Something to keep safe - Chapter V

Story by Ryat on SoFurry

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#5 of Something to Keep Safe


It has been long since the last chapter. Really long. I was thinking holidays would give me some time to write... it actually was the exact opposite. So now that I'm back to school I can write again XD Really sorry for the waiting... I hope the chapter will be worth it ^^

And this time, things are really starting to happen ! I kind of wonder if you won't start to hate me for teasing my readers like that. Oh well just think that there are two here that surely are more aroused than you can be.

Also, I start to hate SoFurry for one thing. It's kinda annoying to have such gaps for every single line break, and on my phone I abuse of them... So guess I'm not going to correct them, it would be too long.


Hazel slightly opened an eye as the luminosity in the cave increased. Again she had slept like a rock, which she wasn't complaining at all since she naturally was a light sleeper. And needless to say, the grass in this cave was so comfortable ! The dragoness moaned a bit as she nearly drifted again into sleep. At her side she could feel the presence of AuRon that was covering her with his wing. She smiled again at the thought of the previous day's events. That young male still had sometimes a refreshing childish attitude... but how could she criticize him after their little fight they made ? She had been at least as childish as him at that moment !

At least during that moment she had forgotten about her heat. And right now, it was even worse than before. Even if she would have loved simply enjoying the morning lying there, she knew it wasn't possible because of that damn heat. Hazel sighed as she felt her inners burning and the usual thoughts flowed in her mind. In fact, right now she felt a bit... moist. Oh no... What did she dreamt that night ? She didn't want to know, even if that wasn't really hard to find out.

At that moment she felt AuRon slightly moving at her side, widely yawning as he woke up as well. There was a short silence as the grey dragon probably had the same thoughts she just had and sighed. The reason to why wasn't that hard to imagine...

"Hello, AuRon." Hazel greeted him.

"Oh, you're awake as well. Hello Hazel." the grey dragon smiled at her.

His smile again got contagious and the dragoness smiled as well.

"So, how are you ?" she asked.

AuRon smirked as he tried to find an answer.

"... Hard." he finally said.

Well, that was a straightforward answer, but at least that was honest.

AuRon just shifted a bit of position, feeling his member as it slightly rubbed on the grass. What else was he to say ? With all this, his cock definitively was hard as hell. It was even worse than the previous day. That was what some call a "morning wood".

"I guess I don't need to ask you how you're feeling ?" the grey dragon then asked, slightly smirking.

Hazel sighed. "I think you already guessed the thing." she replied.

There was another awkward silence as the two dragons sighed.

"And another awkward day begins." AuRon stated, summing up everything they were thinking.

"I just hope that this time you'll find something better to do than yesterday. The view was nice but... You know what I'm meaning, right ?" Hazel slightly chuckled.

AuRon smiled, chuckling as well. "Yeah I'll try to avoid repeating this disaster. Today, that's gonna be a fresh and aerated place !" he declared, making Hazel chuckle again.

The grey dragon thought a moment, trying to find what place could do the deal. The choices were rather limited for a fresh place with this summer. That was either high in the sky or in the water.

"Well, thinking about it that mostly leaves us one choice. I guess you're not that fond of the idea to fly the whole day ?" AuRon asked while perfectly knowing the answer.

Hazel smirked as intended. "Not at all. I've flown enough to come here !"

"Then we're out to the lake !" the grey dragon smiled.

Hazel cocked her head. "The same lake I was resting at when you found me ?"

"Yes, the same. Why, you don't like the idea ?" AuRon said, a bit surprised by her question.

"Nevermind, that's perfect ! A good bath is everything I need right now..."

The grey dragon nodded, smirking. He perfectly understood what she was meaning. He never felt so stinky in his life, and that wasn't really because he spent only two days without bathing... It was as if all those dirty thoughts he had actually dirtied him physically. And that damn member under him ! Fresh water was what he needed for that. AuRon nearly wished he had some ice just to put it in... well maybe not ice, that was damn cold, but the idea was there. He wondered if Hazel was thinking the same.

"So, we're going ?" the red dragoness asked, standing up.

