The Turning of a Knight

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#8 of Adult Story One Shots

This story was inspired by a card that I received from a MTG booster pack, this one to be exact:

A knight saves a Troll being assaulted by some angry villagers, he is given a loincloth as a gift for saving the troll, what he doesn't realize though is that the troll has more malicious intent in mind...

I hope you all enjoy the story, I would love to hear what you all think! ^w^

It was a brutal battle for Therin, the towns people of Shin had come together to kill a troll who had been passing near the village. Usually, a hero would come to the aid of the people against a horrific monster, but this time it was the opposite. The people had made monsters of themselves, their clubs and rocks battered against the troll, branches splintering and rocks skittering off of the green skin. The troll could easily of killed the villagers with a few well-placed swipes of his arms, but instead he chose not to, covering his head with his bruised arms.

Therin was a traveling knight, part of the holy order of Exrectus, he scoured the land for evil and wiped them out with his holy sword marked by the bishop himself. Therin knew evil when he saw it, he didn't base evil intent upon race, he judged it by the actions of those who did wrong. While passing through Shin, Therin had been expecting peaceful town's people, not those who would beat upon an innocent creature.

Having come in late in the night, Therin had slept until high noon, the knight's armor lying in a pile in the edge of the room, he slept in a simple tunic and cloth pants. He awoke to the sounds of people screaming in rage, the knight jumped to his feet, his full six foot tall height nearly causing him to bash his head into a beam hanging above. Sprinting to the window with his sword in hand, the knight looked out to see a troll backing away from the villagers in fright. Nothing in hand, a simple cloth bag strewn over his shoulder, the troll looked absolutely terrified as the villagers held up their weapons.

Therin knew something was wrong, he quickly dawned a chainmail vest and slipped on a pair of shoes that he carried for mundane purposes. Running down the stairs of the inn, Therin bit his lip, he knew something was wrong and he had to do something about the situation before the wrong party got hurt. As he ran out the front door, his black hair was caught by the wind causing it to stir on his head as he felt the wind blowing powerfully. It must be bad if the villagers wanted to come out in such powerful wind.

Over by the tree in the field near the village's perimeter, the troll was kneeled under the branches in hope that the tree's bramble above might block some of the rocks being thrown overhead. But the villagers had drawn in close enough that they could easily throw the rocks directly at the troll who wasn't a small target in the least, "Take that demon!" One of them shouted out, feeling powerful about beating up such a large creature.

"Stop!" A shout rung from behind the villagers, they all turned to see a handsome man dressed in simple cloth pants with a chainmail vest on. His eyes were an amber color, striking with his pale complexion and dark hair. He stepped towards the villagers, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he slid his sword from its sheath. "Why are you attacking this troll? Has he done anything to insult or injure one of you?" There was no answer, awkwardness starting to hang over the situation. "I asked if he attacked you?!" Therin shouted out angrily this time, his sword glimmering in the daylight.

One of the villagers cautiously stepped forward, his weathered features a clear sign of his age. He gestured towards the troll, "This one neared our village, we know of Troll's reputation and we weren't going to have it. So we decided to kill this one before it injured us." His voice was steady as he spoke.

Therin was aghast; the villagers had judged the pained looking troll just because of what it was, not even because it had done anything to them. The knight's grip on his sword handle tightened, "Get away from him, he has done no wrong, this preconception of evil is wrong." He said steadily, his muscles tensing in case of an attack from one of the gathered villagers.

His prepared attitude was spot on, one of the men from the village shouted at him. "He's a troll lover! Kill the bastard!" The sentiment was quickly adopted by the whole of the village, Therin grunted in annoyance. The men and women started to rush him, fear of injuring one of them washed over him.

Quickly sheathing his weapon, Therin used his sheath as his weapon, the blunt weapon was much better dealing with the villagers than his sharp weapon. He got stabbed by a few pitchforks and was battered by a few of their branches, after thirty minutes of beating down the villagers, Therin stood in the center of a bunch of unconscious men and women. The knight sighed as he rubbed at his injuries, he would be bearing some nasty bruises for a while, from behind the tall knight a timid voice spoke to Therin. "T... thank you..."

Therin blinked in surprise, he turned to see that the large troll was standing, albeit shakily. The knight smiled kindly, "It's no problem, it wasn't right of these villagers to judge you just because of your race."

The troll smiled, his teeth surprisingly clean for a creature usually thought to be dimwitted. "That's rare to hear from a knight, usually your kind are those who judge us the most harshly as abominations."

The knight shook his head, "Not I, I've learned that evil can be wielded by any creature, and equally innocence can be held by any. I saw that you looked far more in pain than being aggressive, I'm just glad that I was able to help you." The troll stepped near him, his size easily dwarfing the knight's own. Therin could see that the Troll was truly a marvel, his body built like that of a building, muscles rippling like waves under the thick green skin. Therin then realized that the troll had recognized him as a knight, "How did you know that I was a knight, I am not in my knight's armor."

