and white.

The splashes of color that were those bottles made him feel relief. It eased his feeling that this world was utterly foreign to him. Though his ears twitched as Candy cried out in excitement. Looking to her as she gathered up all the bottles onto a tray and began to carry them out of the room saying, "I need to go into the lab to test these. I haven't needed the lab in so long!"

Following her out of the room, Sef glanced back down both sides of the door before continuing on. Catching up to Candy's side as he asked, "What's a lab and why haven't you been there?" Candy glanced down to the fluids on her tray before she said, "Well, a lab is a place for deep and thorough testing, and the reason I haven't been there for so long is that I haven't needed it." The floating fey watched her as he floated along at her side and asked, "Really? Why wouldn't you need it if things have been changing?"

Candy smiled a little and said, "I haven't needed it. That doesn't mean the others don't." She then headed into a room that had large windows along the wall of the hallway. Sef scowled a bit as he saw that the room even in the dark looked just as bland as the med lab they had been in. However he pressed his face up to the window as the lights came on and he saw how much more equipment was in this room then the last room they had been in.

Glancing towards the door Sef floated to it and looked for a knob for a moment. When he didn't find one he hesitantly pressed on the door. Finding that it easily swung open he pushed more firmly and entered the room. Heading straight for a quite intricate looking microscope. He found the gadget fascinating even though he couldn't figure out where the eyepiece was. Candy set down the tray at a chem station and set out a couple racks of test tubes and vials.

Sef flinched as he found the power switch for the high tech microscope and accidentally turned it on. He was transfixed as the screen tilted upwards and began to display as the microscope tried to find the magnification level for the specimen. After several seconds the screen displayed a corporate logo and the message, "No specimen found." Sef couldn't read the message but was still quite interested in the display screen. He hovered in front of it for a moment before hesitantly reaching out to the screen. Flinching as the device made a chirping sound and again began to search for a specimen sample.

The white, pink patched feline giggled a little as she observed Sef interacting with the microscope. She continued her work while giving frequent glances to her pet. She set out a couple charts and several analyzing agents. Starting with one of the blue fluids she used a dropper to place three drops into a test tube and then added a measured amount of distilled water. Mixing it thoroughly as she watched Sef continue to poke and prod at the microscope. Glancing back to the faint blue fluid as she placed the test tube into a rack and then moved another rack of test tubes. Placing it by itself as she placed a label onto each for the analyzing compound she put into each one.

Sef touched the screen a few more times. Looking over the machine for the source of the sounds it made in between when it displayed that strange message. Though he couldn't identify what part of it made that sound. He couldn't figure it out. Beginning to suspect maybe there was something living inside of it. Though the part of it that had the image was particularly confusing. He couldn't think of anything that could change its patterns like that.

Glancing to Candy he watched her drip some drops of something into a bunch of vials before he shrugged and moved on from the device. Maybe he could ask her about it later on since she seemed busy right now. Drifting across the gaps between tables as he looked at the items sitting around.

He stopped between two tables as he noticed something odd. Floating back he looked at the strange thing. It was a circle that had eight small circular holes surrounding a trio of larger slits. Glancing up to Candy and pointing to it as he asked, "Hey Candy, what's this for?" The feline glanced over to him and craned her neck a bit before she saw the outlet that Sef was pointing to. She then stated, "Oh, that's a network port. It is for connecting devices to the facility's digital network."

Glancing to the port, Sef touched it with a finger for a moment. Flinching a bit when he felt a strange lifeless energy coming from it. His fur stood on end as his tail whipped about. He held his hands close to his chest as he drifted away from it. Shaking himself out of his shock before looking back to Candy. Seeing how she was setting up a set of racks for each of the colors of fluids. Sef floated over to her side before he landed on the table and looked over the tubes before asking, "What is a digital network?"

Candy continued working as she replied, "It's the research stations integrated electrical and information network." Sef gave Candy a look as his tail slowly wormed around in the air. Puzzling something before he asked, "What's integrated electrical?" Candy chuckled a little before she said, "The network is used to relay both electricity and data." Again Sef seemed confused as he asked, "What is electricity and data?" Candy chuckled as she swirled the fluids in a test tube. She then said, "Electricity powers our research station, and data is computer information... A computer is like that microscope you were playing with... I'll just show you mine later."