Apparently she didn't realize that by doing so, she was clearly exposing her rear to the poor aroused male. AuRon's jaw nearly dropped as he got a really clear view on her vent, even better than the previous day's evening. If he had one hope for this erection to stop, it was now screwed. The grey dragon felt his cock pulsing before turning completely red. Hazel's dreams had been as naughty as his own considering her vent glittered, the borders being a bit wet. His cock pulsed again only at the idea he could bury his member in these needy folds. Oh damn... And that smell ! He probably never smelt her heat like he was right now. The sweet smelling was driving his body wild, and even if he didn't want to he found himself deeply humming the air, trying to catch every scent of the aroused dragoness.

And all this in a matter of seconds before Hazel turned back to look at the now completely red dragon. The look on his face was worth a thousand words of explanation. The red dragoness blushed as well - though far less visible considering she already was red - and kept her back paws tightly gathered, as if it would change anything considering she now was facing him.

"Erm..." the red dragoness just managed to say.

There was an awkward silence as AuRon blinked some times, trying to no avail to forget what he had seen.

"Damn it... That was... quite a view." the still red dragon smirked, confirming Hazel's fears.

The dragoness had a long sigh. "We really should be going before another thing like that happens, shouldn't we ?"

AuRon nodded, standing up and already heading toward the exit of his cave. "Yes, exactly. Crap, I need fresh water, and the sooner the better !" he exclaimed.

Neither of them expected the second disaster of the day to be so close, however. At least not AuRon who didn't realize he made exactly the same mistake as Hazel by leading the way. It took a single second for the dragoness to be unconsciously staring at his hard member - and that time it was even worse than the previous day ! For sure AuRon was this time fully erected, his member looking damn hard and slightly bigger. Hazel had a rush of dirty thoughts as she couldn't but help imagine how incredible it would be to have AuRon shove that rod in her inners, stretching her lips apart again and again... Her heat had aroused him so much that the tip of his member was coated with his own fluids ! Well with the thoughts she was having right now her vent was even worse. For the first time, she briefly was taken by a primal will to mate. The sour smell emanating from the male was driving her mad, all she wanted was to pin AuRon down and impale herself on his...

The dragoness violently shuddered as the primal feeling stopped, leaving her nearly panting of excitement. What the hell just happened ? Such a primal feeling... That was worrying her. It was so intense !

AuRon noticed something went wrong as Hazel didn't follow him. It didn't took him long as well to realize what was the problem, blinking of surprise and blushing even more. Hazel just blinked as her look crossed AuRon's, her stare on his member being broken.

"Oh my... It's really that... ?" she only managed to ask.

AuRon grumbled a bit. "Yes, it's actually that hard for me, so now let's go elsewhere otherwise this is going to last the whole day !" he replied, starting to get highly annoyed by the events.

The red dragoness nodded and followed AuRon out of his cave.

"Damn it, AuRon ! That doesn't even stop while flying ?" Hazel asked, half giggling.

Flying never had been such a blessing for her. She never appreciated that much the wind blowing on her head as soon as they exited the cave, and she knew it was the same for the grey dragon - who indeed finally managed to come back to his usual grey. The two dragons nearly had been racing to the edge of the hill, the run temporarily making them forget about their problems. Well she couldn't really help having some dirty thoughts at the sight of AuRon's rod, but it was far from what she had experienced some minutes ago.

The grey dragon sarcastically chuckled, looking back at the dragoness with a faked annoyed look.

"Nah, it doesn't really stop. And what about you ?" he kinda taunt her, perfectly knowing it wasn't the case.

Hazel just smirked, having nothing to reply. AuRon chuckled and continued to fly toward the lake. Yeah that flight definitely was a blessing. Just concentrating on his wings, the hot air currents, and the simple pleasure to fly. While he was flying, he couldn't smell Hazel's heat, and didn't have all those thoughts her simple presence would bring. And it probably was the same for the red dragoness - even though she surely had quite a view on his crotch.

"I think I never enjoyed flying that much." he said.