The troll gestured towards the sword, "I recognized the workmanship of a knight's blade." Stepping closer, Therin noticed that he troll only wore a simple loincloth, and much to Therin's embarrassment, he could see the outline of a large package beneath the loincloth. Quickly tearing his eyes away from the cloth, Therin looked up to see the Troll's eyes sparkling kindly. "My name is Jelgus, I don't know how to repay you good knight."

Smiling, Therin shook his head. "It is no problem, my dear Jelgus, that is all a knight can do. My name is Therin, I'm glad to have been here to protect you from the weapons of these men and women."

He was shocked to see tears forming in the Troll's eyes, "Thank you friend Therin, let me give you something to show my thanks." Jelgus swung his large bag in front of him, digging his meaty fist into it. He brushed around in it until he found what he was looking for before gripping it in hand and holding it out to Therin.

Looking at what was clutched in Jelgus's hand, Therin was shocked to see that it was a large loincloth. He looked up at Jelgus in shock, "But this is yours."

Jelgus smiled, "Don't you worry Therin, Troll loincloths are specially made that if need be they can be worn by those much smaller than us." Therin pulled the loincloth from the troll's hand, noting that the loincloth indeed seemed to be made that it could be worn by him.

Grinning up at the troll, Therin bowed his head in respect. "Thank you Jelgus, now if you'd excuse me, I have to retrieve my armor before the villagers awake. They will not kindly take kindly to me because of this." Jelgus nodded, watching as the man walked away to retrieve his belongings.

After ten minutes, Therin walked back out and was shocked to see Jelgus still there. "I would expect you to of left, what if more of the villagers come out."

Jelgus laughed, a low grunting noise. "Had there been more villagers in their houses, they would of already come out to see what all the noise of fighting was. And I thought that I might accompany you for a while my friend."

Therin smiled, "I would be honored for you to accompany me Jelgus." The troll smiled and nodded, watching as Therin put on the troll loincloth as a sign of respect. Noting with a glimmer of excitement as the cloth around the knight's crotch glow a slight green aura, Jelgus gestured to follow him, Therin falling in step behind the troll with his armor clinking as he walked.


As the pair traveled along with one another, they shared stories of their travels prior to their meeting. Therin explained how he had seen many a sight, fighting evil dragons, fighting evil men, and defending all those who were attacked unreasonably.

Jelgus explained to the knight that he was a nomad, an outsider of the trolls as he instead of wanting to kill and pillage the humans, wanted to live in peace with them. He had shown Therin some special fruit that he had been planning on giving to the villagers of Shin; it saddened the knight the sheer stupidity of humans.

The day quickly gave way to night, the sun lowering over the edge of the trees allowing the moon to take its place. Jelgus suggested that they might find a place to sleep for the night, Therin smiled and agreed with his friend. They found an clearing in the forest, Therin set up a sheet hanging by a branch for himself while Jelgus grabbed some bushes nearby and tore them from the ground to make himself a comfy bed. The knight watched in amusement as the troll settled in for the night, "Good night Jelgus, let the stars fill your dreams with light my friend."

The troll turned over and smiled, "Likewise to you my friend."

Therin nodded before slipping under the sheet, Jelgus turned over himself but unlike the knight, didn't attempt to go to sleep. He awaited the sounds of sleeping from the human, it took but five minutes. Therin's breathing slowed down as he slept into sleep, Jelgus smiled and slipped from his bush bed. You would think that a troll lumbering in the night would be extremely loud, but his feet made no sound as he walked over to the human's tent.

The troll's loincloth started to tent, his massive dick getting hard as he bent over to see the human sleeping soundly. He frowned, Therin was dressed in the cloth pants and shirt still. The giant stealthily slipped the human's clothes off revealing his well-defined body, Jelgus smiled at he saw the human's cock fully erect. His loincloth's magic, even being blocked by the armor, still had been working its energy into Therin. He tempted fate and gave the tip of the cock a peck, a wave of green flew over Therin's body causing the human to arch and gasp in pleasure.

Jelgus grinned, his eyes glinting with pleasure as he stole off to his bed once more. Therin's dick started to darken, from its normal pale color to a darker color at the tip. The human was naked; all save for the troll loincloth wrapped around his crotch.


Climbing out of bed, Therin moaned, his body felt a bit more bulky than usual. He rubbed his hands down his bare chest, he moaned lightly as his fingers twerked his hard nipples. He rarely ever felt like this, even if he was a bit different than most knights, he still believed the concept that pleasuring oneself would lead away the path of purity. He had kept himself from doing any sexual activities since he had joined the order, still his nipples were tender...