Sef settled on the table. Sitting as he asked, "Why live in domes?" Watching the feline's work as she replied, "In case you haven't noticed it isn't particularly hospitable outside. With how toxic the atmosphere has become and all. Though there is one place that actually has grass." She looked to Sef as she brought up grass. Telling him, "Fertile sector. Impericorp has built a large enough dome over it that it now contains a full ecosystem."

Sighing as she remembered the images of the sector she had seen on the network and in her magazines. She really wished that she could visit the place, but it cost thirty thousand credits to get there and another half mil just for a week pass. No one outside of the corporate families even had a chance of getting in. She could not even save up that many credits even if she never spent a single one.

The fey cat leaned in as he noticed Candy's saddened demeanor. He then asked, "Are you alright?" Candy sighed and answered, "Yeah, it's just that there is no way I would be able to afford to see the place with my own eyes... hell it would take me twelve and a half years just to save enough to go there. Not even counting what it costs to get in. Though at least I don't have to worry about housing. As long as you have a job they give you what you need to stay alive."

Sef looked down as Candy began to read the results. Holding up color charts as she seemed to become surprised. The fey leaned over to look at the papers. He couldn't really understand what was on them and the light colored feline seemed to notice. Explaining, "This blue one was an antibiotic... it kills those little microscopic things before they can hurt you. According to these results its been boosted into a very potent antibiotic. Normally things with this much toxicity to microbes has a sizable toxicity to people... though there is none that is measurable." She looked over the other results and found that they had been boosted in a similar fashion. Their intended effects being boosted while the side-effects were reduced to next to nothing.

Candy was amazed that there had been such a change. She began to write down the results into reports that she could send to the Imperial Corp HQ. Either through the network if it was still intact in the region or with the resupply convoy when they next came by. Maybe she would get a bonus for this discovery, though she likely wouldn't. However at the very least they would get new equipment in order to more completely investigate this phenomena.

She continued to ponder what had effected them in this way. Knowing that there had been some reports of a new form of energy since things had started to change. Though as far as she knew there was nothing as definitive of a new energy like when Sef touched those medicines. There just had to be something that had acted on them. Changing the chemical makeup in some way. Though there was also the possibility that it had simply changed how those chemicals worked.

A voice takes her attention and she looks up to the doorway to see a doe in a near complete suit of armor looking at her. She smiles and says, "Oh, hey Ell. I see you're back. How was retrieving the probe?" Ell sighs and says, "Not well. We had hoped that it was just a short in the lead cable but... when we got to the end of the extension the probe and its plug were nowhere in sight. It looks like something just took it." Candy blinked as she looked confused and asked, "Took it? Why would waste rats take the probe?" The doe sighed and said, "Not a clue but Marnam is pissed. That was our last probe and we can't afford another from the caravan."

Sef gave the two a bit of distance as he watched them converse. Whatever, these 'waste rats' were they seemed to be a problem here. He touched his fingertips together and looked down as he seated himself. Beginning to ponder how he might be able to help.

Memew firmly held onto the wooden poles that kept her inside a small alcove. Looking around the nursery as she pleaded with the caretaker standing guard. "Hey... hey, I'm sure that stuff happens all the time. It couldn't have happened just because I was there," she pleaded while trying to sound as though she had done nothing wrong. The elderly wolf sitting outside the small rather crude cell looked to her while sarcastically answering, "Oh sure, rioting kits are such a common occurrence..."

Putting her paws on the bars as her hands held on tight she cried out, "I demand freedom! You can't keep me here! I need places to go and stuff to see! This is cruel!" Shaking herself back and forth as she tried to shake those poles. Stomping on them as she had a fit. Words gone as she continued to cry out incomprehensible gibberish. Her tail whipping around in the small cell as a familiar snort got her attention. Blinking Memew saw Dukane staring at her. The wolf chuckled and said, "She's been causing all kinds of trouble sir. Rousing the sleeping young'uns, stealing toys, instigating a revolt among the toddlers and she even led a raid on the food stores. I do say that this one is trouble, sir."

Memew tried to smile innocently as the large rat seemed quite angry. It was difficult for her to pin down just what it was about him that led her to feel that he was angry, but she was sure he was. Once the wolf opened the crude cell Dukane lunged inside and grabbed hold of Memew in his jaws. She flailed around and screamed out to be let go as he turned and began to carry her off. Continuing her actions as he carried her through the tunnels back to his bedchamber. His other females turning towards him and Memew from their conversations and activities. They also seemed to notice that Dukane was upset and Coco was the first to ask, "What's wrong?"