Hazel nodded, even though she knew AuRon couldn't see her doing so. "For sure ! Considering how this day began, that's a true blessing !" she replied.

AuRon laughed at her comment. "I've never lived such an awkward morning in my life."

The dragoness had a smile. "Neither did I. I just hope there won't be any other moments like that today..."

The young male sighed. "I would hope the same for the next days as well if it wasn't almost certain to happen again." he commented.

Hazel sighed as well. AuRon was right, the scene was very likely to happen again the next days.

"That makes me wonder if we'll manage to hold until the end of my heat without any... accident..." the dragoness sighed.

AuRon was about to reassure her before thinking about it twice. He still remembered what he had felt the previous day and this morning. Those times it only had lasted a fraction of second, but what if one day... ?

"I hope so." he simply replied.

Hazel slightly smiled. "Oh well, that wouldn't be the worse thing for you, would it be ?" she teased.

The grey dragon laughed at that comment. "If I had to be honest, that indeed wouldn't be the worse thing that could happen to me... And what about you ? I mean, getting mounted by such an handsome and nice dragon can't be such a bad experience, can it be ?"

Hazel chuckled and accelerated her flight just to catch up with the grey dragon and violently push him on the side with all her paws. AuRon chuckled as he quickly readjusted his trajectory, coming back next to her.

"Tss, you silly !" she laughed.

AuRon just gave her a wide smile as the two dragons continued to fly toward the lake. He maybe definitively was silly, but that was a part of what was making him cute and nice to have around. Just joking about all that was making the situation far more bearable. But in fact, if she really had to be honest with herself as well... AuRon was kinda right. Even thought he surely didn't meant it. It really wasn't the worse that could happen to her.

The dragoness shook her head as she caught her thoughts drifting again. She would find a mate when she would feel like having one, not at the very first male who helped her ! She seriously hoped a good swim in the lake would make her ideas clearer.

"Ah, there we are !" AuRon exclaimed as the two dragons could see the lake.

Hazel widely smiled at those news. Yeah, she really hoped it would.

AuRon gracefully landed on the shore, soon followed by Hazel. The small rocks were soft under her paws, like that last time, and deliciously hot. Even though in their situation that was quite a deadly trap instead of a blessing... Hazel seemed to get that as she frowned when her paws hit the ground.

"Well I don't see any reason to wait any longer... Race ya to the water !" AuRon suddenly exclaimed as he darted toward the water.

Hazel sprinted nearly at the same time as she kinda was expecting something in the genre. "Hey that's not fair you started before !" she protested.

AuRon just laughed as the two young adults sprinted, racing like two youngsters would do. Soon AuRon's steps started to produce splashing sounds as he reached the very border of the lake, Hazel right at his side. As the water started to get deeper, the two dragons produced larger splashes when their paws landed, starting to splash water on their flanks. A few steps later, the water arrived at their knees, slowing them down and splashing even more water around them as they both continued to run. The water seemed deliciously fresh to them, and they both playfully continued to run in the water. They only stopped when the water finally arrived at their flanks, so that they couldn't run anymore. AuRon just dove, swimming in the water for a short moment before surfacing again. The water definitively was the perfect temperature they booth needed during this hot day - and 'hot' with both possible meanings. The grey dragon sighed of relief as he felt his morning wood starting to recede, finally able to relax.

Hazel enjoyed it as well as just rolled on the water, making sure to wet every part of her body. Her mane now was lying flat on her neck but she absolutely didn't care about it. The water just was what she exactly needed, not only for the sun's heat but also hers. For the first time since the beginning of all that she understood why it was called "heat". That fresh water was feeling as good as if her pussy had been burned !

The two dragons spent about a whole minute simply enjoying the effects of the cold water on their respective arousals. That was the first time AuRon could let his thoughts diverge without falling into lustily thoughts, and it was the same for Hazel.

"I think I found my schedule for the whole next month..." the grey dragon smiled, simply floating around.

Hazel laughed at that comment. "Yeah, so did I ! It has been so long since I last lazed in the water like that..."