Therin pulled his shirt on, not noticing that it was more difficult than usual to do so. The seams starting to bulge unusually when they had been completely relaxed on his body the day prior, he slipped his pants on next his thighs bulging powerfully against the material. His package pressed hard against the material, but he didn't note it as Jelgus was awaiting him in the clearing with a smile. "Good morning friend Therin."

Therin smiled, he noticed the fire the Troll had started. "Good morning to you too Jelgus, why did you start this fire?"

Jelgus gestured towards the fire revealing two sticks with meat upon them, "I thought you might like some food before he started off." Therin's stomach approved of this idea by letting out a rumble, the pair chuckled before they both took a piece of meat and bit into it.

Eyes locked onto Therin with a mischievous twinkle in them, Jelgus ate as the human did likewise biting into the sweet meat. "Mmm... wow Jelgus! This is some of the best meat I've ever eaten, what could you of possibly put on this?" Therin looked up at the troll in shock.

The troll pulled out a fruit from his pouch, "I used the fruit's juices and marinated the meat in it, it adds a nice sweetness."

The knight nodded, "It's spectacular!" As he ate more of the meat, Jelgus chuckled. He had indeed put fruit juice upon the meat, but for Therin's meat he had added another ingredient... His cock was still limp after spurting upon the meat, Therin's own cock was becoming hard within his pants.

Realizing what was happening, Therin quickly jumped up in embarrassment. "I have to get in my armor, I apologize Jelgus, thank you again for the food." Leaving the last of his meat sitting on the rocks near the fire, Therin rushed into his tent. Jelgus smiled coyly, he knew exactly what was happening.

Therin picked up his armor, "This is highly improper of a knight..." He muttered in annoyance, as he pulled on his chest plate he gasped in pain, the metal of the holy armor was burning him. "Shit!" He cussed aloud, throwing the holy metal to the ground. He chastised himself; no knight should lower themselves to cussing. But why had his armor burned him as it did? The holy armor could only be worn by the pure of heart, of those free of corruption, and only by man. No other species may dawn the holy armor, Therin was truly perplexed.

Therin felt uncomfortable, had the simple act of having an erection at such an awkward time lowered him from the armor's graces? Therin tried to slip a hand into one of the gloves of his armor, but the result once more happened, this time actually doubling the pain. Hissing, Therin threw down the glove, "Whatever, I don't need armor to fight evil." He said simply, the man didn't care, he was still of the order armor or not.

Stepping out with nothing but chainmail over his chest, a loincloth around his tight cloth pants, and a scabbard and blade at his waist, Therin still looked powerful without his armor. Jelgus's nipples went hard as he saw the human, his cock going equally hard at the same time; the man was gorgeous in the morning sun. "Not wearing your armor today Therin?"

The knight felt slightly embarrassed, "I've... I've decided against it, I've heard no bad news of these roads and thought I might as well forgo the extra weight. I need to make it back to my order's headquarters within the day anyways; I can have new armor made for me. So shall we go?"

Jelgus nodded, the pair starting off once more through the forest. As they walked, Therin's clothing only seemed to get tighter, his mind at first was locked on the idea of getting to the order to tell his findings of the countryside. But soon his mind flicked to lewder things, thoughts that were forbidden by the order, he had been told as a trainee that sex led to evil deeds, and thoughts of sex were even worse.

But even so, the thoughts came to mind, first thoughts of voluptuous women with large chests and even larger asses. He imagined himself grabbing at their parts, pulling them onto his long hard cock, ramming it in. It kept his mind busy while he walked absentmindedly alongside Jelgus, at first the troll had kept up a mindless talk to keep the human distracted from the magic of the loincloth, but it became apparent that the human wasn't listening in the least. His mind was stuck on more erotic things, the tenting of his pants quite representative of that fact.

The women jiggled their tits in his face, Therin grabbing one and jiggling it rapidly, "Yes whore, let me bed you!" His inner self shouted, the women giggled and led him teasingly into a room. He was pushed onto a bed, watching as she started to strip from a revealing dress, then suddenly his mind blanked out for a second, now in the full chested women stood a man with a hairy chest. For just a moment, revulsion overtook Therin, but it quickly faded as the man winked suggestively at him.

The man was just as attractive, if not more, as the woman, his face was scraggly with a beard and he was buff and tall. The idea of bedding with the man caused Therin to moan in desire, his cock throbbing harder threatening to let out a fountain of cum.

Jelgus watched as his human friend was losing his human shape in favor of a much larger one, his hair started to trail in the wind behind them, falling out as if he were preemptively balding. Underneath the disappearing hair, Jelgus could see the telltale dark green skin of a troll.

Therin clenched at the man's ass, his lips dragging over the thick girth of the man's thick penis. It nearly choked him, but he continued to suck in hopes of the man's thick cream splurging out. The man's stamina was astounding, he continued to grunt and jerk, but still no cream was given to the knight. The man soon jerked out of Therin's mouth, leaving the knight desperate. "Why do you tug away from me?" He asked with a pleading note in his voice.