The large rat tossed Memew onto his bedding and sharply turned his head towards Coco. Viciously snarling out as snorted and made other harsh noises. Memew pulled her knees up to her chest as she watched the females move up around him and begin to rub his sides while murmuring words of comfort to him. He responded quickly and had settled down in only a few moments. Nuzzling Coco as she stepped up to him and said, "Shh, tell us what's wrong."

Memew began to crawl towards the exit as the alpha rat's females comforted him. She aimed to escape whatever punishment they may be planning for her. Just like she would when she would get in trouble with her mother. Though as she reached the exit the large guard rat blocked the tunnel and huffed through his nose. Memew grinned in feigned innocence as she asked, "Could you please let me through?" That guard rat shook his head and made a soft hiss before making a few chittering sounds. The fey cat pouted and looked down to the ground and knocked a rock off to the side. He was likely saying something about not being allowed to let her through or something, but she couldn't understand their ratspeak.

She flopped onto her back for a moment as she tried to figure out a way to escape this situation. As she lay there she noticed the heightened ceiling that was up out of the reach of everyone else. Her eyes went wide and she smiled as she pushed herself off the ground and floated in place for a moment. Righting herself and then grunting as she launched herself upwards. Smiling until she felt something clamp down on her tail. A mere fraction of a second later pain shot through her tail from the tension created by her sudden stop. She yowled and sank down as she grabbed at her rump.

Pouting as she looked down to the guard rat who had a hold of her tail with his front paws. She began shouting at him to let go of her but all she got was the attention of the gravid females. A mouse stood up and walked over to her and pulled her down. Telling her, "You need to behave. You won't get anything special if you don't."

Memew tucked her knees up as far as she could while her crossed arms rested on the mouse girl's. The fey cat's brows furrowed as she was carried back to Dukane's bedding. That mouse holding onto Memew as she sat down. Memew sulked as she was held onto just so she couldn't escape this. Though as she sat there she picked up a scent in the air. Her lips parting as that scent made her head start swimming. She let out a light shuddering breath as her body felt warm.

Dukane's girls were still gathered around him as he rolled onto his side. Coco was whispering into his ear and Memew couldn't see what it was the others were doing. She glanced over her shoulder to the mouse holding onto her and asked, "Hey, uh... do you know what they're doin'?" The mouse smiled and moved her hands down between the magical feline's legs. Whispering, "Yeah, and I'm sure I know who they're getting him ready for." Memew furrowed her brow as the mousey woman giggled at Memew's frustration at the lack of a real answer.

Growling a touch before she asked, "Will you tell me what they're doin'?" That mouse chuckled and then cheerily said, "Nope." Memew let out a frustrated noise before she said, "I wanna know!" The mouse holding onto her began to laugh as Memew's head dipped. She was getting angry that this mouse wouldn't tell her what they were doing. Though she was starting to have trouble focusing as that scent penetrated her brain. Her eyes crossing a little as she stubbornly clung to her anger. Trying to ignore the growing warmth between her legs. Even as those fingers resting over her swelling labia began to gently tug at those moistening folds.

Memew gasped and kicked her legs as she stuttered, "N-no! I'm ang-ih-gah, I'm m-mad!!" Pulling at those hands as she squeezed her thighs together. She was adamant in staying angry. They didn't get to make choices for her! She was the one that gets to make her choices and she chose to stay angry for being restrained and not allowed to leave or hide. Struggling to hold onto those hands as the white mouse switched tactics and pulled her hands to Memew's breast mounds. The fey cat gasped as those hands kneaded her breasts. Stoking her arousal and hindering her ability to maintain her anger. Fighting it until the end as she began to purr.

As stubborn as she is when she believes she has been wronged, Memew fought to growl out through her purrs. Though it was a losing battle as she relaxed more and more into that mouse's arms. Gasping as those massaging fingers began to tweak those little buds poking out from the peaks of her mounds. Memew couldn't keep up her resistance and before completely giving in she cried out, "Slug thresher!"