The dragoness rolled on her back, her belly surfacing over the water as she just floated there, looking at the blue sky. Yeah, so long... Terreth didn't have such a lake in his territory, just a river - actually the one that ended up in this lake. But that river mainly was a hunting spot, not a bathing spot. As far as she remembered she used to bath in that small waterfall near Terreth's cave. Not that it was a bad thing, bathing in a waterfall was kinda nice as well.

She looked at her side as she spotted AuRon lazily swimming near her. The grey dragon was almost entirely submerged, having only his snout, eyes and horns surfacing. The red dragoness chuckled a bit at this unusual swimming position.

"Hey, don't drown yourself AuRon !" she told him.

The young male raised his head from the water and chuckled.

"I kinda like swimming like this. It nearly doesn't make any ripples on the water, so that the lake still looks calm. This place is so peaceful when the water stays calm." he explained.

Hazel just nodded at his statement. The place indeed was peaceful. Even the wind was being calm, barely making the leaves on the trees moving. The silence only was broken by one or two birds chirping somewhere and the audible sounds of them swimming. And that time there wasn't hot rock under them that made their day a hell ! Yeah, there wasn't anything that could turn wrong today.

The two dragons just continued to float around like that for a large dozen of minutes, AuRon looking at the peaceful sides of the lake and Hazel distractedly watching the sky.

At some moment, AuRon swam closer from Hazel and rolled on his back, extending his wings to float like the dragoness was doing. Hazel turned her head at the sound he produced while doing so, raising an eyebrow in an interrogative manner.

"Just wanted to see what you were watching." the grey dragon simply answered to the silent question.

They both stared at the blue sky, still enjoying the calmness of the place. The sky was almost clear, with only some lonely cotton-like clouds just drifting over their heads. Even though all this was highly enjoyable, Hazel needed something to keep her thoughts entertained. She soon found herself watching the clouds, trying to guess what they looked like.

AuRon turned his head toward the red dragoness as she giggled for no apparent reason. Hazel pointed her paw at one cloud when she noticed the grey male was watching her, still giggling.

"Look, this one looks like a bird !" she exclaimed.

AuRon observed the said cloud, noticing it indeed looked like a flying bird.

"Oh, you're right !" he chuckled. "And look, this one looks like a fish !" he added, pointing his paw at another cloud.

The two young dragons continued to look at the clouds, pointing at them when they found some with various and funny shapes, like animals, plants, landscapes... Hazel highly enjoyed that long moment, laughing at some of the forms AuRon found, enjoying the long moments of calm between two sets of clouds... It was a truly relaxing moment for her. Simply laughing was making her feel great and forget all about her problems and worries.

AuRon, on his side, also was highly enjoying the moment. It had been a long time he had someone to share company with, and let's admit it he had started to feel really alone these last times. And not to mention that for once, thanks to the cold water, his thoughts weren't dragged into dirty domains !

It continued like that for a long while, both of them loosing track on the time. Suddenly, both of them spotted the same cloud... and somewhat froze, awkwardly looking at each other. There was an uncomfortable silence before the two dragons dared speaking.

"Erm..." AuRon slightly blushed.

"That's... a heart, isn't it ?" Hazel awkwardly commented.

Why was she feeling so awkward at the sight of a heart, in fact ? Strangely she was taking that personally, as if that cloud was telling her she loved AuRon... But that wasn't the case... was it ? And so far, it's only her heat which gave her those silly ideas of her mating with the grey young dragon... But, she had to admit, she truly wished that last moment lasted forever. Though, that wasn't meaning she had fallen in love with him ! Damn it, she couldn't think properly at all ! Her thoughts were like a storm in Her head, she didn't know what to think at all.

"... It looks like, yeah." AuRon answered as awkwardly.

What was wrong with his thoughts anyway ? That was just a heart, nothing more... Then why was he feeling that awkward ? It was like he was secretly in love with the red dragoness... But all his thoughts were so far due to her heat and his loneliness, weren't they ? Then, why did he have that feeling he was lying to himself ? He couldn't help but blush more and more as he got totally contradictory thoughts and feelings.