The buff man looked displeased, "I cannot cum for a man who burdens himself with the false idea of a pure order, it disgusts me." He looked away in distaste, his cock starting to go flaccid.

Desperate to have that glorious cock again, Therin pleaded to the man. "I... I'll renounce my belief! I don't need the order, they're bogged in tradition and ridiculous ideologies. Please!"

Jelgus knew one thing about the order, by pledging one's self to becoming a knight, any "dark" magic's of the mythical creatures would not fully take. So if Jelgus was able to break the human's belief, he could help Therin completely become one such as his self permanently.

"You won't do that, knights never give up their belief." The man said, starting to pull on his trousers. Therin had completely stopped in the real world, his mind's world completely overtaking the real world.

The taste of cock now the only thing on Therin's mind, he knew he had to do something drastic to get some. "I... I'll break the seal of the knighthood on my body, please, just let me have your cock!"

The man looked at him with mild interest, "If you mean as you say, then do it."

Therin nodded, a grin forming on his face. His body in real life moving in time, from his pants he pulled out a black dagger. He pulled off his shirt revealing a cross surrounded by a circle constructed of magic runes, he held the black dagger at an edge of the circle. "With the stroke of this iron dagger, I do renounce the cause of the order. I from this day forth, am no longer a holy knight." The dagger's edge glowed, and as it did so he dragged the edge of it over the ring around the cross severing the words.

The effect was instantaneous, Therin's whole body jerked painfully. Having removed the one protection that he had, the man's body gave in to the power of the loincloth around his waist. Therin's pants ripped off as his thighs bulged with muscles, green skin coating the flesh quickly.

A gasp flew out of Therin's mouth, the moment the circle had been broken his mind had been freed from the prison of his own lustful thoughts. In a moment of clarity, he looked at the now masturbating Jelgus. "Y... you've deceived me..."

The troll chuckled, "I've been patient young one, I've been following you for many days. Plotting how I might change you not only into my mate, but my source of information. I've been trying to deconstruct the order, but I had no idea how. Until I saw you, I realized that if I could turn you, I could use you as a spring of knowledge."

Therin grunted, not only because of the transformation, but out of anger. "Y... you are a truly evil thing, and I shal... I shall..." He heaved over, his spine and legs were expanding to let him grow to his new height.

"You shall what Therin? Well, it doesn't matter, as my mate you will care for nothing but helping me. Before you cut that cursed mark upon you, you would've only had a partial transformation. But now there's nothing protecting you, your armor even rejected you." Jelgus gloated.

Therin's sword fell to the ground, having slid from the edge of the man's loincloth. As Therin grew, so did the loincloth, underneath Therin's meat became larger and larger, making Jelgus' mouth water with anticipation. Therin had always taken pride in being meticulous about his body hair, but the change didn't care about his clean body, hair sprouted from his pit, on his chest, and on his crotch.

Therin soon became a hunk of a troll, his chest the epitome of a man's, moreover a troll's. Muscles had grown under Therin's skin, his green flesh bulging, his cock pounded with need for sex, as did his ass. He felt empty, and looking over at Jelgus filled him with even more arousal.

The new troll's face was masculine, no facial hair grew, but even so he had a very heavyset face. Thoughts of the order now instead of bringing a sense of pride, brought about a new native sense of hatred. The hatred of being hunted down, of their self-righteous bullshit, and of their defense of the stupid humans that litter the land.

No longer was there the prideful knight of god, now there stood the masculine troll who lusted after other men, and despised the order. "Grelish, you look much better now that you've come to your senses." The new name shocked the troll, but as it was uttered by Jelgus, it became who he was, who he had always been.

"Yes Jelgus, but first, I'm very much lusting for some time between you and me..." Grelish grunted with his cock pounding against his loincloth, it already damp with his body's musk. Grelish could also pick up his mate's natural musk, causing him to be that much hornier.

Jelgus grinned, "My thoughts exactly." He kissed his mate on the lips, their lips fitting as if made for one another. Grelish growled in arousal, the pair fell into the bushes, their loincloths quickly coming off in preparation for the couple's first act of sex.


The bishop spoke aloud against the evils of the demons and evil creatures across the land, the knights believing wholeheartedly in what he was uttering. It was another sermon, and the knights could never get enough of it. What they didn't realize was that their bishop had special hypnotic powers, powers that could cause them to become full enthralled in his words.

As the bishop came close to finishing his speech, the doors of the chapel slammed open to reveal two trolls followed by many others in war paint. Their faces turned up in grins, "We're here to make the order see the righteous path." Grelish said simply, just as his people ran out to corrupt the forces of the church.