The mouse paused and looked down to Memew for a moment before she shrugged it off. Continuing to massage and tease those mounds in her palms. Once she was confident that Memew had sufficiently relaxed she moved her hands down and gripped under Memew's thighs. Beginning to tease the moistened folds between them as she stood. Taking care to avoid stepping on Memew's tail as she carried the now compliant feline over to the group gathered around Dukane.

Memew blinked a bit as the familiarly masculine scent grew stronger. Her eyes opening as she regained her awareness. Looking down she could now see Dukane's erect shaft. Her gaze locked onto that shiny and moistened shaft as the girls guided Dukane onto his back. Memew licked her lips a bit as she remembered how it had felt to have it in her mouth. How that musky scent of his fogged her mind and made everything so good.

She smiled as the mouse carried her over to him. Though as all those hands lifted her above him she looked down and realized that they were facing her away from it. She began to squirm as she said, "No! He's so big and I'm not ready!!" Getting an arm free as she tried to float away only to be held in place by those hands.

Coco still beside Dukane's head gently stroked his neck as she said, "You need to make it up to him for all the stress you've caused him. He trusted you out with the young ones and you went and broke that trust with all that trouble you stirred up." She looked at Memew like she were a little kitten.

Memew resisted those guiding hands as they brought the tip of that tapered shaft to her tight little slit. A growling sound coming from Dukane as Memew grabbed what fur she could. Trying to pull herself away from that large shaft. Breathing quickly as she began to tear up. A sharp gasp escaping her lips as the end of that shaft was slowly pressed into her. Hands began to stroke over her back and sides as she was held in place for a moment. She eased up on her struggles as she looked to the females holding onto her and preventing her escape.

Her cheeks were moist with tears from her fear a moment earlier. The one thing her mother had successfully driven into her was that her first experience would hurt. Unbeknownst to her however was that she had already had her barrier broken. She was expecting plenty of pain from this since she has yet to have an actual partner inside her little slit. Those plants that she had had some fun with in her home forest didn't count in her mind, but physically they did. So as she was gradually drawn down that quite massive shaft for her little form, she began to grow more comfortable with it.

The symbols on her body that were obscured by her fur dimly lit up as they aided her in taking that hot shaft. Just as they had aided her in allowing her belly to expand in order to take his cum. Though as that shaft reached a third of the way inside her. It squeezed a trickle of her juices from her. Those hands holding her firmly in place began to ease up. Seemingly to test her resistance, which had faded quite quickly after she realized there wouldn't be as much pain as she had expected.

Memew began to push herself down that huge shaft. It had reached the end of her passage and from those plants that she had enjoyed so much time with, it easily slipped through her cervix. The fey moaned out quite loudly as it pushed through her sensitized inner gate. She smiled as many of those hands left her and those that remained both gently guided her along Dukane's dick, and stroked over her body.

The variously staged pregnant females divided their attentions between Memew and Dukane. That enormous rat began to roll his hips and Memew stretched her arms out as pleasureful feelings spread across her from her lower belly. Her juices flowed as that mouse from before climbed up onto Dukane's belly in front of her. Memew's lidded gaze rose up to meet that mouse's as she bent forwards and then their lips met.

That mouse's arms wrapped around Memew as the other hands released her. Then their lips separated and the mouse whispered into Memew's ear, "I'm Cindy." Cindy's hands gripped Memew's breasts and began to gently knead them as that mouse pushed her downwards. That shaft was halfway inside her as it reached the back of her womb. Memew lowered her hands to her belly. Her fingers could feel the outline of that shaft near her entrance.

A spark of pleasure rushed through her each time she felt Dukane's heartbeat pulse in that dick. A soft sigh left her lips as she raised her hands to Cindy's swollen belly. Leaning on it as that shaft seemed stuck in her. Not moving any deeper as she was lightly bounced with Dukane's restrained thrusts. "I want it... deeper..." Memew mumbled as she nuzzled against Cindy. The mouse softly smiled as she said, "Next time. Now ready yourself, this session is for Dukane. Not you because you caused so much trouble." Memew whined out as Cindy's hands moved down to her rump. Firmly gripping those cheeks before lifting up. Memew's hands shot to Cindy's sides where she gripped them tightly. Being lifted from that shaft left an achingly empty feeling inside her.