Anyway, that sweet and calm moment they both enjoyed had ended rather abruptly. After another awkward eye contact, the two dragons rolled from their floating position, coming back to a normal swimming position.

"Let's find something else to do." the grey dragon concluded.

There was another uncomfortable silence as the two young dragons only swam around, still feeling awkward by what just happened. They both were trying to find another activity that would help them forget the awkward moment they involuntarily shared, still disturbed by their own thoughts... and also wondering what the other could have thought during that moment ! And that doubt was making the silence even more tensed.

AuRon suddenly sighed after a while, drawing Hazel's attention.

"I just can't find anything else to do." he just said. "I might have one idea, but it's really not that great..."

The red dragoness smirked a bit. "Considering the situation, I think I'll take anything that can help me stop trying to guess what you were thinking about." she replied.

The grey dragon chuckled a bit. "You're right. The more I think you might have had the same thoughts than I had, the more I feel awkward. Okay, then..."

The grey dragon just swam closer from the dragoness, without saying anything more. Hazel raised an eyebrow, wondering what the young dragon could have in mind.

"What's your idea, in fact ? Knowing you, I don't really know what to expect..." she enquired.

She got surprised as AuRon suddenly grabbed her shoulder, but didn't do anything else.

"Gotcha ?" the grey dragon asked, cocking his head before releasing her shoulder, waiting for her next move.

Hazel stood speechless for a second, wondering if the young grey dragon was serious.

"You... You can't be serious, AuRon ? You really mean... ?" she awkwardly asked.

She should have expected something like that, knowing how childish the grey dragon could be at some times, but this hatchling game ? Well, thinking about it, she wasn't the best placed to judge about that, after the fight they made the previous day... And also... Why was she feeling a growing urge to pounce on AuRon ?

The young male sighed, somewhat expecting her reaction

"I knew that was a lame idea. I'm sorry, I really don't have -"

Suddenly, AuRon heard a loud splash and felt the dragoness hitting his shoulder before seeing her swim back.

"Got ya !" she exclaimed, giggling.

It took AuRon a second to understand what just happened. She just tagged him !

"Hey, that wasn't fair !" he protested, swimming after the dragoness.

"Catch me if you can then !" Hazel laughed as she swam away.

That was totally childish... but completely worth it ! Hazel laughed as the young male chased her through the lake. That look on his face when she tagged him was simply priceless. But the grey dragon slowly was catching up with her. AuRon was better at swimming than she was... If she didn't want him to catch her, she only had one option left : the ground ! The young dragoness swam as fast as she could toward the shore, AuRon on her tracks. She was almost there, almost on the shore... Hazel exulted as she felt the rocks under her paws, allowing her to run instead of swimming. It was about time, AuRon was right behind her ! But she didn't lose any time on that temporary victory, sprinting on the shore as she tried to put some distance between her and the grey dragon.

AuRon playfully growled as Hazel got on the shore, making her laugh. He darted after her as she tried to distance him, managing to stay not too far behind her. The red dragoness tried to gain some time by negotiating a tight turn, which actually worked as AuRon was too close from her and didn't expect the sudden move. The grey dragon instantly stopped on his tracks, sliding for some meters on the rocks before also making a tight turn. He had lost some seconds on this turn... Hazel suddenly made another tight turn, but that time it was a mistake ! AuRon wasn't close enough to be tricked once again, and this time he even had the time to anticipate the move. The grey dragon prepared his hind paws and leapt right on the trajectory of the red dragoness. That time he would tag her back !

Hazel realized her mistake as she spotted the grey dragon pouncing on her at the corner of her vision... but it was already too late. AuRon violently hit her on the side, making the red dragoness lose her balance and fall on the rocks. With the momentum from their race, the two dragons started to roll on the ground for a dozen of meters. When it finally stopped, the two dragons were dazed, needing some seconds to recover from the roll.

"Got... you..." the grey dragon panted, before he realized the position he currently was in.

Hazel's eyes widened as she realized how they ended up after that roll. Apparently, AuRon also realized it as he suddenly blushed hard. She had ended up on her back, with the grey dragon lying on her in a position that was... highly opened to a different interpretation, let's say. The two young dragons exchanged an awkward look as none of them knew what to say.

And on top of that, her heat was coming back ! The stones on which she was lying were hot - damn it she had totally forgotten that shore was a deadly trap for her ! The young dragoness grunted as her inners started burning again and her thoughts dangerously started to drift again. And here she was again... Needless to say, her current position wasn't exactly helping as it suggested a lot of naughty ideas. Yeah, a lot of them. And some rather tempting ones...

AuRon blinked again, somewhat paralyzed in his current position. Was he... just being on top of the hung dragoness ? Uh, that was an awkward position. Really awkward. And not to mention he could smell the sweet smelling of Hazel's heat... If he had managed to calm down during this long moment swimming, he now felt a sudden rush of blood in his loins, resulting in another awkward erection. Hazel's smell definitively was highly suggestive. And that time there wasn't any easy escape from the situation.

Their respective arousals were acting as a vicious circle. Hazel caught the sour smelling of AuRon's arousal, exciting her even further, which of course made her own heat stronger and excited the poor male even further and making his smell heavier. But instead of moving, like they should have, they both stood in place, their breathing becoming heavier. In fact, none of them really could think about moving.

Later, AuRon would have hard time explaining what exactly happened at that moment, and so would have Hazel. Something deep triggered inside their mind, but it wasn't luxury at all, like all the thoughts they had until then. It was more like a primal mating instinct. Hazel was in heat, and needed a male to mate her. AuRon was ready, and knew so was Hazel. It was as simple as that. Their bodies were speaking by themselves. The young dragon started to lower his body, his chest touching Hazel's and his nuzzle touching hers. AuRon slightly cocked his head and gave the dragoness a deep, passionate kiss. At this point, no words were necessary. As the grey dragon lowered his body slightly lower, Hazel felt his member touching the border of her vent...

And suddenly, Hazel realized what was happening. AuRon was going to mate her ! She couldn't... No... That feeling... Not... NO !

In a sudden burst of panic, the dragoness violently kicked AuRon from over her, sending the grey dragon roll on the shore while she rolled to get back on her belly. The grey dragon got dazed for a few seconds, slowly recovering his spirits and understanding what he just did. His eyes shot opened and he instantly turned in a bright red.

"Oh my... Hazel I'm terribly sorry I didn't want to..." he quickly said as he stood up and looked at Hazel.

But he interrupted himself as soon as he saw her. The dragoness was sitting on the shore, right where she had rolled, and was violently trembling of all her body. Her chest was moving up and down at an erratic speed, and AuRon could hear she was almost sobbing. Worried, the grey dragon stepped toward her.

"Hazel, are you okay ?" he asked her.

The dragoness suddenly raised her head, seeming confused, and quickly stepped back, on the defensive.

"Don't... Don't get any closer from me !" she shouted.

AuRon instantly stopped moving, surprised by her violent reaction. Hazel seemed totally panicked, like this other time in his cave. But at that moment, she had been mistaking him with the black dragon. Could it be the same thing now ?

"Hazel, calm down. Nothing's gonna happen. Calm down." he tried to comfort her.

Apparently, this worked since the dragoness gave him a small nod and took some deep breathes, seeming to slowly stop panicking.

"I'm okay, AuRon. I'm okay." she replied.

But at her surprise, AuRon shook his head.

"You're not okay, Hazel. You were totally panicking. I can understand you have a violent reaction, considering what happened, but not this... It's not the first time you're panicking like that. Hazel... What's going on exactly ?" he asked her.

The red dragoness lowered her head, sighing. "I... I don't want to speak about it. I don't want to think about it again."

AuRon was about to insist when he noticed Hazel had started to slightly tremble again. It definitively wouldn't do any good to insist now. And at least, wondering what was going on with her was temporarily making him forget how badly he was aroused...

And also, the grey dragon was still worrying a lot about what just happened. Hazel maybe stopped them this time, but the accident was bound to happen again. It couldn't continue like that. Her heat definitively was becoming a big problem, and if nothing was done about it... things could end up bad.