She whimpered and tensed her legs as that shaft nearly left her. Memew's attention was taken away from that empty feeling as Cindy whispered, "Here we go." Then forced her back down that shaft. Memew's hand of fate symbols flashed as they suppressed the pain of her being stretched out. Despite that suppression it still hurt and she teared up as she pressed her face into the top of Cindy's belly. Then she was pulled back up and quickly forced back down. It wasn't entirely pleasant but it could have been much worse.

Memew was oblivious to the others efforts to please Dukane. Coco gently stroked his neck as she nuzzled against his face. A trio behind Memew were stroking and licking at Dukane's massive nuts. The rest had now left Memew in Cindy's hands and were stroking along the sides of Dukane's belly and near the base of his shaft. Paying close attention to the places he liked it best. Memew was getting lifted and thrust down quicker and quicker. That large rat's front paws resting on Cindy's shoulders as he began to thrust more and more.

Soon Cindy no longer had to bounce Memew. Dukane's thrusts now doing it for her. As it worked up in intensity Memew had begun to enjoy it more and more. Those gently glowing symbols on her body allowing her to stretch more easily then normal. She was taking that shaft a couple inches deeper now and it was giving her more room to feel that shaft press inside her. The pleasureful full feeling before it bottomed out in how far it could penetrate her before becoming uncomfortable.

She was huffing outward with each and every drop down. The pleasure was gradually climbing with each and every penetration. Her mind dulling as she began to murmur, "Deeper... more... oh... so warm..." Its heat was the primary drive for her own pleasure. Helping to bring her closer to her climax when unexpectedly she heard Dukane cry out loudly. Making a noise she couldn't quite identify as his shaft swelled inside her.

Her eye's widened and she nearly cried as she whispered, "No... please... a little more... please..." Wriggling her hips as she felt her belly begin to swell up with his hot cum. The symbols lit up brighter as the pressure built up inside her. Allowing her to swell up and take more cum then she would have otherwise.

Still, cum began to leak out of her stretched folds and the scent quickly hit her. Parting her lips as she took in that virile scent. That high from when she had sucked on that shaft returning. Cindy smiled and scooped up some of that leaking cream and brought it up to Memew's nose. Smearing a little below the fey cat's nostrils before she offered her hand for Memew to suckle on. Which she took up quite quickly. Feeling that pleasing fuzziness fill her head.

A silly smile lifted the corners of Memew's lips. She snuggled quite closely up to Cindy as the rather cleaned off hand withdrew from her mouth and moments later returned freshly coated. Memew had lost her awareness of her surroundings and was only vaguely aware that she had been lifted off that spire that had been filling her. She whined as those digits left her mouth again. Though she settled down and raised her hands to that hand and held onto it as she suckled on those cum coated fingers. Her cum induced high kept her unaware of her surroundings until she eventually drifted off.

Memew's dreams weren't ones that were pleasant. Again she dreamed of disaster and great distortions. However this time she say something else. The tunnels of the rat colony. Though her view lowered to the ground and then circled around some kind of cylinder. A feeling of confusion took hold in the dream and the viewpoint looked through the tunnel.

The dream then faded to the room she had awoken and had slept in. A few of the females she was staring to become familiar with were strewn on the floor dead. Smoke filled the room and there were strange figures with some sort of hard covering. Pointing sticks of some kind. The guard rat that was on its side near the tunnel suddenly moved and then leaped onto those figures. Memew could see herself and the remaining females flee the room.

That worsening dream faded to Memew fleeing with Coco. None of the others were with them and when they reached an intersection in the cave systems a group of those strange figures were there to meet them. One of them seemed to be in charge of them. Memew could see herself sticking close to Coco as the bunny said something. She couldn't make out what that chocolate rabbit had said or what that figure's answer was, but the dream ended as that leader of the figures raised some object to Coco's face.

CM:4 Unkind Fates

A black gray spotted leopard stood in front of a window overlooking the Fertile fields. He looked like he was in his early twenties, but looks are often deceitful. His gaze held the wisdom of one that has lived quite some time. Turning that gaze...

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CM:2 World Unknown

Memew screamed soundlessly as she tumbled through a void of nothingness. Suddenly stream of light raced into her. Feeling as though burning snakes were crawling into her through her skin in numerous places. The burning crawled around inside her as more...

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CM:1 Neglected Responsibility

In a world largely devoid of magic. Small pocket worlds existed. In these pocket worlds magic saturated the air. It was so thick that even those numbed to the flow of magic could feel it pulsing around them. Through magic alone the plants and creatures...

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